1300 857 500 Custom LED SmSairgtnsCarrington, NSW
12 16 22 ContentsNumber Plate 06 Colour Variable 21 Supabrite 28Recognition Camera Speed Limit Sign – Vehicle Numbers 22Sign Management System 08 NSW RMS 23 Solar Warning Beacon 30 School Zone SignMulti Screen LED 10 24 High Intensity Beacon 31 QLD School Zone SignYour Speed Sign 12 26 Custom LED Sign Solutions 32 Digital Kiosk Freestanding 27Warning Display Sign Set 14 Digital Signage Other Hi-Vis Services 34Two Lantern Sign 16 Green Alternatives All product details are correct at the time of printing but to Main Power are subject to change at the discretion of the Hi-Vis Group.LED Enhanced Warning Sign18 HIVE01869 VMS SignsVariable Speed Limit Sign 202
Hi-Vis GroupWarranty ProgrammeIt’s no accident Hi-Vis are one of the leading signagemanufacturers in the country. We work very closely withinternational and local material manufacturers. Unlike many sign companies we are approved converters for all the major international brands as shown below and have been a 3M Diamond Partner for 25 years. Combine this with our expertise and experience and Hi-Vis can offer exceptional warranties on all its products. Just take a look! • H i-Vis Signs In House Warranty on approved media • Full Warranty Guaranteed • 3 Year & 5 Year Warranty using EFI inks – 3 Year direct print & 5 Year with protective clear over laminate RMS Accredited The Hi-Vis Group is an RMS accredited supplier since 1989. So you can rest easy knowing all your road signs comply with the correct Australian Standards. Don’t be fooled by others! Ensure your site is operating to Australian Standards.Quality AssuranceYour Guarantee of International Quality!Hi-Vis Group first achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems accreditation in 1994. In 2011,Hi-Vis was also Certified for 4801 OH&S Management Systems and ISO 14001 EnvironmentManagement Systems.These accreditations mean you are dealing with a company that values qualityand continues to improve our processes, policies and procedures to International Standards.Certification AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDD AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDD AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDDServices CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY AASAS/NS/NZ/NSZZS4S8404818001O1OHOH&H&S&SS ISISOISO9O090901001Q1QuQauluaitalyiltiyty ISISOISO1O410140401001E1EnEvninvrviorinoromnnmemnetenantlatal l MMaMnaangnaeagmgeememnetennSt tSySsytysestmetemsmss MMaMnaangnaeagmgeememnetennSt tSySsytysestmetemsmss MMaMnaangnaeagmgeememnetennSt tSySsytysestmetemsmss CCeCreteriftricftiacfitcaioatinotionn CCeCreteriftricftiacfitcaioatinotionn CCeCreteriftricftiacfitcaioatinotionn Member SSeSreverivcrivecisceess SSeSreverivcrivecisceess SSeSreverivcrivecisceess AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDD AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDD AAAPPPPPRRROOOVVVEEEDDD 3 CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY CCCOOOMMMPPAPAANNNYYY AASA/SNS/NZ/NSZZS4S8408410810O1OHOH&H&S&SS AASA/SNS/NZ/NSZZS4S8408410810O1OHOH&H&S&SS AASA/SNS/NZ/NSZZS4S8408410810O1OHOH&H&S&SS MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss ISIOSISO9O090091010Q1QuQauluaitlayitliyty ISIOSISO9O090091010Q1QuQauluaitlayitliyty ISIOSISO9O090091010Q1QuQauluaitlayitliyty MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss MMaMnaanagnaegamgemeemnetneSnt ytSsSytsyetsmetmesmss
Do you have a problemwith speeding on your site?Hi-Vis speed Below are graphical representations of;signs are provento enhance speed REAL reductions in speedcompliance on REAL increases in complianceyour site.Overspeed Comply Comply X Overspeed Comply Overspeed 65% 59.67% 60%51.83% 55% 40.33% 45.91% 44.06% 51.83% June 2016 40.33% 51.83% 50% 54.09% 55.94% 48.17% 59.67% 45%Mar 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 Mar 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 April 2016 May 2016 40% Mar 2016 Where are Hi-Vis LED Signs installed? Hi-Vis LED signs are installed all over Australia & New Zealand! • Schools • Mining Sites • Airports & Ports • Car Parks • Traffic Control • Infrastructure Services • Retail Sites • Retirement Villages • Councils4
All Hi-Vis signs... MEASURE RADAR ACTIVATED REMOTELY MONITORED SOLAR POWERED ENVIRONMENTALY FRIENDLYBEFORE & AFTER COMPLIANCE REAL TIME FEEDBACKEASILY INSTALLED POST MOUNTED TRAILER MOUNTED RMS APPROVED BY HI-VIS GROUP PERMANENTLY MOVE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR ROAD INSTALLATION Proudly 5 100% Australian, naturally. Hi-Vis is proudly an Australian 100% family owned and operated private company. Our products are made and produced in Australia by Australians. We value this so much we wanted to make it public so we have become a part of the Australian Made national campaign.This logo is your assurance you are dealing with an Australian company with Australian values.John Hunter Hospital, New Lambton Heights, NSW
Smart Cities READY! Number Plate Recognition Camera Suitable for vehicle and pedestrian monitoring. The Hi-Vis ANPR is a fully integrated Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) and monitoring camera system and is the latest development in cost effective smart ANPR camera technology. A fully modular system, which gives users the ability to select the features and functions they require to meet their end requirements. Hi-Vis have developed a highly specialised vehicle /vessel and pedestrian monitoring and counting system to assist better decision making for smarter cities. Images are collected and analysed and stored in a centralised data pool. Decision makers have full access to a dashboard panel with full reporting capabilities. Enforceable Inclusions H igh power infra-red LED illumination in all Infra-red high definition ANPR camera 3G, GPRS & ethernet communication Australian for 24/7 operation States D ata encryption, GPS module & image High-resolution colour overview camera cropping6 option T ransmit data to multiple hosts for cost- D ual Lane capability, up to 6.1m field effective resource sharing of view from a single unit D ay/night sensor option for night time On-board processor & integrated ANPR overview images software
Utilising Smart High Definition CCD cameras withfull dual lane field of view capability, integrated ultrahigh intensity LED illumination and world renownedANPR software, this ANPR has been selected for useby many Police forces, local authorities and car parkingmanagement companies.For Traffic Management F ully UTMC compliant, this ANPR is utilised by local authorities and highways agencies for journey time information, traffic flow monitoring and origin / destination information F or car park monitoring, used worldwide with a number of car park management systems 7
Carrington, NSW Hi-Vis Sign8 Management System Secure log onto our website By using the environmental report using any web-based device to you can view battery voltage, solar update or view any sign current & load current so that you can see the health of the sign at any time Access a variety of statistics such of the day as vehicle count, speed & location By using the web-based portal you View reports on traffic data over can have control of your sign & the time to see trends by hour, day or ability to see current traffic conditions month Interface with Bureau of Meteorology Update the speed or message on & Rural Fire Service to display site the sign through an easy to use specific weather messages web-based platform ONLY Hi-Vis LED signage system gives you access to: G PS Vehicle Count Speed Reports E xport to Excel Speed Remote Update Environmental Solar Current Battery Voltage Conditions
8 1 23 94 1 Review statistics over different 5 periods. 6 2 Easily select different signs without leaving the page. 7 3 Hover the mouse over each hour 11 to reveal in-depth details such as Average Speed, High Speed and 10 number of cars. 12 4 Clicking over the hour will reveal the details by minutes within that hour. 5 Export the data log to CSV (Excel) files. 6 Find all your signs in the map. Click on each sign to view its report. 7 Hover the mouse over each time of day to reveal how many cars have been detected during that hour. 8 Check the reports within each hour. 9 Details about overspeed, comply, Highest Speed, Average Speed for every minute. 10 Use the configuration panel to change the sign’s settings remotely, including the speed limit. 11 Check all environmental variables in real time. 12 Receive email alerts if environmental variables report any warning values. Hi-Vis speed signs are proven to enhance speed compliance on your site. 9
Control Room Command Centre Approx Size: 12 metres x 3 metresMulti Screen LEDSign Inclusions Custom size and shape / Any pitch down to 1mm, Simple to service (front/rear modular and curved units available (C.O.B chip on board) Technology service) Any application to suit Free hanging/wall mounted Highest Resolution – Control room/command /dispatch room set ups 2 year warranty/waterproof Largest curved screen in the world modules Internal and external units Pixel imagehigh resolution at all sizes! NO QUALITY LOSS OR PIXELATION8 Standard 16:9 Size76 Pixel to Pixel 4K & HD Resolutions54 Each module 1920x1080 pixels3 Size A: 110” / 279.4cm2 Size B: 137.5” / 349.25cm1 Size C: 165” / 419.1cm Size D: 220” / 558.8cm 1 2 34 5 67 810
St Paul’s Catholic College - Boorgul NSWDispatching & Command Centre OptionsABSEN Display Communication KVMbroadcasting System System Systemplatform Command Network Data Collection System Security System & processing Management Dispatching Monitoring System System System Innovative largest curved Smart Monitoring Advanced Technology LED screen in Easy Install the WORLD! Faster Turnaround Highest Resolution 39.51˚ Outstanding Image Quality Flexible 11
Your Speed Sign Code: LEDYOURSPEED88SIGN UPGRADE TO A Sign Inclusions Doppler radar Visit page 6 for details. Your choice of 3M Diamond Grade Reporting on oncoming vehicle count12 reflective printed as pictured and speed, GPS, battery voltage and charge current 12V LED sign with controller & radar Website for data collection & managing Default function with radar: Under set speed limit: vehicle speed sign configuration Cabinet size: 1080mm height x 780mm is shown in green numerals Over set speed limit: vehicle speed is width x 180mm depth Character height: 448mm shown in red numerals Cabinet is black powder coated Numerals change as a vehicle moves Strut mountings are the same as standard through radar zone road signs Blank by default IP65 water & dust rating Maximum speed displayed: 99kms Solar & battery kit Minimum speed displayed: 10kms SMS reboot
Cover plateoptions for‘Your SpeedSign’ 13
Maitland, NSW Port Stephans, NSW14
Warning Display Sign Set Code: LEDWIGWAMSIGNSign Inclusions Sign controller Under set speed limit: sign is blank Rain & light sensor.Varies brightness of LEDs to suit local conditions & Fully programmable & customisable Top cabinet size: 815mm height x increases battery life with text & images 815mm width x 180mm depth Solar & battery kit Customisable Bottom cabinet size: 919mm height x 525mm width x 180mm depth SMS reboot Website for data collection & managing sign configuration Top & bottom cabinet are black Doppler radar powder coated Default function with optional radar: Reporting on oncoming vehicle IP65 water & dust rating count and speed, GPS, battery Over set speed limit: yellow voltage and charge current surround flashes & message is Strut mountings are the same as shown standard road signs Cover plate Booragul, NSW options for 15 Warning Signs
Cessnock City Council, NSW Dora Creek, NSW Two Lantern Sign Code: LEDWIGWAMSIGN Sign Inclusions Choice of 3M Diamond Grade reflective printed as pictured Sign controller Default function: - Lanterns flash alternately C abinet size: Custom size with 200mm or 300mm lanterns IP65 water & dust rating Strut mountings are the same as standard road signs Solar & battery kit SMS reboot Doppler radar SMS start/stop flashing R eporting on oncoming vehicle count and speed, GPS, battery voltage and charge current Pymble Ladies’ College, NSW 16
Carrington, NSW Teralba, NSW Swansea Channel, NSW 17
LED LED Enhanced Warning Signs Option 1: LED Rear Illumination Signs Ideal for night time & carparks IP65 water & dust rating The Supabrite range combines reflective Strut mountings are the same as coverings with LED rear illumination.This standard road signs means each Supabrite sign is not only visible in the beam of headlights, but also Solar & battery kit to those who aren’t in vehicles or are approaching from a narrow angle SMS reboot Available in a range of sizes Doppler radar L ight sensor.Varies brightness of LEDs R eporting on oncoming vehicle count to suit local conditions & increases and speed, GPS, battery voltage and battery life charge current18
Option 2: Face Fitted LED Signs IP65 water & dust rating Ideal for full outdoor visibility Light sensor.Varies brightness of LEDs to suit local conditions & increases P erfect for pedestrian crossings on main battery life roads S olar & battery kit S et the sign to flash & have the benefit of grabbing viewer’s attention more than SMS reboot static signs. Flashing also reduces the already low power consumption of LED Doppler radar illumination Reporting on oncoming vehicle count Available in a range of sizes and speed, GPS, battery voltage and charge current Strut mountings are the same as standard road signs 19
CODE: LEDSLOWDOWNBSIZESIGN Variable Speed Limit Sign (VSL) Sign Inclusions Cabinet is black powder coated Sign controller M onitoring of the individual LED performance Fully programmable & customisable with text & images IP65 water & dust rating Website for data collection and Light sensor.Varies brightness of managing sign configuration LEDs to suit local conditions & increases battery life Default function with radar: Strut mountings are the same as - Over set speed limit: speed standard road signs limit is shown in the red annulus & ‘Slow Down’ flashes Solar & battery kit below SMS reboot - Under set speed limit: sign is blank Doppler radar - Maximum speed displayed: Reporting on oncoming vehicle 99kms count and speed, GPS, battery voltage and charge current - Minimum speed displayed: 10kms B size cabinet: 1190mm height x 790mm width x 180mm depth20
Code: LEDVARSPEEDLIMITCSIZEColour VariableSpeed Limit SignSign Inclusions Rain & light sensor.Varies brightness of LEDs to suit local Sign controller conditions & increases battery life Fully programmable & S trut mountings are the same as customisable with text & images standard road signs Any speed With or without flashing lanterns A vailable on trailer or 240V W ebsite for data collection and Solar & battery kit managing sign configuration Default function with radar: SMS reboot - Over set speed limit: speed Doppler radar limit is shown in the red annulus Reporting on oncoming vehicle count and speed, GPS, battery - Under set speed limit: sign is voltage and charge current blank C abinet size: 1080mm height x 1080mm width x 180mm depth C abinet is black powder coated IP65 water & dust rating 21
Code: LEDNSWSZ New South Wales RMS School Zone Sign Sign Inclusions Monitoring of the individual LED performance 3M Diamond Grade reflective printed as pictured IP65 water & dust rating Rain & light sensor. Varies Sign controller brightness of LEDs to suit local Website for data collection & conditions & increases battery life managing sign configuration Strut mountings are the same as standard road signs Default function: RMS approved - Lanterns flash alternately with Options: annulus - Hours to flash are programmed Solar & battery kit WIFI connectivity through an easy web based SMS reboot interface Installation - When outside set school zone 12VDC or 240VAC times sign is blank Cabinet size: 1135mm height x 1200mm width x 180mm depth Lantern size: 127.5mm diameter Annulus size: 571mm diameter Cabinet is grey powder coated22
Did you know? In 1999, Hi-Vis Group invented the original Flashing LED School Zone sign. These signs have had a dramatic impact on the reduction of incidents and fatalities around NSW and QLD schools. Code: LEDQLDSZQueenslandSchool Zone SignSign Inclusions C abinet contains all the electronics & our solar charging & batteries in Choice of 3M Diamond Grade the one box reflective printed as pictured M onitoring of the individual LED Sign controller performance Website for data collection & IP65 water & dust rating managing sign configuration Rain & light sensor. Varies Default function: brightness of LEDs to suit local - Lanterns flash alternately with conditions & increases battery life S trut mountings are the same as annulus standard road signs - Hours to flash are programmed Options: through an easy web based interface Solar & battery kit - Outside set school zone times WIFI connectivity sign is blank SMS reboot Installation C abinet size: 2400mm height x 12VDC or 240VAC 900mm width x 180mm depth Lanterns qty: 2 Annulus qty: 1 C abinet is grey powder coated 23
Actsa lgikisaemntartphone!24
Digital Kiosk FreestandingDigital Signage Code: LEDWIGWAMSIGNSign Inclusions Key Features Digital touchscreens assist Industrial-grade design, heavy-duty built to customers locate or use suit super long hour loop-playing 24hrs a day, important information 7 days a week, 365 days a year about your organisation. Play software, browser, video, picture viaPerfect For touching screen with digital keyboard input Reception areas Intel i3 CPU, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, with Mine site guidance 64 bit Windows 7 OS Schools Events Bluetooth,WIFI, Ethernet connection and Corporate office timer function, optional 3G /4G Audio output: 2 x built-in high quality stereo speakers Hard housing with professional stand set, easy to use and stand Digital touchscreenbAradnddinygouhr ere Great for greeting or welcoming site visitors! 25
Low powered GrGeoendevices in remote locations Hi-Vis are pioneers in Solar Powered & Wind Turbine technology as a more environmental option to powering remote sign locations. If you have a critical application that your sign must always be operating then our Hi-Vis solar/turbine is your best option. Offering two green alternatives can provide you with the security you require and your signs will be powered 24/7.26
VMS Signs Full colour opticsSign Inclusions 1R1G1B E nsure your messages are clearly 10mm x 10mm seen day & night Full colour optics R un a combination of photos, movies or text screens Full screen compatible Update statistics quickly from an excel spreadsheet Multiple screens bolt on to create larger screen areas 27
LED Supabrite™ Vehicle Numbers Sign Inclusions Slimline panel (less than 30mm thick) Wide angle reflectivity – same standard as top-level signage & Multi-sided prism models available vehicle striping Suitable for any vehicle or plant LED illuminated including haul trucks, graders, Powered 24VDC dozers, utes & 4WDs Impact & vibration resistant Patented multi-layered technology IP Number 2014900106 Proudly 100% Australian Made!28
3-sided rooftop prism Out-performs all existing forms of LED or reflective vehicle ID on the market. 3M™ Diamond Grade™ sheeting provides a high degree of reflectivity. Combined with LED rearillumination this creates outstanding visibility. Slimline panel – day Slimline panel – night 29
Solar Warning Red Code: SWBR Beacon Blue Code: SWBB Yellow Code: SWBY Green Code: SWBG White Code: SWBW Inclusions Attach to traffic cones or triangles 500m visual range Colour : Light sensor Height: 200mm Flash rate 60 times per minute Solar panel & light sensitive switch 2 days autonomy LED flashing light in 5 colours Class 1 reflective band Fully sealed from water & dust Also available30
High Intensity Red Code: SWBRHV Yellow Code: SWBYHVBeacon Blue Code: SWBBHV Green Code: SWBGHV White Code: SWBWHVInclusions Horizontal output: 360° Minimum autonomy: 140 hours Colour : Flashing: 16 LEDs Size: 155mm height x 166mm Waterproof: as per IP67 More powerful than standard solar diameter Uses high-intensity LEDs warning beacons Nominal night range: + 5.5km Vertical divergence: +/-3.5° at 50% intensityMarine Airfield MarkerApplications Applications Applications Marine floating signs Runways lighting Barricade markers Waterfront safety lighting Taxiways lighting Security markers Mooring & researching Runways edge lighting Flag markers Private docks Heli-pad edge lighting Emergency lighting Boat houses, swim rafts Portable lighting Sea ports warning 31
Claude Solar – night LED Backlit, QLD32 Custom LED Sign Solutions Hi-Vis can tailor an LED solution for your site! Requesting a tailored sign solution is easy as 1 - 2 - 3! 1 Send Hi-Vis a brief of site problems or required outcomes eg: slow speed 2 Include site photographs 3 Include aerial map views Rural Fire Danger Rating
Hi-Vis will customise a solution for your sitewith a full outline of all costs & time frames! 33
The Hi-Vis Group can also help with... Road Signs Vehicle Graphics Commerical Signage Laser Cut Lettering Building Signage Lightboxes Event Signage Bannermesh Safety Products Visit hivis.com34 35
Hi-Vis Group can tailor customLED solutions for your site!Find us on T 1300 857 500 F 1300 857 250 ©HIVE MARKETING 2018 HIVE01869 E [email protected] W A 40-42 Fitzroy Street, Carrington NSW 2294 P PO Box 178, Carrington NSW 2294
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