TABLE OF CONTENT 4 multiview drawing of favorite buildingarray tools+trellis 6 patterns 102
group tiny house plan 12tiny house design 14 3
mutiview drawings elevation views 1/8”=1’4
roof plan second floor plan this project is an introduction to sketch- 1/8”=1’ 1/8”=1’ up. it is about looking a building in different views. strength i began to understand different between plan and section. weakness i did not know the exact dimensions of the building. so it is hard to get the one i wanted. opportunity i could add the captions and dimensions in the drawing. risk dimensions! 5
sketchup array tools-cubes6
perstpective side viewsaxon perspective 7
sketchup array tools-trellis
this project is about usingthe array tools which canhelp us saving time inrepitative objects.strengthit is easy to edit all thecomponents at the same time.weaknessesit is hard to color them indifferent color.opportunityi can create more complexrepitative structure by usingarray tools.risksgroups and componentsmake confused. 9
sketchup patterns1x2 tiles checker stripe diamond hex diagonal10
this project is about using array toolsto create pattern.strengthit gives an easy way to create patternthat we like when we could not findthat in materials.weaknessit is easy to stuck two layers.opportunityi would use the patterns in my project.riskthe group and layer could be complex. 11
group tiny house plan team purple axons of group project12
group project plan this is a team project which is an perspective view introduction for the individual tiny house project. there is a limitation for floor plan which is 160 square feet. it is really tiny. strength one of the stength is using the sec- ond floor to create more living space. and we also learned to work in group project. weakness different people with different opinions, it was hard to dicide the plan. opportunity i would think about lighting system in future project. risk it is not easy to work in group project. 13
individual tiny house project14
i changed the group planbut i still kept the retangu-lar shape plan. however, igave up with steep roof be-cause i want enough spacefor the second floor towalk around.thinking about thelight, i inserted theskylight above the bed-room. to avoid thedirect sunlight fromnorth, there is a solarpanel as a sunshadingboard. 15
n ground floor plan second floor plan16
north elevationsouth elevation 17
east elevation east section west elevation strength making a lot of mistakes allows18 me to get used to sketchup. weakness roofing is much more diffucult than i thought. opportunity i would organize better in groups to find the one i need easily. risk if i had not used grouping, the wholde stugg would have stuck together.
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