icyuPublications presents
Digital Marketing People Driven This is our StoryFrom UK to China via a few stops in between,this is a story of determination, experiencesand success.People are what drive us: we make marketinghuman centric helping brands make love totheir customers with marketing material thatresonates with its audience.From 2003, it is a story that is still beingwritten today.
Our Story, begins in 2001 when a lone Englishmanwashed up in China's North Eastern province of Jilin.Arriving in Beijing early 2003 he found himself confinedto his living quarters as the city battled SARS.To break the boredom he offered on line Englishlanguage help to local businesses. The seeds to WPwere sown.Later that year he teamed up with Ms Yu, accountdirector of one of Beijing's larger marketing agencies towork on a bilingual account for a US university. 2004they teamed up again to form their own GeneralMarketing Company which was legally registered early2005.
WP Beijing was born, with a heavy focus on research ananalysis.The early years were very successful with a mix of localc. lients including Midea and K-Boxing.Around 2007 we correctly predicted the shift to digitaland growth of social media in China and began to focuson mobile marketingWe grew into a tight team of battle hardened Chinabusiness professionals blended with the youthfulexuberance of a tech savvy, digital generationsupported by specialist digital experts all focused onData Driven Closed Loop Content marketing.
To counter the growing tension and distrust among someCountries 2013 we dropped the BEIJING suffix and becameknown as WP-activ.2015 we ventured into technology and formed Aim2D.tech,however the .tech domains did not prove popular in Asia.2017 we cut our losses, closed Aim2D and WP-Activreforming as 2 distinct companies: the original Chineseregistered in 2005 - Ande in English- and Bicyu NZ Co Ltd.Ande is home to our Chinese language digital marketingcompany as well as Uengager.com, our SaaS brand.Bicyu is home to English language digital marketing siteas well as specialist Wechat Operation and Training andSeminar companies.
We have Skills in:● Digital Development● App Creation and Marketing● Creative Content● Digital Video / Sound/ Imagery● Data Analysis● Social Media Operation● SaaS
Our Mission: Support, train, inspire and assist Brands cravingto create superior quality, meaningful interactions with theiradmirers.Encourage them to interpret and exploit their gold mine of fandata and closely analyse this information to discover andunderstand their audience's hidden, true needs, wants anddesires.Stimulate them to produce authentic, highly engaging socialMedia marketing messages satisfying and delighting their readers.Our Aim: Assist our clients generate increased organic trafficdriving growing revenue by raising brand awareness throughIntelligent content and customer experience optimisation.We do this: through our exemplary digital marketing services,work-shops, in-house training, webinars, seminars, VOD and ourextensive library of free digital resources including our Wechat,blog, news letters and stellar customer support.
Why do we exist? We help our clients become better marketers and answer the following questions: Where does my traffic go, how can I track it better? How many leads to my campaign earn, how can I target them better? How much did my Digital Campaign contribute to my CRM? How can I make my digital marketing campaign more cost effective?
We help you to...
Our Strength is our peop
Our 3 Key Directors
Business Strengths Industry Strengths ● Strategy ● Local support for foreign businesses ● Content ● Social operation based ● Tech / IT ● Multi industry experience ● Data Operation ● Full industry insight from ● We are one of the few who branding to sales support provide a total Digital Service in house. Research Strengths Resource Strengths ● Real data base and front line marketing experience.● Work globally and locally, strong teach and media ● Professional data analysis resources on where to best target your content.● Our unique position means we have a depth and breadth of talent to draw on for support.
Business StructureDigital Digital product DigitalMarketing Development Analyssis● Integrated Digital ● We design ● Traffic AnalysisStrategy ● Data Analysis ● E-Comm ● User Behaviour● Digital Brand DevelopmentStrategy ● Data Base Patterns● Social Media Development ● Brand Metrics Operation● Content Marketing ● APP ● Trend Analysis● EDM / CRM ● Integrated Customised● Marketing Marketing Plug ins● ReportsOptimisation
When you are readyto launch a Chinadigital campaign,we'll help you withthree core researchareas
Now it's your turn.If you are considering the China market andneed more info or have a specific project inmind scan the QR and we will respond witha free evaluation or answers. You Will Be In Great Company~
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