China - after the death of defeating the Today's Local News Tang/Song Theodosius. It was Western Xia.He split between the was buried in an Mansa Musa, emperor of• The emperor WuZong East and West unknown location Mali is know for his of theTang dynasty empire and created in Mongolia. pilgrimage to Mecca. In persecuted Buddhist. Roman Catholics his pilgrimage in 1324 he He destroyed all and Christians to be Middle Ages had 60,000 men and Buddhist temples. He separated . in Europe 12,000 slaves. Each slave forced monks and carried four pound gold nuns to go home. This Islamic Charlemagne bars and Mansa Musa fed happened in 845 A.D Caliphates started his reign in the entire company of 768 C.E. In 800 men and animals. He• The Song Dynasty had The Umayyad C.E. he got built a mosque each and the Battle of Beijing in Caliphate in crowned emperor. every Friday. Several 1214. The battle was Cordoba have been He got crowned eyewitnesses were in awe between the Mongols defeated by the by Pope Leo |||. of his wealth.He returned and the Jurchen Jin Christian He was called the from his journey in 1325. Dynasty(southern Reconquista.They Father of Europe Song). The Mongols were defeated in after that. were victorious and 1030 C.E. continued their conquest of China. Mongols Byzantine Empire Genghis Khan dies in 1227 C.E. The Byzantine empire Before dying he was split in half in 1054 split his empire C.E. It was split in half into Khanates among his sons and grandsons.He died after
Japanese Feudalism VS EuropeanFeudalismAutobiography of a samurai Autobiography of a knightI am a samurai living in time period of the I am a knight living in the middle ages ofWarring States in Japan. I proud to say that Ilive and die in the service of my lord. I am Europe. I serve my lords and hew to thebound by the precepts of bushido. The peasants concept of chivalry. We, knights, areand villages honor me and pay me taxes and in supported by the authority of the Catholicreturn, we, the samurai, protect them. The Church. My lord offers payment andsamurai women are strong also, which I like. In protection in return for my completeorder to maintain my honor, I would commit loyalty but sometimes I will betray mysuicide in the face of defeat, which is known as lords for other that will pay me higher. Iseppuku. I am also proud to say that I cultured, gain land from my lords as payment forartistic, and literate. In my world, there is no military service. I am proud to say that Icentral government so my lord with be very am against suicide because of thepowerful. Catholic/Christian law and I strove to avoid death.
14th Century Bubonic Plague! New Weapons? She was just a ordinarily women living As the Mongols during the Bubonic Plague (Black Death), was looking forward to her continues to wedding with her fiancé when the plague struck her. She was bit by a rat when she invade west, tried chase the rat away with a broom. Just like that, she got the disease on July Gunpower is 4, 1361. She got chills, fever, and seizures. Everyone avoided her and no also going west. one talked to her. Her fiancé abandoned her and her life was miserable. Within a With the new week, she died. This was just a typical case during the days of the deadly inventions Bubonic Plague. soldiers are arming fire catapults with the new gunpowder. They used it as a siege weapon as we recently sawIt is the life line in the invasionof Eurasia tablets and made it of Europe. TheFrom, Silk to Spices the easier to recordSilk Road offers trading toall its countries.Ideas, information. It also Mongols slowlyCultural, and innovativenew products spread from encouraged literature invade each cityWest to East and back.The Silk road travels from and art. The silk road in their conquestChina to India and theByzantine Empire. Paper diffused the idea offrom China replaced clay Buddhism from India to to take over the China. The Chinese world. traded silk with the Europeans which benefited their economies.
Sunni - Shi'a Split Sunni Side Shi'a SideI am a Sunni during the schism that I am a Shi'a during the schismoccurred when the Islamic prophet that occurred when the Islamic Muhammad died. I consider the prophet Muhammad died. I Quran to be divine, but I support strong believe that no one can the Umayyad and accept them as become a caliph unless they arerulers. I believe in a prayer leader, a descendent of Muhammad. I do and I also believe that any not support the Umayyad. Irighteous Muslim could become a believe in a spiritual leader and Caliph. support Ali and his family.Indian Ocean It trades spice, silk, raw material, andTrade Route gold. This trade routeThe Indian Ocean also helped diffuse theTrade Route was a idea and religion oftrade route that spread Buddhism from Indiaalong the of Asia, into China. The dhowMiddle East and around ships help the empirethe coast of North become stronger andEastern Africa. increased income.
Who's ready for some gossips? Weather When MansaNika Riots Spread of Labor Musa began Omg a riot in the Islam Organization his pilgrimageConstantinople is notthe way to go. It was We heard a breaking During the towards the most violent riot news that Islam is Byzantine empire,ever! Half of the city spreading faster and slavery was common Mecca. He and widespread. The was burned or faster.It all started with order his destroyed and many Muhammad hearing slaves mostly the voice of the angel worked in slaves to collet people died. It started from the of Gabriel and wants to households. Some gold from the Blue vs the Green deliver the messages to slaves worked the insulting Justinian. the people of Mecca. landed estates of mines of northLuckily Justinian had their master. The a plan and sent the Islam spread as the Africa. Doingimperial troops led by Byzantine and the slaves were so Belsaruis to stop the numerous that they he started toriot. It succeeded and Persian Empire gave Justinian more weakened and the filled all the take this non- Christians and Jews mansions and the power. who were not Islam renewable converted to promise rural regions. equality and no taxes. resource from Muhammad also called for a holy war against this region. non-believers.. When he got back the king of Mali, modified their environment by building mosques and new libraries.
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