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Home Explore Peacemakers' Biographies

Peacemakers' Biographies

Published by kchavarria, 2020-05-19 20:54:20

Description: By 4A1- 2020


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Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker She is a peacemaker because her book teach to respect differences and how bad is a war. war

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. Her diary give peace to the wold giving an example of how awful is the war and important is to repec diferences.

What did you learn about him/her? That all the persons can respect the differences of a jiwish to a another religion.

Dalai Lama. By : Eva H

Date and Place of Birth Dalai Lama was born in 6 of juli in 1935 and was in born in Tenzin Gyatso.He is a well know peace maker in China. Caption

FAMILY Caption Young Dalai lama was raised with his parents who where workers that worked as farmers who had the job to raise many different animals such as sheep.He had six other siblings four boys and two girls.

Facts about his or her life - Struggles Overcome Dalai Lama had a very hard life ever since when he had to take a lot of resposabilaties and a young age due to the point he had a hard life.(resposabilaties in next pg) This is he's explanation for giving peace. .

Dalai lama’s responsibilities. Dalai lama is the head monk of tibetan Buddhism.He has traditionally has been responsible in for the government of Tibet.One say the government of china has taken control in 1959.

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker During his time he was the leader of the Tibetan government.He was maintained in peace and has not committed any violence in towards the chinese,but even to the point that they overthrew the Tibetan region. Caption

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. The 14th Dalai lama has been awarded the Nobel peace Prize in 1989.It was the awarded for his nonviolent and opposition that came to China’s occupation(and also his Buddhist peace philosophy).

What did you learn about him/her? I learned that even when there's a problem that feels too hard for anyone to fix It is possible during time that many people can find many many ways to fix a problem in the world that really anyone can fix.

Madre teresa de calcuta By : Samanta

Date and Place of Birth She was born in the 27 of august of 1910. She lived in india. India

FAMILY She lived with her This photo is of her mother Dranafile and her mother and Bojaxhiu and her father Nikollë Bojaxhiu. father She have a sister Aga Bojaxhiu and her brother Lazar Bojaxhiu.

Facts about his or her life - Struggles Overcome She never saw her mother or sister again after leaving home to become a missionary. Albania's international airport is named after her, the Aeroporti Nene Tereza. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Mother teresa

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker Teresa de Calcuta she wins this awards [this are only some] Bharat Ratna 1980 Premio Nobel de la Paz 1979 Golden Honour of the Nation 1994 Pope John XXIII Peace Prize 1971 Albert Schweitzer International Prize 1975 Mother teresa and the award nobel of the peace

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. Because she help poor kids and in need.In 1950, Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, that had over 4,500 nuns and was active in 133 countries in 2012. The congregation manages homes for people who are dying of leprosy and tuberculosis. It also runs soup kitchens, dispensaries, mobile clinics, children's and family counselling programmes, as well as orphanages and schools. Members take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.

What did you learn about him/her? I learn that we can not judge others we need to be friend and love each other.Don’t be bad with poor people love them and help them. my favorite quotes of her is: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” “Peace begins with a smile’’ “Not all of us can do great things.”

Princes Diana By : Amanda Noguera Bonilla

Date and Place of Birth Princes Diana Caption She is a: princes She born in: july 31, 1961 in Norfolk, England. She Died:August 31, 1997 in Paris, France in a accident Becoming Princess Because she mermaid with a princess his name Charles Her Nickname: Lady Di

FAMILY The dad of Diana is Spenser and the mom is Frances. The Brother that she estay almost all the live is Charles because the oder broders go to live in another part. The to parents got divorced so she stay with Charles. In their seeds that all the family of the princes was destroyed in her live.

Family Of princes Diana

Facts about his or her life - Struggles Overcome All the live of Diana is that the the prince Charles never love her he love, he most of the live lave Camila. The Quin Isabel II don´t like that the princes Diana wer mermaid with her son. The investigation that they do of the Princes Diana when she die is that some persons sei that the death of the princes was not the accident was a plan to don´t be in the throne. The car that the princes die

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker She help the kid that dont have family so the persons of that town like that she do thad, She help the person that have aids the persons think that the is considered, and she help the town and I think that is a thick so good.

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. He help the kids that don't have family, she help the the persons that have sida, and she were so good with the town, and because she estand up when all the family destroy.

What did you learn about him/her?

Malala Malala By : (Amanda Rey)

Date and Place of Birth Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12t, 1997 in the Swat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. Her first name Malala means afflicted. Caption

FAMILY Malala was born to a Sunni Muslim family of the Pashtun ethnicity She is the daughter of Toorpakai and Ziauddin Yousafzai, and has two brothers. Caption

Facts about his or her life - Struggles Overcome On October 9, 2012 Malala boarded a bus to advocate for Pakistani girls' education when the Taliban shot her in the head and neck. She was 15. ... It was almost two years to the day when Malala was shot that she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She was 17 and the youngest recipient to receive it. Caption

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker With amazing courage and persistence she began to do what many adults were afraid to do, speak in front of the public for the rights of children and the rights of girls to get an education. She returned to school and organised a protest against the ban on education for girls Caption

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. Because it was incredible that Malala survived a bullet to the head with 15 years and that's why she became a peacemaker.

What did you learn about him/her? What I learned was that she threw a raft on his head when she was 15 years old and incredible.

JuanPablo II By : Javier García

Date and Place of Birth Karol Józef (Juan Pablo II) Was Burned on may,18 On 1920 on a little town on poland that his name is Wadowice This is the Basilica of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary a very visited place on WadoWice

FAMILY The family of Juan Pablo II is formed by:Emilia Wojtyła mother, Karol Wojtyła father, Olga Wojtyła sister, Edmund Wojtyła brother. I can't found a picture about all the family together D:

Family pictures Emilia Karol Olga Edmund Wojtyła Wojtyła Wojtyła Wojtyła mother father sister brother.

to start Facts abouttheir studies at the his or her life - Struggles Overcome Jagiellonian University His mom died on 1929 when he was 9 years old,his sister died before he was born his brother died on 1932 when juan pablo ii was 12 years old.With his father Karol joseph translated to cracovia to to start their studies at the Jagiellonian University.his father died on 1941 on the Poland occupation by Germany on the world war 2 This is Cracovia the city that karol joseph go to his studies

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker Fight for freedom:¨No tengáis miedo.Sólo él tiene palabras de vida eterna¨ karol joseph had suffered firsthand the oppression of the Nazi and communist regimes.He go to Poland and filled the poles to fight for freedom. Karol joseph freedom For poland

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. He was the first pope on like 400 years that was not italian, on world war II nazis take control so he dont study in the same university by 1941 his family all died living him lonely but nothing stopped Him to be a pope and he became a pope on 1942 a year late when he was lonely.He helped some towns and countries for no war and communists.

What did you learn about him/her? A lot of things like follow your dreams because karol’s family died all and the nazi war were big problems but nothing stopped him and that the wars are bad ‘cause when i was 5 was the 1st time I hear about him and he teached me that wars are bad.

Peace- maker Name is Jesus By : (Mathias)

Date and Place of Birth Jesus was borned on Caption 25 of december and he borned in a nest.When he was going to born his fathers were trying to get a house or a place to stay but the people say no.

FAMILY His family was his father named:Jose and his mother named:Maria.They care him until he borned. The family of jesus

Facts about his or her life - Struggles Overcome Jesus was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament, he was crusuficated for the forgivness of sins . This is a Caption of he crusuficated .

Major accomplishment/s of standing up and making a difference in the world as a peacemaker He was crucified and died for the forgiveness of sins and he Resurrected 3 days after he was crucified . This is a Caption Of jesus in the cross

Why is she/he a peacemaker? Write facts. He was send it from God for forgiveness of sins and he is the son of God also His peace is the fullness of well-being, gratuitously given by God

What did you learn about him/her? He was a better person I thinked and he is the person was send it from God and he have the peace of God .I learned that is to be good people and how we need to do the good. For example, we need to help poor people because they need help

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