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Home Explore Puppy Training Biting

Puppy Training Biting

Published by trainedk9, 2015-08-11 00:19:26

Description: The best time to start training your dog is when you first bring him or her home. No dog over eight weeks of age is too young to begin learning how to live successfully in a human family. The sooner your little bundle of fur learns what is expected, the easier the adjustment will be for everyone in your home.

Keywords: In Home Dog Training NJ, Dog Trainers In Jn, Puppy Training Biting, Obedience Training NJ


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Puppy Training BitingThe best time to start training your dog is when you first bring him or herhome. No dog over eight weeks of age is too young to begin learning how tolive successfully in a human family. The sooner your little bundle of fur learnswhat is expected, the easier the adjustment will be for everyone in your home.The old maxim that \"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure\" isespecially true in dog training. It's so much easier to keep a bad habit fromforming than it is to change an unacceptable behavior once it's beenestablished. So give your puppy a head start to a happy life and train him whilehe's young and new to your household.

Basic Obedience TrainingThis program is for dogs over six months of age. Even the friendliest, most lovable dog inthe world can be more than a handful if not properly trained. In fact, sometimes it's themost outgoing and exuberant dogs that are the hardest to control. But regardless of yourdog's personality type you want her to be a good citizen who is always welcome to shareyour space.The Basic Training program consists of four weekly lessons. We will cover these subjects:Establishing the proper rapport and relationship with you as the benevolent leaderWalking in a well behaved manner on leashStandard Commands (Sit, Down, Stay, Come & Drop It)How to address common behavior problemsTeaching your dog to be able to resist distraction and stay focused on you.

Dog Trainers In JnThe Trained Canine provides the finest in-home dog training in northernNew Jersey. Our goal is to help every dog we work with become your bestfriend for life. Sharing your home with a dog should be one of the mostrewarding experiences you'll ever have, but it's not always easy - we canhelp!No More FrustrationIf you ask yourself these kinds of questions...Why does he continue to soil my home?When will she stop jumping up on everyone she meets?How do I get her to stop pulling when we go for a walk?Just what will it take before he pays attention to me and reliably does what Iask?

Advanced On and Off Leash Training Some people choose to continue working with professional instruction as their dog advances on to more difficult tasks and challenging environments, such as remaining well controlled outside and in the face of increasing distraction. Some wish to train off leash. The Trained Canine is always happy to work with you on these goals! For moral and legal reasons The Trained Canine will only undertake off leash training with a dog that is already well disciplined in the basics and in a safe enclosed environment. The duration of training along with the goals of the owner should be discussed during an in person evaluation.

Problem Behaviors & AggressionDogs can present us with all types of unwanted behaviors: Eliminating inside Ceaseless barking Jumping Destructive chewing Nipping & BitingWhile these things are stressful to us humans in the family, it's important tounderstand that your dog is behaving in a way that makes sense to him. Dogsdon't make trouble just to get you angry. The key is understanding what isdriving the unwanted behavior and how that behavior is being reinforced byyour dog's environment.

Obedience TrainingPrivate in-home training allows us to focus on your individual needs.Throughout the training process you will observe while I get your dog tounderstand and comply with my commands. Before each lesson ends you willbe the one who is demonstrating to me how it's done!While every dog should learn to respond to basic commands, it's the dog whohas learned to exercise self-control and restraint in the presence of distractionsand excitement that is always welcome around people and company. That's whygood manners are always a top priority with The Trained Canine. Day TrainingLots of people today are too busy to devote the necessary amount of time totheir dogs to get them trained and well-behaved. Standard in-home trainingconsists of once weekly lessons that you practice and reinforce on a dailybasis. If you choose the Day Training option we will come to your home 3 to 4times a week while you are at work or busy doing something else and do theheavy lifting for you. You still need to participate once a week to get up tospeed but your dog gets the benefit of learning directly from the expert mostof the time.

Aggression & AnxietyMore challenging are dogs that have what could be referred to as personalitydisorders or emotional disturbances. These are dogs that display aggression,nervousness & anxiety, or a mixture of both. Such dogs are potentially dangerous toyou, your family and your friends. Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety orphobias are included in this category.There is no one reason why a dog may develop anti-social behavior. A lack of propersocialization as a puppy is often a factor. So, too, is a dog's natural temperament andexposure to previous trauma. Don't make the mistake of hoping that these types ofproblems will simply disappear or be outgrown. Fearfulness and aggression usuallyescalate over time and become triggered ever more easily. These animals need specialcare. If you believe your dog belongs in one of these categories it is very importantthat you seek the right kind of help. It is a mistake to punish aggressive dogs and it'slikewise wrong to baby and protect fearful dogs. The wrong kind of handling canmake such dogs worse.

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