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Published by beatriz.clemente, 2018-12-20 13:39:50

Description: Checkers_Products_Guide_2019


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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTS FASTDRAW® I Chemical Management SystemMulti-Purpose Cleaners / Degreasers / Glass Cleaners / DisinfectantsCITRUS CHISEL CLEAR IMAGEEmulsifying Degreaser Glass CleanerSuperior cleaning performance Formulated for fast, effectiveprovided by a synergistic cleaning of glass. Cleans andmixture of natural citrus polishes glass and plastics with-solvents and a totally unique out scratching, streaking, foggingsurfactant system. Formula is or clouding. Formulated withoutnonflammable, and out-cleans ammonia. Concentrated formost solvent cleaners. Excellent effective and economical glassfor factory to kitchen cleaning cleaning. Perfect product fortasks. Concentrated for economy. mirrors and glass. Pleasant toDeodorizes with a fresh scent of use as it has no ammonia odorcitrus as it cleans. Emulsifiesand holds heavy grease, oil and G3820 – #5 FASTDRAW Bottle 2Lanimal fats into solution for easy 2L Jug (4 per case)and quick removal. DEEP BLUEG3808 – #10 FASTDRAW Bottle Ammoniated Glass Cleaner2L Jug (4 per case) Quickly penetrates dust, smoke, grease and grime on all glass andTOP FLITE window surfaces. Excellent forAll Purpose Cleaner cleaning stainless steel, Formica®Detergent outperforms many all- plastic, porcelain and chrome.purpose cleaners. Perfect for any Great for all hard surfaces. Non-cleaning task. Product has low streaking and nonsmearing.toxicity, is nonflammable and Surfaces stay cleaner longer.noncorrosive. Cleans and Fortified with ammonia anddeodorizes most water-washable several grease cutting surfactantssurfaces with the advanced and solvents for extra cleaningformula. Formulated without butyl power. Clean with squeegee oror inorganic phosphates. Will not cloth to leave all surfaces film freeharm most surfaces. Will not and squeaky clean.streak, film, or cause surfaces todull. Great for mop/bucket, spray G3842 – #23 FASTDRAW Bottleor sponge applications. May be 2L Jug (4 per case)used in automatic scrubbers. Odour ControlG3812 – #3 FASTDRAW Bottle2L Jug (4 per case) BEST SCENT ODOUR COUNTERACTANTDAILY DISINFECT SC Ocean Breeze ConcentratedNeutral Disinfectant Liquid Odour CounteractantFor use in hospitals, nursing This product will control allhomes, schools/colleges, airports, organic, chemical and smokehotels and motels. Lemon odors. Use this versatile productfragrance. Use as part of your as an air spray, in mop water, inH1N1 prevention plan. For use on carpet cleaning solutions and forhard non-porous surfaces such a variety of other generalas floors, walls, metal surfaces, deodorizing tasks.stainless steel, porcelain, andplastic surfaces. D7144 – #6 FASTDRAW Bottle 2L Jug (4 per case)G3814 – #4 FASTDRAW Bottle2L Jug (4 per case)[email protected] 49

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSFASTDRAW® I Chemical Management System Green CleaningGREEN EARTH® GREEN EARTH®Glass Cleaner Peroxide CleanerFormulated for fast, effective Product can be used throughoutcleaning of glass and other hard the facility. Its many uses includesurfaces without the use of butyl tile and grout, floors and carpets.and ammonia. Cleans and polishes It can even be used on glass. Itwithout scratching, streaking, removes mold stains and soapfogging, or clouding. Concentrated scum. The ingredient Hydrogenfor effective and economical use. Peroxide allows it to clean withoutThe perfect product for glass, the fumes associated withmirrors and many hard surfaces. aggressive acids. Green Earth Peroxide Cleaner whitens groutG3822 – # 19 FASTDRAW Bottle as effectively as cleaners that2L Jug (4 per case) contain bleach. It is less aggressive on clothing and has aGREEN EARTH® longer shelf life than traditionalNatural Degreaser bleach cleaners. Can be appliedThe environmentally preferred with a mop or used through ansolution for all degreasing tasks. automatic grout scrubbingA synergistic blend of natural machine. Removes stubbornsolvents with a unique surfactant carpet stains and deodorizes withsystem that equals most traditional a pleasant scent.degreasers. Breaks down greases,oils and fats on all water safe G3838 – #11 FASTDRAW Bottlesurfaces. Natural ingredients 2L Jug (4 per case)derived from soy, pine, citrusfruits, and coconuts. Effective GREEN EARTH® VELOCITYwithout the use of harsh solvents. Neutral Non-Butyl DegreaserPleasant, natural lemon fragrance. High Performance, concentrated,Use for both spray-and-wipe and low-toxicity, biodegradable, odorfloor cleaning applications. eliminator and grease digester for use in commercial food serviceG3830 – #13 FASTDRAW Bottle areas. Formulated with detergents,2L Jug (4 per case) emulsifiers, builders and Proprietary Bio-Active Enzymes that digestGREEN EARTH® complex proteins, starches andDaily Disinfectant Cleaner fats found in foodservice andA multi-purpose, germicidal other applications. Contains lowdetergent and deodorant effective VOCs and no phosphorous, APE,in hard water up to 400 ppm plus NPE or ETDA .5% organic serum. Disinfects,cleans and deodorizes. Use as part G3866 – #9 FASTDRAW Bottleof your H1N1 prevention plan. Use 2L Jug (4 per case)in hospitals, nursing homes,schools/colleges, commercial andindustrial institutions. KillsMethicillin Resistant Staphylococcusaureus (MRSA) and Enterococcusfaecalis Vancomycin Resistant(VRE) on environmental surfaces.Leaves a fresh clean scent.G3834 – #21 FASTDRAW Bottle2L Jug (4 per case)50 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSFASTDRAW® I Chemical Management Systems Washroom CareAF79 CONCENTRATE SURE BETDisinfectant / Cleaner Restroom CleanerThis concentrated, nonacid This bathroom cleaner has beenformulation is designed to clean, specially formulated to removedisinfect and deodorize hard stubborn soap scum and hardinanimate surfaces in a restroom. water deposits. The combinationBactericidal, fungicidal and of mild acids and surfactantsvirucidal, it is proven effective quickly penetrate into tile andagainst HIV-1 (AIDS Virus), grout surfaces. Foaming actionStaphylococcus aureus, allows for longer contact timesSalmonella choleraesuis and on vertical surfaces. WhenPseudomonas aeruginosa. The finished cleaning, simply rinsepowerful odor-killing ingredients surface with water - will not leavein this product leave surfaces a residue.pleasantly scented. Use withconfidence, this nonabrasive H1952 – # 16 FASTDRAW Bottledisinfectant cleaner will not 2L Jug (4 per case)harm plumbing, retard septictank action, etch porcelain or pitfixtures. Economical, dilute thisproduct with 16 parts of waterfor heavy duty use.H1950 – #2 FASTDRAW Bottle2L Jug (4 per case) Contact our order desk to arrange a meeting with your 51Account Representative to discuss how the FASTDRAW Program can work for you. [email protected]

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTS Cleaners and DegreasersCITRUS CHISEL G3852 G3854 G3856Cleaner / Degreaser 4L Jug 18.9L Pail 208L DrumThe superior performance of this (4 per case)cleaner/degreaser is provided bya synergistic mixture of naturalcitrus solvents and a totallyunique surfactant system. Thisformula is non-flammable, yet itwill out-clean most solventcleaners. Excellent for nearly anycleaning task from factory tokitchen, it is concentrated foreconomy. Deodorizes instantly asit cleans, imparting a fresh scentof citrus. Emulsifies and holdsheavy grease, oil and animal fatsinto solution for easy and quickremoval. Works well in hot, cold,hard or soft water! DEEP BLUE GREEN EARTH® Ammoniated Glass Cleaner Peroxide Cleaner Penetrates dust, smoke, grease This product can be used through- and grime on glass and window out the facility. Its many uses surfaces. Excellent for cleaning include tile and grout, floors and stainless steel, Formica®, plastic, carpets. It can even be used on porcelain and chrome. Great for glass. It removes mold stains and all hard surfaces. Non-streaking soap scum. The ingredient and nonsmearing. Fortified with Hydrogen Peroxide allows it to ammonia and several grease cutting clean without the fumes associated surfactants and solvents for extra with aggressive acids. Green Earth cleaning power. Clean with Peroxide Cleaner whitens grout as squeegee or cloth for film free effectively as cleaners that contain and squeaky clean surfaces. bleach. It is less aggressive on clothing and has a longer shelf life G3313 – 946mL Bottle than traditional bleach cleaners. (6 per case) Can be applied with a mop or used through an automatic grout G3862 – 4L Jug scrubbing machine. Completely (4 per case) removes stubborn carpet stains and deodorizes with a pleasant GREEN EARTH® scent. Glass Cleaner G3840 – 4L Jug Formulated for fast, effective (4 per case) cleaning of glass and other hard surfaces without the use of butyl For our complete product selection, and ammonia. Cleans and polishes visit our website at without scratching, streaking, fogging, or clouding. Concentrated for effective and economical use. Order Line: 1.800.265.5756 The perfect product for glass, mirrors, and many hard surfaces. G3824 – 4L Jug (4 per case)52

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTS Cleaners and DegreasersOur Best Selling Cleaner & Degreaser!CHECKERS ALL-N-ONEHD Cleaner / DegreaserTruly a versatile cleaner/degreaser.Simply alter the dilutions and it becomesa muscled, heavy duty degreaser or ageneral purpose cleaner and much more!Power-packed, non-flammable, andbiodegradable! CFIA approved.G7072 – 4L Jug (4 per case)G7073 – 20L PailG7074 – 210L DrumGREEN EARTH® GREEN EARTH®Natural Degreaser Daily Disinfectant CleanerThe environmentally preferred Multi-purpose, germicidalsolution for all degreasing tasks. detergent and deodorant effectiveA synergistic blend of natural in hard water up to 400 ppmsolvents with a unique surfactant plus 5% organic serum. Disinfects,system produces a formula that cleans and deodorizes. Use asequals most traditional degreasers. part of your H1N1 preventionBreaks down greases, oils and plan. Use in hospitals, nursingfats on all water safe surfaces. homes, schools/colleges,Contains natural ingredients commercial and industrialderived from soy, pine, citrus institutions. Kills Methicillinfruits, and coconuts. Effective Resistant Staphylococcus aureuswithout the use of harsh solvents. (MRSA) and EnterococcusPleasant, natural lemon fragrance. faecalis Vancomycin ResistantUse for both spray-and-wipe (VRE) on environmental surfaces.and floor cleaning applications. Leaves a fresh clean scent.G3832 – 4L Jug G3836 – 4L Jug(4 per case) (4 per case)FURNITURE POLISH STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER /Contains lemon oil for light and POLISHdark furniture. Dusts, cleans and Stainless Steel Polish and Cleanershines in one step. Just spray on cleans, polishes and protectsand wipe off. stainless steel. Resists finger- prints, grease and water spatter.G7005 – 482g Aerosol Can(12 per case) G7006 – 425g Aerosol Can (12 per case)[email protected] 53

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSBRITE MSP Cleaners and DegreasersMulti-Surface PolishA blend of lemon oil, silicones SPEEDEX RTUand polishing agents. Cleans, Trigger Bottle Degreaserpolishes and protects furniture, Ready-to-use, fast actingwoodwork, vinyl, plastic, leather cleaner/degreaser instantlyand Formica®. Easily removes removes tough, oily and greasyold wax build-up, fills in minor soils from a variety of surfaces.scratches and rubs out to a clear, More than an all-purpose cleaner,bright, hard shine. An invisible this powerful degreaser quicklyprotective film is left that resists penetrates and dissolves dirt, oil,fingerprints, smudges and soiling. grease, carbon, rubber marks,Natural lemon oil leaves all wax, soot and a variety of othersurfaces clean and smelling fresh. tough soils. A unique formulation, this product is a balanced blendG3317 – 946mL Bottle of several proven cleaning(12 per case) ingredients and power boosters for instant soil removal in aORANGE CITRUS CRAZY CLEAN variety of situations. Free ofCleans, deodorizes and degreases. obnoxious fumes, this productRemoves dirty hand prints, scuff has a natural mint fragrance andmarks, bathtub rings, soot, is pleasant to use. No mixing, justgrease, smoke film, oil, dust, simply spray and wipe!lipstick, crayon marks, etc. Easilywipes down most washable G3315 – 946mL Bottlepainted surfaces. Ecologically safe; (12 per case)formulated with orange citrussolvents. Contains no chlorinated GLASS CLEANERsolvents Specially formulated for fast, effective cleaning of glass surfaces,G7000 – 539g Aerosol Can this product incorporates powerful(12 per case) anti-static agents that repel dust and prevent static build-up. Cleans andVANDALISM MARK REMOVER polishes glass without scratching,Removes marks caused by inks, streaking, fogging or clouding.magic marker, crayon and tape Formulated without ammonia, thisresidue. product is pleasant to use, will not harm hard surfaces and protectsG7009 – 510g Aerosol Can against resoiling. The rich, stable(12 per case) foam clings to vertical surfaces for fast, easy cleaning. It is the perfect product for mirrors, glass surfaces, windows, and windshields. G7004 – 539g Aerosol Can (12 per case) For our complete product selection, visit our website at www.checkerscleaningsupply.com54 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTS DisinfectantsFIGHT-BAC RTU Disinfectant SprayBroad spectrum disinfectant cleaner. Kills TB, MRSA, Influenza A, HBV, and HCV. Disinfectant,Cleaner, Tuberculocidal, Virucide, Fungicide, and Deodorizor. Kills Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza Avirus (formerly called swine flu). This quaternary based, anti-bacterial cleaner is an ideal disinfectantspray for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and hotels. Provides excellent performance incutting grease, heavy soil and filth with quick drying times. Efficacious against TB, Staph aureus,Salmonella, Pseudomonas and E-coli O157:H7. Meets OSHA specifications for compliance with theBloodborne Pathogen Standard for decontamination of hard, nonporous environmental worksurfaces. Also virucidal when used on pre-cleaned environmental surfaces against HIV-1 (AIDS virus)and Canine Parvovirus. When used a directed, this product is effective against MRSA and VRE.Use as part of your H1N1 prevention plan. G3309 – 946mL Bottle (12 per case)SPRAYWAY GERMICIDAL LEMON GARD HDSurface Cleaner Germicidal Hard Surface CleanerFoaming disinfectant for surfaces Concentrated liquid cleaner,such as toilet seats, fixtures, tile, disinfectant, deodorizer, fungicide,wash bowls, showers, walls and virucide for cleaning and thecountertops. Use to safely and control of bacteria. Deodorizeseffectively remove dirt and grease. and leaves a fresh lemon scent.G7309 – 539g Aerosol Can Used in medical, food plants,(12 per case) animal care facilities and institutions. D.I.N. and PCPLAVO 6 BLEACH registered. Hospital approved.Commercial strength concentratedbleach. Sanitizer, deodorizer. G7322 – 4L Jug (4 per case)5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite.G7352 – 5L Jug G7323 – 20L pail(3 per case) WARRIORLAVO 12 BLEACH Fungicide Disinfectant CleanerA highly concentrated bleach Germicidal cleaner/degreasersolution for dishwashers, laundry contains a dual quaternary andor other types of cleaning and citrus scent. Concentrated cleaner,disinfecting. 12% Sodium disinfectant, fungicide for anyHypochlorite. hard washable surface. EffectiveG7354 – 5L Jug degreaser, butyl free and safe to(3 per case) use. D.I.N. and PCP registered. Food plant approved.ULTRA FRESH LAUNDRYDETERGENT G7342 – 4L Jug (4 per case)Ultra concentrated blend for up to200 loads per box. Contains colour G7343 – 20L pailsafe brighteners use on all fabricsat any water temperature. SANI CLOTH PLUSG7201 – 20kg Box Germicidal Wipes Pre-moistened germicidal wipes that disinfect any non-porous hard surface. For hospitals, health care facilities, first aid rooms and ambulances. Excellent for preventing cross contamination. Use on telephone handsets, desktops, keyboards, door handles, etc. G7398 – Dispenser Tub 160 wipes per tub (12 tubs per case)[email protected] 55

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSTRIGGER SPRAYERS Cleaning AccessoriesRed/white, for general purpose.Adjustable nozzle from fine 12” METAL DUST PANspray to jet stream. Baked-on black enamel finish.G10103 – 9” Regular Stem Heavy duty one-pieceG10104 – 9” Regular Stem construction.Chemical Resistant G7203 – Metal Dust PanG10103-SS – 7” Short Stem 12” PLASTIC DUST PANG10104-SS – 7” Short Stem Moulded-in ridges allow forChemical Resistant broom and counter brush cleaning. Heavy-duty. Fine lineHIGH-OUTPUT TRIGGER edge for maximum pick-up.SPRAYER G7204 – Plastic Dust Pan3 to 4 times greater output thanstandard trigger sprayers. PLASTIC LOBBY DUST PANStands up to commonly used Easy lock, 2-way aluminum handlechemicals. Adjustable nozzle. and large capacity tray. EnhancedG10105 – 9” Regular Stem angled bottom. Refined front edge. New broom cleaning teeth on24oz. ROUND BOTTLE yoke.Moulded oz./ml and dilution G7210 – Lobby Dust Panratios. High density polyethylene.For use with regular and short LAMBSWOOL DUSTERstemmed trigger sprayers. with TELESCOPIC HANDLEUse with Trigger Sprayer 100% lambswool fibres are idealG10103-SS for all purpose dusting. WashableG7460 – Plastic Bottle head with 42” telescopic handle.(Trigger is sold separately) G7220 – Duster with Handle32oz. ROUND BOTTLE with SYNTHETIC MAGNETIC DUSTERWHMIS PANEL Attracts dust with electrostaticFor use with all trigger sprayers. action. Ideal for cleaning vertical,Has easily visible graduations venetian or mini blinds. 25\" length.and provision for product nameand WHMIS information. G7250 – Duster with HandleUse Trigger Sprayer G10103,G10105G7485 – Plastic Bottle withWHMIS Panel(Trigger is sold separately)56 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSPROFESSIONAL WINDOW Cleaning AccessoriesSQUEEGEEStainless Steel Construction. JANITORS CART with VINYLRubber blade is secured in the WASTE BAGchannel by a clip at either end. Janitorial cart with bag. Constructedtension of rubber blade of moulded high density plastic.can be adjusted. Quick Has non-marking wheels. Lockingrelease handle. compartment available separately.G7401 – 14” Window Squeegee G7464 – Cart with BagComplete CompleteG7402 – 18” Window SqueegeeComplete GREEN SCOURING PADS 6” x 9” pad for maintenancePROFESSIONAL WINDOW clean-up work. Use on walls, stepsWASHER countertops, pots and pans etc.Plush synthetic fibre “strip-washers” (10 per package)are durable and washable. Sold by full package only.Plastic “T” handle included.G7403 – 14” Window Squeegee SPONGE with SCOUR PADComplete 4” x 6” scrubbing sponge is idealG7404 – 18” Window Squeegee for all round cleaning. Soft yellowComplete sponged topped with a green scouring sponge to help dislodgeALUMINUM TELESCOPIC POLE the toughest soils.2-piece Extruded aluminum tubes G7531 – Sponge with Scour Padare held together by means of (5 per package)nylon collars. The end of each pole Sold by full package only.has a standard or screw cone towhich you can mount many tools TOILET BOWL SWABincluding window washers Acid resistant acrylic swab foror squeegees and wash brushes. cleaning toilets and urinals.G7406 – Aluminum Handle, 8’ G7540 – Complete UnitG7409 – Aluminum Handle, 12’ TOILET BOWL BRUSH withUTILITY PAIL with SPOUT HOLDERSpouted plastic pail for easy Poly-pro fibres for heavypouring and is useful for a variety scrubbing. Plastic holder allowsof washing jobs. Features a handle for easy storage.for easy carrying. 12 quart size. G7541 – Complete UnitBuckets are stackable for easystorage. TOILET PLUNGERG7454 – Utility Pail with HANDLE G7490 – PlungerPLASTIC RECTANGULAR PAIL (12 per case)Sturdy plastic pail with metalhandle and moulded pouringspout.14 1/2”L x 9 3/4”W x 9 1/2” H.G7455 – Plastic [email protected] 57

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSUTILITY DECK BRUSH with Cleaning AccessoriesSQUEEGEE11” brush used for scrubbing IRON STYLE SCRUB BRUSHconcrete, grouted tiles or any The all-synthetic iron shapedfloor surface. Brush features a scrub brush with the openneoprene squeegee blade for handle can be used to scrape offquick water removal. Poly-pro dried-on dirt while the pointedfill with squeegee. Use F5369 end gets into hard-to-reachhandle. corners for either scraping or scrubbing.G7550 – Head only G7552 – BrushCARPET SCRUB BRUSH8” plastic block with Poly-pro fill BANISTER BRUSHstiff fibres for all-purpose 7” hardwood block withscrubbing and spot cleaning. poly-pro bristles - greatCan be hand held or used with for all purpose dusting and idealthreaded F5365 handle. for picking up larger debris. Use to sweep counters or use with aG7551 – Head only dust pan. G7565 – BrushOLD DUTCH Bowl and Sink CleansersPowdered CleanserDisinfecting powdered cleanser MI-KLEENformulated for hotels, hospitals, Lotion Cleanserrestaurants and institutions. Pine lotion cleanser with no harsh abrasives. Deodorizes asH1716 – 400 gm. Shaker Bottle it cleans stubborn soil build-ups,(12 per case) soap scum and encrustations. H1720 – 909ml Bottle with Spout Cap (12 per case)DRAIN FLUSH GROOVEDrain Maintainer Liquid Washroom CleanerKeeps drains clean and free Antibacterial multi-surface bath-flowing. Sulphuric acid formula room cleaner that removes allquickly dissolves organic types of soil including soapobstructions and is fully inhibited scum. Use on all hard prevent corrosion to drainpipes. H1732 – 94L Jug (4 per case)H1718 – 909ml Bottle withSpout Cap(12 per case)58 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSPULL Bowl and Sink CleansersHeavy Duty Bowl CleanerThis toilet bowl cleaner is a pure BEST BETwhite, stable emulsion, containing Liquid Crème Cleansers23% hydrogen chloride. Formulated This liquid creme cleanser quicklywith added detergents. Quickly removes imbedded rust, soap scum,removes rust, scale and mineral stains, grease, oxidation, hard waterdeposits from toilet bowls and minerals and filth from a variety ofurinals. Ideal for hard water areas. surfaces. Contains a jewelers gradeAchieve proper restroom sanitation abrasive that won't scratch surfacesusing this powerful combination of like scouring powders. This purequaternary ammonium compounds, white, stable emulsion containsdetergents and inhibited hydrochloric bleaching compounds, detergents,acid. For use on the inside of toilet and wetting agents. Penetrates, deepbowls and urinals only. scours and polishes in one easy operation without agitation. FreshH1926 – 946ml spout cap Bottle mint fragrance.(12 per case)Sold by full case only. H1932 – 946 ml Bottle (12 per case)STIXBowl Cleaner SURE BETVersatile and economical product Concentrated Restroom Cleanerthat is an effective restroom cleaner. Bathroom cleaner formulated toPhosphoric acid, detergents, wetting remove quickly stubborn soapagents and a quaternary unite to scum, hard water deposits andquickly remove water minerals, other shower residues. Thescale, rust, soap scum and filth combination of mild acids andfrom all bathroom surfaces. Odor surfactants quickly penetrate intocausing bacteria are destroyed. tile and grout surfaces. FoamingWill not attack chrome or carpeting. action allows for longer contactSafe on porcelain. Formulated to times on vertical surfaces. Whenprotect plumbing and all metallic finished cleaning, simply rinsesurfaces and will not harm septic surface with water. Free-rinsingtank action. Use on bathtubs, surfactants will not leave a residue.shower stalls, sinks, toilet bowlsand urinals. H1936 – 946 ml Bottle (12 per case)H1928 – 946ml Bottle(12 per case) GREEN EARTH RTU Restroom CleanerKLING This product is a heavy duty, ready-Bowl Cleaner to-use cleaner that is chemicallyThis thickened, 9% hydrochloric designed to remove heavy soapacid toilet bowl cleaner contains scum, body and tanning oils,detergents and compounds that mineral deposits and other soilsquickly remove rust, scale, and found in all areas of the restroomhard water mineral deposits. including tile and grout surfaces,It clings to vertical surfaces and countertops, sinks and toilets. Theprovides more contact time for formulation contains organicbetter cleaning action than thin acids, powerful cleaning agents,formulations. It cleans with no scale inhibiting agents and soil-harsh acid fumes and will not suspending ingredients.harm plumbing or septic tanks. H1942 – 946 ml BottleH1930 – 946 ml. Bottle (12 per case)(12 per case)[email protected] 59

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GENERAL CLEANING & WASHROOM PRODUCTSDISH XL Kitchen CleaningHighly concentrated liquid handdishwashing detergent. GRILL AND OVEN CLEANERLemon scented. Works in minutes! Spray on, wipeT3502 – 4L Jug off caked food and grease. Safe to(4 per case) use on porcelain, glass and stainless steel.T3503 – 20L Pail T3709 – 510g Aerosol Can NATURELLE ULTRA SANITARY Feminine Hygiene NAPKINS H1750 – 250 per case DISPOSABLE TOILET SEAT COVERS NATURELLE SANITARY Offers safe and easy TAMPONS protection. Covers are H1752 – 200 per case disposable and biodegradable. SANITARY KRAFT/WAXED Use H1757 dispenser. LINERS H1756 – 250 per package For use in sanitary napkin (4 packages per case) disposal units Sold by full package only. H1754 – 500 per case TOILET SEAT COVER DISPENSER Use H1757 refills.60 H1757 – 2 per case NAPKIN DISPOSAL UNIT Sanitary White Epoxy finish. Self closing lid to ensure it is always shut. H1784 – 1 per box Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ODOUR CONTROL PRODUCTS Aerosol Air FreshenersAIROMA 3000 DISPENSERS D8094 – AIROMA D8060 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – COOLThe Vectair Airoma™ is an Aerosol Dispenser Think male aftershave. A fragrance with sandalwood andautomatic fragrance dispenser leather with a touch of citrus.that is designed to ensure LCD, Chromefacilities smell fresh and clean. D8064 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – CITRUS TINGLEThe Vectair Airoma™ automatically D8092 – AIROMA A bright burst of citrus fruits.delivers small bursts of fragrance Aerosol Dispenserat specific intervals in order to D8068 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – MANGOkeep odors at bay.With a sleek LCD, White A fruity, refreshing mango fragrance.and modern design the VectairAiroma works in a variety of D8070 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – CALMlocations with the minimum Clove and Persian spices with a heart of lavender, violet,amount of disruption to carnations, ylang ylang and jasmine woody oriental.surroundings. D8074 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – COMFORTAIROMA AEROSOL DISPENSER Soft lavender and white cotton with fragrant orange blossom,LCD carnations and white lilies.Fully programmable dispenser.Choice of start and end time, D8076 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – LINENchoice of spray frequency. Visible A fresh fragrance of clean linen.countdown clock showing timeuntil next spray - confirms D8080 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – ORCHARDoperation of unit and provides A rich and fruity fragrance that gives an air of Indian and safety warning. Smartchip automatically calculates D8082 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – CINNAMONdays in use and refill life. A rich, spicy cinnamon aroma with warm, sweet undertones.Lockable dispenser for addedsecurity. Ideal for areas such as D8084 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – VANILLA BEANrestrooms, offices, toilet areas, Smooth, authentic and delicate Vanilla bean fragrance.nursing homes, hotels, receptionareas, school classrooms or D8086 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL – SWEETanywhere fragrance is required. MULBERRYRequires 2 C-cell batteries. Sugary aroma, sweet but tart, deep rich fruity warmth.AIROMA 3000 REFILLS D8088 – AIROMA 3000 METERED AEROSOL ZERO AIR PURIFIERVectair Airoma® fragrances are An air purifier and odor eliminator using ‘Ordenone’ whichmodern and offer style and surrounds malodor molecules. Affected malodors areimpact options to match all eliminated immediately upon contact. Freshens a variety ofpreferences. All Vectair Airoma environments with a subtle lemongrass fragrance.fragrances are complex, longlasting and unique. The refills For our complete product selection,are suitable for use in the visit our website atVectair Airoma Odor Control www.checkerscleaningsupply.comDispenser and other competingstandard aerosol dispensers. Allodor control refills are VOC /California CARB compliant.(12 cans per case)62 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ODOUR CONTROL PRODUCTSV-AIR® SOLID DEODORIZER Non-Aerosol Odour Control60 DAY REFILLV-AIR® SOLID utilizes pioneering V-AIR® DISPENSERmulti-phasing, sub micron air The versatile V-AIR® SOLIDfreshener technology through a dispenser is an ideal odour controlpassive dispenser and solid system for use within, but notfragrance cartridge, delivering limited to; restrooms, hotels,consistent fragrance intensity. nursing homes, gyms andThis product is VOC Exempt, anywhere a fragrance is required.completely free from any solvents, D8020 - V-AIR DISPENSER FANpropellants and batteries – MODULE (optional)categorizing it as one of thesafest and smartest air D8016 – V-AIRfreshener’s available. Dispenser, WhiteD8002 – 60 Day Refill D8018 – V-AIRCucumber Melon (6 per case) Dispenser, ChromeD8004 – 60 Day RefillCitrus Mango (6 per case)D8008 – 60 Day RefillCool Mint (6 per case)D8010 – 60 Day RefillOcean Spray (6 per case)D8012 – 60 Day RefillIce Cool (6 per case)Sold by full case only.BAN-O LIQUID DEODORIZER Liquid and Dry DeodorizersEliminates unpleasant odours atthe source. For use in washrooms, FIBERPRO ENZYME DEODORIZERgarbage cans, lockers and nursing Removes odours from vomit, blood,homes. Alcohol base, won't leave urine, smoke, pet odours and more.residue. Liquid bacteria produce enzymes which eliminate the source of theD7731 – 946ml Bottle odours. Special O3Z malodor(12 per case) counteractants prove instantaneous neutralization of odours and leaveD7732 – 3.64L Jug a pleasant fragrance. Can be used(4 per case) as a performance booster in cleaning and pre-spray applications. Powerful enzyme action helps break down oily materials quickly and assists in deodorizing the surface being cleaned. Use on most types of carpeting, upholstery, and rugs. D7140 - 473ml Bottle (12 per case) D7142 – 3.64L Jug (6 per case)[email protected] 63

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ODOUR CONTROL PRODUCTS Liquid and Dry DeodorizersAUTO VALET DEODORIZER D561 D562 D563 D564 D567Exclusive Formulae containsactive ingredients that eliminatemalodours by neutralization.Choose from the followingattractive highly concentratedfragrances.D561 – Cherry, 4L JugD562 – Green Apple, 4L JugD563 – Spring Fresh, 4L JugD564 – New Car fragrance, 4L JugD567 – Pina Colada, 4L JugMEADOW FRESH OASIS ABSORBENT GRANULESLiquid Deodorizer Non-toxic, non-irritating, safeHighly concentrated granules for absorbing anddeodorizer with a spring deodorizing liquid bearingfresh mint fragrance. Can odorous substances foundbe added to carpet cleaners, around garbage areas, etc.automatic scrubber or used Cleans up after untimelyfor any general deodorizing. accidents.Will not stain and is D7811 – 454gm Shaker Bottleresidue-free. (12 per case) D7814 – 18kg KegD7725 – 909ml Bottle(12 per case) BEST SCENT GREEN EARTH® Liquid DeodorizerD7726 – 4L Jug Green Earth® with White Tea(4 per case) Fragrance. Excellent all purpose odor eliminator specially blendedD7727 – 20L Pail natural ingredients leave an out- door fresh scent. NeutrabondMEADOW FRESH POWDER technology chemically bonds toFor musty, smoke, food, pet and microscopic malodor particlesgeneral occupancy odours. neutralizing the malodorPleasant light fragrance. A must completely. Blended fragranceshave for property management freshen the indoor environment.companies. 1kg container is D7126 – 946ml RTU Bottleenough to cover 18 – 9' x 12' (12 per case)rooms. D7128 – 4L Jug (4 per case)D7801 – 1kg Shaker Bottle D7130 – 18.9L Pail(12 per case)ECO-FRESHHang Tag Air FreshenerAn environmentally friendly airfreshener. Excellent for hangingin your car, closets, emptyapartments, and areas whereaerosols are not permitted. Has aluxurious spiced apple scent.D7679 – 12 per boxSold by full box only.64 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ODOUR CONTROL PRODUCTSBIO ODOR CONTROL Liquid and Dry DeodorizersBacterial enzyme formulaprovides instant and residual BIO DRAIN CONTROLodour control that digests Bacterial enzyme digests greasethe organic problem at the and waste in drains andsource. grease traps. Neutralizes foul odours and reducesD7701 – 946ml Bottle the need for drain line(12 per case) cleaning or grease trap pumpingD7702 – 4L Jug(4 per case) D7711 – 946ml Bottle (12 per case) D7712 – 4L jug (4 per case)URINAL PUCKS Toilet and Urinal Odour ControlMade from 99.5%paradichlorobenzene URINAL SCREENwith special perfume with DEODORIZING BLOCKoils added to ensure a Deodorizes and cleans urinalspleasant, lasting and toilets for up to 30 days.fragrance. Environmentally safe, natural odour counteractant.D7672 Non-Para(12 per box) (paradichlorobenzene).BIG D ODOUR CONTROL D7675 – Citrus fragranceFOGGER (12 per box)Total release fogger destroys allodours. Ideal for eliminating D7678 – Apple fragrancecigarette odours and musty (12 per box)smells by penetrating all cracksand crevices. Excellent for THE WAVE ULTRA URINALcomplete deodorization of SCREENautomobiles. One can covers Smells Stronger: 1000% more6,000 cubic feet. fragrance than the traditional vinyl screens. Hundreds of mini peaksD7855 – 5oz Aerosol Can reduce splash back. Specially(12 per case) formulated to shrink over 30 days by releasing premium fragrance.TROPICAL FRUIT AIR Translucent design looks greatFRESHENER AEROSOL and allows clear view of the urinalTotal, complete spray that drain while still protecting it.eliminates odours trapped in Moulds to the shape of any urinal.upholstery fabric, rooms and airconditioning vents. Neutralizes D7680 – Spiced Appletobacco smoke and all other (10 per box)malodours. Contains no CFC'swhich deplete the ozone layer. D7681 – Herbal Mint (10 per box)D7850 – 284g(12 per case) Sold by full box only. [email protected] 65

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ODOUR CONTROL PRODUCTS Toilet and Urinal Odour ControlBEST SCENTAerosol Odour Neutralizer QUADRASAN® Urinal Maintenance System Quadrasan® is a cleaning and dosing system thatExcellent all purpose provides continuous and programmable maintenance ensuring toilet and urinal fixtures remain clean,odor eliminator. sanitized and odor free.Through its innovative, secure and modern design, the highly effective Quadrasan® isEffective in stale, designed to work in a variety of locations without disrupting the surrounding environment.mildew environments. D8030 – Cleaner/Deodorizer Refill – Citrus TingleBest Scent's Two (6 per case) D8032 – Cleaner/Deodorizer Refill – CoolPhase Odor Control. (6 per case) Sold by full case only.First, Neutrabond™technology chemicallybonds to microscopicmalodor particlesneutralizing the malodorcompletely. Thenspecially blendedfragrances freshen theindoor environment. D7120 D7122 D7124All Best Scent Productsare low VOC formulationsand contain no ozone depletingsubstances. Ultrafine particlesproduce an extremely dry spraywith no product fallout or residue.D7120 – Ocean Breezefragrance. 454g Aerosol Can(12 per case)D7122 – Smoke & OdorEliminator. 454g Aerosol Can(12 per case)D7124 – Best Scent Green Earth454g Aerosol Can(12 per case)VISION AEROSOL D8044 – Sanitizing D8046 – SanitizingTotal, complete spray that Drip Dispenser Drip Dispensereliminates odours trapped White Chromein upholstery fabric, roomsand air conditioning vents. D7851 D7852 D7853 D8038 – MicroClean Drain CleanerNeutralizes tobacco smoke (6 per case). Sold by full case only.and all other malodours.Contains no CFC's which D8040 – Inline Installation Kitdeplete the ozone layer. D8042 – 18” Stainless Steel Delivery TubeD7851 – Meadow Fresh340g Aerosol Can(12 per case)D7852 – Very Berry369g Aerosol Can(12 per case)D7853 – Attack Citrus369g Aerosol Can(12 per case)66 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BREAKROOM SUPPLIESFood Preparation and Food Serving AmenitiesALUMINUM FOIL WHITE FOAM DRINK CUPS T3686Continuous aluminum T3690 – 6oz (1,000 / case) T3687rolled sheet for T3698 – 8oz (1,000 / case)wrapping food to be T3696 – 10oz (1,000 / case)reheated or cooked. T3692 – 12oz (1,000 / case)T3611 – 30cm x 200m (1 roll/box)T3613 – 45cm x 100m (1 roll/box) WHITE PLASTIC TEAR TAB LIDS T3693 – Lid for 6oz (1,000 / case)FILM WRAP T3697 – Lid for 8oz (1,000 / case)Polyethylene film for wrapping T3699 – Lid for 10oz (1,000 / case)and sealing food to be stored. T3670 – Lid for 12oz (1,000 / case)T3616 – 11” x 2500’ (1 roll/box)T3617 – 17” x 2500’ (1 roll/box) PAPER HOT DRINK CUPS WITH MYSTIQUE DESIGNSPOONS T3750 – 8oz (1,000 / case)Medium weight white plastic tea T3754 – 10oz (1,000 / case)spoon for any casual occasion. T3756 – 12oz (1,000 / case)T3641 – Tea Spoon (1,000 / case) T3758 – 16oz (1,000 / case)T3642 – Soup Spoon (1,000 / case) PLASTIC DOME LIDSFORKS T3752 – White Plastic Dome LidMedium weight white plastic fork for 378ms Cup (1,000 / case)for any casual occasion. T3760 – Black Plastic TravellerT3643 – Forks (1,000 / case) Dome Lid (1,000 / case)KNIVES TRANSLUCENT PLASTIC DRINKMedium weight white plastic knife CUPSfor any casual occasion. T3770 – 5oz Cup (2,000 / case)T3644 – Knife (1,000 / case) T3772 – 7oz Cup (2,000 / case) T3774 – 9oz Cup (1,500 / case)FOAM PLATES T3778 – 14oz Cup (1,000 / case)T3652 – 6” Dynette FoamSnack Plate (1,000 / case) PAPER COLD DRINK CUPS WITHT3654 – 9” Foam Dinner Plate PATHWAYS DESIGN(500 / case) T3780 – 3oz Cup (2,400 / case) T3782 – 4oz Cup (2,400 / case)NAPKINS T3686 – 4oz Cone Water CupsT3661 – 1 ply Junior Dispenser (5,000 / case – 25 Sleeves)Napkins, 563 / package T3687 – 4oz Cone Water Cups(16 packages per case) (200 / Sleeve)T3663 – 1 ply Luncheon Napkins, H1774 – 16” White Water Cup1/4 Fold, 12x500, (6,000 / case) DispenserT3665 – 2 ply Dinner Napkins1/8 Fold (3,000 / case)STIR STICKST3685 – 4.5” Plastic Stir Sticks,(1,000 / box – 10 boxes per case) H177468 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FACILITY SUPPLIES BatteriesINDUSTRIAL ALKALINE BATTERIES M9000 M9002For high drain continuous useoperations with long storage life. M9001 M9002 M9004Sold by full package only. M9003M9000 – “AAA” Alkaline Battery Lighting Products(4 per Pack)M9001 – “AA” Alkaline Battery(4 per Pack)M9002 – “C” Alkaline Battery(12 per Pack)M9003 – “D” Alkaline Battery(12 per Pack)M9004 – “9V” Alkaline Battery(12 per Pack)EXIT LIGHT BULBSold by full case only.M9010 – 15T6/CL-145V ExitLight Bulb. 15 Watt(25 per box) INDOOR FLOOD LIGHT BULB LIGHT BULBS – Sold by full case only. Sold by full case only. M9012 – 40 Watt A19 Bulb Frosted (48 per box) M9020 – 65BR30/FL 65w 130v M9013 – 60 Watt A19 Bulb Frosted (48 per box) Indoor Floodlight Bulb M9014 – 100 Watt A19 Bulb Frosted (48 per box) (12 per box) M9015 – 50 Watt A19 Rough Service Bulb (24 per box) M9016 – 100 Watt A19 Rough Service Bulb (24 per box)70 M9017 – 60 Watt A19 Bulb Clear (48 per box) OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHT BULB Sold by full case only. M9051 – 90PAR38/HAL/FL25 90w Halogen Outdoor Flood Light Bulb (12 per box) Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FACILITY SUPPLIESFLUORESCENT BULBS Lighting ProductsSold by full box only. FLUORESCENT TUBEM9030 – PL-S 13W/827/2P Sold by full case only.13w27K CompactFluorescent Twin Tube M9042 – F32T8/TL741 48”(10 per box) 32 Watt Cool White Fluorescent Tube (30 per box)M9031 – PL-S13W/841/2P13w Compact Fluorescent M9043 – F34T12/CW 48”Twin Tube 34 Watt Cool White Fluorescent(10 per box) Tube (30 per box)CARTON SEALING TAPE Packaging SuppliesHigh quality tape offers excellentadhesion. Suitable for all TAPE DISPENSER withindustrial packaging needs. ADJUSTABLE BRAKEM9400 Hand held tape dispenser with an48mm x 100m roll adjustable tensioner and(36 rolls per case) retractable blade. M9403 – 2” Tape DispenserMASKING TAPE with adjustable brake.M9401 – 48mm x 55m roll(24 rolls per case) KRAFT PAPER ROLL Use to wrap, protect and forDUCT TAPE void fill.Reinforced, waterproof duct tape. M9422 – DD40 18” x 750’M9405 – Silver Cloth Duct Tape length roll48mm x 55m M9423 – DD40 24” x 750’(24 rolls per case) length roll M9424 – DD60 48” x 600’PALLET WRAP length rollHigh performance, pre-stretchedwith exceptional load retention. HAND STRETCH WRAPM9415 – 16 mic Pallet Wrap DISPENSER32,5cm x 1500’per roll Strong, lightweight hand stretch(4 rolls per case). wrap dispenser. M9414 – Hand Stretch Wrap Dispenser [email protected] 71

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FACILITY SUPPLIESINDUSTRIAL WASTE Waste ControlRECEPTACLESGladiator Containers are reinforced CEASE-FIRE OUTDOOR ASHfor added strength and durability. CONTAINERReinforced base for greater Flame retardant, sturdystability and weight distribution. polyethylene. Low maintenance,Built in Wheel assembly base. rain-proof, won’t rust, dent, or(Castors Optional). Optional Dolly crack. Lift lid off to empty steellocks into base and provides pail inside. 38-1/2” high.additional support for heavierloads. Internal ribbed vents for M9885 – Greysmooth removal of garbage bags. M9886 – BeigeM9429 – 20 gal Grey Lid M9887 – BlackM9439 – 32 gal Grey Lid M9888 – Terra CottaM9449 – 44 gal Grey Lid M9889 – Forest GreenM9428 – 20 gal Grey Container M9407 WALL MOUNTED SWING TOPM9438 – 32 gal Grey Container RECEPTACLE These waste receptacles areM9448 – 44 gal Grey Container designed to conserve floor space in light to medium usageM9407 – Dolly for Gladiator areas. 8”D x 15-3/4”W x 33”H.Containers with 5 Casters M9890 – White EpoxyGLADIATOR SERVICE UTILITYCART M9891 – Stainless Steel2 Shelves with 5” Casters.Available in the following colors:Black, White, Red, Yellow, andBlue.M9500 – Service Utility Cart MEDIUM PLASTIC WASTE FREE STANDING HD WASTE BASKET 28 US qt RECEPTACLE with SWING LID Moulded from high quality All-metal construction is ideally polyethylene for strength and suited for rugged and continual durability. Seamless, soft-sided use. 34-3/4” high. construction will not dent or leak. M9896 – Stainless Steel M9880 – Black M9897 – White Epoxy (12 per case) Contact us to discuss HEAVY DUTY OUTDOOR ASH our complete range BIN of waste and recycle Heavy duty all stainless steel unit control options. is ideal for pedestrian common areas. Locking storage door Order Line: 1.800.265.5756 prevents tampering. M9895 – Stainless Steel72

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FACILITY SUPPLIES Snow and Ice ControlARCTIC BLAST ICE MELTEROne bag of ARCTIC BLAST has the same melting power as six bags oftraditional Rock Salt. Fast acting. Arctic Blast goes to work instantly andkeeps on melting for an extended period of time with a residual actionthat can prevent re-freezing for up to 24 hours. Non-WHMIS controlled.No harmful ingredients. Safe around children and pets. Safe to handle.No gloves or special protection required. Non-calcium chloride formula.Contains CMA, natures proven corrosion inhibitor. Gentle to shrubs,grass & vegetation. Will not harm well-cured concrete. Non-tracking.Will not damage interior carpeting or flooring when used according todirections. Extended shelf life. Store Arctic Blast all year longwithout it hardening and clumping. Special formula keeps meltingeven when the outside temperature drops below -18C.M9801 – 20 kg bag (56 Bags per skid)ICE PATROL PREMIUM POLY SNOW PUSHERROCK SALT Poly Snow Shovel / Pusher withSafe and effective snow and ice 21” wide blade and a 46” strongcontrol. Economical, time proven ash handle. Features a D-gripperformer! Clean and white rock end for greater ergonomics.salt. 100% active with no fillers M9834 – 21” with D-Handle.added. Optimally sized granules for M9835 – 26” with D-Handle.maximum performance. Flowsfreely through commercial Office Paperspreaders. Easy to open bag.M9802 – 20 kg bag(56 Bags per skid)ESTATE SPREADER WITHPNEUMATIC TIRESDeluxe Heavy-Duty Industrial IceMelter Spreader. Features 10\" airfilled, wide sure-grip rubber tires,Easy flow-through hole pattern,Fingertip easy cable control,Large enclosed gears arepermanently lubricated, fullyassembled and no tools needed.Heavy Duty poly hopper thatholds up to 120lbs/54kg.M9804 – Ice Melter Spreader P5600 – Brilliant Laser Office Copy Paper Premium line of Copy Paper. Multi-purpose Paper. For use in all office machines. Truetone Technology. 8.5” x 11”, 20lb (5,000 Sheets per case) (40 cases per skid) P5603 – Paper Line Office Copy Paper 8.5” x 14”, 20lb (5,000 Sheets per case) P5604 – Paper Line Copy Paper 11” x 17”, 20lb, 5 reams (2,500 Sheets per case)[email protected] 73

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FACILITY SUPPLIES Premium Floor MattingAll-Season Anderson ALL-SEASON MATTING Floor Matting There are many more styles with a largeAll Andersen floor mats are selection of colours,premium quality and feature standard and customa 100% Customer Satisfaction sizes to choose from.warranty for the life of the Ask about our logoproduct. Available in a wide or message mattingrange of colours, styles and integrated intopatterns. Discuss your these premiumrequirements with our mats.customer service team.SUPERSCAPE™ WATERHOG™ CLASSIC TRI-GRIP™Durable 100% Nitrile Rubber mat Perfect for most applications inside or Heavy, 100% static dissipative nylonprovides a slip-resistant surface. Use out, Waterhog™ Classic’s unique design face offers outstanding absorption andoutside of entrances, in production makes it revolutionary. The rubber durability. Tight, heat-set, Ultra-areas, kitchens and locker rooms. reinforced face nubs and waffle design Twisted™ yarn resists packing andMolded tread-surface cleats effectively provide crush proof scraping action. crushing. “Green friendly” rubberscrape tough dirt and grime off shoes. The raised rubber “water dam” border backing has 10% - 15% recycledSuperscape™ mats are certified slip traps dirt and water, keeping them offresistant by the National Floor Safety carpets and floors. content. Resists curing and cracking.Institute. We also carry a large selection of safety matting. For our complete product selection, visit our website at www.checkerscleaningsupply.com74 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIPING PRODUCTS Cloth Wipers MICROFIBRE TOWELSPatented endless fibre technology. Delivers a cloth with high dirt Durable and washable over 150 times @ 95 degrees celsiusretention and extremely low lint. Microfibres remove the to meet the stringent hygiene standards. Perfect for finesmallest dirt and dust particles as well as stubborn grease and furniture, painted metal, glass, mirrors, chrome, stainlessfingerprint marks without leaving chemical residues or streaks. steel, melamine and ceramics. (10 per package) W10616 W10523 W10578 W10617 W10618 16”x 16” 16”x 16” 16”x 16” 16”x 16” 16”x 16” Yellow Green Blue Red Pink WHITE TERRY TOWELS New, first quality hand towels. WHITE COTTON “T-SHIRT” Convenient for all types of WIPERS cleaning and housekeeping. Use these wipers with solvents, Absorbent, resilient, thinners and wood stains. No launderable and reusable. colours to bleed or transfer. W2400 – 16” x 27” White Terry Towels W2030 – 25lb. Bale, Regular Cut BAR TOWELS HUCK UTILITY WIPERS W17200 – 17” x 20” An excellent cleaning cloth for White Bar Towel, Plain janitorial use. Very low lint for W17205 – 17” x 20” cleaning mirrors and general White Bar Towel with Green Stripe wiping. Wipers are 15” x 23” with a sewn border on four COLOURED COTTON “T-SHIRT” sides and are washable and WIPERS reusable. Our #1 best-seller for a heavy- duty mechanical wiper. Very W2040 – 15” x 23”, 20lb. Bale economical and absorbant. Our reclaimed wipers are sorted, Order Line: 1.800.265.5756 washed, and cut to controlled sizes with al buttons, snaps, and zippers removed. You can count on the highest quality. W2005 – 25lb. Bale, Regular Cut W2010 – 10lb. Brick, Regular Cut COLOURED FLANNEL WIPERS A heavy weight absorbent wiper. W2060 – 15” x 23”, 25 lb. Bale76

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIPING PRODUCTSDisposable Manufactured Wiping TowelsCHIX® CREPED DURA WIPE WHITE JUMBO WIPER TOWELAbsorbent wipers for both wet and The cloth-like performance wiperdry sensitive surface cleaning. that is the ideal replacement forThese non-woven, creped, rags.Tough enough for big jobs -low-lint wipers are made from soft enough for the face and hands.cellulose and polyester forincreased user comfort with W2610 – Pop-Up Boximproved hand feel and 126 sheets per boxdexterity. (8 boxes per case)W2601 – 12” x 12” Wipers W2624 – Jumbo Roll(400 per case) Towel (1,100 sheets per roll)CHIX® ECONOMY TOWELS WATER WEAVE WIPER TOWELPerforated, 12” x 24” rayon and The tough wiper system that iscellulose blend food service easy to take along in a one-at-a-towel. Self dispensing carton. time dispensing box. ReinforcedW2605(150 per case) for extra cleaning power built for just about anything youALL PURPOSE TOWEL can dish out.All purpose Premium White RollTowel. Cloth-like feel. W2614 – Pop-Up BoxW2720 – 72 sheets per roll 100 sheets per box,(30 rolls per case) (8 boxes per case)BLUE SHOP WIPER TOWEL W2617 – Jumbo RollHighly absorbent, general purpose Towelwiper that is ideal for heavy duty (870 sheets per roll)wiping applications.Easy-carrydispenser box that keeps wipers WATER WEAVE RED WIPERclean and handy whenever you go. TOWELW2628 – Pop-Up Box These heavy duty wipers are like a100 per box rental shop towel only far more(8 boxes per case) consistent. Engineered to feel like cloth only work even better.W2626 – Roll Towel On the Spot supercharged64 sheets per roll wipers that are ideal for the(12 rolls per case) toughest jobs.Guaranteed to be more cost effective than rental shop towels. W2639 – Pop-Up Box 140 sheets per box (2 boxes per case) W2647 – Jumbo Roll Towel (475 sheets per roll)[email protected] 77

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIPING PRODUCTS Disposable Manufactured Professional Delivery Systems Wiping Towels W2696 – WALL MOUNT ROLLWATER WEAVE WHITE WIPER DISPENSERThese wipers are up to 350%more absorbent then rental ragsand have a unique softness for aheavy duty wiper. Made with15% recycled fibers it is ourstrongest DRC (DoubleRe-Crep) wiper yet.W2652 – Big Grip Bucket(190 sheets per bucket)W2654 – Big Grip BucketRefill, 190 sheets per roll(6 rolls per case) W2698 – FLOOR STAND ROLL DISPENSERFor our complete product selection,visit our website atwww.checkerscleaningsupply.com78 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES Hand Protection Leather Work Gloves S4004 – PREMIUM FITTERS GLOVEGrey split leather gloves with cotton back. All With 4” rubberized safetygloves have leather finger tips and knuckle strap cuff.for added protection. Summer styles have cotton (12 pair per package)lined palms for comfort and sweat absorption.Winter styles have a foam / fleece lining to keephands warm in colder temperatures.S4001 – LADIES LINED S4006L – PREMIUMFITTERS GLOVES FITTERS GLOVE(12 pair per package) With 2” rubberized safety cuff. Size – Large. (12 pair per package)S4002 – ECONOMY PATCH S4007 – PREMIUM BOA LINEDPALM FITTERS GLOVE FITTERS GLOVE(12 pair per package) With 2” rubberized safety cuff. (12 pair per package) S4003 – LADIES FITTERS GLOVE S4008 – FULL GRAIN COWHIDE (12 pair per package) FITTERS GLOVE With 2” rubberized safety80 cuff. (12 pair per package) S4009 – FULL GRAIN COWHIDE, FULLY LINED FITTERS GLOVE With 2” rubberized safety cuff. (12 pair per package) Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESS4010 – PREMIUM DOUBLE Hand ProtectionPALM & FINGER TIPLEATHER FITTERS GLOVE Knitted Work Gloves(12 pair per package) An ideal all purpose knitted glove. Great for parts handling and general maintenance or even use as a liner inside work gloves.S4011L – WINTER S4016 – 8 OZ. COTTON GLOVEFOAM/ FLEECE SPLIT With knit wrist.COWHIDE LEATHER (12 pair per package)FITTERS GLOVEWith 2” rubberized safety S4017 – 8 OZ. COTTON GLOVEcuff. Size – Large. With leather palm and(12 pair per package) Kinta wrist. (12 pair per package)WELDERS GLOVESWelding gloves are made of ECONOMY STRING KNIT GLOVEdurable leather to withstand heat (12 pair per package)and abrasion. Special heat Sold by full dozen only.resistant thread and welted S4022 – Smallseams assures long wear. S4024 – Medium S4026 – LargeS4012 – WELDERSLEATHER GLOVE STRING KNIT GLOVE5 finger, fully lined. With PVC dotted palm.(12 pair per package) (12 pair per package) Sold by full dozen only.S4014 – WELDERS LEATHER S4028 – X-SmallGLOVE S4030 – SmallUnlined with 4” cuff. S4032 – Medium(12 pair per package) S4034 – Large S4036 – X- Large S4040 – LIGHTWEIGHT COTTON INSPECTORS GLOVE Universal size. (24 pair per package) Sold by full dozen only. [email protected] 81

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESLATEX COATED GLOVES Hand ProtectionCotton string knit with latex coatedpalm provides excellent wet grip PVC COATED GLOVESwith abrasion and puncture Poly vinyl coated glove on interlockresistance. Ideal for use while liner. Superior abrasion resistancehandling freight, waste collection, at low cost. Suitable for use inrecycling, glass handling and most oils, acid, caustics andgeneral repairs and maintenance. solvents.(12 pair per package) (12 pair per package)Sold by full dozen only. S4150 – 14” Yellow coated PVC glove.S4104 – Small S4152 – Yellow coated PVC glove with knit wrist.S4105 – Medium INSULATED PVC COATED GLOVESS4106 – Large Foam lined, orange poly vinyl coated gloves for superiorS4107 – X-Large flexibility and crack resistance in cold temperatures.NITRILE COATED GLOVES (12 pair per package)Seamless nylon knit glove with S4155 – Orange fullytextured nitrile palm coating. coated with safety cuff.Snug fitting and extremelyflexible while resisting cuts and GREEN DOUBLE DIP PVC COATEDabrasions with a non-slip grip. Double dip poly vinyl coating on aIdeal for use in material jersey liner gives this glovehandling applications. excellent abrasion resistance and(12 pair per package) is suitable for most oils, acid, caustics, and solvents.S4122 – Small (12 pair per package) S4156 – 14” Green fullyS4123 – Medium coated gauntlet. S4158 – 18” GreenS4124 – Large fully coated gauntlet.S4125 – X-Large NITREX SUPPORTED NITRILE NITREX gloves have a toughSold by full dozen only. coating of Nitrile rubber over a cut and sewn liner. Good cut and“PRUNE FACE” GLOVE abrasion resistance withExtra thick coating of latex over a excellent flexibility. Oil andsoft jersey knit liner. Offers good grease resistant.cut, abrasion and puncture (12 pair per package)resistance. Deep wrinkle finish S4153 – Nitrile palm coatedgives excellent wet or dry grip glove with safety cuff.for handling glass, sheet metal S4153-F – Nitrile fully coatedor lumber. For use in repair and glove with safety cuff.maintenance applications.(12 pair per package)Sold by full dozen only.S4135 – Prune face latexcoated glove with safety cuff.82 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESUNSUPPORTED CHEMICAL Hand ProtectionGLOVES – Green Nitrile GlovesExcellent protection against a NITRILE DISPOSABLE 4milwide range of chemicals and are COBALT BLUE GLOVES –abrasion,puncture and snag POWDER FREEresistant. The embossed finish High quality 4mil 100% medicaloffers a better grip for use in food grade nitrile glove has three timesprocessing, janitorial cleaning the strength and puncture resist-duties, outbreak cleaning, ance of conventional disposableplumbing repairs and dish gloves. Protect yourself againstwashing. solvents, grease and oils, caustic(12 pair per package) and acid chemicals, body fluids.S4170 – 17” Heavy duty green 100 ambidextrous gloves per box.flock lined nitrile glove, Large (10 boxes per case) S4275 – Small • S4276 – Medium13” Green flock lined nitrile S4277 – Large • S4278 – X-Largegloves NITRILE DISPOSABLE BLACKS4172 – Small GLOVES – POWDER FREES4173 – Medium 100 ambidextrous gloves per box.S4174 – Large (10 boxes per case)S4176 – X-Large S4264 – Small • S4265 – MediumS4177 – XX-Large S4266 – Large • S4267 – X-Large S4268 – XX-Large12” YELLOW FLOCK LINEDHOUSEHOLD LATEX GLOVES 8mil NITRILE GLOVE – POWDERFlocked lined latex gloves are FREEideal for use in dishwashing, food 50 ambidextrous gloves per box.preparations and janitorial duties. (20 boxes per case)(12 pair per package) S4357 – Small • S4358 – MediumS4182 – Small S4259 – Large • S4260 – X-LargeS4184 – MediumS4186 – Large VINYL DISPOSABLE 4 mil CLEARS4188 – X-Large GLOVES 4mil clear vinyl gloves offerNEOPRENE COATED GLOVES increased sensitivity and stretch-Premium grade resists caustics, to-fit without restriction ofoil, grease and solvents. Use this circulation and tactile function.glove when handling propane Protect yourself againsttanks, petrochemical refining chemicals and body fluids.and galvanizing. 100 ambidextrous gloves(12 pair per package) per box. (10 boxes per case)S4178 – 12” Fully coatedgauntlet. POWDERED EXAM GLOVE S4322 – X-Small • S4324 – Small S4326 – Medium • S4328 – Large S4329 – X-Large POWDER FREE EXAM GLOVE S4331– X-Small • S4332 – Small S4334 – Medium • S4336 – Large S4338 – [email protected] 83

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES Eye and Face ProtectionNORTH SAFETY GLASSES S4424 TWISTER PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR S4428This sleek design gives S4425 Lightweight shape incorporates a S4430great wrap around side S4426 sleek fashionable design and S4432protection with rubber ear outstanding protection. Workersgrips. With three different won’t want to take them off!choices of lens colours, (12 pair per box)these glasses are suited forall types of work, both S4428 – Twister clear safetyindoor and outdoor. glasses(10 pair per box)S4424 – A701 Sperian S4430 – Twister grey safetygrey tinted safety glasses glassesS4425 – A704 Sperian silvertinted safety glasses S4432 – Twister medium greenS4426 – A700 Sperian safety glassesclear safety glasses S4434 – Twister indoor / outdoorSPECTOR CLEAR SAFETY mirror safety glassesGLASSESSleek design gives great S4436 – Twister amber safetywrap-around side protection. glassesA 4-point ratchet system fortemple adjustment ensures S4434the best fit.(12 pair per box) S4436S4427 – Scratch and impactresistant. THE SOFTIE GOGGLE Generous sizing and protectionTEMP VISITOR SAFETY offers the ability to be worn overGLASSES prescription glasses. TheAn economical alternative neoprene headband providesfor those temporary jobs comfort and durability along withwhere protection is mandatory. the chemical splash vent andThese glasses are excellent for Anti-fog lens.visitors and will fit over S4440 – Softie Goggleprescription eyewear for totalprotection.(12 pair per box)S4438 – Clear frame and lens For our complete product selection, visit our website at www.checkerscleaningsupply.com84 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES Hearing ProtectionPELTOR EAR MUFFS S4525 E.A.R. CLASSIC®Universal protectors are light- FOAM EAR PLUGSweight, comfortable and effective These original foam ear plugs areto meet most workplace the leading selling and most widelyrequirements. These are one of accepted form of hearingthe most affordable ear muff protection. One size, easy-to-use,choices today. non-irritating and washable.S4525 – H9A Peltor ear muff NRR 29.NRR 25 S4512 – Uncorded, poly packS4526 – H10A Peltor ear muff (200 pair per box)NRR 30 S4526 E.A.R. TAPERFIT™ 2 FOAM3M EAR PLUGS EAR PLUGSSmooth tapered surface offers Soft foam tapered ear plugs addprotection against the comfort and are easier to insertharmful effects of noise and remove. NRR 32.exposure. Bright orangecolour for visibility and S4513 – Uncorded, poly packcompliance. NRR 29. (200 pair per box)S4530 – 3M1100 Tapered E.A.R. ULTRAFIT® EAR PLUGSfoam ear plug, uncorded One size, reusable ear plugs have(200 pair per box) a pre-molded triple flange.S4531 – 3M1110 Tapered Hygienic, comfortable andfoam ear plug, corded washable. NRR 25.(200 pair per box) S4521 – Corded, poly pack (100 pair per box)[email protected] 85

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES Respiratory ProtectionN95 PARTICULATE RESPIRATOR MASKS HALF FACE RESPIRATOR MASKSPre-stretched durable twin head straps and foam seal with 3M 6000 Series Respirators offerouter aluminum nose piece that can be shaped for a close fit. comfort, good visibility, easyNIOSH approved for protection against dust and mist breathing, convenience, low cost(excluding oil). and proper protection. High worker acceptance, lowS4601 – N95 Particulate maintenance and easy washability.respirator mask(20 masks per box) S4625 – 3M6100, Small S4630 – 3M6200, Medium S4635 – 3M6300, Large S4636 – 3M6800, X - LargeS4610 – N95 Particulate 3M REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGESrespirator mask with AND FILTERSvalve When you want performance,(10 masks per box) simplicity of use and comfort, then consider these filters to protect you in a variety of industrial settings. Use with the 3m 6000 series respirator. S4640 – 3M6001 Organic vapour cartridge Approved respiratory protection against organic vapours. (1 set per package)S4611 – 3M8511 N95 S4645 – 3M6003 OV/AG CartridgeParticulate respirator Approved respiratory protectionmask with valve against organic vapours, sulphur(10 masks per box) dioxide, hydrogen chloride and chlorine.S4615 – 3M8210 (1 set per package)N95 Particulaterespirator mask S4650 – 3M5N11 N95 Prefilter(20 masks per box) N95 approved for use with 3M501 Filter Retainer on the 3M6001 - 3M6003 Vapour cartridge for dust and mist. (10 filters per box) S4655 – 3M2071 P95 Filter for 3M6000 respirator Rated and designed for grinding, sanding and polishing (1 set per package)86 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES Respiratory Protection Body Protection3M REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES HEAVY DUTY DISPOSABLEAND FILTERS COVERALLSWhen you want performance, Made of spun bonded polypropy-simplicity of use and comfort, lene which is tear and puncturethen consider these filters to resistant. Excellent for keepingprotect you in a variety of clean in a messy dusty job.industrial settings. Use with the (25 Coveralls per box)3m 6000 series respirator. Heavy duty white disposableS4660 – 3M2097 P100 Filter coverall with hood.for 3M6000 respirator S4701-L, LargeRated and recommended for S4701-XL, X-Largeozone protection and nuisance S4701-XXL, 2X-Largelevel organic vapour relief. S4701-3XL, 3X-Large(1 set per package) S4701-4XL, 4X-LargeS4658 – 3M2091 P100 Filter for Heavy duty blue disposable3M6000 respirator coverall with hood.Rated and designed for grinding, S4702-M, Mediumsanding and polishing. S4702-L, Large(1 set per package) S4702-XL, X-Large S4702-XXL, 2X-LargeS4665 – 3M501 Filter Retainer S4702-3XL, 3X-LargeFor use with the 3M5N11 S4702-4XL, 4X-LargePre-Filters (S4650). S4702-5XL, 5X-Large(1 set per package) APRONSPERSONAL EQUIPMENT WIPES This apron is suitable for heavy-Individually packaged duty industrial applications andantibacterial, antiseptic extremely abrasive environments.towelettes. Great for Apron is made of neoprene/nyloncleaning respirator masks, with a material thickness ofear muffs, telephone .45mm (+/- 0.02mm). Apron ishandsets and much more 35” x 48”. S4700 – 35” X 48” Yellow HDS4670 – 3M504 Respirator neoprene aproncleaning wipe(100 wipes per box)For our complete product selection, TYVEK DISPOSABLE SHOEvisit our website at Anti-Slip Disposable Shoe Covers. White only. (100 pair per box) S4795 – Tyvek disposable white shoe cover. Size: X - [email protected] 87

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESRATCHET HEAD GEAR FOR Body ProtectionFACE SHIELDThis headgear features a 4” TRAFFIC SAFETY VESTprotective spark guard with a fully These popular 5 point tear-away mesh traffic vests offeradjustable crown strap. 360 degrees visibility. Featuring hi-viz orange mesh withFeatures a ratchet-type yellow reflective stripes. MTO approved.suspension for easy S4720 – 5 Point Tear-away traffic safety vestpersonal adjustment. MTO approved. S4721 – 5 Point tear-away fire retardantS4715 – Ratchet headgear for face shieldCLEAR POLY FACE SHIELDThis high strength polycarbonate,clear face shield, is your firstchoice for protection.S4716 – Flat clear face shieldS4717 – Formed clear faceshield STANDARD HARD HATS WHMIS Work Place Labels These moulded high-density polyethylene hard hats with WHMIS WORK PLACE LABELS built in rain trough provide Self-adhesive labels for identifying protection and comfort at small containers with product a very affordable price. name and necessary WHMIS Ratchet suspension information head gear. Meets ANSI Z89.1, S1000 – Small work Type 1, Class G, C & E standards. place WHMIS label. S4718 – Yellow standard hard (100 labels per pack) hat with ratchet head gear S4719 – White standard hard For our complete product selection, hat with ratchet head gear visit our website at DRY-BROW SWEAT BAND Order Line: 1.800.265.5756 Foam pad with elastic strap S4730 – Dry brow sweat band88

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIES First Aid SuppliesFIRST AID KITS S4803 S4807These deluxe kits meet alloccupational health and safety S4805regulations. Excellent forservice vehicle, office, shop,job site or home. Unitizedpackages in durable cabinet orplastic box that is weather andwater resistant to keep outmoisture and dust.S4803 – 10 Unit DeluxeKit with Plastic BoxFor 1 – 5 employees.S4805 – 36 Unit DeluxeKit with Plastic BoxFor 6 – 15 employees.S4807 – Deluxe Kit with No. 2Metal CabinetFor 16 – 199 employees.HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WATER JEL® BURN DRESSINGU.S.P. 3% A medical grade dressing infusedTopical antiseptic for cuts, with a bacteriostaticscratches, sores, ulcers and oral soothing gel.hygiene. S4824 – 4” x 4” Dressing,S4812 – 250ml Bottle Individual PackettesSOLARCAINE™ INSTANT COLD PACKSProvides fast relief from pain Ready-to-use and easily activatedassociated with superficial for emergency use. Reaches 0º Cwounds, minor burns and in seconds and provides effectivesunburn. Contains aloe and relief for up to 30 minutes.Vitamin E. S4826 – Small, 1 per BoxS4822 – 115g Aerosol Can S4828 – Large, eachFor our complete product selection, 89visit our website [email protected]

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESALCOHOL PREP PADS First Aid SuppliesNon-woven pads saturatedwith 70% isopropyl B.Z.K. ANTISEPTIC TOWELETTESalcohol for minor Sting-free for cleansing skin andwound care minor wounds.and injection sitepreparation. S4842 – Safecross AntisepticS4830 – Single-use Towelettes (12 per box)Packettes (100 per box) S4844 – BZK AntisepticALCOHOL PREP PADS Towelettes (100 per box)Prevents infection andpromotes fast healing LENS CLEANING SOLUTION S4868of minor cuts and Ready-to-use solution with anti- S4864scrapes. fog properties for glass, S4872S4832 – 15g Tube plastic and protective lenses.ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL S4864 – 500ml “Boston”Isopropyl rubbing alcohol 70%. Round Bottle withS4834 – 500mL bottle Spray PumpSAFECROSS™ FIRST AID & S4866 – 500mlBURN CREAM “Peroxide” RoundProtects against infection and Bottle with Spray Pumppromotes rapid healing. (use in S4870 station)S4838 – 25g Tube S4868 – 4L Jug S4866SAFECROSS™ ANTISEPTICMedicated cleanser for cuts, METAL LENS CLEANING STATIONscratches and insect bites. AND REPLACEMENT TISSUESDisinfects and prevents infection. Provides easy access toS4840 – 250ml Bottle solution and tissues for fast dispensing. S4870 – Lens Cleaning Station Complete With two 500ml bottles of lens cleaning solution (S4866) and one box of tissues (S4872). S4872 – Lens Cleaning Tissues (300 Tissues per box, 60 Boxes per case) PRE-MOISTENED LENS CLEANING WIPES For glass and polycarbonate lenses with anti-static and anti-fog action. S4873 (120 Individual Towelettes per box)90 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SAFETY SUPPLIESBRADLEY FAUCET-MOUNTED First Aid SuppliesEYEWASH STATIONConverts a standard faucet into STERILE EYE WASH SOLUTIONan emergency eyewash station. Ready-to-use, sterile, antisepticPop-off covers protect spray cleaner for eye irritations due toheads from airborne foreign materials, dust,contaminant’s. One-step pollutants and fatigue.activation. S4874 – 1L BottleS4869 – Chrome Plated Finish S4875 – 4L JugEYE WASH STATION ADHESIVE BANDAGESSingle station with built in Sterile adhesive plastic strips.socket to secure eye wash Non adherent pad will not stickbottle. Imprinted to wound.instructions on plaquewith mirror. S4914 – 3/4” x 3” Plastic Strip Bandages (100 per box)S4876 – CompleteStation with 32oz. S4915 – 7/8” x 3” Plastic StripEye Wash Bottle (empty) Bandages (100 per box)S4878 – Replacement32oz. Eye Wash Bottleand Eye Cup (empty) [email protected] 91

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PRODUCT INDEXAbsorbent Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 41 Duct Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Air Blowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Dusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56Air Fresheners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62-66 Dust Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86Aluminum Foil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Dust MopsAntiseptic Wipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 87Barrier Creams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 - Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Bathroom Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,18 - Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 - Refills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Bleach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Dust Pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56Bowl Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58, 59 Ear Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85Brooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39 ,58 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41-44Brushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 ,58 Extension Poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57Buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 ,57 Eye Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84, 88Burnishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Eye Wash Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91Carpet Blowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Eye Wash Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91Carpet Care Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 48 Face Shields & Headgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88Carpet Extractors/Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Facial Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Carton Sealing Tapes & Dispensers . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Cleaners - General Purpose . . . . . .49, 50, 52, 53, 54 Feminine Hygiene Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60Concrete Floor Degreasers First Aid Kits & Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Floor - Liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 52, 53 - Burnishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 - Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 - Cleaners & Maintainers . . . . . . . . . . .27, 28, 48Corn Brooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 - Finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Coveralls - Disposable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 - Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41, 42Cups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 - Maintenance Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 - Scrubbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Degreasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54 - Sealers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Deodorizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 62-66 - Squeegees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39Deodorizer Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62-66 - Strippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Dilution Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46,47 Floor Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Dishwashing Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Food Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Disinfectants Furniture Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 - Aerosol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Garbage Bags - Liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 55 - Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 - Wipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 55 - Clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Dispensers - White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 - Aerosol System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Garbage Cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 - Hand Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 6, 7 Glass Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 52, 54 - Hand Sanitizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Gloves - Industrial Hand Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,10 - Coated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 - Paper Products . . . . . . . . . . .16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 - Toilet Seat Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 - Disposable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 - Water Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 - Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80, 81Disposable Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 - String Knit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Disposable Plastic Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Graffiti Removers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54Drain Cleaners & Maintainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Green Certified Cleaning Products . . . . . . . . . . . . .5092 Order Line: 1.800.265.5756

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