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Home Explore IDE Compressors - Catalog 2015 EN

IDE Compressors - Catalog 2015 EN

Published by info, 2015-01-12 10:20:56

Description: IDE NewParts Compressors GmbH - E-Paper Catalog 2015 English

Keywords: IDE,Compressors


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 TP 140 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS  TT 110 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model Working Drive Delivery r.p.m. Motor Dryer- Measurement Weight pressure amount system (cm) net Model Working Drive Delivery r.p.m. Motor Dryer– Measurement Weight- 225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS LW H kg pressure amount system (cm) net 225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS FT 90 L WH kg TP 110 LD Diesel 110 2.200 3,8 5,2 FT 80 79 38 46 65 FT 90 T 70 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS TT 60 EM 230V 50 Hz 60 2.100 1,5 2,2 FT 90 59 40 41 42 TP 140 EM 230V 50 Hz 140 2.200 3,0 4,5 FT 80 66 33 46 50 FT 90Working pressure Drive Delivery r.p.m. Motor Dryer– Measurement(cm) Weight- TT 110 EM 230V 50 Hz 100 2.100 2,2 3,0 59 40 41 43 TP 140 ET 400V 50/60 Hz 140 2.200 3,0 3,0 FT 80 66 33 46 49 amount system net225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS FT 70 L BH kg TT 110 ET 400V 50/60 Hz 110 2.100 2,2 3,0 59 40 41 43 TP 140 RB Benzin gasoline 140 2.200 4,5 4,5 FT 80 79 38 46 47T 70 EM 230 V 50Hz 65 1.850 1,1 1,5 38 58 35 27 TT 110 RB Robin gasoline 110 2.100 4,2 6 75 40 41 41 TP 140 LD Diesel 140 2.200 3,8 5,2 FT 80 79 38 46 69 4

Advanced technology in the smallest space 150 - 350 LCompact high pressurecompressor in stainless steel bodyfor purest breathing air and othergases. Designed for the operationat generators in vehicles, yachtsand remote operating placeswithout current supply. In seriesequipped with automatic finalpressure shut-down andautomatic condensate drain thisinstallation type is characterisedby high user-friendliness.  TMI - SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight net min 225 or 330 or 420 bar l/min 1.350 kW PS LW H kg 1.350 TMI 160 230V 50Hz 150 1.350 3,0 4,1 FT 310 60 60 85 155 1.550 TMI 160 400V 50/60 Hz 160 1.450 4,0 5,4 FT 310 60 60 85 155 TMI 230 400V 50/60 Hz 230 4,0 5,4 FT 310 60 60 85 160 TMI 320 400V 50/60 Hz 320 5,5 7,5 FT 410 60 60 85 172 TMI 350 400V 50/60 Hz 350 7,5 10,0 FT 410 60 60 95 177 5

For those looking for something special 150 - 320 LPortable high pressure com-pressor unit for pure breath-ing air acc. to DIN EN 12021or other standards. Used forthe preferential operation atfire-brigades, for national andforeign countries as well asdiving schools and shops. Var-ious configuration optionsfor more different targetedapplications make thiscompressor series to idealequipment.  TI -L SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight net kg 225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS LW H 89 89 TI-L 160 EM 230V 50 Hz 150 1.350 3,0 4,1 FT 310 101 55 60 125 130 TI-L 160 ET 400V 50/60 Hz 160 1.350 4,0 5,4 FT 310 101 55 60 TI-L 230 ET 400V 50/60 Hz 230 1.350 4,0 5,4 FT 310 101 55 60 TI-L 320 ET 400V 50/60 Hz 320 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 310 101 55 60 6

mobile and independent 160 - 320 LPortable, extreme durablehigh pressure compressorplant for breathing air orother gases within a solidtransportable drop-frame. Aspreferential series used as alocation independent com-pressor for diving bases, atfire-brigades and emergencyservices in Germany andforeign countries. Power gridindependent on operationareas, due to a diesel drive.  TCI - SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight net 225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS LB H kg TCI 160 LD 350 bar Diesel 160 1.350 5,0 7,0 FT 310 135 55 67 175 TCI 160 RB gasoline 160 4,8 6,5 135 TCI 230 LD 350 bar Diesel 230 1.350 5,0 7,0 FT 310 135 55 67 185 TCI 230 RB gasoline 230 5,9 8,0 145 TCI 320 LD 350 bar Diesel 320 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 410 135 55 67 205 TCI 320 RB gasoline 320 6,6 9,0 165 7

Compact size compact price 230 - 720 LStationary High PressureCompressor unit, for purebreathing air acc. to DIN EN12021 or other standards.Used for the preferentialoperation at fire-brigades,for national and foreigncountries as well as divingschools and shops. In seriesequipped with automaticfinal pressure shut down andautomatic condense waterdrain. The TFI-Series arecharacterised by high user-friendliness. Optionally:AIRSAVE-PREMIUM dryermonitoring and CC-CONTROL.  TFI SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight net 225 or 330 or 420 bar 400V 50/60 Hz l/min min kW PS FT 410 LW H kg TFI 230 350 bar 400V 50/60 Hz 230 1.350 4,0 5,4 FT 410 65 105 90 200 TFI 320 350 bar 400V 50/60 Hz 320 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 410 65 105 90 215 TFI 430 max.420 bar 400V 50/60 Hz 430 1.250 9,0 12 FT 410 65 105 90 265 TFI 550 max.420 bar 400V 50/60 Hz 550 1.250 11 15 FT 610 65 105 90 285 TFI 720 max.420 bar 720 1.380 11 15 65 105 90 305 8

140 L 230 - 350 LTransportable and compact Stationary silent (by quiethigh pressure compressor unit run 67-68 dbA) high pres-for professional use in occupa- sure compressor unit for airtion and recreation. TPS serie and Nitrox up to 40% Ox-is optimally fitted for applica- ygene. Used preferential intion on yachts, diving boats, residential areas, hotels andsmall diving schools, on diving trade development areas. Insafari vehicles and fire-fighting series equipped with comput-vehicles or for Gotcha. Even er aided compressor controlthe super silent modell TPS “CC-CONTROL” for the opti-140 equipped with strong mization of working reliabilitysteerable transportwheels with and air quality as well as forbrakes is transportable. Com- failure notice control.pact dimensions and very Optionally: AIRSAVEstrong frame combined with PREMIUM dryer monitoringtechnology state-of-the-art CO - CO² - O² & AIRSCRUB-guarantee a perfect handlingand functional and robust relia- BER CO² prefilter.bility in all operational areas.Perfect for NITROX use. Perfectfor NITROX use on land and onthe water. TSI - SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight nettoTPS - SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS 225 or 330 bar l/min min kW L BH kgModel working pressure Drive Delivery amount r.p.m Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight netto TSI 230 400V 50/60 Hz 230 1.350 4,0/5,4 FT 310 110 70 125 230225 or 330 bar l/min min kW PS LW H kg TSI 320 400V 50/60 Hz 320 1.550 5,5/7,5 FT 410 110 70 125 235TPS 140 SILENT ET 400V 50/60 Hz 140 1.900 3,0 4,0 FT 80 63 66 120,5 124 TSI 350 (420bar) 400V 50/60 Hz 350 1.450 7,5/10 FT 410 110 70 125 245TPS 140 SILENT EM 230V 50Hz 140 1.900 3,0 4,0 FT 80 63 66 120,5 125 TSI 300N 400V 50/60 Hz 300 1.250 7,5/10 FT 410 110 70 125 255 9

Set up - Turn on - Fill Safety Filling Station 430–720 L ( OM 390 - 800 L )Ready to use configured stationaryhigh pressure compressor unit forpurest breathing air, air or othergases. Preferred model range usedfor rescue organizations and fire-brigades as well as in diving schools.Robust high performance unit withsmall noise and high user-friendliness. In series equipped withautomatic pressure shut-down andautomatic drain. TFV (S) MODEL SPECIFICATIONS  FILL SAFE 300 ( OM ) MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel working pressure NITROX Drive Delivery amount r.p.m Motor Dryer system Measures (cm) Weight Net. Model - working pressure Delivery amount Filling connections Measures (cm) Weight Net. l/min kW/PS LB H kg225 / 330 / 420 bar READY 430 1.250 9,0/12 FT 410 105 80 172 410 200 / 300 / 420 bar l/min LBH kg 550 1.250 11/15 FT 410 105 80 172 410TFV 430 400V 50/60 Hz 720 1.350 11/15 FT 810 105 80 172 420 FILL SAFE 300 160 - 720 4-6 156 60 110 718 430 1.250 9,0/12 FT 410 125 84 185 455TFV 550 400V 50/60 Hz 550 1.250 11/15 FT 410 125 84 185 455 TFV(S) combined 390-460-530-600 4-6 156 60 110 718 720 1.350 15/20 FT 810 125 84 185 465 FILL SAFE 300 OM1 Power ControlTFV 720 400V 50/60 Hz TFV(S) combined 500-600-700-800 4-6 156 60 110 718TFVS 430 400V 50/60 Hz FILL SAFE 300 OM2 Power ControlTFVS 550 400V 50/60 HzTFVS 720 400V 50/60 Hz 10

OIL-FREE 350-500-700Producing high-quality productsalways require higher levels ofpurity for the substances used inproduction. Economical, losslessand eco-friendly usage of thesessubstances is another indispensa-ble requirement. Where gasesmust be compressed, is a field ofapplication for the new IDE TFOwith oil-free compressor stages upto 300 bars.  TFO - SERIE MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working Drive Delivery amount r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement (cm) Weight net pressure min kW PS kg Electro l/min 2000m³ L WH 225 or 330 bar 230/ 3 400V 50/60 Hz 350 L 600 7,5 10 FT 610 142 87 113 470 350/ 4 400V 50/60 HZ 330 L 700 490 230/ 3 400V 50/60 Hz 500 L 500 11 15 FT 610 142 87 113 490 350/ 4 400V 50/60 HZ 450 L 700 520 230/ 3 400V 50/60 Hz 700 L 700 15 20 FT 610 142 87 113 550 350/ 4 400V 50/60 HZ 670 L 650 580 11

FUN 100 l/min S P O R T S 150 - 220 l/min  BAVARIA SERIE: FUN - SPORT - PRO - SILENT MODEL SPECIFICATIONS Model working Drive Delivery r.p.m. Motor Dryer system Measurement Weight pressure amount (cm) net 200 or 300 bar L/min min Kw PS TYP LBH kgLightweight and smallest dimensions high-pressure compressor Transportable and compact high-pressure compressor for professio- FUNfor hobby and professional use. The \"Bavaria Fun\" is the ideal nal and recreational use. The \"Bavaria Pro\" is the ideal choice to bechoice to be used on yachts, for small dive schools, in fire trucks used on yachts, dive boats, for small dive schools, in fire brigade or FUN 100 230V 50 Hz 100 2.100 2,2 3,0 FT 90 58 40 42 45or dive-safari vehicles or for paintball. The combination of very dive-safari vehicles or for paintball. The combination of compact FUN 100 400V 50/60 Hz 100 2.100 2,2 3,0 FT 90 58 40 42 44small dimensions, low weight and state-of-the-art technology dimensions, fully automatic, low weight and state-of-the-art techno- FUN 100 100 2.100 4,2 5,7 FT 90 63 40 42 42ensure perfect handling and functional safety for all purposes by logy ensure perfect handling and functional safety for all purposes by Gasolineland and by water. land and by water. SPORTSP R O 220 - 310 l/min BAVARIA SILENT 150 - 310 l/min SPORTS 150 230V 50 HZ 150 1.350 3,0 4,0 FT 310 106 51 67 130 SPORTS 220 400V 50/60 Hz 220 1.350 4,0 5,5 FT 310 106 51 67 135Compact, robust, durable and versatile. The new compressor SPORTS 220 220 1.350 6,7 9,0 FT 310 106 51 67 125range from IDE New Compressor Parts for a fantastic price. Por- Gasolinetable and compact high-pressure compressor system for professi- PROonal and amateur use. For use on dive boats, diving schools,diving safaris and fire fighting vehicles or for Gotcha/Paintball, PRO 220 400V 50/60 Hz 220 1.350 4,0 5,5 FT 310 107 55 67 135Bavaria PRO 220/270/310 is the right choice. Compact dimensions PRO 220 Gasoline 220 1.350 6,7 9,0 FT 310and low weight combined with modern technology guarantee a PRO 270 270 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 310 107 55 67 135perfect handling and reliability in all application areas on land and PRO 270 400V 50/60 Hz 270 1.550 6,7 9,0 FT 310water. PRO 310 Gasoline 310 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 310 107 55 67 135 PRO 310 310 1.550 6,7 9,0 FT 310 400V 50/60 Hz 107 55 67 135 SILENT Gasoline 107 55 67 135 / 235 107 55 67 135 SILENT 150 230V 50 HZ 150 1.350 3,0 4,1 FT 310 110 70 125 225 SILENT 220 400V 50/60 HZ 220 1.350 4,0 5,4 FT 310 110 70 125 230 SILENT 310 400V 50/60 HZ 310 1.550 5,5 7,5 FT 310 110 70 125 235 Stationary silent (by quiet run 68dbA) high pressure compressor unit used preferentially in residential areas, hotels and trade development areas. AIRSAVE PRO ECO dryer monitoring. 12

IDE NITROX GENERATOR IDE NITROX GENERATOR TPS TSI N300 - TFV(S) - TFO· Compact system SIMPLE: SIMPLE:· Oil-free low-pressure compressor· Extremely quiet, only 54 db(A) Complete \" ready for use \" operation Complete \" ready for use \" operation· Highly efficient membrane Adjust the regulated input to supply the Adjust the regulated input to supply the desired o2%· up to 30 years product life of the membrane. desired o2% Only 2-hour operator training required Only 2-hour operator training required 2 Hours average 2 Hours average installation Installation. No compressor modifications Model specifications No compressor modifications  Model specifications MG 500 RELIABLE: RELIABLE: MG 300 MEMBRAN SUPPLY Mix accurate to one tenth of 1%. Uses 220V at 10 Amps Mix accurate to one tenth of 1% MEMBRAN SUPPLY Up to 20 year life span for the membrane Uses 220V at 10 Amps Up to 30 Limited 2 year warrantyMG 140 (OILFREE) DRIVE year life span for the membrane FAD EAN 40% FAD EAN 40% Limited 2 year warranty 300 l/min (10,6 cfm) 500 l/min (17,65 cfm) VERSATILE: MEMBRAN SUPPLY VERSATILE: Produces from 21% to 40% oxygen FAD EAN 40% 5,5 kW (7,5 PS), FAD EAN 36% FAD EAN 36% Unlimited continuous on-site production140 l/min (5,25 cfm) 400V 50/60 Hz 33A Produces from 21% to 40% oxygen 420 l/min (14,8 cfm) 630 l/min (22,25 cfm) Use as low pressure system for direct supply via hoses L.B.H.(cm) 120 x 72 x 100 Unlimited continuous on-site production or with downstream high pressure compressor to fill Use as low pressure system for direct supply via hoses Diving tanks and storage banks. No size or flow limits or with downstream high pressure compressor to fill diving Banked, hot fills, or continuous Nitrox output. Ideal for tanks and storage banks. No size or flow limits Banked, hot fills, or continuous Nitrox output. Ideal for remote sites SAFE: and live-aboards. O2 levels of up to 40% SAFE: To handle like air O2 levels of up to 40% COST EFFECTIVE: To handle like air No 100 % oxygen storage required COST EFFECTIVE: High volume output means no waiting for fills Easy maintenance (1 inexpensive filter change each quarter) No 100 % oxygen storage required Operates on grade D or E Air High volume output means no waiting for fills Use your existing oil lubricated compressor* Easy maintenance (1 inexpensive filter change each quarter) No hidden costs Operates on grade D or E Air Some HP-compressors may not be suitable for Nitrox use. Use your existing oil lubricated compressor* No hidden costs COMPARE TO o² BLENDING: Some HP-compressors may not be suitable for Nitrox use. No O2 cleaning of tanks or equipment FAD EAN 32% FAD EAN 32% No blending courses required 520 l/min (18,4 cfm) 790 l/min (27,9 cfm) No oxygen tank rentals No Expensive Blending Panels DRIVE DRIVE No worries about the Fire Inspector shutting down. 7,5 kW (10 PS), 15 kW (20 PS), 400V 50/60 Hz 16A 400V 50/60 Hz 33A L.B.H. 115 x 87 x 130 13

CO - CO² - O² - ÖL - AEROSOLE AIRSAVE OIL CONTROL IDE NewParts Compressors From now on we also permanently Airsave Premium measure the residual oil content in theMonitoring of air-quality at breathing-air compressed air. A quantum leap!compressor. Unrivalled around the globe:the in the compressor integrated, electronic Filling with AIRSAVE PREMIUM togethersystem to monitor air quality and dryer sat-uration in high-pressure breathing-air com- with an Airscrubber CO² prefilter gua-pressors. Airsave Premium is your first op-portunity to monitor all parameters of your rantee compliance with the main para-compressor system, which are decisive forair quality and operational safety - CO, CO2, meters (CO, CO2, O2, humidity) of DINO2, temperature, humidity, filter saturation, EN 12021 and other international stan-working hours, intervals for maintenance,service and oil filter replacement - and to dards. IDE defines with its integratedcontrol the compressor accordingly. If safety-relevant parameters are violated, the com- air monitoring, the Airsave Premium,pressor is switched off automatically. the state of the art. The IDE Airsave Premium sets new standards. AIRSCRUBBER MOBILER PRÜFKOFFER CO² PREFILTER 14

√ IDE FILLING RAMPExtensive filling ramp program in plastic-coated sheet steel caseequipped with state of the art technology in modular concept, with selfventing toggle valves from high-grade steel or quarter round rotaryvalves. Alternatively for inflating tubes or direct connection 225 and / or330 bar with high-quality manometers. Additional safety for fillingof composite cylinders with optional flow restrictor.√ COOL & DRY REDUCE COSTS - INCREASE QUALITY Reduce costs while improving quali- ty is possible through the use of the Cool & Dry for professional opera- tors of Breathing Air Compressors with faster amortization of the cost. This additional investment can also retrofitting into existing plants of any brand up to max. 350 bar are integrated. Dryer cartridges achieve when using the Cool & Dry system by keeping an up to 8-times longer tool life and thus contribute signifi- cantly to the efficiency of the com- pressor system.√ STORAGE BOTTLE SYSTEMS - INCREASE QUALITY √ AIR ANALYSIS STORAGE CYLINDERS SOLUTIONS VEHICLE INSTALLATION SPECTRAL ANALYSIS FOR BREATHING AIR PURITY MONITORING Storage tanks or storage batteries are perfect sup- Pure breathing air must meet high require- plement to your air pressure equipment to fill ments according to international standards, breathing air tanks with highest performance. in particular according to DIN EN 12021. Whether for large scale operations at fire brigades The spectral analysis - exclusive and only and/or other rescue organisations or at high popular by IDE NEWPARTS COMPRESSORS GMBH - diving bases. Whether stationary or mobile. With offers at present most exact testing meth- the modular IDE storage solutions you can upgrade od for the purity of the breathing air and your compressor plant completely by your need. ensures to the operator the compliance to the legal settlements. STORAGE TANK RONDELL 15

√ IDE AIRSCRUBBER √ PRIORITY FILL BREATHING AIR CO² ABSORBER ADVANTAGES AND FUNCTION The new cost effective CO² prefilter. The IDE priority filling control SIZE 1: 100 - 350 l/min warrants quick filling of one SIZE 2: 350 - 720 l/min or more breathing-air-or di- The unit is suitable for retrofitting on ving devices from one storage all compressors, regardless of the container and/or by means of manufacturer. The very high effi- a compressor at the same ciency, low maintenance work and time. First the diving device low follow-up costs are the out- gets filled at the filling rail, standing features of this new when the device is full, it development from IDE think tank. automatically receives a refill from the storage battery.√ PERSONALFILTER √ CLEVER FILL Filling breathing air bottles at home and abroad in particularly on unknown bases or CASCADE FILLING SYSTEM compressor plants, whose maintenance and/or filter condition isn't known, involves some- In any new or existing Breathing air times high risks for the diver. The Personalfil- system easy to install. This includes ter find a remedy and guarantees everywhere IDE breathing air systems as well as in the world purest breathing air according to those of other manufacturers. The DIN EN 12021. Operator must be trained hard. In- telligent pneumatic systems Switch√ EFFECTIVE DRYER SYSTEMS automatically between the Memory banks in order to use stored air to fill the SBCA To maximize cylinder. With a Power failure, the system remains characterized fully func- tional. Breathing air compressors often achieve - not least be- cause of low operating times - outputs of 15 years and more. While the compressor plant actually quite serves its targeted application, the filter technology became outdated usually. This is the field of application for the FT-310/410/610/810 dryer system with integrated Airsave Premium dryer monitoring. Optionally, we recom- mend the AIRSCRUBBER system for effective removal of CO ². √ Pure breathing air which meets all norms including stan- dard DIN EN 12021 by designated use and service in ac- cordance with the users manual and Airscrubber CO2-filter when CO2 concentration at the intake air exceed the li- mits. 16


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