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Home Explore Barron_39_s_Prepositions-01


Published by Võ Thị Sáu Trường Tiểu học, 2023-01-17 00:34:32

Description: Barron_39_s_Prepositions-01


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["off the charts from 122\u2013123 to chase something with 79 to chat on 190 to cheat (all) through 137 to cheat 160 for 16 above cheating 48 be beneath cheating in 73 into 92 a check out 97 in check out (of) 106 to check in 146\u2013148 to check off 146\u2013148 to check out 97 to check 122\u2013123 to check something at 146\u2013148 to check something for 90 to check something up 88 in checks up 37 tongue in cheek 75 to cheer out 184\u2013188 to cheer out (on) 184\u2013188 to cheer for 93 to cheer someone 146\u2013148 in the game of chess to the bone 146\u2013148 to chew someone 71 to chicken 85 to chide someone 169\u2013170 in childhood to chill","to chip in 97 in a choir on 85 as 130\u2013131 to choke between 34 to choose off 51 to choose up 120 to chop 184 to chop for 88 in chorus of 85 in a chorus 35 at church of 84 in church 164 to church with 121 off cigarettes with 90 in a circle 92 in circulation 178 under the circumstances 71 to cite someone 111\u2013112 a citizen 84 in a city 111 of a city 112 the city 153 all over the city 158 through the city 159\u2013160 all through the city 199 within a city 193\u2013194 to clash 196 to clash 35 at a class","in class of 84 a class 112 of clay up 115 to clean with 184\u2013188 to clean off 193 to clean something up 120 to clean something with 184\u2013188 to clean something off 193 to clear something with 120 to clear something on 193 to climb over 127 to climb to 152 a climb up 164 to climb on 182 to cling down 128 to close in (on) 64 to close out (of) 97 to close to 146\u2013148 be close up 170\u2013171 to close up 184\u2013188 be close with 184\u2013188 to close down 195 to close something up 64 to close something 184\u2013188 through the closets 159\u2013160 through the clouds 158 in a club 85 of a club 111","a clue to 168 under a coach 178 off the coast to 120 90 in the coast guard with 89\u201390 in a coat with 84 in a cocoon with 88 in code from 153 over coffee from 90 in coins with 86\u201387 167 in the cold of 89 be cold of 86\u201387 in cold blood with 194\u2013195 in cold weather with 91 to collaborate about 194\u2013195 in collaboration across 79 in collaboration 79 to collect 91 to collect something 88 in collusion 89\u201390 in color 112 114 in a color 122\u2013123 the color 193 the color 91 off color 14 to color 19 in combination to come to come","to come after 20 42 to come back from 63 63 to come down 64 79 to come down 87 104 to come down with 120 143 to come from 161 164 to come in 172 184\u2013188 to come into 184\u2013188 88\u201389 to come off 192 131 to come out of 91 11 to come through 144 169 to come to 132 48 to come to 91 130 to come up to 111 168 to come up with in comfort be comfortable with on command in commemoration of to comment about out of commission be committed to on a committee be beneath committing a crime in common with on compact disc of a company of be comparable to","be comparable with 196 to compare to 168 to compare with 196 to compare somethin g with 196 to 168 compared with 91 in comparison 94 in comparison for 145 out of compassion 191\u2013192 with compassion for 71 to compensate for with 91 someone with 70 in compensation with 193\u2013194 to compete about 91 to compete of 193\u2013194 in competition about 11 be in competition 115 to complain with 11 to complain with 13 a complaint of 92\u201393 about complete 194\u2013195 in compliance of 194\u2013195 in compliance 115 to comply 53 be composed 115 beyond comprehension 37 be comprised 130 at the computer on the computer","on the computer on 130 in computers about 90 to concentrate with 137 23 against a concept with 12 be concerned 192\u2013193 be concerned with 35 at a concert with 88 in concert 194\u2013195 in concert for someone 94 in conclusion toward 94\u201395 in conclusion 175 to 194\u2013195 toward a conclusion with 194\u2013195 to concur with 88\u201389 in concurrence with 105 in condition about 134\u2013135 72 get into condition 174 on condition 35 to conduct 89 171 one\u2019s conduct 92 at a conference 91 in confidence 92 to confine 193\u2013194 in confinement 193\u2013194 in conflict 12 in conflict to conflict be in conflict be confused","be confusing to 165\u2013166 in confusion 88\u201389 in confusion for 92\u201393 to congratulate on 71 with someone to 133 congratulations with 91 in conjunction of 169 be connected of 91 in connection 118 be conscientious to 117 be conscious to 92\u201393 in consent toward 166\u2013167 to consent 167 be considerate about 174 be considerate with 178 under consideration 178 under construction of 12 to contact 91 in contact with 161 through a contact with 112 a container 92\u201393 in contempt with 192 be content 193\u2013194 have a contest 144 out of context 84 in a continent 178 under a contract 194\u2013195 a contract","on the contrary with 137 in contrast toward 94 to contrast 196 to contribute over 175 something of in control 92 about 144 out of control 152 have control with 178 under the control for 178 under control to perfection 11 toward 94 a conversation in 190 in conversation with 69 to converse with 169\u2013170 to cook with 174 to cook of 95 be cool 194\u2013195 to cooperate from 91 to cooperate to 194\u2013195 in cooperation 111 in cooperation 115 the coordinator 79 of copper 167 to copy 84 be cordial 92 in a corner 126 in a corner 159\u2013160 on the corner through the correspondence","the cost of 112\u2013113 in costume 89\u201390 of cotton on 115 on the council out 132 to count up to 129 to count in 146\u2013148 to count 184\u2013188 to count someone of 97 at a counter 35 across the country to 18 in a country up 84 of a country with 111 all over the country in 153 through the country down (on) 158 all through the country 159\u2013160 within a country 199 within a county 199 a couple 113 with courage 191\u2013192 off course 121 on course 134 through (with) a course 159 on the court 126 the cover 169 to cover 184\u2013188 to cover something 193 be covered 95 to crack 64","to craft something out of 144\u2013145 be crafted from 81 to cram into 104 to cram something with 193 to crash against 23 to crash into 104 the crash of 114 to crawl about 13 to crawl across 18 to crawl back to 42 to crawl out of 143 to crawl all over the... 153 be crazy about 12 like crazy 107 be crazy of someone 118 to create for 69 to create something out of 144\u2013145 be created from 81 on credit 130 a credit to 165\u2013166 be up a creek 184 to creep up 182 on the crew 132 with the crime for 196\u2013197 to criticize someone over 71 to cross out 152 to cross something for 143 be crucial 71","be crucial to 165\u2013166 be crude of someone 118 be cruel of someone 118 be cruel to 167 above cruelty 16 out of cruelty to 145 on a cruise up 130 a cruise with 164 to cruise against 183 to cruise on 195 to crush about 23 have a crush for 136 to cry in 11 to cry of 70 to cry of 92\u201393 the cry over 114 a cry (all) through 114\u2013115 to cry 153 to cry with 160 with a cry 191\u2013192 be crying for 196\u2013197 of crystal for 115 of a culture of 111 by the cup 56 a cure 69 a cure 70 be cured 116\u2013117 out of curiosity 145","in curls with 89\u201390 against the current 24 for someone 195 with the current 191\u2013192 be curt back (on) 158 down 71 through the curtains in\/into 158 be customary into 43 off 63 through customs with 87 to cut down 104\u2013105 to cut out 120 to cut with 193 to cut with 63 to cut about 143 to cut 193 to cut something for 195 to cut something with 13 to cut something with 35 to cut ties with 69 190 something\/nothing cute 190 at a dance 196\u2013197 to dance 88\u201389 to dance 105 to dance something 145 be dancing 92 in danger 144 get into danger out of danger in the dark out of date","be up to date 184 176 towards dawn 21 57 day after day 56 116 by day 160 153 by the day 116 85 a day of 133 196\u2013197 (all) through the day 23 29 over the next few days 35 91 a dearth of 91 132 in death 24 92 on one\u2019s death 105 85 with the death of 111 51 a debate against 95 95 a debate among 196\u2013197 165 at a debate in debate with in a debate with a debate on against one\u2019s debt in debt go into debt in a decade of the decade to decide between a decline in a decrease in with the decrease in to dedicate something to","to dedicate something with 195 169 be dedicated to 91 165 in dedication of 85 92\u201393 a dedication to 85 89 in one\u2019s deeds 92\u201393 79 in defeat 92\u201393 114\u2013115 in defeat 165\u2013166 165\u2013166 in deference to 191\u2013192 72 in defiance 192 118 to delete something from 165 92 in delight 135\u2013136 174 of delight 133 196\u2013197 to the delight of 129 137\u2013138 to one\u2019s delight 129 105 with delight be delighted for someone be delighted with be delightful of someone to deliver to in demand on demand one\u2019s demeanor toward on one\u2019s departure with the departure of to depend on to depend on be dependent on go into a depression","a depth of 112\u2013113 79 to derive from 111 165 of a descent 69 117 to describe to 35 92\u201393 to design for 88\u201389 88 a desire of 161 165\u2013166 at a desk 165\u2013166 81 in desolation 165 167 in despair 126 111 in detail 178 178 through determination 84 116\u2013117 a detriment to 137 121 be detrimental to 134\u2013135 80 be developed from 193\u2013194 79 to devote to be devoted to on the diamond (baseball) the dictator of under a dictator under the dictatorship of in a dictionary to die of to die on someone off one\u2019s diet on a diet to differ from to differ with be different from","to dig with 193 to dig something with 193 of dignity 118 in dimes for someone 90 at dinner toward 35 for dinner of 72 over dinner for 153 (all) through dinner to 160 to dinner with 164 towards dinnertime about 176 in dire straits with 88\u201389 to direct with 72 to direct someone 174 in this\/that direction 87 under the direction 178 the directions 70 the directions 168 at a disadvantage 39 to disagree 193\u2013194 a disagreement 11 have a disagreement 193\u2013194 be disappointed 192 in disappointment 92\u201393 to one\u2019s disappointment 165\u2013166 in disarray 88\u201389 in disaster 88\u201389 to one\u2019s discomfort 165\u2013166 at a discount 38","a discount on 132 a discredit to 165\u2013166 at one\u2019s discretion among 40 with discretion about 191\u2013192 to discuss something on 29 a discussion with 11 a discussion 132 under discussion of 178 in a discussion 190 in disdain with 92\u201393 with disdain of 191\u2013192 in disgrace 88\u201389 in disgrace 92\u201393 to one\u2019s disgrace 165\u2013166 in disguise 89\u201390 in disgust 92\u201393 to the disgust 117 to one\u2019s disgust 165\u2013166 above dishonesty 16 on disk 130 in dismay 92\u201393 in disobedience 92\u201393 in disorder 88\u201389 on display 134 by disposition 57 in dispute 91 be disrespectful 117 in dissent 92\u201393","to dissociate from 79 something to 38 at a distance from 165\u2013166 be distasteful 80 to distinguish among to 191\u2013192 something of 29 with distress to 165 to 117 to distribute off 165\u2013166 to distribute in\/into 165\u2013166 a distrust into 120 a disturbance up 87 be disturbing about 104\u2013105 to dive for 184\u2013188 to divide in 11 to divide for 69 to divide over 97 to do by someone 73 to do 154 to do someone to 58 to do something toward 178 to do something to 90 to do well 165 under a doctor by 175 in dollars 164 to donate 13 to donate something 56 a donation about done be done","through a door to 158 door to door 168 the door on 169 out of doors 145\u2013146 to dote with 137 in doubt 88\u201389 around 201 without a doubt 197 down on 56 up 57 by the dozen on 31 by the dozens over 89\u201390 around 133 to drag up 182 in drag with 128\u2013129 to drag in 152 to drag something with 30 to drape something 183 to drape something to 193 to draw about 87 to draw of 193 to draw up 84 to draw something 159\u2013160 to draw something 88\u201389 in a drawer 167 through the drawers 11 in dread 115 be dreadful 183 to dream to dream to dream","in one\u2019s dreams up 85 in a dress with 89\u201390 to dress out of 184\u2013188 to drift with 195 to drink with 143 to drink 190 to drink something onto 190 over drinks on 153 to drip onto 140 to drip something across 127 to drip something against 140 to drive around 18 to drive around 24 to drive back to 30 to drive back from 31 to drive down 42 to drive 42 to drive for someone 63 from 75 go for a drive away from 72 to drive 79 to drive into 79 to drive off 92 in drive on 104 to drive out of 120 to drive over 133 to drive 143 to drive 152 to drive","to drive all over the . . . 153 to drive to 164 to drive to distraction 169\u2013170 to drive to insanity 169\u2013170 to drive up 183 to drive with 195 to drive something into 104 to drive something off 120 to drive something out of 143 to drive something over 152 to drop by 58 by the drop 56 to drop in 97 to drop in (on) 97 to drop off 122\u2013123 to drop out of 146\u2013148 to drop something by 58 to drop something in 84 to drop something in 87 to drop something on 127 to drop something onto 140 be drowning in 95 off drugs 121 to drum up 183 be drunk from 81\u201382 to dry something with 193 in duplicate 88 towards dusk 176","off duty on 121 on duty over 134 to dwell of 137 to dwell for 152 for 113 each 70 be eager in 74 an ear 39 at the earliest on 89 in earnest out 184 be up to one\u2019s ears out of 126 on earth with 37 at ease with 137 be easy with 146\u2013148 to eat with 143 to eat 190 to eat of 193 to eat 190 to eat something of 193 to eat something 134 on edge as 134\u2013135 on the edge 127 on the edge 74 for all one\u2019s education 196\u2013197 with all one\u2019s education 85 in the eighties 113 114\u2013115 either 34 of elation to elect","on electricity from 130 to eliminate on 79 with something on 132 an embargo 165\u2013166 to one\u2019s embarrassment of 194\u2013195 to empathize with 132 an encumbrance 84 in an encyclopedia to 36 at the end of 94 in the end of 127 on the end 195 to end of 175 toward an ending from 23 against an enemy with 183 get up (enough) energy on 169 be engaged of 88 in English 117 the enjoyment 113 90 enough 191\u2013192 in entertainment 158 with enthusiasm 117 through an entrance 79 be envious 193 to erase something 137 to erase something 161 to err 111 through an error the essays","be even with 196 in the evening 85 towards evening on 176 on nice evenings of 129 132 evidence at 118 the evil for 159 through (with) exams with 38 be excellent about 73 to exchange of 91 something in 12 in an exchange to 117 114\u2013115 be excited from 92\u201393 the excitement about 169 of excitement for 130 to exclaim from 71 be exclusive 116 on an excursion to 81\u201382 for exercise to 13 of exercise 71 be exhausted 79 something\/nothing exotic 74 to expel someone 195 to expel someone 74 for all one\u2019s experience 165 with experience 164 for all one\u2019s expertise to explain an explanation","to expound on 132 191\u2013192 with an expression 164 127 to extend to 74\u201375 92 on the exterior of 178 115 an eye for 158 145 in the eye 14 170\u2013171 under the eye of 184\u2013188 94\u201395 of fabric 35 132 through the fabric 201 20 to fabricate something out of 137 89 about face about 111 118 be face to face (with) 167 63 to face up to 76 104 in fact 120 130\u2013131 at a factory on the faculty without fail after one\u2019s failure to faint on someone in fairness of a faith of faith be faithful to to fall down to fall for to fall into to fall off to fall on","to fall on 127 to fall onto 140 to fall out (of) 143 to fall over 154 to fall through 161 to fall to 164 to fall out (with) 195 to fall asleep on 137 something\/nothing familiar about 13 in a family 85 of a family for 111 keep within the family 199 be famous about 71 by far to 57 something\/nothing fascinating 13 be fascinating out of 165\u2013166 in fashion from 88 out of fashion around 144 to fashion something with 144\u2013145 be fashioned from 81 to fasten of 30 to fasten 193 be fat to 81\u201382 through the fault 161 with all one\u2019s faults of 197 a favor 165 at the fax machine 37 for fear 75","in fear of 88\u201389 a fear 117 of fear for 114\u2013115 out of fear of 145 with fear of 196\u2013197 with fear up to 191\u2013192 be feared toward 71 the feel 112\u2013113 the feel of 114 to feel of 184\u2013188 with feeling 191\u2013192 one\u2019s feelings against 174 in feet against 91 on the fence among 126 on the fence 134\u2013135 of festivity 116 113 few 113 a few 88 in a few words 126 on the field 126 on the field 153 all over the field 130 on a field trip 90 in fifties 85 in the fifties 23 to fight 24 to fight 29 to fight","to fight for 70 in a fight with 91 over 153 to fight with 193\u2013194 to fight out 146\u2013148 to figure something 84 in a file in (for) 159\u2013160 through the files for someone 97 to fill in 72 to fill in out 97 to fill something up 146\u2013148 to fill something with 184\u2013188 to fill something 193 to fill something out (about) 130 on film out 94\u201395 in the final analysis under 11 to find under 146\u2013148 to find something for 177 to find something 178 to find something with 71 to fine someone 13 about finished about 195 be finished 134 on fire with 36 at first 13 something\/nothing fishy 90 in fives 191\u2013192 be flexible 130 on a flight","a flight to 164 to flirt around 31 to float over 151 to float with 195 to float something over 151 on the floor 126 all over the floor around 153 against the flow back to 24 with the flow back from 195 to fly from 30 to fly into 42 to fly over 42 to fly to 79 to fly toward 104 to fly in 151 to fly over 164 to fly 174 to fly something through 87 to fly something of 151 out of focus 144 in the fog 86\u201387 through the fog 158 in foggy weather 86\u201387 in a folder 84 in folds 90 to follow something 161 be fond 117 on food 130","to fool around (with) 31 on foot 128 in the game of football money 93 71 for on 23 against a force through 24 against the force about 136 of 158 to force something of 48 to force something with 11 be beneath forgery with 112 to forget with 115 a form 191\u2013192 be formed to death 35 be forthcoming to 191 at a forum toward 128 be found with 191\u2013192 on all fours with 85 be frank to back 73 in a fraternity 63 for free 169\u2013170 down a freeway 161 to freeze 167 through a friend 174 be friendly 191\u2013192 be friendly 89 be friendly 194\u2013195 in friendship 80 a friendship from front","to frost something with 193 to frown at 36 with a frown with 191\u2013192 be frustrated of 192 the frustration 117 of frustration with 114\u2013115 through frustration 161 on fuel about 130 in full with 88 be fuming on 196\u2013197 for fun 71 in fun 89 like fun 107 of fun 116 at a function 35 at a funeral 35 through a funnel 158 something\/nothing funny 13 be furnished 191 in the future 85 to gain weight 130 by the gallon 56 at a game 35 off one\u2019s game 121 (all) through the game 160 all through the garden 159\u2013160 on gas 130 out of gas 144","through a gate into 158 to gaze 104 in gear of 92 with 111 of a gender 94\u201395 in general about 178 ahead (of) 161 under a general along with 191\u2013192 through the generosity around 111 around to 14 be generous back from 26 of a genus back 27 back at 31 to get back to 31 to get by 42 to get in 43 to get in 43 to get into 43 to get off 58 to get off 97\u201398 to get on 87 to get on 104 to get on 120 to get out (of) 122\u2013123 to get 138 to get 127 to get 128 to get 146\u2013148 to get to get to get to get","to get out of 143 152 to get over 159 164 to get through (with) 184\u2013188 194\u2013195 to get to 197 79 to get up 197 137 to get along with 43 71 to get on with 42 19 to get away from 24 69 to get away with 79 84 to get sick on 97\u201398 104 to get someone back 120 121 to get someone for 122\u2013123 128 to get something back to\/from 138 143 to get something across to 143 184\u2013188 to get something across (to) to get something for to get something from to get something in to get something in to get something into to get something off to get something off to get something off to get something on to get something on to get something out to get something out (of) to get something up","be getting at 40 a gift for 69 a gift to 164 a gift to 165 to give in 98 to give up (on) 184\u2013188 to give something back (to\/from) 42 to give something out 143 to give something to 165 to give something to 165 to give something toward 175 to give something up 184\u2013188 be glad about 12 to glare at 36 of glass 115 through the glass on 158 through glasses to 161 with glee to 196\u2013197 with glee about 191\u2013192 to glue something across 127 to glue something after 167 be glued against 167 to go against 13 to go ahead 18 to go 20 to go 23 to go 24 to go 26","to go ahead 26 to go around (with) 31 to go back to 42 to go by 59 to go down 63 to go down 63 to go for 76 to go in for 76 to go for 70 to go out for 71 to go in 87 to go into 104 to go off 120 to go on 133 to go on 128 to go out with 146\u2013148 to go out (of) 143 to go over 152 to go through (with) 159 to go through 159\u2013160 to go to 164 to go toward 174 to go toward 175 to go up 182 to go up 183 to go with 190 to go with 195 to go with 196","to go away in 92\u201393 to go out for 70 to go quiet on 137 toward a goal 175 of gold about 115 in the game of golf at 93 something\/nothing good 13 be good for someone 38 for good with 74 be good of 71 in good for someone 91 be good with 118 be good enough 71 in good hands around 92 in good weather off 86\u201387 to goof about 31 to goof 122\u2013123 to gossip at 11 through gossip out of 161 above gossiping 16 be beneath gossiping to 48 in government toward 90 to grab 36 to grab something 143 up for grabs 72\u201373 with grace 191\u2013192 be gracious 167 be gracious 174","to graduate from 79 a graduate of 111\u2013112 for one\u2019s graduation 72 against the grain for 25 through the grapevine to 161 be grateful to 71 be grateful at 166\u2013167 be gratifying for 165\u2013166 with gratitude 191\u2013192 be great over 38 through greed at 161 be greedy to a pulp 70 with a greeting to dust 191\u2013192 in grief about 92\u201393 to grieve of 153 to grin 36 to grind of 169\u2013170 to grind of a number 169\u2013170 to groan 11 a groan 114\u2013115 on the ground 126 on solid ground 126 in a group 90 in a group 85 of a group 111 a group 115 in groups 90 in groups 93","to grow up 184\u2013188 to growl at 36 the growl of 114 to grumble at 37 with a grumble 191\u2013192 with a grunt against 191\u2013192 to guard 24 on guard at 134 to guess 37 with the guests to 196\u2013197 a guide toward 168 to guide someone of 174 the gush over 114 to gush 153 in a hall for 84 in\/into halves out among 87 hand\u2013in\u2013 hand in (to) 89 off hand out (to) 122\u2013123 on hand over (to) 134\u2013135 on the other hand to 137 to hand over on 154 something 29 to hand something 87 to hand something 143 to hand something 154 to hand something 165 to hand something 137 lay hands","on one\u2019s hands and knees above 128 with a handshake against 191\u2013192 to hang around with 16 to hang around 23 to hang on 32 to hang out with 31 to hang over 128\u2013129 to hang up (on) 146\u2013148 to hang in 151 to hang on 184\u2013188 to hang one\u2019s head over 92\u201393 to hang something over 128\u2013129 to hang something up 151 to hang something 152 to hang something of 184\u2013188 for happiness 71 in happiness about 92\u201393 the happiness for someone 117 of happiness with 114\u2013115 of happiness about 116 with happiness on 196\u2013197 with happiness 191\u2013192 be happy 12 be happy 72 be happy 192 to harass 12 be hard 137 from hard work 81","to hark back to 42 be harmful to 165\u2013166 to harmonize with 194\u2013195 in harmony 88 in harmony with 91 in harmony with 194\u2013195 to harp on 137 in a hat 89\u201390 be hateful of 118 the hatred of 117 with hatred 191\u2013192 to have it out with 193\u2013194 to have something on 128 to have something over 154\u2013155 to have something over 152 to head for 73 the head of 111 be head over heels 154 be over one\u2019s head 151 to head toward 174 to head toward 175 in bad\/good health 88\u201389 in (the field of) health for 85 be healthy from 71 be healthy on 81\u201382 to heap something with 136 to heap something about 193 to hear 11","to hear from 79 to hear of 115 out of one\u2019s hearing 145 within hearing against 199 sick at heart up 37 in one\u2019s heart 94\u201395 in the heat of 86\u201387 to heave 23 to heave something against 182 down at the heels 39 the height for 112\u2013113 under height in 177 one\u2019s height is 24 in a helicopter to 84 beyond help toward 53 with 69 help (all) through 95 to help for someone 161 through help to someone 165\u2013166 a help with 175 to help 194\u2013195 to help of 160 to help someone of 71 be helpful 165\u2013166 be helpful 191\u2013192 be helpful 81 from here 111 the hero 111 the heroine","to hide from 82 to hide under 177 to hide something from 79 to hide something under 177 in the game of hide\u2013and\u2013seek 93 in high heels to 89\u201390 down a highway 63 off the highway to 120 on the highway toward 126 on the highway 127 a highway at 164 up the highway 182 to hike of 164 to hike against 174 on the hill at 126 to hint in 37 for hire off 72 the hiss over 114 to hit with 23 to hit 36 to hit above 92 to hit it against 121 to hit something 152 to hit something 193 in the game of hockey 93 to hold 16 to hold 23 on hold 134","to hold to 171 to hold to 167 to hold up 184\u2013188 to hold something over one\u2019s head 151 to hold something on 127 to hold something over 151 to hold something up 184\u2013188 through a hole 158 for the holidays with 72 over the holidays 153 at home of 35 be honest of 191\u2013192 on a honeymoon 130 to the honk for 169 in honor at 91 of honor off 118 on the honor roll on 132 to honor someone onto 71 to hoot out of 37 to hop over 120 to hop for 127 to hop 140 to hop 143 to hop 152 to hope 70 in hordes 93 on the horizon 126 to one\u2019s horror 165\u2013166","be hospitable to 167 be hospitable toward 174 at a hospital to 35 be hostile 167 in hot weather over 86\u201387 at a hotel at 35 hour after hour of 21 by the hour along with 56 within the hour of 199 over the next few hours of 153 at a house 35 on the house for 135 all over the house 153 all through the house 159\u2013160 house to house 168 to hover 151 to howl 36 the howl 114 with a hug 191\u2013192 to hum 27 the hum 114 to the hum 169 in the humidity 86\u201387 with humility 191\u2013192 by the hundreds 57 in hundreds 90 in hundreds 93 be hungry 70","in a hurry up 88\u201389 to hurry in 184\u2013188 be hurt to 92 be hurtful of 165\u2013166 the hush 114 with 105 go into hysterics 193 to ice something for 23 for 45 against an idea 69 behind an idea of 70 of 68 an idea of 111 an idea (all) through 118 be far from ideal of 115\u2013116 the ideas 160 be ignorant for 111 be ignorant with 160 to ignore someone for 70 of that ilk to 191\u2013192 (all) through one\u2019s illness to 71 be impatient for someone 169 be impatient with 165\u2013166 be important 71 be important in 192 be important 178 be impossible 95 be impressed 91 under the impression the improvement in inches","on one\u2019s income of 130 be inconsiderate to 117 be inconsiderate in 167 an increase in 95 to 196\u2013197 with the increase 166\u2013167 be indebted at 191\u2013192 against 37 with indifference to 24 be indignant of 168 178 one\u2019s inexperience is of 196\u2013197 be inferior for 115 of 69 under the influence toward 111\u2013112 with all one\u2019s influence 174 in 88 to inform someone of 84 information over 127 151 an inhabitant for 131 be inhospitable to 70 in ink 168 to insert something in 90 on the inside 118 to install something 196\u2013197 on instinct 118 the instructions 95 the instructions in (the field of) insurance of integrity with all one\u2019s intelligence of good\/bad intentions be interested","something\/nothing interesting about 13 on the interior of 127 on the Internet 130 on the Internet to 135 in 158 through an intersection for 165 to introduce in 95 to invest with 178 73 under investigation of someone 90 an invoice 192\u2013193 be involved to 115 be involved 37 of iron for 118 along 120 at the ironing board about 37 be irresponsible about 145\u2013146 88 off the island 169 at it 84 92 out of it 164 in italics 89\u201390 the jacket 56 in jail 69 in jail 27 to jail 11 in jeans 11 by the job a job to jog a joke to joke","in journalism of 90 on a journey 130 the joy between 117 about 114\u2013115 of joy around 196\u2013197 with joy back to 191\u2013192 with joy in 51 off 13 to judge on 31 to jump onto 42 to jump out of 87 to jump over 120 to jump up 127 to jump 140 to jump above 143 to jump against 152 to jump at it 182 to jump from 199 to jump in 132 within a jurisdiction off 115 on the jury on 16 of jute on ____ing 23 to keep 37 to keep 81\u201382 to keep 98 to keep 121 to keep 133 to keep 133 to keep to keep","to keep out (of) 146\u2013148 to keep up (with) 184\u2013188 to keep alive on 130 to keep away from 79 to keep someone from 82 to keep something from 79 to keep something on 128 to keep something up 184\u2013188 to keep something with 190 to key in 98 the key to 168 the key to 169 to kick in 92 to kick in 98 to kick off 122\u2013123 to kick somebody out 143 to kick someone around 32 for kicks 71 to kill something off 122\u2013123 in kilos 91 be kind about 12 be kind of someone 118 a kind of 112 be kind to 167 after one\u2019s kindness 20 out of kindness 145 through kindness 161 with kindness 191\u2013192"]

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