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Published by Crescit, 2022-07-18 07:15:46

Description: The Literary Folio for A.Y. 2021-2022, published by CRESCIT, De La Salle Lipa's Senior High School group of publications.


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i About the Cover MAKAB 01 Prologue NLFHB 05 Serpent Rising upon Descent 09 God rots in his own cell SMJ 10 Keepsake JDBLP 13 the deep sea VPLL 16 Horizon’s Mirror KSEL 17 The great unknown VPLL 19 All Gods Do Is Lie AKTR 23 The Cycle of Life NLFHB 29 The Phases of the Moon DJGV 31 The existence of humans AGYB 37 We Come From Nothing CHRM 41 Gods and Monsters NLFHB 45 Isochronism of Canines 47 Ms. Hap SMJ 48 The Dance of The Human and The Universe ECA 51 CRYPTIDS DJGV 55 Das Raubtier SMS 57 Das Opfer AGYB 59 Bawal ang U-turn NLFHB 61 WATER IS SENTIENT NLFHB 63 To You Who Harvest Archangels ECA AGYB SMJ

64 The Illusion of Iris ECA 65 Night-in-gale DJGV 69 personal growth AKTR 71 Sinful Eyes CHRM 74 Freud, Jung, Among Other Things NLFHB 77 The only way is up 79 BURN THE WITCH SMJ 82 Icarus’ KSEL 83 The Mad Genius 84 Doppelganger SMJ 85 Ad Astra Sapientiam KSEL 89 The air in my lungs, the nerves in my brain JDBLP 91 The Fires within Cabins ECA 97 Terror’s Victory for Power and Greed NLFHB 98 A call with no one’s voice 99 I am God SMJ 101 Genesis AKTR 103 Pamamahalang Bahala AKTR 105 UNCANNY VALLEY KSEL 107 Are We In A Simulation? 109 We Will Return To Nothing SMJ 110 We listened; you didn’t. CHRM 113 Instantly Insanely Gone AGYB 115 Epilogue NLFHB NLFHB DJGV DJGV KSEL

Cover MAKAB 5 Serpent Rising upon Descent MAKAB 10 Keepsake 13 the deep sea JEMM 17 The great unknown MCCB 19 All Gods Do Is Lie JPLOP 23 The Cycle of Life 29 The Phases of the Moon TJCY 31 The existence of humans RWAA 45 Isochronism of Canines RWAA 48 Ms. Hap AJMPD 59 Bawal ang U-turn KACC 63 To You Who Harvest Archangels RWAA JEMM KACC

65 Night-in-gale RWAA 69 personal growth MCCB 71 Sinful Eyes RWAA 77 The only way is up JEMM 79 BURN THE WITCH RWAA 85 Ad Astra Sapientiam KACC 91 The Fires within Cabins MAKAB 99 I am God RWAA 101 Genesis JPLOP 103 Pamamahalang Bahala MCCB 105 UNCANNY VALLEY MAKAB 110 We listened; you didn’t. RWAA 113 Instantly Insanely Gone KJPM

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