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Published by beatriz.clemente, 2019-03-18 11:19:53

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AGENDA Welcome to our Employee Service Award Dinner 2018 Cocktails Dinner Awards Ceremony 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Awards Presentation Order 5 and 10 years to be announced by Todd Aldrich 15, 20 and 25 years speeches Presenters: CareCoach – Todd Aldrich Health Care Connect – Todd Aldrich Health and Service Support – Todd Aldrich Telehealth – Todd Aldrich Lawline – Jim Almost Roadside – Jim Almost Toyota – Jim Almost Human Resources – Gaile Cohen IT / IS – Denis Thibodeau Finance – Tony Ditlow EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

CONGRATS! 30 YEARS 15 YEARS 10 YEARS 5 YEARS Lamb, Holly Duhamel, Gisele Nancekivell, Arlene Renaud, Jennifer Van Scoy, Desiree Prud’homme, Sophie Mackenzie, Katrina 25 YEARS Bourque, Jacques Smith, Meredith Green, Jennifer Dennis, Karen Letts, Karrie Irvine, Laura Machado, Sue Leger, Chantal Parker, Kelly Corsaut, Kaitlynn Almost, James Kramberger, Chris Sonnenburg, Joan Shantz, Melanie Culbert, David Dick, Lisa Demissie, Missrak Roussel-Malo, Domini Thibodeau, Denis Goodwin, Simon Hartin, Katrina Laperriere, Jennifer Wyant, Chad Krascek, Christopher Tower, Corey Smith, Jason Castelhano, Anibal Shaughnessy, Carla Jones, Debbie Goguen, Michel Guiry, Debra Coates, Chantel Eaton, Shawn 20 YEARS Lacombe, Diane Willis, Pamela Gilbert, Justyne Rowell, Shani Buksh, Mumtaz Touchette, Madeleine Machan, Todd Tilemans, Marion Ten Eyck, Erin Benoit, Yannick Mcculligh, Mark Wernham, Margaret Barrett, Maureen Haggerty, Steven Cline, Lynn Wells, Jo-Ann Thomas, Myles Groulx, Karen Vandam, Erin Soares, Alison Maydell-Scanlan, Kri Goldenberg, Bradley Cann, Andrew Kimball, Zara Palmieri, Trina Vautour, Ginette Desjardine, Donna Bond, Philana Degraw, Chris Stuart, Lorraine Dewar, Kelly Murty, Kimberly Young, Marsha Comeau, Nanette Hache, Marie-Lyne 3


Holly Lamb Holly, you have proven to be a valued member of our team throughout all your 30 years with the company and your continued contributions have certainly supported Sykes in meeting our Mission, Vision and Values. Holly’s 30 years with the company computers with everyone on the Holly, you have proven to be began one week before Christmas floor. Two computers may not sound a valued member of our team in December of 1987 when she like many among the entire floor, but throughout all your 30 years with found herself hired as a temp in at that time, most of the work was not the company and your continued the Finance Department of then done on a computer and completed contributions have certainly National Auto League (NAL) to with pencils and paper. Wow how supported Sykes in meeting our cover a maternity leave position. things have changed! Mission, Vision and Values. Our In this position, Holly started her organizational achievements are Accounts Receivable Analyst career, Along with the move to Pall Mall made possible because of your administering the accounts for Avco Street several other changes came individual efforts as well as the efforts and Trans Canada Credit. over the next years. Holly’s caseload of your team members, who can all expanded from two clients to say we have enjoyed working with The following March, Holly proudly managing invoices for all our Lawline you over these years. lost her temp status and becoming and Telehealth clients. full-time employee in the Finance Congratulations for reaching this Department. At this time NAL, which She can also proudly say that she milestone and for your hard work would eventually transition into Sykes has, at one time or another, held an and dedication. We look forward to Assistance Services Corporation, was office on every floor of our current your ongoing contributions and many located on King Street, long before building, but through her tenure with more bright and successful years the big move to the current Pall Mall the company, the office location that together. street location. On King Street, Holly has brought her the most joy is her found herself having to share two current work from home office. 5


James Almost Passionate as evidenced by his rants from time to time, all the while understanding SASC compassionately helps people, reduces their anxiety, helping our clients to retain their customers and save money. James wears multiple hats at SASC. the Assistance Group (OTAG)! In James is seen by his direct reports He looks after all our complex the nineties, James trained several as kind, caring, helpful, quick witted, insurance coverages, oversees the individuals including Chad, Anibal, a coach, a mentor, a boss, and a upkeep of 248 Pall Mall, manages Tony Pacheco, Michelle Cliché and friend. Passionate as evidenced the Legal Assistance Business, Drew Tower in the jargon associated by his rants from time to time, all our Roadside Assistance Towing with the P.&C. insurance industry and the while understanding SASC network, the relationships with all our our Notice of Loss services. His most compassionately helps people, major clients, as well as the growth of recent service development success reduces their anxiety, helping our our revenues and the development has been the development of our clients to retain their customers and of new services.  His career at accident towing and vehicle storage save money. SASC has taken him all over the services, reducing the average costs world; China, Sweden, France, Italy, per claim for the TD Bank. Persistent, and paranoid in terms of Colchester England, Washington, our survival, Jim has done everything Boston, Dallas, Las Vegas, and During Jim’s tenure at SASC possible to successfully keep Scottsdale Arizona and OTAG, James has grown our maturing assistance services considerably in both his creative reasonably profitable all the while Jim’s initial challenge in the nineties service development and client searching for future innovation. was to develop our Home Assistance relationship management skills. This A mobius (the logo of Oracle the Service including the development divergent caring aptitude is very Assistance Group) aficionado, a of a network of home assistance different from what was expected of highly effective MERS (Margin Erosion service providers; and a brand- him in his previous career at Allstate Specialist), with a “worry closet” that new set of clients in an insurance Insurance as a compliant claim’s is never empty, he has been a key industry, that was new to Oracle adjuster. contributor to our success. 7

25 Years of Service Anibal Castelhano Anibal continues to build the respect of all within the industry with his down to earth manner, discipline and patience.  Congratulations Anibal!” Anibal started his career with well as several key areas in Ontario. analytics for creating important SASC in November of 1993.  He When asked to share their thoughts, dashboard reports, adding many new moved to SASC’s Home Assistance Anibal’s friends and colleagues contractors over the past few years Department in 1995 and was part were eager to share the following while continuing to build win-win of the initial group launching the comments: lasting relationships with the network program.  From 1996-2006, Anibal is very much appreciated by SASC. worked within the RTM team, holding • Remarkably dedicated to Sykes Anibal continues to build the respect various roles including Scheduler and the Contractors he manages of all within the industry with his for Roadside, Travel and Toyota down to earth manner, discipline and before accepting the position of • Upbeat, helpful and willing to patience.  Congratulations Anibal!” Team Leader, Production Planning drop everything to assist you if & Scheduling. From June 2006 to you need it Thank you for your many valuable November 2011, Anibal was a Senior contributions over the past Team Leader for Capital One before • Creative and always willing to try twenty five years. Your loyal and transitioning to become Business new things dedicated service has played an Analyst within the same program. For integral role in our success. the past 8 years, Anibal has fulfilled • He is not afraid to grind or dig the role of Regional Manager within deep in the trenches to solve the Contractor Relations Group. He problems or mend fences.  is currently responsible for Alberta, Manitoba and Atlantic Provinces as • A good friend to have, a great Dad to his kids and loving EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018 Husband Anibal’s long time Manager, Scot Wood shares, ”Anibal’s skillset in

25 Years of Service David Culbert As an organization, one of our mottos is, “helping people – it’s what we do and who we are.” Dave truly embodies this philosophy. Dave has spent his entire 25-year done right the first time. And that for payment for things outside of their career in Sykes’ Roadside Assistance dependability is critical, particularly contracted rates schedule). Dave is division – first in Travel Planning, then when you consider that Dave the guy that then stands behind that in Network Operations, and finally processes thousands of dollars in decision when he gets an angry tow in Service Administration (which payments to tow service providers service provider calling him on a he has called home for the last 13 every day as a part of his duties in Monday morning. years). As an organization, one of our Service Administration. mottos is, “helping people – it’s what With all that said, a successful we do and who we are.” Dave truly If you’ll permit a momentary Service Administrator does not see embodies this philosophy. When digression, we can probably all everything in black and white terms he sees someone in need, his first agree that tow truck drivers are a – and that’s Dave in a nutshell. He impulse is always to ask, “how can special breed. While they perform makes finding win-win resolutions the I help?” Dave is one of the most valuable services on Sykes’ behalf focus of each and every interaction selfless, generous, and kind people (and under conditions that are often with our supplier network (a task that you will ever meet. very dangerous), they can be prickly appears much easier in the abstract to deal with, even at the best of than it is in practice on a Monday Over the years, Dave has also built times. It should then be noted that, morning). himself a professional reputation as a in addition to paying tow service resourceful, reliable, and trustworthy providers, Dave is also the guy that Congratulations to Dave on reaching colleague; he’s the type of person is tasked with not paying tow service this significant milestone with Sykes. you turn to when you want something providers (i.e. when they are asking 9

25 Years of Service Sue Machado For those of us who have worked with Sue over the years, we are delighted to see her reach this noteworthy milestone. She’s inspired and accomplished so much over the years Sue began her career at Sykes she offers support and advice in Sue’s passion lies in interior Assistance Services (SASC) in 1993 in her capacity of Director, Human decorating. She is great at our Account Receivable/Membership Resources. Her guidance is seen visualizing what could make a Processing area, moving to our as fair and she is relied on by many space better and has a good eye Accounts Payable area in 1995. to lend an ear, provide an opinion, for making colours and trends flow. Over the years, Sue transferred give insights and act as a mentor to She also loves shopping, so these into our Payroll and Recruiting roles help people succeed at SASC. She two interests intersect well! HR lives ultimately joining Human Resources treats everyone with dignity and is vicariously with her as she shares the Administration. The range of Sue’s extremely respectful. All these traits progress of her house whenever she experiences in policies to job come easily to her as they are a moves!! Sue is a great story teller as descriptions, compensation, benefits, natural part of her personality. When well - she’ll keep you engaged until legal matters and labour relations, you combine all these attributes with the punchline hits! to name a few, have brought her her genuineness, dedication, integrity to where she is today; a highly and her belief in doing the right thing, For those of us who have worked regarded HR professional across the it is easy to see why she has become with Sue over the years, we are organization. such an invaluable member not only delighted to see her reach this to the HR team, but to the company noteworthy milestone. She’s inspired Across the company, Sue is as a whole. and accomplished so much over viewed as being professional and the years - congratulations Sue on knowledgeable while maintaining But, you know what they say about all reaching 25 years of service! kindness and compassion as work and no play… EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

25 Years of Service Chad Wyant Chad is well respected throughout Canada, and by those within the industry including some of SASC’s major competitors.  Chad started his career with SASC Chad’s friends and colleagues in Canada by any measure. Chad in August of 1993. A member of the were eager to share the following has been instrumental in trying first group hired into the BSS queue, comments: new methods to reduce costs. An Chad was quickly appointed to example of which is blending rates special projects within the queue, • Chad is insightful, willing to try and removing special equipment before he eventually became a new things and be creative costs, thus overall reducing average Team Leader. Chad was then made cost per call. Chad is well respected an Interim Senior Team Leader in • Chad has developed some very throughout Canada, and by those Roadside before taking over the role valuable relationships with key within the industry including some permanently. For the past 17 years, suppliers of SASC’s major competitors.  Chad has fulfilled the role of Regional Congratulations Chad!” Manager within the Contractor • Chad is always ready to help Relations Group. He is currently and makes the days pass Chad, we thank you for all of your responsible for the Province of quicker with his humour and contributions over the past twenty- Quebec as well as several key areas quick wit. five years. Congratulations on 25 in Ontario. Chad was instrumental years of service! in pioneering a Light Service Only It would be remiss not to include model for SASC, which allows for comments from Chad’s long time 11 quicker handling of calls by keeping Manager, Scot Wood, ”Through many suppliers within designated zones. years of travel throughout Quebec, When asked to share their thoughts, including many years of support for the Quebec Towing Association with the APDQ has built the most desired network of service providers

25 Years of Service Denis Thibodeau “When a person can balance organizational responsibilities and intense stress with humour and kindness like Denis does, not only do you want to work for him, you only want to work for him” His direct reports said the following: - His history: • 2009 VP Shared Services “a pillar of stability to depend on • 1993 Customer Assistance Rep (Information Technology and during times of instability, bringing in the Roadside Assistance Software Development) keeping a diplomatic flair to the table when Division the organizational functional on needed, all the while considering the • 1994 Team Leader in the obsolete technology needs of all parties involved.” Roadside Assistance Division • 1995 Account Manager (Honda) • 2013 Obtained a master’s “makes you feel like your opinion is in the Roadside Assistance degree in information truly valued and always makes time Division technology to listen to anything you have to say” • 1997 Account Manager (Sprint) in the Telemarketing Division Patient, friendly, concerned, “brings his business and operations • 1998 VP Call Center Operations deliberate, gregarious, sincere, acumen into the picture to help keep for Roadside and BSS queues compliant, fair, supportive, cautious, our techy brains from going into • 2001 VP Call Center Operations and analytical, he brings a stabilizing never-ending loops of possibilities” for Outbound Telesales influence to the business in times (Citibank, PeoplePC, Gateway, of crisis; whether those are bomb The breadth of his company wide Sprint and A.T.&T.) and Legal scares, Capita software challenges, experience is unmatched by anyone Assistance SalesForce software negotiations, in the organization. He has a very • 2005 VP Call Center Operations and/or overwhelming call volumes. strong working knowledge of our for all our Assistance Services His sense of humour has been technology as well as the financial, • 2007 VP Call Center Operations enjoyed by everyone who has had operational, scheduling, staffing, for the Telehealth Division the pleasure to work with, or for him; pay equity and reporting nuances wrestling with the Auditor and is often timely during heated associated with all our services. General and challenges debates. satisfying nurse schedule EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018 expectations

Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.

Years of Service

Andrew Cann Over the years he has shown his commitment to the success of our service delivery through the support of his colleagues in all areas of the business. Andrew joined our organization It is in this role that he exhibited service delivery through the support as a Teleconsultant selling long his understanding of our business of his colleagues in all areas of the distance services as part of our Sprint and implemented improvements business. Andrew epitomizes the programs. Since that time he has that contributed to our operational ideal SASC employee. held numerous roles, exposing him success. Andrew became a very to all facets of our business. Andrew critical element in our company’s Andrew does not back down from has excelled at each job he has ability to meet our customer’s service a challenge and continuously seeks done and has become a valuable level needs and was the resource to improve the roles he is in and will contributor to the success of our everyone would go to for assistance often go above and beyond what is organization. in not only collecting performance asked of him. In 2012, he accepted and budget data but getting the role of Business Analyst and has Following his time as a analysis and recommendations for since been promoted to the Manager teleconsultant, Andrew became improvement. of Business Analysis. His area is an Order Verifier and moved on to responsible to translate complex become an RTM in 1999. As an RTM, Andrew is a self-taught individual business requirements, diligently Andrew used his analytical skills and who can be found reading statistics address our corporate client issues, mastery of Excel in the development books and learning programming and translate these requirements into of many of the tracking and analysis languages to help improve his a language our technology group can tools still in use today. From the knowledge and skills to support his understand and turn into solutions. RTM position, Andrew was promoted fellow co-workers. He is intelligent, to the Team Leader of Production analytical, reliable, and trustworthy. Andrew, we appreciate your Planning & Scheduling then became Over the years he has shown his contributions and dedication over the the Director of WFM. commitment to the success of our past 20 years. 15

20 Years of Service Lynn Cline Lynn became known as the Iron Women as she never calls in sick, is a reliable and dedicated employee and has a high level of product knowledge. Lynn started with the company in Women as she never calls in sick, is department; Lynn is a dependable the Sprint Small Office program and a reliable and dedicated employee resource for her colleagues. She has worked for the first 3 months before and has a high level of product said that she doesn’t have to change moving to the Insurance Queue and knowledge. She is a valued team jobs as the jobs change for her. Lynn handled afterhours claims for member who can always be relied When meeting Lynn in the call centre several Corporate Clients. on to do a great job. Her co-workers you always receive a bright hello and see her experience as a reliable kind words. This queue eventually evolved into resource to draw on. the (BSS) Business Support Services Outside of work Lynn enjoys Queue. Lynn handled Legal and Lynn has witnessed many changes practicing Yoga and Pilates, and Donation calls. Eventually this queue over the years from the company’s spending time at her family’s cottage was merged with Telehealth calls name change to system upgrade in Grand Bend. and became known as HSS Health and expansions, to participating in Service Support (HSS). the HCC Swat Team, to the merging She is a welcome member of the of HCC and We Care into HSS and team. Congratulations on 20 years of No matter what the next program to has been able to handle all these service. learn was, Lynn applied her positive changes with ease. attitude and determination while mastering it. She has mentored her peers and Lynn became known as the Iron been involved with the growth of the EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

20 Years of Service Chris Degraw Chris consistently delivers an outstanding customer experience and is recognized by the Sykes leadership team, the client and his colleagues as a critical asset. Chris started his career at Sykes on as Roadside agent, acting Team dealerships in Ontario to get optimal the Sprint project; he often says his Leader, QA Analyst and in shipping outcomes for his customers and you plan was just to stick it out for the and receiving.  He found a true fit in can go to any Toyota dealership in training.  As they say, `the best- Toyota where he quickly went from Ontario, North to South, East to West laid plans…’ and Sykes has now an agent to a Tier 2 Escalated Case and the service teams will tell you benefitted from his commitment for Consultant.  It’s also where we finally he is critical to helping them achieve 20 years.  To be fair, he did meet his managed to get him to replace his high levels of customer satisfaction.  wife Meghann on the project so that flip flops with shoes and his concert No doubt they also have several may have helped nudge him to stay tee-shirts with a dress shirt!  anecdotes about his unique sense too.  of humour.  Chris often disarms his At Toyota he frequently faces dealerships with a joke before he Since his auspicious start, Chris has difficult customers where his calm drops the bomb and tells them they spent time on so many projects he demeanour is an essential part of his need to make things right with a has become our resident expert in success. Chris consistently delivers customer! company history having worked on an outstanding customer experience projects like Gateway, Microsoft, and is recognized by the Sykes Thank you, Chris and congratulations! PeoplePC then finally joining the leadership team, the client and his Automotive Division in 2006.  Chris colleagues as a critical asset.  In his 17 has been a jack of all trades in role, Chris has needed to develop the automotive division working a strong relationship with Toyota

20 Years of Service Todd Machan He has played a significant role in launching new programs that require strong financial forethought. If money is involved, Todd is the ‘go to’ developer. Todd began his career at Sykes communicate with external systems. woodworker. This past winter, he in May of 1998. A graduate from Todd is known for his logic and took a welding course to increase Wilfrid Laurier University with an analytical skills. As a result, he has his skillsets. Todd is married to his Honours BSc Degree in Computing played a significant role in launching high school sweetheart Kendra and and Computer Electronics, Todd new programs that require strong they have two beautiful daughters, has worked in IS as a developer financial forethought. From design to Brianna and Alyssa. his whole career. He has been development, he has been critical to instrumental in many large initiatives the launching of Fee for Service (FFS) Todd, your hard work and dedication and milestones over the years. to the newest insurance clients. If are greatly appreciated. You are a Todd has played a major role in the money is involved, Todd is the ‘go to’ highly valued member of our team! launch of TITAN that has replaced developer. Congratulations on 20 years of OASIS. As well as contributing to service. many major improvements to TITAN Known for being quiet and reserved, over the years, the adding of CTI when Todd does speak up everyone capability is one of his biggest listens as he shares very important accomplishments. Todd thought out feedback to the success of a project. a way to integrate the telephony Outside of work Todd loves to be system into TITAN, which had active. He runs, mountain bikes and previously been determined not to snowboards. In addition, Todd loves be possible as TITAN doesn’t easy to work with his hands and is an avid EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

20 Years of Service Mark McCulligh Mark has been instrumental in many large initiatives and milestones over the years as Sykes embarked on the digital transformation journey. In May 1998, Mark joined Sykes as a entirely new programming languages changing world of technology. Mark Software Engineer after graduating in a short time just by reading up is committed to the success of our from the Honours BSc program on them. He quickly grasps new organizations and strives to support in computing from Wilfrid Laurier technology and how they can apply his business partners in pursuit of University. Mark was able to quickly to our business. their goals and objectives. Mark has grasp the technology used by Sykes embraced his latest challenge of at the time and established himself Mark has been instrumental in many leading our organization through a as the individual to discuss and large initiatives and milestones over major application replacement while integrate new technology solutions in the years as Sykes embarked on maintaining the existing environment. support of our existing systems and the digital transformation journey. applications. Mark acted as a mentor More notably, he was the architect On a personal level, Mark to new employees and was, and is, and author of the web portion of continuously works on self- a valuable resource to the entire the current version of eDispatch improvement by keeping himself in development team. Mark became system, he led our organizations in shape training for and competing in the Software Engineering Manager in the development and deployment duathlons and triathlons. Outside of in January 2012 and among the many of our roadside assistance mobile work, Mark and his wife Katherine various hats he wears, we also look applications, and continuously have two young boys, Blake and to Mark to provide the guidance and evolves and recommends Reilly that keep them busy. direction on our system architecture. technology enhancements as new opportunities present themselves. Mark, we appreciate your hard work Mark is extremely intelligent and and dedication over that past 20 has the reputation of being a bit of Mark embraces each challenge years and look forward too many a genius. Several times he’s learned presented to him in the continuously more. 19

20 Years of Service Erin Van Dam “Erin can imagine it forward, has the courage to go with creativity over standing in place, and she understands and articulates the power of change.” Twenty plus years ago Erin Van Dam is conscious of finding focus in a steps.  It follows that, as a manager, started an internship at SASC. Over distracted world. She knows how to you will never see Erin panic under the course of all those years Erin has hone her attention to produce work pressure – if anything, it’s during worked within the assistance division that really matters. those conditions that she really in senior roles managing operations. thrives (and always maintains her Erin eagerly mastered the science of “Erin clearly has vision that provides sense of humour).  All these traits operations and project management insight, and she provides ideas on have left an indelible impression on in supporting opportunities that how to accomplish our goals. She is her direct reports over the years, for have spanned from telemarketing to the one of the best persons I have whom she has been a truly inspiring roadside assistance. ever worked with in my career.” mentor. Erin is generous in many ways, but The best way to acknowledge Erin perhaps no more so than when she As the VP at Honda stated: “Erin is to highlight what her staff and offers up her time.  It doesn’t matter has a common touch around the peers have said, “Erin can imagine it who you are, or how busy she is, Erin nature of support services and the forward, has the courage to go with will always make time to listen – truly technology that goes with it”. A creativity over standing in place, and listen, mind you – if you need her very nice accolade and a nice way she understands and articulates the attention.  And, if you’ve come to to congratulate Erin on 20 years of power of change.” her with a problem, she’ll invariably service. come up with an immediate plan to A strong project manager Erin always break down whatever crisis you’ve keeps the long view in sight and presented into manageable next EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

20 Years of Service Ginette Vautour Ginette’s greatest strength as a Team Leader is her advocacy for the Agents. She is and has always looked out for how business decisions and changes impact the front lines. Ginette started her journey with Ginette is a true Pioneer for the friends and family, but her greatest Sykes in Tele-Care, as it was called, Roadside Division. She has seen achievement in life is her daughter in 1997. She was one of the original its constant progression of Clients, Marissa. Marissa who is now 13, is a Roadside Agents in Moncton, when technology, training strategies, young version of Ginette, in looks the program launched in November working environments, etc. and personality. Together, they enjoy 1998. At that time, Moncton was going on adventures and trips. They trusted to handle all Chrysler calls. A Ginette’s greatest strength as a have made many trips to Florida. very timid person, she embarked on Team Leader is her advocacy for They also like to hike at Fundy an adventure that would last more the Agents. She is and has always National Park, right here in beautiful than 20 years. looked out for how business New Brunswick. When they are decisions and changes impact the not off on an adventure, they enjoy Ginette’s contribution to Roadside front lines. The Agents and her spending time together catching up during the past 20+ years have peers look to her for guidance and on their Netflix shows. been tremendous. She excelled as support. Her knowledge of special an Agent, a Trainer and now a Team Client protocols and peculiarities is Like so many of us, I personally Leader. She has been in the Team unmatched.  Ginette’s welcoming consider Ginette an ally, a beloved Leader role for 12 years.   She helped nature and astute advice skills have peer and most important, a great close the physical office in Moncton, innately made her a mother figure friend. We are blessed to have her late 2012 when all the staff went to to the Agents and peers, who have knowledge, passion and dedication. work from home. suitably nicked named her ‘Mama G’. Here’s hoping to many more years of Ginette loves to travel with her success for Ginette! 21

Years of Service

Jacques Bourque Jacques has been with Sykes since last few in center employees at the January 20th of 2003. He was part of the My choices, My Health Moncton office as the others mainly program and 3-minute Empowerment Program. He spent most of his work from home. For the time being, time here as a Health Services Representative previously known as he would rather remain working out a Patient Assistant Representative, on the phone taking calls for various of the office than working from home. programs. He has seen many Jacques prides himself on results changes during his time here; with and is always looking for new ways ever changing staff and programs to handle problems. He maintains used for his position. He is one of the high morals and standards in his supportive role, always working to achieve and maintain high quality of work and ensuring fairness towards his callers. Nanette Comeau Nanette received her Bachelor of one of our Telecare angels with her excellent quality of calls and Nursing degree in 2000.  She joined preceptoring skills. our team in November of 2003 Nanette enjoys relaxing, spending time with family and travelling. She and who took the very first call at lives in her brand new home with her new dog named Molly, her husband our Bathurst call center.  She was Christian of 5 years and her 6 year old daughter Olivia who is Nanette’s also one of the first WFH RNs in NB, absolute pride of joy. which was very exciting for her as It has been a pleasure working with you Nanette.  Congratulations! winters in northern New Brunswick 23 are very rough so the travelling to and from work was an adventure on its own.   She be remembered as the one who introduced herself as the West Nile ANGEL rather than the West Nile AGENT.  She wasn’t wrong though as she is definately

15 Years of Service Karen Dennis Karen came to Sykes with previous areas of her practice. It has been an absolute delight to have Karen nursing experience in Oral surgery, on my team for the last 5 years. She truly makes me look good. Outside community health and mental health of work Karen maintains a busy life crisis. She is a no-nonsense nurse with her two children and is skilful who has worked passionately at at preserving a wonderful work-life perfecting her teletriage practice balance. Karen truly deserves to be here at Sykes the last 15 years. recognized for her commitment and She prides herself in maintaining loyalty to Sykes. Congratulations Karen! professionalism while ensuring that each of her callers’ needs are met with empathy and without judgment. Karen consistently excels in all Donne Desjardine Donna joined Sykes in 2003, as a Donna has a wealth of knowledge Coordinator Employee Development for the various programs and takes teaching the Sprint contract. This pride in her role. She is a valuable was just the beginning, as we soon member of the HSS Education Team. had her developing curriculum and When her team mates were asked training for many other contracts, for a few words to describe Donna, which led her to BSS in July they stated qualities such as friendly, 2011. Donna offers excellence in dedicated, organized, thoughtful, educational training, support and considerate, and empathic. Always mentorship to the front-line staff. She the utmost professional, she is a role maintains high ethics and standards model to others. in her teaching role, always striving to maintain high quality and efficiency, Congratulations Donna on your while balancing many different roles. 15-year service award! EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

15 Years of Service Lisa Dick Lisa started with Sykes in mid-2003, Analysts.  She continues in this role helping customers on our Chrysler today, successfully leading dozens Recall program. Within a year she of complicated projects from their had proven herself an invaluable infancy and following them through to part of the team and moved to a their implementation. supervisory position.  Six months later, she became a Report Development Well respected, Lisa is known Specialist in the IS team.  among all her coworkers for her attention to detail and an Building on her technical and unwavering work ethic.  She may programming prowess, Lisa be quiet, but she also has a great became a Software Engineer in sense of humor! 2012, responsible for programming our many in-house systems.  In Lisa is a fan of figure skating, loves January 2017 Lisa accepted a her pug dogs, and has 3 grown position as one of our Business children. Gisele Duhamel Gisele started with Sykes on providing the best patient experience. She adapts to new challenges and January 13, 2003 as a bilingual looks for ways to support those she works with to do the same. Gisele nurse at the Sudbury, ON centre. has an infectious laugh that adds to our daily joy. She loves spending She currently works from home as a time with her husband and daughter. She spends all her spare time at her full-time bilingual nurse and handles beautiful camp. calls from all programs by Sykes Congratulations Gisele on receiving Telehealth. She is an excellent your 15-year Service Award and mentor and resource to her peers. thank you for your continued Gisele is kind-hearted and friendly dedication with Sykes! and always goes out of her way to connect with not only her callers, 25 but her colleagues as well. She has excellent critical thinking skills and aims to provide quality care while

15 Years of Service Simon Goodwin For over 15 years, Simon’s unique From the starting as a frontline agent blend of dry humour, witty pessimism, with the Chrysler US Recall program, and humming of 80’s pop-rock songs, to servicing customers stranded on are a staple source of entertainment the side of the road in the roadside around the office. Simon does not assistance queue, Simon can shy from offering his perspective, effectively balance the end user which typically is a step away from needs with his client’s needs which the norm but necessary, as he is not at times, can be quite opposing. afraid to ask the tough questions. Simon has shown great loyalty Simon’s training and experience towards SASC and continues to be a with software applications is a big key player in driving new ideas and asset within the department as he is implementations for our clients and constantly is tapped upon to assist his their successes. peers with technical challenges. Debra Guiry Debra has been an integral part of come her way. These traits allow her to shine as a back up educator the Sykes Telehealth family since for both Ontario and NB programs. She receives positive feedback from she first began working here. As a newly hired RNs that are fortunate enough to train with her and those front-line staff, she embodies the best she mentors. characteristics that create an ideal Debra is a proud mother of two adult patient experience. Her patience, sons and shares her down time with calm and caring voice, and critical them, her husband and her furry four- thinking skills make her the kind of legged family members. nurse you want on the other end of that line. She was recognized by her colleagues and peers as someone that is involved and dedicated to her community and is determined and willing to take on all challenges that EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

15 Years of Service Marie-Lyne Hache Marie Lyne graduated from nursing Marie Lyne has an 11-year-old daughter Joanie and 9-year-old son in 2000, joining the Telecare team Maxime with her partner Mathieu who is a nurse at the ER. She in December of 2003.  She was one loves reading and crafts including scrapbooking, knitting and cross of the first, third to be exact, to open stitching. Camping is her summer the call center in Bathurst. Her quick treat in her luxurious trailer.  thinking and direct approach led her to become the first CTM in Bathurst.  It has been a pleasure to walk, and She returned to front line nursing sometimes run, down Sykes path with you. Congratulations Marie Lyne. and plays an active part of the team.  She has excellent metrics, good customer service, is a member of the health and safety committee, a great preceptor and mentor. Zara Kimball Zara came to Sykes 15 years sharing her teletriage expertise by mentoring new staff. Anyone who ago with a wide range of nursing knows Zara knows that she has a zest for life and has a great smile experience from Baton Rouge, and contagious laugh. When she worked in the call centre she loved Louisiana, New Mexico, Detroit and to decorate for the holidays and other themed days. Her very bright London, Ontario. She has been a disposition and truly genuine nature makes her the kind-hearted nurse valued member of my team for the that she is. Congratulations Zara. last five years. Zara is an absolute pleasure to work with as she is 27 always looking for ways of growing her practice and breaking through obstacles. She is a compassionate nurse that goes the extra mile to ensure callers’ experiences are positive ones. She is also keen on

15 Years of Service Christopher Krascek As a QA, Training Coordinator on running smoothly. He redefined the Toyota Tier 2 program, Chris is his role beyond the text book job responsible for training, monitoring, description and makes a positive assigning cases and overseeing case difference consistently. He is a highly management activities, step by step. organized individual who strives to improve the quality and efficiency Chris’ expertise comes from different of the team, proactively performing roles on the Toyota program and ‘deep dives’ into cases, looking other departments, such as RSA for trends and providing constant and Daimler Chrysler. He knows the feedback. automotive industry very well and strives to stay current. His mentorship Colleagues describe Chris as “a helps to build strong skills on the GREAT teammate who has taken us program. He works alongside his from a sometimes-reactive approach colleagues and assists whenever to a proactive one” possible, to keep the Operation Diane Lacombe Diane started her nursing career with their current situation. Diane is the R.N. that you would want your working with clients on the street, family and friends to experience if they should need our services. detention centres and social services Diane finally got the chance to work from home after moving back to and then went into supervisory Sudbury from St. Thomas. Her new 5-acre country home allows Diane role working with private nursing some work/life balance to be closer to family and enjoy reading and homes prior to joining Sykes. Diane gardening. I hear her smile is missed incentre. is a strong, confident woman with a no-nonsense approach. Under the strong demeanor Diane is known for her very compassionate way for dealing with her callers and staff. She always goes the extra mile for callers to ensure they have tools they need to know how to take next steps EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

15 Years of Service Chris Kramberger Chris has been at Sykes since May home in 2017, he is eager to help in 2003. Over the last 15 years he has held several different positions. He covering for anyone that has called in started on Sprint Outbound, went to Microsoft, then to Chrysler Recall, to as he does not need to worry about Roadside and in June 2006 became driving in. He is professional, fair and an RTM. Over the last 10+ years in his understanding to towards people’s role, Chris has earned the respect of needs. Given the opportunity to run his peers, team leaders and anyone with a project or task, there is nothing else that deals with him on a regular basis. Since going to work from that Chris cannot accomplish if he puts his mind to it as he has a keen eye for details. Keep up the great work. Chantal Leger Chantal graduated from nursing to become a laboratory technician.  Chantal loves children as they are in 1994 with the highest academic so positive, creative, imaginative, full of life, love and joy.  Her interests scores and best approach in nursing include travelling, singing, listening to music and painting. She loves home award. We were lucky to have her design and looks like an angel in her beautiful, relaxing, soft, white office join our team as a frontline nurse of hers. Everyone could use a little in 2003. She is kind, caring and Chantal in their lives. takes the time to ensure her callers feel reassured. Chantal is always eager to help by joining committees, preceptoring and mentoring. Chantal’s pride and joy is her Congratulations on your 15-year 27-year-old daughter who is a dental achievement and hope to see you assistant however is now enrolled for many more. 29

15 Years of Service Shani Rowell Shani joined our team in September intuitive, natural leader and caring are 2002 as a frontline registered nurse. how her management team describer In a short-time, She was moved to her. Her boss says she is loyal, Clinical Team Manager and for the trustworthy, passionate and makes past 9 years has been serving as a great wingman! She is the only a Clinical Services Manager. Shani person I know to ever board a plane supports her staff to success and using a Costco card for identification. seeks to make the workplace a fun, engaged and dynamic place where Shani loves nature and horses; she learning can be both accomplished is obsessed with “Shark Week”. Days successfully and enjoyed by all. She spent with Jake, Matt, Marlee, Josh thrives at being a resource, cheer and Patrick make her happiest. A leader and sounding board to all her Maple Leafs game tops off the day! staff. In the true Hawaiian spirit of our Inspiring, heart, supportive, unity, Keona launch this year, Ho’omaika’i kinship, transparent, empathetic, (Congratulations) Shani!  Kimberly Murty Kim has been a Registered Nurse for her community and can regularly be 19 years and has been with Sykes found on the ice, on the sidelines of since 2003. She started out as a the ice or creating costumes for ice nurse on the phone, then worked as and dance shows. She has been CTM relief for 2 years and has been known to sew many hundreds of in her current role as Clinical Team costumes in a short period of time. Manager since 2010. Her creativity doesn’t stop there – it also spans into upcycling old Outside of work, Kim’s most important furniture. role is mom to her 2 daughters, Abby and Hailey. They are a tight-knit trio. Kim – Congratulations on this great Kim keeps quite busy and offers her accomplishment! time to others. She is very active in EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

15 Years of Service Carla Shaughnessy Sykes Telehealth division was Carla also extends those affectionate attributes with her profound love of extremely fortunate to have Carla animals. She enjoys travelling and her next trips will be to Africa and Shaughnessy join our team of nurses Borneo to visit animal sanctuaries. She is equally creative in designing in 2003. She is an absolute delight and making jewelry for her company Standz Jewelry. Most importantly, to talk to and that characteristic Carla takes immense pride in her work, is very personable and has a shows through with each call that great smile. Congratulations Carla she completes. She is extremely you truly deserve to be recognized professional, empathic and a caring for your 15 years at Sykes. nurse who ensures her callers get safe recommendations and the best possible patient experience. This compassion is far reaching as she helped her best friend raise 3 children. Alison Soares Alison began what has become Legal Team as division Manager. In quite a journey when she joined addition to her work in Legal, Alison SASC in September of 2003. Initially has been an active member of the starting as a frontline agent with the EASC at SASC for as long as many Chrysler Recall Call Center team, can remember. She gives generously her keen attention to detail inspired of her time to support her colleagues. her to move to the finance team in Alison is always eager to learn new May of 2005. Alison’s eagle eye and skills and each new role within grasp of the many rules, obligations SASC has allowed her to expand and processes involved in her her widening expertise. roles within the finance department, Alison shares her heart and home made her a dependable resource with her adorably precocious and support for all programs. More daughter, husband and two dogs. recently in 2017 she moved to the 31

15 Years of Service Lorraine Stuart Lorraine is a valued member of legal department, both in size and in technological capabilities.  the Legal Assistance team, where Lorraine loves to enjoy a glass (or she has worked for the 13 of her two) of wine after work, spending time with her daughter, Tanya, and 15 years at Sykes Assistance two grandsons, Brayden and Mason, Services. Lorraine is a friendly relaxing with her cat, Sylvester, and conversationalist with a vast stealing decorative reindeer. knowledge of the Legal Assistance Congratulations Lorraine on 15 program, which is paramount to years with Sykes Assistance building and maintaining the lawyer Services and congratulations on panel across Canada. Lorraine is your well-deserved retirement. Your the go-to when there is a question contributions and camaraderie are truly appreciated and will be missed. regarding a specific process or file, having trained most other employees in the legal department. Lorraine has also assisted in growing the Marion Tilemans Marion has been with Sykes her callers and her willingness to help on committees when needed.   Telehealth for 15 years.  She has Marion is always willing to help others.   Outside of work, Marion shown her commitment to the loves spending time with her partner Dan and her two children, Emily and company, client and our callers by Ryan.  Everyone who knows Marion knows her passion for caring and being an effective member of the saving cats is the top of her list.   Congratulations Marion on your 15yrs THO Team maintaining her AHT and with Sykes, you truly are an asset to the team. all other metrics within the company’s standards, all while ensuring a positive patient experience. Marion enjoys learning and loves to share that passion with her peers. She demonstrates this by her willingness to take on new programs, her enjoyment of precepting staff members, positive feedback from EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

15 Years of Service Desiree Van Scoy Congratulations Dez on reaching this describes her as understanding, prestigious milestone achievement! amazing, compassionate, patient. Dez has done it all. Starting as a She is a reliable resource and never bilingual in Sudbury She had to hesitates to assist her colleagues travel to North Bay for training. It and fellow team members. Dez’s became obvious early on that Dez fellow CTMs appreciate all she does, brought a depth of knowledge and but her consistent presence for all motivation to excel in her role. Her scheduled down time gets special passion for her colleagues, her thanks and gratitude. patients and the Telehealth program led Dez into her current role as Dez is a proud and busy mother of a CTM. Dez has been a strong four living in Sudbury with two still at and steady part of the Operations home and two close by. Team for many years. Her team Jo-Ann Wells Quality Assurance for Canadian Cancer Society and Heart & Stroke As a QA, Training Coordinator Foundation. on the Toyota Tier 1 program, Joann is responsible for training Joann contributes to an environment and monitoring performance. Her where communication is excellent feedback helps to integrate people between colleagues, so knowledge quickly so that they can focus on transfer occurs naturally. She plays their role and results. She is friendly an important role on a program that and supportive and makes a great values employees, turn strength first impression. into expertise and promotes growth opportunities. She is engaged and Joann brings a lot of experience to available to support front line agents the program. She applies to current and colleagues when necessary. We situations the knowledge that she appreciate all her hard work! gained in previous departments such as the HSS Queue, WFM and 33

15 Years of Service Margaret Wernham We are lucky that Margaret has work with an active family life. She has been married for 22 years and chosen to spend her last 15 years has 3 boys ages 19, 17 & 10. Along with her family and two dogs she perfecting her Teletriage practice enjoys outside activities like camping, hiking, kayaking and nourishes her here at Sykes. She is the RN that family with love through her joy of cooking. I have been blessed to you hope any one of your family have had Margaret on my team for almost half of her 15 years. She members would get when calling the sincerely deserves to be recognized. service. Margaret is genuinely kind, empathic, soft spoken and a true professional. She focuses on what is happening and works her magic to make each call a great patient experience. She is truly an expert teletriage nurse. Margaret balances EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.

Years of Service

Maureen Barrett Maureen Barrett joined SASC, Oct 14th, 2008. She is well known for her consistent kindness, conversational and engaged support. She is determined with a strong commitment to customer service, excellence and patient safety. Maureen’s daughters and grandchildren bring her great joy. She is always smiling and eager to assist. Maureen it is an honor to have you on my team, congrats!  Philana Bond Philana has a gentle demeanour, but don’t let that fool you, she is smart as a whip! She is the epitome of patient experience and many callers express their appreciation. Philana supports all the Telehealth Ontario programs, has been a CTM, developed training materials, worked on committees and has long been a strong member of our mentoring team. Congratulations Philana!!! Mumtaz Buksh Over the past 10 years, Mumtaz has worked in Capital One, Health Care Connect & Health & Service Support where she currently resides. She works hard and provides excellent customer service to callers for many different clients.  She is a wife and mother to 3 beautiful children.  She brightens any room with her smile and energy.  Congrats on reaching this milestone! 37

10 Years of Service Chantel Coates Chantel has been at Sykes since September 2008 and in her current role since 2012. Chantel is a passionate and dedicated employee who enjoys being challenged to make herself better. She is usually the one to be asked to detail processes so that nothing gets missed. She is very loyal and widely respected by all that interact with her. Keep up the great work. Missrak Demissie Missrak began her journey with Sykes in the Capital One Program before moving to Health and Service Support. When Care Coach expanded Missrak assisted in handling We Care and the Smoking Cessations calls. Eventually We Care merged with Telehealth and Missrak rejoined the Telehealth Team. Her hard work, dedication and support are greatly appreciated. Congratulations on 10 years of service. Kelly Dewar Kelly joined the Telehealth family Nov. 17, 2008 bringing experience from several clinical areas. As a temporary CTM she shared her knowledge and expertise; returning to the frontline she was granted one of the limited WFH spots available at the time. Kelly has loved this and has never looked back.  Today her WFH office is on lovely shores of Manitoulin Island. In her words “this is the perfect job”. EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

10 Years of Service Katrina Hartin Over her 10 years with SASC, Katrina has taken on many roles as an HSSR. She demonstrates empathy, provides great customer service to all callers. Katrina worked with numerous staff members over the years and now ventured into a WFH role. Katrina, your knowledge, dedication and hard work are truly appreciated. You’re a wonderful piece to our HSS team. Congratulations on 10 years of service. Debbie Jones Congratulations on your 10 years with Sykes. Your dedication to the company is appreciated. Working overnight shift is difficult at the best of times however you provide excellent nursing care to your callers. Your calm reassuring voice certainly is welcoming in the middle of the night. Deb, your perfect attendance is commendable. You certainly are an asset to our company and to the people of Ontario. Karrie Letts Karrie started her journey with Capital One in March 2008. She came to roadside in 2012 and was asked to join Command Centre In 2014. Karrie is a hard worker, respected by her peers and management alike for her strong work ethic and critical thinking. We are truly grateful for her attention to detail and ability to balance the needs of our customers and contractors. 39

10 Years of Service Kristin Maydell-Scanlan Kristin is a renowned RN. Her knowledge and expertise in teletriage made it an easy choice to have her as a back up educator for the Ottawa site. She has contributed to the success of the Social, FISH and Clinical Practice Committees. She shares her milestone with husband James and beautiful daughters Halle and Neve. Congratulations on your amazing work! Arlene Nancekivell Arlene is a delight to work with. She has a special empathic approach with each caller. Outside of work, Arlene enjoys spending time with her husband and two children Amelia and Arthur who were both born during her time with us. She also enjoys photography and caring for tropical and salt water fish. Congratulations Arlene for 10 years in teletriage! Trina Palmieri Congratulations, Trina, on your 10 years with Sykes. Some of you may recognize Trina in some of the learning modules in the virtual training. Trina has been a nurse representative for the patient safety team and accreditation. Trina’s positive outlook, her dedication to her callers, her infectious smile makes her a pleasure to work with. Your dedication to the company is appreciated. EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

10 Years of Service Kelly Parker Kelly is known for her big kind heart, work ethic, dedication and great attitude. Kelly takes pride in her work and goes above and beyond for her customers and the company. As her Team Leader, I want to express that she is a valued employee and look forward to working many more years together. Sophie Prud’homme Sophie started at Sykes in 2008 working in North Bay as a bilingual frontline nurse. She joined the quality team in 2012 as a bilingual Clinical Quality Analyst, and she currently works from her home in Sudbury. Sophie brings knowledge and clinical expertise to her QA team and she adds an element of positive spirit and energy. Working with her is a pleasure. Congratulations Sophie! Meredith Smith Meredith started working as a Registered Nurse for Telehealth on February 19, 2008. Within no time, her leadership skills were apparent, and she was promoted to Clinical Team Manager, and Clinical Services Manager. She is a valuable contributor of the Corporate Social Committee and shows initiative by leading new program initiatives such as the Medical Assistance in Dying program. Mer, congratulations on your accomplishments. 41

10 Years of Service Joan Sonnenburg During her ten years at Roadside, Joan has shown integrity and empathy time after time. Always willing to speak up and offer advice and support Joan has often been tapped to support our new hires as a mentor. Joan is good at analyzing situations and is great at problem solving. In her spare time, she loves to bake, work on computers and travel. Erin Ten Eyck Erin has always been a positive presence in whatever department she has worked for at Sykes. She is upbeat, engaged and focused on creating positive outcomes for our customers and clients. She has shown consistency and empathy and as an overnight rep, is always willing to help other agents after hours. In recent years Erin moved to Windsor so that she could be closer to her family. Myles Thomas Myles has been with Sykes for over 10 years – astounding!  Myles has a passion for technology and pushes his boundaries as a technology leader, always seeking improvements.  Myles’ love of the outdoors fuels his longstanding involvement with Scouts Canada, leading his team through nature canoeing trips. It has been an honor to have Myles as part of my team. Congratulations to 10 years of dedicated service. EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

10 Years of Service Corey Tower Corey was hired in 2015 as a Systems Engineer but has helped his team immensely even before he was stolen from the HelpDesk. Corey was a natural fit as a Systems Engineer and he immediately added a great deal of value to the team to help and improve upon the organizations technology. Congratulations and Thank You for 10 years of Dedicated Service. Pamela Willis For a decade Pam’s revitalized the customer experience at Sykes. Her exceptional kindness and heart large enough for every caller; her best assets! She effortlessly switches between clubs providing the incredible experience we’ve come to expect. It’d be easy to take her for granted; she perfectly handles all calls, but Sykes will never stop valuing the efforts puts into every call. Marsha Young Marsha has been a solid addition to the CareCoach team for the past eight years, previously working in Roadside for two years, before revealing she had social work skills! This little diamond in the rough has grown into a well respected and knowledgeable leader for our CareCoaches. Marsha leads the staff servicing our Smoking Cessation programs. Thank-you for your service Marsha! 43

Years of Service

Yannick Benoit Yannick is known for his exceptional customer service and work ethic. He goes the extra mile for our customers and for the call centre. As his Team Leader, I want to express that he is a valued employee! Kaitlynn Corsaut Kaitlynn was part of the launch group when Tier 2 Toyota came to Sykes.  Kaitlynn`s efforts contributed to the success of the team as we face challenges connected with a new program. Kaitlynn builds strong customer and dealer relationships to ensure a great customer experience.   Shawn Eaton In the past 5 years, Shawn has demonstrated strong work ethics and constant team dedication. He has held the roles of Roadside Agent, Command Centre Agent and Roadside Team Leader. We are truly blessed to have him on our team. 45

5 Years of Service Justyne Gilbert Justyne splits her time between work and her boys enjoying camping adventures all over Canada.  Justyne is currently off on Mat leave enjoy lots of snuggle time with her newest edition to the family, baby Benjamin and big brother Chase. Michel Goguen Michel has been with us for over 5 years. It’s a pleasure to have him on board and to get to know him personally. He has a great heart and is a talented musician. Thanks for all your services! Bradley Goldenberg No matter the issue, Brad can maintain his emotional balance. Working in a multi-generational environment helps Brad to identify different values and turn differences into strengths. Brad promotes a healthy work environment, paying attention to personal and work-related problems. EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

5 Years of Service Jennifer Green Jen started her tenure with the company initially in Roadside, and now is with Toyota.  Jen is a hard worker respected by her peers and management alike.  She is patient and nurturing, helping others daily. Congratulations on five years of service, Jen. Karen Groulx Karen Groulx has been a dedicated and passionate work from home agent out of Cornwall Ontario for a little over 5 years now. Karen specializes in attention to detail and always demonstrates above and beyond empathy for her customers.  Steven Haggerty Congratulations Steven, 5 years is quite an accomplishment!  Steven is very efficient and always ensures his members are safe, before sending help!  He often gets Testimonials!  A job well done!  I’m so proud of you and look forward to another 5 years!  47

5 Years of Service Laura Irvine Laura is a valuable member of the Roadside Department, being part of the Mandarin queue. She began working in the office and transition to WFH. Laura builds great rapport with callers and colleagues. Congratulations Laura on 5 Years of Service with SASC. Jennifer LaPerriere Jennifer has worked at both the North Bay and London site as an agent, then HSS Team Leader and Trainer. She translated those skills and strengths as Legal Client Satisfaction Coordinator in 2017. One always sees Jennifer smiling! Congratulations Jennifer! Katrina MacKenzie Katrina has become a key member of our team and role model to others. Her caring and empathetic nature makes her a perfect fit for assisting our callers, particularly our MAID and lactation callers. Congratulations, you truly make a difference! EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

5 Years of Service Jennifer Renaud Jennifer is a kind, caring and soft-spoken gem. She is a dedicated nurse, wife, friend and mother of two.  She is always eager to lend a hand and her heart, making every interaction with her callers and coworkers a delight. Dominic Roussel-Malo Dominic has worked at Sykes for 5 years, over which time he worked under different roles assisting various departments. He started as a PAR in 2013, became a Team Leader in 2014 and now works from home in New Brunswick. Melanie Shantz Melanie started and is currently a valuable member in the Roadside Depart- ment since 2013. Melanie has great skills at building rapport with callers, reflected in her incredible Customer Satisfaction scores. Congratulations Melanie on 5 Years of Service with Sykes Assistance Services Corporation. 49

5 Years of Service Jason Smith Jason has spent the last five years working hard, focused on the customer experience. Strong-willed, steadfast about customer satisfaction, the first question in his mind is always “what’s best for my caller?” He is always willing to go above and beyond. Madeleine Touchette Madeleine has worked at Sykes for 5 years now. She began working out of the Sudbury office and now works from home in New Brunswick. She enjoys her work tremendously and always offers the best possible service to her callers. EMPLOYEE SERVICE | AWARDS DINNER | 2018

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