ORTHOPAEDIC ONE-STEP DRILL & MEASURE SOLUTION Commercial Procurement Services Orthopaedic One-Step Drill & Measure Solution Single Supplier National Framework Agreement What? BENEFITS OF FRAMEWORK The application of depth gauges (( Risk-free pricing model and image intensifiers in screw hole and high quality services preparation for trauma surgery can be time consuming and costly, this (( Ceiling prices agreed framework sought innovations from within framework are the market place to simplify this inclusive of all standard procedure. services The Surgionix Slick Drill Bit system (( No penalty charges allows surgeons to drill through bone fragments whilst using an (( Direct call-off with no existing third party plating system, further competition without the need to use a depth gauge or image intensifier. (( Range of suppliers to choose from including How? small businesses and public authorities Step 1: Contact us to express interest in framework (( You pay no access fee to use this framework Step 2: We will put you in touch with Surgionix who will (( EU compliant framework discuss in detail the potential benefits for your (( Benefit the economy of organisation scale of using a shared service provider Step 3: Surgionix will work with your clinical teams to trial INFO the products Framework Reference: Step 4: We will provide you with F/009/PL/13/RB a model contract to put in place with Surgionix OJEU: 2013 012555
Commercial Procurement ServicesPayroll & Pension ServicesMulti-Supplier National Framework AgreementWhat? BENEFITS OF FRAMEWORK PAYROLL & PENSION SERVICESThis framework is designed to (( Risk-free pricing modeloffer a simplified approach to the and high quality servicesprovision of payroll and pensionservices and to deliver risk-free (( Ceiling prices agreedpricing models for high quality within framework areservices. inclusive of all standard servicesThe framework encompasses allstandard elements of payroll and (( No penalty chargespension services within a single costper payslip with no hidden charges (( Direct call-off with noor penalty fees. further competitionHow? (( Range of suppliers to choose from includingStep 1: Contact us for a copy of small businesses and the framework document public authorities pack (( You pay no access feeStep 2: Review the catalogued to use this framework information from each of the suppliers, apply a (( EU compliant framework weighting and determine who your first ranked (( Benefit the economy of supplier is scale of using a shared service providerStep 3: Contact the first ranking supplier to finalise terms INFOStep 4: Request a call-off reference Framework Reference: number from us F/022/HR/15/RBStep 5: Sign-off and award call-off OJEU: contract 2015/S 020-032482
ORTHOPAEDIC ONE-STEP DRILL & MEASURE SOLUTION Commercial Procurement Services Inventory & Cost Management System Single Supplier National Framework Agreement What? BENEFITS OF FRAMEWORK This framework is designed to (( Free to access deliver an all-encompassing fully framework vendor managed and integrated inventory and cost analysis system. (( Designed specifically for This will drive efficiency in supply hospital-based inventory chain management. and cost management How? (( Clearly defined costs based on enterprise Step 1: Contact us to express an wide licencing interest in the framework (( Maintain agile stock Step 2: We will issue you with a levels thus minimising unique framework order waste reference number and model contract template (( Manage the level of capital tied up as Step 3: Your organisation will inventory work with Genesis directly. You are free to tailor the (( Standardisation of data solution to your specific (( Manage obsolescence, needs. maximising productivity of available resources INFO Framework Reference: F/009/PL/13/RB OJEU: 2013 012555
Commercial Procurement ServicesPayroll & Pension ServicesMulti-Supplier National Framework AgreementWhat? BENEFITS OF FRAMEWORK PAYROLL & PENSION SERVICESThis framework is designed to (( Risk-free pricing modeloffer a simplified approach to the and high quality servicesprovision of payroll and pensionservices and to deliver risk-free (( Ceiling prices agreedpricing models for high quality within framework areservices. inclusive of all standard servicesThe framework encompasses allstandard elements of payroll and (( No penalty chargespension services within a single costper payslip with no hidden charges (( Direct call-off with noor penalty fees. further competitionHow? (( Range of suppliers to choose from includingStep 1: Contact us for a copy of small businesses and the framework document public authorities pack (( You pay no access feeStep 2: Review the catalogued to use this framework information from each of the suppliers, apply a (( EU compliant framework weighting and determine who your first ranked (( Benefit the economy of supplier is scale of using a shared service providerStep 3: Contact the first ranking supplier to finalise terms INFOStep 4: Request a call-off reference Framework Reference: number from us F/022/HR/15/RBStep 5: Sign-off and award call-off OJEU: contract 2015/S 020-032482
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