Oak View Academy Winsford Believe, Expect, Succeed Headteacher Aplication Pack
“Oak View has been part of the North West Academies Trust family since 2014.” Oak View Academy At Oak View we’re success is delivered through extremely proud to equal partnership between deliver a rich and creative children, parents and the learning experience that school. enables all our children to We BELIEVE that all children fulfil their vast potentials. have the right to receive the very best possible education. Our vision puts children at the heart of everything we do, We EXPECT the maximum every single minute of every from all our children, in all that day. they do. All our children will be given the opportunity to take It is our firm conviction that when children enjoy all part in exciting new learning aspects of school and become experiences, and to SUCCEED enthusiastic and independent through encouragement and learners, they gain the most support. from their education. We have created an environment in which children can grow and thrive, and become the very best versions of themselves. This climate for
North West Academies Trust “Opening children’s eyes to the wonderful world of possibility.” NWAT believes an aspirational and inspirational where all children and young adults can achieve their full potential. education is the right of every child. Whatever the challenges are, our goal remains the same: to Our success is driven by a commitment to improve standards provide children with opportunities to aspire and succeed, and outcomes for all pupils. and open their eyes to the wonderful world of possibility. As specialists in high-quality education, we are passionate We offer you.. about supporting schools within their communities and ensuring outstanding learning opportunities for every child. The support you need to do an excellent and rewarding job, The schools in our Trust provide excellent teaching and working with schools where every child truly matters. strong leadership in a creative, supportive and aspirational A chance to develop professionally as part of a fabulous team environment. committed to continuous school growth and ensuring the We have the necessary experience of driving up standards best possible outcomes for children. in education in order to provide a learning environment “Opening children’s eyes to the wonderful world of possibility”
“We want our next headteacher to Job Description see and create opportunity...” Job Title: Headteacher at heart for all children. Salary: Competitive Our mission is to equip every pupil with Report to: CEO all the necessary skills for their onward journey, having loved their time at our Are you an individual who can school. build on success, has a vision for Under the guidance of North West teaching excellence, and understands Academies Trust, Oak View Academy how important the right curriculum is to has gone from second worst primary inspire children to learn? in the country, in terms of attainment If so, Oak View Academy is the school and progress, to a good Ofsted rating, for you! with high praise for the impressive We want our next Headteacher to progress made. see and create opportunity, think We want to continue this progress. differently, innovate and have kindness Whether you are seeking your first Headship or looking for a new challenge, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Closing date: Mon, Oct 10 School Visits: TBC Informal interviews: W/B Oct 10 Formal interviews: W/B Oct 17 Apply: [email protected]
“We want an enthusiastic, committed and hard-working headteacher to lead our team.” Responsibilities of Headteacher • Provide professional leadership for the quality of education provided at the • Ensure clear delegation of school, inspire a love of learning. Lead school. responsibilities and tasks, consistent by example to ensure a high quality with employment conditions. education for all pupils. • Promote extra-curricular activities in accordance with the educational aims • Promote and monitor professional • Deliver inspiring and purposeful of the school. development, including the induction of leadership for the staff and pupils. newly-qualified staff. • Manage, monitor and review the • Work with the local governing body, range, quality and use of all available • Build on good working relationships staff and parents to secure continuous resources in order to improve the with trustees, governors, staff, pupils, school improvement consistent with quality of education, ensure efficiency parents/carers and the community. the ethos, values and objectives of the and secure value for money. Trust. • Foster an environment in which all staff • Promote an environment which understand they are accountable for • Ensure that all those involved in the secures good teaching, effective the success of the school. school are committed to its aims and learning, high standards of motivated to achieve them. achievement and good behaviour. • Ensure that parents/carers and pupils are well informed about the curriculum, • Ensure management, finances, • Implement a policy for the personal, attainment and progress. organisation and administration of the social and moral development of all school reflects the vision and priorities pupils. • Present an accurate and coherent of the Trust. account of the school’s performance, • Carefully monitor and evaluate the suitable for a range of audiences, • Manage and organise the school quality of teaching, learning and including governors, the Trust, the building efficiently and effectively standards of achievement. community, Ofsted and others, to ensure it meets the needs of the to enable them to play their part curriculum, community use and health • Develop and maintain effective links effectively. and safety regulations. with parents and the wider community to extend the curriculum and support • Carry out any duties as reasonably • Work with colleagues to develop staff pupils’ achievement and personal expected of the Headteacher. in order to maintain and improve the development.
Criteria Qualifications Experience • Qualified teacher status. • Successful senior • Evidence of continuous leadership and professional development. management experience • National professional in a school. qualification for Headship • Teaching experience. (NPQH) or equivalent. • Involvement in school self-evaluation and Skills & Knowledge development planning. • As above – leading SEF • Data analysis skills, and and planning. the ability to use data to • Experience of successful set targets and identify line management and staff areas for improvement. development. • Strategic use of data. • Evidence of change and/ • Understanding of high- or project management. quality teaching, and the • Good relationship skills ability to model this for and understanding of others and support others working with our partners. to improve. • Evidence of leading quality of teaching and learning. • Ability to manage financial resources. • Effective communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to communicate a vision and inspire others.
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