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Home Explore DEMA Supplier Guide Vol. 2 FINAL PRINT SPREAD


Published by Matt, 2017-02-01 09:05:56

Description: DEMA Supplier Guide Vol. 2 FINAL PRINT SPREAD


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WELCOME toSUPPLIER the preferred guide published by DOMESTIC ESTATE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONThe Domestic Estate Management Association is the #1 Association for Private Service! DEMA has been providing education, resources and support to our members in the luxury market since 2007.SUPPLIER is the preferred guide of Private Service and an essential resource to any ultra high net worthhousehold. These companies are the preferred suppliers of the Domestic Estate Management Associationand the only trusted source for DEMA Members. Each listing has basic company information, such as contact information, summary of service they provide, service areas, star rating and website. EDITORIAL INQUIRIES For listing opportunities contact: Published & Distributed by Domestic Estate Management Association Tel. 1 (407) 930-8971 FOLLOW US stay in touch@domesticmanagers @domesticmanagers @domesticmanager @domesticmanagers all rights reserved copyright © 2016 Domestic Estate Management Association Orlando, FL —3—


THE PREFERRED GUIDE STAR RATINGS Our star rating system ranges from one to five stars. For each requirement the Supplier meets they will earn an additional star. Our star rating is meant to be a tool so you know the right questions to ask when hiring a supplier, whether they are part of DEMA membership or not. HHHHHTHE 5 STAR RATING IS BASED ON MEETING THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: H Supplier is licensed and/or certified by their industry trade organization H Supplier is properly insured H Supplier conducts background check of employees H Supplier has a written and enforced drug policy H Supplier does not sub-contract their services *Only Suppliers that are current DEMA Members will have a star rating. Placement Agencies, Educators and Schools do not require a star rating. —5—

Remember...Suppliers in the directory often service multiple markets, not only the state or region they are located in. Having a wide service rangewill allow more options when it comes to choosing the right supplier for thejob. Make sure to check the listing and contact them for their service areas. —6—


DOMESTICESTATE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONThe worlds #1 Association for Private ServiceThe Domestic Estate Management Our Supplier members include a network of Association (DEMA) is a worldwide companies dedicated to assisting the needs ofeducational association for the Private luxury estates. DEMA maintains a discreetService Community. and rapidly growing number of Private Service Professional members and UHNW PrincipalFounded in 2007, DEMA was created Homeowners that demand the service ofto provide a forum for Private Service luxury products and prescreened Suppliers.Professionals and approved service suppliersinterested in protecting the best interests of Benefits of membership include localtheir clients. The fundamental purpose of educational events, annual convention,the association is to raise industry standards. regional conferences, online resources, supplier network, perks program, networkingGrowing at a rapid rate, with thousands of and podcasts.members domestically and internationally,DEMA has expanded into a worldwide Matthew Haack, Founder | Presidentassociation. Michael Wright, Founder | Vice PresidentServing those who serve others. That is Domestic Estate Management Associationthe philosophy that DEMA lives by. 7552 Municipal DriveSupporting members who are Private Service Orlando, FL 32819Professionals, Suppliers, Agencies, Educatorsand Principal Homeowners to better preserve Tel. (407) 930-8971& protect the estate through trusted resources. info@domesticmanagers.comAnyone who serves or maintains a residence www.domesticmanagers.comcan qualify to become a member of DEMA. www.demaconvention.comOur Professional Members titles include:Butler, Caretaker, Domestic Couple, ElderCaregiver, Enlisted Aides, Estate Manager,Executive Assistant, Household Manager,Houseman, Housekeeper, Major Domo,Nanny, Personal Assistant, Private Chef,Private Jet Staff, Property Manager andYacht Crew. —8—


FULL PAGE SPREAD SMART HOME AUTOMATION1 SOUND CHOICE HHHHH1Sound Choice provides premium Smart Home automation For great Smart Home Automation tips, listen to Matt and solutions making you the true master of your domain. DJ’s DEMA Live podcast with 1 Sound Choice’s CEOEasily and intelligently control every aspect of your estate— Ryan Herd.from lights, shades, security, climate control, home theater,music, and more—even if you are miles away. Ryan Herd, CEOOr let things happen automatically. Music can stream 913 Rt 23 South, Suite 9throughout the home from any source. When it’s game time, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444have the lights dim, the shades lower, and the TV tune to theright input, with one tap. Tel: (973) 316-0678Your security system arms automatically as the lights go out, ryan@onesoundchoice.comthe minute everyone’s safe in bed. It’s that simple and fully www.1soundchoice.comcustomizable for any home.We support Principals and Private Service personnelworldwide, by servicing existing or installation of new smarthome automation systems.1 Sound Choice, we make your Home and Office Smart aswell as Easy To Use!— 10 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENTBARTLETT TREE EXPERTSHHHHHFor over a century, Bartlett Tree Experts has made Scott Jamieson, Vice President sustainable landscapes thrive. Founded in 1907, Bartlett Greg Carbone, Vice Presidentis a research-driven, family-owned and operated tree care 100 offices worldwide to serve youcompany with 100 offices in 27 U.S. states, Canada, Irelandand Great Britain. Bartlett’s tree care experts provide a mix Toll Free Tel: (877) 277-8538 (877-BARTLETT)of local service, global resources and innovative sustainable www.bartlett.compractices that lead the industry. Bartlett is the only privatecompany in the National Plant Diagnostic Network,a consortium of government agencies and universitiesproviding rapid diagnosis of plant pests and diseases. TheBartlett Tree Research Laboratory and Arboretum is locatedin Charlotte, North Carolina on 400 acres and providesdiagnostic, training and research support for the companyand the industry.RESIDENTIAL TREE SERVICESBartlett Tree Experts offers a variety of services to help ourresidential customers maintain beautiful, healthy trees andshrubs. Our local arborists are experts in diagnosing andtreating problems to help protect your plants as well as yourlandscape investment.— 11 —

NATURAL STONE & TILEBEYOND STONE SOLUTIONS HHHHHWe are honored to be a forty-year-old, family-owned business. We take a personal interest in every single job and treat ourcustomers like family.Our commitment to quality and excellence beyond expectations is whatdrives us. There are many reasons why we at Beyond Stone Solutions arethe preferred natural stone and tile floor and surface experts throughoutArizona.From installing your new flooring or countertops, to restoring yourexisting ones to look as good as new, our very experienced and qualifiedteam knows what it takes to make your surfaces look great and help youkeep them looking that way. Restoration | Maintenance | Installation 2039 E. Cedar Street, Suite 104 Tempe, AZ 85281 Tel: (602) 993-9800 Fax: (480) 459-5773 TENNIS | ATHLETIC COURT CONSTRUCTION F A S T - D R Y C O U R T S, I N C. & 10-S TENNIS SUPPLY Independently Verified, Award Winning Quality | Recognized By The ASBA for Quality Construction for 20 Consecutive Years | 47 ASBA Award Winning Facilities Since 1995 | 7 USTA “Outstanding Facility” Award Winners 52 Year Track Record of Meeting & Exceeding Customer Expectations | Over 73% of our Business Last Year Was From Repeat Customers or Referrals | 96% of our Customers Would Recommend Fast-Dry Courts to a Trusted Colleague or Friend | 1,000+ Supplies, Equipment & Accessories in Stock, Available for Immediate Delivery from 10-S Tennis Supply Todd Dettor, Owner | Sales 1400 NW 13th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Tel: (954) 979-3111 Toll Free: (800) 432-2994 Fax: (954) 978-8479

FULL PAGE SPREAD FINE ART SERVICES | STORAGEBELLISSIMA LUXURY & FINE ART SERVICES HHHHHSKILL | RELATIONSHIP | TRUST Susan D. McGregor, Owner | CEOBellissima Luxury & Fine Art Services, LLC 3340 SE 6th Avenue offers a full array of fine art services, including: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316installation, de-installation, packing, moving,storage, custom crating, sculpture rigging, digital Tel: (954) 256-0090inventory, and domestic and international shipping. Fax: (954) 256-7924Our team of highly skilled and courteous art susan@bellissimafineart.comhandlers work extensively on private estates, www.bellissimafineart.comyachts, corporate offices, museums, galleries, andmajor art fairs.Bellissima Luxury & Fine Art Services also offersluxury services such as packing, transport andstorage of wine.Bellissima operates out of an ultra-secure, categoryfive hurricane-rated facility conveniently locatednear the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood InternationalAirport.Welcome to Bellissima. — 13 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD HOME SERVICESBRUNO AIR HHHHHCOMFORT IS OUR BUSINESS. ultra-fine particulate matter. These toxins when inhaled will create a health hazard. At Bruno, we ensure you are utilizingRAISING THE BAR FOR THOROUGH SERVICE. only the purest of air within your home.EVERY CUSTOMER, EVERY TIME. Bruno’s thorough service ensures consistent comfort todayIn Florida, a properly functioning AC unit is more than and always. an amenity; it’s a necessity! When it comes to thoroughservice, most AC companies miss the mark. Bruno is working Servicing the state of Floridahard to change that perception. Our customer-centeredapproach focuses on quality interactions, proactive solutions, Toll Free: (855) 999-4367and critical thinking. With the Bruno ComprehensiveSystem Analysis, an extensive inspection, our professionals c u s t om e r s e r v i c e @ b r u n o a i r. c omcan identify system errors and target potential problems. Our www.brunoair.comthorough service also extends to plumbing and electrical.At Bruno, we advocate consistent preventative maintenance.With system neglect, energy is wasted and it compromisesthe lifespan of the unit. Investing in and maintaining yourHVAC system will also provide excellent indoor air quality.Indoor air pollution is a top 5 health risk according to theEPA. The average home circulates 40lbs of dust and mayinclude harmful pollutants such as VOCs, phthalates,PBDEs, biological growth, pollen, pet dander, and radon via— 14 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD INTERIOR DESIGNC A T H E R I N E C L E A R E I N T E R I O R S, LLCHHHHHCatherine Cleare Interiors LLC is a premiere interior • Spend transparency and detailed invoicing, including design firm based in Greenwich, CT and Stonington,CT with a singular focus: making your Principal’s design photos of purchases approved by your Principal.dream into a functional, inspirational reality, one gorgeousdetail at a time. With two Interior Design degrees and • Broad access to special resources, materials and artisans–20+ years in business, Catherine is a member of DEMAand an Allied Member of the American Society of Interior from the best fabric houses and custom furnitureDesigners. Her designs have been featured on HGTV and inpremier publications. manufacturers, to superb artisans and cabinet makers.Catherine works with Estate Managers to achieve • Absolute confidentiality from your CCI for inspirational interior design, flawless results and happyPrincipals. The best Interior Designers use a systematic and protection of your Principal’s privacy.coordinated process that covers Programming and SpacePlanning, Interior Design, Construction Documents, and It’s all in the Details!Project Administration. Catherine Cleare, OwnerCatherine manages the practical concerns you may have infulfilling your Principal’s visions – results that delight you, 32 Field Point Roadnot surprise you. Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: (203) 454 9430• Immediate issue resolution and reliance on CCI’s long term relationships• One-on-one interaction throughout the project. — 15 —

E SPREADBESPOKE PIANOSEURO PIANOS NAPLESHHHHHEuro Pianos Naples is the sublime setting instruments, as well as extraordinary art work. for the prize jewels of the piano industry-European luxury instruments from Italy, Our incomparable consulting services and expertGermany and Spain. We represent designer andbespoke pianos from Europe’s finest piano houses, technicians complete the best piano experience forincluding FAZIOLI, Bluthner, Sauter andSchimmel among others. Envision a sleek modern our clients.acrylic shape or an ornately carved piano caseinlaid with rare woods and gemstones. Fantasize • Rent a FAZIOLI Grand Piano for your Eventno more. It’s here. • Design a Custom Vertical or Grand Piano • Tune and Maintain your Piano • Refinish your Piano • Move your Piano • Piano Player SystemsEstablished in Naples, Florida in 2001 we cater Sunny Reuter, Vice Presidentexclusively to discerning piano buyers seekinga magnificently memorable instrument. As the 12980 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 1sole Floridian distributor of the world-renowned Naples, FL 34110Italian Fazioli grand piano, Euro Piano’s beautifulpiano and art salon is taking the industry by storm. Tel: (239) 591-0304With innovative ideas, creative risks, and a team sunny@europianosnaples.comof live-wire entrepreneurs, we cater to the most www.europianosnaples.codiscerning of musicians, patrons, and Port Royaldesigners seeking quality high-performance— 16 —

FULL PAGE SPREADGLASS & METAL RESTORATIONGLASSTECH HHHHHLuxury homes and estates possess a variety of surfaces UNPARALLELED PROTECTION - Through the and finishes that require special care and consideration. use of nanotechnology and air-curing ceramic coatings,Ocean and waterfront estates are subject to salt spray and GlassTech can give you the upper hand against salt spraycorrosion, testing the integrity of every exterior surface. and corrosion. Greatly reduce cleaning time and eliminate constant polishing of treated surfaces. Our coatings prolongWindows are the gateway to a beautiful view and ornamental the life and appearance of exterior fixtures.objects, fixtures and railings are a unique accent to everyhome’s beauty. Indoor and outdoor kitchens represent a Contact us for a surface evaluation and recommendations.significant investment in stainless steel appliances.Maintaining all of these surfaces requires an arsenal of George Varga, Presidentcleaners, polishes, protectants and countless hours of labor in Jason Pace, Director of Marketinga seemingly never-ending cycle. Fortunately, GlassTech hasthe solution to your ongoing surface maintenance problems. 1445 Jupiter Park Dr. Suite 9 Jupiter, FL 33458GlassTech specializes in the restoration and protection ofglass, stainless steel, non-ferrous metals, stone and a variety Tel: (561) 596-2085of other surfaces. info@gtrestore.comEXCEPTIONAL CLARITY - GlassTech can restore www.gtrestore.comthe clarity and beauty to glass windows and doors while alsomaking them virtually self-cleaning.RESTORING BEAUTY - GlassTech can removescratches and staining from glass, corrosion from stainlesssteel and damage from non-ferrous metals leaving thesesurfaces looking “like new”.— 17 —

SECURITY GAVIN DE BECKER & ASSOCIATES HHHHGavin de Becker & Associates provides protective security, logistical support, and consultation to prominent families, Family Offices,public figures, at-risk individuals, Fortune 500 companies, governmentofficials, and universities.We protect people who are at risk, advise clients on the assessment andmanagement of situations that might escalate into violence, and developstrategies for improving safety and privacy. los angeles | san francisco| seattle | chicago | dallas new york | atlanta | miami | london Jason Pandak, Manager Direct Client Services 11684 Ventura Blvd., Suite 440 Studio City, California 91604 Tel: (818) 505-0177 LANDSCAPING AND OUTDOOR CARE H O F F M A N L A N D S C A P E S, I N C. HHHH Regarding fine private residences, it remains imperative not to overlook any detail. Hoffman Landscapes, Inc. channels your requirements into superbly finished results. Since 1987, no other landscape group has been more qualified to meet the individual needs of your client. This is why Hoffman Landscapes resonates with Estate Managers throughout Fairfield, Litchfield and Westchester counties. Comprehensive Landscape Care Landscape Architecture Outdoor Construction Michael Hoffman, President 647 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897 Tel: (203) 834-9656

FULL PAGE SPREAD DOMESTIC STAFFINGHAMPTONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCYHamptons Employment Agency, Inc. was Aleksandra Kardwell, Founder & President founded in 2011 by Aleksandra Kardwell tomeet the domestic staffing needs of families with info@hamptonsemployment.comresidences in New York City and The Hamptons.Licensed, bonded, and fully insured, the company www.hamptonsemployment.comnow serves clients throughout the Greater NewYork Area, Florida, and beyond. Hamptons Office 149 Hampton RoadWith offices in New York City, Southampton, Southampton, NY 11968and Boca Raton we provide professional-quality Tel: (631) 204-1100domestic help, such as housekeepers, estate Fax: (631) 204-1101couples, chefs, chauffeurs, servers and otherresidential staff members to meet the individual New York City Officeneeds of our clients. We serve a wide range of 590 Madison Avenue, 21st Floorindividuals and families, including some of the New York, NY 10022world’s most well-known people, such as CEOs, Tel: (212) 521-4373government officials, and Hollywood actors. Fax: (212) 390-0017Due to Hamptons Employment Agency’s Boca Raton Officeprofessionalism and client-focus, we were proudly 433 Plaza Real, Suite 275voted the 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 Best Boca Raton, FL 33432Domestic Agency — Platinum/#1 by the readers Tel: (561) 962-4188of Dan’s Papers. Hamptons Employment Agency Fax: (561) 288-9008is also a member of the Better Business Bureau,and the company maintains an A+ Rating.— 19 —

H E A LT H C A R E L I F E W O R K, I N C. HHHHHLifework, Inc. services and equips premier estates with avant-guard technology and competence for the unexpected medical emergency.On location services are an integral component for our global clients.Lifework professionals implement First Aid, CPR, & AED programs.We collaborate with your team for responder site assessment, productselection, and placement location. Our Certified Emergency Nurseproprietor provides onsite private consultation and personal instruction.Lifework is your essential resource for premium AED and first-aidequipment, medical direction, education, guidance, and post-eventsupport. At Lifework, we respect privacy. It is our honor to service ourdistinguished clients with exceptional value and professional discretion. Saving heart at a time Carol Stemple, RN CEN, President 8641 Bali Road Ellicott City, MD 21043 Tel: (410) 888-9600 ext. 111 Toll Free: (888) 877-4427 EDUCATION NEWBORN CARE SOLUTIONS HHHHH Today, more than ever, with major shifts in hiring trends, parents are demanding the most educated and knowledgeable Newborn Care Specialists to care for their infants. We proudly offer national and international on-site training along with online virtual training to meet the needs of every agency and every student. Online or In-Person Training | Private, Customized Newborn Training on-site for household childcare staff | Private, Customized “Baby Boot Camp” classes for expecting principals | In-depth, evidenced based content | Eco-Maternity Consulting | Green Nursery Consulting Our graduates are in high demand with staffing agencies, and with 30 years’ experience in private service, Tonya is one of the most in-demand instructors in the industry. Tonya Sakowicz, Owner - Director of Education Todd Sakowicz, Owner - Managing Director 10810 N. Tatum Blvd. Suite 102-301 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Tel: (480) 907-4700

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZERPREMIER PROFESSIONAL O R G A N I Z E R® HHHHHProfessional Organizer Marla Ottenstein is renowned for her exceptional personal and professional attributes. Her reputation forproviding extraordinary customer service, unparalleled expertise and thehighest levels of discretion, while helping her clients simplify their lives,is unsurpassed. She is recognized for her honesty, reliability, strongbusiness acumen, tenacity and inherent ability to make things happen. WRITER | SPEAKER | EDUCATOR | VOLUNTEER Marla Ottenstein, Owner Nationwide | Worldwide Naples, Florida Tel: (239) 597-6277 APPRAISAL SERVICES NUGENT APPRAISAL SERVICES HHHHH Nugent Appraisal Service is a family operated Personal Property appraisal firm that produces independent, USPAP compliant certified appraisal reports that are used for Scheduling Insurance, Damage Claim Resolution, Estate Settlement, Equitable Distribution, Marital Dissolution, Charitable Donation, and Buy/Sell Decisions. The firm was founded in 1976 in Naples, Florida and now has additional offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Orlando, and Tampa. The accredited appraisal experts perform onsite appraisal examinations of Fine Art, Jewelry, Collectibles, Memorabilia, and General Residential Contents. Our reports are used by Insurers, Government Agencies like the IRS and FBI, the Courts, and society at large. We provide Expert Witness testimony in cases involving litigation. ft. lauderdale | miami | palm beach | naples | orlando | tampa Ray Nugent, President Olivia Nugent, 3rd Generation Appraiser and GIA Gemologist Tel: (239) 353-7122 Toll Free: (888) 353-7152

FULL PAGE SPREAD DOMESTIC PLACEMENT AGENCYPRECISE HOME MANAGEMENTPrecise Home Management (PHM) is a leading Domestic Andrew Lowrey, Founder | President Staffing Agency and Consultancy. We have, withcommitment and satisfaction, placed domestic personnel, 1007 North Calvert Sthousehold staff and management in the finest homes and Baltimore, MD 21202 USAestates worldwide since our inception in 1998. Tel: (410) 659-9200“Our goal is to set and meet the standards of satisfaction” Fax: (410) 659-9202PHM recognizes that the search and placement of suitable phm@precisehome.comdomestic staff and household personnel is very time www.precisehome.comconsuming. PHM conducts this search – freeing you thetime to enjoy your family, your friends and your home.Services include the search and placement of domesticmanagement and staff including butlers, chefs, estatemanagers, personal assistants, nannies and housekeepers.Other services include staff training tailored to suit individualhousehold needs and customized manuals and directories.Precise Home Management is more than a Domestic StaffingAgency. We not only source your new domestic employee butensure they are absolutely right for you and your household.— 22 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD DOMESTIC STAFFINGRE: P R E M I E R S T A F F I N GOf paramount importance is our Karen Gilbert, Executive Assistant accomplished ability to match theperfect applicant with the ideal opportunity. 1180 Avenue of the AmericasSimply put, we respectfully listen to your New York, NY 10036needs and wishes to conscientiously solveyour staffing and employment requirements. Tel: (347) 703-3243 admin@repremierstaffing.comIt is our multiple years of being in NYC josie@repremierstaffing.comand the surrounding areas, along with our www.repremierstaffing.comlongstanding relationships with our clientsand our esteemed network of exemplarysupport professionals that facilitateintroducing a keenly curated match to fityour needs. — 23 —

FULL PAGE SPREADRED SECURITY LLC FIVE SECURITY HHHHHEnsuring Bad Things Don’t Happen To Good People design specialists. Red Five enjoys key partnerships with security, intelligence, maritime, aviation, and engineeringRed Five Security, LLC, is a concierge security company organizations that support Red Five business operations committed to delivering bespoke security solutions that globally. Red Five’s principals and associates understand themeet or exceed our clients’ needs. importance of best security practices in support of business enterprises and corporate strategic goals.We develop creative and cost-effective solutions to uniquesecurity challenges. Red Five’s personnel have extensive R. Kris Coleman, President & CEOexperience in security operations and intelligence, security Heather Nickerson, Chief Financial Officerdesign and engineering, threat and vulnerability assessments,investigations, and have trained corporate and government 1420 Beverly Road, Suite 270security professionals around the globe. Red Five’s clients McLean, VA 22101include Fortune 50 corporations and high net-worth families.Our combined experience gives us a deep understanding of Tel: (571) 970-3526today’s threats and the countermeasures required to defend Toll Free: (888) RED5-007against them. This understanding drives our development ofclient-centric security services. www.red5security.comThe Red Five consulting team includes seasoned experts fromthe Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central IntelligenceAgency, the U.S. Secret Service, and the Departments ofState, Defense and Energy, as well as accredited security — 24 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD LUXURY HOME SERVICERENOVATION ANGEL HHHHHRenovation Angel is North America’s premier recycler Steve Feldman, President & Co-Founder for luxury pre-owned kitchens, renovations, anddemolitions. Recycling your luxury kitchen and high-end 275 Route 46 Westrenovation fixtures is a smart alternative to throwing it out Fairfield, NJ 07004in the dumpster. Tel: (973) 461-2344FINANCIAL BENEFITS Toll Free: (888) 887-5211Homeowners receive significant financial benefits through afull tax deduction, free white glove removal/pack/transport, steve@renovationangel.organd no disposal costs. www.renovationangel.orgWHITE GLOVE REMOVAL Renovation Angel is a donation program of RECOVERYRenovation Angel performs a free white glove, professional, UNLIMITED, a section 501(c)3 non-profit organization.insured removal/pack/transport. In most cases, kitchenprojects are completed are in one day.NEW PROJECTSRenovation Angel recycles luxury kitchens, bath fixtures,furniture, home décor, lighting, architectural elements, andmore. To start your project or to learn more, please contact:— 25 —

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER RESTORGANIZEYou finally have everything running smoothly. All houses staffed, inventoried and organized. The Principal’s happy. You’re happy. and then...You get the phone call: your Principal asks you to organize and inventory an inheritance!You arrange an auction house to manage the highest value items. Butthere are still thousands of other items - of monetary and sentimental value. You’re tasked with handling all of them.Thank goodness you have Judson Crowder’s number! He’s the manbehind Restorganize, the leading company for inheritance inventory and management. You call him up and he saves the day! Judson Crowder, Certified Professional Organizer 2870 Gessner Road, #C4 Houston, TX 77080 Tel: (713) 304-5355 NUTRITION COUNSELING T H E G I R L A N D T H E E G G™ HHHHH The Girl and The Egg™ is a boutique nutrition consulting service designed to care for you, those you care about, and those who care for you. Certified Nutritional Consultant and Professional Chef, Colleen Forgus, has over 20 years of experience using food to nourish the body and soul. Proactively addressing the dietary needs of everyone in the family is essential to long-term health. For those wishing to add to their family, Colleen helps restore and enhance fertility naturally, through nutrition and lifestyle guidance, before conception, during pregnancy and after delivery. “The greatest wealth is health.” Virgil Nutritional Consultant | Chef | Speaker | Educator Colleen Forgus, NTC - Owner Scottsdale, AZ | Nationwide Tel: (480) 399-3192

DOMESTIC STAFFING AGENCY THE ROBERT HANSELMAN D O M E S T I C A G E N C Y, I N C .After celebrating 20 years of professional business and countless successful employee placements, our formula is simple – placeonly the best the first time. Whether working with a single personor a large family, aristocrat or under the radar, politician or musician,we know that personality and experience are the keys to a qualityplacement. We carefully profile both employee and employer in orderto present the most compatible candidates for consideration, makingour goal to establish a long-term relationship. Our process is extremelyindividualized and the resulting candidate recommendation is basedequally on skill and personality. We are proud of our track record andstand behind each and every candidate.Robert Hanselman attributes his business success to his dedicationto service. “Long-term placement with long lasting satisfaction is ourcommitment,” he says. Robert Hanselman, Founder | President 888 3rd Street NW Atlanta, GA 30318 Tel: (404) 600-5201 Fax: (775) 242-9815 Toll Free: (888) 838-4404 YACHT CHARTER Y.C O HHHHH Yachting is our passion. It’s what drives our team 24/7, 365 days a year. Always aiming to be the best at what we do. Always with our clients’ interests ahead of ours. Good enough isn’t enough. Experience yachting, in an exceptional way. Experience Y.CO. CHARTER SALES MANAGEMENT BUILD & REFIT CREW Rose Jolis, Yacht Charter Seattle, WA | Nationwide Tel: (970) 389-7014 RJ@Y.CO WWW.Y.CO

DOMESTIC STAFFING AGENCYS T R O L L E R S & S T I L E T T O S® Family Planning Made Simple Strollers and Stilettos® offers customized services that busy families need to simplify their lives. ............................................. Domestic Staffing Agency Personal Assistance Event Planning Education Consulting Maternity Concierge ............................................. Katie Lewis, Founder and CEO 980 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: (312) 768-8030 — 28 —

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LOGISTICS PROVIDERW I L L I A M C. H U F F HHHHHA full-service logistics provider specializing in complete concierge service for discerning clientele around the world.Your principal’s homes are filled with a lifetime personality of each of our clients and their families, of treasures. Their artwork, antiques and and we then assign that particular staff member tofamily heirlooms represent the estate owner’s the family for life. We currently have some staffpersonality and heritage. Choosing the wrong members who have been working for the samecompany to handle these items during a move families for over 20 years!can be a disaster unless you choose a vetted andexperienced company such as William C. Huff. The William C. Huff reputation for perfection and superlative service gained us the honor of DEMAFor over 100 years, William C. Huff has been “Supplier” of the year in 2014. This prestigiousproviding quality care for thousands of clients. credential assures your principal that their prizedOwner, Jim L. Henderson, has worked diligently items will have the best care available, anywhere!to raise the industry standard of quality serviceto meet the needs of the most discerning A Tradition of Qualityhomeowners around the globe. The award-winning client service starts with highly tenured Jim L. Henderson, Presidentand professionally trained staff. The average staffmember of William C. Huff has over 10 years of naples, floridain-the-field experience working with some of the barrington, new hampshirelargest estates in the USA. 4227 Progress AvenueThe William C. Huff team has been professionally Naples, FL 34104trained by Merv Richard, Chief Conservator of Tel: (239) 263-8081the National Gallery of Art for art crating and Fax: (239) 263-4182handling; Claude Robbins of the InternationalWine Guild- Colorado for wine handling and 26 Colonial Waystorage; and Cheryl Lampard of Image Matters, Barrington, NH 03825LLC, England and the US for professional image Tel: (603) 335-2967and protocol. Fax: (603) 335-6138Your Principal’s concerns for privacy and safety are jim@williamchuff.comparamount at William C. Huff. With extensive www.williamchuff.comtraining and experience, our staff is efficient inminimizing the number of people entering andleaving the home. Every staff member is trainedin proper protocol to understand the importanceof non-disclosure and confidentiality. Also, westrive to match our project leaders to the unique— 30 —

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ESTATE/GROUNDS MANAGEMENTU LT I M AT E P R O F E S S I O N A L GROUNDS MANAGEMENT HHHHUltimate Professional Grounds Management is SERVICES: your Grounds Concierge. Simply let us know Lawn Care, Arbor Care, Garden Maintenance,your needs and desires and relax in the knowledge Integrated Pest Management, Golf/Recreation,that we will handle it all for you, efficiently, Winter Management, Plant Storage, Seasonalexpertly and discreetly. Ultimate Services has Color, Holiday Decorations, Events, Propertyprovided expertise to discerning clients for over Managementfour decades. We can provide everything fromroutine lawn care to an expansive formal garden, SPECIALTY SERVICES:putting green or vineyard. Our staff of Designers, Orchards, Vineyards, Apiaries, Maple SyrupHorticulturists, Masons and Licensed Applicatorswill work for you with exceptional knowledge John G. Chiarella Jr., Ownerand professionalism that will lead to your dreams Susan Fields, Designer | Sales Managerbecoming reality. Whatever you desire, just askus. We are “at your service”. 288 Valley Road Cos Cob, CT 06807At Ultimate Services, we provide professionalgrounds management services for discriminating Tel: (203) 487-0124clients. Private homeowners, property managersand corporations count on our knowledge, susanf@ultimategrounds.comexperience and unequaled range of services to www.ultimategrounds.commeet their every need.— 32 —

FULL PAGE SPREAD2016 NKBA National Best Bath Winner KITCHEN AND BATH DESIGNX S T Y L E S B A T H + M O R E, I N C. Distinctively Creative, Tanya Woods AKBD, CAPS, Principal Designer Decidedly Luxurious Jeff Woods, Principal Designer Designing Your Estate’s Most Intimate Spaces 910 Bloomcrest Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304XStyles is an award winning design firm with over 20 years experience specializing in residential design. Tel: (248) 792-9112 SERVICES INCLUDE • Kitchen and Bath Design • Interior Design • Space Planning • Custom Cabinetry • Custom Closets • 3-D Modeling and Construction DocumentsXStyles provides Design Consultations for the selection ofproducts in both Remodel and New Construction Projects.— 33 —

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