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Lepelle Review NOVEMBER

Published by nakampel66, 2021-12-02 08:39:09

Description: Lepelle Review NOVEMBER

Keywords: Our November edition (Issue 34)


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LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 2 NOVEMBER 2021 Continue from page 1 for their sterling work. include Ga-Malomane Regrav- Department to excel in the “These are men and women elling Team of Sekhukhune various responsibilities, and LIMPOPO Public Works, Roads who went beyond the call of and the Human Resource De- contribute to the work of mak- and Infrastructure MEC, Na- duty in demonstrating their velopment Team who also won ing the people of Limpopo feel mane Masemola has commitment to improve the the Gold Award for Best and experience the impact of congratulates various depart- lives of the most ordinary Support and also won a Plati- services, and deliver a better mental teams for scooping The people of the province,” pointed num Award for provincial overall life in line with the policy of Premier's Service Excellence out winner in the category. the Awards. Masemola. The MEC used this opportunity government of the day. Masemola’s congratulations The department’s winning team to urge the entire team of the comes after two teams of the department won three awards EDITORIAL DIRECTOR LIMPOPO WITNESSES A SIGNIFICANT DROP IN NUMBER Nakampe Lekwadu OF CONFISCATED ILLEGAL GAMBLING MACHINES 071 562 1847 LIMPOPO Economic Develop- bling Industry (Casinos, Bingos, numbers of machines confiscat- take place Bosveld Scrap Met- [email protected] ment, Environment and Tourism Bookmakers, and Route Opera- ed as well as observation of als, 23 Staal Street Ext 10, together with Limpopo tors) will today crush confiscat- November as Responsible Ladana in Polokwane from GRAPHIC AND LAYOUT Gambling Board celebrates a ed illegal gambling machines in Gambling Month. 11am. Lebogang Maredi milestone achievement in a celebration of both the drop in The event on November 12 will 071 561 0422 battle against illegal gambling activities. The raids and inter- [email protected] ventions conducted against illegal gambling facilities have SALES & MARKETING resulted in a significant drop in the number of illegal gambling Maredi Lebogang machines confiscated. 0715610422 Although both the Department [email protected] and Limpopo Gambling Board are confident that the positive REPORTERS drop in illegal gambling activi- Thandi Meoko ties witnessed during 2020/21 Lerato Mphahlele financial period is due to intensified interventions, raids ONLINE conducted as well as consistent Cornet Mahlakwana awareness campaigns hosted against illegal gambling, it will 071 561 0422 be ingenuous not to applaud [email protected] the self-correcting characteristics brought upon EDITOR by various levels of lockdown Thabang Phasha within our national state of disaster. NEWS EDITOR The Limpopo Gambling Board Tumi Molapo (LGB), LEDET and the Gam- ADMINISTRATOR COLLECT YOUR R350 GRANT FROM Mohlapa Kgope PICK N Pay, BOXER OR POST OFFICE ON SOCIAL MEDIA THE South African Post Office Agency (SASSA) confirming since welcomed the move and receive an SMS from SASSA Facebook: Lepelle Review (SAPO) has announced that ap- their collection payout point as said it will relieve pressure on confirming their successful WhatsApp: 071 562 1847 proved recipients of the R350 either Pick n Pay or Boxer. its Post Offices. application. Twitter: @Lepellereview Social Relief of Distress (SRD)  A grant beneficiary will Website: grant can now collect their ben- “Pick n Pay and Boxer are According to SAPO, Pick n Pay receive an SMS message from Email: lepellereview9@gmail. efit from Pick n Pay and Boxer proud to assist grant beneficia- and Boxer do not manage the SASSA confirming the com stores nationwide from Wednes- ries access their funds more application and approval of collection point and advising day, 22 September. conveniently and safely, ensur- grant funds, or when and on the day of collection. Lepelle Review is printed under the ing they receive much-needed where collections can be  The beneficiary must take banner of Naka Media in partnership However, according to the na- relief quicker than before,” made. their ID and physical cellphone with with Motsatsi Motors Group tional postal service, this is only said Pick n Pay’s Head of Om- along to the store when open to grant recipients who nichannel, John Bradshaw. “This process is run entirely by collecting their grant. Lepelle Review subscribes to the have received an SMS from the Postbank,” it explained.  Enter ID number and the Code and Ethics and Conduct for South African Social Security The national postal service has Pick n Pay collection points ex- registered SASSA cellphone the South African Print and Online cludes BP Pick n Pay Express, number at the till point to Media that prescribes news that Pick n Pay Clothing and Pick n confirm the funds are available is truthful, accurate, fair and bal- Pay Liquor stores. for collection. anced. If we don’t live up to the SAPO said during the previous  Beneficiary immediately Code, within 20 days of the date of payment period of SRD grants, receives a USSD message to publication of the material, please about five million South which they must approve on contact the Public Advocate at Africans received the grant their cell phone before the 011-484 3612, fax 011-484 3619. each month. cash is handed over. You can also contact our Case  Beneficiaries will never be Officer on khanyim@ombudsman. Here is a step-by-step process asked to enter personal infor- or lodge a complaint on our to collect the SRD grant from mation on their cell phones website Pick n Pay or Boxer: or to click on a link. – SAnews.  The grant applicant will

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 3 NOVEMBER 2021 LTA PARTNERS WITH BABIRWA GOLF CLUB TO PROMOTE LIMPOPO GOLF TOUR- ISM AND THE ENVISAGED GOLF PASSPORT FOR WATERBERG DISTRICT LIMPOPO PROVINCE, BELA- will be valid for two years from BELA: Limpopo Tourism Agency date of purchase, giving (LTA) has been hard at work to golfers the opportunity to play promote Limpopo Golf Tourism four rounds of golf at any of the as well as to raise awareness on participating golf resorts the envisaged Golf Passport over the two-year period. The for all golf courses in the Water- vision for Limpopo is to grow berg District. The activation was the sport to attract the highest conducted at Zebula Golf Estate level of PGA and professionals and the less known Babirwa from South Africa and abroad Golf and Bush Lodge on the 5th with the goal of staging an and 6th November 2021 respec- event the size of the Nedbank tively. -The Agency partnered Golf Challenge. The Chairper- with Dipekwa Golf Club for son of the LTA Board, Mr. An- purposes of promoting drew Dipela, at the price giving Limpopo Golf and Safari Route ceremony at Babirwa Golf and and sports tourism in the Bush Lodge said, “We as LTA Waterberg. LTA saw this as an are happy that we have part- opportunity for creating more nership with Babirwa Golf and awareness about the Golf and Bush Lodge. For this partner- Safari Route under Sport and ship to grow, it will require golf Wildlife Cluster. The activation clubs like Dipekwa to join us took place against the backdrop in partnership to promote golf of a successful launch of the tourism in Limpopo. This part- 2021 Summer Campaign that nership has arisen because we took place over the past two have a programme of promot- weeks in Phalaborwa. LTA un- ing the Limpopo Golf and Safari dertook to take the campaign to Route in Limpopo and Water- all the other four districts of the berg alone has affiliated eight province through activations to golf course that are part of this promote Limpopo as a suitable strategy. The Waterberg Dis- and leading tourism destination trict boast several unique golf in the country. The partnership courses that offer golf tourism of LTA and Babirwa Golf and experience compared to none. Bush Lodge will be beneficial This means that the money put for both parties with Babirwa in marketing, The Chairperson Golf and Bush Lodge being of the LTA Board, Mr. Andrew used as a platform to promote Dipela, at the price giving cere- Limpopo Golf Tourism in the mony at Babirwa Golf and Bush province. The establishment will Lodge said, “We as LTA are in the process gain popularity happy that we have partnership with more rounds of golf being with Babirwa Golf and Bush played at this less known golf Lodge. For this partnership to course. Mr. Tebogo Mogashoa, grow, it will require golf clubs who is the owner of this exqui- like Dipekwa to join us in part- site five-star establishment in nership to promote golf tourism the Waterberg District, was very in Limpopo. This partnership excited and thanked LTA that the has arisen because we have a establishment got an opportunity programme of promoting the to host a round of golf as that Limpopo Golf and Safari Route would help promote the estab- in Limpopo and Waterberg lishment and the 18-hole golf alone has affiliated eight golf course, which was less known course that are part of this before the two-legged Golf Tour- strategy. The Waterberg Dis- ism activation. The establish- trict boast several unique golf ment is the second black-owned courses that offer golf tourism after Euphoria in the same experience compared to none. District, Waterberg. “It is exciting This means that the money put to be a part of this partnership in marketing, domestically and as this will help promote the golf internationally bring a lot of course and the establishment. return to the Waterberg District. I hope this will bring in num- We will launch a Golf Passport bers of people to this facility for in January 2022 at Coro Kreek leisure tourism including golf”. I Golf Estate in Modimolle and wish to leave this to LTA to do its this will include all the eight golf work by helping us market this courses in the Waterberg golf product”, said Mogashoa. belt”. Dipela further invited all Limpopo Golf and Safari Route, golfers and those from outside which was since launched for Limpopo Province to be part of the first time in 2014 will now thisexciting event. include the Golf Passport which

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 45 NOVEMBER 2021 MODEL PHOMOLO TJIE NEEDS YOUR HELP TO COMPETE AT INTERNATIONAL CONTEST world and Phomolo said Limpopo, the 22 year-old becoming one of the contestant fidence, to make an impact is also an aspiring fashion is being able to be an inspira- in your own community and be designer apart from being a tion, showing culture and able to recognise your strong beauty empowerment. abilities and skills while we still pageant model. young,\" she said Phomolo added that: \"Well I AFTER taking a break from elling world. Phomolo has this to say about For her to compete further in want to still continue my run in modelling competitions, Pho- Born and bred in the capital city herself: \"I am the founder of this competition, she needs being the epitome of change molo Tjie is back with a bang to of the defunct Lebowa home- Ashes To Beauty Foundation in support and help from people to to mesmerise her peers the mod- land, Lebowakgomo in helping children and the youth help her raise funds amounting the youth about how they to know the importance of cre- R3000 to meet the requirements should take on life. ating a path that will be safe of competing at the Miss and a girl’s dignity in the com- International South Africa Stage You start somewhere and you munity. which will be held at Emperors follow your own lead. Palace from December 10- And that’s how you start with I’m a part time self-employed 12 this year. being a leader.\" business owner called PML \"That weekend I want to go Bank Details to donate funds BEAUTY and still to further my there to represent and be able Capitec studies in fashion.\" to win the title and leave that Acc Holder: Ms P Tjie She added: \"Today after a year mark and be able to go to repre- Acc Number: 1577649670 of break from my passion deal- sent my country South Africa. Contact number: ing with the pandemic scares I believe that many young girls 0723370424 ,maintaining my mental health and boys don’t have the right For more information if you and mourning for my late fa- financial support or selfconfi- want to come support in ther, I feel determined to dence person at Emperors Palace, continue to strive for my pas- to place in big pageant like this. tickets for sion which I started in 2015 But I want to break that stigma preliminary show on Friday which is being part of the and be able to go and compete 10th December 2021 are beauty at my level best. available at computicket at pageant world.\"\" R150. She is Miss International South I’ve been able to create my own Africa Finalist today represent- beauty pageants in my commu- Grand Finale Show on Sunday ing her beautiful province. nity teaching many young 12th December 2021 at R300 Miss International is the 4th girls and boys on how important (VIP R500). largest beauty pageant in the it is to be able to have self-con- BRAND SA ANNOUNCES THIRD WIN- NER IN WOMEN EMPOWERMENT i-LEAD has been announced Patak-Harie was appreciative as the third winner of the on- for the recognition, saying, “We going Brand South Africa are excited to be 2021 Play Your Part Awards in receiving the Women Empow- the category - Women Em- erment award! Thanks to your powerment. recognition, more The focus of this category women and children will be was to highlight women em- reached through our Violence powerment programmes that Prevention programs. It aim to uplift, protect and em- matters to every one of them power women mentally, physi- that we take the power we have cally and socioeconomically. and use it to create i-LEAD is an initiative that change. Thank you Brand South excels on all those fronts. Africa for championing this!” I-LEAD teaches women self- Patak-Harie noted that there are defencefor social good. Their two upcoming events in October programmes are designed to that i-LEAD is help those affected by facilitating in order to combat gender based violence and gender-based violence, and that human trafficking overcome the i-LEAD team trauma, with the end goal has already made plans on of equipping them to re-enter what to do with the R5000 cash the world with confidence and prize that comes with strength. the award. Risha Patak-Harie, the Nominations in the Nation Pride founder and executive director category are now open, and if of i-LEAD, was very grateful you know someone upon hearing the good news, deserving of this recognition, and hoped that the publicity nominate or enter the Brand for the initiative would South Africa 2021 Play allow for a wider audience Your Part Awards today. reach.

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 5 NOVEMBER 2021 PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONER LOUDS FCS ON SECURING LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST THE Provincial Commissioner to Police Station to report the of Police in Limpopo Lieutenant matter. A case of rape was General Thembi Hadebe has opened and the accused was hailed the Mokopane Family arrested Violence and Sexual Offences immediately. (FCS) unit for securing a life The case was transferred to imprisonment sentence handed Mokopane Family Violence down to convicted child rapist in and Sexual Offences (FCS) the Mokerong Regional Court unit, recently. assigned to Sergeant Tina The hefty sentence emanates Motsimbi (Pictured) from an incident that took place Following thorough investiga- on 02 July 2021, where the ac- tion, the accused was found cused guilty of rape and ultimately raped his 11-year-old niece after sentenced she visited him at his house in to life imprisonment. Mosesetjane, Ga-Kgobudi vil- The Provincial Commissioner lage has praised the investigating under the Mokopane policing officer for her diligence which area.After committing the hei- paid nous crime, the accused accom- off as the accused was perma- panied nently removed from society.\" the victim to her home in the This will send a strong mes- same village where she stays sage to all with her grandmother. He then the perpetrators who abuse confessed to the crime and and take advantage of the pleaded for forgiveness. vulnerable group including The following day, on 03 July women and 2021 the grandmother together children,\" said Lieutenant Gen- with the victim and accused eral Hadebe. went

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 6 NOVEMBER 2021 TUMELO NTSOANE IS PLEADING FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO ACHIEVE HER DREAM IN THE MTSA 2022 A young girl from Mashite better South Africans. village, Ga-Mphahlele in the great platform to help me be As a build-up to the competi- province of Limpopo, Tumelo able to tion, Tumelo is planning to have Ntsoane has her eyes over showcase what I advocate for engagement programmes such national modelling title which is transformation,” said as modelling lessons for young This after the 17 year-old made the confident Tumelo. models in her community, char- it through to the Semi-Finalists ity cases and again having of Miss Teenager South Her plea to Limpopeans is that LIVE interviews on Instagram Africa (MTSA) 2022. they should rally behind her so every Sunday at 7pm with local that she can proceed to the game changers after her final Tumelo believes that her finalists round by simply voting examination. achievement as the competi- for her. “ tion’ semi-finalist is not by Having had to face bullying has “The aim of these live shows is mistake, been one of the biggest con- to inspire and motivate our gen- hence she is full of hopes that tributors to my confidence and eration to take up space and she has stand a good chance determination as I took my stop dreaming their lives and of making her presence felt in imperfection and turned them live their dreams. Most topics this competition. to my strengths. will be focusing on transformation of lives which I “I am a young empowered I aim to be a key highly believe will be of good and dynamic girl that aims to player in transforming the lives value to their mental health as change the livelihoods of our of our present and future gen- the mind is the power house,” teenagers to the next best eration to help them take she adds. level. The pageant will be a ownership and control of their lives in order for them to be TUMELO NTSOANE IS PLEADING FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO ACHIEVE POLICE LAUNCH HER DREAM IN THE MTSA 2022 SEARCH OPERATION TO LOCATE A MISSING WOMAN LEBOWAKGOMO- THE Police investigation and search Police in Lebowakgomo have operations were conducted in launched a search operation the surrounding areas for a including at friends and rela- missing woman, Tekt Mulao tives without success. aged 29, residing at Makotsi, Anyone with information about GA-Ledwaba village. the missing person may contact She was allegedly last seen by the investigating officer her husband at their homestead Lieutenant Colonel Nya- on 26 October 2021 at about manyawo Thomas Baloyi 06:00 in the morning.There is on 0825658234, Crime stop no information about the type of number clothes she was wearing 0860010111 or the nearest po- during her disappearance. lice station or MySAPSApp.

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 7 NOVEMBER 2021 UMANJI COMMEMORATION WILL BE THE BIGGEST CENTRE OF ATTENTION THIS FESTIVE SEASON THE month of December is the day include the Queen of known for festivities and a suit- Manyalo Music, Pleasure of the able time for family gatherings Lefotwane hit, Modiidi wa across the country after a matepe hitmaker Majoy (well lengthy eleven months of hard known as Rakgadi Joyce on work. Skeem One of the biggest celebration Saam), Greeco, Fourman and in the Lepelle-Nkumpi is argu- many more. ably the Umanji Legacy WHO WAS UMANJI ? Movement’s Commemoration UMANJI was born Maruti scheduled to take place on De- Johannes Nkuna in 1968 at cember 4 at Hlakano village’s Hlakano village, Zebediela in Mandebele Sports Ground, the province of Limpopo. Zebediela. As a small boy growing up This year’s event which marks in a rural village, Umanji was the third celebration since its steeped in a love of nature and inaugural in 2018 will be the celebrated in three folds with traditional Tsonga music the music festival as the main around him. Interestingly attraction. Umanji was the nickname Event director, Umbrella said given by his the event will kick as early as friends after watching the film 6am with a Fun Walk, followed ‘Jumanji’ starring Robin Wil- by sports activities which liams. include football and netball The village troubadour was among the sporting codes. “We Malose Digale, a man who had all a lasting impression on the know that a healthy mind need young a healthy body, hence we have boy and was later to prove very today. The title was Umanji’s call for Hinting at West African and even lined up these kinds of influential in his life. Idolising ‘Moloi/The Witch’ was released people to stop killing women Arabic sounds, and spurred on activities such as Fun Walk Malose, the young Umanji was in the middle of 1999, and with considered to be witches. by radio friendly songs like and sports activities so that set on becoming a musician, Umanji’s rich yet light tenor Umanji’s deep understanding ‘Buti Risenga’ & ‘Nsati’, the everyone of us can have a at primary school playing on a and socially conscious lyrics and appreciation of African album saw Umanji receive a fresh mind ‘traditional’ oil tin guitar. “Ever (sung in Xitsonga, Northern melodies and harmony - his coveted ‘Best Newcomer’ finalist ahead of the main event which since I can remember I’ve lived Sotho, Zulu and English) and deeply rooted ‘Afro Soul’ - stood nomination at SAMA awards is music,” pointed out Umbrel- for my music. I asked this fel- folkish out in an industry and nation back then. He passed on 28 la, the younger brother of the low if he could teach me how to guitar, the album was quickly sometimes obsessed with February 1997. late Umanji. play his real guitar, but he acclaimed by both critics and overseas influences and cul- Biography based on original Among top performers on refused initially”, recalls Umaji the public. ture. release by BMG. A 28 YEAR OLD ACCUSED SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR RAPING 12 YEAR OLD CHILD members who assigned to Sergeant Mbavhalelo THE Musina Regional Court re- 27 July 2021 in the evening, threatened her with violence. were searching for her and she Vhengani. cently sentenced a 28 year old while the victim was waiting He then dragged the child into told them about the incident. The The Provincial Commissioner man to life imprisonment after for her an abandoned house where he accused was arrested the Lieutenant General Thembi he was convicted for raping a sister at Tshiungani village un- raped her.The victim man- following day. Hadebe has applauded the 12 year old child during July of der Muswodi policing area, the aged to escape and on her The case was transferred to Mu- Investigating officer for the splen- 2019. The court found that on accused approached and way home, she met her family sina Family Violence and Sexual did job done in ensuring that the Offences Unit (FCS) and rapist is incarcerated.

Review ISSUE NO 34 Sports NOVEMBER 2021 FIXTURES FOR 2021 SASOL LEAGUE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP RELEASED THE South African Football Association (SAFA) and Sasol in regular competitive football We are elated that they have national play offs have for years backdrop of our women teams recently launched this year’s throughout the year. The other come through this pro- worked as a feeder for our vari- having done well on the eagerlyNanticipated instalment top teams will receive: gramme”, ous national set ups especially continent – Banyana Banyana of the Sasol League Champion- · Runners-up: R100 000.00 Mbatha added. the junior national teams. Of winning the inaugural Aisha ship scheduled to take place · Position 3: R60 000.00 “This platform will also allow late, it has also become the ma- Buhari Cup 7 - 12 December at Princess The champions and runners- our footballers to display their jor provider for new talent in the in Nigeria to become the best Magogo and King Zwelithini up of the Sasol League craft and skills with the hope of Hollywoodbets Super League. team in Africa and Mamelodi Stadiums in Durban. National Championship will being noticed by talent scouts, “This year’s national play offs Sundowns Ladies winning the The Sasol League Champion- also gain including the coach of the will have an added incentive in CAF ship will see the nine provincial promotion to the Hollywood- National team, who graced the sense that the two Provin- Women’s Champions winners of the Sasol League bets Super League. “We are some of cial League”, Dr Jordaan con- battle it out for the honour of truly proud that our launch our league matches during the teams that reach the finals will cluded. being crowned Sasol League comes season. We wish them luck as be promoted into Hollywood- Sasol recently extended their National Champions, with the after former Sasol League they demonstrate their limitless bets Super League to bring the relationship with SAFA for ex- winning Champions Mamelodi Sun- resilience and may the best total number of teams from 14 tra four years, reiterating their team walking away with a cool downs Ladies clinched the team win”, Mbatha concluded. to 16. commitment and contribution R200 000.00 for their efforts. inaugural CAF SAFA President, Dr Danny “Durban will be abuzz with to the progression of women’s The draw has pitted Ixias FC Women's Champions League. Jordaan said the Sasol League expectations especially in the football in the country. (FS) against Copperbelt FC (LP), TS Galaxy (MP) vs Ts- Thohoyandou Stadium before weni) Gallants (then known as welelang De’ Tshakhuma Tsha Madzivhan- December 15: University of Pre- Tshakhuma Tsha Madzivhan- Scorpion (NW) and City Lads dila could entertain Cape Town toria v Hungry Lions (Tuks) and dila) won the (EC) vs Royal Wizards (NC) on All Stars at the same venue a Platinum City Rovers v Cape competition last season after the first day of the tournament. day later Town a hard-fought 1-0 victory over Nozipho Mbatha, Senior Man- (December 16). Spurs (Olen Park). Chippa United. ager: Group Brand & Sponsor- Another Limpopo side, Polok- Limpopo based side, Marumo ships at Sasol expressed wane City were not that lucky excitement about the return of to be drawn home in these the Championship, following preliminaries intervals of non-activity last year as they will have to travel to because of the country’s lock- KwaZulu-Natal’s King Zwe- down measures, citing that it is lithini Stadium where they have one of the integral components a tricky match of women football in the country. against Richards Bay FC on She stated that Sasol, in part- December 15. nership with SAFA, created the The rest of GladAfrica Champi- league as a platform for female onship’s Nedbank Cup prelimi- footballers to showcase their nary matches are: talent and skills by participating December 14: Jomo Cosmos v Uthongathi (Vosloorus), TS LIMPOPO based clubs which Old Peter Mokaba Stadium. Sporting v JDR Stars (Kabok- are plying their trades in the Those with good memories will National First Division (NFD)’s remember that Lidoda Dhuva’s GladAfrican best moment in this competition Championship should consider was themselves very lucky after in 2011 when they reached the they were drawn at home in the final match of Ke Yona Cup forthcoming preliminary games while they were still campaign- of the Nedbank Cup. ing in the The NFD is expected to decide first division. Leopards who their eight clubs which will rep- lost in that final match, 3-1 to resent this division in the last Orlando Pirates at Mbombela 32 of this Stadium in competition dubbed Ke Yona Mpumalanga’s capital, Nelspruit via these preliminary matches went to participate in the CAF scheduled to take place over Confederations Cup. three days A day later, on December 15 in the second week of the fes- another preliminary match tive month, December. scheduled for the province of The matches starts on Tues- Limpopo will day, December 14 with Black see Venda Football Academy Leopards welcoming Free hosting Pretoria Callies at the State Stars at the

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