TREES & SHRUBS For UK Commercial & Amenity Planting 2018/19 1
COLES NURSERIES Coles Nurseries, now in its 105th year James Coles and Sons (Nurseries) Ltd of trading, was established in 1913 are the UK’s largest grower of trees and by James Coles (the current James Coles’ shrubs for the amenity and commercial great-grandfather) with the purchase markets. Based in the East Midlands, of an 8 acre site in Evington, Leicester. we supply stock nationwide via our own Joined by his sons William and Fred delivery vehicles to clients including in 1917 and 1921 respectively, the landscapers, garden designers, wholesale company was initially required to grow nurseries and local authorities, for projects and supply fruit and vegetables due ranging from new housing developments to the war, with production of nursery and business parks, to show gardens stock kept to a minimum. After the war, and plants for private projects. the company was able to focus solely on the production of nursery plants We operate across 7 production sites, and soon became known as a high-end totalling 600 acres, giving us the retail nursery. capacity to grow more than 1.2 million trees and 2.5 million shrubs. Our team of The company continued operations in this over 100 staff grow, care for and supply way until after World War II when William these plants with a wealth of knowledge and Fred, now running the company, and experience; we’re proud to say that decided to move fully into the production over 50% of our staff have been here for of wholesale plants. Over the following more than ten years, many having been years the company expanded massively; with the company for over 20 or even acquiring several new sites, hiring 30 years! This means you can be sure we new members of staff and increasing know what we’re doing, and are capable of production capacity exponentially. supplying you with a top quality product and service. 3
WE EMPLOY we own 100 600 MEMBERS OF STAFF WE TAKE ACRES OF LAND 1.5 MILLION WE HOLD CUTTINGS ANNUALLY FOR PROPAGATION 1.2 MILLION trees and 2.5 million shrubs we operate across seven production sites we are the Largest grower of trees and shrubs in the uk we replant 150,000 young trees each season 4
WE EMPLOY we own 100 600 MEMBERS OF STAFF WE TAKE ACRES OF LAND 1.5 MILLION WE HOLD CUTTINGS ANNUALLY FOR PROPAGATION 1.2 MILLION trees and 2.5 million shrubs we operate across seven production sites we are the Largest grower of trees and shrubs in the uk we replant 150,000 young trees each season 5
© Jeremy Costello - Access All Aerials Ltd - CASE STUDIES Bicester Village Bicester Village is home to more than 160 boutiques of world- famous brands, as well as restaurants and cafés, located just an hour from London. During September/October 2017 we supplied the new planting material for the site on behalf of customer Land Structure. This contract grow from our own nurseries at Deeping Gate also included 200+ Betula Jacquemontii at a girth of 35+ and climbers. As a standalone job this was the largest supply we have ever been involved in, with 5000+ 5ltr ferns, 1500+ 15ltr Hydrangea and over 500 1.75m tall climbers in 20ltr pots. The overall result is a combination of good, hardy, well coloured bed coverage complemented with mature trees, all of which will develop well in the years ahead. The Triangle - Cambridge Established over 150 years ago, Cambridge Assessment is the University’s international exams group. A major local employer, it carries out leading edge academic and operational research on assessment in education, designing and delivering assessments to over 8 million learners in over 170 countries. Outline planning permission was granted for the new headquarters in March 2015 and construction began in September 2015. In August 2017 we started supplying the nearly 19,000 shrubs and trees needed to populate the gardens for the entire site - from the Rudbeckia hirta ‘Cherry Brandy’ P9s to the 7m Prunus serrulata ‘Kanzan’ weighing in at 2.5 tonnes!
© Jeremy Costello - Access All Aerials Ltd - 7
IT ALL STARTS WITH AN ENQUIRY…TARTS WITH AN ENQUIRY… IT ALL S Placing an order with Coles Nurseries is easy – but it starts with that all-important initial enquiry. So we’ve tried to make this as easy as possible. The best way to place your enquiry is online at Our intuitive, fully responsive, web-based ‘Our Products’ portal allows you to make enquiries against up-to-date stock figures, directly from your desktop computer or tablet device. Even smartphone users can access full details of our product range and stock levels. After simply creating your online account, login and away you go! Our dedicated sales team will personally process your quotation and – depending on the size of the enquiry – respond within a maximum of 3 working days, with full details of how to proceed to the next stage: placing an order. Alternatively, you can call our sales team on (0116) 2412115. FRESHLY DISPATCHED… We are fully committed to providing you with only the freshest, highest quality plants – this is very important to us. In order to maintain these levels, and to ensure our stock arrives at its final destination in the best possible condition, it takes us around 3 days to search our 600 acres of land to find the very best plants for you. DELIVERY Stock for every order is collated at our central head office site in Thurnby, where your plants are carefully loaded on to one of our lorries for delivery straight to you. Collection is also available, by prior arrangement. Free delivery on all orders of £750 (ex. VAT) within 150 mile radius of Leicester. Larger value orders of £5000 (ex VAT) and above are delivered free of charge within the UK mainland. Delivery charges on small orders and those outside 150 mile radius are all POA based on type, number and size of stock and also the postcode of the LEICESTER delivery area. Please be aware that the majority of the deliveries are carried out by articulated or rigid vehicles so appropriate access is required. All deliveries are to kerbside only. 8 8
NATIONAL PLANT SPECIFICATION (NPS) An EDI-accredited What is the NPS? Training Seminar: The NPS is a simple set of guidelines to help aid the buying NVQ Level 2/QCF 1 unit of plants. Using standardised sizes, forms and measures allows for a clear understanding of what to specify, and what to expect when the plants arrive. The NPS will help you to: • Obtain like for like quotes from a range of suppliers • Accurately plan planting densities and numbers • Estimate handling, transport, storage and planting costs • Reject undersized stock What is the NPS course? The course is perfect for anyone involved in the design, specification, purchasing, handling or management of plants for landscaping schemes. Ideal for: • Landscape Architects and Garden Designers • Grounds Maintenance and Parks Teams • Arboricultural and Horticultural Teams • Greenkeepers and Estate Teams How Can I Apply? Download the National Plant Specification information sheet at which What will I gain? includes an application form. Simply return the completed form to us to book your place. Successful candidates will gain: NB places are given on a first come first served basis. • NVQ Level 2/QCF 1 Unit • Confidence when specifying, ordering, handling or maintaining plants • Knowledge of the sizes and forms of trees and shrubs available from UK nurseries • An insight into nursery stock production at James Coles & Sons (Nurseries) Ltd Also available as a CPD accredited presentation. For more information contact us at: T: 0116 241 2115 | | 11
C CONTENTSONTENTS Bare-root Trees 14 Container-grown Trees 19 Conifers 23 Transplants & Hedging Plants 25 Trees in Containers 26 Fruit Trees 27 Shrubs & Climbers 29 Specimen Shrubs 39 Herbaceous Perennials 44 Bamboos, Grasses & Ferns 47 Roses 49 Sundries 49 Terms & Conditions 50 13
ACER SIZE £ BARE-ROOT TREES 175/200 6.25 200/250 7.00 6/8 13.30 The majority of our bare-root trees are campestre 8/10 22.75 also available root-balled, please contact 10/12 35.00 us for an accurate quotation. A factsheet is 12/14 70.00 available at 14/16 89.50 200/250 10.50 Please note our prices include root campestre ‘Elsrijk’ 6/8 14.70 wrapping in black polythene for all campestre ‘Fastigiatum’ 8/10 24.50 bare-root trees and transplants. campestre ‘Queen Elizabeth’ 10/12 42.00 campestre ‘Royal Ruby’ 12/14 77.00 You are more than welcome to pay us a visit 14/16 95.20 to inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a davidii 175/200 17.50 call to make an appointment. pensylvanicum 200/250 21.00 rufinerve 6/8 30.75 8/10 39.25 175/200 14.75 200/250 16.00 cappadocicum ‘Aureum’ 6/8 21.00 cappadocicum ‘Rubrum’ 8/10 35.00 10/12 42.00 12/14 70.00 14/16 92.50 175/200 14.00 ginnala 200/250 19.50 6/8 25.25 8/10 42.00 175/200 7.00 200/250 7.75 negundo 6/8 10.50 8/10 12.00 10/12 17.50 12/14 39.25 175/200 6.25 200/250 7.00 6/8 10.50 platanoides 8/10 18.25 10/12 24.50 12/14 42.00 14/16 56.00 platanoides ‘Cleveland’ platanoides ‘Crimson King’ 200/250 11.25 platanoides ‘Crimson Sentry’ 6/8 14.75 platanoides ‘Deborah’ 8/10 25.50 platanoides ‘Drummondii’ 10/12 39.25 platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’ 12/14 63.00 platanoides ‘Olmsted’ 14/16 81.25 platanoides ‘Royal Red’ 14 14
SPECIFICATION BARE-ROOT TREES Size (cm) Form Girth at 1m Overall Height Clear Stem 175/200 Feathered 1.75m/2.00m Stem untrimmed 200/250 Feathered 2.00m/2.50m Stem untrimmed 6/8 Light Standard 6/8cm 2.50m/3.00m 150/175cm 8/10 Standard 8/10cm 2.50m/3.00m 175/200cm 10/12 Selected Standard 10/12cm 3.00m/3.50m 200cm 12/14 Heavy Standard 12/14cm 3.50m/4.00m 200cm 14/16 Extra Heavy Standard 14/16cm 4.00m/4.50m 200cm ACER (cont.) SIZE £ AESCULUS (cont.) SIZE £ 175/200 6.25 175/200 16.00 200/250 7.00 200/250 17.50 6/8 10.50 6/8 37.75 pseudoplatanus 8/10 18.25 x carnea ‘Briotii’ 8/10 42.00 10/12 24.50 10/12 56.00 12/14 42.00 12/14 79.75 14/16 56.00 14/16 98.00 pseudo. ‘Atropurpureum’ 200/250 11.25 AILANTHUS SIZE £ pseudo. ‘Corstorphinense’ 6/8 14.75 175/200 11.25 pseudo. ‘Erectum’ 8/10 25.50 200/250 12.50 pseudo. ‘Leopoldii’ 10/12 39.25 6/8 14.00 pseudo. ‘Negenia’ 12/14 63.00 altissima 8/10 19.50 pseudo. ‘Simon-Louis Freres’ 14/16 81.25 10/12 25.25 pseudo. ‘Worley’ 12/14 42.00 14/16 49.00 200/250 10.50 6/8 13.25 saccharinum 8/10 17.50 ALNUS SIZE £ saccharinum ‘Laciniatum’ 10/12 25.25 175/200 6.25 saccharinum ‘Pyramidale’ 12/14 42.00 200/250 7.75 14/16 49.00 6/8 14.00 cordata 8/10 21.00 175/200 14.75 rubra 10/12 29.50 200/250 16.00 12/14 42.00 x freemanii ‘Armstrong’ 6/8 21.00 14/16 56.00 x freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ 8/10 35.00 175/200 6.25 x freemanii ‘Celebration’ 10/12 42.00 200/250 7.75 12/14 70.00 6/8 11.90 glutinosa 8/10 18.25 AESCULUS SIZE £ incana 10/12 28.00 12/14 39.25 175/200 9.75 14/16 49.00 200/250 10.50 6/8 13.25 175/200 14.75 hippocastanum 8/10 18.25 200/250 16.00 10/12 30.75 glutinosa ‘Laciniata’ 6/8 18.25 12/14 44.75 incana ‘Aurea’ 8/10 25.25 14/16 70.00 10/12 39.20 12/14 70.00 175/200 14.75 200/250 16.00 AMELANCHIER SIZE £ 6/8 19.50 175/200 10.50 hippocastanum ‘Baumannii’ 8/10 30.75 arborea ‘Robin Hill’ 200/250 11.25 10/12 40.50 canadensis 6/8 15.50 12/14 53.25 8/10 42.00 14/16 70.00 15
BARE-ROOT TREES BETULA SIZE £ CRATAEGUS SIZE £ albosinensis septentrionalis crus galli ermanii x grignonensis 175/200 9.00 nigra 175/200 14.75 x lavallei 200/250 9.75 pendula ‘Dalecarlica’ 200/250 16.00 laevigata ‘Crimson Cloud’ 6/8 12.50 pendula ‘Fastigiata’ 6/8 18.25 pendula ‘Purpurea’ 8/10 28.00 laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ 8/10 17.50 pendula ‘Tristis’ 10/12 49.00 laevigata ‘Plena’ 10/12 31.00 pendula ‘Youngii’ 12/14 84.00 laevigata ‘Rosea Plena’ 12/14 49.00 pendula ‘Zwitser’s Glory’ monogyna 14/16 63.00 utilis jacquemontii monogyna ‘Stricta’ prunifolia 175/200 6.25 200/250 7.75 papyrifera 6/8 11.90 CYTISUS SIZE £ pendula 8/10 18.25 200/250 14.75 pubescens 10/12 28.00 battandieri 6/8 18.25 12/14 39.25 8/10 25.25 14/16 49.00 CARPINUS SIZE £ FAGUS SIZE £ 175/200 11.25 175/200 9.00 200/250 12.50 200/250 10.50 6/8 14.70 6/8 22.75 betulus 8/10 21.00 sylvatica 8/10 28.00 10/12 31.00 10/12 49.00 12/14 56.00 12/14 70.00 14/16 77.00 14/16 RB 105.00 175/200 16.00 175/200 14.00 200/250 16.75 200/250 16.00 betulus ‘Fastigiata’ 6/8 19.50 sylvatica purpurea 6/8 28.00 betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’ 8/10 28.00 8/10 31.00 10/12 42.00 10/12 49.00 12/14 77.00 12/14 RB 98.00 14/16 105.00 CASTANEA SIZE £ GLEDITSIA SIZE £ 175/200 11.25 175/200 14.75 200/250 12.50 200/250 16.00 6/8 18.95 triacanthos ‘Sunburst’ 6/8 18.25 sativa 8/10 22.75 8/10 30.75 10/12 39.25 10/12 RB 84.00 12/14 56.00 12/14 RB 119.00 14/16 70.00 JUGLANS SIZE £ CORYLUS SIZE £ 175/200 11.25 175/200 9.75 200/250 12.50 200/250 10.50 6/8 21.00 6/8 14.75 nigra 8/10 27.25 colurna 8/10 18.25 10/12 33.50 regia 10/12 39.25 12/14 49.00 12/14 70.00 14/16 77.00 14/16 85.00 COTONEASTER SIZE £ LABURNUM SIZE £ 175/200 10.50 200/250 16.00 200/250 11.25 6/8 18.25 ‘Cornubia’ 6/8 14.00 x watereri ‘Vossii’ 8/10 25.25 8/10 25.25 10/12 42.00 10/12 42.00 12/14 70.00 16
BARE-ROOT TREES MALUS SIZE £ PRUNUS (cont.) SIZE £ coronaria ‘Charlottae’ serrulata ‘Amanogawa’ ‘Direktor Moerland’ ‘Shimidsu’ ‘Evereste’ ‘Shirofugen’ floribunda ‘Shirotae’ 175/200 9.75 ‘Golden Hornet’ hupehensis 175/200 9.75 ‘Spire’ 200/250 11.25 ‘Magdeburgensis’ 200/250 11.25 subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ 6/8 18.25 ‘Mokum’ 6/8 13.25 subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ 8/10 30.80 ‘Red Glow’ 8/10 25.25 subhirtella ‘Pendula’ 10/12 42.00 ‘Red Jade’ 10/12 39.25 subhirtella ‘Pendula Rubra’ 12/14 63.00 ‘Red Sentinel’ 12/14 63.00 ‘Sunset Boulevard’ 14/16 81.25 ‘Red Siberian’ 14/16 105.00 ‘Tai Haku’ ‘Royalty’ ‘Ukon’ ‘Rudolph’ x yedoensis Sylvestris trilobata 175/200 6.25 tschonoskii 200/250 7.75 6/8 OSTRYA SIZE £ avium 8/10 11.90 18.25 175/200 9.00 10/12 25.00 200/250 10.50 12/14 39.25 carpinifolia 6/8 13.25 14/16 49.00 8/10 18.25 10/12 30.75 175/200 9.00 avium ‘Plena’ 200/250 9.75 PLATANUS SIZE £ x schmittii 6/8 13.25 175/200 9.00 serrulata ‘Kanzan’ 8/10 24.50 200/250 10.50 ‘Umineko’ 10/12 31.50 6/8 13.25 12/14 52.50 x hispanica 8/10 16.00 14/16 63.00 orientalis ‘Digitata’ 10/12 25.25 12/14 39.25 x amygdalopersica ‘Pollardii’ 175/200 9.00 14/16 45.00 x amygdalopersica ‘Spring Glow’ 200/250 9.75 x blireana 6/8 13.25 POPULUS SIZE £ cerasifera ‘Nigra’ 8/10 24.50 alba padus 10/12 35.00 alba ‘Pyramidalis’ 175/200 7.00 padus ‘Colorata’ 12/14 50.00 balsamifera 200/250 8.50 padus ‘Watereri’ 14/16 58.75 candicans ‘Aurora’ 6/8 10.50 ‘Trailblazer’ nigra betulifolia 8/10 13.25 virginiana ‘Schubert’ nigra ‘Italica’ 10/12 21.00 ‘Robusta’ 12/14 35.00 trichocarpa 14/16 49.00 ‘TT32’ PTEROCARYA SIZE £ 175/200 10.50 175/200 9.00 200/250 11.25 200/250 12.00 6/8 16.00 tremula 6/8 16.00 8/10 18.25 fraxinifolia 8/10 22.50 10/12 28.00 10/12 36.50 12/14 42.00 12/14 56.00 PRUNUS SIZE £ PYRUS SIZE £ ‘Accolade’ 175/200 9.75 ‘Beni-Yutaka’ 200/250 11.25 175/200 11.25 ‘Kiku-shidare Sakura’ 6/8 18.25 calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ 200/250 12.00 ‘Okame’ 8/10 30.80 calleryana ‘Redspire’ 6/8 14.00 ‘Pandora’ 10/12 42.00 communis ‘Beech Hill’ 8/10 30.75 ‘Pink Perfection’ 12/14 63.00 nivalis 10/12 42.00 serrula tibetica 14/16 81.25 12/14 70.00 17
BARE-ROOT TREES PYRUS (cont.) SIZE £ SORBUS (cont.) SIZE £ 175/200 9.75 175/200 14.75 200/250 11.25 thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ 200/250 16.00 salicifolia ‘Pendula’ 6/8 13.25 torminalis 6/8 18.25 8/10 21.00 ‘Wilfred Fox’ 8/10 25.25 10/12 39.25 QUERCUS SIZE £ x arnoldiana ‘Golden Wonder’ 175/200 12.00 x arnoldiana ‘Kirsten Pink’ cerris 200/250 12.50 x arnoldiana ‘Salmon Queen’ palustris 6/8 18.25 x arnoldiana ‘Schouten’ petraea 8/10 30.75 x arnoldiana ‘White Wax’ robur 10/12 42.00 aucuparia ‘Aspleniifolia’ aucuparia ‘Beissneri’ rubra 12/14 67.25 aucuparia ‘Cardinal Royal’ 175/200 9.75 14/16 RB 119.00 aucuparia ‘Edulis’ 200/250 11.25 ROBINIA SIZE £ aucuparia ‘Rossica Major’ 6/8 18.25 aucuparia ‘Sheerwater Seedling’ 8/10 25.25 175/200 8.50 cashmiriana 10/12 35.00 200/250 9.00 ‘Chinese Lace’ 12/14 56.00 6/8 12.00 commixta 14/16 70.00 pseudoacacia 8/10 16.00 commixta ‘Embley’ 10/12 25.25 hupehensis 12/14 42.00 ‘Joseph Rock’ 14/16 56.00 sargentiana ‘Sunshine’ 175/200 10.50 thuringiaca ‘Fastigiata’ 200/250 11.25 vilmorinii pseudoacacia ‘Bessoniana’ 6/8 13.25 175/200 pseudoacacia ‘Casque Rouge’ 8/10 17.50 200/250 7.00 7.75 pseudoacacia ‘Myirsegi’ 10/12 31.00 6/8 10.50 12/14 49.00 aucuparia 8/10 12.50 10/12 25.25 175/200 14.75 12/14 49.00 pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ 200/250 16.00 14/16 70.00 6/8 21.00 SALIX SIZE £ TILIA SIZE £ alba ‘Bowles Hybrid’ cordata alba ‘Chermesina’ 175/200 7.00 cordata ‘Greenspire’ 175/200 10.50 alba ‘Caerulea’ 200/250 8.50 cordata ‘Roelvo’ 200/250 12.00 alba ‘Liempde’ 6/8 10.50 x euchlora 6/8 17.50 alba ‘Sericea’ 8/10 13.25 x europaea ‘Pallida’ 8/10 21.00 alba ‘Vitellina’ 10/12 21.00 platyphyllos 10/12 39.25 caprea 12/14 35.00 platyphyllos ‘Fastigiata’ 12/14 56.00 daphnoides ‘Aglaia’ 14/16 49.00 platyphyllos ‘Rubra’ 14/16 70.00 fragilis tomentosa ‘Brabant’ viminalis tomentosa ‘Petiolaris’ 175/200 7.75 ULMUS 200/250 9.00 SIZE £ 6/8 12.00 200/250 9.75 x sepulcralis ‘Chrysocoma’ 8/10 17.50 6/8 13.25 10/12 21.00 x hollandica ‘Belgica’ 8/10 17.50 12/14 35.00 ‘Lobel’ 10/12 28.00 14/16 49.00 ‘Sapporo Autumn Gold’ 12/14 42.00 14/16 49.00 SORBUS SIZE £ 175/200 14.75 ZELKOVA SIZE £ aria 200/250 16.00 aria ‘Aurea’ 6/8 18.25 175/200 9.00 aria ‘Lutescens’ 8/10 25.25 200/250 10.50 aria ‘Majestica’ 10/12 39.25 serrata 6/8 13.25 intermedia 12/14 63.00 8/10 26.50 intermedia ‘Brouwers’ 14/16 70.00 10/12 37.75 18
CONTAINER-GROWN TREES CONTAINER-GROWN ACER SIZE £ TREES campestre 175/200 C10 16.10 campestre ‘Elsrijk’ 8/10 C45 49.00 campestre ‘Queen Elizabeth’ 10/12 C70 91.00 Supplied fully established in containers, campestre ‘Fastigiatum’ 12/14 C70 105.00 these trees are suitable for show-homes, 14/16 C70 133.00 garden use and for all year round impact capillipes in landscaping schemes. A factsheet is davidii available at davidii ‘George Forrest’ 175/200 C10 22.50 hersii You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to pennsylvanicum inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call rufinerve to make an appointment. cappadocicum ‘Aureum’ 175/200 C10 22.50 cappadocicum ‘Rubrum’ 8/10 C45 49.00 x freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ 10/12 C70 91.00 x freemanii ‘Celebration’ 12/14 C70 126.00 14/16 C70 133.00 platanoides 175/200 C10 16.10 175/200 C10 18.95 platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’ 8/10 C45 49.00 platanoides ‘Drummondii’ 10/12 C70 91.00 platanoides ‘Royal Red’ 12/14 C70 105.00 14/16 C70 133.00 pseudo. ‘Leopoldii’ 175/200 C10 18.95 pseudo. ‘Simon-Louis Freres’ 8/10 C45 49.00 pseudo. ‘Worley’ 10/12 C70 91.00 pseudo. ‘Brilliantissimum’ 175/200 C10 18.95 (Top Worked) 8/10 C45 84.00 platanoides ‘Globosum’ 10/12 C70 98.00 12/14 C70 112.00 AESCULUS SIZE £ 8/10 C45 70.00 x carnea ‘Briotii’ 10/12 C70 91.00 175/200 C10 18.95 hippocastanum 8/10 C45 49.00 10/12 C70 84.00 hippocastanum ‘Baumannii’ 10/12 C70 91.00 12/14 C70 105.00 19
CONTAINER-GROWN TREES ALNUS SIZE £ CATALPA SIZE £ 175/200 C10 16.10 bignonoides 10/12 C70 112.00 cordata 8/10 C45 49.00 12/14 C70 129.00 glutinosa 10/12 C70 77.00 incana 12/14 C70 91.00 bignonoides ‘Aurea’ 175/200 C10 25.25 14/16 C70 105.00 10/12 C70 120.00 glutinosa ‘Laciniata’ 175/200 C10 18.95 CERCIDIPHYLLUM SIZE £ incana ‘Aurea’ japonicum 175/200 C10 22.50 AMELANCHIER SIZE £ CERCIS SIZE £ 175/200 C10 18.95 canadensis 6/8 C45 49.00 siliquastrum 8/10 C45 70.00 8/10 C45 77.00 BETULA SIZE £ CORYLUS SIZE £ albosinensis 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 colurna 10/12 C70 77.00 albosinensis ‘Septentrionalis’ 175/200 C10 18.95 12/14 C70 98.00 ermanii 8/10 C45 49.00 14/16 C70 105.00 nigra 10/12 C70 91.00 pendula ‘Dalecarlica’ 12/14 C70 119.00 COTONEASTER SIZE £ utilis jacquemontii 14/16 C70 133.00 175/200 C10 18.95 pendula ‘Fastigiata’ 175/200 C10 18.95 ‘Cornubia’ 8/10 C45 49.00 pendula ‘Tristis’ 8/10 C45 49.00 10/12 C70 77.00 pendula ‘Youngii’ ‘Hybridus Pendulus’ 175/200 C10 18.95 175/200 C10 16.10 8/10 C45 49.00 pendula 10/12 C70 77.00 CRATAEGUS SIZE £ 12/14 C70 98.00 14/16 C70 119.00 laevigata ‘Pauls Scarlet’ 175/200 C10 18.95 laevigata ‘Rosea Plena’ 8/10 C45 49.00 CARPINUS SIZE £ prunifolia 10/12 C70 77.00 x lavallei 12/14 C70 98.00 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 EUCALYPTUS SIZE £ betulus 10/12 C70 91.00 12/14 C70 119.00 gunnii 175/200 C10 22.50 14/16 C70 133.00 niphophila 8/10 C45 49.00 perriniana 10/12 C70 67.25 175/200 C10 21.00 8/10 C45 49.00 betulus ‘Fastigiata’ 10/12 C70 91.00 FAGUS SIZE £ 12/14 C70 126.00 14/16 C70 133.00 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 CASTANEA SIZE £ sylvatica 10/12 C70 105.00 12/14 C70 119.00 sativa 175/200 C10 18.95 14/16 C70 133.00 175/200 C10 21.00 8/10 C45 53.25 sylvatica purpurea 10/12 C70 119.00 12/14 C70 147.00 20
CONTAINER-GROWN TREES FAGUS (cont.) SIZE £ MALUS (cont.) SIZE £ sylvatica ‘Aspleniifolia’ ‘Red Jade’ sylvatica ‘Dawyck’ ‘Red Sentinel’ 175/200 C10 18.95 sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’ 150/175 C10 31.00 ‘Royalty’ sylvatica ‘Dawyck Purple’ 8/10 C45 95.25 sylvatica ‘Pendula’ MORUS SIZE £ sylvatica ‘Purpurea Pendula’ sylvatica ‘Rivers Purple’ alba 175/200 C10 22.50 GLEDITSIA SIZE £ nigra PLATANUS SIZE £ 175/200 C10 22.50 8/10 C45 63.00 triacanthos ‘Sunburst’ 10/12 C70 98.00 8/10 C45 49.00 12/14 C70 112.00 x hispanica 10/12 C70 84.00 12/14 C70 98.00 JUGLANS SIZE £ 14/16 C70 105.00 nigra 8/10 C45 49.00 orientalis ‘Digitata’ 10/12 C70 84.00 12/14 C70 98.00 regia 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 POPULUS SIZE £ LABURNUM SIZE £ alba 175/200 C10 16.10 candicans ‘Aurora’ x watereri ‘Vossii’ 175/200 C10 21.00 8/10 C45 49.00 PRUNUS SIZE £ LIQUIDAMBER SIZE £ 175/200 C10 16.10 175/200 C10 22.50 8/10 C45 49.00 styraciflua 8/10 C45 63.00 avium 10/12 C70 77.00 styraciflua ‘slender silhouette’ 10/12 C70 119.00 padus ‘Watereri’ 12/14 C70 91.00 styraciflua ‘worplesdon’ 12/14 C70 133.00 14/16 C70 105.00 LIRIODENDRON SIZE £ ‘Accolade’ x amygdalopersica ‘Spring Glow’ 175/200 C10 22.50 avium ‘Plena’ 8/10 C45 63.00 cerasifera ‘Nigra’ tulipifera 10/12 C70 105.00 ‘Kiku-Shidare Sakura’ 12/14 C70 126.00 ‘Okame’ ‘Pandora’ MAGNOLIA SIZE £ ‘Pink Perfection’ 175/200 C10 18.95 x schmittii 8/10 C45 49.00 kobus 8/10 C45 81.25 serrula tibetica 10/12 C70 91.00 serrulata ‘Amanogawa’ 12/14 C70 98.00 MALUS SIZE £ serrulata ‘Kanzan’ 14/16 C70 112.00 ‘Shimidsu Sakura’ ‘Shirofugen’ Direktor Moerland’ ‘Shirotae’ ‘Golden Hornet’ 175/200 C10 18.95 ‘Spire’ hupehensis 8/10 C45 49.00 subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ ‘John Downie’ 10/12 C70 91.00 subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ ‘Rudolph’ 12/14 C70 98.00 subhirtella ‘Pendula’ tschonoskii ‘Tai Haku’ ‘Ukon’ ‘Evereste’ 175/200 C10 18.95 ‘Umineko’ floribunda 8/10 C45 49.00 21
CONTAINER-GROWN TREES PYRUS SIZE £ SORBUS (cont.) SIZE £ x arnoldiana ‘Golden Wonder’ 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 aucuparia ‘Cardinal Royal’ 10/12 C70 91.00 calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ 10/12 C70 98.00 aucuparia ‘Edulis’ 12/14 C70 105.00 12/14 C70 119.00 intermedia ‘Brouwers’ 14/16 C70 112.00 14/16 C70 135.00 ‘Sunshine’ cashmiriana 175/200 C10 18.95 175/200 C10 18.95 salicifolia ‘Pendula’ 6/8 C45 49.00 sargentiana 175/200 C10 18.95 QUERCUS SIZE £ vilmorinii 8/10 C45 49.00 aucuparia 175/200 C10 16.10 150/175 C10 25.25 ilex 8/10 C45 109.25 TILIA SIZE £ 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 cordata 175/200 C10 16.10 robur 10/12 C70 84.00 rubra 12/14 C70 112.00 10/12 C70 77.00 14/16 C70 119.00 cordata ‘Greenspire’ 12/14 C70 91.00 cordata ‘Roelvo’ 14/16 C70 112.00 150/175 C10 31.00 robur ‘Fastigiata’ 8/10 C45 105.00 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 x euchlora 10/12 C70 77.00 ROBINIA SIZE £ 12/14 C70 91.00 14/16 C70 112.00 175/200 C10 22.50 8/10 C45 49.00 8/10 C45 63.00 x europaea ‘Pallida’ 10/12 C70 77.00 pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ 10/12 C70 98.00 tomentosa ‘Brabant’ 12/14 C70 91.00 12/14 C70 112.00 14/16 C70 112.00 SALIX SIZE £ ULMUS SIZE £ 8/10 C45 58.75 alba ‘Chermesina’ 175/200 C10 16.10 ‘Wredei Aurea’ 10/12 C70 91.00 caprea ‘Pendula’ (Top Worked) 150/175 C10 18.95 AMELANCHIER SIZE £ 175/200 C10 16.10 multistem 150/175 C45 67.25 matsudana ‘Tortuosa’ 200/250 C45 49.00 canadensis multistem 175/200 C45 84.00 multistem 200/250 C70 100.75 175/200 C10 18.95 8/10 C45 49.00 BETULA SIZE £ x sepulcralis ‘Chrysocoma’ 10/12 C70 77.00 nigra multistem 200/250 C45 70.00 12/14 C70 91.00 14/16 C70 105.00 multistem 175/200 C45 42.00 pendula multistem 200/250 C45 75.00 SORBUS SIZE £ multistem 250/300 C70 125.00 aria ‘Lutescens’ multistem 175/200 C45 84.00 aria ‘Majestica’ 175/200 C10 18.95 utilis jacquemontii multistem 200/250 C70 133.00 aucuparia ‘Aspleniifolia’ 8/10 C45 49.00 multistem 250/300 C70 175.00 aucuparia ‘Sheerwater Seeding’ 10/12 C70 91.00 PRUNUS commixta 12/14 C70 105.00 SIZE £ commixta ‘Embley’ 14/16 C70 112.00 serrula tibetica multistem 175/200 C45 98.00 ‘Joseph Rock’ 200/250 C70 175.00 22
CONIFERS CONIFERS ABIES SIZE £ koreana 30/40 C3 5.95 40/60 C10 18.25 A selection of the most popular varieties, all container-grown. Ideal for providing cover, screening, privacy and colour all year round. CEDRUS SIZE £ C3 30/40 7.00 You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to deodara 80/100 C10 17.50 inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call to make an appointment. 40/60 C3 11.25 libani ‘Glauca’ 100/125 C10 22.50 100/125 C45 49.00 X CUPRESSOCYPARIS SIZE £ 60/80 C3 2.75 150/175 C10 14.00 leylandii 200/250 C45 49.00 leylandii ‘Castlewellan’ 250/300 C70 70.00 300/350 C70 84.00 GINKGO SIZE £ 175/200 C10 22.50 biloba 6/8 C45 49.00 10/12 C70 119.00 JUNIPERUS SIZE £ communis ‘Repanda’ horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’ x media ‘Mint Julep’ 25/30 C2 3.85 x media ‘Old Gold’ 40/60 C10 16.10 sabina ‘Tamariscifolia’ squamata ‘Blue Carpet’ scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’ 100/120 C10 30.00 squamata ‘Blue Star’ 20/30 C2 4.10 METASEQUOIA SIZE £ 175/200 C10 22.50 glyptostroboides 200/250 C45 49.00 200/250 C70 70.00 250/300 C70 91.00 PICEA SIZE £ abies 40/60 C3 1.95 omorika 80/100 C10 14.75 pungens glauca 30/40 C3 2.45 23 23
CONIFERS PINUS SIZE £ TRANSPLANTS & 40/60 C3 2.10 60/80 C10 16.10 HEDGING PLANTS nigra 150/175 C45 63.00 nigra maritima 175/200 C70 84.00 sylvestris 200/250 C70 105.00 All our seedling material will be at least 250/300 C70 133.00 2 years old transplanted stock (1+1) (unless requested otherwise) with a well developed 20/30 C3 2.95 mugo 30/40 C5 6.80 root system – not to be confused with 40/60 C10 18.25 1 year (1+0) seedlings. All plants supplied are wrapped in black polythene bags 30/40 C3 2.75 wallichiana 60/80 C10 21.00 for freshness. 150/175 C45 63.00 NB. All Transplants and Hedging will be SEQUOIADENDRON SIZE £ supplied in bundles of 25 plants and the MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE BUNDLE. 80/100 C10 25.95 100/125 C45 49.00 giganteum 175/200 C70 119.00 200/250 C70 140.00 TAXODIUM SIZE £ 175/200 C10 22.50 distichum 200/250 C45 49.00 200/250 C70 70.00 250/300 C70 91.00 TAXUS SIZE £ 40/60 C3 4.10 baccata 40/60 C5 7.70 60/80 C10 16.75 40/60 C3 7.70 baccata ‘Fastigiata’ 80/100 C10 22.40 baccata ‘Fastigiata Aurea’ 30/40 C3 7.70 THUJA SIZE £ 40/60 C3 3.35 100/125 C10 14.75 plicata ‘Coles Variety’ 150/175 C45 42.00 plicata ‘Martin’ 175/200 C70 67.25 200/250 C70 84.00 250/300 C70 105.00 TSUGA SIZE £ 40/60 C3 2.75 heterophylla 80/100 C10 14.75 125/150 C45 39.20 24
TRANSPLANTS & HEDGING PLANTS SPECIFICATION 40/60 Height in cm 60/80 Height in cm 0/1 1 year old hardwood cutting which has not been transplanted. 1+1 2 year old seedling transplant (one year in seedbed, transplanted and grown on for one year). 1+2 3 year old seedling transplant (one year in seedbed, transplanted and grown on for two years). SIZE £ PER 25 SIZE £ PER 25 Acer campestre 1+1 Alnus cordata 1+1 Acer platanoides 1+1 Carpinus betulus 1+1 Acer pseudoplatanus 1+1 Corylus avellana 1+1 Alnus glutinosa 1+1 Ligustrum ovalifolium 0/1 Alnus incana 1+1 Ligustrum vulgare 0/1 Betula pendula 1+1 Salix caprea 0/1 40/60 11.25 Cornus alba 1+1 Sambucus nigra ‘Aurea’ 0/1 60/80 14.00 Cornus sanguinea 1+1 Symphoricarpos ‘Magic Berry’ 0/1 Crataegus monogyna 1+1 Symphoricarpos ‘Mother of Pearl’ 0/1 Euonymus europaeus 1+1 Tilia cordata 1+1 Populus alba 0/1 Viburnum lantana 1+1 Prunus avium 1+1 Viburnum opulus 1+1 Prunus padus 1+1 Prunus spinosa 1+1 Amelanchier canadensis 1+1 Rhamnus frangula 1+1 40/60 10.00 Berberis thunbergii 1+2 Rosa canina 1+1 60/80 12.25 Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 1+2 Rosa pimpinellifolia 1+1 Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ 0/1 40/60 12.50 Rosa rubiginosa 1+1 Cornus mas 1+1 60/80 15.75 Rosa rugosa 1+1 Hippophae rhamnoides 1+1 Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’ 1+1 Malus sylvestris 1+1 Rosa virginiana 1+1 Quercus robur 1+1 Salix alba 0/1 Quercus rubra 1+1 Salix ‘Chermesina’ 0/1 Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’ 1+1 Salix cinerea 0/1 Salix daphnoides 0/1 Fagus sylvatica 1+1 40/60 15.00 Salix elaeagnos 0/1 Populus tremula 1+1 60/80 20.00 Salix fragilis 0/1 Salix purpurea 0/1 Cotoneaster simonsii 1+2 60/80 35.00 Salix viminalis 0/1 Rosa nitida 1+1 Salix vitellina 0/1 Sambucus nigra 1+1 Fagus sylvatica purpurea 1+1 40/60 38.65 Sorbus aucuparia 1+1 Rosa Glauca 1+1 60/80 56.85 Symphoricarpos albus 0/1 Symphoricarpos chenaultii 0/1 Symphoricarpos ‘Hancock’ 0/1 Symphoricarpos rivularis 0/1 25
TREES IN AIR-POT® CONTAINERS TREES IN ACER SIZE £ CONTAINERS campestre ‘fastigiatum’ 14/16 AP100 147.00 campestre ‘Queen Elizabeth’ 16/18 AP100 161.00 platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’ 14/16 AP100 147.00 Available all year round. Air-Pot® encourages platanoides ‘Royal Red’ 16/18 AP100 161.00 an incredibly fibrous root system and eliminates root circling by ‘air pruning’: the cone shaped BETULA SIZE £ design of the Air-Pot® restricts woody root growth, encourages even root distribution and 14/16 AP100 154.00 16/18 AP100 196.00 dramatically reduces losses after installation. utilis jacquemontii 18/20 AP100 245.00 A separate factsheet is available at or visit CARPINUS SIZE £ You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to 14/16 AP100 147.00 inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call betulus 16/18 AP100 161.00 to make an appointment. betulus ‘fastigiata’ 14/16 AP100 154.00 betulus ‘frans fontaine’ 16/18 AP100 196.00 FAGUS SIZE £ sylvatica 14/16 AP100 154.00 PYRUS SIZE £ calleryana ‘chanticleer’ 14/16 AP100 147.00 16/18 AP100 196.00 QUERCUS SIZE £ robur 14/16 AP100 147.00 16/18 AP100 196.00 robur ‘fastigiata’ 14/16 AP100 224.00 SORBUS SIZE £ aria ‘majestica’ 14/16 AP100 126.00 auc. ‘Rossica Major’ 16/18 AP100 147.00 TILIA SIZE £ cordata ‘Greenspire’ 14/16 AP100 126.00 cordata ‘Roelvo’ 16/18 AP100 147.00 x europaea ‘Pallida’ 26 26
FRUIT TREES FRUIT TREES APPLES £ Grown on MM106 Rootstock A selection of popular varieties available MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 both in containers and open ground. Prices BUSH 2 or 3 yrs 9.00 are zero-rated for VAT. CORDON 3 yrs 9.00 ESPALIER 2 tiers 22.50 You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to HALF STANDARD 2 or 3 yrs 19.00 inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call CONTAINER GROWN BUSH 2 yrs C10 17.50 to make an appointment. Varieties Available EATING PERIOD OPTIMUM Key (D) Dessert Varieties ‘Arthur Turner’ (C) AUG - OCT (C) Cookers ‘Beauty of Bath’ (D) AUG ‘Blenheim Orange’ (D/C) NOV - JAN ‘Bountiful’ (C) OCT - JAN ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ (C) DEC - APR ‘Charles Ross’ (D) NOV - DEC ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ (D) NOV - JAN ‘Cox’s Self Fertile’ (D) OCT - MAR ‘Discovery’ (D) AUG - SEPT ‘Early Victoria’ (C) AUG - SEPT ‘Egremont Russet’ (D) OCT - NOV ‘Ellison’s Orange’ (D) OCT - DEC ‘Falstaff’ (D) SEPT - OCT ‘Fiesta’ (D) OCT - MAR ‘Golden Delicious’ (D) NOV - MAR ‘Greensleeves’ (D) SEPT - OCT ‘Grenadier’ (D) SEPT - OCT ‘Howgate Wonder’ (C) OCT - FEB ‘James Grieve’ (D/C) SEPT - OCT ‘Lanes Prince Albert’ (C) NOV - MAR ‘Laxton’s Superb’ (D) DEC - MAR ‘Lord Derby’ (C) DEC - FEB ‘Lord Lambourne’ (D) DEC - MAR ‘Newton Wonder’ (C) AUG - NOV ‘Rev. W. Wilks’ (C) NOV - DEC ‘Spartan’ (D) OCT - DEC ‘Sunset’ (D) JAN - MAR ‘Winter Gem’ (D) OCT - FEB ‘Worcester Pearmain’ (D) AUG - SEPT CHERRIES £ Grown on Colt Rootstock MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 BUSH 2 yrs 9.00 FAN TRAINED 22.50 HALF STANDARD 2 yrs 19.00 CONTAINER GROWN BUSH 2 yrs C10 17.50 27
FRUIT TREES OPTIMUM OPTIMUM Cherry Varieties Available EATING PERIOD Pear Varieties Available EATING PERIOD ‘Amber Heart’ Good flavour, red & yellow JULY ‘Beth’ SEPT ‘Biggareau Napoleon’ Large darkish red, mottled JULY-AUG Excellent flavour, heavy cropper ‘Early Rivers’ Large, black, early and hardy JUNE ‘Concorde’ OCT-FEB ‘Merton Biggareau’ Vigorous, firm, and black JULY Sweet and juicy dessert pear ‘Morello’ Dark red skin, flesh red JULY-OCT ‘Conference’ OCT Long, brownish green, good flavour ‘Stella’ Self-fertile, dark red JULY-AUG ‘Doyenne du Comice’ Handsome fruit of excellent quality NOV-DEC DAMSONS £ ‘Louise Bonne of Jersey’ OCT Russet red in colour, excellent flavour ‘Williams Bon Chretien’ Grown on St Julien ‘A’ Rootstock Handsome colour, very free bearer SEPT MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 BUSH 2 yrs 9.00 FAN TRAINED 22.50 PLUMS £ HALF STANDARD 2 yrs 19.00 CONTAINER GROWN BUSH 2 yrs C10 17.50 Grown on St Julien ‘A’ rootstocks MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 OPTIMUM Varieties Available EATING PERIOD BUSH 2 yrs 9.00 FAN TRAINED 22.50 ‘King of Damsons’ Small, black, abundant, cropper SEPT HALF STANDARD 2 yrs 19.00 ‘Merryweather’ Large, oval, very prolific SEPT OPTIMUM ‘Prune Damson’ Oval, dark purple, good cropper SEPT Varieties Available EATING PERIOD ‘Cambridge Gage’ (D) AUGUST MEDLARS £ Green, sweet, heavy cropper ‘Coe’s Golden Drop’ (D) SEP-OCT Large, oval pale yellow Grown on Crataegus Rootstock ‘Czar’ MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 Strong grower, smallish purple fruit (DC) JUL-AUG BUSH 2 yrs 9.00 ‘Dennistons Superb’ (D) AUGUST HALF STANDARD 2 yrs 21.00 Meduim sized, greenish yellow CONTAINER GROWN BUSH 2 yrs C10 21.00 ‘Greengage’ (D) AUG-SEP CONT’R GROWN HALF STANDARD 3 yrs C10 25.25 Small, round delicious flavour ‘Jeffersons’ (D) SEPT Varieties Available Large, golden yellow, good cropper ‘Marjories Seedling’ Large and purple, late cropper (D) SEPT ‘Nottingham’ ‘Opal’ Reddish purple, very juicy (DC) JUL-AUG ‘Oullins Golden Gage’ (D) AUGUST PEARS £ Large, oval, greenish yellow ‘Victoria’ (DC) SEPT Large, bright red, very juicy Grown on Quince ‘A’ Rootstock MAIDEN BUSH 7.75 BUSH 2 or 3 yrs 9.00 QUINCE £ CORDON 3 yrs 9.00 ESPALIER 2 tiers 22.50 Grown on Quince ‘A’ rootstocks HALF STANDARD (grafted on Pear Seedling) 2 or 3 yrs 19.00 CONTAINER GROWN BUSH 2 yrs C10 17.50 MAIDEN BUSH Feathered 7.75 BUSH 2 yrs 9.00 Varieties Available Meeches Prolific’ ‘Vranja’ 28
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS SHRUBS & CLIMBERS ABELIA SIZE £ ‘Edward Goucher’ x grandiflora 30/40 C3 3.85 A wide range of plants are available in rigid x grandiflora ‘Francis Mason’ containers, specified in compliance with the x grandiflora ‘Sherwood’ National Plant Specification. ACER SIZE £ This means all litre container sizes campestre 40/60 C2 1.80 are prefixed with ‘C’, e.g. C3 = 3 litre. ‘P9’ indicates a 9cm pot. palmatum 60/80 C3 7.00 A factsheet is available at palmatum atropurpureum 60/80 C3 13.25 You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to palmatum dissectum inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call palmatum ‘Garnet’ 30/40 C3 16.75 palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ to make an appointment. palmatum ‘Sangokaku’ AMELANCHIER SIZE £ canadensis 60/80 C3 1.80 ARALIA SIZE £ elata 40/60 C3 3.50 ARBUTUS SIZE £ unedo 30/40 C3 4.95 AUCUBA SIZE £ japonica japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ japonica ‘Longifolia’ japonica ‘Salicifolia’ 30/40 C3 3.15 japonica ‘Rozannie’ japonica ‘Variegata’ AZALEA SIZE £ mollis pontica 30/40 C3 5.75 BERBERIS SIZE £ buxifolia ‘Nana’ darwinii x frikartii ‘Amstelveen’ gagnepainii interposita ‘Wallich’s Purple’ 20/30 C3 2.45 julianae x media ‘Parkjewel’ x media ‘Red Jewel’ verruculosa 29
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS BERBERIS (cont.) SIZE £ CALLUNA SIZE £ 1 yr P9 1.35 thunbergii 30/40 C3 1.90 thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’ In Variety 2 yr C1 2.45 2 yr C2 3.10 x ottawensis ‘Superba’ x stenophylla 40/60 C3 2.25 CAMELLIA SIZE £ thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ 20/30 C2 3.35 In Variety 30/40 C3 7.70 thunbergii ‘Aurea’ CARPINUS SIZE £ thunbergii ‘Bonanza Gold’ 20/30 C3 4.15 thunbergii ‘Golden Torch’ betulus 40/60 C2 2.10 thunbergii ‘Green Carpet’ CARYOPTERIS SIZE £ thunbergii ‘Pink Queen’ 30/40 C3 3.50 thunbergii ‘Red Chief’ thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’ x clandonensis x clandonensis ‘Heavenly Blue’ 30/40 C3 2.25 x clandonensis ‘Worcester Gold’ BETULA SIZE £ CEANOTHUS SIZE £ pendula 60/80 C2 1.85 ‘A T Johnson’ BUDDLEIA SIZE £ ‘Autumnal Blue’ ‘Blue Mound’ ‘Concha’ alternifolia dentatus 40/60 C3 2.95 davidii ‘Black Knight’ ‘Edinburgh’ davidii ‘Empire Blue’ floribundus davidii ‘lle de France’ ‘Italian Skies’ davidii nanhoensis ‘Southmead’ davidii ‘Nanho Blue’ 40/60 C3 1.95 davidii ‘Pink Delight’ thyrsiflorus repens 40/60 C3 2.60 davidii ‘Royal Red’ davidii ‘White Bouquet’ CERATOSTIGMA davidii ‘White Profusion’ SIZE £ globosa ‘Lochinch’ griffithii 20/30 C3 3.15 willmottianum davidii ‘Harlequin’ 40/60 C3 2.40 CHAENOMELES SIZE £ BUXUS SIZE £ japonica 40/60 C3 1.95 sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ 20/25 C2 3.50 speciosa ‘Nivalis’ x superba ‘Crimson & Gold’ sempervirens 30/35 C2 3.35 x superba ‘Elly Mossel’ 40/60 C3 3.15 30/40 C3 3.50 x superba ‘Jet Trail’ x superba ‘Pink Lady’ CALLICARPA SIZE £ CHIMONANTHUS SIZE £ bodinieri 40/60 C3 4.15 praecox 30/40 C3 4.95 CALLISTEMON SIZE £ CHOISYA SIZE £ rigidus 40/60 C3 4.55 ternata 20/30 C2 3.10 30/40 C3 3.35 30
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS CHOISYA (cont.) SIZE £ CORNUS (cont.) SIZE £ ternata ‘Aztec Pearl’ 20/30 C2 3.35 canadensis 15/20 C3 3.85 ternata ‘Sundance’ 30/40 C3 3.50 kousa chinensis 40/60 C3 5.25 CISTUS SIZE £ mas 40/60 C2 2.45 x corbariensis sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’ 40/60 C3 3.75 dansereaui ‘Decumbens’ ‘Peggy Sammons’ 25/30 C2 2.25 alba ‘Sibirica’ 60/80 C3 1.95 x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ 30/40 C3 2.50 stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ x purpureus x purpureus ‘Alan Fradd’ CORYLUS SIZE £ ‘Silver Pink’ avellana 40/60 C2 1.95 CLEMATIS SIZE £ avellana ‘Aurea’ 30/40 C3 5.50 alpina macropetala maxima ‘Purpurea’ 40/60 C3 3.85 montana 60/80 C2 6.30 montana ‘Rubens’ COTINUS tibetana tangutica SIZE £ viticella’ coggygria 30/40 C3 3.35 armandii 60/80 C2 11.90 coggygria ‘Foliis Purpureis’ ‘Bee’s Jubilee’ coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ 30/40 C3 4.15 ‘Dr. Ruppel’ 60/80 C2 7.70 ‘Grace’ ‘Jackmannii Superba’ ‘The President’ COTONEASTER SIZE £ bullatus 40/60 C2 1.80 CONVOLVULUS SIZE £ simonsii 60/80 C3 1.95 cneorum 20/30 C3 3.35 cochleatus congestus 20/30 C2 1.95 CORDYLINE SIZE £ salicifolius ‘Gnom’ salicifolius ‘Repens’ australis 40/60 C3 4.15 conspicuus australis ‘Red Star’ 40/60 C3 7.70 horizontalis 20/30 C2 1.70 microphyllus 30/40 C3 1.80 CORNUS SIZE £ ‘Cornubia’ 60/80 C3 1.95 franchettii x watereri ‘Rothschildianus’ alba 60/80 C3 1.75 sanguinea dammeri dammeri ‘Major’ 20/30 C2 1.60 alba ‘Elegantissima’ radicans ‘Oakwood’ 30/40 C3 1.80 alba ‘Spaethii’ ‘Skogholm’ alba ‘Aurea’ 40/60 C3 2.50 x suecicus ‘Coral Beauty’ alba ‘Kesselringii’ stolonifera ‘Kelseyi’ horizontalis ‘Variegatus’ 30/40 C3 1.95 alba ‘Sibirica Variegata’ lacteus 40/60 C3 1.95 alba ‘Westonbirt’ 40/60 C3 3.10 stolonifera ‘White Gold’ 31
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS CRATAEGUS SIZE £ ESCALLONIA (cont.) SIZE £ monogyna 40/60 C2 1.80 ‘Red Hedger’ rubra ‘Ingramii’ 30/40 C2 1.90 rubra macrantha 40/60 C3 2.10 CYTISUS SIZE £ ‘Slieve Donard’ ‘Burkwoodii’ EUCALYPTUS SIZE £ ‘Lena’ x praecox 40/60 C3 1.95 gunnii x praecox ‘Albus’ niphophylla 60/80 C3 5.25 x praecox ‘Allgold’ perriniana procumbens ‘Windlesham Ruby’ EUONYMUS SIZE £ scoparius 30/40 C2 1.80 alatus ‘Compactus’ 30/40 C3 4.55 europaeus 40/60 C3 1.75 DEUTZIA SIZE £ europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ 40/60 C3 2.75 x kalmiiflora fortunei ‘Blondy’ ‘Mont Rose’ 40/60 C3 1.95 fortunei ‘Canadale Gold’ scabra ‘Candidissima’ fortunei ‘Dart’s Blanket’ fortunei ‘Emerald Cushion’ 20/30 C2 2.00 fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ ELAEAGNUS SIZE £ fortunei ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ angustifolia 40/60 C3 3.85 japonicus japonicus ‘Albomarginatus’ x ebbingei 40/60 C3 3.15 japonicus ‘Aureus’ japonicus ‘Bravo’ 30/40 C2 3.15 x ebbingei ‘Coastal Gold’ japonicus ‘Duc d’Anjou’ x ebbingei ‘Gilt Edge’ 30/40 C3 4.55 japonicus ‘Ovatus Aureus’ x ebbingei ‘Limelight’ japonicus ‘President Gauthier’ pungens ‘Maculata’ japonicus ‘Microphyllus’ 15/20 C2 3.15 japonicus ‘Micro. Variegatus’ ERICA SIZE £ EXOCHORDA SIZE £ 1yr P9 1.35 In Variety to flower all year round 2yr C1 2.45 x macrantha ‘The Bride’ 40/60 C3 3.85 2yr C2 3.10 FAGUS SIZE £ ESCALLONIA SIZE £ sylvatica 40/60 C2 2.10 ‘Apple Blossom’ sylvatica purpurea 40/60 C2 3.35 ‘Crimson Spire’ ‘Dart’s Rosyred’ FATSIA SIZE £ ‘Donard Radiance’ ‘Donard Seedling’ 30/40 C2 1.90 japonica 30/40 C3 4.20 ‘Iveyii’ 40/60 C3 2.10 ‘Peach Blossom’ FORSYTHIA SIZE £ ‘Pride of Donard’ ‘Red Dream’ x intermedia ‘Lynwood LA79’ ‘Red Elf’ x intermedia ‘Spectabilis’ 40/60 C3 1.95 32
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS FUCHSIA SIZE £ HEBE (cont.) SIZE £ ‘Alice Hoffman’ ochracea ‘James Stirling’ 20/30 C2 2.60 ‘Genii’ 20/30 C3 2.75 ‘Lady Thumb’ ‘Madame Cornelissen’ pinguifolia ‘Pagei’ 20/30 C2 2.10 magellanica ‘Alba’ 20/30 C3 2.25 magellanica ‘Aurea’ magellanica ‘Variegata’ HEDERA SIZE £ ‘Mrs Popple’ ‘Riccartonii’ colchica ‘Tom Thumb’ helix ‘Glacier’ 40/60 C2 2.50 helix ‘Green Ripple’ GARRYA SIZE £ algeriensis ‘Gloire De Marengo’ colchica ‘Paddys Pride’ elliptica 30/40 C3 6.65 helix ‘Anita’ helix ‘Elegantissima’ helix ‘Gold Child’ 60/80 C2 3.10 GAULTHERIA SIZE £ helix ‘Gold Heart’ helix ‘Jester’s Gold’ procumbens helix ‘Kolibri’ shallon 20/30 C2 2.75 helix ‘Lightfinger’ helix ‘Lutzii’ helix ‘Saggitifolia’ GENISTA SIZE £ helix 30/50 P9 1.25 hispanica 15/20 C3 2.95 hibernica 40/60 C2 1.75 lydia 20/30 C2 2.75 30/40 C3 2.95 HIPPOPHAE SIZE £ rhamnoides 45/60 C3 1.95 GRISELINIA SIZE £ HYDRANGEA SIZE £ littoralis 40/60 C3 2.75 littoralis ‘Variegata’ arborescens ‘Annabelle’ macrophylla ‘Blue Wave’ macrophylla ‘Hamburg’ 30/40 C3 3.10 HEBE SIZE £ mac. ‘Mme. Mouilliere’ ‘Preziosa’ albicans serrata ‘Bluebird’ ‘Alex’ x franciscana ‘Blue Gem’ paniculata ‘Kyushu’ 30/40 C3 3.25 x franciscana ‘Variegata’ paniculata ‘Tardiva’ ‘Great Orme’ ‘Green Globe’ petiolaris 40/60 C3 4.15 ‘Kirkii’ 20/30 C2 2.25 ‘Marjorie’ quercifolia 30/40 C3 4.90 ‘Mohawk’ ‘Mrs Winder’ ‘New Zealand Gold’ HYPERICUM SIZE £ ‘Nicola’s Blush’ ‘Oratio Beauty’ ‘Hidcote’ 30/40 C2 1.80 pinguifolia ‘Sutherlandii’ 30/40 C3 1.95 rakaiensis ‘Red Edge’ calycinum 10/15 P9 1.10 salicifolia 15/20 C2 1.80 ‘Trixie’ vernicosa x moserianum ‘Tricolor’ 20/30 C3 2.25 33
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS ILEX SIZE £ LEYCESTERIA SIZE £ aquifolium 40/60 C2 2.75 formosa 40/60 C3 3.15 60/80 C3 2.95 LIGUSTRUM SIZE £ x altaclerensis ‘Golden King’ aquifolium ‘Alaska’ aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’ ovalifolium 40/60 C2 1.80 aquifolium ‘Aurea Marginata’ vulgare 60/80 C3 1.95 aquifolium ‘Ferox Argentea’ 40/60 C3 3.65 aquifolium ‘J.C. Van Tol’ ovalifolium ‘Argenteum’ 40/60 C3 2.60 aquifolium ‘Pyramidalis’ ovalifolium ‘Aureum’ x meserveae ‘Blue Angel’ x meserveae ‘Blue Prince’ LONICERA SIZE £ ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ fragrantissima 30/40 C3 3.35 crenata ‘Convexa’ 20/30 C2 3.50 crenata ‘Golden Gem’ x heckrotti ‘Goldflame’ henryi japonica ‘Aureoreticulata’ JASMINUM SIZE £ japonica ‘Halliana’ 60/80 C2 3.15 japonica ‘Hall’s Prolific’ officinale 60/80 C2 2.75 japonica repens x stephanense periclymenum ‘Belgica’ periclymenum ‘Serotina’ nudiflorum 30/40 C2 3.75 tellmanniana nitida KERRIA SIZE £ nitida ‘Maygreen’ 20/30 C2 1.55 pileata japonica ‘Pleniflora’ 40/60 C3 3.75 nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ 20/30 C2 2.50 KOLKWITZIA SIZE £ nitida ‘Lemon Beauty’ 30/40 C3 2.95 nitida ‘Silver Beauty’ amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’ 40/60 C3 1.95 LAURUS SIZE £ MAGNOLIA SIZE £ nobilis 40/60 C3 4.90 grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ 60/80 C3 10.50 MAHONIA SIZE £ LAVANDULA SIZE £ angustifolia ‘Alba’ aquifolium 20/30 C2 2.50 angustifolia ‘Grosso’ angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ aquifolium ‘Apollo’ 20/30 C2 4.90 angustifolia ‘Munstead’ angustifolia ‘Rosea’ 15/20 C2 2.25 aquifolium ‘Smaragd’ 20/30 C3 4.15 angustifolia ‘Vera’ wagneri ‘Pinnacle’ stoechas stoechas albiflora bealei x media ‘Charity’ 30/40 C3 3.35 x media ‘Winter Sun’ LAVATERA SIZE £ MALUS SIZE £ ‘Barnsley’ 40/60 C3 3.50 ‘Rosea’ sylvestris 40/60 C2 1.90 LEUCOTHOE SIZE £ MYRTUS SIZE £ ‘Zeblid’ 20/30 C2 4.15 walteri ‘Rainbow’ communis tarentina 30/40 C3 5.00 34
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS NANDINA SIZE £ PHORMIUM SIZE £ ‘Apricot Queen’ domestica 20/30 C3 3.50 ‘Bronze Baby’ cookianum ‘Cream Delight’ domestica ‘Firepower’ 20/30 C3 4.15 cookianum ‘Tricolor’ domestica ‘Richmond’ ‘Evening Glow’ ‘Flamingo’ OLEARIA SIZE £ ‘Golden Sword’ 40/60 C3 7.00 ‘Pink Panther’ macrodonta 40/60 C3 2.60 ‘Rainbow Maiden’ ‘Rainbow Queen’ x haastii 20/30 C3 2.60 ‘Rainbow Sunrise’ tenax ‘Jester’ OSMANTHUS SIZE £ tenax ‘Sundowner’ ‘Yellow Wave’ x burkwoodii 30/40 C3 3.50 tenax 40/60 C3 3.85 delavayii 20/30 C3 4.15 tenax ‘Purpureum’ 40/60 C3 4.90 heterophyllus 30/40 C3 3.15 heterophyllus ‘Gulf Tide’ PHOTINIA SIZE £ x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ 20/30 C2 4.15 heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ 20/30 C3 4.15 30/40 C3 4.55 heterophyllus ‘Variegata’ PACHYSANDRA SIZE £ PHYSOCARPUS SIZE £ ‘Dart’s Gold’ terminalis 15/20 C2 2.25 opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ 30/40 C3 2.75 opulifolius ‘Luteus’ terminalis ‘Variegata’ 15/20 C2 2.50 PIERIS SIZE £ PARTHENOCISSUS SIZE £ floribunda ‘Forest Flame’ henryana 60/80 C2 5.25 japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ 20/30 C2 5.00 tricuspidata ‘Veitchii’ japonica ‘Variegata’ quinquefolia 60/80 C2 3.15 PITTOSPORUM SIZE £ PASSIFLORA SIZE £ ‘Garnettii’ 20/30 C3 5.25 tenuifolium 20/30 C3 4.90 caerulea 60/80 C2 4.95 tenuifolium ‘Tom Thumb’ 30/40 C3 5.25 PEROVSKIA SIZE £ POLYGONUM SIZE £ atriplicifolia ‘Blue Spire’ 20/30 C2 2.60 baldschuanicum 60/80 C2 2.95 30/40 C3 2.75 POTENTILLA SIZE £ PHILADELPHUS SIZE £ fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ ‘Belle Etoile’ fruticosa ‘Arbuscula’ ‘Lemoinei’ fruticosa ‘Daydawn’ 15/20 C2 1.70 ‘Manteau d’Hermine’ 30/40 C3 2.25 fruticosa ‘Elizabeth’ ‘Minnesota Snowflake’ fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’ ‘Silver Showers’ fruticosa ‘Katherine Dykes’ ‘Virginal’ fruticosa ‘Kobold’ fruticosa ‘Pretty Polly’ coronarius ‘Aureus’ 30/40 C3 2.60 fruticosa ‘Primrose Beauty’ 35
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS POTENTILLA (cont.) SIZE £ RHODODENDRON SIZE £ fruticosa ‘Red Ace’ Dwarf and Hybrids in variety 20/30 C3 7.70 fruticosa ‘Red Robin’ fruticosa ‘Tangerine LA79’ 15/20 C2 1.70 ponticum 20/30 C3 3.85 fruticosa ‘Tilford Cream’ RHUS SIZE £ PRUNUS SIZE £ typhina 40/60 C3 3.10 avium 40/60 C2 1.75 typhina ‘Laciniata’ cerasifera ‘Nigra’ 60/80 C3 3.85 RIBES SIZE £ x cistena 40/60 C3 3.85 odoratum laurocerasus ‘Cherry Brandy’ sanguineum 60/80 C3 1.80 laurocerasus ‘Etna’ 20/30 C2 2.75 sanguineum ‘King Edward VII’ laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ 30/40 C3 3.35 laurocerasus ‘Zabelliana’ ROSMARINUS SIZE £ laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’ 40/60 C3 2.40 officinalis 20/30 C2 2.15 off. ‘Miss Jessop’s Upright’ 30/40 C3 2.25 lusitanica 40/60 C3 3.35 officinalis ‘McConnell’s Blue’ 20/30 C2 2.40 spinosa 40/60 C2 1.80 officinalis ‘Prostratus’ 20/30 C2 2.50 RUBUS SIZE £ PYRACANTHA SIZE £ cockburnianus atalantioides ‘Aurea’ thibetanus ‘Silver Fern’ 40/60 C3 2.75 coccinea ‘Red Column’ ulmifolius ‘Bellidiflorus’ ‘Fiery Cascade’ ‘Golden Charmer’ ‘Betty Ashburner’ 30/40 C2 1.70 ‘Orange Charmer’ 30/40 C2 1.70 calycinoides ‘Orange Glow’ 30/40 C3 1.95 rogersiana tricolor 30/40 C2 1.50 rogersiana ‘Flava’ ‘Soleil d’Or’ SALIX SIZE £ ‘Watereri’ alba ‘Chermesina’ coccinea ‘Red Cushion’ 20/30 C2 1.70 caprea 40/60 C3 1.80 ‘Teton’ 30/40 C3 1.95 elaeagnos repens nitida hastata ‘Wehrhahnii’ QUERCUS SIZE £ helvetica 20/30 C3 2.95 lanata ilex 40/60 C2 4.25 SAMBUCUS SIZE £ robur 40/60 C2 1.95 nigra rubra 40/60 C2 2.10 nigra ‘Aurea’ 40/60 C3 1.95 nigra ‘Laciniata’ nigra ‘Marginata’ RHAMNUS SIZE £ nigra ‘Guincho Purple’ racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’ 40/60 C3 4.55 frangula 40/60 C2 1.75 racemosa ‘Sutherland Gold’ 36
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS SANTOLINA SIZE £ STEPHANANDRA SIZE £ chamaecyparissus incisa ‘Crispa’ 20/30 C2 1.85 rosmarinifolia 20/30 C3 1.95 30/40 C3 1.95 SARCOCOCCA SIZE £ SYMPHORICARPOS SIZE £ confusa 20/30 C2 4.15 ruscifolia albus chenaultii SENECIO SIZE £ chenaultii ‘Hancock’ x doorenbosii ‘Magic Berry’ 30/40 C2 1.55 x door. ‘Mother of Pearl’ 40/60 C3 1.75 ‘Sunshine’ 20/30 C2 2.50 x doorenbosii ‘White Hedge’ 30/40 C3 2.75 orbiculatus ‘Variegatus’ SKIMMIA SIZE £ SYRINGA SIZE £ japonica japonica ‘Chameleon’ 30/40 C2 4.15 microphylla ‘Superba’ 30/40 C3 5.95 japonica ‘Foremanii’ 30/40 C3 4.55 ‘Palibin’ japonica ‘Rubella’ vulgaris 30/40 C3 2.50 SOLANUM SIZE £ vulgaris ‘Charles Joly’ crispum ‘Glasnevin’ 40/60 C3 2.75 vulgaris ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ 30/40 C3 5.25 vulgaris ‘Madame Lemoine’ SORBARIA SIZE £ vulgaris ‘Souvenir de L. Spaeth’ sorbifolia 40/60 C3 2.50 TAMARIX SIZE £ tomentosa tetrandra 40/60 C3 2.75 SORBUS SIZE £ TILIA SIZE £ aucuparia 40/60 C2 1.75 cordata 40/60 C2 1.95 SPARTIUM SIZE £ TRACHYCARPUS SIZE £ junceum 40/60 C2 1.80 fortuneii 30/40 C3 7.00 SPIRAEA SIZE £ ULEX SIZE £ europaeus 20/30 C2 1.55 japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’ 20/30 C2 1.80 30/40 C3 1.70 japonica ‘Dart’s Red’ 30/40 C3 1.90 japonica ‘Goldflame’ europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’ 20/30 C2 2.75 japonica ‘Barkby Gold’ 20/30 C2 1.85 japonica ‘Gold Mound’ 20/30 C3 1.95 VIBURNUM SIZE £ japonica ‘Little Princess’ 20/30 C2 1.70 x bodnant. ‘Charles Lamont’ 40/60 C3 3.25 japonica ‘Shirobana’ 30/40 C3 1.80 x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ x arguta lantana 40/60 C3 1.95 x cinerea ‘Grefsheim’ 40/60 C2 1.80 opulus nipponica ‘Snowmound’ 40/60 C3 1.90 thunbergii opulus ‘Compactum’ 20/30 C3 3.85 x billiardii ‘Triumphans’ 60/80 C3 1.80 37
SHRUBS & CLIMBERS VIBURNUM (cont.) SIZE £ YUCCA SIZE £ opulus ‘Roseum’ 40/60 C3 2.60 filamentosa 30/40 C3 3.85 opulus ‘Xanthocarpum’ filamentosa ‘Bright Edge’ x burkwoodii 30/40 C3 4.15 filamentosa ‘Golden Sword’ 20/30 C3 7.00 plicatum ‘Mariesii’ gloriosa ‘Variegata’ rhytidophyllum 40/60 C3 2.95 tinus 20/30 C2 2.60 tinus ‘Eve Price’ 30/40 C3 2.95 x davidii 20/30 C2 3.85 20/30 C3 4.15 VINCA SIZE £ major major ‘Maculata’ 20/30 C2 1.55 major ‘Variegata’ minor minor ‘Alba’ minor ‘Argenteovariegata’ minor ‘Atropurpurea’ 20/30 C2 1.85 minor ‘Aureovariegata’ minor ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ minor ‘Green Carpet’ minor ‘Plena’ VITIS SIZE £ ‘Black Hamburgh’ ‘Brant’ 60/80 C2 5.25 coignetiae vinifera ‘Purpurea’ WEIGELA SIZE £ ‘Bristol Ruby’ ‘Bristol Snowflake’ 40/60 C3 1.80 florida florida ‘Foliis Purpureis’ florida ‘Variegata’ 30/40 C3 2.25 florida ‘Victoria’ WISTERIA SIZE £ floribunda ‘Alba’ sinensis 60/80 C2 8.40 sinensis ‘Alba’ 38
SPECIMEN SHRUBS SPECIMEN SHRUBS ABELIA SIZE £ x grandiflora ‘Sherwood’ 40/60 C10 17.50 We offer a broad spectrum of 5 litre and ACER SIZE £ 10 litre shrubs, available all year round for schemes where greater instant impact palmatum 80/100 C10 30.00 is required. palmatum atropurpureum 80/100 C10 30.00 You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to palmatum dissectum 40/60 C10 42.00 inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call palmatum ‘Garnet’ to make an appointment. palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ 60/80 C10 35.00 palmatum ‘Sangokaku’ AMELANCHIER SIZE £ canadensis 80/100 C10 11.20 ARALIA SIZE £ elata 80/100 C10 16.10 AUCUBA SIZE £ japonica 40/60 C5 7.70 japonica ‘Variegata’ 40/60 C10 14.70 AZALEA SIZE £ mollis 60/80 C10 14.70 BERBERIS SIZE £ darwinii 40/60 C5 7.00 40/60 C10 16.10 x frikartii ‘Amstelveen’ interposita ‘Wallich’s Purple’ 40/60 C10 13.25 julianae verruculosa thunbergii 40/60 C5 6.30 thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’ 40/60 C10 10.50 thun. ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ 30/40 C10 14.70 thunbergii ‘Pink Queen’ 60/80 C10 14.70 x ottawensis ‘Superba’ 60/80 C10 11.90 x stenophylla 39
SPECIMEN SHRUBS BUDDLEIA SIZE £ CORNUS (cont.) SIZE £ alternifolia 60/80 C10 12.60 alba ‘Sibirica’ 60/80 C5 4.85 davidii ‘Harlequin’ alba ‘Spaethii’ 80/100 C10 11.90 stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ davidii ‘Black Knight’ davidii ‘Royal Red’ 60/80 C10 11.90 kousa chinensis 60/80 C10 16.10 davidii ‘White Profusion’ ‘Lochinch’ sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’ 60/80 C10 16.10 stolonifera ‘White Gold’ BUXUS SIZE £ CORYLUS SIZE £ sempervirens 40/60 C5 8.05 avellana ‘Aurea’ 60/80 C10 17.50 60/80 C10 16.10 avellana ‘Contorta’ 60/80 C10 14.70 CEANOTHUS SIZE £ maxima ‘Purpurea’ ‘Skylark’ 60/80 C10 14.70 COTINUS SIZE £ ‘Southmead’ coggygria 60/80 C10 14.70 ‘Blue Mound’ 40/60 C5 6.30 thyrsiflorus repens 60/80 C10 14.70 coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ 60/80 C10 17.85 CHAENOMELES SIZE £ COTONEASTER SIZE £ conspicuus japonica 60/80 C10 11.90 horizontalis 40/60 C5 6.30 microphyllus 60/80 C10 10.50 speciosa ‘Nivalis’ simonsii x superba ‘Crimson & Gold’ 60/80 C10 12.60 x superba ‘Jet Trail’ ‘Cornubia’ franchettii 80/100 C10 11.90 CHOISYA SIZE £ salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’ ‘Aztec Pearl’ 40/60 C5 8.05 radicans ‘Oakwood’ 40/60 C5 6.30 ternata ‘Sundance’ 40/60 C10 16.10 ‘Skogholm’ 60/80 C10 10.50 x suecicus ‘Coral Beauty’ ternata 40/60 C5 7.70 40/60 C10 16.10 CYTISUS SIZE £ CISTUS SIZE £ x praecox 80/100 C10 11.90 x praecox ‘Allgold’ x corbariensis 30/40 C5 7.70 ‘Silver Pink’ 40/60 C10 11.90 DEUTZIA SIZE £ CORDYLINE SIZE £ x kalmiiflora 60/80 C10 11.20 ‘Mont Rose’ australis 80/100 C10 18.90 ELAEAGNUS SIZE £ CORNUS SIZE £ x ebbingei 60/80 C5 6.30 80/100 C10 14.70 alba 80/100 C10 10.50 x ebbingei ‘Gilt Edge’ 30/40 C5 8.05 alba ‘Aurea’ 60/80 C5 4.85 x ebbingei ‘Limelight’ 40/60 C10 16.10 alba ‘Elegantissima’ 80/100 C10 11.90 pungens ‘Maculata’ 40
SPECIMEN SHRUBS ESCALLONIA SIZE £ HYDRANGEA SIZE £ ‘Apple Blossom’ macrophylla ‘Blue Wave’ 40/60 C10 14.70 ‘Donard Seedling’ 40/60 C5 6.30 macrophylla ‘Hamburg’ ‘Red Hedger’ 60/80 C10 14.70 rubra macrantha paniculata ‘Kyushu’ 60/80 C10 14.70 EUONYMUS SIZE £ HYPERICUM SIZE £ fortunei ‘Blondy’ 30/40 C5 7.00 ‘Hidcote’ 30/40 C5 6.30 fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ 30/40 C5 7.00 40/60 C10 10.50 fortunei ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ 30/40 C10 12.60 japonicus 60/80 C10 14.70 ILEX SIZE £ japonicus ‘Albomarginatus’ 40/60 C10 14.70 aquifolium 80/100 C10 16.10 japonicus ‘Bravo’ 100/120 C10 19.60 EXOCHORDA SIZE £ aquifolium ‘Alaska’ 60/80 C5 9.10 80/100 C10 18.25 x macrantha ‘The Bride’ 40/60 C10 16.10 x altaclarensis ‘Golden King’ FATSIA SIZE £ aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’ 60/80 C10 21.00 aquifolium ‘J. C. Van Tol’ japonica 40/60 C5 7.00 60/80 C10 14.70 crenata ‘Convexa’ 30/40 C10 17.50 crenata ‘Golden Gem’ FORSYTHIA SIZE £ KOLKWITZIA SIZE £ x intermedia ‘Lynwood LA79’ 80/100 C10 10.50 x intermedia ‘Spectabilis’ amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’ 60/80 C10 10.50 GARRYA SIZE £ LAURUS SIZE £ elliptica 60/80 C10 21.00 nobilis 60/80 C10 16.10 GENISTA SIZE £ LAVANDULA SIZE £ lydia 40/60 C5 6.30 40/60 C10 13.30 angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ 30/40 C5 8.05 angustifolia ‘Vera’ 30/40 C10 14.70 GRISELINIA SIZE £ LIGUSTRUM SIZE £ littoralis 40/60 C5 7.00 littoralis ‘Variegata’ 60/80 C10 14.70 ovalifolium 60/80 C5 5.25 80/100 C10 11.90 HAMAMELIS SIZE £ ovalifolium ‘Aureum’ 80/100 C10 16.10 x intermedia ‘Diane’ x intermedia ‘Pallida’ 60/80 C10 25.20 mollis LONICERA SIZE £ HEBE SIZE £ nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ 40/60 C5 7.00 nitida ‘Lemon Beauty’ 40/60 C10 14.70 franciscana ‘Blue Gem’ ‘Marjorie’ 30/40 C5 6.65 nitida ‘Maygreen’ 40/60 C5 5.95 pinguifolia ‘Sutherlandii’ 30/40 C10 12.60 pileata 40/60 C10 10.50 rakaiensis vernicosa 41
SPECIMEN SHRUBS MAGNOLIA SIZE £ PHOTINIA SIZE £ stellata 40/60 C10 25.20 x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ 40/60 C5 8.05 60/80 C10 16.10 x soulangeana 60/80 C10 25.20 80/100 C15 20.20 ‘Susan’ PHYSOCARPUS SIZE £ MAHONIA SIZE £ opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ 60/80 C10 14.70 aquifolium 30/40 C5 6.30 opulifolius ‘Luteus’ 40/60 C10 14.70 PITTOSPORUM SIZE £ bealei 40/60 C5 7.00 x media ‘Charity’ 60/80 C10 16.10 ‘Garnettii’ 30/40 C5 10.15 x media ‘Winter Sun’ tenuifolium 30/40 C10 17.50 NANDINA SIZE £ POTENTILLA SIZE £ fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ domestica 40/60 C10 21.00 fruticosa ‘Arbuscula’ domestica ‘Richmond’ fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’ 30/40 C5 6.65 fruticosa ‘Katherine Dykes’ 30/40 C10 10.50 OLEARIA SIZE £ fruticosa ‘Pretty Polly’ fruticosa ‘Red Ace’ x haastii 40/60 C5 6.65 fruticosa ‘Tangerine LA79’ 60/80 C10 14.70 PRUNUS SIZE £ macrodonta 60/80 C10 14.70 cerasifera ‘Nigra’ 80/100 C10 14.70 OSMANTHUS SIZE £ x cistena 60/80 C10 16.10 x burkwoodii 40/60 C5 7.35 60/80 C10 16.10 laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ 40/60 C5 7.70 laurocerasus ‘Zabelliana’ 60/80 C10 14.70 heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ 40/60 C10 16.10 heterophyllus ‘Variegatus’ laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’ 60/80 C5 7.00 80/100 C10 14.70 PHILADELPHUS SIZE £ lusitanica 40/60 C5 7.70 ‘Belle Etoile’ 40/60 C10 11.20 80/100 C10 15.40 coronarius ‘Aureus’ PYRACANTHA SIZE £ ‘Lemoinei’ 60/80 C10 11.20 ‘Virginal’ Saphyr Orange Saphyr Red 80/100 C10 16.10 PHORMIUM SIZE £ Saphyr Yellow cookianum ‘Tricolor’ coccinea ‘Red Cushion’ 30/40 C5 6.30 ‘Golden Sword’ 60/80 C10 16.10 ‘Pink Panther’ ‘Rainbow Maiden’ 40/60 C5 10.15 RHODODENDRON SIZE £ ‘Rainbow Queen’ 60/80 C10 18.90 ‘Rainbow Sunrise’ Dwarf and Hybrids in variety 30/40 C5 11.90 tenax ‘Jester’ 40/60 C10 21.00 tenax ‘Sundowner’ ‘Yellow Wave’ RHUS SIZE £ tenax 80/100 C10 16.10 typhina 100/120 C10 16.10 tenax ‘Purpureum’ typhina ‘Laciniata’ 42
SPECIMEN SHRUBS RIBES SIZE £ SYRINGA SIZE £ sanguineum 80/100 C10 10.50 microphylla ‘Superba’ 40/60 C5 8.50 sanguineum ‘King Edward Vll’ 40/60 C10 14.70 vulgaris 60/80 C10 14.70 ROSMARINUS SIZE £ vulgaris ‘Charles Joly’ officinalis 40/60 C5 7.70 vulgaris ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ 60/80 C10 16.10 officinalis ‘Miss Jessop’s Upright’ 40/60 C10 14.70 vulgaris ‘Madame Lemoine’ vulgaris ‘Souvenir de Louis Spaeth’ SAMBUCUS SIZE £ TRACHYCARPUS SIZE £ nigra ‘Aurea’ 60/80 C10 11.90 fortuneii 40/60 C5 10.15 60/80 C10 30.75 racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’ 60/80 C10 13.30 racemosa ‘Sutherland Gold’ VIBURNUM SIZE £ SANTOLINA SIZE £ x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ 60/80 C5 6.95 80/100 C10 16.10 chamaecyparissus 20/30 C5 7.00 30/40 C10 13.30 x burkwoodii plicatum ‘Mariesii’ 60/80 C10 16.10 rhytidophyllum SARCOCOCCA SIZE £ x davidii 30/40 C5 7.70 confusa 20/30 C5 9.10 40/60 C10 15.05 opulus 60/80 C10 10.50 SENECIO SIZE £ ‘Sunshine’ 30/40 C5 7.00 opulus ‘Roseum’ 60/80 C10 11.90 40/60 C10 14.70 tinus 40/60 C5 7.70 tinus ‘Eve Price’ 40/60 C10 16.10 SKIMMIA SIZE £ japonica ‘Chameleon’ 40/60 C10 16.10 WEIGELA SIZE £ japonica ‘Foremanii’ 40/60 C5 9.10 ‘Bristol Ruby’ japonica ‘Rubella’ 40/60 C10 16.10 florida ‘Variegata’ 60/80 C10 10.50 florida ‘Victoria’ SPIRAEA SIZE £ YUCCA SIZE £ x arguta filamentosa 40/60 C10 16.10 nipponica ‘Snowmound’ 60/80 C10 11.90 thunbergii filamentosa ‘Golden Sword’ 30/40 C5 10.50 japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’ 30/40 C5 6.30 japonica ‘Goldflame’ 40/60 C10 11.90 japonica ‘Gold Mound’ 30/40 C10 11.90 SYMPHORICARPOS SIZE £ albus 60/80 C10 10.50 chenaultii ‘Hancock’ 43
HERBACEOUS ACANTHUS mollis SIZE 3.35 £ C2 PERENNIALS spinosus C2 3.50 A selection of our most popular varieties ACHILLEA filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’ C2 2.75 millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’ are shown below. For full availability please ‘Moonshine’ visit us online or get in touch. ‘Terracotta’ You are more than welcome to pay us a visit to AGAPANTHUS africanus C2 3.65 africanus ‘Albus’ inspect any of our stock lines. Just give us a call to make an appointment. AJUGA reptans reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ C2 2.95 reptans ‘Braunherz’ reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ ALCEA rosea ‘Chater’s Double’ C2 2.75 ALCHEMILLA mollis C2 2.75 C5 6.65 ALLIUM schoenoprasm C2 2.95 ANEMONE x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ x hybrida ‘Pamina’ C2 3.10 hupehensis ‘Prinz Heinrich’ ANTHEMIS x hybrida ‘E.C.Buxton’ C2 2.95 AQUILEGIA McKana hybrids C2 2.75 ARMERIA maritima ‘Splendens’ C2 2.75 ARTEMESIA ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen’ C2 2.95 ‘Powys Castle’ ARUNCUS dioicus C2 3.50 ASTER amellus ‘Rudolph Goethe’ ‘Audrey’ x frikartii ‘Monch’ C2 2.95 ‘Lady in Blue’ novi-belgii ‘Little Pink Beauty’ ASTILBE ‘Bressingham Beauty’ chinensis ‘Pumila’ ‘Deutschland’ C2 3.35 ‘Fanal’ ‘Peach Blossom’ ‘Sprite’ ASTRANTIA major C2 3.50 BERGENIA cordifolia C2 2.65 cordifolia ‘Purpurea’ C5 6.65 ‘Silberlicht’ C2 3.35 BRUNNERA macrophylla C2 2.95 44 44
HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS SIZE £ SIZE £ CALTHA palustris C2 3.20 GERANIUM x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’ x cantabrigiense ‘Cambridge’ palustris ‘Plena’ C2 3.65 cinereum ‘Ballerina’ endressii ‘Wargrave Pink’ CAMPANULA glomerata ‘Superba’ himalayense lactiflora ‘Alba’ C2 3.10 ‘Johnson’s Blue’ persicifolia ‘Telham Beauty’ macrorrhizum portenschlagiana mac. ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ magnificum CENTRANTHUS ruber ‘Coccineus’ C2 2.75 phaeum phaeum ‘Album’ C2 2.75 CONVALLARIA majalis C2 2.95 phaeum ‘Samobor’ COREOPSIS grandiflora ‘Mayfield Giant’ pratense grandiflora ‘Sunburst’ C2 2.75 psilostemon verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ x riversleaianum ‘Russell Prichard’ sanguineum CROCOSMIA x crocosmiiflora sanguineum ‘Album’ ‘George Davidson’ sanguineum striatum ‘Golden Fleece’ C2 3.10 ‘Lucifer’ ‘Ann Folkard’ masoniorum clarkei ‘Kashmir White’ macrorrhizum ‘Album’ DIANTHUS ‘David’ macrorrhizum ‘Spessart’ C2 3.15 ‘Doris’ C2 2.95 renardii ‘Haytor White’ GEUM chiloense ‘Lady Stratheden’ DICENTRA eximia ‘Alba’ chiloense ‘Mrs Bradshaw’ C2 2.95 formosa ‘Luxuriant’ C2 3.20 coccineum ‘Borisii’ spectabilis GUNNERA manicata C2 7.70 DIGITALIS purpurea ‘Alba’ C2 2.75 purpurea ‘Excelsior Hybrids’ HELENIUM hoopesii C2 3.20 ‘Moerheim Beauty’ DORONICUM orientale C2 3.35 HELIANTHEMUM ‘Ben Hope’ ECHINACEA purpurea ‘Golden Queen’ C2 2.95 purpurea ‘Magnus’ C2 2.95 ‘Lawrensons Pink’ purpurea ‘White Swan’ ‘The Bride’ ECHINOPS ritro C2 3.10 HELICHRYSUM italicum C2 2.95 EPIMEDIUM perralderianum HELLEBORUS argutifolius rubrum C2 4.15 foetidus C2 3.85 x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ niger orientalis ERIGERON ‘Darkest of All’ C2 3.20 ‘Pink Jewel’ HEMEROCALLIS ‘Burning Daylight’ ‘Catherine Woodbury’ ERYNGIUM variifolium C2 3.10 ‘Crimson Pirate’ ‘Gentle Shepherd’ ERYSIMUM ‘Bowles Mauve’ C2 3.10 ‘Golden Chimes’ C2 2.75 lilioasphodelus EUPHORBIA amygdaloides ‘Purpurea’ ‘Pink Damask’ amygdaloides robbiae ‘Sammy Russell’ characias wulfenii C2 3.20 ‘Stafford’ griffithii ‘Fireglow’ ‘Stella de Oro’ x martinii HEUCHERA micrantha ‘Palace Purple’ C2 2.75 GAILLARDIA ‘Goblin’ C2 2.95 sanguinea ‘Splendens’ americana ‘Ring of Fire’ C2 3.85 ‘Chocolate Ruffles’ 45
HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS SIZE £ SIZE £ HEUCHERA cylindrica ‘Greenfinch’ LITHODORA ‘Heavenly Blue’ C2 3.35 (cont.) ‘Mint Frost’ C2 3.85 ‘Pewter Moon’ LUPINUS ‘Russell Hybrids’ C2 3.10 ‘Plum Pudding’ LYCHNIS coronarius C2 2.95 HOSTA x fortunei ‘Albopicta’ MACLEAYA cordata C2 3.35 x fortunei ‘Aureomarginata’ ‘Francee’ MONARDA ‘Croftway Pink’ ‘Halcyon’ ‘Croftway Red’ C2 2.95 ‘Royal Standard’ C2 3.10 ‘Prairie Night’ sieboldiana ‘Big Daddy’ sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ NEPETA faassenii C2 2.75 sieboldiana ‘Frances Williams’ faassenii ‘Six Hills Giant’ ‘Sum and Substance’ ‘Thomas Hogg’ OENOTHERA macrocarpa C2 3.35 ‘Wide Brim’ tetragona ‘Longest Day’ OPHIOPOGON planiscapus ‘Niger’ C2 4.55 HOUTTUYNIA cordata ‘Chameleon’ C2 2.75 PAEONIA ‘Duchesse de Nemours’ C2 4.95 IBERIS sempervirens C2 2.95 ‘Karl Rosenfield’ C2 4.15 ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ IRIS foetidissma C2 3.85 pseudacorus PAPAVER nudicaule C2 2.95 orientale germanica ‘Black Knight’ germanica ‘Caliente’ orientale ‘Perry’s White’ C2 3.85 germanica ‘Jane Phillips’ germanica ‘Ola Kala’ PENSTEMON ‘Apple Blossom’ germanica ‘White Knight’ ‘Garnet’ C2 3.50 pumila ‘Azurea’ ‘Raven’ pumila ‘Brassii’ C2 3.50 ‘Sour Grapes’ pumila ‘Bright White’ PERSICARIA affinis ‘Darjeeling Red’ sibirica ‘Perry’s Blue’ affinis ‘Dimity’ sibirica ‘Snow Queen’ affinis ‘Donald Lowndes’ C2 2.95 sibirica ‘Tropical Night’ affinis ‘Superba’ amplexicaulis bistorta ‘Superba’ KNAUTIA macedonica C2 3.10 PHLOMIS fruticosa C2 3.85 KNIPHOFIA ‘Alcazar’ russeliana ‘Royal Castle’ C2 3.35 ‘Royal Standard’ PHYGELIUS aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ C2 2.95 capensis ‘Coccineus’ ‘Little Maid’ C2 4.15 POLYGONATUM multiflorum C2 3.20 LAMIASTRUM florentinum C2 2.75 POTENTILLA ‘Gibsons Scarlet’ C2 3.50 LAMIUM maculatum ‘Beacon Silver’ C2 2.75 nepalensis ‘Miss Willmott’ maculatum ‘White Nancy’ PULMONARIA ‘officinalis ‘Sissinghurst White’ LEUCANTHEMUM ‘Silver Princess’ C2 2.95 saccharata C2 2.95 saccharata ‘Mrs Moon’ LIATRIS spicata C2 2.95 RHEUM palmatum tanguticum C2 3.20 LIGULARIA stenocephala ‘The Rocket’ C2 3.35 LIRIOPE muscari C2 3.35 RODGERSIA aesculifolia C2 3.50 pinnata 46
BAMBOOS, GRASSES & FERNS SIZE £ BAMBOOS SIZE £ RUDBECKIA fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ C2 2.75 FARGESIA SALVIA nemorosa ‘Blue Queen’ murielae ‘Hutu’ 60/80 C5 12.25 nemorosa ‘May Night’ murielae ‘Simba’ 80/100 C10 24.50 nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’ officinalis C2 2.75 PHYLLOSTACHYS officinalis ‘Icterina’ aurea 150/175 C10 45.00 officinalis ‘Purpurascens’ nigra SAXIFRAGA umbrosa C2 3.20 SCABIOSA columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’ C2 3.10 GRASSES SIZE £ SEDUM ‘Autumn Joy’ C2 3.20 BRIZA ‘Matrona’ C5 6.65 media C2 3.50 spectabile ‘Brilliant’ CALAMAGROSTIS SISYRINCHIUM striatum C2 3.35 acutifolia ‘Karl Foerster’ C2 3.50 C5 9.10 SOLIDAGO ‘Cloth of Gold’ C2 2.95 ‘Golden Mosa’ CAREX STACHYS ‘Big Ears’ buchananii byzantina C2 2.75 ‘Coman’s Bronze’ byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’ ‘Coman’s Frosted Curls’ flagellifera C2 3.50 TANACETUM ‘Robinson’s Red’ C2 2.75 morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ C5 9.10 morrowii ‘Variegata’ TELLIMA grandiflora C2 3.20 oshimensis ‘Evergold’ grandiflora ‘Purpurea’ pendula TEUCRIUM fruticans C2 3.35 elata ‘Aurea’ C2 4.15 TIARELLA cordifolia C2 3.10 CORTADERIA selloana C3 3.50 TROLLIUS europaeus C2 3.20 selloana ‘Rosea’ C10 14.75 VERBENA bonariensis C2 3.10 rigida DESCHAMPSIA cespitosa WALDSEINIA ternata C2 2.95 cespitosa ‘Goldtau’ C2 3.50 flexuosa ‘Tatra Gold’ FESTUCA BAMBOOS, gautieri C2 3.10 glauca glauca ‘Blue Fox’ GRASSES & FERNS glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ glauca ‘Golden Toupee’ HAKONECHLOA macra ‘Aureola’ C2 4.15 HELICTOTRICHON sempervirens C2 3.50 C5 9.10 IMPERATA cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ C2 4.15 47
BAMBOOS, GRASSES & FERNS ROSES GRASSES (cont.) SIZE £ LEYMUS arenarius C2 3.10 A selection of popular varieties. Bare-root LUZULA are available from the end of October until nivea C2 3.50 March, the container grown being available sylvatica all year round. MISCANTHUS floridulus ‘Silberfeder’ sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ C2 3.85 sinensis ‘Kleine Silberspinne’ sinensis ‘Morning Light’ sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ MOLINIA caerulea ‘Variegata’ C2 3.85 PANICUM virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ C2 3.85 virgatum ‘Rotstrahlbusch’ PENNISETUM alopecuroides C2 4.15 alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’ PHALARIS arundinacea ‘Picta’ C2 2.95 STIPA arundinacea C2 3.85 gigantea C5 9.10 tenuissima ‘Ponytails’ UNCINIA rubra C2 4.15 FERNS SIZE £ ASPLENIUM scolopendrium C2 3.75 C5 7.70 ATHYRIUM filix-femina C2 3.75 C5 7.70 DRYOPTERIS affinis C2 3.75 filix-mas C5 7.70 MATTEUCCIA C2 3.75 struthiopteris C5 7.70 OSMUNDA regalis C2 3.75 POLYSTICHUM setiferum C2 3.75 48
BARE-ROOT SIZE £ PER 25 SUNDRIES SPECIE ROSE canina pimpinellifolia 40/60 10.00 rubiginosa 60/80 12.25 rugosa ‘Rubra’ virginiana nitida 40/60 31.50 CONTAINER- GROWN SIZE £ CLIMBING ROSES ‘Compassion’ ‘Dublin Bay’ ‘Dreaming Spires’ C5 10.85 ‘Handel’ ‘Iceburg’ SPECIE ROSES canina glauca pimpinellifolia C3 1.80 rubiginosa rugosa rugosa ‘Alba’ nitida C3 1.95 SHRUB & GROUND COVER ROSES ‘Ballerina’ ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’ ‘Blenheim’ ‘Bonica’ ‘Broadlands’ PLANTING COMPOST £ ‘Brooklands’ Multi-purpose 50 litre bags 3.99 ‘Canarybird’ ‘Canary Showground’ ‘Centre Stage’ RABBIT GUARDS ‘Frau Dagmar Hastrup’ £ ‘Grouse’ Brown plastic spirals 60cm 0.35 ‘Hansa’ ‘Kent’ ‘Magic Carpet’ TREE STAKES £ ‘Max Graf’ C2 3.15 ‘Nevada’ C3 3.35 Tanalised, machine-rounded and 2.20 ‘Nozomi’ pointed 1.8m x60mm diameter. ‘Oxfordshire’ ‘Red Blanket’ TREE TIES ‘Red Max Graf’ £ ‘Red Meidiland’ With spacer & buckle 0.60 ‘Scarlet Meidiland’ ‘Scented Carpet’ ‘Suffolk’ ‘Swany’ ‘Tango Showground’ ‘The Fairy’ ‘White Max Graf’ ‘Wilton’ C2 3.15 ‘Yellow Frau Dagmar Hastrup’ C3 3.35 49
Terms & Conditions of Business The placing of any orders with James Coles & Sons (Nurseries) Ltd, (The Company), implies acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions. A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found at A. CONTRACTUAL 1. Quotations: All plant prices are quoted ex-nursery* unless otherwise agreed or confirmed in writing. Prices quoted exclude VAT. Quotations remain valid for one month from the quotation date subject to availability unless otherwise agreed. *collected, excluding VAT 2. Ordering: When ordering against a written or email quotation, please give the relevant Coles quote number (prefixed with ‘Q’). Orders will be priced and can be confirmed in writing. Orders will then be met in full, except where any stock suffers from adverse conditions beyond our control. We shall always endeavour to meet reasonable demands for quality stock. Where goods ordered are to be grown on commercially by the Purchaser, this must be stated so that correct EC Plant Passport(s) may be issued with the goods. Our Registered Number is EC Plant Passport UK/EW 14266. 3. Delivery/Collection: Delivery for orders by our own vehicles is free within 150 miles of Leicester on all orders over £750 (excluding VAT). For orders below this amount and/or on longer journeys, an appropriate delivery charge will be applied. Packing and carriage on goods sent by other carriers will be charged net at cost. All prices are deemed to be net ex-nursery. Small orders of goods may be collected from Thurnby. If The Company and the customer agree that the plants are to be collected from our premises, the customer will collect the plants no longer than 3 working days after the agreed collection date and will be liable for payment from this date, regardless of whether collected or not. 4. Invoicing: Unless goods have been supplied against an accepted quotation, the catalogue price (see B.1.) will be applied and any handling and/or delivery charges and discounts will be included. In the circumstance of The Company having to take title of pre-ordered items, we will charge the full quoted value of the stock plus VAT. In the event of the stock being commited the customer will also incur an extra 30% of the value to cover transport and restocking costs. The catalogue is strictly for wholesale customers. For quantities of less than 10, there will be a small order surcharge of 30% on the catalogue rate. VAT will be charged on all items at the prevailing rates. Our VAT registration number is GB 290 2618 62. 5. Payment: Customers with an agreed credit account: Payment for all goods invoiced is due net 30 days from the date of supply unless otherwise agreed in writing. All new customers and customers without a credit account will be required to pay before delivery by way of a pro forma invoice. Funds must be cleared in our account before delivery/collection can take place. A 30-day credit account can be applied for by completing our Credit Application Form (available on request). The customer agrees to make known in writing to us any comments, complaints or other lawful objections, which may delay payment of the invoice within 7 days of receipt of invoice. We will exercise our statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation if payment is not received by us in accordance with our agreed terms. Credit limits will be applied to all credit accounts. It is the policy of The Company to take immediate legal action to recover debts and associated costs incurred due to dishonoured cheques accepted in good faith for payment of goods. We accept payment by cheque, credit or debit card, cash and BACS. 6. Retention of Title: All deliveries or collections are subject to retention of title, until all sums outstanding and due to The Company have been received. Credit is only extended on the understanding that all customers accept these Terms & Conditions. 7. Transport Packing: All pallet boxes and black boxes have a minimum value to The Company and will be charged to clients not returning empties. An employee or representative of The Company must ratify returns. 8. Warranty: The Company will supply all nursery stock at least up to British Standards and in accordance with the National Plant Specification (NPS). Further details of this specification are available from the HTA (Tel: 0333 003 3550) or by visiting http://www.csdhub. com/national-plant-specification/ The risk in the goods shall pass to the customer upon delivery/collection and it is the customer’s responsibility not to neglect or mistreat goods supplied. We hold no liability for any defects resulting from weather, accident, failure to plant, failure to tend or general neglect. At the time of supply, it is the customer’s duty to check that the plants comply in all respects with the contract and that there are no apparent shortages. Any queries or complaints arising must be notified to The Company in writing within 7 days of the receipt of goods. Queries and complaints that arise after this date must be notified to The Company in writing as soon as they become apparent, including full details of all relevant issues. Any reasonable queries arising in these circumstances will be dealt with fully and sympathetically. If it is necessary for a representative to attend a site inspection, The Company reserve the right to charge for all expenses incurred in undertaking the visit. Any compensation due to the customer shall not exceed the invoice price of the goods in question. B. GENERAL 1. Plants Listed: The Company’s catalogue contains most of the range of production, but The Company are always prepared to quote for items not listed or for larger specimens. The Company does not supply trees and shrubs on approval. Whilst the catalogue list complies with recognised NPS height and spread grades, allowance should be made for seasonal variations and the time of year the plants are supplied. Every effort is made to fully comply with the NPS but advance notice will be supplied of any size variation at the time of supply or quoting. Please note that catalogue prices are indicative only. 2. Scheduling: Although The Company shall always endeavour to meet the customer’s delivery or completion requirements, there cannot be an obligation to deliver trees and shrubs by any specific date. It is The Company’s policy to advise customers of impending deliveries, but The Company cannot be held responsible for any delays arising from mechanical failure or adverse weather conditions. Delivery and completion dates quoted by The Company or included in the contract are given in good faith but are estimates only and without engagement. The Company shall be entitled to charge for abortive delivery costs, storage costs and collation costs should pre-arranged delivery or collection be unnecessarily deferred, or should The Company’s delivery vehicles be unduly delayed at the appointed site. The Company reserves the right to invoice up to 25% of the value of goods reserved but not called off within the scheduled time of supply of any contract. 3.Retentions etc: No retentions and/or contractor’s discounts are acceptable unless negotiated at the enquiry stage and clearly stated on every customer’s official order. 4.Cancellations: The Company has the right to suspend or terminate a supply contract if that customer: i. exceeds their mutually agreed credit terms, or ii. is in breach of contract on any other contract with The Company. 50