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Published by nakampel66, 2021-11-19 21:08:20


Keywords: Lepelle Review (October Issue)


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LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 2 OCTOBER 2021 Continue from page 1 ness about bullying, especially in anti- bullying roadshow which is it was launched in May this year at schools in the second leg of the themed “School Safety – Violence, Tshepana Primary School in Or- Deputy Ministers Dr Reginah roadshow taking place Ga-Ncha- and Bullying Prevention Initiatives,” ange Farm in Gauteng. At its core Mhaule of Basic Education, John beleng for the Limpopo provincial The roadshow will see the Depart- the intervention seeks to mobilise Jeffery of Justice and Constitu- launch of the awareness cam- ments of Basic Education, Social learners, parents, teachers along- tional Development as well as paign. The compact continues to Development, Communication side key stakeholders in promoting Deputy Minister in the Presidency, demonstrate the complexity of the and Digital Technologies, Home a safe learning environment for Pinky Kekana will this week lead problem and the need for coopera- Affairs, Justice and Constitutional quality education, and galvanise the School Safety Roadshow at tion. Once again this shows that Development as well as the South constructive community involve- Jacob Marwale Primary School in indeed ‘’Education is a societal is- African Police and other partners ment in schools to curb incidents of Debeila Section, Ga–Nchabeleng sue’’, hence Government together taking the Anti-Bullying interven- bullying and violence. in Limpopo. with partners commenced the tion on its second roadshow since EDITORIAL DIRECTOR The departments are once again joining forces to raise aware- Nakampe Lekwadu 071 562 1847 BEAUTIES AND BEASTS FACE OFF IN REGENT BUSINESS SCHOOL COMPETITION [email protected] GRAPHIC AND LAYOUT Lebogang Maredi 071 561 0422 [email protected] SALES & MARKETING Maredi Lebogang 0715610422 [email protected] REPORTERS Thandi Meoko Lerato Mphahlele ONLINE Cornet Mahlakwana 071 561 0422 [email protected] EDITOR Thabang Phasha NEWS EDITOR Tumi Molapo ADMINISTRATOR Mohlapa Kgope ON SOCIAL MEDIA Five self-employed beauti- too tough or critical and to help them had the makings of be- wowed the judges and audi- Facebook: Lepelle Review cians are celebrating after raise the contestants’ confi- ing an employer rather than ence. WhatsApp: 071 562 1847 winning REGENT BUSINESS dence. In the end, it was an employee. Twitter: @Lepellereview SCHOOL’s redHUB recent all-round good learning experi- However, they all benefited Website: “shark tank” competition. ence for all of us.” REGENT Some were clearly ‘I will do from getting the experience of Email: lepellereview9@gmail. Simran Mathura, Mercy Ru- BUSINESS SCHOOL, through whatever it takes to make it a what a ‘real’ pitch is like, and com tendo Membe, Danielle Wake- the redHUB unit, ran the pilot success’ people, while others this will pay off when the time lin, Neo Patience Maboe and programme for nine final-year were ‘we and us’ people. comes,” said Essof. The event Lepelle Review is printed under the Naomi Natalie Thubisi were students from the Face-to-Face may have been redHUB's first, banner of Naka Media in partnership the ultimate survivors of the Beauty and Makeup Academy. Although one contestant was but it was not just the entrepre- with with Motsatsi Motors Group contest, and each won R10,000 clearly more inclined towards neurs who benefited from it, as they can use to start their own The aim of the practical “Start- training and empowering others Essof said, “there was also a Lepelle Review subscribes to the small business. ing Your Own Business” course in the beauty sector, all of them little learning for us”. Code and Ethics and Conduct for was to give the students a expressed a desire to own and You can find information about the South African Print and Online Hoosen Essof, operations thorough understanding of what manage their own businesses,” the innovative, relevant gradu- Media that prescribes news that manager: Gauteng at REGENT is required to start and manage said Essof. ate and post graduate courses is truthful, accurate, fair and bal- BUSINESS SCHOOL, said a their own businesses. now available at www.regent. anced. If we don’t live up to the “shark tank” format was chosen The grittiness of the course Design your Future Code, within 20 days of the date of for the competition due to its The CSI initiative invests in was evident when the contes- with REGENT BUSINESS publication of the material, please familiarity, though the REGENT entrepreneurs to drive job cre- tants pitched their ideas to the SCHOOL, a proud member of contact the Public Advocate at one was not quite as harsh as ation, while providing skills to panel. Honoris United Universities. 011-484 3612, fax 011-484 3619. the TV version. develop graduates to become Sent on behalf of REGENT You can also contact our Case employers rather than employ- “Some of the ladies were very BUSINESS SCHOOL by ICom- Officer on khanyim@ombudsman. “We weren't as tough or critical ees. nervous, yet they managed municate. For further informa- or lodge a complaint on our as the TV show, but we thought to do enough to talk their way tion please contact info@icom- website the format lent itself to the oc- “It was quite clear from the through the pitch and the Q&A or visit www. casion. presentations and interactions session. with the ladies that some of We asked the judges not to be A few were very confident and

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 3 OCTOBER 2021 LANGUAGE EXPERTS TO TRANS- LATE BIBLE INTO KHELOBEDU and they have delivered, and The Bible Society of South thousands of people in parts of this means Balebedu Africa and the custodians of the Limpopo. have something that they can Balobedu culture have elected The head of translation at the take with.” a team of language experts to Bible Society of South Africa, The government has recog- translate the Bible into Kh- Dr. Masenyane Baloyi, says is nised the Balobedu Queenship, elobedu. The organisations a proud moment for Balobedu. Queen Modjadji, or the Rain announced this historic step at “We had challenges with the Queen as the Kgapane outside Tzaneen in time to start because there hereditary queen of Balobed, Limpopo. were some people who were but the nation says this is not The team is expected to con- taking long to enough for as long as their clude its work in the next few start the project.” language is not recognised. months. African National Congress Modjadji Queenship recognition The Balobedu nation has long Member of Parliament and a welcomed: been calling on the govern- custodian of Balobedu culture, They say the Queenship rec- ment to recognise Khelobedu Dr. Mathole ognition was supposed to have as one of South Africa’s official Motshekga, says this will lead happened simultaneously with languages. the government towards recog- the recognition of Khelobedu The team to translate the Bible nising their language. as an official language in the into Khelobedu will work closely “It was president Nelson country. with the Bible Society of South Mandela who promised Queen “We are so delighted today Africa and the Pan South Mokope Modjadji the fifth that seeing that the Bible Society of African Language Board. Cur- this government will recognise South Africa has come together rently, the language falls under the Queenship of Balobedu and to translate the Bible from Kh- the Sepedi Khelobedu as the national lan- elobedu. As Balobedu we are dialects. guage and President Zuma and so proud and happy. We feel It is said to be spoken by President Ramaphosa came so fortunate to see this. We are happy for our children because this will help preserve our lan- guage,” says one of the people. The Balobedu also want their language to be taught at schools and not be reduced to a Sepedi dialect. SOURCE: (Koketso Motau-@SABCNews SEKHUKHUNE DISCTRICT MUNICIPALITY TO CELEBRATE ANCESTRAL ARUM LILLY. THE Limpopo Tourism Agency inaugural Ancestral Arum House. tions formed through the is constituted and mandated to (LTA) will join Sekhukhune Lilly celebration which will be The event is billed to take place cooling and solidification of preserve and promote the District Municipality for the graced by the Bapedi Royal on 19th November 2021 at magma or lava. legacy of Sekhukhune land, the Mohlake Valley. The event will The celebration of the blooming region, which naturally be- further be graced by Xuu Ka- season is mission critical as a hooves to it to achieve similarly trina Esau and her delegation platform for knowledge with the legacy of the legend, from Northern Cape Govern- sharing, conservation, aware- and the region that honoured ment, ness, and protection as well as and canonized - King Sekhuk- who will arrive in the Province profiling and positioning Mohlake hune on the 18th November 2021. Valley as a heritage asset and a I. The Bapedi Ancestral Flower tourist attraction. This genome of The objectives of this event are bears much history on the yellow arum lilies (whose to promote the importance of Bapedi interface with flora and botanical name is Zantedeschia vision which was epitomized by fauna Jucunda), endemic to Mohlake King Sekhukhune I and his in their heritage and apprecia- valley, was declared by the leadership, of 'defending the tion of the geography of their late King Thulare III as the territory' which was a grounding development. This is evident in Bapedi Ancestral Flower on 11 principle that led to the develop- the praise poetry of Bapedi October 2020. Ever since ment of Tups City Agro-Econo- nation about Mohlake where declaring the flower, King Thu- my Centre and its success and Bapedi settled around 1651 on lare III joined forces with Tups collaboration manifested by the the City Agro-Economy Centre to overwhelming support and in- summit of Leolo Mountain. The showcase the flower as a token terest towards Bapedi Kingdom; Mohlake Valley on the summit that authentically identify with and to link heritage with ad- of Leolo Mountain is rich in the Bapedi nation. vancement and empowerment endemic plants and animals as- Tups City Agro-Economy Centre of communities. sociated with geological forma-

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 45 08- 27 MAY 2020 RESPONSIBLE GAMBLING MONTH (NOVEMBER) KICKS OFF ITS 2021 PROGRAMME LIMPOPO Gambling Board Limpopo Casino and Gambling ness Facebook, Instagram, and Twit- 2021(date to be confirmed), to (LGB) is required in terms of Act, Act No. 4 of 1996, and re- campaigns. As a result, Webi- ter, to encourage the public not to section 4 of the Limpopo tained in terms of the Limpopo nars will be used as a means encourage debate or discussion engage in illegal gambling Gambling Act no. 3 of 2013 Gambling Act, Act No. 3 of of engaging the public on on matters relating to gambling, activities and discourage to promote awareness on 2013.” B O A R D M E M B E R various including responsible and potential responsible gambling. S : Mr. M.E. Tjiane responsible gambling topics. problem gambling. illegal gambling operators. At To this end and to give effect (Chairperson) - Ms. B.L. Mont- Four Webinars are planned as Education and awareness mes- the same time the messaging to the Memorandum of Agree- jane (Deputy Chairperson) - follows: sages on responsible gambling of the event will educate the ment with the South African Hosi/Adv. K.A. Mahumani Ms. Webinar Date Audience: No- and illegal gambling will be public on how to apply for the Responsible Gambling Foun- M.E. Maditsi - Mr. C.C. Nkadi- vember Responsible Gambling posted on LGB social media different types of licences from dation, the LGB has a pro- meng - Mr. S.M. Maja - Mr J.N. Month: Self-Exclusion and pages throughout the respon- the Limpopo Gambling Board. gram to promote responsible Mpjane - Mr R. Mudogwa Third sible gambling month. Closure of responsible gam- gambling (LEDET) - Mr. M.B. Tema Party Exclusion (Panel Discus- Radio Arrangements will be bling Month - The seventh awareness throughout (Treasury) - Mr. M.G. Makoko sion) In collaboration with the made with provincial or commu- Bingo Site will open in Phal- 2021/22 financial year. As part (Chief Executive Officer) Page South African Responsible nity radio stations for interviews aborwa of the program the LGB will 2 Gambling Foundation. 23 on responsible gambling, town at the end of November participate of 4 As per the Annual Perfor- November 2021, the General problem gambling and illegal 2021(date to be confirmed). in the responsible gambling mance Plan, there will be 14 public, punters, and Licensees gambling. BOARDMEMBERS: month through various activi- responsible gambling aware- Webinar: Panel (a) Gambling Destruction of illegal gambling Mr. M.E. Tjiane (Chairperson) - ties planned for November and ness anonymous perspective (b) machines - The LGB will host a Ms. B.L. Montjane (Deputy December 2021 in collabora- campaigns conducted during The Counsellor’s perspective public event to showcase the Chairperson) - Hosi/Adv. K.A. tion with the SARGF. the 2021/22 financial year. (c) destruction of illegal gambling Mahumani Ms. M.E. Maditsi - The focus of responsible gam- During the quarter ending 31 Problem gambling - Treatment machines during November Mr. C.C. Nkadimeng - Mr. bling month will be to promote December 2021 four respon- perspective 30 November S.M. Maja - Mr J.N. Mpjane - responsible gambling and the sible gambling campaigns are 2021 Webinar: Responsible Mr R. Mudogwa (LEDET) - Mr. impact of problem gambling on planned. Gambling 02 December 2021 M.B. Tema (Treasury) - Mr. families. The key message of The campaigns conducted will Webinar: The impact of Gam- M.G. Makoko (Chief Executive the Campaign is to remind the comprise scheduled respon- bling on families In collabora- Officer) public that gambling is only for sible gambling awareness tion The Bingo site will operate 100 entertainment, to encourage campaigns. The campaigns with the South African Respon- Bingo seats on opening; how- punters to gamble within their will be conducted through dif- sible Gambling Foundation. ever, it is licensed to operate financial limits and to stay ferent activities or means as TBC Page 3 of 4 B O A R D 400 Bingo seats. The Bingo in control of their gambling follows: ME site will employ 26 people from habits. WEBINARS In the advent of M B E R S : Mr. M.E. Tjiane local surroundings and includ- Further to make the public Covid-19 and the related Na- (Chairperson) - Ms. B.L. Mont- ing aware that they must only visit tional Disaster Management jane (Deputy Chairperson) - three people from Groblersdal licensed gambling sites, where Regulations, it will not be pos- Hosi/Adv. K.A. Mahumani Ms. and one from Gauteng. 85% of they have protection from un- sible to conduct public events M.E. Maditsi - Mr. C.C. Nkadi- the employees will be females. scrupulous gambling operators or person to person aware- meng - Mr. S.M. Maja - Mr At the occasion of opening the “Established in terms of the J.N. Mpjane - Mr R. Mudogwa Bingo Site the LGB and the (LEDET) - Mr. M.B. Tema SARGF will be concluding the (Treasury) - Mr. M.G. Makoko Responsible Gambling month (Chief Executive Officer) in Limpopo; however further Social Media has become a responsible gambling aware- popular mode of mass com- ness munication amongst people activities will continue into of all December 2021. ages. Many and varying topics are discussed in these forums. Web pages have been established in the different social media networks, being

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 5 OCTOBER 2021 WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTD TO DO ON ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 1 will see South Africans going to the 6th Local Government Municipal election, and the Independent Electoral Commission has since release a statement about what to do once you are in an election booth. How it works proof that you have registered then be allowed to continue as and your thumbnail is inked. empty ballot booth, mark the  On election day, go to the (e.g. registration sticker), an ordinary voter. ballot paper, fold it so voting station at which you're the Presiding Officer must vali-  Once the voting officer is sat-  The voting officer stamps the that your choice isn't visible and registered (check your voter date your proof of registration. isfied that you have the correct back of the correct number of place the ballot paper in the registration status to find out If he/she is satisfied ID, are a registered official ballot papers ballot box. where you're registered). During with the proof, you must com- voter and have not already (one per election) and gives Note: You can only vote once in national and plete a VEC4 form (national voted, your name is marked off them to you. each election. provincial elections, you can elections) or MEC7 form the roll, your ID is vote at any station countrywide (municipal elections) and will stamped on the second page  Take your ballot paper/s to an but, if you vote at a station outside the province in which you're registered, you can only vote in the national election.  Show your green, bar-coded, South African ID book or a tem- porary identification certificate to the voting officer.  The voting officer checks that your name appears on the vot- ers' roll. If you are not on the voters' roll, but have

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 6 OCTOBER 2021 LIMPOPO TOURISM MONTH ACTIVITIES WRAPPED IN STYLE TO UNLOCK OPPORTUNITIES LIMPOPO Tourism Agency issues but we need to com- September was to drive do- for information on how the Fund for which people can (LTA) and its partners municate more our state of mestic tourism. This was done training qualify to get wrapped up Tourism Month readiness to welcome visitors. by raising awareness and in centre operates. All these funding of up to R20 million, activities in style We need to the process were done to showcase what but most of our people do not recently over two days at the show it more that we are encourage local citizens to Sekhukhune has on offer. do that yet they need funds end of Tourism Month (Sep- ready and prepared and l have travel and explore various tour- The exhibition by SMMEs in especially tember) at Tubatse Crossing tasked the Director General to ism experiences in the prov- the area was a good gesture after being affected by COV- Mall, continue to ince. The by Government to encourage ID-19”. He further pleaded with Burgersfort in Sekhukhune. engage with sector leaders for purpose of the campaign was locals to the audience to come forward The campaign commenced the message to go out that we also to reignite tourism and support their own businesses. and apply on the 29th August 2021 with are ready, our sector is ready travel in the province as part of Encouraging was to note for these funds which Govern- the launch of and our rolling out that other products were sold ment is assisting to facilitate for Tourism Month activities at workers in the sector are being the tourism recovery plan which thereby them to access with ease. the new establishment, Black vaccinated”. MEC Thabo Mokone endorsed exhibitors being able to make The Chairperson of the LTA Aloe Waterfront Resort, at Mr. Fish Mahlalela was in last year. revenue, but major winners Board, Mr. Andrew Dipela, who Letebejane Burgersfort to support the MEC Tourism Month was wrapped in were those whose products got was the programme director at Village in the Ephraim Mo- of Limpopo Department of style with a plethora of activi- deals with the gale Municipality. Economic ties like open the market in the Tubatse Crossing Mall who symposium indicated that it The close out of the cam- Development, Environment and form of committed to buy from them a was important for LTA and paign held from the 28th Tourism (LEDET), Mr. Thabo exhibition, which the MEC of- process facilitated by the MEC LEDET to spend the entire September 2021 in Burgers- Mokone, during dinner held at ficially opened on 30th Septem- of LEDET, month In fort was preceded by the ber 2021. Official opening of Mr. Thabo Mokone. Sekhukhune to support tourism the celebration of the world newly opened 4 star establish- Fetakgomo- During the symposium the thus ensuring that the region is Tourism Day in Clarens, Free ment, Rufaro Guest House. Tubatse Visitor Information Mokone encouraged tourism on par with other regions as it State. The World Tourism Also in attendance the Mayor Centre was done by the Deputy products in the province to grab is rich Day was of Minister Mr. Fish Mahlalela, the with culture and heritage. presided over by the Deputy Fetakgomo-Tubatse Local MEC of opportunities of applying for The Deputy Minister, Mr. Fish Minister, Mr. Fish Mahlalela. Municipality, Cllr. Samuel Mam- LEDET, Mr. Thabo Mokone and funds and he said, “It always Mahlalela encouraged del- Mahlalela sympathised with ekoa and LTA Board Chairper- LTA Board Chairperson, Mr. disappoints me to see people egates at the symposium to the industry son, Mr. Andrew Dipela. not coming hold on as for the disruptions caused by Andrew Dipela and other Bord On the 29th September 2021, forward to apply for funding Tourism, which is a very re- the pandemic and its effects. members. the delegation also toured where there is an opportunity silient sector, would be back The World Tourism Day The central objective of the Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ and a to do so. Since last year, there on its feet again. “Tourism will (WTD) is annually celebrated Tourism Month campaign that tour of De was a plea bounce back worldwide on the 27thSep- was dedicated to the whole Hoop Dam, Museum of Man as for our tourism entrepreneurs and in a big way. We are work- tember annually month of well as Glencore Lion Smelter to apply for Tourism Equity ing with all the nineteen (19) under a specific theme. This national parks and there are year, United Nations World renovations Tourism Organization (UN- going on in most of the parks to WTO) announced be ready to receive the visitors the theme “Tourism for in- when it gets ready. I wish to clusive growth”, under which plead Tourism Month Campaign will with the province to work with be celebrated. SANParks to be ready for the “We however welcome influx of people to these parks”. Germany, the Unites States Mahlalela further said, “We of America, the United Arab have to continue working with Emirates and many our neighbours in the SADC other countries that have region as removed restrictions against regional tourism constitutes us. I must also indicate that over 23% of our economy. This some of the suggests that our roads infra- concerns that are being structure raised include issues around should be fixed as roads are an the vaccination certificate enabler to making life easy and including the digital tourism can only rely on good vaccination certificate, which road Cabinet is busy with. Vac- infrastructure”. cination, the beta variant and The Managing Director of compliance Fetakgomo-Tubatse Special with COVID - 19 non-medical Economic Zone (SEZ), Mr. protocols that are outlined Solly Kgopong, on regularly by our President like the other hand gave a pre- wearing sentation on the benefits of masks, washing hands, social the projects which is still at its distancing and vaccination infant stage. He are in the mix of concerns indicated that projects of water that our source reticulation will commence to markets often raise”, said supply water to the people of Deputy Minister, Mr. Fish Sekhukhune. “The project will Mahlalela. also provide many job oppor- Mahlalela further said, “We tunities to the young people are very proud of the work around this already done in the sector in area”, emphasized Kgopong. all of these

LepelleReviewYOUR RELIABLE LOCAL SOURCE 7 OCTOBER 2021 EMPOWERMENT ZONE WITH MIRANDA LUSIBA #EntrepreneurshipIssues: diversifying our offerings by basic Diversifying and not putting all adding a cash-based business. safety procedures of building This is because some custom- delayed or not paid at all. eggs in one basket - crucial for I’ve always houses or even roads. The ers just do not Miranda Lusiba is the Found- SMMEs been adamant that when one reason why I’ve preferred to go honour the agreement and you ing Director of Strangé Con- I’ve learnt a few tough lessons gets into business, they need into an area are then left with no option but sulting – a boutique PR Agency in the last decade of running my to go into an area that they that I know very well is that to chase for payment. specialising in own business. One of them is understand for me my reputation is very My advice to other entrepre- Communication, Freelance the very well. This is why I started important. It’s vital for me to be neurs who are also in the Writing: Content Development fact that as much as I have a my PR business, because I am able to service business that is reliant and Storytelling, Media Rela- core business where I provide very confident about what I can deliver to the promises that I on clients tions, PR services because it’s the do for make to my clients. paying invoices – is that when Reputation Management and skill that I’ve my clients in this area. Howev- There’s nothing worse than a you decide to get into a cash- Media Training. #Womenin- mastered over two decades and er, what I’ve learnt is that when client trusting you with their based business – then make business can provide to clients, it’s also my PR business clients do not company’s resources and then sure that important to diversify my com- pay on not you eliminate the option of cus- For more info or media que- pany time or do not pay at all – then delivering according to the tomers taking any products on ries, please contact me on: offerings. I am left in a difficult position. expectations created because credit. The income that comes C: +27 (0) 68 029 8760 (Voice- Being in a service business The reason why I was still so of lack of expertise. However, from a Calls); C: +27 (0) 78 675 1297 has taught me how difficult it is adamant about doing what I there are cash-based section of the busi- (WhatsApp); E: to keep a healthy cash flow to know and what I’m passionate other businesses that one can ness is meant to supplement the miranda@strangeconsulting. ensure the about in get into that do not need a spe- service business’ cashflow and AND Ora4117@gmail. ongoing running of the business. business was because I never cific skill or those that can be close com This is because as I’ve touched wanted to get into an area that understood easily if one took the gap when clients either have on in my other columns, this I am not an expert in and not the time to learn the in’s and kind of be able out’s of it. When one thinks of business means that we provide to deliver. Over the years, diversifying into a cash-based a service to a client, then invoice some of our business col- business, it is crucial to identify for the work done and wait for leagues have gone into areas a product that is needed by payment. Being paid on time or of business that are potential at all is dependent on the type of very technical and specialised customers and one that can client that you are dealing with – in some cases areas that be sold. This could be a simple and how ethical they are. There they didn’t know much about, as selling fruits, vegetables, are definitely clients that are and their snacks, sympathetic to the plight of reasoning was that they were cleaning products or anything SMMEs chasing where the money was that falls into the fast-moving when it comes to our cash flow at the time. These areas have consumer goods (FMCG). and those that are committed to in the A cash-based business will the development of small past included construction or mean that there’s always businesses. Here, I am talking mining to name but a few. money that’s coming into the about clients that pay on time as Don’t get me wrong though not business because per the agreed terms of engage- everyone who went into these transactions are mostly based ment very technical business areas on the principle of cash on and those that do not disappear has delivery (COD). This simply completely when it’s time for failed over the years, but we’ve means that I payments for services rendered. seen a great deal of SMMEs sell you a product and you give Because of this dependency failing to deliver proper RDP me money immediately. Where on client payments, SMMEs houses for a cash-based business doesn’t find themselves at the mercy of people or roads that are either work clients and not up to scratch or that have in some cases is when prod- our survival becomes dependent no long shelf life. This is be- ucts are bought on credit and on this. This is why it is impor- cause in as an SMME you still need to tant for us, especially those in most cases some of us are not wait for the the technical at all – to the extent customer to pay within the service business to look at that we don’t even know the agreed or stipulated period. 0715610422

Review ISSUE NO 33 Sports OCTOBER 2021 ABSA WELCOMED AS TITLE SPONSOR FOR ABSA RUN YOUR CITY SERIES STILLWATER Sports, the most celebrated Road Run- RUN YOUR CITY Series. achieve sustainable results, ment! We look forward to work- organisers of the RUN YOUR ning series. We look forward “With our motto of #RunYour- but the brand also focuses on ing with Absa’s team as we take CITY Series, are excited to to working with Absa’s team as City, we believe that the Absa bringing possibilities to life. the Absa RUN YOUR CITY Se- welcome we RUN YOUR CITY Series will These are just a few of Absa’s ries to the next level. We can’t proudly African bank, Absa as take the Absa RUN YOUR continue to set the standard key wait to welcome runners to the the Title Sponsor of South Af- CITY Series to the next level. for international level events in values that perfectly align with start line in Durban and Cape rica’s premium Road Running We can’t wait to welcome run- Africa, welcoming not only that of the RUN YOUR CITY Se- Town ready to #RunYourCity.” series. The Award-Winning ners to thousands of runners across ries. Celebrated nationally, the “We are delighted about the mass participating series will the start line in Durban and South Africa to the starting line Absa RUN YOUR CITY Series is four-year partnership with the boast an exciting new look, feel Cape Town in 2021, and Cape but also world class athletes a diverse Road Running series RUN YOUR CITY Series run- and experience in 2021. Town, Durban and Johannes- from around the world hoping that integrates businesses, ning “We are thrilled to welcome burg to break records on African soil. families, investment in communi- events in South Africa. The Absa as the Title Sponsor in 2022,” says Michael Meyer, A formidable influencer and ty, world class achievement and partnership will provide us with of what has become South Managing Director of Stillwater leader in its field, not only does fun for all participants.” a platform to get everyone Africa’s Sports and Founder of the Absa drive high performance to “We are determined to continue involved in a meaningful way pushing the boundaries and to create shared value for the challenge the status quo as we communities in which we encourage all South Africans to operate. Furthermore, the Absa #RunYourCity,” continues Meyer. RUN YOUR CITY Series part- “We will be implementing nership is not only about getting a number of innovative changes active, but it will help the bank and event enhancements, that enable our colleagues to be an will see our valued Sponsors active force for good in their and Partners be part of a series communities ensuring that they of events that is stronger than are part of bringing Africa’s pos- ever before. To add to the sibility to life and fostering a excitement, we are pleased to culture of action,” said Absa announce that both the Absa Executive, Geoff Lee. Durban 10K CITYRUN and Absa ENTRIES ARE OPEN for the Cape Town 12K CITYRUN will 2021 Absa DURBAN 10K CITY- be actual events in 2021. Entries RUN (taking place on Sunday are, however, limited due to 31 COVID regulations. So, we urge October 2021) and Absa CAPE our loyal community and new- TOWN 12K CITYRUN (taking comers to enter as soon as place on Sunday 21 November possible to avoid disappoint- 2021). MARUMO GALLANTS COACH SACKED FOR ABUSING TECHNICAL DIRECTOR AFTER ARROWS LOSS ours.\" Marumo are 15th on MARUMO Gallants confirmed the imme- chairperson, Abram Sello said: the DStv Premiership log with diate dismissal of head coach Sebastien \"As a coach, his duty is to instil 2 points from their opening 5 Minge. discipline to the team. The club games as they hunt for The decision was taken following a dis- followed the correct disciplinary their first victory in the competi- ciplinary hearing on October 7 over an procedure and the decision to tion. incident on a trip to Durban. release him The club is working to meet The incident took place at OR Tambo was made. It is unfortunate that CAF requirements, including International Airport on their trip to face Sebastien had to be dismissed, having a qualified coach, ahead Golden Arrows – Gallants especially at a crucial time of the 15 lost the match 3-1. when we are October 2021 clash against Minge pleaded guilty at the disciplinary pushing to remain in the league Congolese side AS Vita Club hearing for both using abusive language and advance in CAF. As man- in the CAF Confederation Cup towards Harris Choeu, agement, we cannot go against second the club's technical director, and insub- what the DC preliminary round first leg ordination. has decided but to wish Sebas- In a statement released by the club, tien well in his future endeav-

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