Veteran ProspectusContinue Your Journeyat a Foreign University
i Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Table of Contents Table of ContentsMessage From Our Director of Operations………...1Our Team…………………………………………………………..2Who We Are...…………………………………………………...3Why Work With VSA?............................................4Post 9/11 or Montgomery GI Bill? ..........................6Differences in Education: America vs England.......7Where you can Study………………………....................8What you can Study…………………………………………..11Courses you Shouldn’t Study Overseas….............12How to Apply…………………………………………………….14FAQs………………………………………………………………...16 Phone: 707-VSA-PLAN Email: [email protected] Veteran Study Abroad Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 10952474. Registered office: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK. 1st Edition 2018/19
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Message From VSA Dir. of Ops 1 From Our Director of Operations“When I left the Air Force in 2015, I was lost. I made the mistake ofseparating without a plan. However, I would never regret thisdecision as it has opened so many doors for me. Leaving the safetyof a guaranteed paycheck and housing payments was just thewake-up call I needed. I developed the independence necessary tobecome a successful person in my own right, separate from themilitary.Although I have found success and was able to thrive with mychoice, I do not recommend this path to my fellow Veterans. It is along and difficult path that can become quite destructive at times. Ihave more memories of sleeping in my car than I care to mention,and I would rather assist my fellow Veterans with avoiding thispossibility. I would rather Veterans learn from my mistakes, andmake a more informed decision with their future. That is whyVeteran Study Abroad (VSA) was created.With VSA, veterans are given an opportunity to plan their future,instead of leaping without looking. We at VSA help a specificdemographic of Veterans with pursuing their education at overseasuniversities, and we do this to help you have your plan in place.There is no better way to plan your future than through education.So, I truly hope that the opportunity of studying overseas gets youexcited about pursuing your education; I can speak from experiencethat we are all excited to help you.”Sincerely, William Pennington Director of Operations, Veteran Study Abroad (VSA)
2 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Our Team Our Team William Pennington | Director of OperationsAfter serving four years in the USAF, William decided to pursue his higher education in the legalfield. After a large amount of research he decided that studying law in England would be hisbest option. Throughout this process William gained a large amount of experience with the GIBill and how it relates to foreign universities. With further experience in business andmanagement, William directs the day-to-day operations of VSA as well as facilitates all legalaspects. His goal for VSA is to ensure that Veterans have easy access to reputable andaffordable education when they decide to pursue their education overseas. Mattison Williams | Head of Student RelationsAfter serving six years in the United States Air Force Mattison decided to continue hiseducation overseas. Following a 3 year assignment at RAF Mildenhall, he enrolled into AngliaRuskin University in Cambridge, England pursuing a bachelor’s in Media Studies. Mattisonunderstands the need for an easy transition and is excited to be apart of any Veteran’s journeyto further education. Dedicated to his fellow Veterans, he is now in charge of StudentRelations, ensuring that all students have a smooth transition into studying overseas andcontinue to avoid any hardships during their studies.
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Who We Are 3 Who We Are “A Veteran Company… For-profit for Veterans.” orVeteran Study Abroad (VSA) is aVeteran-owned company created to assist Non-profit?United States military Veterans withstudying at overseas universities. Our goal We have been asked previously if we areis to make sure Veterans have a plan in a non-profit company. For the sake ofplace for their future, maximizing their transparency, we like to clarify that wechance of success after separation. are NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profitEducation is one of the best ways to organization. VSA is instead a for-profittransition from military life, and we hope limited company. However, we do notthat our services will help make this receive any sort of payment fromprocess exciting and stress-free for our Veterans; all of our funding comes fromVeterans. Partnered Universities. The reason forWe assist Veterans with all aspects of this choice is that our business modelstudying overseas. These services include works better in a for-profit and student visa application This allows us to perform our servicesassistance. Whatever you can think of in for Veterans free of charge, while stillthe process, we help you. We handle maintaining our business expenses.mostly everything for you so you don’thave to worry about speaking with We are proud to say that our servicesuniversities or their admissions teams. actually save the VA and AmericanBasically, all you have to do is call, text or Taxpayer money, due to the differenceemail us, give us specific information, and in costs of education between Americathen we handle it all for you. and other countries. 5
4 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Why Work With VSA? 6 Reasons to use1. It’s Completely Free! overseas with the GI Bill is a very specific thing that is not considered the “norm”,Yes, you read that right: all of VSA’s some employees at the Veterans Affairsservices are completely free of charge office may not even be able to answerfor our fellow Veterans. We will never some of your questions (at no fault ofask you to pay us directly for any of our their own).services. Our goal is to make thetransition to studying overseas as In essence, we are the top specialistsstress-free and affordable as possible that can help you with every step offor you. using your GI Bill overseas.In most cases you will also not pay any 3. VSA Communitytuition costs. We aim to work with Fund.universities that reputable as well asaffordable, in that order. You will Beginning in late 2018/early 2019, wereceive a fantastic education, while not will be implementing the VSAhaving to worry at all about tuition. Community Fund that will only be available to Veterans that use our 2. Veteran Education services. This fund will be used to assist Professionals. VSA Veterans in the event that they have issues paying important bills due toWe are no joke! We know everything you late VA payments.need to know about your educationbenefits and how they relate to studying Please understand that this fund will notoverseas. Since studying be used for everything; it will only be used to assist those Veterans that truly need the assistance.
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Why Work With VSA? 5 4. Partial Airfare We know the ins-and outs of the Reimbursement. university application process, and can guide you through every step, includingThose using VSA services in 2018/19 will writing your Personal Statement (whichbenefit from a partial reimbursement of is the most important part, aftertheir flights. All of those who use VSA grades). With our help, your chances of aand purchase their tickets through being accepted are will receive a £100 high...which brings us to our last point...reimbursement after payment isreceived from your university. 6. 100% Acceptance RatingVisa fees and other moving costs canadd up, but we want to help you make it Of all the students we have helped, ALLmanageable. So rest assured that you’llbe getting a part of the costs back to have been accepted into their course ofyou! choice. We have even been able to get 5. We Know What Schools Want. Veterans accepted into master’s degreeDo you know the best ways to get programs with nothing more than theiraccepted into foreign universities? military experience and an associate’s We do. degree...completely skipping a bachelor’s degree! We can help you as well, and we are excited to get started! Are you? THAT’S why. 7
6 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Post 9/11 GI Bill or Montgomery GI Bill? Post 9/11 GI Bill or Montgomery GI Bill?We won’t beat around the bush; if you are intending on using ourservices, you must use the Post 9/11 GI Bill. We unfortunatelycannot work with Veterans using the Montgomery GI Bill. There areseveral reasons for this:The Montgomery GI Bill does Foreign Universities are notnot pay a housing allowance. familiar with it.Instead of paying tuition to a Many foreign universities areuniversity and paying the student a familiar with the Post 9/11 GI Bill,housing allowance separately, the but some would have neverMontgomery GI Bill pays a set heard of the Montgomery GI Bill.amount directly to the student.This amount is meant to be used This can make it difficult forfor tuition and you’re allowed to some universities to accept it.keep the remaining amount for This reason is reason enough forhelp with living expenses. us not be able to accept theHowever, when studying overseas Montgomery GI must show that you will have In short, if you wish to use ourenough money to support yourself services to study overseas…throughout your studies. It is moredifficult to prove that you will haveAPPLY FOR THEthe funds available with theMontgomery GI Bill, than with thePost 9/11 GI BILL.Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Differences in Education 7Difference in Education: America vs EnglandIf you’re contemplating using your GI Bill overseas, you may be wondering howeducation is different outside of America. This is a great question! We willcompare the American education system with our most popular studylocation, England.Cost Length of StudyA big difference with studying in In England a bachelor’s degreeAmerica is the cost of attending program is only 3 years ina university. Costs for length, with a master’s beinguniversities in America are only 1 year. Basically, you haveastronomical compared to the the opportunity to gain arest of the world. However, thisis not to say that tuition at a master’s degree in the sameforeign school isn’t expensive. time as a bachelor’s inLuckily, in England there are caps America. That’s a no-brainer!as to how much universities are No “Core” Classes!allowed to charge for tuition.Generally, these caps do not That’s right - you don’t have toaffect international tuition worry about core classes likerates, but they do help keep algebra, biology, or history.them at a predictable level. VSA You only study courses thatworks with universities that are relate to your degree, insteadreputable and affordable, so no of wasting your time andmatter what the cost, you willnot be paying out-of-pocket for money on unrelated courses.tuition.
8 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Where you can StudyEngland is more than just home to the Queen. The birthplace of William Shakespeare, JamesBond, and the Rolling Stones, England is truly the perfect place for you if you wish to learn thehistory of some for world's oldest civilisations, or simply want to have a drink at the bar. Theamount of courses offered is also very attractive.Not only is England full of history, it is also an amazing traveling hub. It places you in theperfect position to travel to all countries within the EU at a very low cost.Why study here: Quick education - A Bachelor's degree is normally 3 years long (depending on the course), and a Master's is merely 1 year. You'll earn your degree in a fraction of the time! Cheap tuition - Your GI Bill will cover tuition for most courses offered in England. Some courses (like medical school) will still be more expensive, but still not as expensive as the U.S. Amazing opportunities for travel - England (and other parts of the UK) are located in a perfect area for travelling. A flight to Dublin is less than $30! 10
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Differences in Education 9Ireland has to be the most warm welcoming country we work with. The people are friendlyand accommodating, the music is rich and historic, and the beer is strong and smooth.Do not study here if your goal is to party at the club every weekend. The true heart of Ireland,and the magic, is in the people and family-run pubs. If you are the type of person who likessmaller pubs filled with groups of friendly people, Ireland is for you.Why study here:One of the friendliest countries in the world - Ireland is without a doubt one of the nicestcountries you could visit. Australia would most likely top the list, but Ireland is easily the runnerup. Walk into many pubs and all you'll find are friendly locals willing to chat with you aboutanything; provided you're able to understand everything they say!Incredible music - Ireland is known for live music. If you are a fan of folk-style music and singingalong while drinking a Guinness, you need to be in Ireland. The Temple Bar area in Dublin isfamous for live music and drinks.Cheap travel - As with the other countries in our list, Ireland is placed in a perfect place fortravel. If you'd like to do a vacation to London for the weekend, a return ticket may only cost£25. 11
10 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Where you can StudyThe birthplace of Scotch whiskey and golf, Scotland promises an incredible place to live whileyou're pursuing your degree. With an amazing mix of countryside and cities, you can choosewhether you'd like to live quietly on your own or frequent downtown clubs - or maybe even abit of both?Scotland's education system is incredibly strong and you can rest assured that any degree youearn will make you truly stand out. Something to note is that the normal length of a Bachelor'sdegree in Scotland is 4 years as in America. This is opposed to 3 years in England.Why study here: Cost of Living - Compared to the rest of the UK, Scotland is on the lower side. You may not need to get a roommate when you could rent a 1 bedroom apartment near Edinburgh for less than £600. Master's Degree Included - In some courses, a Master's degree is included in your program. So, after finishing your Bachelor's, you'll head straight to a Master's. Outdoor Lover - The scenery in Scotland is surreal. If you are a fan of mountain climbing and beautiful landscapes, this place is for you! 12
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) Where you can Study 11All of our Partnered Universities offer hundreds of degree options, includingundergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programs. You are prettymuch spoiled for choice when it comes to what you want to study.You can rest assured that no matter what you wish to study, you have theoption. Every course from Aviation to Zoology is offered.Our current Partnered Universities are:Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge, England)Aston University (Birmingham, England)Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland)National University of Ireland - Galway (Galway, Ireland)Please get in touch with us to ask specific questions about PartneredUniversities and the courses they offer.Call - (707)VSA-PLANEmail - [email protected] - 13
12 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) What you SHOULDN’T Study What you SHOULDN’T StudyAlthough there are countless degree options in the UK (and other countries), thereare some degrees that you should not pursue outside of America. These coursesinclude programs that are highly regulated, that eventually involve you challenging aboard of some kind. Mainly, we will discuss Law and Medicine. LawMany budding lawyers look into studying abroad. Law courses arequicker outside of America (4 years total in the UK), and always cheaper.However, law courses are also highly regulated. Even though theAmerican legal system evolved from the UK’s, you will still be expected topass the American Bar exam. Getting to that exam requires a largeamount of required education. You will not be able to use your UK lawdegree to challenge the Bar in America, in most cases, without furthereducation in America.Our SuggestionIf you want to become a lawyer in America, study in America. However,if you would like to live and practice law in the UK, feel free to do it! It isan amazing degree choice; and a highly rewarding career in the future.
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) What you SHOULDN’T Study 13 MedicineAlthough not impossible, it is very difficult for foreign trained doctors towork in America. If you have completed your education outside ofAmerica, you will be presented with a number of hoops (even more thannormal medical students) which could take you years to jump through.Also, medical school in the UK is incredibly expensive, and you will nothave access to the Yellow Ribbon Program* as you would in the States.This would leave you in a more difficult situation than most newlygraduated would-be doctors.Our SuggestionAs with law, if you want to study medicine please study where you wantto practice. This will help you finish your degree on time and start seeingpatients as soon as possible.*If you are unaware of this program, give it a Google! If you are worried about your course of choice, feel free to get in touch with us to ask any questions. 707-VSA-PLAN, [email protected]
14 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) How to Apply How to Apply’s easy!Step 1 - Get in Touch With Us. First, you must contact us at (707)VSA-PLAN to start planning your overseas education. We like to speak with our students directly to get a feel for what their interests are, and what their goals are for their education. You can also email us at [email protected] or submit an online enquiry at 2 - Decide what and where you would like to study. You have multiple universities and countries to choose from. As well as a nearly countless list of degrees. We have everything you’d want!Step 3 - Complete Your University Application We will help with this. All you have to do is follow our directions and it’s a quick and painless step!Step 4 - Complete Your Student Visa Application Just like the university application, this is simple. Just listen to us and you’ll have your visa in no time!Step 5 - Book Your Flights We always recommend our students purchase their flights from This site is amazing for cheap flights. Also, we will reimburse you £100 ($140) for your flights after you begin your course. So you will make some of this money back - How great is that!? 16
16 Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) FAQs FAQsWhy should I work with VSA? We’re committed to our fellow Veterans. We are Veterans ourselves, so we know your struggles and want to help in any way we can. VSA Veterans are also entitled to use the VSA Community Fund, which gives assistance with essential bill payments if VA payments are late, as well as partial flight reimbursement!Can I only study with Partnered Universities? In essence, yes. However, we are always looking for further appropriate universities to partner with. Also, our Partnered Universities have partners of their own in multiple countries. So you are offered the opportunity to study abroad while studying overseas!Are England, Ireland, and Scotland the only choices I have? At the moment, these are where our Partnered Universities are located. However, all of our partners have partners of their own in multiple countries throughout the world. You have the option to study between 3-12 months of your degree in one of these countries, depending on your course.Can I study abroad while studying overseas? Yes! All of our partners participate in the Erasmus+ program which allows to study 3-12 months of your degree in another country. If the courses you study abroad are part of your degree, the GI Bill will cover them as well! Usually, this means you will not have to pay anything extra for studying abroad. Pretty cool, right?I’ve already used some of my GI Bill, can I still study overseas? Most likely, YES! In England and Ireland, bachelor degrees are only 3 years long. So you do not need your full GI Bill to finish a full degree. Get in touch with us! 18
Veteran Study Abroad (VSA) FAQs 17 FAQs (cont’d)Do I have to pay anything? We partner with universities that are reputable and affordable, so you will never pay out-of-pocket for tuition unless you decide to pursue a degree that is very expensive. However, you will need to pay for visa fees, and moving costs. Remember though, you will be partially reimbursed for your flights!What if my VA payments are late? Luckily for our students, we are implementing the VSA Community Fund in late 2018/early 2019. This fund will be used to assist VSA Veterans with paying essential bills in the event that VA payments are late, and it is deemed to be necessary. Please note that it is still recommended that you have savings available, just in case. We want this fund to be used for those who truly are in a tough spot. This will only be available until the student’s VA payments start.What should I do about an apartment? We usually recommend that you find a roommate or house share, because this will help keep your bills cheaper throughout your studies. In some cases, no deposit is necessary to move into a house share. Check out for an idea on some costs in the U.K.What about a driver’s license? You will be able to drive on your U.S. license for up to 12 months. However, before these 12 months are up, you will need to complete a theory and practical driving test to receive a driver’s license in the country you’re studying in. It isn’t as difficult as some people make it seem! Just study a bit and be aware of your driving skill. For licenses in the U.K. please go here: For Ireland, please go here: you have further questions or concerns, contact us at (707)[email protected]. 19
Veteran Study Abroad Limited is a limited company registered in 20England and Wales. Registered number: 10952474. Registered office: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK.
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