Company Profile
You' re invited...HfCAait-tacoJsVotrtouuroieasrsirxnctyvtSgoteatnhgi&gnolfruivndnioeress,umdthNguh&ocheeswauwStiasnrthactvioemcfoaioteamsfmaetllatty.eloiceoWrbnth.noaaw1rseov3yefee0td0ahaawtian8gltkaoa5uru7niydgyldo5eetu0dilmo'0llvee. Checklist of be amazed. Products & Services G R L Vr W eBE aPe A tC puDhM arSrihSniiiioCvlclcdiiaacdnmialPhliuenfnoifniaDseotgdwoeagnettisetntnoydIciysStodmaItlinSlCguanuoPnFanfrfdoimtgrlSelaneenoBSWtlisiergsndyaattnnaurnlaaeatcGunlegltlcrMeaedsGatrniaspsordthpaneieEpcrchsxiaiitaclelsisrtnsal The Hi-Vis Team
Contents 4 Who we are 5Welcome What we do 6 Technology 7 Innovation 8 Design Expertise 10 Installation 11 Project Management 12 Corporate & Promo signage 14 Building Signage 16 Custom Signage 17 Safety Products 18 Car Park Products 20 Our Clients 21 Project Management Experience 22 Vista Systems 23 Case StudiesEstablished over 50 years ago, Hi-Vis Signs & Safety products and signage ex-stock, so if there is any itemcontinues to be a family owned and operated company you need, our Customer Service staff are standing byand one of Australia’s leading sign manufacturers. on 1300 857 500 to assist you.Providing a complete visual communications solution, Thank you for taking time to review our Corporate Profilebased on a ‘concept to completion’ philosophy, Hi-Vis – it has been designed with our customer’s needs in mind,can design, manufacture and install any type of visual however if there is any product you cannot see in thiscommunication you can imagine. brochure, please contact us on 1300 857 500 and I am sure we will be able to help you.We have a great team of over 100 dedicated & fully trained Yours sincerely,professionals who each and every day ensure clientsreceive the best possible service and quality product - Brett Watsondelivered throughout Australia. Our National Office is Managing Directorbased in the busy port city of Newcastle with 3 branches Hi-Vis Signs & Safetylocated in Sydney & Queensland.Hi-Vis can also offer your business a vast range of safety
?Warhewo eLsiegandminagnAufaucstturraelrian Hi-Vis Signs & Safety is one of the largest sign manufacturers in Australia, regularing distributing signs & safety products throughout all states in Australia and selected international We are also one of the only sign companies regions to over 500 customers. in Australia who have passed the stringent quality assurance requirements receiving Beginning as a specialised sign writing company, Hi-Vis certification in 1994. has diversified into a sophisticated manufacturer, importer and service supplier offering a full range of signage, safety products, and visual communication styles and mediums. With our National Office in Newcastle, The Hi-Vis Group has 3 offices in Sydney and Queensland, and employs over 100 experienced professionals. Hi-Vis was the first company to manufacture signs under contract from the RTA, and has been a continuous panel supply member for NSW RTA signage since 1993.
?Whwaetdo Opruorpovsailtiuoen is to: Communicate our clients message. Our aim is to: Assist our clients to BE SEEN.Hi-Vis Signs & Safety provide “concept to completion” audience. The development of all creative concepts andvisual communications solutions to clients across Australia. communication collateral begins with the end in mind.As a manufacturer and installer of communicationssolutions, we adopt practical design methodology, and a The first question we ask is what do you want to achieveresults oriented approach to clients. We pride ourselves with your project or design and who is the target group?on our innovation and “concept to completion” philosophy,collaborating with suppliers and clients to provide the bestpossible outcomes for each and every project.Our team of experienced graphic designers work togetherwith marketing professionals, printing, manufacturingand installation teams providing a unique, total packagesolution to our clients. One of the most critical issues whendeveloping any project is accurately interpreting a clientbrief and understanding the key message(s) and target
rDeaelliovuetrcinogmes Technology Hi–Vis Signs & Safety has been at the forefront of technology development required for the communication of safety and informational messages, in particular the use of solar powered flashing LED signage for maximum impact. Hi–Vis inventions and innovations include; Remotely programmable flashing LED school zone signs (NSW and Qld) Remotely programmable flashing LED Fire Danger Indicator signs (RFS) Flashing pedestrian safety indicators Flashing LED mine site blast board and hazard indicators
Itwofedthofeiinrtedbieistt.taerwayInnovationHi-Vis has demonstrated a history of innovation with Hi-Vis continues to seek and develop newsignage and visual communication, particularly with technologies and mediums to improve the visibilityrespect to the following areas; of our Customer’s safety or marketing messages, in ways which deliver superior long term value and Solar powered and remotely programmable LED also help the environment. signage and displays Environmentally friendly low energy LED illumination and lighting Manufacturing equipment and technology (metal, printing, and laminating) Application, particularly vehicle graphics and wraps Manufacture and importing of custom designed visual warning and barrier products
MiMnimaisxeimliesaedimtipmaecst.. Safety Awareness Training Desigenxpertise rOaunrgdeeosfigcnomtemamunhicaavteioenxspteyrleiesn,cferoimn asacfoemtyparnedhensiveShare in the best of the bestdrbmerRiesegatagriidiorcsikoeintsen.ttrtaihbtbnheuydrtopepuadrogroffaheimlecwHorouotsinsfnestgyleenorecuyTwtooresupdbarugHasbeoirnuenmesatissenssseinoisn2fst0htt0tehho7ies.HHttuShouynepndtetneHsretru/aynTnCotmdepearenHrttdcrrooaompblnCouesuiloslidtmaawinnseitgllr An understanding of reflective sheeting for use on mine sites. hceinonafovvmierrmmoanaumttnaioielcennanatttslieo,mdnresigcsaihnsrtatctoghooerrnospiusoingtr/ahmiltluetionsaitnmrnagdatoarrkrenetodatniinilngosdeuuacrnstftdourirlalps-lt.riomWmeeosettivoaenffna. lyaDsowinRhdouideoennrawna’cptdesilnmoieeragstinrenssasttndohstnt.herfidaeiTsHoplloyhupuuenotHtaltpspeotbearmltennomedbnasgiunermeikgwldneaoeetdgprrwosaaphaotzoeianrnrsttdeaufboswnauerirtapneyyrepoetloofluniietorsserkhbssyio.nsuoJwgsuooincfficnoeayartssohcsne,uiusoyyrsyooftebfoueuaumrrrssrbt’einhsdulefeaesisamwnssienga.bdsnrsdys, One of the greatest advantages of working with the Hi-Vis STraafientiyngAwarenessAn understanding of reflective sheeting for use on mine sites. sdaadurneeebdssiisuggrtnennrasleetutrevesitaasandmbttooletisonbaoettnhthudeeutnipraleidsrcqoeetududrsiuartaelcanptnaidordminntthethionneefgrdeapmfarortpeiwnrpentoitlnissrckguabbwtayimophtnphiitc.tleiheMcdHaiastid-inosVeynuissitiogMLaMFyTtSboaeFnCotroeebolcnnbeborvoiselpiiefelknmuetahHsilrntJoihotelaehgenpmfecsefsrrepotiei0lnn0eD0s04,f4,2ao22eT1E2rsr447xmitel9oe92a66a63cgci912t4oyuli6os0nt73Mi5n7vt50a47ea00oc610rrDkt:aeirdteinvcgetortrising before production can begin. THOUNPTERHOMES MEDIA KIT 08
Don’t Risk It.hyne editorial Design ChecklistThe Hi-Vis team yourThbeusliivneesssofcwouolrdkherinsg&e the survival of development of a on fall prevention not limited to: FALLSTOhePig®hitsodnecsiognnsetdrutcotiopnresvietenst .falls from rhaonldgeexotfenpsriovjeecetxspeinrcielundcineginbuthte foFrAuLwsLeaSldlTfuOrariPnmg®estish, eatriumnssastanelsula,fatsicotatnuirroevfdofiirdesdst gfl&eoboparrlopctoleanctfytoioermndgsfleyosso.terimng,, Apboortvael:fHraymneesBeaatSmachsSoh1oa7l piHnla3BntdrriseSbawatenimde.Hy NE T R UE BE A M S HA NdL E S T HE HE A T “StlohkocTnacHesThloapwnwayrCewtludntraepihrhHgmeuesalndeoeoarebeSrndsotirftBsatsterfhrheyhlshntoeLtbseieSaeaaispaesrraoeomtibgaOmxwloputwaparitatttommipfetneeuhlntehmeaciasyroatmeddegenbeecnh3oscbn–erarsrhiisert2iuadfnotpm1iseSnoewioahmtpsinefgaotnor7dlcdnuraroarittygdnrtmpacehoheettthtftcwaHedoeboatenoadagHe“seob.3,rllirsgonmuntrdoietsnytTiihseacfhhllatdcanunw,stirthhe3eehtnailrtnat’teanyst.ttiier5sthohdzhsmmtaahbseuYa.atBotawenlepeaoehoyetrterwlvehbadnceasaoedtauecseehatanaeedrmrassyohtaCtdramct–nlaghtrbmleypposasnohomieaeQfsasbpoaf.rudfraofstaeesiuosieTrseill1borwstsrnndCethreahetafco7awtatdhmhthpeerheituoluwrnoaoywheeranHefenfstadipronforearsseySte3suilatutjruchoinbitlhutitrhkashmSacreraredtoptaseactanpuateurrhl’rtooteteuoelbaspbdoihcarlainoax-shhanpmrilut,stplptaeeislerpioitosrcerssanftllernixodeayraoytpn-itonigpadondiembharnbdesitdsfaneuomenleetradulbeuspenenosttmosvmcCnihltmeioddlessfhiytmtrtttdrEsaaeh,irisdaotobvwwstocOtm.hdewwassanenuacofsehiionnsmhittsthffemtCbttuhfhtomrtdehibonrieutuchfemtrofaodouogaCreiohccrntcmlrcerlhiiiittrotoheotlsdnophiumsdtfetmhnninoai–erahiiltriStogndrasnehsfeayceHieeofhntngrhvugeaislrirsydesllathereorieupnainterkneeeepnidduivscaespsfeeiasvllgdeetasetnqihpasHsernyislsiaBuomoseunilsnoanowysiatnvnecnmidngnuutnorecertiauacge.dmreeivSnair”hntcmeaentmeitneheaagoanlddsrlsa,eyafnnt..btprlnt’se1eeebetet,rr7sesdruic.aiosnHatdedgd3reeeTsbsTthsyirsugthaoSotoetniaydyhehdlucstesodAaafaeetotd’ierhtnpShastpl-irmmisasnWeovdHbohelbeofanieifpmamwioadgynyr-lnhmo’riiaprnputtvsnylderphlomneielarooeHart’ranoeadneysicotfovynnars-btfagngotntnaeetnaudttehiatteoanemlnmeiecerpy.ieonrvnvctntt’dswpIycyseitpyctneaetdHtlnyaeoatdeeldiycnpheens.Qyet,arnr,eehlcrss”“nkaelrSowudcdstoeiTsymsetghhdahewouohhta’psnaeyueosafhsrneeeiecc.tretnuocpeasasrhechnBoe.rtestltaoloxt,aseSeilnulc”monoyhcea,mntamlhvtshfwlo,smnSdseiaio.SmearesmtdolshphoapSisihy’nraaoawklnpseltslaaweahpdlcsmabewhpnchrSeidlahermtyaioldioeeechatihlanmsliftndsihdannaSr,cidtSeetdaprdgfhyhwns.wteocrmelhauoWvaeehSunrdiiscwmttitsmenoscwhlpaoekeatsaed,oeoboni’iarSdsrr.mylHmel–ponstesoecborsswytumhcabueiaaShneuastloeethntoecneemejnloaieuoidpdhndlaslloemtsnyaisgoa“gnsftvespg,mrooemsegada,ttcrpnlsarhutsoetiS1fsiaopScsaiteneucembt.oAup,rusnrdhargg“ylotleolhFlotee,ettgadodIahianeennalmE,ciaenovSritrsflrtdesvigtuwlts’taeis.lo-eruq.itesoesunt–oiittakMuitTrawtorinagmmhemoocnaaEsseIrirsomonlsktMbnerdays.ihmwteipigceoeyaPdfitborolesroanaporOaelftfaec”rm’twhacfinu.ntisRlimrl™vaifnaeacfiBdksAtefecitaxislaebneuaRlto’iltkiyssberosthifwYsdiruoltnwltetmewotsrhAageciewioCrnenstfsriClotolgifEnnwmSonShasorgFircveOirtahhoaRetusiCipvrn.OreNdeoNvSflOiTodoReoUWnsrCTt.sIoOaNfe FALLSTOfoPr ® bMBrLoarocroghkcouehstruienarsgen,sdcp,orcflololaymrteperoorstrai,aol pnt-oessnitedcweanrstdiltesyttseyrsst, efmlyesrs, FALLSTOP® allows more safely the building team to work quicker, and with peace of mind. FALLSTOP® “ the legal complies with fOorHp&rSovsidtainngdaarsdasfeenwsourrkinpglaycoeu. meet requirements FALLSTOP® provides simple, fast installation and dismantle on completion of hire period. FALLSTOP® eanresuartereshdethuigachtet.wsItocsrakefeffofresldchtciavoveseutsss.ueitwabilllesifganllifipcraontetlcytion when they froDmeahtheigahntdapreerumnaancecnetpitnajbulrey caused by falls and preventable. Freecall 1800 800 594 Training and informational materials Annual Reports EDGE PROTECTION CONTROLS THE RISK OF FA��L��L��I��N����G�������F�����R�����O�����M������H�����E�����I�G���H��T� D c EiDor A v-e[Vs eCidocnDiDnivrgonttMitdensemcMpiraarpnlMurtgnglmaaadioeasaatyridzneliin/osnk[uigranineegncc[ge,xttaetiaeisaptenidxonmerlrgvhn[dregneiinebnsra&rstniaastlt/ettlipi]odaesr,&hniigxninsnoiscitacntmuges,rllgutrsia&dabadnotnogupiaafnedaotptlgx]rizelio,irctcivnnteb,ebaheevumritlenlebniiloamtdnooansdibuanllsviynirgeleegdsdr],ssusrtu,iciisvgpAhiennpdnaogasgrs-hete]tlrain 1516/1/09 9:11:41 AM Introductory Offer 2D00e0fmemncx e122B0mamrr1ie8krgs ••R•B•1eRu3/c2i5ylut0coimlnbnemdrb1erfmweulebiercdbtteroeSerrsspeecteionds HumpCommercial O10F%F 18 25C0 3i60vil 82 38 31Vista SystemInnscetyuroywossnomsdtyilenumuiOusmpamcsPtcocorTelpir1oiudt.aidnnFchmeec0fdTeenuegDoedno%stHerhlnhdrfdasneDtqprreitbheIeiiaeor-autsesnHngdrVaeaesosdomnVcIitensdinttiicgiPnefiges-dughgsAiVsxotestVsndVndrytrcaudreantnaniilmrtHgvieeoisgseliolcoaltbsceoislaeleoxrfmnaantpunitoaoucrretrnaa-clstdSafvssa3sorraisVlnatroan-puiiilstiiiscil0mScyigbsnssdlnvifalonlnSahteysiurleseileozteyesaslaytJanincorylmbtcseecebltsGaneamurdolsoosrrafemotsueervStiaadimfwtweenedfnnniineepTcfdocnroaomracaeaeicid,ewtcmyntvnuegaroisnodsudyrlhtsele,uiaai2spseeorif.dcvoaarotagfpde.saldtla0shneireelnpovdrnaetrifnen1cogesr.irjisetmctamvutnsiriieo0.ntnoionfyaepgiaggosiondinmWsosmasnxr&uaitnecsrtldihtIrecanetopinaosuloideeotonpneaidbatgilmtpmddsmteecrtsgiriiclrkrtoioninuteainltd.nalpcianeuorepeignlfl.elcmNettalonadtgreeeesomlaytscriruoeiprdtdsoqceomnupeiadwonusoerevuapigpi.oeadecnnve.rptrehetec.tenamisldiolylcgeps.qner.uahiatnoriacptselsh,ed.ietbc.nusgtarcanavdned, •••••CMCASovoetrnaneonictlnsaergebcAtltceeuaosbwfntelresieatthtrliuaascnvigtaiSonilnstaabonlfdecahrdosice $ withofurot msignage $ withfrsoimgnage $ from EnPdQrRiCcuueaabpnbpste/imtrytSr peed0$H–92u89mmp PVC Barrier Boards*M••inC•iCmBouummlasoptcrodkaemr/nsY&yecslubolrocrlohawaurngresdsstiarnapipgpvlyian.aigvlaabillaeb*le* Quantity 30m+ from $82 $ Price each 0–29 .90 $15 30+ ••RR1e6uc5y0bcmlebdloernurgbWberheel Stops $14 3D-Meeltirne eators from Quantity 0–29 Price each $34 • C3MhoCicLeSof1dAeRsiegfnlective $ 30+ • ELoxcnegeddisstAanucsetravliieawniSngtandards ••8wRRkigetheflreefbcclatyeisvceceletbdiavrnudebbeTr-bTaosep $31.90 • • from Bollards $ $ from NNeawticoansatlleOffice 167 R@@NNoaedtwiWocnaaasrdltlOl1ee1ffi5ce8 914 G@@ranNtNaetwioc8naasltOleffice 416 35 30 181300 857 500PH••Vy•5P-G0lDSroH0irOShc•AemoSneo•ASfaiwsfrmhpiNl1tpipcsniop-t7fooeiohoc(twiSanrrwlrDbtmauilgAslr)saulvdouaoxcdiaeolmldevis1mlpuianein8nrpbtsribg2ratcrleiise7setnlisimoetn$engm1ds2og(8rihr7daw)paehyidfcinding in; Quantity @ Doolan [email protected] SH••Vu•7•P-•L1sSHrNi0igUcpomoherSritemzmw1inon9eac(nwilldgtuap)hdlerxteiocds1re5vp$0er1imrn8titmc6ead(l hgc)ruarpvehic11330000 Price each 0–49 $ $45.60 50+ •BbRRaeonefdllesflclateivrcedtsive Flexible $38 857 857 Quantity 0–29 Price each $21.50 30+ from ••A8LPpkigpglhraot xsw6et0iigcchptBedruamrarebrtlreieeprlasMticesh $18 $ Mine Streamer 300mm • Various colours Quantity 0–49 50+ $ from Price each $38.90 $35 .90 SH••Vu•1•P-•L2sSHrNi2igUcpo0oherSmritezmwVinmonLeacni1ll(dgtuwap3hdler)teiocxdsre5vp$0eIr1il8rnl0tmituc1ema6dml gc(hruia)nrpveahicte••••d$SHWEtiyageenhigldleyhattsrree,ddfploerrecsctisuvsesttoumdslengths 700mm Quantity 0–49 Price each $49.20 50+ cPormompeottitioionnss,-ininccelnutdivinegsc&onrseuwmaerrdsand B2B ••P•N1lHCa0oes0oGta0icvlmnaySsmvdusuredrtoyixaumnMdetierrror $42 500 Quantity 0–29 30+ 250 Price each $35.20 $30.90 13103$0008fr58o.m57507255000 ••P•N4lHCa0oes0oGtamicvlnaymSsvdusdureritaoyxmuneMdteirrror [email protected] [email protected] HV00012 $ from $ HV00012 HV00012 Area Sales Manager Prices valid until 30 June 2010. Area0S4a1l8es6M53an6a0g0er Quantity $ from 0418 677 722 Terms & conditions Price each 1–4 5+ m“Hai-rVksisoafnHdu“nBteerSVeaellne” apply. Prices $484 $416 Quantity D@ean ChisholmArea Sa0l4e4s7M4a8n7a0g0e2r valid until 30 June 2010. Price each & freight. Prices excluding 1–4 5+ $164 $132 GST
cCoomnpcelpettiotnoInstallation Hi-Vis owns and operates a fleet of maintenance, installation, scissor lift and hole boring vehicles, equipped and manned by fully trained and qualified installation staff with other qualified sub-contractors available as required. Hi-Vis have the skills, knowledge and equipment to manage installations of any type and size, including posts, buildings, windows, floors, and any type of vehicle. This enables Hi-Vis to offer a complete concept to completion service to all our clients. We even operate our own fully fitted out installation barge for completion of on-water installation projects.
NisoorttpooroooljseamcrtgaellProMjecantagementHi-Vis has equipment and fully trained and qualified resources Lamination of over 2,500m2 of films (vinyl and/capable of producing the following output on a weekly basis; or reflective) on any required substrate, including multi-skilling and workforce flexibility, allows Hi-Vis attachment of extrusion/strut if required for post mount. to consistently deliver large scale orders and projects A dedicated commercial graphics and marketing on-time to our customers Australia wide. team, capable of fast turnaround times “concept to A team of 45 qualified installers/applicators in fully completion” projects equipped vehicles capable of installing or applying signage or graphics on posts, buildings, windows, or vehicles. Over 3,000m2 of high resolution large format digital print using 3 wide format Roland roll-to-roll printers 3 vinyl cutters, operating the latest and most modern – 1 with a foil application allowing us to print foils / design, printing, plotting and kiss-cutting software metallic colours onto posters/signage/bottle labels and hardware. Flat bed U/V printer capable of printing over 2800m2 Braille/tactile printer – giving Hi-Vis the ability to print on any substrated [including glass] in house all braille & tactile signage now becoming mandatory in most new establishments. Over 4,500m2 of screen print capability on various substrates using 3 automated high speed screen This manufacturing and installation capability, along printing machines with a recruitment and training strategy designed around
Signage&CPorropmoortaiotenalyBoeurSeceunstboymers... Hi-Vis have decades of experience in the design, Stainless steel lettering manufacture and installation of all types of corporate signage and graphics. Hi-Vis have the following in house Promotional and temporary displays and materials production facilities: Tactile flooring and Braille direction and information Pylon and corporate signage signage External illuminated signs and light boxes Outdoor and indoor directional and information signage Banners and POS signage Custom window graphics and frosted glass LED backlit signage and light boxes Building signage is designed to reflect and support the Custom wall and floor graphics brand and corporate identity of each customer, using the Custom cabinet displays most appropriate designs and materials to deliver the Honour boards and directory signage required message cost effectively and for the required life Vinyl cut lettering expectancy.
BuilSdiignngageBuilding graphics, building and corporate logo signage are the Pylon signsfirst image many of your customers or potential customers will Illuminated signssee. It is particularly important signs in your office, showroom, Wall mountedfactory or building reflect the right image of your company. Post mountedStaff morale is also improved when working in a professional Way findingand modern looking workplace. Directional InformationalWayfinding and directional signage is also a critical part of Reception and counter signage,customers being able to find their way safely around yourwork place or site. lettering and displaysUsing only the best materials designed to last, Hi-Vis candesign, manufacture and install building graphics andcorporate signage to project the right image and send a clear& vibrant message to your customers.
The choice is yours...CSusitgonmage Hi-Vis can design, manufacture and install any kind of sign or visual communication. The only limitation is your imagination. Our design team collaborates with you to create the right type of communication to achieve your overall communication objectives and budget. On site audits are very popular as our sales team is highly experienced in the various technologies and practical methods of communicating your message. From simple statutory and Braille signs to fully branded directories, billboards and corporate communications, Hi-Vis can offer you an entire range of options. Just ask us!
SafPertoyducts Wscpooefmecsmiaaarulfeinseittcsyatiniotnhe Hi-Vis Signs & Safety has grown from an organisation fundamentally involved in the effective communication of safety messages in a diverse range of environments, into a full service end-to-end visual communication solutions company. We are specialists in the communication of safety messages in all its forms and media. Our background in safety communications has enabled us a unique perspective and understanding of the complex issues surrounding safety management and its successful communication to a diverse range of audiences, from truck drivers to CEO’s.
CSoaPlruatirokns Just check out our range. Car Parks are high traffic, dangerous environments for Speed humps staff and customers. It is paramount all pedestrian, vehicular Speed cushions travel and access points are as safe as possible and meet Wheel Stops Australian standards. LED Flashing lights Solar powered, remotely programmable lights Installation of Hi-Vis safety products can assist in traffic Boom Gate flags calming and speed control enhancing the safety of Convex safety mirrors customers and staff. As a custom signage manufacturer we Way finding signage have extensive experience in the complete development of Directional signage way finding, directional and safety signage customised to Safety signage your site. Line marking & paint Light boxes Adding value to our extensive range of specialised car park Line-o-dots safety products & signage, Hi-Vis offer a complete site audit Safety tapes service covering a complete set of recommendations to Expandable Barriers ensure your car park is as safe as possible. Cleaning signs Bollards Loading Dock Bumper Corner Guard
Diverse client baseClieonutrsHi-Vis has developed an impressive Customer base Rail (United Group Rail, Downer EDI, Bradken Rail,covering a wide range of public and private sector Maintrain, Pacific National, QR National)businesses and organisations. Examples of clients bycategory are listed below; Construction & Civil (Daracon, Thiess, Leighton, Balderstone, ABI Group, BMD) Government (RTA, Waterways, RailCorp, Local Councils, NSW Tourism) Retail/Facilities Management (Goodmans, GPT, Westfield, Stockland, Meriton, Mirvac) Utilities and Authorities (Energy Australia, Port Authorities, RFS, Macquarie, Delta) Advertising & Marketing Industrial (Onesteel, Bluescope, Port Waratah Coal Services, Tomago Aluminium) Mining (BHP, BMA, Rio Tinto, XStrata, Centennial, Newcrest, Zinifex) Commercial (NPBS, Greater Building Society, NIB, Viatek (Fuji/Xerox), Swimart)
ELMPNaxraraoptgjnieeeoracni>eaenlmceent Hi-Vis has managed numerous large scale projects for under RTA specification ITS-SZAS-SD-002 and supply and installation of signage over many years for a communications protocol ITSSZAS-SD-004.Size is no problem range of government and private customers, and has the skills and experience to manage large scale projects with EDI Rail “6 PPP” rolling stock contract – (2007~09 complex outcomes and multiple time lines. ongoing until 2012) – Design, manufacture and application of illuminated (backlit) dashboard panels Some of our examples of major projects successfully and safety/informational decals to 640 (this is Watatah managed and completed to date include; Class) trailer and motor cars under the “6 PPP” contract for Railcorp (NSW). ICI Corporate Name Change to Orica (1994) involved 37 major sites throughout Australia (from Groot Eylandt Newcastle Permanent Fleet Graphics (2008 ongoing) to Tasmania). Replacement of all corporate identification, – Design, supply and application of fleet graphics for all building and directional signage, vehicle branding, and Newcastle Permanent Building Society “mobile lender” related signage within a three week period. vehicles. Completed over 50 vehicles to date. M2 Motorway Project (1997) – supply and installation Swimart (Pool Maintenance) Fleet Graphics (2008 of all signs on the M2 motorway and connecting roads, ongoing) – Design, supply and application of corporate including 1,500 regulatory signs, 92 major structures, graphics for all Swimart Franchisee fleet vehicles and 17 overhead bridge signs. All installed using our Australia wide. Completed over 70 vehicles to date, own resources prior to road opening. most interstate, coordinated through a network of approved vinyl applicators. Sydney Olympics (1998~2000) – design, supply and installation of over 14,000 signs within a 20km range R ural Fire Service (RFS) – LED Fleet Danger of the Homebush site, encompassing venues, direction Indicators (2008) – Design, manufacture, programming finding, parking and public transport. and installation of 4 x flashing LED “Fire Danger Level” indicator signs for RFS Northern Beaches and Blue RTA Schoolzone Field Trial (2006/07) – design, Mountains. Signs are remotely programmable via a supply, installation and operation of 94 flashing LED custom RFS paging system with specified CAP codes. school zone signs throughout NSW. Signs were manufactured and installed under a compressed lead Fuji Xerox rebranding to Viatek (2009) – Design, time of only 9 weeks. manufacture, and application or installation of replacement corporate branding including pylon signs, Translink Bus-Stop Upgrade (Gold Coast) (2005- light boxes, internal and external building signage for 2010) – Supply and installation of replacement “J-pole” multiple facilities across the eastern states, vehicle bus stop signs and encased timetables for 6,000 graphics for the entire Viatek fleet of 40+ vehicles. bus stops from Gold Coast to Brisbane, completed over 2 year period. Recently awarded phase 2 and 3 N SW Rail Tourism [2009/2010]– design, production & maintenance contracts for assets and timetable displays. printing of over 20,000 large scale decals to be installed on NSW trains promoting Sydney and other regional Holroyd City Schoolzone Project (2008) – planning, destinations. approvals, design, supply, installation and ongoing operation of 85 flashing LED school zone signs at every UGL Rail – [2010 - ongoing]. Production & printing school within the Holroyd LGA in south western Sydney. of all train signage & graphics for the new 6000 class locomotives. RTA Contract 2587 0998 (Design and Supply of Alert Signs) 2008/09 – design, independent certification (during 2008) and manufacture (during 2009) of 130 flashing LED school zone signs plus spares. Hi-Vis alert signs were the first to achieve “type approved”
Be professionalVissytstaem An exciting new Modular Curved Frame System allows Includes a clear non glare cover for printed graphics customisation with all your Centre signage Check out some of the product range – the potential Integrated system ensures consistency throughout is endless! Centre including office signs Unlimited range of sizes & finishes Door & wall signs Suspended signs & pylons Promotional Illuminated [on some models] Easily altered & updated Easily adapted to include metal, engraved, Braille & photo luminescent signage
Case StudyUnGitreoudpLimited Following a rebrand from Goninan Manufacturing to United Group Rail, Hi-Vis was contracted to assist the process by providing new signage to the reception areas, building & workshops, displays & exhibitions & a fleet of vehicles including specialised trucks and work vehicles. Hi-Vis resident designers were provided with images by UGL and created a photographic montage of the company’s train manufacturing work and capabilities.
Case StudyViatek Previously Xerox Business Centres, the new Viatek included the erection of centre pylons and building front signage. Included in the rebrand were internal banners and promotional material and a fleet of over 40 vehicles in Newcastle, Dubbo/Orange, Tamworth, Moree including Victorian branches Waragul, Bendigo, Ballarat & Geelong. The branded vehicles are an increasingly important part of the new Viatek marketing strategy ensuring the company is seen 24/7.
EAneuSrsttgraaydliiaum Energy Australia Stadium is a great example of total project management, given Hi-Vis designed, manufactured & installed directional, way finding, reception, statutory and promotional signage for the new Stadium. Anti graffiti coating was applied to all signage within the stadium including masonry walls , lettering and symbols. Case Study
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