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Home Explore class 9 HHW 2022-23

class 9 HHW 2022-23

Published by The Man, 2022-06-08 05:19:13

Description: class 9 HHW 2022-23


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HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT CLASS: IX Dear Students “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” Holiday Homework is an integral part of our academics. It is vital that you keep your mind ‘ticking over’ during the summer break, to prepare yourself. Yes! A holiday is supposed to be a break from studies, explanations and completing tasks. Therefore, here are a few interesting activities to keep your mind stimulated, during the summer break. Objective: The key purpose of this research-based holiday homework is to inculcate 21st- century competencies in our students. It aims at encouraging creativity, citizenship, character building, critical thinking and problem-solving in the learners. We look forward to effective and efficient completion. Each Holiday Homework is an individual activity and is a part of UI Assessment. It carries 20 marks. The student should mail their HHW to their respective subject teacher. Submission date: 4th July 2022 – 8th July 2022. Rubrics for assessment: Content 4 Marks Use of resources 4 Marks Presentation of Work 4 Marks Reflection on the Activity/ Experience of 4 Marks doing the Research On-time submission 4 Marks 1

ENGLISH “We are all born with a divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of its goodness.”- APJ Abdul Kalam Activity: Book Review on APJ Abdul Kalam’s ‘Wings of Fire’. Objective: To enable the students to plan, organise and present ideas coherently, by introducing, developing and concluding the topic. To express ideas in clear and grammatically correct English, using appropriate punctuation and cohesion devices. To promote inquiry-based learning. Procedure: Students will read the book ‘Wings of Fire’ and write a book review. They will design a creative book cover for the same. Cover page – Make it colourful and beautiful (Page 1) Book Review - Page No 2 and 3 Reflections- Page 4 Size – A4 Sheet size A. While designing a book cover ensure that the cover matches the tone and the topic of the book. (If it's a fun book, you need a fun cover. Serious book, serious cover). B. What is a book review? A book review is a piece of writing which describes and analyses the content, style and merit of the book. Tips to write a good book review 1. Read the book thoroughly. 2. Start with a couple of sentences describing what the book is about. 3. Discuss what you particularly liked about the book. 4. Mention anything you disliked about the book. 5. Round up your review Reference Links: 1. 2. 3. 2

HINDI समय की िशला पर िचũ बनते रहते हœ िकं तु सभी िचũ ˢिणŊम नहीं होते है ।युग िचũ बनते रहते हœ िकं तु िचũ को ˢिणŊम बनाने का पूणŊ दाियȕ सािहȑकार का होता है। पįरİ̾थितयां तो के वल पृʿभूिम Ůˑुत करती हœ। युग चेतक सािहȑकारों की लेखनी से सािहȑ अपने भाव कला से जीवन िचिũत से संयुƅ , लोकमंगल की सतत साधना करता Šआ जब िकसी देश समाज की अƗय और ̾थाई संपिȅ बन जाता है तो वह ˢिणŊम काल कहलाता है ।सािहȑ के इितहास मŐ यह गौरव भİƅ काल को Ůाɑ है। भİƅ कालीन सािहȑकारों के बारे मŐ जानकारी एकिũत करके अपना ǒान वधŊन करना और भİƅ काल के Ůित Ůेम ŮदिशŊत करना इस िŢयाकलाप का उȞे ʴ है िवȨाथŎ िदए गए िचũो,ं समाचार पũो,ं इंटरनेट, िदए गए वेब िलंƛ के Ȫारा Ůाɑ जानकारी को अपनी अिभʩİƅ का आधार बना सकते हœ। • • • • • अपनी जानकारी मŐ िनɻिलİखत िबंदुओं को आधार बनाएं - • भİƅ काल ही ˢणŊ काल Ɛों है ? • भİƅ काल के दो Ůमुख शाखाएं कौन सी है? • भİƅ काल के दो Ůमुख महाकाʩ कौन से हœ? • भİƅ काल के िकसी एक किव की किवता का वणŊन कीिजए । • भİƅकाल की Ůमुख िवशेषताएँ । आवʴक सामŤी – • A 4 शीट • आवʴकतानुसार िचũ • रं गीन पेन िनदőश – • यह ʩİƅगत िŢयाकलाप है । • A 4 शीट सीट का फोʒर बनाएं । • पहले पृʿ पर िवȨालय का नाम ,िवȨाथŎ का नाम, कƗा ,िवषय को विणŊत करŐ । • रोल नंबर 1-20 किव के िकɎीं 4 दोहो का वणŊन करŐ । • रोल नंबर 21- अंत तक किव के िकɎीं 2 पदों का वणŊन करŐ । 3

MATHS MAPPING MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Name of the activity: To use co-ordinate Geometry to make a map of major landmarks in the neighbourhood Pre requisite knowledge: Cartesian plane and axes Skills developed: Spatial Intelligence and Mathematical Creativity Objective of activity: After the activity you will be able to • Plot and interpret points defined in ordered pairs (x,y) in the cartesian plane using appropriate scales. • Graph geometric figures given coordinates of vertices. • Locate places on maps using coordinates. Description of activity: • Create a map of your neighborhood to show others what it looks like and where you live. • Identify some major landmarks near your house like your house, school, the park, salon etc. • You can use Google Map or Google Earth to know the exact coordinates of major landmarks near your house. • Take a graph sheet and using an appropriate scale, mark those landmarks. • You can use an A4 size graph sheet (or make a grid on A4 sheet) for the same. • You can use colours or markers to highlight the places that you have plotted using pre- defined symbols in scale. Research Based Work: Use Google Maps to find out the best possible way to reach school from your house. Plot the route on a graph sheet, using an appropriate scale. Mention the factors considered to choose the best route. Compile your work in a handmade folder. The contents of the folder are as follows: Introduction sheet. Names of the landmarks and their exact coordinates with pre-defined symbols used. Graph sheet Research based work and its graph Reflection sheet References: ed=2ahUKEwi53teLiYbxAhX7DrcAHWGwAJoQrNwCKAJ6BQgBEKsB&biw=1686&bih=821 #imgrc=cqG1ZWfobk3PYM ut+how+far+is+the+middle+school+from+the+high+school..jpg 4

SCIENCE ‘Their Minds were not built to sit and be taught, they were built to explore, play and learn’ Roller Coaster Ride on Scientific Toys SCIENCE ACTIVITY: Dear Students Science toys help kids become interested in science, while also being a source of entertainment. They plant the seeds for future scientific exploration and even a career in the sciences. In addition to being very educational, the right toy can mesmerize a child for hours as they learn how it works and figure out the nuances of its operation. It can definitely help give them that all important head start in school as they begin their studies in science. Science based toys are a great way to learn about basic scientific principles. The most interesting and engaging science toys are usually based on principles in the branch of science. So let us get set go and explore, study and analyze the scientific principles and make scientific toys To help you start with following are some scientific principles based on which you can design your own scientific Toy! • Law of conservation of Energy • Newton’s Laws of Motion • Law of conservation of momentum • Equillibrium (When Anticlockwise momentum is equal to clockwise momentum) • Rocket Propulsion • Magnetism 5

Links for Reference:- NOTE- • Material to be used Best out of Waste ( USE OF THERMOCOL AND PLASTIC SHEETS IS NOT ALLOWED AT ALL) • The above links are for your reference, though usage of your own creativity, innovation, exploration and originality will be highly appreciated. SOCIAL SCIENCE Objectives: A. To create awareness about different types of disasters, their consequences and management B. To ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans C. To enable them to create awareness and preparedness among the community Activity: Project file on Disaster management. Choose any one state/union territory out of the following and write the given details about it. 1. Uttar Pradesh. 2.Orissa 3.Assam 4. Jammu & Kashmir • Give a detailed account of the natural disaster the state is most prone to– Earthquakes/ Landslides/ Cyclones/ Floods • Geographical Reason for being prone to that disaster. • Occurrence of disaster in the past decade • Mitigation techniques used to minimize the effects of the disaster • Preparedness required for such disasters • Inputs (social advertisements/posters/ pamphlets) to raise awareness for preparedness Suggestive Weblinks: Scan for related websites: click on any state- you will get the details of that state 6

Natural Disasters in India Natural Disasters rink in India FRENCH Préparez une brochure sur < La France> Students Name Topics Group 1 les villes les monuments Les musees les arts Group 2 Les fleuves Group 3 les pays voisins les fetes francaises les fromages. Les vins les parfums Les montagnes La haute couture GERMAN 1.Fassen Sie ein “BROCHURE \"in dem Sie sollen ein Abschnitt ueber jede von Deutschland schreiben. Students Name Topics Group 1 Die Staedte Die Denkmale Die Museum Die Kunst Group 2 Die Flusse Group 3 Die Nachbar laender Die Feste von Deutschland Der Kaese. Das Bier Kleider Schokoladen 7

Autos Es gibt mindesten 13 Staedte in Deutschland . Zeichnen Sie bitte die Landkarte und malen Sie sie mit verschiedene Farbe. Jede Stadt soll mindestens 2 photo haben. Fuer das alles zu schaffen folgen Sie bitte die folgenden Hinweisen: Dekorieren Sie den Projekt mit viele Photos und Farben ͪवषयः- पिũका िनमाŊण - SANSKRIT मातरः सवभ[ तू ानां गावः, सवस[ खु Ĥदाः। परु ाण Ĥͧसɮधा धने ु उȞेʴ - संˋृ त भाषा मŐ वाƐ िनमाŊण व अनुDžे द िलखने तथा पुराणों मŐ ŮिसȠ गाय के महȇ को समझने मŐ समथŊ होगं े। ŮिŢया – यह ʩİƅगत िŢयाकलाप है। इस पिũका का िनमाŊण तीन पृʿों मŐ िकया जाएगा। Ĥथम पçृ ठ पर ͪवɮयालय का नाम, क¢ा, ͪवषय का उãलेख ͩकया जाएगा। ɮͪवतीय पçृ ठ पर परु ाणɉ मɅ गाय के महƣा को सͬचğ वͨणत[ ͩकया जाएगा। ततृ ीय पçृ ठ पर धने ु पर अनÍु छेद संèकृ त मɅ ͧलखा जाएगा। आवʴक सामŤी- A 4 शीट. सǍा हेतु आवʴक िचũ । सहायक िलंक SPANISH Hacer un folleto sobre la cultura de espana . Make a brochure of Spain and include the highlighs . S no Students Name Topics 1 Task 1 Cities Monuments Museum Famous personality of German 8

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