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Published by directornecha, 2021-02-04 03:54:14



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NECHA BULLETIN NORTH EASTERN COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSOCIATION (NECHA) BHOLA BABA PATH, HOUSE NO. 2, SIX MILE, GUWAHATI - 781022, ASSAM VOL - II. NO.X FEBRUARY, 2021 Editorial PRIMARY MISSION We have to plan and find out time and means to go to the villages every day so that people may get their spiritual food for eternal life. It is our duty and obligation and at the same time the right of the people to listen to the word of God and to live the word of God and to have Eucharist as their daily food (Jn. 6:54-55). “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you will not have life in you” (Jn. 6: 53-54). This is the primary mission given to us. EXPERIENCE IN PHILIPINES I was leading a team to Philippines for an exposure programme. We were invited to a Diocesan University for interaction. There were about 10000 Students, from Nursery to Post Graduation. The University was managed by one priest as Vice Chancellor and 4 religious Sisters in different sections. The entire staffs were lay people efficiently managing. Adjacent to that there was a convent with more than 60 sisters who were actively involved in various (Diocesan) activities. I saw it as a new planning and efficient management. It was a good model. We also have to change our old methods and find out new models. NEW IDEAS It is time to look around and gather new ideas from the experiments and experiences of others. We have reached a stage where we look for profit oriented activities. Often our activities are profit and project oriented. Our institutions belong to the anointed and the consecrated as if no other activities are possible or available for our primary mission. At present many priests, brothers and sisters are engaged in the institutions, giving more importance to the secondary mission at the neglect of taking up the primary mission. This is infidelity to Christ. We have to give more importance to the primary mission. NEW WAYS AND REPLANNING We put our heads together and discern new activities. Engage more priests and sisters for primary mission of Christ. Let one or two priests and two or more sisters with many local leaders launch into secondary mission with institutions and new activities. We may have to re-plan from profit and project orientation to more of faith, prayers and sacrifice orientation. PLEASE TAP HERE TO TURN

NECHA BULLETIN SUPREME COMMAND OF JESUS SACRIFICE OF JESUS Jesus as the supreme High Priest offered his Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of sacrifice He offered himself on the Cross for the me” (Lk.22;19) The Catholic Church asks whole humankind for their salvation all the priests to offer Holy Mass every WISH OF JESUS day with the people and for the people and give chance for the people to eat the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus wished that his sacrifice may be offered and DUTY OF continued by his apostles and disciples and their THE PRIESTS followers. For this Jesus gave us the priesthood and the Eucharist. Jesus told the Apostles and all It is the duty of every priest by his the people; “I am the living bread, which came vocation and ordination to offer holy down from heaven; whoever eats of this bread sacrifice of the Mass for his own will live forever. The bread I shall give is my flesh sanctification and to give communion and I will give it for the life of the world” (Jn. for the sanctification of the people. We 6:51). Jesus is telling that all have to eat his body receive grace and gifts and fruits of the and blood as often as possible for eternal life. The Holy Spirit from the Holy Eucharist. duty of giving Eucharist to people is entrusted with priests. This truth is to be taught and explained always to the people so that celebrant OUR UNDERSTADING and the people may enrich and enjoy their life in the world. This truth must Perhaps we do not understand the desire of Jesus prompt and urge every priest to go to fully. We have not yet made the people the communities for the celebration of understand the same. We often do not have a the Eucharist as often as possible and it thirst for the Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist, is the prime duty of every priest. which were so dearly given to us by Jesus. We have to experience God and learn from the God- experiences of others and their lives. PLEASE TAP HERE TO TURN

NECHA BULLETIN DUTY OF CATECHISTS COURAGE OF AND LEADERS ST. PANCRAS – AD 304 It is the duty of Catechists and people to St. Pancras was a young boy. He used to get priest for the celebration of the carry Holy Communion secretly to the Eucharist, if possible, every day in their Christians in the jails. When they found him villages. with Eucharist, he preferred to die than From the time of the Apostolic Church, the abandoning his Christian faith and Emperors and Kings of Rome did not want Eucharist. He was martyred. spreading of Christianity and celebration of the Holy Mass and Eucharist and proclamation of the word of God. They ordered bitter persecutions to wipe out Christian faith and Christians from the face of the Earth. STRENTH AND PRAYER COURAGE FROM FOR PRIESTS HOLY EUCHARIST. During the early periods of the Church, the Today, all the people have to pray much for priests and people received strength and courage from the Holy Eucharist and the priests so that they may get an urge to go to the villages and to celebrate Eucharist proclamation of the Word of God in secret with the people as often as possible. The places like the Catacombs (cubicles under leaders in the villages have to prepare the the ground). The youth used to carry people and arrange priests for Holy Mass. Eucharist secretly to the Christians in the Unless priests enable the people to lead a jails waiting for death. Eucharist centered life, we are denying the The Christians were brutally killed when rights of the people to receive the body and they refused to give up their faith in Jesus blood of Jesus. and the Eucharist. This reveals the love of the early Christians for Jesus, Eucharist and their faith. Holy Eucharist gave them strength and courage to profess their faith and to die. PLEASE TAP HERE TO TURN

NECHA BULLETIN HEALTH TIPS NECHA Bulletin is for the health education of the people, especially the youth in the villages. TONGUE We wish to circulate the Bulletin to all the villages We can say that tongue is the antenna of the in the North Eastern States. brain. All the sensory nerves are connected You may give us the WhatsApp No. or Email ID of with tongue through the brain. As all the your people or forward it. members in the body are assigned with various jobs and works, tongue has multiple jobs. Those who like to begin Community Organising Programmes in your village may contact your USES OF TONGUE Parish Priest or Nurse Sister or Contact NECHA office directly. 1. Tongue is used to take food into the mouth, to select the food, reach food to Fr. K.C. George, teeth, produces saliva for chewing and Director, NECHA to push the processed food into the stomach. Bholababa Path, House No. 2, Six Mile, Khanapara, Guwahati - 781022, Assam. 2. Most of the taste nerves have its ends on Mobile: 9678224827 (O), 8974008332 (P) the tongue and under the tongue. Taste Email: [email protected] nerves ends on the tongue, give and Website: receive messages to and from the brain. Private Circulation only 3. Tongue is the king in the mouth and helps to produce proper dictions and speeches. 4. Tongue gives and takes energy. 5. Tongue helps in the alternate route for breathing and snoring. 6. Tongue helps for singing. CARE OF THE TONGUE 1. Remove the food sediments from the tongue with tongue cleaner. 2. Wash the mouth and rinse with water 3. Close the mouth and chew the food. 4. Do not be distracted or talk while chewing to avoid biting with teeth. 5. Wounds or cuts with teeth or tooth brush is to be treated. 6. Good use of the tongue for happiness and joy. 7. Clean mouth and tongue after eating. 8. Use tongue for praising God. PLEASE TAP HERE TO TURN

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