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Home Explore Tips to Create Successful Mobile Games

Tips to Create Successful Mobile Games

Published by Henry Flake, 2022-09-12 04:54:45

Description: Tips to Create Successful Mobile Games


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PLAN GAME MONETIZATION BEFORE THE LAUNCH  Most people are really passionate about game development and they think it’s going to be the next big thing. Remember that the game is your product, and your main goal is how to monetize the mobile game app. A user downloading and installing the game doesn’t mean you sold the product.

KEEP AN EYE ON GENRE TRENDS  Choose wisely the mobile game genre you want to enter. In the game development, they’ve become competitive, saturated and mainstream by any means. And making just the same mobile game against the biggest companies out there you’re most likely not going to succeed.

USE SHORT ITERATIONS  A huge mistake a mobile game developer can make is spending a lot of time trying to build something that would not work. Instead, focus on making the smallest iterative changes in a given time. Do 20% of the work of what your grand vision is because 20% of the work will have 80% of the impact.

MASTER CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT APPROACH  Talk to your mobile game customers not only online on Facebook or on the App Store, but schedule calls or even video calls with them. You’ll be surprised how much they are willing and excited to talk to the developers of the game they play, even if it’s a new game.

DON’T LEAVE YOUR PLAYERS IN TROUBLE  Don’t leave your mobile game players’ reviews unanswered. Try to reply to all reviews, or at least to negative ones. There was an issue that a game (we won’t name it) had in App Store that cost a developer both high app rating and users. The game had connection issues on the launch. Its players started complaining in the reviews, but nobody answered them.

GET FEEDBACK FROM OTHER PUBLISHERS  It’s easy to launch and do your own thing, but feedback from a successful mobile game development studio or mobile game publishers is super important. They may think of solutions, that you have probably never thought about. For instance, if a game has great Day 1 retention and horrible Day 7 retention, it might be because the game is either too easy or there’s not enough content.

DON’T BE AFRAID THAT YOUR GAME COULD BE COPIED  When a mobile game is on the store, and if it’s any good, it will probably get copied. It happens not because you showed it to people, that’s just the nature of the successful mobile game development industry right now. It’s very hard to copyright a mobile game.


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