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Home Explore Bishop Jax Installation Program

Bishop Jax Installation Program

Published by sjacks5701, 2015-07-24 17:59:45

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A WORD OF BLESSINGS Solid Rock Cathedral of Faith “A Church Standing on a True Foundation” Words cannot express my sincere appreciation for all of your acts May GOD GIVE GRACE and strengthen you to “stand” July 26, 2015 of dedication and love. I am humbled by the LORD’s work in my life and in the life of my family. During this year which our Church have “PERFECT  YOUR  FAITH” set aside as the Year of the Perfecting Faith, I would ask you, as families, to be especially mindful of our call to be better examples of And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, yegoodness in the community and in our home. This means being ready to go beyond your shall receive. St. Matthew 21:11homes and to care for our brothers and sisters who are most in need. I ask you especially toshow concern for those who do not have a family of their own, in particular those who are 2015 Church Mantra - GOD entering into the openelderly and children without parents. Never let them feel isolated, alone and abandoned, but doors (of our heart and life, and those who openhelp them to know that God has not forgotten them. their spirit to HIS SPIRIT) in answer to prayer andDear friends in Christ, know that I pray for you always! I pray that the Lord may continue to worship. Receiving the Year of the overflow anddeepen your love for him, and that this love may manifest itself in your love for one another double portion for the Body of CHRIST.and for the Church. Pray often and take the fruits of your prayer into the world, that all mayknow Jesus Christ and his merciful love. 611 Amador Street  Blessings to You Always, Vallejo, CA 94590 Bishop Elect R. A. JacksonSpecial Thanks to Church Partners, Affiliates and Friends of the MinistryNew Beginning Outreach Ministries, Inc. Jacob City, FL…..Elder M. HendersonNew Life End Time Ministry, Benicia, CA…….Honor of the Late Pastor F. RolandFilipino Community of Solano County, Vallejo, CA……Norma Placido, PresidentSt. John Missionary Baptist Church, Little Rock, AR…......Reverend C.D. EdwardsFirst Congregational Church, Martinez, CA…………………...Pastor Norm LueckeTrinity Community Church, San Rafael, CA……………...………..Pastor W. NelkenSt. Matthews Baptist Church, Florida…………………………….Reverend D. GreenKTLN, San Rafael, CA……………………………………………………..Debbie FraserSkyview Memorial Lawn, Vallejo, CA……………………………………………………. § SPECIAL  Thanks  to  Everyone  for  their  continued  support  and  love   § JOIN  US  @  Noon  Day  Prayer  at  12pm  Monday,  Wednesday  and  Friday   § MID-­‐WEEK  BIBLE  STUDY  WEDNESDAY  @  6:30PM   § BLESS  All  For  Your  Support  for  Ministry  and  Growth  Plans  for  2015   § Need  prayer  contact  us  at  707-­‐267-­‐PRAY  JOIN THE UPPER ROOM PRAYER TEAM – MORE INFO AVAILABLE WE ARE WORKING FOR CHRISTWe want GOD’s Best for YOU BISHOP R.A. & S.B. JACKSON“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events;small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Supporting Leaders, Partnering with Believers, Growing God’s Families” Thanks from the Leaders of SRCOF   Senior Pastor, Bishop Elect R. A. Jackson Throughout your tenure as Presiding Elder, your nobility and your mobility have amazed us. Your The ROCK - Church on Fire for GOD energy and stamina to continuously engage believers and non-believers are clearly GOD-given gifts as they seem to CELEBRATING 7 YEARS OF SERVICE July 26, 2015 have no limit. From top to bottom and shore to shore you have crisscrossed (or shall we say Christ-crossed) the nation many CHIMES OF BLESSINGS times to sow the seeds of Christianity. Your flock has come to know you and love you and your family. Some leaders areTHE PROCESSIONAL remembered for a single event or a remarkable accomplishment. Although we have witnessed many of your remarkableBISHOP DESIGNATE..........................................................G. CHIGWADA accomplishments, we have been blessed to have nearly a decade PRESIDING BISHOP OF CHRIST THE ROCK MINISTRIES INTNL. memories of your time as a community leader and Elder of our Church body. Most for your everyday accomplishments are theTHE CALL TO WORSHIP building blocks that strengthen our faith, restore our families, and lead positive change in our communities. Bishop Elect R. A. PRAISE AND WORSHIP...................................................... EUGENE COLE Jackson has volunteered for over 7 years and we’ve witnessed your life as a reflection of GOD’s WORD. MINISTER OF MUSIC, TABERNACLE OF DAVID MISSIONARY, VALLEJO, CA In the Gospel we heard that “Joseph did as the angel of the LordTHE OBSERVATIONS commanded him and took Mary as his wife” (Mt 1:24). These words already point to the mission, which GOD entrusts to Joseph THE CHURCH AFFIRMATION.................................................................... as a faithful protector and we have seen Bishop Elect R.A. Jackson conduct himself likewise – he has done as the LORD commanded. SRCOF CHURCH MOTHERS’ BOARD Bishop Elect R. A. Jackson is a courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see great compassion, faithfulness andTHE OFFERATORY PRAYER consistency, a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, OFFERING .................................................................PRESIDING DEACON for benevolence, for genuine openness to others, for love. Our Church and our national outreach is clearly a better placeTHE PRAISE because of your service among us. Bishop Elect R.A. Jackson, you challenged us with a bold new vision of growth and vitality for SolidTHE HYMN OF ADORATION......................................................................... Rock Cathedral of Faith. We will pray for you. Thank you, GOD,PRAISE AND WORSHP ................................................................................... for the gift of Bishop Elect Jackson.CONGREGATIONAL HYMN........................................................................ With Utmost Respect and Admiration, The Leadership of Solid Rock Cathedral of FaithTHE SERMONIC MESSAGE BISHOP DESIGNATE..........................................................G. CHIGWADA PRESIDING BISHOP OF CHRIST THE ROCK MINISTRIES INTNL.THE INVESTURING THE INVOCATION.......................................................................................... THE LEVITICAL AFFIRMATION............................................................... THE CHARGE.................................................................................................. THE CONFIRMATION .................................................................................. THE BLESSING ............................................................................................... THE INVITATION / BENEDICTION............................................................THE RECESSIONAL RECESSIONAL HYMN   IN  OBSERVANCE  OF  THE  RECESSIONAL,  PLEASE  REMAIN  AT  YOUR  SEAT   UNTIL  THE  PRESIDING  BISHOP  AND  BISHOPS  HAVE  RECESSED.  

THE INVESTITURE  ZUCCHETTO BISHOP GEORGE CHIGWADAThe small, round skullcap of the ecclesiastic, worn under the biretta, or miter.THE CASSOCK PRESIDING BISHOP OF CHRIST THE ROCKThe Robe which is worn during the service, is the symbol of an Bishop Elect and Servant. The MINISTRIES INTNL.Bishop is first and foremost, a Servant and one among his brethren.THE CINCTURE Bishop George Chigwada and his wife Susan are the founders ofThis Garment is a symbol of Christ. It speaks of the Bishop’s willingness to “wash his brethren’s Christ The Rock Ministries International. The founding Church is infeet” pursuant to the example of His Lord. HARARE Zimbabwe. Bishop Chigwada started Ministry by going toTHE ROCHET minister to delinquent juveniles who were living in “probation”This white linen Garment is a symbol of the Priesthood. Aaron’s Ephod is found in the book of homes. He became a member of Rhema Bible Church, Harare (nowLeviticus and is a reminder to the Bishop that his role as one who stands before us in the office of Celebration Church). He was responsible for the Church accountingChief Intercessor. As the Priest carries the prayers of the people to God, the Prophet carries the and later became a Touch Pastor. He also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center inWord of God Back to the people. Our Bishops stand in the two-fold office as Priest and HARARE Zimbabwe.Prophet. He founded Christ The Rock Ministries in Harare Zimbabwe. Today the Ministry has several Churches in Zimbabwe. He also established churches in other Countries includingTHE CHIMERE Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, England, Australia and South Sudan. He also oversees aThis Garment is a symbol of a Prophet. The Bishop of the Church becomes the Chief Defender number of churches. Bishop Chigwada has recently established Christ The Rock Church inof the faith and the Preacher of the doctrines in his Jurisdiction. This is one symbol that sets him Fremont, California. Bishop Chigwada is a seasoned teacher of the Word of God with aapart from Elders, for he alone wears this Mantle of Office. In Elijah’s day they called it the strong prophetic anointing. He has a passion for the empowerment of God’s people and theProphet’s mantle. An immediate indicator that he was God’s messenger. realization of their God ordained destiny.THE TIPPET Bishop George has been serving God for over 25 years. He is married with two children andThe tippet is the symbol of a slave. It is the tippet that binds the Bishop to his Church. The is a proud grandfather to his grandson, Channing Kudzaishe Chigwada.tippet signifies that the Bishop is a man under authority.THE PECTORAL CROSS Bishop Elect R. A. JacksonPrimarily the instrument of suffering on which Christ died and redeemed the world. It issymbolic for whatever pain and endurance that a Christian undergoes, and voluntarily accepts, in ELDER EMERITUS OF SOLID ROCKorder to be joined with Christ and co-operate in the salvation of souls. CHAIN -- Symbolic of CATHEDRAL OF FAITHendurance, which emphasizes that the bearer is not a novice. As a gift to the Christ child, itsymbolizes his kingship. As the primary teaching pastor, Bishop Elect R. A.THE RING Jackson has a passion for carefully unpacking the truthsThe Symbol of priestly authority. A token of covenant between candidates and God. It is based of Scripture. He is one of the founding officers ofupon the scripture concerning the prodigal Son and demonstrates favor upon the person who is SRCOF. He works with his wife in ministry. Theirwearing it. It is worn on the right hand and is a primary symbol of office. passion is to equip leaders and youth to integrate theCOPE WORD of GOD into their daily living and to be a beacon ofWorn as an outdoor garment symbolizing the Shepherds covering of the sheep from its hope to others. A Pastor/Elder, lecturer and life coach, and community leader,nakedness and exposure. Bishop Elect R. A. Jackson has traveled extensively around the country and EuropeMITER for more than 20 years. His gift of delivering spiritual wisdom has positioned him asHead dress for the Bishop. Peaks are cloven tongues of fire. Streamers are streams of everlasting a featured guest at corporate team development events and leadership seminars. Heliving water that Christ offers to the believers. has also served as a featured speaker at numerous conferences and hostsCROZIER (STAFF) transformational revivals is disparate communities. As a volunteer pastor, heSymbolic for the Shepherd’s staff given to Moses as he was exiled from Egypt. Symbol of personally invests in the lives of people sowing GOD’s WORD. “Enduringauthority and Strength. “ ...Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” Ps. 23:5 leadership involves a high degree of personal integrity and based on a structured, satisfying and enriching personal lifestyle” (Ramsey 1991)

THE OBSERVATIONS THE CONSECRATION   AFFIRMATION  OF  THE  CHURCH  BODY   THE INSTALLATION SRCOF  Church  Mothers:                                                                                                      C.  Hilton,  Church  Mother  Emeritus   THE PRESIDING BISHOP “MY BROTHERS and MEMBERS, IN THE NAME OF THE      D.  Washington,  Church  Mother   LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE GREAT HEAD OF THE I.  Dilahunty,  Church  Mother     CHURCH AND BY THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME I DO HEREBY INSTALL YOU AS THE BISHOP OF SOLID ROCK IN  ACCORDANCE  WITH  1  TIMOTHY  3:1-­‐7   CATHEDRAL OF FAITH CHURCH AND IT’S AFFILIATED CHURCHES AND MINISTRIES.” We,  The  Congregation  of  Solid  Rock  Cathedral  of  Faith  Church,  believe  that  Bishop   Elect  R.A.  Jackson  meets  the  duties  of  a  Bishop  as  follows:   THE COMMUNION As the disciples sat together, Jesus said, \" ‘Take it and eat it, for 1.  TO  RULE  THE  CHURCH   this is my body' \" (Matthew 26:26). He then gave thanks and 2.  TO  TEACH   offered them the cup and said, \" ‘Each of you drink from it, for 3.  TO  SHEPHERD  THE  FLOCK   this is my blood, which seals the covenant between God and his 4.  TO  ADMINISTER  THE  ORDINANCES   people. It is poured out to forgive the sins of many' \" (Matthew I. Blameless   26:27-28). Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  has  demonstrated  a  transparent  approach  to  sharing  his   life.    He  lives  a  righteous  life  that  can  be  seen  as  righteous.  No  one  can  stand  up  and   THE PRAYER rightfully  accuse  him  of  grievous  sin.       II. Husband  of  one  wife   THE ANNOINTING We  affirm  that  the  accredited  overseer  of  the  church,  who  are  called  to  teach  doctrine   and  exercise  discipline,  must  themselves  have  an  unblemished  reputation.    Bishop   THE CONFIRMATION Elect  R.A.  Jackson  has  exhibited  exemplary  martial  faithfulness.    III. Temperate     PLACEMENT OF THE INVESTMENTS Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  not  given  to  extremes.  He  is  reliable  and  trustworthy,  and   has  no  variability  or  wide  swings  of  vision,  mood,  or  action.     THE INVITATION IV. Sober-­‐minded     Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  thinks  clearly  and  with  clarity  focusing  his  strengths  on   THE REVIEW equipping  the  leaders  and  Church  body.     V. Of  good  behavior   THE RECESSIONAL Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  practices  a  passionate,  contagious  spiritual  discipline   necessary  to  sustain  an  appropriate  spirituality  for  ministry;  keeps  his  love   for,  and  awareness  of  God  alive  and  vital  by  regular  examination  of  his  prayer  life,   personal  use  of  the  Bible  and  other  factors  affecting  personal  spirituality  as  evident  in   the  programs  that  he  creates  and  leads  to  strengthen  the  congregation  and  leadership.     VI. Hospitable    Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  teaching  approach  makes  people  feel  welcome  and  he   encourages  hospitality  and  communications.    VII. Able  to  teach    Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  demonstrates  responsibility  to  help  believers  discover,   develop  and  exercise  their  gifts  in  appropriate  ministries  so  that  the  Body  of  Christ   \"grows  and  builds  itself  up  in  love.\"    VIII. Not  given  to  wine:   Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson’s  life,  ministry,  and  leadership  style,  counseling  style   exhibits  the  highest  level  of  sobriety  both  tactically  and  strategically.          

THE CHARGE cont.“The Church AND its affiliated Churches and Ministries has expressed IX. Not  violent  confidence in you, in your character, in your devotion to Christ and the Church,and in your ability to direct the affairs and promote the general interests of the Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  a  man  who  lets  God  fight  his  cause.    Bishop  Elect  R.A.  entire Church in that the “CHURCH” has signally honored you by selecting you Jackson  supports  a  variety  of  disciple-­‐making  groups,  which  endeavor  to  reach  the  to this high office.” unchurched,  meet  individual  needs,  develop  personal  discipleship  and  experience  “The Apostle Paul warns that a Bishop must then be blameless, the husband ofone wife...vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach. authentic  Christian  community.    Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without, lest he fallinto reproach and the snare of the devil.” X. Not  greedy  for  money:       Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  life  standards  encourage  giving  and  he  has  pastored  /  The Cadre of Church Member Boards and affiliated Church Organizations andassigned has ascribed to you as Bishop, the following duties: volunteered  at  our  Church  for  over  six  years  and  received  no  salary,  offerings  or  Ô To uphold, obey and defend the WORD of GOD. monetary  gifts.      Ô To function as the Administrative Head of the Church to which you are called. XI. Gentle:    Ô To encourage Ministerial Improvements and Leadership Training by planning Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  committed  to  living  out  the  mission  and  ministries  of   Pastors, Minister and Members of Clergy Study Groups, In- Service-Training, Ministerial Retreats and Supporting the spiritual growth of community leaders and compassion,  justice,  and  advocacy  for  the  Church  and  community,  both  locally  and   members.Ô To inspire the Pastors, Minister and Members of Clergy to spiritual growth and beyond.     personal improvement for more effective witnessing for Christ and His Kingdom. “And  what  does  the  Lord  require  of  you  but  to  do  justice,  and  to  love  kindness,  and  to  Ô To encourage visitation among the Pastors in the homes, hospitals and penal institutions. walk  humbly  with  your  God?”  Micah  6:8     To stimulate, by your life example, as well as, by your preaching, the outlook and vision of your people and inspire them to holy living and more dedication to the XII. Not  quarrelsome:     total program of the Church.Ô To submit yourself to your Superiors in the church with all prayerful humility and Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  a  strong  leader  and  his  military  training  is  a  core  building   by your example, teaching those under your charge to do the same. block  of  his  leadership  style.    As  the  governing  board,  we  have  benefited  from  his  Ô To seek out communities in your region into which a Christian Witness might be effective. structured,  tactical,  integrity-­‐driven,  Bible-­‐based  style  that  is  rooted  in  finding  an   equitable  approach  that  benefits  the  greater  Church  body.     XIII. Not  covetous:     Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson’s  mantra  is  giving  and  sharing.  He  gives  his  best  in  support   of  Christian  growth  focusing  his  energy  and  attention  on  helping  others.      He  exhibits   dedication  to  wholeness  of  spiritual  health,  mind,  soul,  and  body  and  family  life.       XIV. Who  rules  his  own  house  well:     Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  a  godly  leader  demonstrates  his  leadership  ability  first  in   his  own  home;  Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  lives  up  to  the  home  where  our  Christianity   is  first  demonstrated.    He  shares  his  family  life  in  a  way  that  gives  to  his  home  the  best   of  GODly  teaching  and  we  as  a  Church  body  benefit  from  the  lessons  learned  under  the   power  of  GOD.         XV. Not  a  novice:     Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  is  able  to  provide  strategic  leadership  and  organizational   skills  that  result  in  more  effective  and  efficient  ministries;  is  a  person  of  vision,  capable   of  setting  realistic  goals,  offering  creative  planning  and  managing  change  within   existing  structures  and  systems.     XVI. A  good  testimony   Bishop  Elect  R.A.  Jackson  demonstrates  skill  in  identifying,  analyzing,  and  solving   problems  that  arise  in  the  church  based  on  wisdom  and  reflective  experience;  presents   a  “persona”  that  inspires  trust,  enabling  him  to  offer  sound  advice  and  appropriate   challenge  or  support.       WE the Church In Agreement with the HOLY SCRIPTURES say Amen and Amen All in Attendance on the 26th Day of July in the Year of 2015, What Say You……………………………………………Amen, Amen and Amen

The Service of Consecration Affirmation of Faith THE PRESIDING BISHOP CHIEF CONSECRATOR Lead: We affirm our faith in the Bible Church: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only GEORGE CHIGWADA infallible written Word of God. The Presentation Lead: We affirm our faith in God Church: We believe that there is One God, eternally existent in three “BY THE WILL OF GOD WE PRESENT BISHOP ELECT R.A. JACKSON Persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. TO YOU FOR PUBLIC CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED OFFICE OF Lead: We affirm our faith in the Blessed Hope BISHOP.” Church: We believe in the Promise of JESUS, which is the rapture of the Church which is in Christ at His return. The Invocation Lead: We affirm our faith in RepentanceThe Presiding Bishop: Church: We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin, is“In as much as the Holy Scriptures enjoin that no man be placed hastily in through repentance, faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and beingsupervision of the affairs of God’s Holy Church and in order that those baptized in may know your mind and purpose concerning this Sacred office willyou, in the fear of God, answer the questions we ask you in JESUS name Lead: We Affirm our faith in SalvationANSWER: “I WILL” Church: We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.“Will you endeavor to live soberly, righteously and godly as a Bishopin the Church so that you may be an example to all others in Lead: We affirm our faith in Jesus ChristChristian living?” Church: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the CrossANSWER: “I WILL, BY THE HELP OF GOD.” provides healing for the human body in answer to believing in prayer.“Will you instruct those who come under your charge, in the Word of Lead: We affirm our faith in the Holy GhostGod to the edification of the whole church?” Church: We believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost, according to ActsANSWER: “I WILL DO SO, THE LORD BEING MY HELPER.” 2:4, is given to believers who asks for it.“Will you give diligence to faithfully perform all the duties assigned Lead: We affirm our faith in Sanctificationto you as Bishop of Solid Rock Cathedral of Faith in order as Church: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whoseprescribed by the WORD OF GOD?” indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a Holy and separated life in thisANSWER: “I WILL, BY THE HELP OF GOD.” present world, Amen.“Will you ever seek, in true humility, to deal justly and kindly withyour brethren in the ministry and with all others over which you shallbe placed as Bishop?”ANSWER: “I WILL DO SO BY THE HELP AND GRACE OFGOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT BEING MY STRENGTH.”

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