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Home Explore Perils & Progress

Perils & Progress

Published by Jeannette Ong, 2022-01-05 06:41:29

Description: Look into my journey throughout my Interval Training course.


A final requirement for PE Interval Training in University of the Philippines - Diliman.


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PERILS & PROGRESS It was never an easy journey. It will never be. But it's worth it.

INTTREARINVIANLGAnything and Everything about It What exactly is Interval Training? It is an exercise routine inolving alternating short bursts of intense activity—usually between 20-30 seconds—alongside long bursts of less intense activity. This may or may not includes intervals of rests in between exercises and sets. The difficulty of interval training routines depend on the intensity, speed, and length of the exercise that you will be doing. Some of the exercises that are commonly seen in interval training include push ups, sit ups, squats, burpees, high knees, jumping jacks, planks, lunges, and a variation and combination among these. A lot more other exercises are not mentioned and the list is just endless! With these, interval training truly provides a number of benefits. This allows one to burn more calories compared to other exercises due to its intensity. It then strengthens your body at a more effecient rate! You won't also need complex equipment. Just you, yourself, and your dedication, you will definitely love this! GLEOT! 'S

ECqhueicpkmliesnt!t Before one should start in their interval training journey, they would need some equipment that would ensure their safety and comfort while doing the exercises. As such, here are some of the must-haves for a beginner! Yoga Mat For floor exercises, this will help you do each one safely, comforably, and efficiently. Water Bottle Exercises would sure be Fitted exhausting and this will quench Clothes your tiring thirst from it. Wearing such allows you to do each exercise effectively and get the most out of it. Towel You will definitel be panting and sweating after the routine so prepare one of this. Resistance If you are up for some challenge, Bands add some resistance bands to spice up your exercise!

At the start of every journey... All my life, I have always been a skinny person. Whenever I look at myself in front of the mirror, I wished I have leaner physique—just like anybody else. I did not like the way I look, and I always envy those who have better figure than I do. I thought to myself—is there something wrong with my diet? with my physical activeness? or is it just really me? With these questions bugging me, I decided to take action and be serious with it. So, I took this class to help me in the process! The gameplan is to eat diet high in protein, calories, and nutrients, then to exercise to build muscles and burn unhealthy fats. I truly believe that interval training will aid me in achieving a healthy body. \" Insecurities. They This hasn't been an easy journey. devour you—whole. But with constant dedication, I It is the worst can soon achieve my goal. I just enemy because I need to believe in myself! caused it on myself. \"

Kid at Heart I invited my two brothers, Jacey and Jacob, and my two cousins, Vannah and Caeli, to join me in two consecutive rounds of the 5-minute TABATA exercise. With how they have been in front of gadgets nowadays, I wanted them to experience the fun in being physically active so that they are motivated to always keep the muscles moving. As kids, the routine we followed introduced new movements to them, and slowly, I guided them into doing the proper posture in each exercise. It is quite challenging as they tend to be frisky and prankish as the kids that they are, but I am happy to say they did it get it at the end! With what we have attained at the end of the two rounds, I am more than thrilled with what we did. We, the siblings, are not always able to spend time with our cousins so this gave us another memory to treasure. We also have had a good laugh among ourselves while doing the exercises! So, I definitely look forward to doing such kind of activity again with them in the future. These kids might not be able to really push out themselves to do their best in the exercise, but what's important is that I introduced how fun exercising can be! First 5-minute TABATA session Second 5-minute TABATA session

They might be older but they still have it! I invited my parents and my uncle to also accompany me as we do a session of the 5-minute TABATA workout. With all of the things that come as one ages, I want to let them know that there is still a way to strengthen their bodies—and that is through exercise! As I expected, we started with A LOT of laughs! They had a pretty rough start in the beginning of the exercise but they all just laughed it all of. My uncle also goofed around with us which made our exercise routine more hilarious. As someone who is not able to spend much time with them due to their work, this definitely allowed me to do something with them while having so much fun. This is something great to look back from the future. Accordingly, I have to guide them into doing the proper posture for each exercise. It hasn't been easy for them as body pain goes off once they do a little bit more, but I believe that they were able to push the best out of them through my aid. They are not the type to do rigorous activities like these, except for my dad, so seeing them accomplish the routine made me feel proud of them. So many things come when one grows old, but I hope that through this activity, I was able to encourage them to be more active and incorporate simple exercise to keep their body strong and healthy. I would definitely invite them to another session soon!

LETTER MYto my As another year passed by, it is undenia and obstacles along the way. Despite help one to carry further. Here are some Keep going. You will soon Have some company bes reach the end. motivate you through I'm proud of you for enduring it all. There will be good days. There will be bad days. This is normal and you do not have to feel bad about it. What's important is that you continue to go on with each day.

RS MYSELF able how there have been a lot of challenges such, new learnings were gained that will e that I have learned through this course. side you. They will The process will always be hard. h your journey. But it will all be worth it. When it is getting difficult and Always shower tiring, rest for a while. Do not be yourself with too hard on yourself. You deserve love and care. Prioritize what it. is best for you.

Best Fittest B.F.F. Friends First and second sessions I have taken this opportunity to virtually spend time Third and fourth sessions with my friends of 7 years, Jewelle and Mariah, as we Third and fourth sessions did 4 sessions of the 5-minute TABATA exercise. It Third and fourth sessions has been a long time since we last saw one another —virtually or in person. This project allowed us to catch up with each other despite our busy schedules in college. Additionally, it pursued us to be physically active as well amidst the online classes that we have daily. Years before, we have already tried workout routines, especially the \"Chloe Ting programs\"; hence, we are all experienced and knowledgeable. I did not formally teach them anymore the proper techniques and posture, but I still keenly observed them if they are doing it right. Unfortunately, the recording of our first and second sessions were not properly documented as it had been missing as I checked it, but I have provided a picture we took after it. This was definitely a memorable experience for us. We weren't able to spend much time anymore these days to the situation and school. Inviting them to exercises bonded us again. It has also been a tool for us to rekindle the fire we once had for workout, especially now that we truly need to keep our body healthy and strong.

Apart and Strong My partner and I have been apart the whole pandemic, but, I can say we are keeping it strong. As such, why not we make our bodies strong as well? So, I invited him, Joshua, and his brother, Jhomer, to join me in another 4 sessions of the 5-minute TABATA workout. This is the first time that we exercised together so it is another meaningful memory for me. As the men that they are, they are also experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to working out. They have previously done intense workout routines and weightlifting exercises for a period of time so I did not formally guide them in doing the proper posture and technique. I simply observed them to ensure that what they are doing is right in order to be effective during the workout. Currently, the three of us are all occupied with our online classes—meaning most of time, we are all sitting down in front of our laptops. This activity hopefully motivated and encouraged them again to incorporate exercises in their daily routines, may it be a simple and short one. I believe that the main driving force to being healthy is consistency and discipline so as long as one keeps on exerting effort to do such, they will be successful in it! Also, this is the first time that I was able to do something with my partner's brother. I hope that through this, we can be closer, which is why I can't wait to invite them again to another session! First and second sessions Third and fourth sessions

At the end of every journey... \" My journey throughout this Interval Training course was not an easy one. It is undeniable that there are times when I lost the motivation to accomplish the exercises needed to be done. But it has imparted me a lot of lessons. It made me realize that nothing can be gotten easily. You really have to exert effort in it to achieve the results in the end. It may be hard but it will all be worth it! Simultaneously, this also gave me the opportunity to share with others the fun in exercising and its importance in our health. Inviting my loved ones to workout with me brought us closer together and create memorable experiences. I have also showed them how easy it is to exercise! And I hope that this motivated them as well to continue exercising as it will definitely strengthen their bodies. Before I started this, a lot of things concern—especially my weight. I am proud to say that I was able to gain 1.7kg, and though I am still underweight, I am happy with the progress I made. With this, I would definitely continue in doing exercises, and invite them again to exercise with me. As long as I become consistent, I can reach my goal and be fully proud of myself! ✨ \" Progress is not linear. Every part of it—easy or hard—is essential in your growth. Never stop working for it.

It may still not be the best version of me. But I am just beginning. I am now stronger.

Thank you Sir Pio for influencing and motivating me to work harder towards my goal of being fit and healthy. You truly are inspiration! It does not end here. This is just the start. PERILS & PROGRESS

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