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Home Explore keithHaring-Proposal


Published by Chessman_Macau, 2016-07-15 07:10:09

Description: keithHaring-Proposal


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INTRODUCTION 前言\" \"WE WANT TO CHEER PEOPLE UP WITH THE SPIRIT OF KEITH HARING AND INSPIRE THOSE WHO ARE FACING STRUGGLES. 我們希望藉Keith Haring的精神鼓勵別人,使陷於心 靈逆境的人能有所領悟。 Our city is craving for the positive attitude of Keith Haring. People got trapped in an uncertain world while the economic condition is frustrat- ing. The society needs to be encouraged and activated, and be reminded to seize the day – do the best for today, and become a better person tomorrow. The story of Keith Haring and his legendary life would be the best encour- agement to fight against negative energy. 我們的城市正需要像Keith Haring的正面精神。人們都處於一個混沌的狀態,而 周遭的經濟環境也令人失去信心。社會需要鼓勵、需要激活能量,提醒大家要活 在當下——為今天盡力,然後明天變成更好的人。 Keith Haring的事跡與他的傳奇人生,正好對負能量產生最好的鼓舞作用。 COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 01

OBJECTIVE 目的2016 is the 15th Anniversary of CHESSMAN. From SARS to the financial 棋人娛樂製作CHESSMAN今年為成立十五週年,走過沙士、金融風暴及全球經crisis to the global recession, we have gone through the hardest moments. 濟衰退,種種最困難的時刻我們都曾經歷。最重要的是我們選擇了最具挑戰性的What is the most important is we chose to start at the most challenging 起步,於當時沒有本地音樂的澳門逐步建立市場;由當時無人認同的音樂事業,point and gradually established the music market in Macau, a place once 到今天獲政府及其他地方的支持,路上不斷的失敗再站起,才能成就夢想。我們lacked any local music. Starting not being recognized, our music business 也希望藉此真實故事,將正能量帶給世人。is now being supported by the government and other cities - the dreamcame true after ups and downs. We would sincerely present the story and Keith Haring在世上的其中一項精神,是對生命和愛的尊重。在其生命的最後bring positive energy to our society. 時刻仍然不斷地宣揚生命的意義,而更重要的是,他對自己專業的尊重——What people love about Keith Haring is his respect towards life and love. 「我想我生來就是一個藝術家,我有責任為此而At the last moment of his life, he was still trying his best to illustrate the 活。我將盡我所能地畫,為更多的人畫,永遠meaning of living. His attitude towards his own profession was even 地畫下去。」more impressive – ‘My contribution to the world is my 我們希望透過他用生命及創作所展現出不屈不撓的生命力,來勉勵我們的城市,ability to draw. I will draw as much as I can for 我們作為娛樂工作者,也有責任以我們的專業去感染別人,去教育及幫助人們審as many people as I can for as long as I can.’ 視生命,以及活出自己的夢想,以示對生命的尊重。With his perseverance shown in his life and compositions, we would liketo inspire the city. As an entertainer, we have the responsibility to educatepeople with our profession, reminding them to treasure our lives and liveour own dreams. COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 02

TO LET MORE PEOPLE EXPERIENCE THE CONTENTSHAPPENINGS IN OUR LIVE, WE HAVETHOUGHT OF AN EASIER AND MORE 活動內容INTERESTING WAY OF PRESENTATION. COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 03為了讓更多人藉此展覽體驗到生命種種經歷,我們構想了一個比較容易及有趣的方法。A 26m x 25m heart-shaped maze will be built and it signifies that everyvisitor entering the ‘Heart’ will be able to know more about the viewpointsof Keith Haring. Compositions will be displayed around the entire heart-shaped maze and after the exhibition, visitors can queue to enter themaze by presenting their tickets at the ‘maze ticket barrier’. They mayalso choose to buy a fast pass for entering the maze.A number of valves will be set inside the maze to allow the maze to bereconstructed from time to time. With a total of 4 routes, there are 6 com-positions in each route and it keeps the exhibition challenging and novel.Each route displays a single sets of compositions and thus it could tell amore round story behind them. After finding all the 6 compositions andcollecting 6 stamps in a route, the visitor will receive a special gift.場內將化身一個26m x 25m的心形迷宮,象徵每位進入「Heart」的人都可以了解其精神。展覽於整個迷宮的外圍舉行,訪客看畢畫作後,可憑票尾到「迷宮檢票處」排隊進入迷宮,或另購快證(免排隊)進入迷宮。迷宮裏設置多道活門,可以不斷組合及重置。迷宮共有四條路線,每條內有六幅Keith Haring的畫作,令展覽更具挑戰性及新鮮感。迷宮路線將因應主題展出不同的Keith Haring畫作,令入場人士更了解其背後的意義。參加者找齊路線中的六幅名作,並蓋上六個不同的印章,即可到「迷宮檢票處」換領特別紀念品一份。

CONTENTS 活動內容 ︱POP UP STORE︱ Outside the maze, a pop-up store featuring products with Keith Haring 迷宮外亦設有Pop-up Store售賣Keith Haring的周邊産品,令普羅大衆都能負 prints will be set up so that everyone can afford owning a Keith Haring 擔印有Keith Haring畫作的紀念品,亦正好充分體現Keith Haring 這份渴望與大 souvenir. This exactly addresses the persistence of Keith Haring to share 眾分享的堅持。 his arts with the general public - 「如果所謂商業化是把畫印在T恤,令原本買不起 3萬美元一幅畫作的孩子能夠負擔得起我的作‘If commercialization is putting my art on a 品,我絕對支持」shirt so that a kid who can't afford $30,000painting can buy one, then I'm all for it’ and 「藝術為眾人存在」‘art is for everybody’. COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 04

THE PUBLIC NEEDS ART - AND IT IS THE RESPON- IMPACT SIBILITY OF A “SELF-PROCLAIMED ARTIST” TO 影響\" \"REALIZE THAT THE PUBLIC NEEDS ART, AND NOT TO MAKE BOURGEOIS ART FOR A FEW AND The story and works of Keith Haring has been penetrating into Macau IGNORE THE MASSES. and Hong Kong yet people from Mainland China might not be so familiar – KEITH HARING with him. Therefore, we aim at reminding Macau and Hong Kong people to reflect on the meaning of lives, love and dreams while introducing Keith 大眾需要藝術——以藝術家自居的人有責任知道這個 Haring to the China market so that his philosophy comprised in his works 事實,別只為中產階級創作藝術而忽略了社會的大部 can be further popularized in the Chinese society. 由於Keith Haring 於港澳已有一定知名度,而中國大陸對他的畫作及了解並未\" \"份人。 及港澳市民般,於港澳舉行Keith Haring 的活動除了能提醒港澳社會的人對生 – KEITH HARING 命、愛及夢想的意義外,亦是能推廣給中國人更自由地認識Keith Haring 精神 面貌的最佳窗口。他們能藉此機會去反思自己,並能隨意感受Keith Haring 的 每一幅畫作中蘊含的訊息,從而將Keith Haring 的文化更普及於中國人的社會。 COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 05




FLOOR PLAN平面圖 ︱Keith Haring's Work︱ ︱Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Valves︱ ︱活動門︱ ︱Queue area︱ ︱迷宮排隊區︱ ︱POP-UP STORE︱ ︱紀念品區︱ ︱Introduction of Keith Haring︱ ︱Keith Haring簡介︱ ︱Customer Service︱ ︱服務中心︱ - 收銀處 Cashier - 詢問處 Enquiry - 售票處 Box Office - 迷宮檢票處 Maze Ticket Barrier ︱Photo Zone︱ ︱拍照區︱ ︱Display Board︱ ︱展覽板︱ ︱Staff︱ ︱職員︱ COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 09

ROUTE 1路線(一) ︱Visible Works︱ ︱看到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Invisible Works︱ ︱看不到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Valves Irrelevant to Route 1︱ ︱不影響路線(一)的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Closed︱ ︱需關閉的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Opened︱ ︱需打開的活動門︱ ︱Maze Solution︱ ︱可行路線︱ COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 10

ROUTE 2路線(二) ︱Visible Works︱ ︱看到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Invisible Works︱ ︱看不到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Valves Irrelevant to Route 2︱ ︱不影響路線(二)的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Closed︱ ︱需關閉的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Opened︱ ︱需打開的活動門︱ ︱Maze Solution︱ ︱可行路線︱ COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 11

ROUTE 3路線(三) ︱Visible Works︱ ︱看到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Invisible Works︱ ︱看不到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Valves Irrelevant to Route 3︱ ︱不影響路線(三)的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Closed︱ ︱需關閉的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Opened︱ ︱需打開的活動門︱ ︱Maze Solution︱ ︱可行路線︱ COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 12

ROUTE 4路線(四) ︱Visible Works︱ ︱看到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Invisible Works︱ ︱看不到的 Keith Haring's 畫作︱ ︱Valves Irrelevant to Route 4︱ ︱不影響路線(四)的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Closed︱ ︱需關閉的活動門︱ ︱Valves Need to be Opened︱ ︱需打開的活動門︱ ︱Maze Solution︱ ︱可行路線︱ COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 13

WORKS IN MAZE迷宮畫作1.︱Untitled, 1983︱ 2.︱Untitled, 1983︱3.︱Untitled, 1983︱ 4.︱Pop Shop II, 1988︱5.︱Andy Mouse, 1986︱ 6.︱Andy Mouse, 1986︱7.︱Andy Mouse, 1986︱ 8.︱Growing, 1988︱COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 14

WORKS IN MAZE迷宮畫作9.︱Growing, 1988︱ 10.︱Growing, 1988︱11.︱Growing, 1988︱ 12.︱Montreux, 1983︱13.︱Montreux, 1983︱ 14.︱Montreux, 1983︱COPYRIGHT@2016 CHESSMAN HONG KONG 15

CONTACT 聯絡單位CHESSMAN ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION CO LTD棋人娛樂製作有限公司TEL︱電話: +853 2833 6288 ADDRESS︱地址:FAX︱傳真: +853 28336266 R. de Pequim Edf Com. Kong Fat 9/AB Macau, MacauEMAIL︱電郵: [email protected]︱網址: 澳門新口岸上海街廣發商業中心9樓AB座

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