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Home Explore Holiday homework

Holiday homework

Published by ashwinbhat080, 2021-06-10 08:38:39

Description: Holiday homework


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“There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation.” 1

Dear Students Our history is a reflection of our rich cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is the legacy of cultural resources and intangible attributes of a group or society that is inherited from past generations. Not all legacies of the past generations are \"heritage\", rather heritage is a product of selection by the society. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture - such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art and artifacts, intangible culture such as - folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge, and natural heritage including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity. Our culture reflects in us and is our identity & we need to preserve it for the next generation Let‟s explore & learn more about it - “India is a vast country: it contains multitudes” A country as diverse as India is symbolized by the diversity of its culture. The plurality and multiplicity of the Indian Culture is evident to the whole world as India has one of the world's largest collection of songs, music, dance, theatre, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, languages, dialects, paintings and writings. These are known as the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of humanity. India believes in the adage “Unity in Diversity.” People of different states are living together with different language, culture, and heritage. INSTRUCTIONS: a. The project given is a group activity. The class will be divided into groups of 5 according to the roll numbers allotted by the class teacher. One DIGITAL FLIP BOOK has to be made per group. Presentations for the same will be taken by class teacher and you will share your research work with your peers. Roll no. 1-5 – Group A 6-10 – Group B 11-15 – Group C 16-20 – Group D 21-25 – Group E 26-30 – Group F 31-35 – Group G 2

b. Homework will be assessed on the basis of research, presentation, originality and reflection. c. Holiday homework should be submitted within one week of rejoining the school after summer vacations. d. Make a balanced time table to ensure that learning is fun. e. Read the instructions carefully given in each subject while doing your assignments. f. Use your imagination and creativity for perfect presentation of your work. g. We would appreciate if your work is done by you only. Parents can be facilitators. h. To inculcate reading habit, we would appreciate if you could read newspaper daily and at least one book/storybook (Hindi/English) of your choice per week. The term heritage also applies beyond India to countries around the globe. Pick up any one country which you feel is as rich in heritage as your own country and prepare a ”DIGITAL FLIP BOOK” ( this is one of the sites which you can use to make flip book, you can refer to other similar sites as well Represent the following points:  Location on map  Climate  Population  Literacy rate  Per capita income  Major occupation  Scientific development  Famous personalities  Type of government  Languages spoken  Famous monuments  Tourist places  Cuisine  Festivals  Religion  passport mandates  Foreign exchange rate as per your country 3

Next, create a plan for yourself, to visit any tourist destination of the same country which you chose earlier and your friend from that country would like to visit your country i.e., India. Now prepare a comparative analysis and make a tourist package for two weeks on the basis of your country‟s currency which includes  airfare  hotels  visa  meals  sightseeing  adventure activities  Represent above information in the form of pie chart.  Prepare a travel brochure for the same.  आऩ विदेश भ्रमण के लऱए गए हंै। िह ंा के सुप्रलसद्ध इम रतों के लऱए एक आकर्षक विऻ ऩन तैय र करंे। Doing it in the right spirit with enthusiasm will make it a great learning experience. Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric, Formal Setting Non-verbal skills (Poise) 5 4 3 21 Generally Somewhat Comfort Relaxed, easy comfortable comfortable Generally Completely presentation uncomfortable, uncomfortable, with minimal appearance, appearance, difficulty with lack of flow to Hesitation occasional some hesitation flow of presentation, hesitation frequent presentation hesitation Evaluation Ease of Occasional Some tension Tense body Tension and Confidence movement, mistakes but Nervousness minimal recovers noted, stiff language, Are obvious, Evaluation tension quickly multiple Connection body language frequent Mistakes Evaluation mistakes Generally reading from Frequent eye Consistent eye Some eye Minimal eye notes without contact, eye contact or contact, readily contact, uses contact, frequently connection with using notes Audience Engages notes dependent on Audience infrequently notes 4

Verbal skills 5 4 32 1 Clarity Clear, easy to Occasionally Audience must Unclear, Loses understand difficult to put forth effort difficult to audience‟s Evaluation understand to listen, poor understand attention due to Volume pronunciation lack of clarity Evaluation Easy to hear, Overall Generally Difficult to Generally doesn‟t appropriate, audible, often hear, poorly inaudible, not some hard to hear positioned using audio overpower sentences trail audio equipment off or arehard equipment audio to hear equipment Content 54 3 21 Information Generally Well-versed in Overall comfortable Basic Unfamiliar Evaluation with material, Organization subject, command of able to understanding with subject answer most Evaluation responds to Subject questions of material, but matter, Visuals/Graphics questions with matter, mastery not unable to Evaluation further responds to evident answer explanation questions on Questions abasic level Logical, Generally Overall Difficult to No clear interesting, clear, overall organization to clearly easy for organized but follow, material, delineated audience to themes and themes and follow sequence is confusing ideas are ideas disjointed difficult to sequence of follow information Easy to read, Easy to read, Somewhat Hard to read, No value additive to reinforced difficult to confusing or added to presentation presentation read unclear presentation, detracted from Talk ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 5

ENGLISH: Our tangible culture has to be protected as it is our heritage. The different departments in the Ministry of Culture play a critical role in protection of our heritage and culture. Imagine yourself as a news reporter from Virasat News Channel, you have been given the task of creating a documentary on the role of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in protecting Indian monuments and Heritage. Create a video documentary with voice over sharing your findings. Your documentary should not be more than 5 minutes long. I. Also write an inspiring social media message for the youth of India inspiring them to be part of „The Virasat Project‟ which aims to involve youth in the protection and preservation of Indian monuments. II. You recently got to meet your pen friend who came to visit India for a cultural exchange programme. You spent a lot of time with him/her and visited one the wonders of the world. He/She was pleased with your hospitality. Make a diary entry in 100 words about the same. Ensure that the diary entry is reflective of your feelings and experiences while meeting your friend HINDI: \"अतिथि देवो भवः\" भारि की ववरासि का एक महत्वपूर्ण अगं है, इसकी महत्िा को समझिे हुए भारिीय ववरासि मंे इसकी भमू मका दर्ाणिे हुए एक ररपोर्ण ियै ार करें। MATHEMATICS: 6

laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics. -Galileo Galilei We can find mathematics around us everywhere like in music, cooking, nature especially in construction and architecture. So, you have to pick any five monuments from India or around the world and conduct a research on how Mathematics is used in these monuments. Explain which concepts of Mathematics are used in these monuments. Express your research in the form of online flash cards. Following link is the example of site used for online flash cards: Prepare a small quiz on the basis of your research work for your peer group. RUBRICS FOR MATHS RESEARCH WORK Objectives 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points Needs 1 Point Total CONTENT Excellent Good some Need much Points Improvement Improvement Research WORK PRESENTATION CREATIVITY QUIZ Total Points COMMENTS SCIENCE Topic: “Exploring Indian Culture through Food” India is known for it‟s diversity and culture. Indian cuisines are greatly influenced by availability of spices locally, variations of climatic conditions, variations of soil, tradition and culture etc. The cuisines of North India are quite different from the south in terms of method of cooking style and delicious taste.  Do a research work on different “Mouth – watering traditional Cuisines” of 5 states of India.  Interview at least five people of different states and find out about their traditional food. 7

 What spices and raw materials do they use to prepare it?  Mention the botanical names of spices used in cooking.  Also find out the origin of these food and their health benefits.  Find out why a certain food is more famous in that particular state.  Trace the connect between seasons and food, natural resources in different states and their impact on the traditions related to food. Instructions:  All the information collected in research work should be hand written on colored A4 size sheets state wise.  Also video document your interviews and reflect on the experience and your learnings about food and culture across India  Paste/draw pictures relevant to the topic to enhance the presentation of your work. RUBRICS FOR RESEARCH WORK 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points Needs 1 Point Total Excellent Good some Objectives Improvement Need much Points Question/goal Improvement Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Conclusion/Summary Communication Reflection Total Points COMMENTS Biology:  Make an innovative Powerpoint presentation (at least 10 slides) on the contribution of different biologists in „Discovery of Cell‟ along with structure and function of any two organelles. 8

(Nucleus, mitochondrion, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Golgi Apparatus etc).  Use custom animation, slide transition features while preparing the slides. RUBRICS FOR PRESENTATION Objectives 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points Needs 1 Point Question/goal Excellent Good some Need much Total Improvement Improvement Points Research/Gathering information (if relevant) Conclusion/Summary Presentation/ Skill Reflection Total Points COMMENTS Physics: 1. Prepare a chart on different types of motion in our daily life. 2. Joseph jogs from one end A to the other end B of a straight 300 m road in 2 minutes 30 seconds and then turns around and jogs 100 m back to point C in another 1 minute. What are Joseph‟s average speeds and velocities in jogging (a) from A to B and (b) from A to C? 3. An insect moves along a circular path of radius 10 cm with a constant speed. If it takes 1 min to move from a point on the path to the diametrically opposite point, find (a) the distance covered, (b) the speed, (c) the displacement, and (d) the average velocity. 9

4. The graph given below is the velocity-time graph for a moving body. Find (i) velocity of the body at point C (ii) acceleration acting on the body between A and B (iii) acceleration acting on the body between B and C (iv)find the displacement of the body from A to B and then B to C. 5. The velocity-time graph (see below Figure) shows the motion of a cyclist. Find (i) its acceleration (ii) its velocity and (iii) the distance covered by the cyclist in 15 seconds. Chemistry: 1. A colourless liquid is thought to be a pure compound. Analysis of three samples of the material yield the following results. Could the material be a pure compound? Explain. 10

2. Give the symbol for the following by explaining reason: (i) Al atom and its ion (ii) O atom and its ion 3. Give one example each of (i) Monovalent cation (ii) Bivalent cation (iii) Monovalent anion (iv) Bivalent anion 4. Give the names of the elements present in the following compounds: (a) Quicklime (b) Hydrogen bromide (c) Baking powder (d) Potassium sulphate. 5. Fill in the missing data in the table: FRENCH: France, Qu'est-ce que c'est la France d'après vous ? C'est le perfum, le fromage, le vin, La tour Eiffel, la cuisine et La gastronomie ( Art of cooking)….etc. Like India, France is also famous for its cuisine, dishes so this time you are going to research about French people‟s food habits, their traditions and rituals, famous French dishes , their origin and recipe of any one dish. Learning Outcomes:  To know about the food habits and traditions of the target language.  Get acquainted with the specialties and their recipe. 11

Rubrics  Presentation and originality – 2 Marks Content accuracy. – 2 Marks Viva. – 1 Mark SOCIAL SCIENCE PROJECT WORK (GROUP ACTIVITY) 1. ARAVALI DISASTER MANAGEMENT TEAM 2. The project given is a Group activity. Groups of students to form a Disaster Management Team for Aravali 3. Following are the key areas based on which each team will prepare a Disaster Management Plan to create awareness and preparedness among the community a. Key goals of the group b. Types of disasters which will be managed by the Disaster Management Team c. Awareness building mechanism (Create awareness in about different disasters, their consequences and management d. Mentors' guidance and their roles e. Plan for inspiring participation of Aravali students in the disaster mitigation plan. 4. Each team should prepare Disaster Management Plan through identifying hazards like earthquake, landslide, fires, floods, cyclones COVID 19 etc., analyse the structural safety requirements of the school for various hazards (earthquake, fire, floods, cyclone, etc.), assessment of the vulnerability of the school, and explore remedial measures to be taken and lay down the process for regular updating of the plan 5. The plan should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students 6. If possible, different forms of art may be integrated in the plan. 7. The total length of the Plan should not be more than 10-15 A-4 size sheets. 8. The report can be presented in a neatly bound simple folder or scrap book or Ppt 9. Homework will be assessed on the basis of research, presentation and reflection. 10. The following links can be used for research work : a. b. c . 11. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Plan is as follows: S. No. Aspects Marks 12

a Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2 b Presentation and creativity 2 c Viva Voce 1 COMPUTER:  Design a poster in MS-Word based on “The Cultural Heritage of India”. POSTER should include all the tools done in class. The sample for the poster is: Tools to be used: 1. Crop tool 4. Image formatting 2. Merge tool 5. Text wrapping 3. Page formatting option 6. Gradient effect 13

 Do some research work on the topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Based on your research work done create a presentation on Power Point. Assessment Criteria COMPUTER Tools used(5), Presentation(3), Creativity(2) SANSKRIT ववश्व प्रमसद्ध चत्वारः विर सत न ां सांकलऱत कृ त्ि प्रत्येकंा उऩरर ऩञ्च ि क्य नन लऱखत। Learning objectives:  ऩिू ष ऻ नस्य ऩरीऺणां  अनसु ंाध न विध नसु रंा क यःष  मलू य ाकं नम ् Outcomes:  प्र चीन सांस्कृ तस्य स हहत्यऩररचयः अवऩ भविष्यनत  प्र चीन एनतह लसक विर सत न ंा ऩररचय: Rubric:  प्रस्तुतीकरणम ्  विर्य नसु र अिबोधनम ् ART OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE- Culture plays an important role in the development of any nation. ... India has one of the world's largest collections of songs, music, dance, theatre, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, paintings and writings that are known, as the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' (ICH) of humanity. One of the many purposes of art was to spread the word around about the king and glorify his deeds. Good art symbolized the prosperity of many an empire in ancient India. Most of the art was produced to promote religious activities. Madhubani art (or Mithila painting) is a style of Indian painting, practiced in the Mithila region of the Indian subcontinent. This painting is done with a variety of tools, including fingers, twigs, brushes, nib- pens, and matchsticks and using natural dyes and pigments. The art not only depicts the social structure but also the cultural identity of the land with its depictions on themes of religion, love and fertility. Madhubani paintings are among the most famous paintings in the world. This popular art of the Mithila region expresses the creativity and sensitivity of its people. 1. Prepare any 2 Madhubani painting by your own, Examples given below: 14


MANDALA: A mandala, which is Sanskrit for “circle” or “discoid object,” is a geometric design that holds a great deal of symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. ... While extraordinary as a standalone work of art, mandalas hold symbolic and meditative meaning beyond their vibrant appearance. 1. Understanding of polygons and apply geometry skills. Synthesize the history and cultural background of mandalas. Apply knowledge of polygons and understanding of mandalas to design their own mandalas. Design mandalas with the incorp oration of polygons, symmetry, and colour schemes. 2. Prepare any two Mandala on A3 size sheet. 16

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