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Home Explore Sixth Form Course Guide 2022

Sixth Form Course Guide 2022

Published by stephensonl, 2022-05-30 11:54:44

Description: Sixth Form Course Guide 2022


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Course Guide 2023-24

Contents “I know their excellent results came as a direct result of the teaching, support and encouragement from Hillview.” Year 13 Parent 1 Welcome 12 Biology 23 History 34 Computing 2 Student Leadership Team 13 Business Studies 24 Mathematics 35 Health & Social Care 3 What The Students Say 14 Chemistry 25 Media Studies 36 Music 4 Performing & Visual Arts Specialism 15 Classical Civilisation 26 Physical Education 37 Musical Theatre 5 Performing & Visual Arts Specialism 16 Dance 27 Psychology 38 Travel & Tourism 6 How to Apply 17 Drama 28 Religious Studies 39 Sixth Form Enrichment 7 Courses 18 English Language & Literature 29 Sociology 40 Sixth Form Enrichment 8 Art & Design: Fine Art 19 English Literature 30 Spanish 9 Art & Design: Graphic Design 20 Film Studies 31 Applied Business 10 Art & Design: Photography 21 Geography 32 Applied Science 11 Art & Design: Textile Design 22 Government & Politics 33 Childcare & Education

Welcome The Hillview Sixth Form is a highly Hillview School for Girls offers a Sixth Our long-established Sixth Form successful, all-inclusive centre of Form pathway that we are extremely offers one of the widest ranges of study, consistently performing in the proud of, and it is one that caters for courses locally, with access to top 10% nationally based on progress the widest range of student choices in stimulating, purpose-built facilities for students. the local area. and a supportive learning Our diverse programme of study is environment. Our new satellite hub, At Hillview, we strive to ensure that supported by excellent subject The View @ East Street provides an our innovative and comprehensive specialists, a strong and experienced exciting alternative provision for KS5 programme extends beyond the team of Mentors and a dedicated Sixth post-16 study for those who would classroom, into preparation for Form Team. This provides a perfect like to either boost their Level 2 life after school. hub from which students can develop, qualifications before embarking on We believe that our students have the from their early days as a student a Level 3 course or follow a Pure Potential to achieve exceptional starting out on their KS5 studies, to work-related learning pathway – standards and develop the essential the point where they move on: please see entry criteria for both skills and qualities required to be to university, an apprenticeship or to provisions on ‘How to Apply’ pages. successful and happy in their future the world of work. lives. Our Sixth Form is highly To support our students we deliver a For us, the development of the popular to students from growth mindset programme which whole student is key to their wider academic, creative and performance helps them acquire the characteristics success and happiness in the future. backgrounds due to our record of and attributes that are required to Pastoral care is paramount to the high achievement, supportive ethos succeed in Sixth Form and beyond. success of students and the and the wide range of subjects we Our facilities are tailored to the needs individual student support and offer. We also invest heavily in careers of our students and were designed by safe-guarding at KS5, ensures and in supporting our students to our sixth formers to create an ideal that students are confident to make the right choices and secure the environment in which to study and engage with the challenges and best possible next steps when moving flourish. opportunities Sixth Form brings. to universities, apprenticeships or the We offer a range of IT suites We develop our students to be world of work. (including a creative arts suite with community minded and students Whether you are an existing student Apple Macs), a large study centre, enthusiastically engage with events or are currently studying in a different a café/social space, full use of the within the school and wider educational establishment school library as well as a school community. High levels of quality I would recommend that cinema and a gym. assurance of teaching and learning you visit the Hillview The Hillview Sixth Form has a support the team in ensuring we Sixth form on the open fantastic atmosphere and represents maintain the consistently high days and look through a dynamic, stimulating and results that have placed us in the the virtual resources supportive learning top 10% of schools. available to you and environment that we are if you have any further proud to offer the young Ruth questions, contact people of Tonbridge Makepeace, the Hillview Sixth and beyond. Assistant Form team. Headteacher Ken Burkett, KS5 Hilary Burkett, Headteacher Director of Sixth Form 1

Meet the Student Leadership Team Head Student Deputy Head Student Deputy Head Student Deputy Head Student Sophia Harhalos Caitlin McDonald Abigail Pettican Louisa Heller Student Mental Health Student Voice Leader Community Leaders Ambassador Amber Levy Molly Grist, Rachel Pennells, Molly Frances, Saskia Lean Cari Griffiths Isabella Amory, Seren Davies, Ella James, Jemma Yusuf 2

What the students say... Ella James Studying: Seren Davies Studying: Drama, Classical I have always Musical Theatre Throughout my Civilisation, loved performing and English seven years at English ever since I was Literature and Hillview, I have Literature little and at Language been offered and Biology Hillview I never a range of feel afraid to opportunities to express myself and use my creative ideas to create something pursue the interests I have beyond my subjects, particularly genuinely entertaining. The Hillview Sixth Form in particular my love of the flute. I’ve been encouraged to perform at has a brilliant school spirit and always finds ways to involve concerts, school events and even take part in competitions. students in the wider community. Hillview offers such a wide These opportunities have helped me reach my full potential selection of subjects to choose from, which is so helpful for and I have come on leaps and bounds since those early days. those that are unsure of their future. In terms of the The teachers and the environment at Hillview have also extra-curricular options at Hillview I would say that there improved my confidence. For example, my teacher’s passion is something for everyone! I have attended a huge range of for Classical Civilization and the academic belief he has in me clubs over my years at Hillview so far and I have thoroughly has really encouraged me to study Classics at A-level. Biology enjoyed each one: they helped me to meet new friends has presented unique challenges with the volume of course outside my subject areas, and they have widened my content, however the support from my teachers has helped knowledge about the career that I want to have when I leave me to be resilient. Hillview has equipped me to progress Hillview. In short, Hillview was the perfect school for me, towards each stage of my education and I’m excited to start and I feel sure that it has set me up for success. looking at what’s in store for my future. Toby Wood Studying: Remy Mewett Studying: Spanish, Religious Joining Hillview Geography Since I moved to Studies, presented me and Hillview School Media with challenges Sociology in Year 12, I have Studies and felt nothing but Film Studies that were supported and personal, not encouraged. just academic. I thoroughly enjoy all my subjects and feel welcome as a I experienced a huge change in culture by joining a different new student to the school as well as enthused by others’ school with completely new people and a new community. I enthusiasm for the subjects they both take and teach. As all thought this would feel completely terrifying, however it was my subjects involve essay writing, each subject teacher has impossible to be worried, because as soon as I stepped foot taken the time to go over structure and technique in each into this school everybody, especially the staff, were there to class and I feel very well prepared for my future examinations welcome me and deal with any problem that I encountered, because of it. Two of my subjects also have a coursework academic or otherwise. As I was starting A levels, I thought I element to them and working through those with my teachers’ might struggle to get to grips with all the new content. support is an enjoyable experience as I find it fun to explore This worry was quickly eradicated as in every lesson my creative ideas in such a positive learning environment. This is teachers showed great passion, not only for their subject but all on top of the useful opportunities I have been given as a in making sure everyone in their classes understood what was student towards my future, from a recent university visit, to taught. The courses all offer the right level of challenge and ‘Future Friday’ talks from people in a variety of industries. have made my time at Hillview a brilliant experience. 3

Performing & Visual Arts Specialism Our Performing and Visual Arts Our assessed curriculum and wider Our curriculum aims to take an specialism is a cornerstone of what super-curriculum provide our students innovative approach to teaching and makes Hillview the creative and with countless opportunities to develop learning, involving enterprise projects dynamic place it is. We work with a wide range of skills within Performing and close associations with employers. students to ‘industry Specialism Arts, Production Arts and Arts This curriculum offers qualifications standards’ across all disciplines. Administration. We are extremely proud which are endorsed and valued by the We currently hold Arts Mark Platinum of being able to offer a wide range of employment community and Higher and have held the highest level of arts courses in the Sixth Form including Education. The focus is firmly on this award from its first introduction A Levels in: Art, Dance, Drama, Graphic equipping young people not only with seventeen years ago. This is testament Design, Photography and Textiles and key qualifications, but also with the to the quality of the Performing and and Music RSL Diploma and broad range of employability and life Visual Arts at Hillview. We offer an Performing Arts BTEC. skills they need for a sustained career outstanding range of inclusive Our specialist curriculum offers with the option to continue their studies curricular and extra-curricular provision Hillview students much more than just in Higher Education. across all art forms. This is taught and academic success. Feedback from led by highly skilled and dedicated industry tells us that qualifications alone staff who boast a range of specialisms do not prepare students to enter into and excellent links with creative the work place. Great importance is also professionals in the industry and local placed on industry standard experiences community. Sixth Form students have and a holistic understanding of the the option to complete the Gold Arts performing and visual arts sector. Award which enables them to develop their skills and leadership qualities as part of our enrichment programme. This qualification also supports entry to university as it carries UCAS points. Preparing for excellence in the performing & visual arts industries 4


How to Apply The View @ East St entry requirements Hillview offers one of the broadest curricula in the local area. The entry requirements ensure students are on the right courses There is no minimum entry requirement so that they can be successful over the two years of study. but we do expect a positive approach to learning. The majority of students will take three Level 3 qualifications alongside an Please refer to the TV@ES booklet for enrichment programme of Extended Project, Core Maths or Gold Arts Award, more details. combined with Personal Development Learning and supervised study. *TV@ES reserves the right to withdraw unviable courses or amend study General entry requirements programmes. Grade 4 in English Language and Maths together with 3 other GCSE grades at grade 4 or above is the minimum requirement to enter Hillview Sixth Form. For more information please visit: Subject entry requirements Please note that all subjects have different entry requirements. sixth-form/the-view-east-street/ This is to ensure that students can embark on the most appropriate courses or to apply please visit: and succeed in their studies. Please consult our Course Guide for individual subject criteria. If you any further questions, NB: Entry requirements are subject to change and entry to the Sixth Form may please contact: be considered subject to agreed conditions. Hillview Sixth Form reserves the Mrs Copeland at The View at East Street right to tailor an individual student’s programme of study based on their via e-mail: average GCSE point score and results in specific subjects. The school decision [email protected] in these matters is final. Hillview Sixth Form reserves the right to withdraw unviable courses. How to apply In order to apply for Hillview Sixth Form students must complete an online application through the Kent Choices website: Please contact Our Sixth Form Administrator Mrs Lisa Mole ([email protected]) or telephone 01732 778894 / 01732 352793 if you have any questions about joining our Sixth Form. 6

Courses Academic Applied and Courses Technical Courses 7

Art & Design: Fine Art A Level Courses What will I study? Both components involve creative A Level Fine Art provides an exciting problem solving which requires students opportunity for students to develop their to undertake investigative and research identity as a creative practitioner through work in addition to experimental exploration, looking at alternative ways exploration of a range skills such as of finding a solution. Sketchbook work painting and drawing, printmaking, sculpture and lens-based image making / needs to be informed, purposeful and extensive. Students must work with installation. Students are encouraged to independence carrying out in-depth explore personal and meaningful ideas research from a range of primary through a range of creative practices to sources, critiquing and referencing develop a portfolio of work that embeds the skills required for a future in creative their experimentation before developing their final responses. The independent careers. and open nature of work is demanding. The course requires students to make Therefore, students must be prepared to Course Title in-depth personal and imaginative be committed, self-motivated, and responses to a chosen theme and has innovative risk takers. Fine Art a strong academic element through the Where will it lead? critical evaluation of the work of artists. Course Code Students learn how to develop ideas in This course enables students to move response to contextual studies through on to a wide range of Art and Design Ar exploration of media, courses at Foundation and Degree techniques and processes. level e.g. Fine Art, Textiles, Interior and Course Level This course consists of two Graphic Design, or a combination of Art components. with English, Journalism, Drama and Set Level 3 • Component 1: Design. Personal Investigation (60%) An Art & Design portfolio is a Examination Board The coursework includes a ‘Personal requirement for most Architecture Investigation’ through sketchbooks and courses and useful for any qualifications AQA outcomes, and a written ‘Personal Study’. involving technical drawing. • Component 2: The creativity, problem-solving skills and Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Externally Set Assignment (40%) personal resilience that students develop The examination includes sketchbooks through completing this course are and outcomes completed from highly sought after across many sectors. GCSE Art & Design Subject Grade 5 January to April with a 15 GCSE English Language Grade 5* hour exam to produce * Students will be accepted without this if they final outcomes. Super Curricular Opportunities have achieved a grade 8 or above in a GCSE Art & Design subject. • Visits to University Open Days • Regular Life drawing opportunities Links to other courses • Visiting practitioners for Q&A, talks and workshops • Trips for exhibitions, inspiration and visual Art and Design: Fine Art is complementary to most subjects but research in particular; Media, Film Studies, Classical Civilisation, English, • Hillview Visual Arts exhibition 8 Psychology, History, Drama, Graphics, Textiles and Photography. • Portfolio and Careers preparation workshops from Alumni and Teachers

A Level Courses Art & Design: Graphic Communication What will I study? Both components involve creative Course Title problem solving which requires students A Level Graphic Communication to undertake investigative and research Graphic Communication engages students in creative industry work in addition to experimental practice to prepare students for client exploration, looking at alternative ways Course Code based work within creative careers. of finding a solution. Sketchbook work Students explore a range of media needs to be informed, purposeful and Gr both traditional and digital to respond extensive. Students must work with to briefs within advertising, illustration, independence carrying out in-depth Course Level branding, information design, user research from a range of primary interface design, concept art and sources, critiquing and referencing Level 3 animation. their experimentation before developing their final responses. The independent Examination Board The course requires students to make and open nature of work is demanding. in-depth personal and imaginative Therefore, students must be prepared to AQA responses to chosen briefs and has a be committed, self-motivated, and strong academic element through the innovative risk takers. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria critical evaluation of the work of creative practitioners. Students learn how to Where will it lead? GCSE Art & Design Subject Grade 5 develop ideas in response to GCSE English Language Grade 5* contextual studies through exploration This course enables students to move of media, techniques and processes. on to a wide range of Art and Design courses at Foundation and Degree level This course consists of two e.g. Graphic Design, Games Art & Design, components. Illustration, Design for film or theatre, • Component 1: Fashion, Creative Advertising, Animation, Personal Investigation (60%) or a combination of Graphic The coursework includes a ‘Personal Communication with English, Journalism, Investigation’ through sketchbooks and Business or Marketing. An Art & Design outcomes, and a written ‘Personal Study’. portfolio is a requirement for most • Component 2: Architecture courses and useful for any Externally Set Assignment (40%) qualifications involving technical drawing. The examination includes sketchbooks The creativity, problem-solving skills and and outcomes completed from January personal resilience that students develop to April with a 15 hour exam to produce through completing this course are highly final outcomes. sought after across many sectors. Super Curricular Opportunities * Students will be accepted without this if they have achieved a grade 8 or above in a GCSE Art • Visits to University Open Days & Design subject. • Regular Life drawing opportunities • Visiting practitioners for Q&A, talks and workshops Links to other courses 9 • Trips for exhibitions, inspiration and visual research Art and Design: Graphic Communication is complementary • Hillview Visual Arts exhibition to most subjects but in particular; Media, English, Psychology, • Portfolio and Careers preparation workshops from Business, Film Studies, History, Drama, Classical Civilisation, Alumni and Teachers Computer Science, Textiles, Fine Art and Photography.

Art & Design: Photography A Level Courses What will I study? Both components involve creative problem solving which requires students A Level Photography provides the to undertake investigative and research opportunity for students to develop a work in addition to experimental broad range of photographic skills using exploration, looking at alternative ways traditional analogue methods, digital of finding a solution. Sketchbook work editing and fine art outcomes such as needs to be informed, purposeful and sculpture and installation. The course extensive. Students must work with requires students to make in-depth independence carrying out in-depth personal and imaginative responses to a research from a range of primary chosen theme. Students use research and sources, critiquing and referencing problem-solving to independently develop their experimentation before developing ideas. Analysis of visual imagery helps their final responses. The independent students to interpret visual language and and open nature of work is demanding. use it to communicate complex and Therefore, students must be prepared to personal concepts. be committed, self-motivated, and innovative risk takers. Course Title The course requires students to make in-depth personal and imaginative Where will it lead? Photography responses to chosen themes and has a strong academic element through the This course enables students to move Course Code critical evaluation of the work of on to a wide range of Art and Design photographers. Students learn how to courses at Foundation and Degree level Ap develop ideas in response to contextual e.g. Photography, Film & Media, Fashion, studies through exploration of media, Creative Advertising, or a combination of Course Level techniques and processes. Photography with Journalism, Business or Marketing. Level 3 This course consists of two components. The creativity, problem-solving skills and • Component 1: personal resilience that students develop Examination Board Personal Investigation (60%) through completing this course are The coursework includes a ‘Personal highly sought after across many sectors. AQA Investigation’ through sketchbooks and outcomes, and a written ‘Personal Study’. Super Curricular Subject Specific Entrance Criteria • Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%) Opportunities GCSE Art & Design Subject Grade 5 The examination includes sketchbooks GCSE English Language Grade 5* and outcomes completed from January to • Visits to University Open Days April with a 15 hour exam to • Regular Life drawing opportunities * Students will be accepted without this if they produce final outcomes. • Visiting practitioners for Q&A, talks have achieved a grade 8 or above in a GCSE Art and workshops & Design subject. • Trips for exhibitions, inspiration and visual research Links to other courses • Hillview Visual Arts exhibition • Portfolio and Careers preparation Art and Design: Photography is complementary to most workshops from Alumni and Teachers subjects but in particular; Media, English, Psychology, Film Studies, History, Drama, Classical Civilisation, Fine Art, Textiles and Graphics. 10

A Level Courses Art & Design: Textile Design What will I study? • Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%) The examination Art and Design: Textiles aims to equip includes sketchbooks and outcomes students with the knowledge and skills completed from January to April with a required to successfully progress onto 15 hour exam to produce final outcomes. higher or further education courses in Both components involve creative Course Title Fashion, Textiles or other Art disciplines. problem solving which requires students Students have access to an exciting array to undertake investigative and research Textiles of equipment and technologies to refine work in addition to experimental their ideas towards producing a personal exploration, looking at alternative ways outcome. Over the duration of the course of finding a solution. Sketchbook work students will develop fashion design needs to be informed, purposeful and ideas, which may include digital designs extensive. with Photoshop. Students use research Students must work with independence and problem-solving to independently carrying out in-depth research from a develop ideas. Analysis of visual imagery range of primary sources, critiquing and helps students to interpret visual referencing their experimentation language and use it to communicate before developing their final complex and personal concepts. responses. The independent and open The course requires students to make nature of work is demanding. Course Code in-depth personal and imaginative Therefore, students must be prepared responses to chosen themes and has a to be committed, self-motivated, and Tx strong academic element through the innovative risk takers. critical evaluation of the work of artists Course Level and designers. Students learn how to Where will it lead? develop ideas in response to contextual This course enables students to move studies through exploration of media, on to a wide range of Art and Design Level 3 techniques and processes. courses at Foundation and Degree level e.g. Fashion, Interior Design, Surface This course consists of two Design, Photography, Film & Media, Examination Board components. Fashion buying, Styling, Design for • Component 1: Theatre & Film or a combination of AQA Personal Investigation (60%) Textiles with Business or Marketing. The coursework includes a ‘Personal The creativity, problem-solving skills Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Investigation’ through sketchbooks and and personal resilience that students outcomes, and a written ‘Personal Study’. develop through completing this course GCSE Art & Design Subject Grade 5 GCSE English Language Grade 5* are highly sought after Super Curricular Opportunities across many sectors. * Students will be accepted without this if they have achieved a grade 8 or above in a GCSE Art • Visits to University Open Days & Design subject. • Regular Life drawing opportunities • Visiting practitioners for Q&A, talks and workshops Links to other courses 11 • Trips for exhibitions, inspiration and visual research Art and Design: Textiles is complementary to most subjects • Hillview Visual Arts exhibition but in particular; Media, English, Psychology, Film Studies, History, • Portfolio and Careers preparation workshops from Drama, Classical Civilisation, Fine Art, Photography and Graphics. Alumni and Teachers

Biology A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? Biology Biology is the study of living organisms A qualification in Biology can lead to and covers a wide variety of topics a variety of jobs and careers including Course Code including organisms, cells, exchange Nursing, Medicine, Radiology, Dentistry, and mass transport, biochemistry, Research, Fieldwork, Pharmaceuticals, Bi genetics and ecosystems. Pathology, Conservation and Physiotherapy, to name but a few. Course Level In fact, biological issues are never far from the headlines, be they G.M crops, Super Curricular Level 3 HIV, the human genome, obesity or Opportunities deforestation. Examination Board Students will learn about the • Visit to a biomedical lab biology behind contemporary issues AQA such as DNA structure, mutations and • Trip to London for a talk on control within the human body. genetics Subject Specific Entrance Criteria They will also explore the different types • Presentations from guest speakers GCSE Biology Grade 6, Chemistry of cloning and inherited change, along e.g. a microbiologist Grade 5, Physics Grade 5 or GCSE with cell recognition and the immune Combined Science minimum Grades system. • Workshops which focus on a wide 6 and 5. An APS of 4.75 or above. range of subject-specific topics There are three examinations: Links to other courses Paper 1: • Biological Molecules, Chemistry, Geography, Physical • Cells, Education, Physics, Psychology and • Organsims exchange substances with Applied Science. their environment, • Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms. Paper 2: • Energy transfer in and between organisms, • Organisms respond to changes in the internal and external environments, • Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems, • The control of gene expression Paper 3: Covers a range of previously mentioned eight topics. 12

A Level Courses Business Studies What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title Students will develop an understanding There are many business-based Business Studies of the concepts and techniques used in university courses available. managing a business. Business students often progress onto Course Code Business Management courses or Students are introduced to business specialise in an aspect of business such Bs in Year 12 by looking at the themes of as Marketing. They may also choose to Marketing and People and Managing pursue an apprenticeship degree Course Level Business Activities, helping to build programme. knowledge of core business concepts Level 3 and applying them to business contexts Super Curricular to develop a broad understanding of how Opportunities Examination Board businesses work. • Guest speakers from the business Edexcel During this year topics such world as the marketing mix, entrepreneurs and Subject Specific Entrance Criteria leaders and financial planning will be • Students take part in a number covered. of external business and Grade 5 in both GCSE English entrepreneurial chellenges during Langauge and Maths in addition In Year 13, the course develops greater the course to an APS of 4.5 or above. depth of knowledge and understanding, A Grade 4 or above in Business investigating more complex business • Year 12 students take part in Studies or Economics, or Merit information around the themes of regional business challenge or above in BTEC First Award in Business Decisions and Strategy and Business, is preferred but not Global Business, requiring students to essential. take a strategic view of business opportunities and issues. 13 The A Level itself, is made up of three 2-hour papers, the last of which has a pre-release which is industry focused - students will research this in advance. Links to other courses Psychology and Sociology. A Level Business is also a valuable qualification for any student aspiring to reach management level in the public or private sector.

Chemistry A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? There are three examinations: Chemistry A Level Chemistry gives students the Paper 1 – Elements of Physical Chemistry opportunity to study key concepts in and Inorganic Chemistry Course Code greater depth. Many of the ideas first Paper 2 – Elements of Physics Chemistry covered at GCSE will be revisited but with and Organic Chemistry Ch a greater emphasis on explaining rather Paper 3 – Practical Skills Practical than simply describing the behaviour of endorsement – Students achieve a pass Course Level molecules. or fail. This is independent of their final grade but is recorded on their exam Level 3 While studying A Level Chemistry certificate. students will develop practical skills Examination Board which include making observations, Where will it lead? collecting data, analysing experimental OCR A results and formulating conclusions. Over 500 degree courses contain a Students will study the following: notable element of Chemistry allowing Subject Specific Entrance Criteria breadth of study. • Physical Chemistry topics GCSE Chemistry Grade 6, include: Atomic structure, Super Curricular Biology Grade 5, Physics Grade 5 Bonding, Kinetics, Chemical Opportunities or GCSE Combined Science equilibrium, Redox reactions, minimum Grades 6-6 in addition Rates of reactions, Electrochemical cells • Visit to Brewery / Pharmaceutical to Grade 5 in English Language and Acids and Bases. company and a Grade 6 in Maths. An APS of 5.5 or above. • Inorganic Chemistry topics include: • Links with Universities Periodicity, Group 2 elements, Group 7 elements, Properties of Group 3 elements, Transition elements and Reactions of ions. • Organic Chemistry topics include: Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids, Amines and Chromatography. Links to other courses Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Geography, Government & Politics, Computer Science and Sports Science. 14

A Level Courses Classical Civilisation What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title The Classical Civilisation A Level course There are many university courses Classical Civilisation gives students the opportunity to study a available to students who have range of significant individuals, societies studied History at A Level, such as Course Code and events which will inspire and Ancient History, Classical Civilisation, motivate them to engage further with History and Archaeology, which could CC the classical world. lead to a range of career possibilities from Museum Curator to Law and Course Level The course offers a range of options, Journalism. and covers both the study of Roman and Level 3 Greek societies. The A Level consists of: Super Curricular Opportunities Examination Board Unit 1: The World of the Hero explores both the Greek and Roman epic through • Visits to British Museum OCR the study of Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aenied. With their unique • London History Conferences Subject Specific Entrance Criteria composition and exciting tales of gods and heroes, these works of literature • Trips to local important historical To study Classical Civilisation form an excellent grounding for sites students do not require any exploration of the classical world. previous study of a classical Links to other courses subject or knowledge of Classical Unit 2: Culture and Arts: The Invention of Greek or Latin language. However Barbarian, involves the study of physical English, Religious Studies and we ask for a minimum of a Grade remains of the ancient world to explore History 5 in History, Ancient History or how the Greeks saw themselves as English Language at GCSE. distinct from their ‘barbarian’ An APS of 4.75 or above. neighbours. 15 Unit 3: Beliefs and Ideas: Greek Religion. In this unit students study classical thought, exploring the nature of the gods and their relationship with mortals alongside the role that religion played in the creation of local and Panhellenic identities.

Dance A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? Dance The A Level Dance course extends A-level Dance encourages students to students’ knowledge and understanding develop their creative and intellectual Course Code of contemporary dance performance, capacity, alongside transferable skills choreography and appreciation. such as team working, communication Da The specification reflects both historical and problem solving. All of these are and current dance practices making it sought after skills by higher education Course Level interesting and relevant. and employers and will help them stand out in the workplace whatever their Level 3 Component One: choice of career. The course also Performance and Choreography Practical prepares students for professional dance Examination Board Examination training and university study, which could Students will learn and perform a solo lead to a variety of careers such as AQA which is linked to a specific practitioner dancer/performer, choreographer, within one of the areas of study. As well director, stage manager, dance critic, Subject Specific Entrance Criteria as this, students will learn, contribute to physiotherapist, movement therapist, and perform a quartet. Choreographically, dance teacher and many more. GCSE Dance Grade 5 or above students will create an original piece for and/or equivalent experience. three, four or five dancers, in response to Super Curricular An APS of 4.25 or above. an externally set task. Opportunities Component Two: Critical Engagement Written Examination • Biennial Dance trip to New York Students will develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of ‘Rooster’ • Theatre trips by Christopher Bruce and ‘Sutra’ by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, as well as their • Workshops from industry corresponding areas of study, Rambert professionals Dance Company and The Independent Contemporary Dance Scene in Britain. Links to other courses • Hillview Senior Dance Company A Level Dance complements many • Opportunities to lead workshops other subjects, most notably; Art, and clubs for KS3 students Biology, Drama, English, History, Music and PE. • Performance opportunities including the annual Dance Platform event at the EM Forster Theatre in Tonbridge 16

A Level Courses Drama What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title Students will develop their acting skills There are many university or drama Drama and the ability to work creatively with school courses available. Students others. Students will study different taking A Level Drama develop the skills Course Code theatre practitioners as well as modern to progress into performing, stage and classical texts through practical management, journalism, teaching, law Dr exploration and research. and the caring professions. Theatre Studies improve students’ confidence, Course Level There are three main performances communication and presentation skills during the course; a directed role in a which are vital for success in many Level 3 play, a monologue and a group-devised careers. piece of theatre. Students usually choose Examination Board to act but it is possible to complete units Super Curricular as a designer. Edexcel The A Level Drama qualification has Opportunities three assessed components: Subject Specific Entrance Criteria • We actively look for opportunities Component 1: 40% Devising - students to engage with a range of Grade 5 or above in GCSE Drama. will devise a performance based on an professional practitioners within An APS of 4.25 or above. extract from a performance text and an the Performing Arts Industry. influential theatre practitioner. Previous examples have included: Component 2: 20% Text in Performance Frantic Assembly, The Stanislavski – includes both an extract from Experience, Kate Griffiths, prescribed plays and a monologue from a make-up artist who has a wealth another text. of experience in stage, television Component 3: 40% Theatre Makers in and special effects and True Edge, Practice - this is a written examination who train students in stage combat. and includes reviewing a live theatre performance and writing aboutand • Additional Arts Award includes reviewing a live theatre qualifications performance and writing about contrasting texts as a performer, • Theatre productions at school designer and director. and at professional venues where students have the opportunity to Links to other courses both perform and work backstage Dance, English Literature, Film • Trips to see live theatre Studies, Music and Media Studies performances 17

English Language and Literature A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? English Language and Literature The A Level English Language and The qualities of oral and written Literature course allows students to communication that are gained Course Code develop asindependent, confident and through the course, combined reflective readers and writers. with the high level of skills acquired LI The course helps students to explore in self-reliant study, provide a firm the relationship of language and literature basis for future employment. Course Level through a wide range of reading Those who study English go on to a opportunities, critical reading of and variety of different careers including: Level 3 response to both literary and Broadcast and Print Journalism, non-literary texts, as well as writing Multimedia, Arts Administration, Examination Board for a variety of audiences and purposes. Advertising and Marketing, Primary Students will explore a wide range of and Secondary Teaching and Law. Edexcel literary, non-literary and digital texts from the 20th and 21st centuries. Super Curricular Subject Specific Entrance Criteria The course will focus on the ways in which ‘voices’ are used or crafted in a Opportunities Minimum Grades 6 and 5 for GCSE variety of genres, encouraging the English Language and GCSE integrated analysis of linguistic and • The study of Shakespeare is English Literature in any literary features. supported by visiting the Globe combination. An APS of 4.75 or theatre and taking part in a above. The texts studied for examination will theatre workshop include: 18 • Theatre visits allow students • A variety of non-literary and digital to attend productions of the texts from an anthology drama texts studied • One literary drama text • One set prose fiction ‘anchor text’ • Visits from guest speakers • One other literary text, thematically who talk to our students about linked to the anchor text careers relevant to English, including publishing, journalism For the coursework element, students will and fiction writing be guided in the choice of a theme, studying one fiction and one non-fiction text relating to their chosen topic. These texts will be used as the stimuli for two pieces of original creative writing, with accompanying commentaries. Links to other courses Drama, Media, Film Studies and History.

A Level Courses English Literature What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title This course encourages students to The qualities of oral and written English Literature develop an interest in and enjoyment of communication that are gained through English Literature, through reading the course, combined with the extensive Course Code widely, critically and independently, across skills acquired through self-reliant study, centuries, genre and gender. provide a firm basis for future Li Students will experience an extensive employment. Those who study English range of views about texts and how to read go on to a variety of different careers, Course Level them and will investigate the wider social including: Broadcast and Print Journalism, and historical context of their Multimedia, Arts Administration, Level 3 production and reception. Advertising and Marketing, Primary and Secondary Teaching and Law. Examination Board The course focuses on close textual analysis, the relationship between Super Curricular Edexcel texts and the contexts within which they are written, received Opportunities Subject Specific Entrance Criteria and understood, and how groups of texts fit into themes. • The study of Shakespeare is Grade 6 or above in GCSE English supported by visiting the Globe Literature and Grade 5 or above in For examination, the set texts theatre and taking part in a GCSE English Language. An APS of studied across the three papers will theatre workshop 4.75 or above. include two collections of poetry, two pieces of prose, one Shakespeare and one • Theatre visits allow students 19 modern drama text. to attend productions of the drama texts studied Students will also analyse and respond to one unseen poem, comparing it to a known • Visits from guest speakers poem.For the coursework element, who talk to our students about students are required to produce a careers relevant to English, comparative critical study of two texts, at including publishing, journalism least one of which must have been written and fiction writing pre-1900, on a theme of your choice. This aspect of the course encourages autonomous personal reading, with teacher guidance on appropriate text choices and combinations, providing a challenging and wide-ranging opportunity for independent study. Links to other courses Dance, English Literature, Film Studies, Music and Media Studies

Film Studies A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? Film Studies Film Studies utilises many of the critical Film Studies students can progress into skillsdeveloped through the study of a wide range of careers such as Course Code English Literature and allows students to journalism, marketing, graphic design, express these through a visual medium. film production, public relations and Fs publishing. Students are introduced to a wide variety Course Level offilms originating from diverse cultures Super Curricular and communities, with the aim of both Opportunities Level 3 enhancing their critical appreciation of such art forms as well as honing their • Industry experts as guest Examination Board ability to critically analyse texts. speakers WJEC / EDUQAS Assessment: 70% written • External competition exam, 30% coursework. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria • Access to the Hillview cinema The two-year course is divided Grade 5 in English Literature and into three components: • End of year Hillview ‘Oscars’ Grade 5 in English Language. An ceremony APS of 4.5. Component 1 • Trips to the British Film Institute 20 • Hollywood 1930 – 1990 • American Film since 2005 • Departmental blog, YouTube • British Film since 1995 channel and internal social networking Component 2 Links to other courses • Global Film • Documentary Film English Literature, History, • Silent Cinema Psychology, Sociology, Art and • Experimental Film Photography Component 3 The practical coursework elements givestudents the opportunity to make their own films, develop their own screenplays and storyboards whilst also requiring them to undertake research on a topic/aspect of film of their own choosing. Film Studies include: Casablanca, Bonnie and Clyde, La La Land, Trainspotting, Pan’s Labyrinth, Amy, the films of Buster Keaton and Pulp Fiction.

A Level Courses Geography What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title This is an issues-based approach to Geography can take you anywhere! There Geography studying Geography, enabling students are many university courses available that to explore and evaluate contemporary link to Geography; from Accountancy, Course Code geographical questions and challenges Travel, Conservation, Ecology, Geology, facing the world today. Town Planning, Management and Gg Over the duration of the A Level European Studies, Resource Management Geography course students will develop and Retail Management - the list is Course Level an in-depth understanding of physical endless! Students can of course study a and human Geography, the complexity of variety of Human and/or Physical Level 3 people and environmental questions and Geography courses too. issues, and become critical, reflective Examination Board and independent learners. Super Curricular The course consists of four compulsory Edexcel elements, including three examinations: Opportunities Physical paper, Human paper, Synoptic Subject Specific Entrance Criteria paper. • The Geography Department runs Students also complete an Independent trips to Naples and Iceland Grade 5 or above in GCSE Investigation (coursework) - students will Geography or other Humanities be required to attend a minimum of four • A week long residential trip in subject. An APS of 4.75 or above. days of fieldwork, which will the UK to prepare students support geographical understanding in for their Non-Examined Assessment both human and physical geography. Unit in Year 13 A 3000 – 4000 word investigation report will be produced. • The Royal Geographical Key issues include: the local and global Association competitions, such as impacts of globalisation, responses to Young Geographer of the Year, The hazards, managing water insecurity and Phillip’s World Photography. climate change. Students will be required to read widely and undertake • Visits to exhibitions and independent research. museums, such as the Crystal Cities exhibition, London Lectures at the Links to other courses local branch of the Geographical Association, Royal Holloway Business Studies, Biology, University and Royal Geographical Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Association. History, Media Studies, PE, Drama, ICT, Health and Social Care, RS and Languages. 21

Government and Politics A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? Government and Politics Lively, relevant, controversial… there This course is ideal for students are many ways to describe A Level considering studying Politics, Course Code Government and Politics.Covering Sociology, Ethics, Advertising or news and current affairs from the UK Journalism at university and is highly Go and US, it will help students understand regarded by employers in industries how the UK is run whilst developing including politics, international Course Level research, written and debating skills. organisations, the media, government and the Civil Service. Level 3 The A Level consists of three units, each with a 2-hour exam and each Super Curricular Examination Board worth 33.3% of the total grade. Opportunities AQA Paper 1: Government and • Trips to parliament Politics of the UK. This unit Subject Specific Entrance Criteria explores the inter-relationships • Links to Amnesty of different key aspects of British International Grade 5 in English Language and politics in order to understand a Grade 6 humanities subject. and appreciate the complexities of • Guest speakers including An APS of 4.75 or above. the system in the UK. local politicians Paper 2: Government and Politics of the Links to other courses USA. This unit explores the nature and sources of the US political system as a History, Sociology, comparative study to the UK exploring Geography, Media. issues such as civil rights, pressure groups and electoral systems. Paper 3: Political ideas This final unit is made up of the study of the core ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism and then one other of either Nationalism or Feminism. 22

A Level Courses History What will I study? Unit 2: Revolution to Dictatorship Russia Course Title 1917-1953. This option provides for the History develops students’ independent in-depth study of a period of Russian History thought and analytical skills and requires history during which students will the excellent communication skills. Russian Revolutions, Bolshevik Course Code Students will be required to present the consolidation, the rise of Stalin and his results of research both in independent consolidation of power and control. Hi work and in the context of group It explores political concepts such as discussions. Wider reading is essential. ‘communism’ and ‘socialism’, the nature Course Level The course comprises of three units. of Stalin’s dictatorship and his famous Two units are assessed by final purges. It also encourages reflection on Level 3 examination, each worth 40% of the total how governments work and the problems A Level. The third unit is assessed by an of totalitarian rule as well as the impact of Examination Board historical investigation of 4000 words. Russia within wider world events. AQA • Unit 1: The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 Unit 3: Historical Investigation. This unit allows students to study in An independent research project Subject Specific Entrance Criteria breadth issues of change, continuity, focusing on approximately 100 years of cause and consequence in this period witch-hunting and witch trials within Grade 5 or above in GCSE English through the following key questions: Europe during the 17th century. Language and Grade 6 or above in GCSE History. An APS of 4.75 or • How effectively did the Tudors Where will it lead? above restore and develop the powers of the monarchy? There are many university courses 23 • In what ways and how effectively was available to students who have England governed during this period? studied History at A Level, such as • How did relations with foreign powers History, Ancient History, Classical change and how was the succession Civilisation and Archaeology which secured? could lead to a range of career • How did English society and economy possibilities from Museum Curator to change and with what effects? Law and Journalism. • How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what Super Curricular effects? • How important was the role of key Opportunities individuals and groups? • Study trips Links to other courses • On-line Modern History Journals Politics, English, Religious Studies and Classical Civilisation. • Visits to local historical sites

Mathematics A Level Courses What will I study? Where will it lead? The Mathematics A Level course covers Mathematics is fundamental for a wide Pure Mathematics and Applied variety of Higher Education courses and Mathematics. The syllabus is divided careers. Mathematics is essential if you in a simple 2:1 ratio of Pure to Applied wish to study Mathematics or Engineering content. and is advisable for Economics, Business, Computing, I.T. and Sciences. The Pure Mathematics elements of the Mathematics is also very much welcomed course include algebra, geometry, for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary calculus, series and trigonometry. Science and Architecture. Course Title The Applied Mathematics elements are Super Curricular split between Statistics and Mechanics. Opportunities Mathematics Statistics is the study of the collection, presentation and analysis of data. • Managing the budget for the Sixth Course Code Form Prom Mechanics is a study of the Ma mathematics of movement, including • Mentoring younger students Newton’s laws of motions, the formulae Course Level concerned with acceleration, velocity and • Sitting on the school’s displacement, vectors and force diagrams. Charities Committee with Level 3 It will be examined through three budgeting and financial planning examination papers at the end of Year 13. Examination Board There will be two Pure Mathematics papers and one Applied Mathematics paper. Edexcel High levels of problem-solving and mathematical logic will be required Subject Specific Entrance Criteria throughout the course. Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Links to other courses Mathematics. An APS of 5.5 or above. Mathematics combines well with most other subjects, particularly the Sciences, Social Sciences, Business Studies and ICT. 24

A Level Courses Media Studies What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title How can we interpret the world around Media Studies students can progress Media Studies us? Whether that be through access to into a wide range of careers such as the digital innovations of the last thirty journalism, marketing, graphic design, Course Code years or through the traditional channels film production, public relations and of print and broadcast, we are publishing. Ms bombarded with thousands of messages on a daily basis. Super Curricular Course Level Opportunities The A Level Media Studies course aims Level 3 to equip students with the critical and • Trips to the British Film Institute practical skills to allow them to make Examination Board sense of the increasingly complex times • Workshops run by external in which we live. professionals EDUQAS / WJEC Assessment: 70% written exam, 30% • End of year Hillview ‘Oscars’ Subject Specific Entrance Criteria coursework. The two-year course is ceremony divided into 3 components. Grade 5 in English Literature or • Industry experts as guest English Language. An APS of 4.5. • Component 1: Media Products, speakers Industries and Audiences • Component 2: Television in the Global • Cross-curricular and key Age, Magazines: Mainstream and stage projects Alternative, Online Media • Component 3: A cross-media • External competitions production from a choice of briefs set by the awarding body, applying knowledge • Departmental blog, YouTube and understanding of the key concepts channel and internal social studied. networking Links to other courses English Literature, Film Studies, History, Psychology, Sociology, Art and Photography. 25

Physical Education A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? • Skills performed in one physical activity as a coach. PE The PE A level encourages a holistic Students MUST be taking part in at least understanding of PE. The qualifications will one sport In the role of a performer or Course Code further develop students’ understanding of coach outside of school. The sports that how the mind and body works in relation are available for assessment must be Pe to performance in physical sport whilst from the prescribed list available from also engaging with key issues and themes the PE dept, the sports available are the Course Level relating to contemporary global influences same for all courses at all Institutions. on physical education and sport. Performance Analysis and Performance Level 3 Development Programme. The course Is assessed through externally Examination Board assessed exams and internally assessed Non-examined assessment: internally coursework and practical performance in assessed, externally moderated 15% of Edexcel one sport. the qualification 40 marks. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Paper 1. Written examination: 2 hours and • In the role of player/performer or coach 30 minutes. 40% of the qualification 140 analyse two components of a physical GCSE PE Grade 6 or above/or marks. activity (one physiological component equivalent experience outside of and either a tactical or technical school in addition to a Grade 5 in • Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology component). Science. An APS of 4.50 or above. • Topic 2: Exercise physiology and applied movement analysis Biomechanics is • In the role of player/performer or 26 embedded within the content of coach analyse, implement and evaluate a Topics 1 and 2. Peformance Development Programme. Paper 2. Written examination: 2 hours. Where will it lead? 30% of the qualification 100 marks. A level PE is an excellent route to further • Topic 3: Skill acquisition education to study Sports, Science or • Topic 4: Sport psychology Social Science courses. A level PE can be • Topic 5: Sport and society a basis for pursuing careers in teaching, medical and psychological fields in Practical performance. addition to roles in coaching and the Internally assessed, externally moderated. leisure industry. 15% of the qualification 40 marks. • Skills performed in one physical activity as a player/performer OR Super Curricular Opportunities • The PE department offers a range of activities for students to maintain their health and fitness. There is a fitness suite with cardio and weight based equipment open for the students’ use, trampolining, football netball, handball and cheerleading clubs.

A Level Courses Psychology What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title Psychology is the study of the brain and Psychology provides a useful foundation Psychology human behaviour and is directly relevant for any job, as you will nearly always be to everyday life. working with people, whatever career Course Code It focuses on why people behave as they path you follow. do. For example, what makes people However, it is particularly valuable as Py obey, what happens inside our brain and preparation for a career in Teaching, how much of our behaviour is caused by Journalism, Health, Business, Social Work, Course Level either nature or nurture? Law and Medicine. Level 3 Students will follow the following units: In order to work as a Chartered Psychologist, you will need to gain a Examination Board • Unit 1: Introductory Topics in degree in Psychology and then undertake Psychology (Social influence, Memory, post-graduate study to PhD level. AQA Attachment and Psychopathology). • Unit 2: Psychology in Context Super Curricular Subject Specific Entrance Criteria (Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology and Research Methods). Opportunities Grade 5 or above in GCSE English • Unit 3: Issues and Options in Language, in addition to a Grade Psychology (Issues and debates • Visiting guest speakers from the 6 or above in GCSE Mathematics in Psychology, Gender, Schizophrenia University of Kent and the Applied and/or a Science. and Aggression). Clinical Psychology Doctorate An APS of 4.75 or above. All exams are taken at the end of Year 13 programme at Canterbury and have equal weighting. The A Level is Christchurch University assessed by exam only. • Tailored additional projects to Links to other courses suit career ambitions Biology, Sociology, Media Studies, • Annual trip to London Zoo to Health & Social Care, Religious focus on learning and also Studies and Maths. the treatment of phobias • A programme of external events to attend, sourced by the Psychology Subject Ambassadors 27

Religious Studies A Level Courses What will I study? Component 1: Philosophy of Religion and Ethics The A Level Religious Studies and • Arguments for the existence of God Philosophy course requires students to • Evil and suffering think critically about their own views and • Issues of human life and death opinions relating to religion, beauty, life • Introduction to meta-ethics and death, humour and the mere existence • Free will and moral responsibility of life. It is an inclusive subject, designed • Bentham and Kant for people of any faith and people who have no faith. Course Title Students will learn how to construct Component 2: Study of Christianity and well-informed, reasoned arguments, its Dialogues with Philosophy and Ethics Religious Studies substantiated by relevant evidence and • Sources of wisdom and authority also how to critically analyse and evaluate • God/gods/ultimate reality Course Code the views of scholars and academics from • Expression of religious identity across the past 3,000 years of philosophical • Religion, gender and sexuality Rs and ethical thought. It will also focus on • Religion and science the contrasts between Eastern and Western • Religion and secularisation Course Level thought along with atheistic belief systems • Religion and religious pluralism such as Humanism. Level 3 Where will it lead? The Religious Studies A Level is a broad Examination Board course designed to encourage students to This subject can also be used to develop an interest in the rigorous study of support entry into higher education AQA religion and belief and how it relates to the courses, especially Religious Studies, wider world and their own values, opinions Theology, Philosophy, Law, Sociology Subject Specific Entrance Criteria and attitudes. Assessment takes place at and the Social Sciences. the end of Year 13 and is 100% external Grade 5 in GCSE English Language. examination. Over the duration of the two Super Curricular An APS of 4.5 or above. year A Level course, students will be examining the following issues: Opportunities 28 Links to other courses • Lectures and talks given by some renowned religious leaders and English Literature, Sociology, current philosophers, such as Psychology and History Richard Dawkins, Stephen Law, Keith Ward and Rowan Williams • Many university philosophy departments hold regular essay competitions for A Level students to enter • Visits to key places of worship in London, as well as the National Gallery and British Museum

A Level Courses Sociology What will I study? • Sociological theory and research Course Title methods, including perspectives such as Sociology is the study of society and feminism and Marxism, as well as factors Sociology social behaviour. It is a social science influencing choices in sociological that uses data from various sources to research design Course Code analyse trends in the way that societies • Current affairs and issues in society are organised, including how groups today, such as globalisation, social So in societies interact and the roles that differentiation, culture and identity institutions play in society. Course Level Assessment takes place at the end of Sociology also involves thinking Year 13 and is 100% external exam Level 3 critically and forming reasoned (three exams of two hours each). arguments using philosophical Examination Board perspectives that attempt to explain Where will it lead? social behaviour. AQA There are numerous Sociology and The A Level Sociology course covers: Criminology related university courses. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Sociology is also an extremely valuable • Education, including the role subject for anyone thinking of working Students must have a Grade 5 in of education, social policy and in the “people centred” professions e.g. English Language and an APS of educational attainment of different teaching, social work, academic research, 4.75. A Grade 5 in History, RE or genders, ethnicities and social classes the police, law and Civil Service. Geography is also highly • Families and households, including recommended. demographic trends in UK families, Super Curricular changes in the nature of family, childhood and the position of women Opportunities • Crime and deviance, including perspectives on why crimes are • Trips to Sociology conferences committed, types of crime and criminological researc • Visits e.g. courts of Law, places • Beliefs in society, including the role of of worship, universities etc religion, types of religious organisation, and science and political ideology as • Subject specialist as guest belief systems speakers Links to other courses Media Studies, Geography, English, Religious Studies and Psychology. 29

Spanish A Level Courses Course Title What will I study? Where will it lead? Spanish What will I study? There are many university courses and Students will study technological and career paths available to A Level Spanish Course Code social change, looking at diversity and the students, such as Translation Studies, benefits it brings. They will study Literature and Journalism. Language Sp highlights of Spanish-speaking artistic Studies and Linguistics courses develop culture, including Hispanic music and many key skills useful in the workplace. Course Level cinema, and learn about political engagement and who wields political Super Curricular Level 3 power in the Spanish-speaking world. Opportunities Examination Board Students also explore the influence of • Spanish Cultural Club (film and the past on present-day Spanish-speaking music sessions) AQA communities. Students will develop their ability to • Courses taken though Subject Specific Entrance Criteria interact effectively with users of the Instituto Cervantes of London language through engaging with Grade 6 or above in GCSE Spanish authentic spoken and written sources Links to other courses and an APS 4.75 or above. in Spanish. These include Students will be also interviewed online media, intellectually Business Studies, Travel by a language teacher in Spanish stimulating texts, films and other and Tourism, Spanish, English and English. They will need to materials. They will develop transferrable Literature and Drama demonstrate a keen and active skills such as autonomy, resourcefulness, interest in the culture and current creativity and critical thinking. affairs of the country as well as strong linguistic skills. Throughout their studies, students will learn the language in the context of 30 Spanish-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Students will have the opportunity to carry out independent research on a topic of personal interest, relating to a country or countries where Spanish is spoken.

Applied General Applied Business What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title Students will study the concepts and There are many business-based Level 3 Extended Certificate in techniques that are used in managing university courses available. Business Applied Business and running a business. This course students often progress onto Business is designed for students who excel at Management courses or specialise in an Course Code coursework and enjoy applying theory aspect of business such as Marketing. to real-life situations. They may also choose to pursue an Ba apprenticeship degree programme. Over the duration of the two years General Applied Business develops a Course Level assessment is based on the following: practical understanding of the way • Three coursework units marked businesses operate and will therefore Level 3 internally prepare students for a wide range of • One external assessment marked by business related career paths. Examination Board AQA • Two examinations with the option of Super Curricular AQA a re-take for those students wishing to improve their grade. Opportunities Subject Specific Entrance Criteria In Year 12, the coursework involves • Year 12 students take part in a Grade 4 in both English Language studying how Merlin Entertainment, regional business challenge and Maths. An APS of 4.25 or owner of Thorpe Park, is run. above. GCSE Business Studies, The externally assessed unit looks at • Guest speakers from the Business V-Cert or BTEC First how entrepreneurs identify and develop business world Award in Business are preferred business opportunities, with the students but not essential. creating their own idea. • Students take part in a number of external business and 31 The examined topic is ‘Financial Planning entrepreneurial challenges and Analysis’ which involves exploring during the course. the financial issues that enterprises need to consider in order to be successful. Links to other courses In Year 13, the examined topic is ‘Managing and Leading People’ looking Psychology and Sociology. at how managers motivate and lead The General Applied Business employees using different leadership qualification is also useful for styles. any student aspiring to reach management level in the public The two coursework units require or private sector, or alternatively students to create their own business run their own business. idea, developing a business plan and a marketing communications plan.

Applied Science Applied General Course Title What will I study? Optional Unit - options include physiology of body systems, human BTEC Level 3 National Extended This course is designed for students who regulation and reproduction, disease Certificate in Applied Science are interested in learning about the sector and infection, astronomy and space. alongside other fields of study, with a view Students will all complete a common Course Code to progressing to a wide range of higher optional unit. education courses, not necessarily limited St to Applied Science. Students will study four Where will it lead? units over the two years. Course Level The requirements of the qualification • Unit 1: Principles and Applications of will mean that students develop the Level 3 Science Structure and bonding leading on transferable and higher order thinking to production and uses of substances in skills which are valued by higher Examination Board relation to their properties. education providers and employers. Structure and function of cells and tissues Edexcel specifically looking at human cells such as Super Curricular muscle and exploring ideas about nerves Opportunities Subject Specific Entrance Criteria and synapses. Waves and communication; waves in music, • Field work visit Two Grade 4s or above in GCSE optical fibres in communications and Combined Science or Separate medicine. • Guest speakers including Sciences. An APS of 4.25 or above. a midwife, a nurse and a research • Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures scientist and Techniques (focuses on the practical use of laboratory equipment and the • Trips to working laboratories and applications of the various techniques). museums Concentration of solutions and producing standard solutions, spectroscopy. Calorimeter Chromatography. Working in a laboratory, safe working practices and responsibilities and employability skills. • Unit 3: Scientific Investigations - a strong Links to other courses emphasis on the use of practical skills and students working independently to devise Mathematics, Physics, their own investigations based around the Biology, Chemistry, Health and topics of enzymes, diffusion of Social Care, Childcare Psychology, molecules, energy content of Sociology, Geography and ICT. fuels, distribution of plants and electrical circuits. 32

Applied General Childcare & Education What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title This qualification has been designed for Learners can progress into Higher NCFE CACHE Technical Level 3 learners who want to work in early years Education or a wide range of supervised Certificate in Childcare and Education childcare and education. job roles in the statutory, voluntary or Students will gain knowledge, private sectors e.g. practitioner in day Course Code understanding and skills across a range nurseries, practitioner in nursery schools, of key subject areas: the stages and practitioner in reception classes in Ce sequences of child development, primary schools, pre-school worker, children’s needs in relation to emotional home based childcare and nanny. Course Level and physical well-being, the role of the early years practitioner in maintaining a Super Curricular Level 3 healthy and safe environment for Opportunities children, safeguarding children and Examination Board child protection, theoretical approaches • Students complete to play and learning, the role of play in compulsory work experience in NCFE relation to children’s learning and a variety of childcare settings, development, working in partnership to working with children between Subject Specific Entrance Criteria meet children’s additional needs and 0-7 years of age. child observation and assessment. Any student meeting the Sixth The certificate is comprised of seven • Talks and sessions led by the Form entrance criteria is eligible mandatory units which cover the Manager of Hillview’s on-site for this course. following key subject areas: nursery • Child development from conception to 33 seven years Links to other courses • Children’s health and well-being • Providing safe environments for Psychology, English, Health children and Social Care, Applied • Child health Science and Biology. • Play and learning • Children’s additional needs • Observation, assessment and planning Students will produce coursework for each of these units through classroom based learning, supported by experience in a real work environment. There is an eighth assessment method which is an Effective Practice Study (externally set and externally marked) which is a synoptic piece of research or ‘controlled coursework’. All students are required to complete 365 hours of work experience over the duration of the two-year course.

Computing Applied General Course Title What will I study? Unit 15: Web Development This unit is assessed by written BTEC Level 3 National Extended BTEC Computing allows students to assignments and learners will Certificate in Computing explore different aspects of computer investigate website development technology, develop their mathematical principles. They will design and develop Course Code skills and develop the ability to a website using scripting languages. articulate the processes involved in CS computing systems, including security Where will it lead? and encryption methodologies. Course Level This course is designed to allow BTEC Computing is a specialised course progression from GCSE Computer which is ideal if students are planning Level 3 Science and allows students to develop an on moving onto a Computer Science or understanding of and ability to apply the Computing-based higher level or degree Examination Board fundamental principles and concepts of course. The course is also suitable for Computer Science, including abstraction, students seeking to go into a career in Edexcel decomposition, logic, algorithms and data Computing (e.g. software development representation. Throughout the course or programming) or an apprenticeship. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria students will develop the ability to analyse BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, problems in computational terms through recognise that this qualification is fit GCSE Computer Science Grade 5 practical experience of solving such for purpose with regard to progression or BTEC/ Cambridge Nationals ICT problems including developing systems to towards a professional career in IT or - Distinction in addition to a Grade do so. towards further education in Information 5 in English Language and Technology. Maths. An APS of 4.75 or above. Students will study: Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science. Super Curricular 34 This unit is externally assessed by a 2 Opportunities hour written exam. This unit covers the principles that underpin all areas of • Opportunities to maintain the computer science. It will develop learners’ school’s website and social media computational-thinking skills and they will platforms apply those skills to solve problems. • Regional and national Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer Sys- competitions tems This unit is externally assessed by a 1 hour 45 minute written exam. In this unit • University workshops for learners study the fundamental principles programming and animation of how computer systems work, including the role of hardware and software, the way Links to other courses components of a system work together and how data in a system is used. Business, Media, Mathematics. Unit 7: IT Systems Security and Encryption This unit is assessed by written assignments and covers IT system security threats and the methods used to protect against them. Learners undertake activities to protect IT systems from security threats, including data encryption.

Applied General health and Social Care What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title This course provides robust Students can progress into both Health and Social Care opportunities for learners to develop employment and further study in all types BTEC Level 3 National Extended their knowledge and understanding of a of care – social, health, child or public Certificate (equivalent of one A Level) wide range of subject areas relating to services. In the past, Hillview students BTEC Level 3 National health and social care provision, but is have elected to study Child, Mental and Diploma (equivalent of 2 A Levels) useful in any area of employment which Adult Nursing, Midwifery, Paramedical involves working with people. Science, Youth Work, Social Work, Primary Course Code It is offered here at Hillview as a School Teaching, Forensic Science, Child two-year course with the option of it Studies, Human Resource and many other Hc / Hd being worth the equivalent of one or two interesting courses at university. A Levels. The topics studied vary Course Level according to the specific course with Super Curricular differing assessment types and Opportunities Level 3 weighting. Learners of both courses will study units covering topics including: • Additional First Aid qualification Examination Board • Human Lifespan Development • Compulsory work experience Edexcel – examined. placements in a wide range of • Working in Health and Social Care - health and social care settings Subject Specific Entrance Criteria examined • Meeting Individual Care and Support • Guest speakers from a variety of Any student meeting the Sixth Needs – coursework backgrounds – Neonatal nurses, Form entrance criteria is eligible • Supporting Individuals with Additional social workers, retired Head of for this course. Needs – coursework Adult Social Care, carers and many more The Diploma learners will also study: • Enquiries into Current Research in Links to other courses Health and Social Care – externally set task Biology, Applied Science, • Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Childcare, Dance, Drama, Sport, Social Care – coursework Art, Applied Business, Psychology, • Promoting Public Health – coursework Sociology and English. • Work Experience in Health and Social Care – coursework with compulsory placement hours. 35

Music Applied General What will I study? Where will it lead? The RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma There is a wealth of Higher Education for Music Practitioners (Performing) courses to suit every kind of singer and provides an exciting opportunity for musician. Many singers and musicians singers and musicians to develop their now maintain portfolio careers and practical musicianship and creativity in opportunities may include teaching, song conjunction with units which provide a writing, composing, performing, strong foundation to progress to higher producing, session musician / singer, education and develop a portfolio career. music therapy, publishing, and broad- casting. The opportunities are endless. Core units Course Title • Rehearsal Skills & Live Performance Super Curricular (Externally assessed) The RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma This unit showcases the student’s live Opportunities for Music Practitioners (Performing) performance skills and their capacity to take ownership of the entire performance • Hillview offers a range of Course Code process, including planning, rehearsals, music making opportunities and performance, and evaluation. performances including the Hillview Mu Record Label, recording, mixing, • Planning for a Career in Music (Internally and producing original material for Course Level assessed) distribution on platforms such as Students will become familiar with the iTunes and Spotify, various Hillview Level 3 processes associated with effective career productions staged at professional planning and will align/link their career venues and trips such as West End Examination Board aims with their study for this qualification. shows, Southbank concerts and other relevant musical events to RSL Additional units support the learning in our curriculum. Subject Specific Entrance Criteria • Composing for Interactive Media (supported by guest gaming and film Links to other courses Grade 5 in GCSE Music music composers) (or equivalent), the ability to read Leading Music Making Activity Music Technology, Drama, Dance, a form of music notation, and sing Studio Sound Recording Maths, Physics and Art. / play an instrument to at least Practical Musicianship Grade 5. 36

Applied General Musical Theatre What will I study? Where will it lead? Course Title The course is a fusion of Music, Dance This course prepares students for BTEC National Extended Certificate in and Drama and students will attend a career in Music, Entertainment, Performance (Musical Theatre) lessons in all three disciplines. Performance Support and Musical They will learn the skills to develop and Theatre Performance. Many students Course Code progress as a Musical Theatre performer. also progress into Higher Education to Students will work practically study Music Performance, Musical Pm towards performances, in addition Theatre and Performing Arts. to completing written assignments Course Level where they will evaluate their Super Curricular understanding of practitioners Opportunities Level 3 and theatrical styles. • Hillview students have Examination Board This course enables students to access to unique opportunities e.g. become independent learners, workshops led by practitioners Edexcel providing them with the work ethic and within the industry discipline to pursue a career within the Subject Specific Entrance Criteria performing arts. • A wide range of performance Students will study five units, which opportunities including GCSE Grade 4 or above in at least cover investigating practitioners’ work, workshops with Frantic Assembly, one Performing Arts subject. group performances and developing Dance Platform, and the annual An APS of 4.25 or above. techniques and skills for live Musical school musical performed at the Theatre performances. EM Forster Theatre. Students will perform in our studio • Students have the opportunity theatre benefitting from a full-time to watch live theatre productions in technician, lights and costumes, allowing order to expand their knowledge of them to experience performing musical the performing arts disciplines. theatre to a professional standard. Students will also participate in Links to other courses workshops led by professionals within the industry, designed to equip them Drama, Dance and Music. with the knowledge and expertise required to succeed as a performer. 37

Travel & Tourism Applied General Course Title What will I study? Unit 3 – Principles of marketing in travel and tourism (internally assessed) BTEC Level 3 National Extended This vocational qualification is Students investigate the use of marketing Certificate in Travel and Tourism designed to support students who in travel and tourism organisations and are interested in learning about the how to meet customer expectations in Course Code travel and tourism industry. It gives order to inform a promotional campaign students a broad introduction to the travel of their own design. This is a synoptic Tt and tourism industry, with an emphasis assessment requiring students to apply on core knowledge and fundamental skills learning from across the qualification. Course Level that are transferable across other sectors. Unit 9 – Visitor attractions (internally Transferable skills include communication, assessed) Level 3 teamwork and research and analysis, which Students develop analytical skills as they are valued in both higher education and the investigate the nature and role of both Examination Board workplace. built and natural visitor attractions, their commercial success, appeal, response to Edexcel The course consists of four units, two of diverse visitor needs and the importance which are externally assessed (58%) and two of delivering a memorable visitor experi- Subject Specific Entrance Criteria that are internally assessed (42%). ence. Students will complete a number of defined vocational written tasks. Level 2 Geography or Business Unit 1 – The world of travel and tourism Studies qualifications are desirable. (externally assessed) Where will it lead? A 90 minute written examination. Links to other courses This unit provides the foundation for Students can progress into students to study other units in travel higher-education courses such as Geography, ICT, Health and tourism. They will explore the key degrees in Tourism, Leisure or and Social Care, Business components and scale of the industry, Business Studies. The wide range of using data to analyse key trends and their skills and knowledge developed during 38 Studies, Media Studies. impact. the course will help students progress towards careers within the travel and Unit 2 – Global destinations (externally tourism industry. assessed) A task is set and completed under Super Curricular supervised conditions. Students are given information two weeks before a supervised Opportunities assessment period in order to carry out research. The supervised assessment • Students are encouraged to period is undertaken in a single session actively engage with the travel and of three hours. Students investigate and tourism sector. For example, they analyse information regarding: should visit a wide range of visitor the features and appeal of global attractions. They should take an destinations, travel planning, and the active interest in developments factors and trends affecting their appeal. within travel and tourism industry, both domestically and globally.

Enrichment Opportunities Sixth Form Enrichment Programme What is Enrichment? What is Core Maths? Enrichment activities aim to contribute Core Maths is offered to all students who to students’ wider knowledge, skills have achieved a grade C or better in GCSE development and personal growth. Mathematics but who are not studying Mathematics at AS or A Level. Enrichment activities are important because students can demonstrate to employers The course covers aspects of Functional and universities that they have more than Mathematics that are relevant to academic qualifications. It sets them apart a wide range of subjects and careers. from other candidates and shows their These include Financial Maths (personal breadth of interests and skills and their budgeting, financial planning and team-working and leadership abilities. understanding a payslip, loans and Certificated (award-bearing) enrichment interest), Statistics (interpreting data, courses are those which lead to a data collection, sampling and producing certificate and carry UCAS points. These an evidence-based report) and Decision include Core Maths (Mc), the Extended Mathematics (planning an event and Project Qualification (EPQ) and Gold Arts critical path analysis). Award. Core Maths is assessed by examination at Beyond certified enrichment, students the end of Year 13. There is no coursework can explore a range of supercurricular element. activities in and out of school in areas such as: Business Enterprise, Fitness, Where will it lead? Mindfulness and Food and Nutrition. The suite of enrichment options alters The Core Maths qualification generates each year. In addition, Sixth Form the same number of UCAS points as an AS students can elect to participate in Level and is designed to assist in the leadership schemes, shows, clubs and transition from Sixth Form to either further workshops. study or work. It will demonstrate to employers that students’ understanding of In the school community, this might take Mathematics has developed further than the form of reading with younger GCSE. students, university visits, performing in school productions, taking an active Course Title role on the Student Leadership and/or Core Maths Prefect Teams, becoming a Subject Course Code Ambassador, or supporting charity projects. Mc In the wider community, this might link to Examination Board roles students have in local clubs AQA or organisations, for example coaching or Subject Specific Entrance Criteria teaching sport or dance, or alternatively Grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths could include voluntary work in a variety of settings. 39

Sixth Form Enrichment Programme Enrichment Opportunities What is Gold Arts Award? What is Extended Project? Completing the Gold Arts Award will deepen This qualification offers students a unique opportunity to students’ knowledge and experience of the Arts. develop their skills and knowledge by producing an It involves taking part in the Arts, researching the extended piece of work either in an area they are studying, world of the Arts and taking responsibility for or in which they have a particular interest. It requires a high leading an Arts project. To gain the qualification, degree of planning, preparation, research and autonomous students will explore a new art form and create working as students decide the title and the format of their original work, evidencing this through a portfolio. project. Time is spent planning, researching, organising and Where will it lead? writing with regular support from the student supervisor. For dissertation-based projects, students submit a The Gold Arts award is a Level 3 qualification written report of up to 5000 words for assessment. and a source of UCAS points when applying for Artefact and performance-based projects require a university. The course is designed to develop slightly shorter written report, which is submitted students’ knowledge, skills, organisation and alongside the project outcome. leadership skills within the arts. Where will it lead? Course Title Gold Arts Award The Extended Project qualification is equivalent Course Code to half an A Level and is graded in the same way. Ga Universities are very keen to see EPQ in students’ Course Level applications to show they have the skills of project Level 3 management, independence and research aptitude. Examination Board Trinity College London Course Title Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Extended Project 40 Grade 5 or above in English Langauge Course Code Ep Course Level Level 3 Examination Board AQA Subject Specific Entrance Criteria Grade 5 or above in English Langauge

Hillview Facilities Excellent facilities creating an outstanding learning environment We believe our students deserve the very best learning The outstanding Drama studio, with the latest computerised environment and Hillview Sixth Form has the facilities that lighting and sound, alongside a fantastic Dance studio, a make it a unique and exciting place to study. fully equipped Music sound studio and a workshop for building sets means that students have facilities for all The large, industry-standard Film & Media Studies spaces aspects of the performing arts that are unrivalled in the area. comprise of a cinema, a filming and photography studio, a dedicated suite of Apple Mac computers for editing videos, As well as the excellent teaching spaces there is a alongside the excellent dark room and photographic purpose-built Sixth Form library and resource centre facilities. From the state-of-the-art Fashion rooms to the alongside the recently refurbished Sixth Form café making light, open, creative Art rooms, the facilities at Hillview allow the whole experience of being a Sixth Form student an students to thrive and develop their independent learning exciting, enjoyable, rewarding experience during both study and creative skills. and recreation time.

Hillview School for Girls Brionne Gardens Tonbridge Kent TN9 2HE SAT NAV Postcode: TN9 2DQ T: 01732352793 E: [email protected] @HillviewSchool @HillviewSchool @hillviewschoolforgirls

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