1st Semester Subject: Basic Mathematics Number of hours per week: 2 hours per week Level: Mathayom 4 Week Topic Content Assignments/ Marks Unit 1 Authentic Marks Introduction -Definition of a KP A 2 to Sets set Assessment -Examples of set 4 3–4 Worksheets, Describing -Sentence form Problem 4 Sets -Roster/Listing Solving, method Cooperative -Set builder learning, Think- notation Pair-Share, Advance Study Kinds of Sets -Empty Set or Worksheets, 5 Null Set Problem -Finite and Solving, infinite sets Cooperative -Disjoint sets learning, Think- -Equal/Identical Pair-Share, sets Advance Study -Equivalent sets Worksheets, Problem Solving, Cooperative learning, Think- Pair-Share, Advance Study 5 Membership -Element or Worksheets, 5 Relations Member of a set Problem -Subset Solving, -Proper set Cooperative -Power sets learning, Think- -Cardinality of a Pair-Share, set Advance Study
6–7 Set -Union of Sets Worksheets, 6 Operations -Intersection of Problem Sets Solving, -Complement of Cooperative a set learning, Think- -Difference of Pair-Share, sets Advance Study 8–9 Venn -Definition of Worksheets, 6 Diagrams Venn Diagrams Problem -Illustrating sets Solving, through Venn Cooperative Diagrams learning, Think- -Interpreting Pair-Share, Venn Diagrams Advance Study -Shading Venn diagrams -Identifying the shaded region of a Venn Diagram -Solving Word Problems involving sets and Venn diagrams 10 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 20 11 Introduction -Definition of Worksheets, 3 to Logic Logic Problem -Historical Solving, Background Cooperative -Overview of the learning, Think- study Pair-Share, -Importance of Advance Study studying logic in different fields 12 – 13 Statement -Describing a Worksheets, 6 and its Truth statement Problem Value -Simple Solving, statements Cooperative -Compound learning, Think-
statements Pair-Share, -Open sentences Advance Study -Determining the truth value of a statement (True/False) 14 – 15 Logical -Negation (NOT) Worksheets, 6 Connectives -Conjunction Problem and their (AND) Solving, Truth table -Disjunction (OR) Cooperative -Conditional (IF- learning, Think- THEN) Pair-Share, a. Inverse Advance Study b. Converse c. Contrapositive -Biconditional (IF AND ONLY IF) 16 Logical -Proving two Worksheets, 3 equivalence statement Problem patterns are Solving, logically Cooperative equivalent by learning, Think- constructing a Pair-Share, truth table Advance Study 17 Classifications -Tautology Worksheets, 4 of Statements -Contradiction Problem -Contingency Solving, Cooperative learning, Think- Pair-Share, 18 Quantifiers -Universal Advance Study 4 Worksheets, Quantifier Problem -Existential Solving, Quantifier Cooperative -Truth value of learning, Think- quantifiers Pair-Share, Advance Study
19 Negation of -Negation of Worksheets, 4 Compound Disjunction Problem Statements -Negation of Solving, Conjunction Cooperative -Negation of learning, Think- Negation Pair-Share, -Negation of Advance Study Conditional -Negation of Biconditonal -Negation of Quantified Statements 20 FINAL EXAMINATION 20 Total 100
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