STATIC SignAGE SAFETY SIGNAGE LED Imagnatincid endus ex est, odit quiatesci acero tem aditem dicil in est, tecti tetur rem lant qui berum que sitium rem. Rio doluptatus, sum ut anihici rerae. Ecupient imil molupta tempos rem ulparci aped mo modis eatis dolorem quam rest, cus volupitius dolecti tem sinctiunt molesequia sollab id et rem fugia descienimet alicti nam cuptat. APPROVED SIGN MANUFACTURER 1300 857 500Call us with your custom requirements 40-42 Fitzroy Street, Carrington NSW 2294
Trusted ?WHY CHOOSE Partner for 120+ Councils HI-VIS GROUP in NSW National Office, Newcastle NSW The Hi-Vis Group has operated since 1959. We have an established reputation for delivering superior quality signage and safety products for over 50 years. Quality Assured Warranty Your Guarantee of International Quality. We We have the ability to offer up to 12 year strive for continuous improvement in all areas of warranties on all permanent road signage our business. products manufactured by us. RMS Approved Manufacturer Performance Preferred supplier since 1984 and the only World class materials combined with our continuous supplier for 30+ years. We unique manufacturing process ensures understand RMS guidelines. superior durability and fit for purpose products, every time. 3M Platinum Provider Australian Made & Owned One of the only 3M Platinum Providers in NSW with the ability to offer 3M warranties and Hi-Vis is proudly an Australian 100% family access to all 3M quality materials. owned and operated private company. Our products are made and produced in Australia Experience by Australians. Hi-Vis has been in business for 50+ years. We 100% Carbon Neutral have the knowledge and experience to custom manufacture any sign for any situation. NO VERTICAL JOINS MEANS Less Joins & Cracks Looks Better Easier & Faster to Install LONGER LASTING SIGNS Saves Time & Money Preferred by RMS Approved Installers Our advanced 1 1 23 manufacturing 2 4 56 technology allows 3 789 us to produce any 10 11 12 large format sign up 4 13 14 15 to 8 metres with no vertical joins. 5 Other Sign Manufacturers 15 Panels Hi-Vis Group 5 panels ©2020 HIVE MARKETING 2424 HIVE02511
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