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Home Explore Indianapolis South Living Well Magazine

Indianapolis South Living Well Magazine

Published by carinaelven, 2015-07-27 22:38:10

Description: Indianapolis South Living Well Magazine Spring 2014


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Indianapolis South The benefits of DISASTER SPRINGChiropractic PREPAReDNESS RECIPES CheckupsThe singer/songwriter with the famous father hits a high note all her own.Complimentary Issue SPRING 2014

A Proven Leader L to R sitting: Ulrich Koenig, Dean Abplanalp, Chuck Hensley, Jeff Kirkhoff, Yadi Garcia, Doug Stewart, Aaron Frye, Gary Stringer, Branch Mgr L to R standing: Jim Madden, Jim Evans, Mark Kirkhoff, Scott Mings, Gary Lewis, Tim Hansen, Kyle Hensley, Vanessa Sopke, Craig Reed With a commitment to meeting the needs of investors in an ever-changing economic environment, Raymond James is a proven leader in nancial planning and investmentresearch. We pride ourselves on maintaining the tradition of quality service, integrity and hard work that has distinguished us from our peers since our founding in 1962. Investments | Insurance | Liabilities | Quali ed Retirement Plan/IRA Durable Power of Attorney | Gi ing to Children/Descendents Charitable Gi ing During Life | Tilting of Assets | Executor/Trustee Stock Options | Distribution Plan to Spouse/Descendents Charitable Donations at Death | Business Succession Planning

16th Annual Senior Expo Sponsored by PRESENTED BY: Franciscan St. Francis Health Orthopedic Services & American Senior Communities Thursday, May 8th Join us for the 9:00am until Noon LARGEST Senior Expo MEET REPRESENTATIVES FROM MORE on the south side at THAN 100 DIFFERENT COMPANIES The Gathering Place SERVING THOSE 50 1495 West Main Street AND BEYOND IN THE AREA. Greenwood, IN 46142FREE WIN TO FREEDOMOIRNTIPHRHIEZEESAPUL&TBGHLIVICEFAAWIRAYS *TO BECOME A VENDOR, please call 882-4810 or email Liz McKinley at [email protected] for booth information.

From the Publisher Indianapolis SouthWELCOMEBACK Founder & Ceo Josh Cates It’s been a particularly cold ViCe President & CFo winter, but we’re excited to Bob Cates start thawing out and Publisher enjoying a season of Matt Vorhies renewal. Start turning the Feature Writer/CoPy editor pages of our spring issue soCial Media direCtor and you’ll find a variety of Sondra Barr articles from local medical, art direCtor legal, and financial experts Jeff Rawson right here in our layout & ProduCtion neighborhood with useful Lewis Schucart information on how to adVertising/sales navigate challenges and reenergize your life. Indianapolis South Dig deeper into this issue Matt Vorhies and you’ll find examples of [email protected] people just like you who’ve 317.750.3559been helped by the educated and experienced businesses in thiscommunity. Speaking of, we can all think of a number of ways that Write to us. Tell us who you would like to seeliving in this community is so special. At the top of our list: a dynamic featured on the cover, or what subjects you would likehealth and wellness community, which strongly supports the wellbeing covered in upcoming editions of LIVING WELL Magazineof the area’s residents. But, these local business professionals need at [email protected] support of those living and working in the area. Every dollar spenthere makes a difference. One of the best ways you can assure the subsCriPtions/CustoMer inquiriesarea continues to have the best and brightest professionals working LIVING WELL Magazinenearby is by patronizing them. So, think local. 219 Legacy Farm Road Meanwhile, you also won’t want to miss our story on Rosanne Saddlebrooke, MO 65630Cash, who’s part of a country music legacy. She’s also experiencing arenewal of sorts since recovering from brain surgery for a condition www.LivingWellmag.comcalled Chiari malformation type 1, which Cash says caused hercerebellum to put pressure on her brain stem. Read how she was able Please visit our website atto recover both physically and emotionally and get back to what’s in for advertising andher legendary DNA––making music. subscription information for additional markets. As always, thank you for your support. Keep an eye out for our nextissue this summer. 'liKe us' Sincerely, FaCebooK.CoM/liVingWellMag Matt & Isabelle Vorhies 'FolloW us' @liVingWellMagsAll advertisements in this Magazine are placed by third parties. We do not control or endorse either the advertisements or their content. Further, we do not manufacture, sell, distribute or provide any ofthe goods or services advertised herein. We hereby expressly disclaim any liability with respect to the information or goods and services contained herein. We further disclaim any and all warranties orrepresentations, express or implied, with respect to such information, goods or services, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose (it being understood that we do notacknowledge that any such warranty exists). We are not liable or responsible for any loss, injury, damage, or harm that you may suffer as a result of the information contained in any advertisement orgoods or services contained herein. “We” refers to the name of this Magazine, and all versions of Living Well Magazine, as well as Senior Magazine, Inc.

CONTENTSsPring 2014on the cover22 rosanne Cash HITS A HIGH NOTE ALL HER OWNin this issue4 What are You Putting in Your Mouth features6 Customized Outdoor Living 26 disaster Designed to Meet Your Needs PreParedness9 Does Your Family Have a Senior Care 30IndianapolisRegion sPring 10 the beneFits oF Plan reCiPes ChiroPraCtiC CheCKuPs12 Sleep: The Ultimate Cure All14 Take a Trip Back in Time at the Indiana Experience15 Better Than Ever!16 RVing, Not Just a Vacation: A Lifestyle18 Do You Suffer from Second Hand Snoring? Or has CPAP Failed You?19 Acupuncture for Migraine Headaches20 Caring People Make the Difference24 MAS Properties: Passionate About Real Estate28 What in the World Has Happened to Funeral Pricing?32 Challenge Your Mind and Body

What are you puttingIN YOUR MOUTH?Article courtesy of Indianapolis Dental Centerand Indiana Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery AssociatesWhen you visit your on the inside for strength and por- used in a crown is referred to as dentist, how much celain on the outside for esthetics. “nobility.” The high noble alloys in- thought do you Different types and combinations of clude platinum, palladium and gold give to what he or metals are used in the construction and are very resistant to corrosion she is putting in of these crowns. The type of metal and oxidation in moist environ-your mouth? Most of us are familiar or combination of metals (called al- ments such as the mouth. The low-with the drill (and thesound it makes!) and loys) used can be determined by er noble or base met-take for granted that different factors, and the cost of the als have less gold andthe instruments being crown can be determined by the are very strong, butused are sterile. But do types of metal used. quite corrosive in theyou ever wonder about oral environment.the type of materials To make it simple, let’s compare a Therefore, the greaterbeing used in your dental office to a jewelry store! percentages of noblemouth? When you walk into a jewelry store metal in a crown the to make a purchase, one of the top- better. And just as in A lot of attention has ics of discussion is the type or “kar- the jewelry store, thebeen given in the me- at” rating of gold used in the piece. more precious thedia to concerns about What you may not be aware of is metal, the higher thethe presence of mercu- that many dental crowns also con- price.ry in silver fillings. tain some percentage of gold, com-But did you know that bined with other metals. In dentist- Patients often askdifferent types of met- ry, the gold content of the metal me how one dentistal are used in many can charge $1,200 fordental crowns? This a crown and one cancan also cause concern charge $800. Manyfor some patients. If times, this is the dif-you have a crown or ference. Both of thesehave been told you choices meet the stan-need one, here are a dard of care andfew things you should know! would be a functional restoration. But do you know which Depending on your specific situa- type of crown you got? Back to thetion, there are usually two types of jewelry store!crowns your dentist may recom- When making a jewelry purchase,mend. One type is constructed en- the jeweler can usually provide youtirely of porcelain and contains no with documentation regarding themetal. These are used primarily on materials used in the constructionfront teeth since porcelain provides of your piece. Similar to the jewelrythe most natural looking crown. store, each crown that is fabricated in a dental laboratory should in- For back teeth, however, a stron- clude a certificate that includes theger type of crown is required and exact type of materials used. Thistherefore a Porcelain-Fused to Met- information should be kept on fileal (or PFM) crown is most often with the dental office and can berecommended. As the name im- referred to in cases when a metalplies, this is a combination of metal4 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

allergy may be suspected. If you Teeth in a Day™are unable to wear inexpensivejewelry, you may have an allergy to A revolutionary approach in implant dentistry in now here! Teeth in a Day™nickel. It’s important to know if or All-on-4™ is an efficient, cost effective lifelong option. This process allows usnickel was one of the metals used to functionally attach teeth to either the upper/lower arch or both, thereforein your crown! It is very difficult to providing the patient the ability to eat food with confidence. This one-day pro-visibly tell the difference between cedure eliminates multiple surgery appointments and allows function based offa noble metal and a base metal of four implants with a smooth, low profile, beautiful set of Therefore, the certificateproviding proof of the metal type is Restoring a smile in just one day is a very unique process. As you can imag-very important! ine, it takes planning. The first step is a 3-D scan of your upper and lower jaw, which allows us to study the size, shape, and health of your bone. Gathering all One other aspect of this type of of this information at a consultation provides the key to allow the precise com-dental treatment to consider is munication between an oral surgeon, prosthodontist, and a dental lab techni-where the crown is being con- cian. It is essential to plan the process together to assure the best possible out-structed and the quality of the con- come. Whether you are a patient with remaining teeth you want removed orstruction. Just as there are many with existing dentures, the steps in the process are as follows:types of jewelry stores, there arealso many types of dental labs. Un- 1. Consultation with 3-D scan, impressions of your mouth and facial mea-fortunately not all labs are the surements.same! Is your crown being fabri-cated in a good lab here in the 2. Fabrication of immediate prosthesis or duplication of existing denture toUnited States or is it being shipped prepare for surgeryout of the country where standardsmay be lower? Regulations outside 3. Surgery to remove the remaining teeth (if any), contour of bone andof the United States are less strin- placement of implants. Delivery of immediately attached teeth. (You nev-gent and therefore caution must be er go without teeth!)exercised when using these typesof labs. 4. Healing checks 5. Delivery of new final prosthesis. As with any purchase, jewelry or There is never a time in this journey that you have to go without teeth. In thedental, it is important to be in- vast majority of the cases the fixed bridge is inserted the day of the surgery.formed and involved. The nexttime your dentist recommends a This is how we can change your life in one day!crown, think of the jewelry store.What type of gold ring do you want Free initial consultationand who made it? Does the pricereflect the quality of materials and • denture repairs while you waitworkmanship? • relaxed, comfortable patient friendly Don’t be afraid to ask questions environmentand ask to see proof. Your oral • immediate (same day) dentureshealth is an important part of you • custom dentures made in our own laboverall wellbeing and self-esteem. • partials - cosmetic dentistrySharing ownership with your den- • services can be provided attal team strengthens trust and as- assisted living and senior care facilitiessures the best possible treatmentoutcome. Kellie Schaub DDS, MSD, FACP 8445 S. Emerson Ave. Suite 101 Indianapolis, IN 46237 317-884-8633 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 5

Customized Outdoor LivingDesigned to Meet Your NeedsA fter a cold and snowy winter, are you landscape and hardscape designs. Whether you need yearning to spend time outdoors brand-new landscaping for your recent home entertaining, playing or relaxing, while construction or renovation of existing unattractive or enjoying nature and warmer useless landscapes, Carl can create an original design temperatures? Are you ready to convert that meets your outdoor living and landscaping wishes.your old, tired patio or deck into a luxurious outdoorliving area complete with a built-in kitchen and ample “We carefully listen to our customers’ needs anddining and living areas? Whatever your landscaping objectives,” says Carl. “If a client doesn’t like certaindesires are, Jackson’s Nursery in Greensburg can help colors or plants, we create a plan to their preferences –you accomplish your dreams. not ours. We want to fulfill their vision of what their landscape should look like.” As a family business with nearly 50 years ofexperience, the current owners Carl and Rhonda Jackson’s Nursery creates and installs outdoorJackson offer upscale residential landscape design and kitchens and living areas, featuring TVs, fireplaces orbuild services to Central Indiana homeowners. As a fire pits. They also specialize in environmental waterstate-registered landscape architect, Carl has extensive gardens, including fountains, ponds or streams; hardexperience and knowledge in creating unique, custom surfacing, such as paver sidewalks and driveways, retaining walls and columns; and landscape lighting for For ideas on home landscaping, Jackson’s Nursery has several displays permanently installed on their grounds. They encourage homeowners to visit and see their outdoor kitchens and seating areas, pergola designs, retaining walls, paving surfaces, and their pond and flowing-water gardens.6 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013

safety and aesthetic needs. If a customer wants a swimming pool or spa, 888-596-9221Jackson’s Nursery works with pool companies in their design and installation. Landscaping | Outdoor Living Areas Since Jackson’s Nursery has 70 acres of quality shade trees, evergreens, Walls | Pavers | Water Gardens | Lightingflowering shrubs and perennials available, they can offer homeowners a wideselection of plants to choose from for their landscape needs – from old Complete Design Build Abilitiesfavorites to the newest varieties. “We’re also knowledgeable in sustainable orearth-friendly landscaping,” Carl says. “Sustainable landscaping makes gooduse of Earth’s resources, such as nutrients and water. Many customers areinterested in sustainable landscapes, using native plants that are well-adaptedto the region. These plants don’t require excessive care or irrigation and arebetter for the environment.” In preparing a client’s landscape design, Carl and Rhonda gatherinformation on the customer’s preferences, the property size, its currentcondition and the budget. A custom AutoCAD or computerized 2D drawing ofthe design is prepared. “The plan-view drawing shows the customer theoverall design, looking down from above the property,” says Carl. “It helps thecustomer visualize the outdoor living areas, the plants and other features inrelationship to the house. The homeowner can see the number of plants to beinstalled, and their relative size and shape of the bedding areas.” Also, Rhondaadds, “The plan-view drawing includes pictures of the plants used in thedesign. So, if a customer sees a particular kind of hydrangea on the plan, andthey don’t know what that hydrangea looks like, they can view the colorpicture.” Additionally, Carl and Rhonda can show the customer samples of thematerials to be used, such as pavers, wall stones and edging. This way thecustomer can see exactly what they will be getting. For customers who have difficulty visualizing a 2D design, Carl can create aslide presentation that provides a 3D view. The customer can see the surfaces,features and plants as they will appear. Computer-generated people can evenbe added into the images to show the scale of the design. From project start to completion, Carl personally oversees all aspects of thejob. While he may not be onsite every day during installation, Carl wantscustomers to be assured that the plan is being implemented to his and theirsatisfaction. He even provides customers with a personalized maintenanceguide for the ongoing care of their landscape once large jobs are completed.This manual includes information and care instructions for each plantinstalled, making upkeep easier for the customer. “We take pride in our experience, attention to detail, workmanship andnursery inventory,” says Carl. “And we are happy to have many satisfiedcustomers who often return to us for additional landscaping projects a year totwo later.”For more information about Jackson’s Nursery:visit Contact Carl or Rhonda at 888-596-9221 todiscuss your upscale residential landscaping design and build needs today!Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013 7

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Does Your FamilyHave a Senior Care Plan? By John KindredS ince people are living a lot they need to continue living indepen- gathering information on all the types longer and in better health dently at home. of care available in your area. This will than they used to, many peo- help you meet both your short- and ple put off thinking about the There are some situations when long-term care needs and provide yourcare they might need as they get older. extra care for a senior may be helpful family peace of mind.However, the better prepared you and in the short term. Families shouldyour family are before the need for plan for what they would do if their Right at Home pro-care arises, the less stress everyone elderly loved one breaks a wrist or vides non-medicalwill feel when that time comes. sprains an ankle and needs a few home care. weeks to recover. These services There is no crystal ball that can pre- can oftentimesdict when a loved one may need help, Another situation families should keep peopleor even how much help they will need. be prepared for are major health safely at home in-The best thing families can do before changes that may require seniors tothe need becomes a reality is to discuss be cared for in a facility that provides stead of going into as-senior care options and requirements, more intensive supervision or skilled sisted living or nursing homes. Johnand then research the options that fit nursing care. Strokes, heart attacks Kindred opened his office over tentheir desired lifestyles. and serious accidents can happen sud- years ago and is the longest tenured, denly. Having a good idea of the quali- non-medical provider on the south side A recent survey commissioned by ty and capabilities of the facilities in of Indianapolis. He ensures that onlyMetLife found that nearly two thirds of your area ahead of time and a plan in top quality, trustworthy and compas-Americans don’t understand long-term place to deal with this type of scenario sionate caregivers are assigned to keepcare options enough to make a decision can help ease your decision-making your loved ones safely at home. John isabout their needs. More than half of process during these very stressful a retired naval officer whose goal is tothe respondents between the ages of 40 times when a decision needs to be be a part of the umbrella that cares forand 70 associated long-term care with made quickly. our seniors and helps them enjoy un-only nursing homes. surpassed quality of life. For more in- Being prepared to handle care deci- formation on how Right at Home can Families should be mindful of vari- sions before the need arises ensures help you or your loved ones contactous scenarios when developing their that you and your family can receive them at 317-536-0231.senior care plans. Natural changes as- the care you desire and deserve onsociated with aging, such as dimin- your terms. Know all your options byished eyesight and physical strengthcan mean that routine tasks such asdriving and lifting laundry baskets canbecome more difficult. Some seniorsmight live too far away from familyand friends who could lend a handaround the house or take them to thedoctor when they aren’t feeling well.There are community-based programsand services that can aid these seniorsin accomplishing daily living activitieswith just a few hours of help per week. Some seniors are afraid to admitthey need help because they assumethey will end up in a nursing home.However, just by contacting a local of-fice on aging or in-home supportivecare agency, seniors can get the help Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 9

overall healthThe importance of chiropractic checkups forEveryone’s familiar with • Balance issues maintaining proper function of the spine regular health checkups to • Reduced mobility and nervous system, but also as a regu- make sure blood pressure, • Spinal muscle spasms lar health checkup to sustain your natu- weight, teeth, hearing, vi- • Joint, neck, and back pain ral ability to get well and stay well. sion, and other physical • R ecurring illnesses, such as • Results demonstrate a statisticallybenchmarks are met. The doctor takeshealth measurements and asks if you’re headaches, and ear, nose, and significant increase in respiratoryeating nutritiously, drinking plenty of throat infections burst measured by the chemo lumi-water, exercising consistently, sleeping Subluxation is highly treatable by chi- nescence response suggesting stimu-well, and generally taking care of your- ropractic care, especially when it’s iden- lation of the immune system.self. These medical screenings coupled tified in its early stages, before it gets so • Chiropractic adjustments elicit vis-with a balanced lifestyle are necessary severe that it precipitates some sort of cerosomatic responses. Specifically,for optimal health. However, something personal—and perhaps financial—crisis. this study demonstrated that chiro-is missing. Taking periodic stock of your “Absolutely, people should have a chi- practic adjustments affect cells in-body’s spine is also necessary for nor- ropractic health checkup,” says Dr. Le- volved in immune responses.mal health and healing. anne Schlueter of Greenwood Family • The most significant pre- and post- Chiropractic. “It’s just as important as adjustment changes were a decrease The notion of regular central nervous having a checkup for any other part of in pulse pressure and an increase insystem checkups is less established, per- the body.” Sean M. Hannon, BA, DC, diastolic pressure, which occurred inhaps because of the historical stigma whose private practice is in Denver, the majority of subjects tested.about chiropractic. Yet checking spinal found more than 20 studies document- • Statistically significant changes inhealth can help identify threats to your ing health benefits in people who were blood pressure were observed fol-nervous system, which controls every described as “asymptomatic,” “healthy,” lowing chiropractic adjustmentfunction of your body. “normal,” or “free from physical injury.” • One study showed those getting ad- Nearly an equal number of studies were justments demonstrated a 6.1% in- One such threat is vertebral sublux- found documenting health benefits in crease in Maximal Aerobic Capacityation, which can be caused from slips subjects to which no symptomatic pre- (VO2 max).and falls, sport-related injuries, and even sentation was described. The data that • A d j u s t m e n t s f a c i l i t a t e d abirth. Vertebral subluxation is when one is gathered in his study, “Objective considerable decrease in patientor more of the bones of the spine move Physiologic Changes and Associated muscle tension.out of position and create pressure on, or Health Benefits of Chiropractic Adjust- • The correction of the subluxationirritate spinal nerves. These nerves ments in Asymptomatic,” supports that complex enables the body to functioncome out from between each of the chiropractic adjustments, often for the and perform at a higher level.bones in your spine. Vertebral sublux- purpose of correcting vertebral sublux- • After 14 weeks of chiropractic care,ation interferes with the brain’s ability to ation, give measurable health benefits to the athletes showed significant im-communicate with the rest of your body, people regardless of the presence or ab- provement in muscle strength, longand, conversely, the vital messages from sence of symptoms. “The study shows jump distance, and capillary counts.the nerves slow or restrict, and thus in- that chiropractic care may be of bene- • Subjects demonstrated significantterfere with your body’s natural ability to fit to every part of the body and have improvements in neurocognitiveheal and repair. Imagine stepping on a the potential for long-term, overall hose and interfering with the health benefits to those receiving it,” • The study demonstrated a small butflow of the water. Sometimes there are says Dr. Schlueter. statistically significant improvementno symptoms, but when there are symp- Below are the main points from the in cognitive function after a singletoms they can include: studies supporting chiropractic care as adjustment. • Stress not only a safe approach to restoring and • Vision improvements do occur fol- • Low energy Listen to Freedom 95, 95.9 FM & 950 AM, every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and every Sunday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. to hear Dr. Schlueter’s radio show “Maximize Your Life”. You can also visit and click on the Podcast link to listen to all of her past shows. Here are some recent subjects: • Resolution to Revolution • The Flu Shot • Cholesterol (2 part) • Antioxidants • Killing Cancer • Posture • Coconut Oil & More • Diabetes (2 part) • Stress10 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

Maximized Living 5 Essentials: MIND NERVE SUPPLY Quality oxygen and Minimal toxins Nutrition lean muscle lowing upper cervical chiropractic and overall athletic ability of “healthy” ropractor with an advanced certifica- adjustments. or specific-function “normal” individu- tion in spinal correction and nutrition. • Senior chiropractic users were less als. Other studies have documented sta- She is part of the Wellness Advisory likely to have used a nursing home, tistically significant increases or im- Council for the USA Martial Arts, MMA, 73.9 percent of chiropractic users had provements in neurocognitive functions Judo, and Weight Lifting teams and has not been hospitalized in 3 years and such as reaction time and information just been announced as a preferred chi- are using less over-the-counter processing, visual acuity, stress and re- ropractor for the NFL Alumni Associa- (OTC) and prescription medications productive hormones, healing and re- tion. Because of all of the great results than those not using chiropractic care covery time. As evidence mounts, more she sees in her office, she will be travel- • This study demonstrated a tentative people are turning to chiropractic care ing to Rio in 2016 to adjust the Olympi- correlation between regular chiro- as a non-surgical, drug-free treatment ans before they go for gold. She hosts a practic care and improvement of the option, according to the American Chi- health radio talk show “Maximized Your blood lipid levels. ropractic Association. Life” on Freedom 95 every Saturday • While getting chiropractic care in morning. Dr. Schlueter is well known conjunction with muscular rehab, all Regardless of insurance coverage, around her community for her commit- subjects reported enhanced aware- Greenwood Family Chiropractic’s goal is ment and passion for helping people ness of posture and flexibility in addi- to make quality healthcare affordable for reach all of their health goals and trans- tion to reduced symptoms. everyone. With reasonable individual forming hundreds of lives. These studies found improvements in and family plans, Dr. Schlueter wants asrespiration, range of motion, heart rate many people as possible to have access If you would like more information onvariability and autonomic function, en- to her holistic approach, so that everyone vertical subluxation chiropractic care,docrine function, cardiovascular func- can lead a healthier life they can enjoy. call Dr. Leanne Schlueter or visittion, immune function, muscle strength, Dr. Leanne Schlueter is a corrective chi- Visit our office at the corner of Dr. Leanne SchlueterFairview rd. & SR 135, behind Mike’s Car Wash. 317.893.2853 520 N SR 135, Suite R | Greenwood, IN | 46142Health Centers Corrective Chiropractic Care for Full Musculoskeletal Health Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 11

SLEEP The Ultimate Cure All By Dr. Michael MillerThe ability to get good nights sleep should usually be uneventful. disturbances so severe that you actually sleep is something we all However, there is at least one spectrum wake yourself up. take for granted. Everyone of sleep disturbances that can place you expects that once that feel- at highest risk for sudden cardiac The person suffering from OSA will ing of tiredness over- events, progressive pulmonary prob- have many complaints during the day including difficulty focusing on tasks,whelms our bodies, a refreshing, nur- lems, and the highest risk of lowering irritability, depression, poor energy lev-t u r i n g s l e e p s t a t e a w a i t s u s . your golf score. el and an overall sense of weariness.Unfortunately, for far too many, the Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a Not surprisingly, a person who sleepsproblem of getting a sound sleep re- spectrum of diseases in which there are with an OSA sufferer may have themains elusive. While there are some major disturbances in a person's sleep same complaints. In addition, lack ofwho have occasional trouble falling cycle due to anatomic and physiologic good sleep from OSA has dire effects onasleep due to the stresses of the day, the problems. The cause can be central, people with diabetes, hypertension,major problem for many is staying which means due to a problem in the heart disease and a myriad of other ma-asleep or getting restful sleep. The other sleep governing structures of the brain, jor health problems. In fact, there areproblem is identifying which patients or may be due to problems in the soft studies that show that OSA can adverse-may truly have a sleep disorder versus tissues of the nose throat and mouth. ly affect sports performance includingsome other reason. The most common manifestations of raising your golf score!Every one of us has occasion to have a this are snoring, pro-sleep disturbance due to many causes longed periods be-ranging from strange noises to bladder tween breaths or very STOP BANG QUESTIONAIREissues. Even if these occur with some irregular breathingunfortunate regularity, your return to while asleep, or sleep 1. Do you SNORE loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors)? [ Yes ] [ No ] 2. Do you often feel TIRED, fatigued, or sleepy during daytime? [ Yes ] [ No ] 3. Has anyone OBSERVED you stop breathing during your sleep? [ Yes ] [ No ]Services We Provide at Your Place and Ours 4. Do you have or are you• Wound Care Assessment and Treatment being treated for high blood• Diabetic Foot Care• Limb Preservation Clinic PRESSURE? • Lymphedema and Leg Swelling Assessment and Treatment [ Yes ] [ No ] 5. BMI more than 35? [ Yes ] [ No ]• Nutritional Assessment and Treatment 6. AGE over 50 years old? • Venous Disease Treatment• Behavioral and Mental Health Services [ Yes ] [ No ]• Chronic Disease Management• Pain Management 7. NECK circumference• Cutting Edge Wound Care Research > 15.75 inches (40cm)? [ Yes ] [ No ] 8. Male GENDER? [ Yes ] [ No ] 317-908-1678 | If you have three or more answers with a YES, you are at high-risk for OSA12 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 If you have less than three answers with a YES, you are at low-risk for OSA

Until recently, the diagnosis of a sleep problem involved solved with ongoing labs and examinations, then the answerrearranging your life and work schedule so you could go to may be very simple to identify and treat. The simplest waya dedicated sleep lab where it was expected that you would to find the answer is to sleep on it.fall asleep in a strange bed, in a strange room, with strangesounds, without your bed partner, and wired to more elec- For more information or to set up your in-home sleep eval-tronics than a Kiss rock concert. uation, we recommend you take the simple STOP BANG test to the left and then call 317-908-1678 or 812-798-2091 and ask The Miller Care Group is delighted to announce that our for the IndySleep Program Director.newest healthcare program, IndySleep offers in-home diag-nostic evaluations for people with suspected sleep disorders. If you care about your spouses, friends or families health,The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and other authori- ask them these eight questions and see what you find.tative bodies have agreed that a simple screening test con-sisting of eight (8) YES or NO questions has a high predict- The Miller Care GrOuP believeSability in identifying who needs a sleep study. This test iscalled STOP BANG with each letter related to one of the ThaT The beST healTh Care ServiCeSquestions. If you answer three or more questions with a YES,you have a positive screen and need a sleep study. are delivered TO PaTienTS Where The IndySleep Program is covered by Medicare and al- TheY need TheM. ThaT’S WhY We havemost all major insurers. A small device about the size of a TVremote is held in place on your torso by a simple elastic strap. adOPTed The COnCePT Of GOinG TOIt is connected to soft plastic tubing that gently wraps aroundyour head and has two nasal prongs that barely enter the nos- Where The PaTienTS are inSTead Oftrils. Another connection from the device attaches to one ofyour fingers. With a simple press of the start button after ly- inCOnvenienCinG TheM. Our MOTTOing down in your own bed, on your own pillow, in your ownhouse the test will commence. When you awaken the next Of “YOur PlaCe Or OurS” MeanSmorning and push the button again, the test ends. On-siteevaluation is performed by a trained technician to assure a ThaT Whenever POSSible andsatisfactory test has occurred, then the data is reviewed by aboard-certified sleep medicine doctor, and the report is sent needed, We Will PrOvide Theto your physician with a copy for your own records. Indy-Sleep is happy to make arrangements for further assistance hiGheST qualiTY SPeCialTY healThin the event the test is positive. No referral is needed and thetest is performed in your home at your convenience. Care ServiCeS aT The lOCaTiOn MOST The benefits of getting a restful nights sleep––not just for benefiCial TO The PaTienT.the afflicted but for their sleep partner––are significant. Forthose who require an economic benefit, one of America'slargest transportation companies, Schneider Trucking, im-plemented a sleep evaluation and treatment program and re-duced their health care costs by over 45% annually! If you are a business owner, this same benefit can be yoursby implementing a sleep program. If you or someone you know snores, has periods with nobreathing during sleep, is chronically irritable, tired, unableto focus on simple tasks, or has other health problems unre-Dr. michael s. miller, Do, FACos, FAPWCA, WCC is the Ceo of the miller Care Group, and he prides himself on providingquality care to his patients. he specializes in treating severe, non-healing wounds, and has been a leading expert on woundcare for over 20 years. Dr. miller’s expertise has taken him all over the world to share, and teach his wound care techniques.his success and continued positive patient outcomes have him in high demand all over indiana. Working in conjunctionwith the staff at the miller Care Group, Dr. miller ensures the most cost effective, patient centered care available. our resultsspeak for themselves. We look forward to helping you with your wound, or related care needs.Please Call the oFFiCe today at 1-317-908-1678or Visit us at MillerCaregrouP.CoM8355 roCKVille rd suite 120 | indianaPolis. in 46234

INDIANATake a Trip Back in TEimeXatPthEeRIENCE The IndIana ExpErIEncE aT The eugene and Marilyn glick indiana hisTory cenTer is a new way To live hisTory. guests in you YOU ARE THERE lopes that have been deaccessioned from the IHS are There 1904: Step into another era in You Are collection. picture This can There. Historic photographs are COLE PORTER ROOM get a photo taken brought to life three-dimensionally, right down to the actors playing the Pull up a stool at a cabaret and immerse your- and make a people in––and around––the images. The exhibits self in the music of a Hoosier legend in the Cole custom vintage- in the series change frequently. In You Are There Porter Room, designed to evoke the style of Newstyle portrait online 1913: A City Under Water, guests are part of the York’s famed Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Once inside, to print or share. action at Wulf ’s Hall Relief Station on the west you'll be transported to a 1940s-inspired, cabaret- side of downtown Indianapolis in the days follow- style setting featuring a digital grand player piano ing the Great Flood. You Are There 1904: Picture and photographs that span Porter’s life, social cir- This puts visitors in a Victorian portrait studio to cle and travels. Listen to an elegantly dressed in- see how the way we capture memories has terpreter performing Porter standards––and sing evolved. along if you want to! DESTINATION INDIANA AND MORE … Let the latest technology take you back in time While you’re at the History Center, you’ll want on virtual journeys throughout the state in Desti- to check out Lilly Hall––home of the Mezzanine nation Indiana. Using innovative technology, Gallery, INvestigation Stations and Hoosier Leg- touch screens and immersive displays of historic ends––and the William H. Smith Memorial Li- images, you can explore Indiana’s history and ev- brary. Get the most out of your visit by dining at ery corner of the state––from your own driver’s the Stardust Terrace Café and shopping at the seat. Destination Indiana includes stories from all Basile History Market, featuring Indiana art, jew- 92 counties in Indiana. You decide where you want elry, literature, music, food and gifts. to travel and what you want to know more about. HISTORY LAB History should not be viewed, it should be expe- rienced. Experience Indiana's past––brand new–– The W. Brooks and Wanda Y. Fortune History at the History Center. Lab provides a rare opportunity to go behind the scenes and demystify the technical aspects of con- The Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History servation and paper restoration. Newly expanded, Center is located at 450 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis. the History Lab features large observation win- The Indiana Experience is open 10 a.m. through 5 dows into the Indiana Historical Society’s Conser- p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. It is also open vation Lab. Learn how to do what conservators do Sundays in June and July from noon to 5 p.m. For by trying out one of our techniques used to safely more information, visit mend fragile paper. You’ll work on actual enve-14 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013

better than ever! BY Suzanne DennisJustus Companies, Inc. Vice President Corporate CommunicationO ver the past year many ex- will include such as a ball room, dining Home Health to see if a coordinated citing changes have taken room, activities center, and HealthCrest plan of care can be arranged with their place at Crestwood Village fitness center will open later this year. doctor’s assistance. and even more changes are Talk to a Leasing Counselor today to getunderway! The lobbies at Crestwood on the VIP waiting list. Crestwood Village is changing withVillage East and West have been com- the times, yet residents can rest as-pletely renovated and updated with Life at Crestwood has never been bet- sured the leadership team remains truelarge flat screen TVs, comfortable seat- ter, people tell us all the time, “I only to the same guiding principles of quali-ing, and increased socializing areas. wish I’d moved in sooner!” There are ty, value, and integrity established byResidents love the changes including service providers such as Freedom Guy Justus in 1910.the new internet café, activity centers, Home Health and Freedom Senior Ser-and cozy fireplaces. They tell us the vices available to help residents live in- For more information, contact a Crest-change was tough at first, but now it’s dependently in their Crestwood apart- wood Village Leasing Counselor todayeven better than ever! Residents of ment homes. Freedom Senior Services at (888) 462-3935 or log onCrestwood Village South are seeing caregivers can assist residents with terrific changes as well, with the housekeeping, laundry, and many othernew addition of an assisted living build- non-medical services. Residents who Freedom Senior Service can be contact-ing. The new Crestwood Village South have experienced a change in their ed at or (317) 359-3733.Assisted Living and all the amenities it lives requiring the care of a home Call Freedom Home Health at health provider can contact Freedom (317) 359-3444 or LIFE RENEWED “It’s Easier and More Affordable Than You Think”Save up to $854!Call today for details.Crestwood Village is comfortable, affordable senior living where you can livelife renewed, without worries about yard work or home maintenance. A single,low monthly payment includes all utilities, bus transportation, an active socialcalendar, our healthcrest holistic wellness program, and much more.Apartment homes starting at $564 per month! Planned, developed and managed by the Justus family877.508.0465 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 15

a lifestyle!RVING, more than a vacationH ave you ever thought of jumping left behind, RVers can take everyone with them for a behind the steering wheel and just true family vacation, while saving pets and owners taking off? Maybe there isn’t even a from boarding stress and expense. It is estimated destination in mind, only a dream of that 48% of the nation’s eight million RV owners being anywhere but here. Wouldn’t travel with their pets, with dogs topping the be nice to get away with family and friends, Family pets are widely welcomed at campgroundsexploring the country, seeing the majestic sights, all across America.and embarking on new adventures you neverimagined you would experience? Or how about It’s Fun…and Affordable Owning an RVkicking back in a lounge chair under the awning,relaxing with an ice cold drink while watching your makes economic sense. You are able to travel whilepuppy chase butterflies around the pristine lake in spending significantly less. You have unlimitedfront of you? This is what the RV lifestyle is all flexibility, even on a limited budget. New researchabout! shows that RV trips remain the least costly, even during this time of economic turmoil andHassle-Free Travel With RVing, there are no fluctuating fuel prices. A study prepared for the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA)flights to catch. No security hassles. No long lines by PKF Consulting USA, a member of anor lost luggage. No hauling heavy bags in or out of international travel and tourism consulting group,costly hotel rooms. No expensive, unhealthy food. found that depending on the type of RV you own, aNo strange bedrooms, bathrooms or kitchens. family of four can save up to 59% on vacation costs“There’s nothing not to like about it,” said actor over other forms of travel, and a couple can save upMatthew McConaughey on The Ellen Show. “The to 47%! Even after accounting for factors such asfreedom of being able to pull up, stop, power up RV ownership costs, including payments,anywhere you want––beach or whatever. Set up and insurance, maintenance, tires, tax breaks,have your front yard different every single day. registration, depreciation and fuel prices, the studyWhatever you want it to be, and to see the country confirms that RV vacations offer greater savingsthat way––it’s awesome.” than those taken using a personal car or airline, staying in a hotel, rental house or condominium,RVing is about education The RV lifestyle and eating in restaurants. “The study puts numbers to what RV owners have known for years––if youisn’t just about grandma and grandpa traveling the want to save money on travel, go RVing,” sayscountry in their retirement. RVing is for the whole RVIA president Richard Coon. “With thefamily. It is a way for kids and grownups alike to see opportunity for frequent getaways to spend qualitythe sights and learn our history away from the books time outdoors with family and friends, RVand outside the confinements of a classroom. ownership is a great value.”“Education isn’t just about school,” said actor WillSmith on The Late Show with David Letterman. “Let Ken Eckstein, owner of Mount Comfort RV inyour kids do stuff and go places and see things. My Greenfield, Indiana, has been helping peoplefather put us in a camper, I was about 12 years old, realize their RVing dreams for over 35 years andand we were all in a camper and we drove cross- has seen people take up the RV lifestyle for acountry.” variety of reasons. “In the ‘70s, it was all about saving money, and people purchased some prettyNo Pet Left Behind Unlike most family rudimentary campers just to get them out enjoying the parks. But over the years, it hasvacations where the four-legged members must be

evolved into a much more comfortable lifestyle. At Mount Comfort RV, wesell everything from basic pop up tent campers, which are pretty much atent on wheels, to very affordable trailers and fifth wheels that have allthe amenities like TVs, air conditioners, patio awnings, and microwaves.From $5,000 trailers to $500,000 diesel pushers, people can pretty muchpick their price point and comfort level. When people talk about RVs,everyone thinks of the luxury buses that musicians and race car driversuse. The truth is, most of what we sell is in the $20,000 price range andcan be made affordable for most people.” So, whether you feel the call of the open road, are ready for that dreamretirement, or are just looking for an affordable way to see the country with yourfamily and friends, the RVing lifestyle may just be the right choice for you! Specializing in... SALES•PARTS SERVICE•RV RENTALS Just 5 minutes east of Indy on I-70 317.898.6676 MtComfortrV.comcOsT Of rV VacaTIOns Vs. OTHer Types Of VacaTIOns (faMIly Of 4)VacaTIOn MOde Of TraVel 3 days 7 days 14 daysPersonal car pulling camping trailer, staying at $721 $1,634 $3,158campgrounds and preparing meals at campsite.Personal light duty truck/suv pulling travel trailer, $880 $1,997 $3,854staying at campgrounds and preparing meals at $880 $4,033campsite. $930 $2,035 $4,232Compact motorhome, staying at campgrounds and $1,128 $2,149 $5,456preparing meals at campsite. $1,671 $2,906 $7,700Class C motorhome, staying at campgrounds and $2,958 $4,465 $6,792preparing meals at campsite. $5,619 $4,045 $12,170Traveling by car, staying in hotels, and eating meals in $7,631restaurants.Class A motorhome, staying at campgrounds andpreparing meals at campsite.Traveling by airline, renting a car, staying in hotels, andeating meals in restaurants.Traveling by first class airline, renting a premiumcar, staying in upscale hotels, and eating meals inrestaurants.

Do you suffer from second hand snoring? …Or has CPAP failed you? By Dr. Richard M. Herd, Jr.I f you are ready to get rid of sleep. The TAP has over a 95% success • High blood pressure your snoring or sleep apnea rate! The TAP treats sleep apnea with- • Stroke problem once and for all, the out the need for surgery, a mask, or • Heartburn Thornton Adjustable Positioner medication. • Morning headaches(TAP) is for you! It keeps the airway • Depressionopen and improves breathing during Snoring occurs when the jaw opens and the tongue falls into the back of The best treatment option for you is the throat, causing the airway to nar- one that you will wear all night, every row and forcing air through the night. smaller opening. This creates sound vibrations in the throat known as The TAP is a custom made adjust- snoring. Snoring can seriously affect able appliance that is worn while your quality of life. It can be inconve- sleeping. The trays of the appliance, nient, and can cause problems in re- which look like teeth whitening trays, lationships. In some cases, snoring is snap over the upper and lower teeth a red flag for a more serious medical and hook together. The design allows problem called obstructive sleep ap- the airway to stay open to allow air to nea (OSA). pass through the throat. OSA occurs when the muscles and The TAP holds the lower jaw in a tissue surrounding the throat relax forward position so that it does not causing the airway to completely col- shift or fall open during the night. This lapse and block airflow into the lungs. prevents the airway from collapsing. This blockage cuts off the oxygen sup- The TAP is the only mandibular ad- ply to the body and brain. The airway vancement device that can be adjusted obstruction persists until the brain easily while in the mouth! partially awakens the person. This re- peating cycle – falling asleep, muscles Most patients experience relief the relaxing, airway collapsing, uncon- very first night they wear the TAP! It sciously awakening with a gasp – is the usually takes about a week to get used reason there is never a restful night of to wearing the appliance. sleep. Sleep apnea is a serious chronic disease that may trigger other serious For more information call Dr. Richard health problems: M. Herd, Jr. D.D.S, a local TAP special- • Chronic sleepiness ist. He can be reached at 317-897-4163, • Heart attack or visit his office in the “Big Blue House” across from the Washington Square Mall.18 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

Acupuncture forMigraine HeadachesTraditional Chinese Medi- migraine headaches. ergized kidney. Headaches on the back cine (TCM) is well-known Migraines are often caused by an en- of the head and neck are often caused by for its effectiveness as a a urinary bladder energy imbalance. migraine treatment. It pro- ergetic imbalance in the liver/gallblad- These headaches tend to be achy and an- vides long-term, often per- der or kidney/urinary bladder systems. noying.manent relief and does so without the If the liver is over energized, it sends toouse of drugs. Unlike conventional West- much energy up to the top of the head. An experienced acupuncturist can de-ern medicine, the approach of TCM to termine which system is causing theany medical issue is to diagnose and The energetic pathway of the gallbladder: headaches in a matter of minutes. Let’streat the root cause of the problem. Have you ever had a headache along any of this see which type of imbalance you maySymptomatic relief is important, but have. Organ imbalances exhibit clusterssecondary unless the patient is in severe organ’s energetic pathway? of symptoms, not just one. For example,discomfort. Why treat a symptom just to if you have red eyes, are easily angered,have it reappear at a later time? Why Since the liver and gallbladder function have a high pitched ringing in your earssuppress a symptom and leave the root together, a liver imbalance often creates or a sour taste in your mouth, your head-problem to get worse or turn into a more a gallbladder imbalance. Headaches on aches may be caused by a liver or gall-serious problem? We who practice TCM the top of the head are often caused by bladder imbalance. On the other hand, iftreat the root cause to eliminate the the liver. Headaches on the side of the you are hard of hearing, have a lowproblem altogether. To accomplish this, head are often caused by the gallblad- pitched ringing in your ears, lower backTCM looks at the body from a different der. These headaches tend to be intense or knee pain or night sweats, your head-perspective. and debilitating. aches may be caused by a kidney imbal- ance. In either case, popping a couple of In conventional “Western” medicine, If the kidney is under energized, it aspirin may help a little, but the head-the body is seen as a machine to be re- can’t send enough energy to the head. A aches will eventually return. The bestpaired. Conventional medicine views kidney imbalance frequently involves approach is to treat the root of the prob-disease as an entity to be destroyed. This the urinary bladder. Overall dull head- lem and stop them altogether.approach has its limits, especially in the aches are often caused by an under en-treatment of chronic illness. In Tradi- A combination of painless, gentle acu-tional Chinese Medicine the body is seen puncture, Chinese herbal formulas andas a collection of energetic centers that perhaps some dietary suggestions canroughly correspond to the internal or- stop the headaches and eventually willgans. It is a “holistic” system. This sim- prevent them altogether. Your bodyply means that all the organ functions wants to be in balance, and oftentimesare interrelated and are affected by all will maintain balance on its own afteraspects of our environment. These ener- the proper TCM treatments. Why con-getic centers must be in balance to func- tinue taking drugs that could eventuallytion properly. Disease is simply an im- harm your body? Why suffer with painbalance of the internal organ energetic when permanent relief is available?system. TCM was designed to balance Contact your local acupuncturist today.and maintain this system. It is especially Our motto is to “elevate your health to asgood at treating chronic illnesses like high a level as possible.” This includes living happy, healthy and pain free. acupuncture CAN relieve your pain. Acupuncture Pain Relief Centers of Indiana 918 Fry Rd. Ste A | Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Free consultation and comprehensive intake (a $135 value) when you mention this ad. We specialize in pain relief, but treat all medical conditions including allergies & mood imbalances.Call 317-478-7216 for an appointment Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 19

Caring People Make the DifferenceWhen you walk into American Senior Communities, the difference is clear: there is a passion ourpeople bring to their work that you simply won’t find in any other senior health-care community.When someone chooses to live in one of our communities, we become an extension of their family.We take the time to get to know each of our residents and their families on a personal level. Ourcommunities are made up of individuals and with that in mind, we focus on serving individual needs.Our Services: • Hospice• Moving Forward Rehabilitation • Respite• Auguste’s Cottage Memory Care • New Energy Wellness, Garden Homes and• Skilled Nursing Care Assisted Living available at select locations• Long Term Care “Where caring people make the difference!”20 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013

Proudly serving BOONE Westfield 3 Noblesville Zionsville 5the greater 74 1 Fishers 62 14 16Indianapolis area: Brownsburg 19 22 15 Indianapolis 21 11 Avon 9 8 Mooresville 17 13 18American Senior Communities offers the following services: 10 Greenwood 20• Moving Forward Rehabilitation • Hospice Franklin 12• Auguste’s Cottage Memory Care • Respite• Skilled Nursing • New Energy Wellness,• Long Term Care Assisted Living Apartments and/or Garden Homes offered at select locationsServices offered may vary; call a location near you or visit for more information.NORTH 7. Zionsville Meadows 13. Rosegate W EST 675 South Ford Rd. (Assisted Living1. Allisonville Meadows Zionsville, IN 46077 and Garden Homes) 17. Brownsburg Meadows (Assisted Living) 317-873-5205 7525 Rosegate Dr. 2 East Tilden Dr. 10410 Allisonville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46237 Brownsburg, IN 46112 Fishers, IN 46038 SOUTH 317-889-0100 317-852-8585 317-436-6400 (Healthcare) (Healthcare) 8. Beech Grove Meadows 7510 Rosegate Dr. 18. Countryside Meadows 10312 Allisonville Rd. 2002 Albany St. Indianapolis, IN 46237 762 N. Dan Jones Rd. Fishers, IN 46038 Beech Grove, IN 46107 317-889-9300 Avon, IN 46123 317-841-8777 317-783-2911 317-495-7200 EAST2. American Village 9. Bethany Village 19. Eagle Valley Meadows (Healthcare & Assisted Living) (Assisted Living) 14. Community Nursing & 3017 Valley Farms Rd. 2026 E. 54th St. 3530 S. Shelby St. Rehabilitation Indianapolis, IN 46214 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Indianapolis, IN 46227 5600 E. 16th St. 317-293-2555 317-253-6950 317-784-3066 Indianapolis, IN 46218 (Independent Living & (Healthcare) 317-356-0911 20. Meadow Lakes Assisted Living) 3518 S. Shelby St. 200 Meadow Lakes Dr. 1790 E. 54th St. Indianapolis, IN 46227 15. Harrison Terrace Mooresville, IN 46158 Indianapolis, IN 46220 317-783-4042 1924 Wellesley Blvd. 317-834-1791 317-251-5580 Indianapolis, IN 46219 10. Greenwood Meadows 317-353-6270 21. Washington Healthcare Center3. Maple Park Village 1200 N. State Rd. 135 8201 W. Washington St. 776 N. Union St. Greenwood, IN 46142 16. Rosewalk Indianapolis, IN 46231 Westfield, IN 46074 317-300-2200 (Assisted Living) 317-244-6848 317-896-2515 1301 N. Ritter Ave. 11. Forest Creek Village Indianapolis, IN 46219 DOWNTOWN4. Harcourt Terrace Nursing 525 E. Thompson Rd. 317-356-2760 & Rehabilitation Indianapolis, IN 46227 (Healthcare) 22. North Capitol Nursing & 8181 Harcourt Rd. 317-787-8253 1302 N. Lesley Ave. Rehabilitation Indianapolis, IN 46260 Indianapolis, IN 46219 2010 N. Capitol Ave. 317-872-7261 12. Franklin Meadows 317-353-8061 Indianapolis, IN 46202 1285 W. Jefferson St. 317-924-58215 Riverwalk Village Franklin, IN 46131 295 Westfield Rd. 317-736-9113 Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-3760 Other locations in Anderson, Auburn, Bedford, Clarksville, Clinton, Connersville, Elkhart, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Greensburg, Jasper, Jeffersonville, Kokomo, Lafayette, Ligonier, Lowell,6. Spring Mill Meadows Markle, Monticello, New Castle, Oakland City, Richmond, Salem, Seymour, South Bend, Terre 2140 W. 86th St. Haute, Upland, Valparaiso, Wabash, and Williamsport. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-872-7211 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013 21

What you seek in a by Tricia Despres passionate way will often photos courtesy of rosanne cash come to meet you.22 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

here is a mystery behind the eyes of Rosanne Cash also says being a parent has allowed her to see nearly Cash––a certain aura that surrounds the woman everything about life differently. “You love them so much and with the famous father and the chart topping hits you want to set up a good example for them,” she says. “You and the industry awards lining her shelves. show up for them and in turn, you show up for yourself. It’s selfish if you don’t.” “There is a line in ‘Money Road’ that says ‘whatyou seek is seeking you’,” she tells LIVING WELL Magazine And while she may be a celebrity in an increasing celebrity-from her New York apartment. “The line is adapted from centric world, Cash remains busy being a rather down to eartha poem, so I can’t take complete credit for it. But I have woman doing down to earth things. “Let’s see…today I went toreally found it to be true. What you seek in a passionate physical therapy, met a friend for lunch, picked up a prescrip-way will often come to meet you.” tion at the pharmacy for my husbandA FRESH OUTLOOK and unloaded 75 emails from my inbox,” she says. Indeed, with 15 albums and four booksbehind her, there’s no doubt that Cash Yet, she says things can get hectic whenhas found much success in a career that touring a new album, which she plans tohas spanned over 30 years. Yet, her latest do throughout 2014. “I’m out every yearalbum, The River & The Thread, seems and it feels really good right now becauseto have taken the 58-year-old performer I absolutely love playing the new songs,”to a new level. In what is now her highest she says. “I love watching the crowdscharting album of her career, The River really respond to the new material.”& The Thread features 11 pieces of po-etry disguised as songs that seamlessly Her voice lowers a bit when asked ofweave together musical genres and life- what her famous dad would have feltlong influences. The album has already about her renewed success. “He lovedmade it to the top spot on the Folk Albums me as any parent loves their child and hechart and number two on the Top Coun- wanted the best for me, but I would hatetry Albums chart. to put thoughts in his mouth from beyond the grave,” she says. But, Cash explains “Life has been taking off in a whole new way lately,” says that family indeed remains her emotional center, both at homeCash, whose 2009 album The List was named Album of the and in the studio. In fact, Cash wrote the album’s 11 originalYear by the Americana Music Association and nominated for songs with her longtime collaborator (and husband) John Lev-two GRAMMY® Awards. “I don’t know if it’s my optimism enthal, who also served as producer, arranger, and guitarist.and what they call in Buddhism as The Beginner’s Mind, but “I don’t know if (working on the album) changed the way Ieverything feels new to me right now.” look at him, but what I knew about him all along became crys- tal clear,” says Cash.A LOOK BACK GRATITUDE DOES A BODY GOOD “I guess I developed a better work ethic sometime during my30s,” says Cash, whose 1980 album Right or Wrong helped to This personal and professional bliss also seems to illuminateintroduce her unique style to the country music industry. “Before Cash like never before in terms of an outward appearance thatthen, it was like I just dabbled in everything. I wasn’t as serious keeps her looking far younger than 58. “You are going to hateI guess. I had to develop an understanding of how to work.” me for saying this, but I really don’t exercise. I live in New York City, so I walk a lot. Plus, when I’m performing, I tend to dance And yes, she is getting it done like never before. Through the around a lot. And heck, playing guitar is like having a bunchyears, Cash has recorded 15 albums, including 1981’s Seven of weights pulling on you. But yes, I feel good about myself. IYear Ache and 1987’s King’s Record Shop, which were both have been blessed with good skin definitely. My great grand-certified gold. She has charted 21 Top 40 country singles, 11 of mother on my mother’s side lived to be 100 years old, and shewhich climbed to number one. She has received 12 GRAMMY had skin like a baby till the very end. I just feel so great and sonominations, deservedly winning in 1985. She has also published grateful––I guess gratitude is good for the skin.”four books, including her 2010 bestselling memoir Composed. Gratitude also played an important part in Cash’s recoveryREFRESHED & REENERGIZED from brain surgery back in 2007 for a condition called Chiari malformation type 1, which Cash says caused her cerebellum So, does success feel different at the age of 58? to virtually crush her brain stem. “I swear, I think a lot of “Oh absolutely. Success scared me at 30. I always felt that people think I look good now because for so many years I waslife could be taken away and that I could never live up to what in chronic pain and that was my look. The steroids and the painpeople wanted from me and that I was a fake and I didn’t de- drugs made me swell so badly. I was misdiagnosed for 10 yearsserve success. I just constantly felt that everything was going and it got to the point where I could barely stand up fall apart or that success was going to seduce me into some The brain surgery was a brutal surgery that I didn’t preparesort of destruction. I was also an introvert in my younger years myself enough for both physically and emotionally. It gave meand ultimately I needed to teach myself how to be an extrovert a good hard look at my own mortality and what’s important andin the necessary circumstances as a performer.” what I want to do on this planet.” Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 23

passionateMAS Properties about real estateS elling real estate isn’t just the way Mark and or replacing. “If it’s manageable, then make it happen. You Sara Syberg of MAS Properties in Indiana may not achieve perfection, but a home that is polished make their living. For them, it’s personal. and well presented has a better chance of selling.” “We’ve got plenty of industry expertise, but what we really bring to the table is our com- Further, Sara maintains, a common mistake made bymitment to finding just the right home or commercial sellers is pricing according to the profit homeowners seekbuilding for our clients,” says Sara. (She’s got bragging to achieve. “At MAS Properties, we make it our business torights to boot––her name’s been added to Indianapolis stay ahead of market trends and make thoughtful recom-Monthly’s Top Real Estate Agents in Indiana for four years mendations based on analysis of comparable sales. Ourand counting.) goal is to ensure strategic pricing from day one that maxi- mizes return on investment––but ensures the property Seems the real estate industry is weaved into this top sells quickly,” says Mark.producing duo’s DNA. A former appraiser, Sara has a natu-ral affinity for sizing up a property’s value. Mark––himself To connect with Mark and Sara at MAS Properties for ex-a disabled veteran who makes working with vets a priori- pert advice, superior service and fast results, callty––leverages his former trade as a real estate investor to 317-474-6560 or visit profits for their clients. Whether sourcing theperfect rental, a polished luxury property or humbleneighborhood cottage, the Sybergs’ combined expertisemakes for a formidable team. Expert Advice:Getting your Home Ready to Show & Priced to Sell True – the housing industry is inching its way back fromthe brink. Still, Mark and Sara agree they can contributemost to sellers by ensuring their home puts its best footforward and is appropriately priced to sell. “You may have heard the saying, ‘A house will sell itselfin the first five minutes.’ You want your home to appeal tobuyers as soon as they walk in the door. Cluttered rooms,peeling paint, stained carpets and strong odors are turn-offs,” says Sara. The Sybergs suggest asking friends and family membersto candidly point out areas in your home in need of repair Real Estate, Real EasyWe have each other’s back…and yours | 317-474-6560 office Mark and Sara Syberg 317-750-4214 Mark | 317-496-5846 Sara24 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

TECHNOLOGY BREAKS. WE FIX IT.™ OUR FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIANSPROVIDE THE FOLLOWING AFFORDABLE SERVICES:Repair PC & Mac computers Data recoveryTune up/optimization InstructionVirus removal Password removalOffice/Home office networking (helpful when needing data fromiPhone & iPad screen repairs a deceased or incapacitated& battery replacement loved one's computer) 2 LOCATIONS: 254800 W. Smith Valley Rd Greenwood, IN882-160625 N. Main St Franklin, Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Fall 2013

Be Red Cross Ready: Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.It is important to prepare for possible disasters and local radio, TV or NOAA Weather Radio stations. Know other emergencies. Natural and human-caused disas- the difference between different weather alerts, such as ters can strike suddenly at anytime and anywhere. watches and warnings, and what actions to take in each. Knowing what to do is your best protection. The American Red Cross of Indiana wants you to Be Red Cross Ready Checklistbe as prepared as possible. There are three actions everyonecan take that can help make a difference: Get a Kit. Make aPlan. Be Informed.Get a Kit. We hope you are inspired to prepare yourself and your family, and that Gather together the basic supplies you will need at soon you will be able to check offhome or to take with you if you have to evacuate. The most each item below!important items are: one gallon of water per person, per day;a three-day supply of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food; I know what emergencies ormedical items; flashlight; extra batteries; battery-powered disasters are most likely toor hand-cranked radio; copies of personal documents; occur in my community.cell phones with chargers; family and emergency contact I have a family disaster plan andinformation and maps of the area. Consider the needs of all have practiced it.of the members of your family—children, seniors, people I have an emergencywith functional needs, pets—and add items accordingly. preparedness kit. At least one member of myMake a Plan. household is trained in first aid and CPR/AED. Meet with your household members to discuss how to I have taken action to help myprepare for emergencies likely to happen where you live, community prepare.learn, work and play. Identify responsibilities for eachfamily member. Choose two places to meet if separated The three steps of Be Red Cross Ready can be customizedby an emergency. One right outside your home in case of to fit your unique situation. Find additional American Reda sudden emergency, such as a fire and one outside your Cross tips for caring for specific members of your household,home, in case you cannot return or are asked to evacuate. information on the types of disaster and emergencies thatChoose an out-of-area emergency contact and make sure occur in Indiana and details on our mobile preparedness appsthat all household members have the information in writing at ( in their cell phones. Plan what to do if you have to evacuate • Decide what route you would take and how you would get there. • Practice evacuating your home twice a year. • Plan ahead for your pets. Keep a phone list of pet- friendly hotels/motels and animal shelters.Be informed.Identify how local authorities will notify you during adisaster and how you will get information, whether through26 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

What in the World Has Happened toFUNERAL PRICING?By David Ring, President and Owner, Indiana Funeral CareT he price of funerals has ed requiring funeral businesses to tential customer has no idea how gone through the roof! provide complete itemization of the much a funeral or cremation with Hopefully, you have not charges for services. Furthermore, service may cost until the arrange- had to arrange a funer- funeral homes were and are re- ment conference is complete and al in recent years, but if quired to provide a General Price all the items selected are totaled onyou have…I’m sure you were List to any inquirer, immediately a contract. While stunned, the con-stunned. The increase in the price upon request. Great news, huh? sumer is so emotionally drained,of funerals has only been exceeded Well, yes and no. exhausted and embarrassed thatby the increases in the cost of they won’t spend whatever neces-health care over the past ten to Sure, it is helpful for consumers sary on their beloved family mem-twelve years. What’s driving this? to know the exact cost of each indi- ber, they just accept the $12,000 fu-Why so expensive? vidual service item. But funeral neral bill. They have heard homes have learned to make it funerals are expensive, so they just In 1984 the funeral industry complicated so the consumer has accept it and push forward throughcame under the scrutiny of the Fed- difficulty comparing prices. The the grief and pain.eral Trade Commission. In the in- itemization is so extensive, withterest of consumers, the FTC start- unfamiliar terminology, that the po- Secondly, have you noticed how28 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

massive and luxurious many funer- sounds like they are reasonable, using churches, Legion and VFWal homes have become? Build it drop in and ask for a General Price Posts and public buildings for ser-and they will come! Yes, they are List. Compare the costs or call us vices anywhere central Indiana, webeautiful, but they are also expen- to help you compare. bring high quality, personal servicesive and you know who is paying to a familiar and special place andfor them… and the families Now to our story. I bought Harry save families thousands of dollars.they serve. All of this is hidden in W. Moore Funeral Chapels (our Pastor’s, priests, hospice socialthe details of those complicated family business years ago) from a workers and chaplains discoveredand lengthy General Price Lists. large public company in 2001. our compassionate service at price Based on experience and knowl- levels far below traditional funeral Finally, let’s combine this with edge gained from traveling the homes and started referring fami-large corporations buying funeral country in funeral service, it was lies to us. We are grateful that In-homes. Business volume dropped clear that a low cost funeral and diana Funeral Care by Harry the first half of this year? The cremation alternative was not Moore is the fastest growing funer-big corporations raise prices to re- available in central Indiana. So we al service provider in Indiana nowcover the revenue, because they turned the business model upside serving over 500 families annually.have to meet the earnings expecta- down. Sold all the locations excepttions of their stockholders. If the one, thereby substantially lowering For more information, callvolume recovers, do you think they our overhead, built a private cre- 317-636-6464 or visit our websiteroll back prices? No! They report matory and opened Indiana Funer- earnings and reward the al Care. We then printed color bro-stockholders. Then stockholders chures with pictures and easy toexpect more and you see how the understand package pricing andcycle continues. posted prices on our website. By But now, the consumer is startingto push back. More consumers aregetting smart and comparing pric-es. Most funeral homes have web-sites, but unfortunately, few di-vulge prices online. Lots of puppydogs, butterflies, couples walkingon the beach and pretty pictures,but few prices. There are a lot of very good fu-neral service providers in centralIndiana, but the pricing is all overthe map. The differences in pricescan be staggering. So, what to do? Start shopping inadvance of need. Call your pastoror priest, ask his or her advice onwhich funeral homes to compare.Know a hospice nurse or socialworker? Ask their advice. Theyknow from the families they haveserved which funeral businessesare better priced as well as com-passionate and understanding. Se-lect several funeral homes in yourarea and call them. The FTC rulealso requires them to provide pric-es on the phone when asked. If it Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 29

A RENEWED APPRECIATIONSpring is here. Finally. I think I speak for many of us in Indiana when I say: “Finally we made it through this winter.” A new sense of hope fills the air. That being said, with summer right around the corner, the dreaded “bathing suit weather” is approaching fast and furiously. You may wonder why a food and lifestyle blogger is talking about this. Here’s why: I am the anti-diet person. I just know it doesn’t work whichever way you look at. Life is a balancing act. Life is also about enjoying things you love––in moderation, of course. One thing I know for sure is that eating healthy and balancing your food intake starts at home. I encourage you to cook for yourself and those you love in a renewed sense of appreciation for the gorgeous spring and the summer days ahead. You should savor every bite. This is not about making a chef ’s masterpiece, but simply feeding your body some delicious and healthy food. Spring gives us this sense of freshness we have been missing during the long winter months. Spring gives us brightness and colors we have been longing for while looking at blankets of snow covering the grounds. Let’s cook some scrumptious recipes to feed not only our bodies but our minds.30 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014

Kale salad How to: For the vinaigrette: In aIngredients: large bowl combine your onion, vinegar, lemon juice For the Vinaigrette: and Dijon mustard. Whisk 1/2 onion, minced well. Slowly add your olive oil and continue 2 T . white wine vinegar whisking until you get a smooth consistency. Taste, add your salt 2 T . lemon juice and pepper to your liking. Set aside. 1 t. Dijon mustard For the salad: Prep all your salad ingredients.1/3 c . olive oil *You must thinly slice or chiffonade your kale. salt & pepper to taste Add your kale, red pepper, green onion and parsley to your vinai- grette. Toss everything well and let this sit/marinate for about 10 minutes. The kale will absorb all the wonderful flavors of your vinai- grette and take some of the bitterness out. Add your pine nuts and For the salad: mozzarella (if using) toss well and serve. Kale is a super food, you can easily find it at your local store. If pos- 6 c . fresh kale, thinkly sliced/chiffonade sible, purchase organic kale, which has no pesticide. 1 whole red pepper thinly sliced (or about 6 small peppers) 4 green onions, thinly sliced3/4 c . fresh parsley, roughly chopped1/2 c . toasted pine nuts1/2 c . fresh mozzarella, cubed (optional)Every wonderful day deserves a gorgeous cocktail! Find the recipe for a delicious Lemontiniand over 300 recipes on my blog. Perhaps you will also be tempted by my: Wild Rice Salad Grilled Nectarine Salsa Tasty and Easy! For ice cream, burgers & more! If you like to live, love, cook and be healthy visit us A healthy living and culinary perspective from a French Canadian girl who has been influenced for years by French, Irish, Southern and now Midwestern cooking, surroundings and culture. Enjoy your reading! Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 31

cMhaINlleDng&e yBouOrDYD ancing can be a most enjoyable form of ex- focused on your learning. I challenge all who read this ercise. But, what most people don’t know is article to call us today and schedule a private lesson. You that it also has a large number of health can come with or without a partner. We can guarantee you benefits. Dancing is a great full-out mind two things: one is that you will have a great time on your and body workout. It can make your body lesson, and two that you will be successful with yourand soul feel good in a way that no other exercise can. learning. In fact I would like to invite you to take our in-The benefits of dancing are like no others. It can help you troductory course–– on me. Yes, that’s right; the introduc-loose weight, strengthen and tone your body, increase tory course will be no charge. We want to share our lovestamina and flexibility, improve balance and posture, and of dance with you and we would like for you to know whatproduce confidence––and more! Whether it is dancing we do at Fred Astaire Dance Studios. We are the local ex-the waltz, cha-cha or rumba––dancing can be a great perts in partnership dancing. Where 97% of our studentsform of exercise for anyone. In part, dancing allows you want to be confident social dancers we have students thatto work at your own level of fitness. do shows and competition. In fact, we attend the World Championships every year. Please accept our challenge Researchers believe that dancing can keep your mind to start an active lifestyle and start receiving the incredi-and body healthy as you age. Dancing increases the num- ble benefits of dance.ber of chemicals being produced in the brain to help withthe growth of nerve cells. More importantly, partnershipdancing requires you to learn certain steps that can actu-ally increase your brainpower and help to improve yourmemory skills and reduce the risk of dementia. We have many opportunities to dance in our culture butare typically not prepared to dance. What I mean is that welack the knowledge to walk onto the dance floor with theconfidence to dance due to the fear of being embarrassed.This, in itself, is a great reason to learn how to dance.There is a great quote on dancing from Fred Astaire, thelegendary dancer, where he says, “Some people seem tofeel that good dancers are born, but all the good dancers Iknow are taught or trained.” This is why everyone needs tolearn how to dance with a partner, from a professional inan environment conducive to focusing on the level of the learner and his or her spe- cific needs. Here at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Internation- al, in Indianapolis – South we have eight full-time certified teachers who areFred Astaire Dance Studio2002 East Southport RoadIndianapolis, IN 46227317-783-526032 Indianapolis South LIVING WELL Magazine • Spring 2014 LIFE IN ONE DAY* *With dental implants from Indianapolis Dental Center A revolutionary approach in implant dentistry called Teeth in a Day™ or All-On-4™ is a ONE-DAY process that makes it unnecessary for patients to remove their dentures at night & allows the patient to eat with confidence. Change your life today! Call for more information or to schedule a consultation. See our article on pages 4 & 5317-884-86338445 S. Emerson Ave. Suite 101Indianapolis, IN 46237

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