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Home Explore Method Express

Method Express

Published by info, 2018-01-04 02:40:22

Description: Corporate Profile


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REDEFINING ADVISORY www.MethodExpress.comAND OUTSOURCING... ATell us about your B Cbusiness needs & let usoffer the right people at the right time & the right cost, managed under the right setup.

MIND T HE G A P Business problems we solve 01 02s o l u ti o n The MethodExpress approach 04 06C O V ER A G E Domains of knowledge we cover 08O F F E R I N G S Services we offer 10OU R E D G E and Y OU R A D VA N TA G E 11Our competitive edge works to YOUR advantage 12VA LU E P R O P OS I T I O N and P R O M I S EOur commitment to bringing you valuable benefitss T O R Y Our accomplishments and track recordL E A R N P OOLLet us create your OWN public course!

MIND THE GAP SoluTion CoveraGe offerinGS edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®BusINEss PRoBlEMs WE solVEMost Ceos would agree: give me the right people at the right time, right cost and under right setup, and mostbusiness challenges will look small.Getting the right people is never simple, generally. But what if you are looking for someone to fill a specific position or provide a specific service in a niche domainof knowledge that is critical to your organization’s success? Finding those special skill-sets in certain “ceo-agenda domains” can be very hard, costly, andtime consuming. Putting those people to work under the right setup that insures quality and minimizes risks to your investment is yet another challenge by itself.traditional eXPensive oR ?u n PredictaBle A N D consulting firMs uncontrollaBle freelancersIf you can afford their hefty price tags, you may MIND THE GAP On the other hand, you can go head-hunting onwant to go with traditional consulting firms and your own, dealing directly with for advisory and resources. But again, you need to search, negotiate, hire,That comes with its own set of problems, even manage quality and outcome and finally terminatewith putting cost aside; contractual, timing, quality, if needed. Another set of stability, predictability,expectation, risk, flexibility, etc.. time, cost, legal, efficiency and quality issues arise.Can’t be either or: There is obviously a gap in options available to you as a client. METHODExpress fills that gap. 01

Mind The Gap soluTIoN CoveraGe offerinGS edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®THE METHoDEXPREss APPRoACH 1 2 3Together, we pick We suggest the We take care oftalent. Can be one best contractual quality.person or a team. setup. 4 8 CLIENT We Manage talent You get results. no Hassle. and tHe Project Satisfaction Guaranteed. 7 6 5 We take care of We take care of We take care s payments. milestones. of logistics and coordination.We will get you the Right Talent for the Right Cost at the Right Location and Time,and we will Manage them under the Right Setup and Terms. 02

Mind The Gap soluTIoN CoveraGe offerinGS edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®MulTIPlE oPTIoNs, PRACTICAl APPRoACH AND GuARANTEE oF YouR sATIsFACTIoN Professional Personal claritY? services? at tention? Clear Deliverables. Hire, outsource, get a Personal interaction to Clear Quality Standards. clearly understand your Clear Milestones. trainer or a coach. requirements. Clear Payment Terms. Clear Cancellation Policy. oPtions? Proven s at i s fa c t i o nA Multiple profiles of MetHodologY? guaranteed? Engagement Management Or money back,B talent, solutions, setups Process, matured over according to a clearC and scenarios. two decades of experience. policy, detailed upfront.get tHe rigHt service get tHe rigHt Person get tHe rigHt trainer get tHe rigHt coHesivedelivered without the cost and without the cost and the logistics o r c o a c H without the t e a M to deliver your entirehassle of dealing with traditional of formally entering into an cost and hassle of dealing with a project, managed under the rightconsulting or advisory firms. employment contract or the issues traditional training company. contract and setup. of dealing directly with freelancers. 03

Mind The Gap SoluTion CoVERAGE offerinGS edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®DoMAINs oF kNoWlEDGE WE CoVER…We cover “CEO-agenda” domains of knowledge where it can be very hard, costly and time consuming to findtalent and manage engagements.s t r at e g Y Business Project Business intelligenceStrategic Planning Business Analysis ManageMent Enterprise ReportingStrategy Execution Business Process Management Project, Program and Portfolio Trend Analysis Big Data AnalyticsTransformation Programs Reengineering Management Data Warehouse / MiningCorporate Governance Modelling Project Management OfficeChange Management Business Process Reengineering (PMO)Strategy Management Tools Business Process Modelling Enterprise ProjectValue Realization Office Business Process Improvement Management Solutions(VRO) Business Process Automation Agile Project Management Business Community SCRUM Master Management (BCM)Q: how can we cover all these domains and still give you great quality?04

Mind The Gap SoluTion CoVERAGE offerinGS edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®“CEO-agenda” domains are those areas that are most critical to the success of the whole organization and usuallyrank high on the priority list of the organization’s leadership.i n f o r M at i o n QualitY enterPrise HuMan resourcestecHnologY Quality Management solutions ManageMent ISO ITIL CMMI Supply Chain Management Human Resource Planning Portals Business Process Management ERP Implementation Balanced Scorecard IT Security EFQM Management Salary Scales and DMS and Archiving Six Sigma CRM Rewarding Systems IT Risk Management TQM Procurement Management Legal HR Security Management Lean DMS and Archiving HR Improvement Plans Enterprise Architecture / TOGAF EFQM Training Programs IT Governance / COBIT HR Assessments and Evaluations Middleware Implementation Software DevelopmentA: We are born and raised both project for almost two decades, we have been managing projects and providing professional services to thousands of clients. METHODExpress, in amanagers and consultants and now with nutshell, is all about managing your project while pulling out thean expansive talent network!! needed subject matter expertise from our expansive database of talent. 05

Mind The Gap SolutioN Coverage Offerings Edge Advantage Promise Story L e a r n P o o l®SERVICES WE OFFER Professional Services W hen you need talent to perform a specific task with a clear outcome, fixed time, fixed cost and fixed scope. W hen you need talent to manage, lead or participate in a project on a full-time or part-time basis, from a few days to a few months! When you need a cohesive team to deliver a project, produce an outcome or create a deliverable. Staff Outsourcing W hen you need to fill a position or positions in your organization or project by outsourcing it, from a few months to a few years. Training and Hands-on Coaching When you need talent to conduct a private/classroom-style course for a group from your organization or team. When you need talent to facilitate hands-on training with an on-job training/coaching style. When you are just looking to join a public course as an individual with other people.06

Mind The Gap SoluTion CoveraGe oFFERINGs edGe advanTaGe proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®EXAMPlEsAn individual coBit consultant 2 consultants to conduct a A cohesive team to customize, eXaMPlesto develop coBit framework needs assessment study and deploy and configure an ePMin dubai. write the resulting rfP for an it solution in riyadh. onl transformation major project in toronto.To outsource a full-time project To outsource a part-time erP To outsource a team of 10 eXaMPlesmanager with PMP certification consultant to be the client software developers to workand with background in representative in a major erP offshore from Jordan as a part onlconstruction Management in project for 1 year in new York. of your software developmentlos angeles for 6 months. team in ottawa.To find a trainer to conduct a To find a hands-on coach To send a few of your staff eXaMPlesBusiness Process to spend a month with your members to attend a publicManagement course for your quality team in sydney. Big data analytics course in onlteam in amman. london. 07

Mind The Gap SolutioN Coverage Offerings Edge Advantage Promise Story L e a r n P o o l®Our competitive edge works to… Our Our Our Thousands Cohesive Practical of Profiles Teams ApproachOur robust, ever-expanding global talent Our cohesive teams are groups of talent that Our practical approach means we will delivernetwork covering positions, skills and topics in can work well together and complement each the service that you need when you need it withinvarious domains of knowledge... other in certain types of projects... your budget...…works to your advantage by saving you time … work to your advantage by delivering great … works to your advantage as you pay forfinding the perfect fit for your project, staffing projects by an integrated team of talent, already the core value you actually get, not the clutter,or training needs resulting in less searching and assembled for maximum efficiency, coverage formalities, waste and large overheads thata faster start of work. and synergy. come with traditional consulting engagements.YOur YOur sTime Saved Great Projects YOur Efficient Investment08

Mind The Gap SoluTion CoveraGe offerinGS EDGE ADVANTAGE proMiSe STory l e a r n p o o l®...YouR ADVANTAGE how we are able to serve you better, cheaper and faster… ouR ouR ouR Credibility .... Personal Attentionour 18 years in business and thousands of Guaranteesuccessful engagements... our full personal attention to the details of our satisfaction guaranteed promise means your unique business requirements... you do not pay for services that will not bring you real value...… work to your advantage by giving you the … works to your advantage as you accept … works to your advantage as we work to offerpeace of mind that comes with dealing with a deliverables over as many small milestones as the right talent or team leading to a customizedlong-established business. possible minimizing the “Black Box” risk. solution that makes the best fit for your needs.YouR YouR ! YouRPeace of Mind Minimized Risk Customized Solution 09

Mind The Gap SolutioN Coverage Offerings Edge Advantage Promise Story L e a r n P o o l®OUR VALUE PROPOSITION and PROMISEOFFERINGS A P P ROAC H Professional Services Proven Staff Outsourcing Real Training and Hands-on Practical Coaching GuaranteedP r o M ISE VALUES Q uality Talent Trust Q uality Process Transparency B est Practices Value Expectation Management Long-Term PartnershipWe strive to bring the best practical solution for your “ProfessionalServices, Staff Outsourcing and Training and Hands-on Coaching”needs with an approach that is Proven, Real, Practical, andGuaranteed backed up by our promise of Quality Talent, QualityProcess, Best Practices, and careful Expectation Management.We will always base our relationship with our clients, talent andstaff on Trust, Transparency, Value, and Long-Term Partnership.This is our value proposition and promise. 10

Mind The Gap SolutioN Coverage Offerings Edge Advantage Promise Story L e a r n P o o l®OUR TRACK RECORDMETHOD has been delivering quality and success since the year 2000. With the MethodExpress new approach,we are now more practical, cost effective and impeccable than ever.Professional S ta f f Training PMO Project Years Services Outsourcing and Coaching Setups Contributions in Business PMO S2,000 + 10 0 ’s 20,000 + 30 + USD 35 B 18 +Corporate of Staff Graduates PMO Setups Project Years Clients Outsourced Contribution 11

Mind The Gap SolutioN Coverage Offerings Edge Advantage Promise Story Learn P o o l®LearnPool: Let us create your public course!Are you looking to join a certain training course in your area as an individual, but do not seem to find itoffered anywhere with the right quality, timing, and cost?Do you need to hold a private training course for your team but do not have a sufficient number of traineesto make it cost-effective? With LearnPool, we collect training requirements from different individuals and organizations, and we create a public training course that meets the requirements of as many of those clients as possible. You can even tell us about your annual training plan for the year ahead! We will work closely with you to meet your training needs.Just like carpooling being a great solution for persons with LE ARNPOOLsimilar travel needs, our LearnPool concept allows individuals and COURSE AHE ADorganizations to get the right training without compromisingcost, quality or time schedule. This works by sharing the cost of ENFORCED 3 6 5 DAY Sa training course and getting on the fast lane of learning, for less! 12

DoEs YouR oRGANIZATIoN HAVE BusINEss REQuIREMENTs?Submit a request today at and let us try to help.i aM looKinG for in ThiS doMain in ThiS CounTry in ThiS CiTy in ThiS TiMe fraMeStaff Outsourcing Select Country Select City Month / YearProfessional Service StrategyTraining and Hands-on Coaching Business 3 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Project Management 12 1 Business Intelligence Submit Your Request Information Technology 345 67 89 Quality 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Enterprise Resource Planning 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Human Resources 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 5The most efficient way to tell us about your business requirements isby an online simple wizard. This will save your time, and we will 13personally contact you to understand more. You can also upload files(RFP, Requirements, etc.) along with your request. Or just contact us at [email protected]

Best solution for your Professional Have business requirements?Services, Staff Outsourcing and Submit a request today atTraining / Hands-on Coaching needs. contact us at [email protected] a large number ofmission-critical domains of knowledge. Would like to personally work with us? List Your Talent Today atAn approach that is Proven, Real, www.MethodExpress.comPractical and Guaranteed. Personally join our growing networkWe manage talent and the project. of professionals today and startWe take care of quality, logistics, working with us on delivering projects.coordination, milestones and payments.We guarantee your satisfaction. contact us at [email protected] two decades in business andvast talent network of experts.

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