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NSS E-Magazine

Published by nsswmoc, 2021-01-17 14:42:04

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bm{- X-IÄ- Lakshmi Pankaj bm-{X-I-fn-Â- kz-]v\\w- I-ïn-cpt¶m-tcm cm-P-Ip-am-cn- Xs¶bm-Wv Rm-³-.... In-\\m-hp-I-fn-Â- ]-«w- ]-d-¯n-bpw- Hm-À-a-I-fn-Â- Im-X-§-Ä- Xm-ïn-bpw- Im-gvN-I-fn-Â- Hm-À-a-I-fm-Â- H-cp- a-[p-c- ]p-jv]-§-Ä- h-c-¨n-«pw- C-¶seI-fnse Po-hn-¡msXbpw- Xp-Ssc Xp-Stc bm-{X-I-Ä- -sNbvXpw- I-ïp-ap-«n-b- Hmtcm Po-hn-X-§-fn-Â- \\n-¶pw- ]m-Tw- D-ÄsImïpw- ]-Tn-¨pw- Po-h-X-¯n-Â- -t\\Sn-b- k¼m-Zyw- Hmtcm h-gn-bm-{X-I-c-\\pw-... A-h-Às¡´m-Itbm Ft¶mSv ]-d-bp-hm-\\p-ïv.. A-h-cn-Â- \\ns¶m-s¡ F-\\n-¡p- ]-Tn-¡p-hm-\\p-ïv.. A-h-cn-eqsSbm-Wv Rm-³- -temIw- ImtWï-Xv. h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv 38

N-§-e- Mumthas kk Bcom corp -s]m«ns¡mïn-cn-¡p-¶- N-§-e-IsfÃmw- ]sïmcn-¡-Â- Bscm-s¡-tbm -tImÀ-¯p-ïm-¡n-b- -t\\À-¨-I-fm-Iptam..... 39 h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv

-tImhnU- v Im-es¯ HmW- w- Swathi S D2 Chemistry 2019 hsc \\mw- Hm-Ww- h-fsc Kw-`o-c-am-bn- Xs¶bm-Wv BtLmjn-¨-Xv.. Im-Ww- hn-äpw- Hm-Ww- D-®-Wsa¶m-WtÃm ]-gsamgn-.. ]s£ 2020Â- ]p-Xpsamgn- h-¶p- Im-Ww- hn-äpw- Hm-Ww- D-®mw- ] s£ ho-«n-en-cp-¶p- D-®-Ww- ! -sIm-tdmWw-.. \\mw- H-«pw- {]-Xo-£n-¡msX h-¶- A-Zn-Xn-.. \\-½psS hn- [n- Xs¶ am-än-a-dn-¨- -sIm-tdmW- ! At§cpsS h-cthm-sS BtLmj-§-Ä- A-{]-Xo-£n-X-am-bn- B-Ä- ¡q-«-§-Ä- B-]-¯, km-\\nsäkÀ- , km-aq-ln-I- A-I-ew- ap-X-em-b- hm-¡p-I-Ä- \\-½psS Po-hn-X-¯nte¡v h-¶p-. I-gn-ªsImÃw- hsc h-fscb-[n-Iw- k-t´mjt¯mS-bpw- Kw-`o-c-am-bn-«p-am-Wv Hm-Ww- a-e-bm-fn-I-Ä- BtLmjn-¨-Xv. Hm-W-¡m-e-¯v ]q-¡-S-I-Ä-¡p- ap-¶n-Â- h-en-b- Xn-c-¡v A-\\p-`- hs¸«n-cp-¶p- F-¶m-Â- Cu- -tcmK-¯n-sâ km-l-N-cy-¯n-Â- kvYn-Xn- hy-Xy-kvX-am-bn-cp-¶p-. ]p-¡-Ä- ]-d-¼n-Â- \\n-¶p- Xs¶ Isï¯n- ]q-¡-fsamcp-¡n-...H-cp- \\n-an-jw- Rm-³- F-sâ _m-ey-¯nse Hm- WtamÀ-¯p- -t]mbn-.. Iq-«p-Imtcm-sSm¸w- Im-«n-epw- -ta«n-epw- I-b-dn- C-d-§n- ]q-¡-Ä- ]-dn-¨sXm-s¡ a-\\-knteIv Hm-Sn- h-¶p-.. kZy- H-cp-¡n- ho-Sp-I-fn-Â- Xs¶ Ip-Spw-_-hpw- H-¯p- Np-cp-¡n-bpsÅmc- mtLmjw- B-bn-cp-¶p- -sIm-tdmW- Hm-Ww-.. h-À-j-¯n-Â- H-cn-¡-Â- am-{Xw- h-cp-¶- a-lm-_-en- X-¼p-cm-\\ pw- h-¶p- -t]mbn-. F-¶n-«pw- -sIm-tdmW-.. \\o- am-{Xw- Ft´ -t]mhmtX... A-Sp-¯- h-À-jw- a-lm-_-en- X-¼p-cm-³- h-cpt¼m-tg¡pw- \\o- -t]mIpsa¶v {]-Xo-£n-¡p-¶p-... ]-g-b-Xv -t] m-se R-§-Ä-¡v H-¯p- -tNÀ-¶mtLmjn-¡-Ww-.... A-Sp-¯- Hm-Ww- D-®m-³- D-ïm-I-Wta F-¶- {] m-À-°-\\tbm-sS ! h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv 40

t- X§-bn-Ãm- -sIme-I-Ä- Diya R B D2 Electronics ]p-d-¯v B-ª-Sn-¡p-¶- Im-äns\\ A-dn-bmsX a-c-hn-¨- Nn-e- a-\\p-jy-À- B- ICU - hn-sâ h-cm-´-¡p- ap-¶n-Â- C-cn-¡p-¶p-.. \\n-i-Ð-Xsb Io-dn- ap-dn-¡p-¶- hn-Pm-Kn-cn-bpsS N-e-\\w- Hmtcm {]m-h-iy-hpw- \\o-dp-¶- {]-Xo-£-bm-b- a-\\-Êp-I-fn-Â- h-¶p- -sIm-tïbn-cp-¶p-.. \\-gvkv ]p-d-¯v I-S-¶p- “-tXma-kv 39” ap-Js¯ K-u-c-hw- i-Ð-¯n-eqsS D-b-À-¯n- A-h-À- -tNmZn-¨p- “F-sâ `-À-¯m-hm-Wv” A-£-c-§-Ä- ap-dn-ªp- -t]mImsX Iq-«nt¨À-¯v A-h-Ä- “ H-cp- -t»m¡p-ïv, -sImf-kv-t{SmÄ- h-fsc Iq-Sp-X-em-Wv” Xn-I-¨pw- kzm-`m-hn-I-am-bn- \\-gvkv. “R-§-Ä- ]yq-À- {_m-³sUUv -tIm¡s\\äv Hm-bn-Â- am-{Xta D-]tbmKn-¡m-dp-Åq-. ]ns¶§s\\ C-Xv....’’ -sR«tem-sS A-h-fpsS hm-¡p-I-Ä- ap-dn-ªp-. \\-gvkn-sâ ap-J-¯v ]p-Ñw-. At¸mÄ- B-ip-]-{Xn- ap-äs¯ ]p-Xp- I-«-I-Ä-¡v £-Xw- h-cp-¯n- A-b-Â- ]p-c-bn-S-¯nse a-cn-¡m- dm-b- -sX§n-Â- \\n-¶pw- \\n-ew- ]-Xn-¨- H-cp- D-W-¡- -tX§- A-«-l-kn-¨v -sImïv A-h-Ä-¡v a-dp-]-Sn- \\-Â-In-. 41 h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv

Im¯- psh¸nse ap-J-§-Ä- Jouhar TP BA Arabic ap-J-§-Ä- F-{X- I-S-¶p- -t]mbv E-Xp-¡-fn-Â- C-¶o- \\n-an-j-antemÀ-a-I-fn- e-e-bpw- hsc -shbn-ens\\ X-W-em-¡n- A-Ñ-\\-½-bpw- -t]am-cnsb X-Sps¯³- ku-lr-Z-§-fpw- k-t´mjtaIn-b- ap-J-§sf....... Im-¯psh¸nse a-[p-c- am-a-\\p-`q-Xn-bn-Â- Im-ew- A-I-epsa¦n-epw- a-\\-Ên-\\-Sn-¯-«n-Â- kv-t\\l-am-bv XtemSpw- C-f-¦m-äp- -t]mÂ- B-\\-µ- a-[p- am-{X-am-bv _m-¡n-bm-hs« Ft¸mgpw- C-fw- a-[p-c-aq-dp-¶- Cu- Hm-À-½-I-Ä- h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv 42

-tImhn-Uv Im-es¯ Ashina VP bm-{X- D2 Physics -C-¶v Rms\\mcp- bm-{X- -t]mhp-I-bm-Wv. Ipsd Im-e-¯n-\\p- -tijw-. -tImhn-Uv-19 F-¶- a-lm-am- cn-bn-Â- ho-Sn-\\p-Ån-Â- Ip-Sp-§n-bn-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv F-Ãm- a-\\p-jy-cpw-. A-Xpt]m-se Rm-\\ pw- ho-Sn-\\p-Ån-Â- Xs¶bm-Wv. am-À-¨v am-kw- -ssN\\-bn-ep-Å- -sIm-tdmW- -tIc-f-¯n-Â- ]-S-cm-Xn-cn- ¡m-³- -thïn- H-cp- am-kw- A-S-¨n-Sp-I-bm-Wv F-¶- A-dn-bnt¸m-sSbm-Wv -tlmkvä-Â- hm-kn-bm-b- Rm-³- h-b-\\m-Sv Np-c-an-d-§n- ho-«nte¡v h-¶-Xv. C-¶n-Xm- Pqsse 11. Rm-³- F-sâ -tIm-tfPv hn-«v ho-«nte¡v I-b-dn-bn-«v \\m-ev am-kw-. C-{X-bpw- Im-ew- Iq-«n-e-S-bv¡s¸«- X-¯sb -t]m-se ho-«n-en-cp-¶- Rm-³- \\m-ep- am-k¯n-\\v -tijw- -sNdnsbmcp- bm-{X- -t]mhp-I-bm-Wv. Im-dn-sâ ]n-³- ko-än-en-cp-¶- F-\\n-¡v I-u-Xp-I-ap-W-À-¯p-¶- Xm-bn-cp-¶p- F-Ãm- Im-gvN-I-fpw-. ]-ïs¯ -t]m-se Xn-c-¡n-Ã-. F-Ãm-bn-S-hpw- hn-P-\\-am-Wv. B-h- iy-¡m-À- am-{Xta A-§m-Sn-bn-ep-Åp-. -t]mhp-¶- h-gn-bn-ep-Å- B-ip-]-{Xn-IsfÃmw- h-fsc Xn-c-¡v Ip-d-hm-Wv. B-fp-I-fpsS A-kp-Jw- F-hnsS -t]mbn-? B-fp-I-fpsS -tXm¶-emtWm A-kp-J-§-Ä-? -shdpsX h-¶v Nn-In-Õ -tXSp-¶-XmtWm B-fp-I-Ä-?.... F-sâ bm-{X- apt¶m«v -t]mbn- B-fp- I-Ä- ]p-d-¯n-d-§p-¶-Xv Ip-d-hm-b-Xv -sImïv -tdmUp-I-fpw- h-gn-b-cn-Ip-I-fpw- \\-Ã- hr-¯n-bp-ïv. an-Tm-bn- I-h-dp-I-Ä- -sImïpw- ¹m-kvän-Iv km-[-\\-§-Ä- -sImïpw- -s]mdp-Xn-ap-«n-b- h-gn-b-cn-I-Ä- iq- \\y-am-Wv. \\-Ã- hr-¯n-bp-ïv Im-Wm-³-. A-Xv I-ït¸mÄ- a-\\-Ên-Â- h-Ãms¯mcp- Ip-fn-À- -tXm¶n-. bm-{X- apt¶m«v -t]mbt¸mÄ- A-§m-Sn-I-fpw- _-kv-täm¸p-I-fpw- I-S-I-fpw- F-Ãmw- Im-en-bm-Wv. F-hnsSbpw- h-en-b- Xn-ct¡m D-´pw- X-Å-eptam H-¶pw- Xs¶bn-Ã-. A-Xym-h-iy-¡m-cm-b- h-fsc Ip-d-¨m-fp-Isf A-§m-Sn-bn-ep-Åp-. Rm-³- -t]mbn- -sImïn-cn-¡p-¶- h-gn-bn-Â- B-Im-iw- Ft¶mSv Fs´¶n-ÃmsX ]p-©n-cn-¡p-¶p-ïm-bn-cp-¶p-. A-Xpt]m-se h-gn-b-cn-In-Â- ]-Sp-Iq-ä-³- a-c-§-fpw-, Ip-ªp- -sNSn-I-fpw- ]p-g-I-fpw- -tXmSp-I-fpw- F-Ãmw- Fs´¶n-Ãm-¯- k-t´mj-¯n-em-bn-cp-¶p-. F-Ãm-h-cpsSbpw- ap-J-¯v k-t´mj-¯n-sâ ]p-©n-cn- Rm-³- I-ïp-. A-Xpt]m-se Xs¶ In-fn-I-fpw- Im-¡-I-fpw- k-t´mj-¯n-em-Wv. F-sâ bm-{X-bpsS A-h-km-\\w- Rm-³- BtemNn-¨p-. F-´p- -sImïm-bn-cn-¡pw- a-\\p- jy-À- H-gn-¨v _m-¡n- F-Ãm- Po-h-Pm-e-§-fpw- C-{X- k-t´mj-¯n-em-b-Xv. F-´m-bn-cn-¡pw- A-Xn- \\p-Å- Im-c-Ww-. F-sâ A-Jm-X-am-b- BtemN-\\s¡mSp-hn-Â- A-Xn-\\p-Å- D-¯-cw- Rm-³- Xs¶ Isï¯n-. a-\\p-jy-\\m-Wv A-Xn-\\p-Å- Im-c-Ww-. B-Im-i-¯n-sâbpw- a-c-§-fpsSbpw- -sNSn-bpsSb- pw- ]p-g-I-fpsSbpw- In-fn-I-fpsSbpw- k-t´mjw- C-Ãm-Xm-¡p-¶-Xv \\-½-Ä- a-\\p-jy-cm-Wv. Cu- `q- an- \\-½-Ä- \\-in-¸n-¨psImïn-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ¹m-kvän-Iv h-ens¨dn-ªpw-, a-c-§-Ä- -sh«n- \\-in-¸n-¨pw- , h-en-b- h-en-b- ^m-Î-dn-I-Ä- ]-Wn-Xv hm-bp-hnt\\bpw- ]p-gtbbpw- \\-in-¸n-¨pw-, h-b-ep-I-Ä- a-®n-«v \\n-I- ¯n-bpw- a-äp-am-bn-«v. F-¶m-Â- -temIvU-u-Wn-sâ Ip-d-¨v Im-ew- a-\\p-jy-³- A-h-c-h-cpsS ho-Sp-I-fn-Â- Ip-Sp-§n-¡n-S-¡p-I-bm-Wv. Iq-«n-e-S-bv¡s¸«- X-¯sb -t]m-se. ¹m-kvän-Iv h-ens¨dn-ªv `q-ansb \\-in-¸n-¡m-\\pw- a-c-§-Ä- -sh«n-ap-dn-¡m-\\pw- H-¶pw- Xs¶ a-\\p-jy-³- ]p-dt¯¡v -t]mhp-¶n-Ã-. A-Xn- sâ k-t´mj-am-Wv Rm-³- C-¶v F-sâ bm-{X-bn-Â- F-Ãm- Po-h-Pm-e-§-fn-epw- I-ï-Xv. 43 h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv

Environment After lockdown Mohammed fayas K K D2 Physics Nowadays, the entire world is under the threat of covid 19 pandemic. A huge number of people are being dead day by day. Whole medical world are doing their level best to find an effective eradication method against this pandemic. But, still we can’t get into a conclusive medicine. India is one of the leading countries in this disaster. Even though wearing mask and using frequent sanitizer is a better preventive method, we are not able to control the rate of affecting people. Social distancing is the other method for not getting affected. Creating a massive proclamation of lock down helped a lot to decrease the affecting rate. Moreover, the education system got dragged from blackboard to online. Relationships went down to social media and so on. Major other life activities were changed behind the covid - 19 scenario. Now, let’s talk about pros from the covid - 19 preventive messures, first of all survival of humans for their sustainability is reasonably notable among them. Moreover huge drastic socio-economic - climatic change has happened beneath the lockdown. A vital environmental change have been evident here, emission of CO2 and CO drastically decreased due to the shut down of industrial world. Noice level reduced from 35% to 65% all over the world. Forests got enriched by their natural habitat. One of the other huge gain is that, 500% of swage from industries where reduced in rivers. So aquatic habitat could flourish due to this. As a final word, I could say that corona virus itself is a vaccine to the Earth and the humans are the virus. Earth can breath now... h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv 44

COVID-19 Afnu milas BA arabic The major disease That made the whole world locked The single stranded RNA virus -corona virus / covid. It is in about 120nano meters. They are susceptible to mutation and recombination and are therefore highly diverse. There are about 40 different varieties and they mainly infect human and non human mammels and birds... Covid-19 has also affected in political and humanitarian affects including unemployment hunger and unprecedented migrant worker crisis and widespread loss of access to health care. This crisis could have been averted or lessened with planning but they are now an essential part of India’s lock down story. In our native kerala the first case was reported in Thrissur on 30 January 2020 as of 28 October there are 4,11,464 confirmed cases with 3,16,692 (79.96%) recoveries and 1403 deaths in the state YOU HAVE TWO HOMES EARTH....AND OUR HEALTH TAKE CARE OF THEM 45 h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv

PATRIOTISM Shabna D2 maths Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments narrow domestic walls bu Where worlds come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless trng stretches it’s arms towards perfections where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is lead forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action into that heaven of freedom, my father,let my country awake. h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cs\\-t´m ]-d-bm-³- D-ïv 46

P-\\-\\w- ap-X-Â- a-c-Ww- hsc \\mw- Hmtcm bm-{X-bn-em-Wv. h-gn-bn-Â- -sh¨v ]-escbpw- I-ïp-ap-«p-ïp-. ]-e-bn-S-§-fpw- I-b-dn- C-d-§p-¶p-. B- bm-{X-bnse -thj-a-Wn-ª-h-À- A-h-cpsS I-À-¯-hyw- \\n-dthän- ]n-cn-ªp- -t]mIp-¶p-. h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-c-³- ]n-¶n-«- Zq-c-§sfm-s¡bpw- B-bp-km-bn-cp-¶p-.. I-ïp-ap-«n-b- ap-J-§sfm-s¡bpw- A-kvYn-c-am-bn-cp-¶p-... k©-cn-¨- ]m-Z-I-Ä- Hs¡bpw- A-\\y-am-bn- am-dn-bn-cn-¡p-¶p-... ]-¦psh¨- I-Y-Isfm-s¡bpw- Po-hn-X- bm-Ym-À-Yy-§-Ä- B-bn-cp-¶p-... \\mw- Hmtcmcp-¯-cpw- h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-cm-Wv.. D-d-¨- e-£y-ap-Å- Asæn-Â- e-£y-an-Ãm-X-e-bp-¶- h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-À-... BtcmKyt¯m-sS k-t´mjt¯m-sS h-gn-bm-{X-¡m-c-\\p- H-cp-]m-Sv Zq-cw- ]n-¶n-Sm-³- I-gn-bs«... kam]- \\- w-

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