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Home Explore BRN_City of Grand Forks_HealthCheck

BRN_City of Grand Forks_HealthCheck

Published by dbenoit, 2017-09-20 10:16:20

Description: BRN_City of Grand Forks_HealthCheck


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Company: City of Grand ForksWorkflow Contact: Kayla Billadeau (CAD/GIS Specialist)Date: September 19, 2017 Workflow Healthcheck

1 23Workflow Healthcheck Discover and Score and Recommend and Document Summarize Review Select a product workflow, Score the worfklow based on Review the scores and preferably exhibiting one or best-in-class industry stanards documentation with helpful more of these characteristics: and capabilities that meet the recommendations on following criteriea: increasing efficiency - Typical workflow (i.e. day-to- day usage) - Design efficiency - Collaboration and Coordination - Workflow incorporating multiple - Simulation and Analysis products - Industry Standards - Communication and Delivery - Workflow based on new or old releases Document the workflow in Autodesk Praxis

Discovery Questionnaire Question Response / Notes1 What Industry does your business City, Municipal design serve? Discover and Document What projects/products is your Generally successful at using Civil 3D CAD workflows to deliver projects business most successful at? Overview: Business and workflow What is the largest obstacle facing Corridor development and Pressure Pipe layout related information your business today? What does your organization in the Design, drafting, survey, and inspection services. business provide? What does the selected workflow A mechanism of communication between office and field today provide? What does the selected workflow More real-time communication and feedback on project work today not provide that you wish it did? OTHER …

Current Workflow1 Discover and Document Workflow Description: Typical city utility design and road projects.

Current Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative2 Design Efficiency NA Score and Design and data creation and accuracy Summarize Collaboration and Coordination Workflow Description: Typical city utility design and Workload sharing and load balancing road projects. Simulation and Analysis Data generation, metrics and interpolation Industry Standards Conformance to industry protocols Communication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverables Broken: Loss of work and or data Poor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or data Average: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and data Good: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM approach to data sharing Innovative: Best-in-class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing

Workflow Summary2 Current flow Risks / Issues Score and The beginning of utilizing Infraworks. In office demos to others to show capabilities for future Summarize project. Workflow Description: Works as is….. Everyone knows something but all could know more. Typical city utility design and road projects. Styles and standards are being updated as we speak. Changes are being made but sounds like help maybe needed? Access to lots of software now. We need to know better what and how to run it. ……

Recommended Workflow3 Recommend and Review Workflow Description: Enhanced workflow is streamlined on current version of Civil 3D and allows integration of QTO Manager.

Proposed Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative3 Design Efficiency Recommend and Design and data creation and accuracy Review Collaboration and Coordination Workflow Description: Enhanced workflow is Workload sharing and load balancing streamlined on current version of Civil 3D and Simulation and Analysis allows integration of the AEC Solution apps Data generation, metrics and interpolation Industry Standards Conformance to industry protocols Communication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverables Broken: Loss of work and or data Poor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or data Average: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and data Good: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM approach to data sharing Innovative: Best-in-class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing

Review Recommendations3 Observations Recommendations Recommend and Current workflow works. More advanced training throughout the process may help Review with the little things that maybe bogging users down. Proposed workflow improves the efficiency of Next steps and owners communication between the office and the field. Explore adding AEC Solutions apps to both the Civil 3D process and the field inspections. Replace current non-Autodesk Software Replace AutoTurn with Vehicle Tracking Next Steps Owner Resources Determine urgency / timeline to move MD AEC Specialist (Bill Neuhauser) forward. MD Sales ( Joe Bates) ort/autocad-civil-3d/learn- City of Grand Forks (Kayla) explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/201 7/ENU/Civil3D-UserGuide/files/GUID- D93A71C0-8F9B-4D46-AD67- 2B8F6F6EDEE0-htm.html Determine custom training curriculum. MD AEC Specialist (Bill Neuhauser) City of Grand Forks (Kayla) Review AEC Solutions with a product MD AEC Specialist (Bill Neuhauser) demo. City of Grand Forks (Kayla)

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