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Published by Roswell Auction, 2021-08-26 11:58:19


Keywords: Roswell auction


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1 A Red Glass Snuff Bottle Transparent red glass bottle carved in cylindrical shape, overall in ruby red tone. Width:2.8cm, Height:5.5cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Sotheby’s HongKong, 24 Nov 2014, Lot0094 $800~1,000 寶石紅料鼻煙壺 2 An Inside Painted Snuff Bottle Finely painted at translucent glass body with continue scene of kids group at play, with a red cap. Width:4cm, Height:6.8cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Sotheby’s HongKong, 24 Nov 2014, Lot0074 $800~1,000 內畫鼻煙壺(孟子受)嬰戲

3 A Carved Quartz Snuff Bottle Carved in pear shaped, with diamond pattern decorated at exterior, the glass is of a translucent tone. Width:5.5cm, Height:7cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Sotheby’s HongKong, 1 Jun 2015, Lot0077. Illustrated in L’eunuque aux trois joyaux: collectionneurs et esthètes chinois, PARIS, 1984, PAGE158-9,Lot 114, 117 $1,500~2,500 水晶簸箕紋鼻煙壺 4 A Painted Enamel Snuff Bottle, Kangxi Mark Each side of the bottle is delicately painted with a cloth tied in a bow, with peony scrolls background, including gilt-metal stopper. Width:4cm, Height:6.7cm, $100~500 清 銅胎畫琺琅花卉鼻煙壺

5 A Carved Agate Snuff Bottle Of rounded-rectangular shape, the grayish-beige stone carved in relief through the dark brown areas with a tiger Width:5cm, Height:5.5cm, $20,000~30,000 瑪瑙巧雕蘇做鼻煙壺 參閱: 邱東連編著 《中國古代鼻煙壺目錄》 71 頁 圖四

6 A Carved Jade Double Gourds Snuff Bottle The bottle is of double gourds form with. The jade is of an opaque white to light gray tone. Width:4cm, Height:7cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Bonham's New York, 13 Mar 2017, Lot1118 $2,000~3,000 黑白玉鼻煙壺 7 An Olive Green Glass Snuff Bottle The bottle is of oval form. The glass is of a translucent olive green tone. Width:5cm, Height:7.5cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Sotheby’s HongKong, 24 Nov 2014, Lot0042 $800~1,000 西湖水綠料鼻煙壺

8 A Famille Rose Figural Snuff Bottle, Shen Detang Mark Painted with scholars seated under the pine, Shende Hall Mark in regular script Width:3.5cm, Height:10.7cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Japan Est-Oust auctions, 3 May, 2013, Lot 0566. $100~500 清 “ 慎德堂 ” 粉彩嬰戲圖鼻煙壺 9 An Agate Snuff Bottle The bottle is of oval form, centered by a white horizontal line cross body Width:5.5cm, Height:9cm, Reference: A nearly identical example was sold in Bonham's New York, 16 Dec. 2014, Lot8065 $800~1,000 玉帶瑪瑙鼻煙壺

10 An Inscribed Jade Snuff Bottle The bottle is of irregular pebble form, and opaque stone is of different shades of russet tone. Length:8cm, Width:4.2cm, $1,000~1,500 禦制詩鼻煙壺 參閱: 邱東連編著 《中國古代鼻煙 壺目錄》 109 頁 圖三 南方 出版社 2000 年 9 月一版一

11 An Embroidered Lady Robe Jifu Embroidered on the front and back panels in satin stitch with eight roundels enclosing peony surrounded by florals and butterflies in blue, green, orange, and cream against red ground. Length:188cm,, $5,000~7,000 清紅緞地八團花女袍 12 An Embroidered Tiger Opera Robe Orange satin with turquoise embroidered tigers. Length:166cm, Width:140cm, $800~1,000 清 虎紋戲服

13 An Embroidered Dragon Opera Robe The robe of yellow satin embroidered with a writhing gilt dragon above a blue and gilt sea-wave border. Length:207cm, Width:145cm, $800~1,000 清 明黃色綢繡彩雲蝠龍紋龍袍 14 An Embroidered Woman Dragon Robe The robe of red satin embroidered with eight writhing gilt dragon roundels above a blue and gilt sea-wave border. Length:194cm, Width:146cm, $800~1,000 清 柿紅色八團彩雲龍紋女龍袍

15 16 An Kesi Embroidered Guanyin Panel An Kesi Embroidered Double Gourds Panel Finely weave in multi-colored silk thread with Finely woven with a double gourds in orange the deity wearing flowing robes, jewelry, with a tone, the upper body inscribed with the halo on the back of his head, seating on stand character da, the lower body similarly decorated with acolytes, mounted as a hanging panel. with the character ji, against a navy background. Length:153cm, Width:72.5cm, Length:127cm, Width:71.5cm, $3,000~5,000 $1,000~1,500 群仙圖 大吉圖

17 An Oil Painting of Floral Painting depicting flowers on tank, mounted, oil color on canvas, signed. Height:86.5cm, Width:59cm, $1,500~2,500 常玉 油畫花卉 18 An Oil Painting of Landscape Signed Wu Guanzhong Painting depicting River Village, mounted, oil color on canvas, signed. Length:38.5cm, Width:28.5cm, $1,000~1,500 吳冠中 江南 19 A Chinese Painting Signed Lin Fengmian Painting depicting riverbank, mounted, framed, ink on paper, signed. Length:34cm, Width:10.5cm, $1,000~1,500 林風眠 蘆塘

20 An Imitation Glass Vase with Cover The vase has a waisted neck flanked by a pair of beast-head handles, and is carved on the body in a smooth finish.  Width:7.2cm, Height:15.5cm, $3,000~5,000 料仿水晶瓶

21 An Amber Glass Hexagonal Vase,Jiajing Mark An amber peking glass bottle vase, Jiaqing mark and of the period the transparent amber glass with compressed body and cylindrical neck, incised Jiaqing four character mark to the base within a square, wood stand. Width:10cm, Height:19cm, $500~800 清 琥珀料八棱長頸瓶 22 An Inscribed Blue Glass Snuff Bottle Of cylindrical shape, carved in low relief of landscape, overall in the semi-transparent sapphire tone. Width:12cm, Height:14.6cm, $100~500 清 寶石藍料山水人物詩文筆筒 23 A Glass Carp Decoration Carved in dragon fish shape, overall in a leaping gesture, with milky and orange tone, wooden stand. Width:8cm,Height:4.5cm $800~1,000 料器魚化龍

24 Two Jadeite Archers Ring Two carved jadeite archers ring overall in bright green and white tone. Diam.2.2cm, $2,000~3,000 翡翠扳指一對 25 A Carved Jadeite Chilong Seal Of square section, carved to the top with a Chilong group, the stone of a pale green tone with some lavender and apple-green inclusions, with inscribed at base exterior Length:5cm, Width:4cm, Height:3.8cm, $2,000~3,000 翡翠印玺一個帶木座 26 A Carved Jadeite Kid on Elepant The finely carved jadeite of white ground, suffused with intense green and yellow patches, depicting kids on elephant, wooden stand. Width:11cm, Height:13.5cm, $7,000~10,000 清 翡翠童子騎象

27 A Carved Jadeite Washer With colourless and bright green sections, well carved as a lobed washer. Length:13.8cm, Width:5cm, Height:2.6cm, $2,000~3,000 翡翠筆洗 28 A Carved Jadeite Chilong Paperweight Of rectangular form, carved a chilong on top, the translucent material suffused with apple- green and russet striations. Length:15.5cm, Width:2.5cm, Height:2cm, $1,000~1,500 翡翠鎮紙

29 Pair Chinese Gold Coins Of round shape, the head inscribed Guangxuyuanbao, Guangxu period, the tail inscribed Daqingyinbi, silver coin of qing dyn. Width:4cm, $800~1,000 清 金幣 30 Pair Chinese Gold Coins Of round shape, the head finely cast a celebrity portrait, the tail cast the chairman of republic period. Width:4cm, $800~1,000 民國 金幣

31 A Hard-stones Inlaid Gold Kila The upper portion of the kila is rising from turquoise inlaid lotus petals surmounted by a double vajra, the lower portion in the form of a plain pointed dagger.  Length:15.5cm, Width:2.8cm, Weight:73.7g $2,000~3,000 清 金嵌寶金剛橛 32 A Gold Pavillion Hairpin Very finely weaved the pavilion groups, the hairpin is overall in a rich gold tone. Length:14cm, Width:10.3cm, Weight:89g $3,000~5,000 清 金錾刻仙山樓閣金簪

33 Pair Gold Floral Earrings Very finely weaved the flower basket, the earring is overall in a rich gold tone. Length:7.5cm, Width:1.5cm, Weight:37.45g $1,000~1,500 清 金嵌寶石金耳環 34 Pair Hard-stones Inlaid Gold Hairpins Each designed as a bat on double gourds, with carved jadeite beads gem-set body decorations, attached on pin. Length:16.5cm, Width:8.2cm, $800~1,000 清 金燒彩錾刻嵌寶石福祿金簪

35 A Gilt-bronze Ritual Chopper The hooked crescent-shaped iron blade issuing from the jaws of a makara, the handle is partly gilt. Length:27cm, Width:8cm, $2,000~3,000 清 銅鎏金钺刀 36 A Gilt-bronze Vajra The four prongs each modeled as stylized makaras, richly gilt overall. Width:54cm, Height:13cm, $5,000~7,000 明 銅鎏金金剛杵

37 A Glass Buddhist Conch Moulded in conch shape, finely carved eight auspicious items of buddhism at exterior, overall in pure black tone, wooden stand. Width:19.5cm,Height8.5cm, $800~1,000 料器法螺

38 A Doucai Glazed Kids at Play Jar, Qianlong Mark Of Ovoid form, painted in kids at play in doucai glaze, all under a key-lappets band, qianlong six characters mark Width:10cm,  Height:9cm, $500~800 清 鬥彩八寶童子小罐 39 A Coral Red and Gilt Five sprout Vase, Qianlong Mark The vase has a tall central neck surrounded by four shorter necks that rise from the compressed globular body, and is covered overall with a speckled glaze of iron red, densely decorated with floral scrolls. Width:12.5cm, Height:18cm, $500~800 清 珊瑚紅地描金纏枝花卉五孔花插 40 A Doucai Glazed Dragon Water Pot, Qianlong Mark Of baluster shape, with four leaping dragon roundels and bats decorated on body, qianlong six characters mark. Diam.15.4cm, Height:16cm, $800~1,000 清 粉彩龍鳳祈福盤口瓶

41 A Famille Rose Prunus Vase Meiping, Yongzheng Mark The rounded body decorated with prunus and magpies in famille rose glaze, yongzheng six characters mark. Diam.19.9cm,  Height:28.9cm, $500~800 清 粉彩富貴吉祥喜上眉梢梅瓶 42 A Famille Rose Landscape Vase, Qianlong Mark Of baluster shape, finely enameled a continuous scene of winter landscape, qianlong six characters seal mark in underglaze blue. Width:16cm, Height:31cm, $500~800 清 粉彩山水圖花口瓶 43 A Yangcai Glazed Moon Flask, Qianlong Mark The flattened globular body rising from a short oval foot to a slender neck flanked by pair of handles, painted on each side with riverbank scenery. Length:25cm, Width:12.8cm,  Height:29.8cm, $800~1,000 清 洋彩春江富貴花鳥抱月瓶

44 An Underglaze Blue and Copper Red  Yuhuchunping ,Yongzheng Mark The vase is decorated to the pear-shaped body with the dragon leaping amidst floral scrolls, yongzheng six characters mark in regular script. Width:20cm, Height:29.5cm, $500~800 清 青花釉裏紅穿花龍紋玉壺春瓶(口頸殘缺) 45 Pair Famille roe Globular Vases, Guangxu Mark Of baluster form, each vase is fully decorated with butterflies, between ruyi and lotus lappets borders, guangxu six characters seal mark. Width:36cm, Height:54cm, $2,000~3,000 清 粉彩硖蝶圖天球瓶(一對) 46 A Blue and White Peacock Jar Decorated to the ovoid body with a peacock perched on ground, surrounded by peony and flowering blossoms on leafy branchs. Width:35cm, Height:30.5cm, $800~1,000 明 青花牡丹孔雀圖大罐

47 An Underglaze Blue and Copper Red Zun Vase,Yong zheng Mark The pear-shaped body rising from a short spreading foot to a short-waisted flaring neck flanked by archaistic chilong handles, painted around the exterior in leaping dragon and swirling clouds, yongzheng six characters seal mark. Width:37cm, Height:45.5cm, $500~800 清 青花釉裏紅海水江崖雲龍紋漢壺尊 48 A Famille Rose Seated Bodhisattva The figure elaborately dressed in robe and tiara holding a pearl as an offering, kneeling on one leg on a lotus base. Width:17cm, Height:28cm, $500~800 清 粉彩釋迦牟尼佛塑像 49 An Incised White Glazed Brush-pot Of cylindrical shape, the exterior incised with floral scrolls, painted in monochrome glaze. Diam.13.1cm, Height:16.2cm, $1,500~2,500 白釉暗刻纏枝筆筒

50 An Aubergine Glazed and Gilt Spitton, Qianlong Mark Of baluster shape, with flared mouth to a stand, moulded in archaistic form, decorated with a tatie beast mask pattern, qianlong four characters seal mark. Width:18.8cm, Height:12cm, $500~800 清 醬釉描金仿青銅器渣鬥

51 A Turquoise Glazed Cup,Yongzheng Mark With steep rounded sides rising to a gently flared rim, painted in monochrome glaze. Width:8.2cm, Height:6.8cm, $500~800 清 湖水藍釉小盅 52 Pair Famille Verte Beasts Bowl, Xianfeng Mark Each with steep rounded sides to a gently flared rim,, the exterior finely painted a best in famille verte, xianfeng six characters mark. Diam.11.3cm,  Height:5.7cm, $100~500 清 五彩三獸碗 一對 53 A Ting-ware Bowl With steep rounded sides rising to the flared rim, covered averall in transparent glaze, with wooden box. Width:20cm, Height:6.5cm, $800~1,000 宋 定窯劃花碗

54 A Yellow Ground and Underglaze Dragon Dish, Yongzheng Mark The shallow-rounded sides rising from a flat base and a tapered foot, interior painted leaping dragon amongst flaming clouds, against yellow gourd, yongzheng six characters mark. Width: 30.8cm, Height: 6cm, $100~500 清 黃地龍紋大盤 55 A Famille Rose Dragon and Phoenix Plate, Guangxu Mark Well-potted with steeply rounded sides, the center painted with dragon and phoenix, guangxu six characters mark in regular script. Width:21cm, Height:4.5cm, $500~800 清 粉彩龍鳳呈祥小盤 56 A Red Enameled Arabic Inscribed Plate Well-potted with steeply rounded sides, the center painted arabic manuscript in iron red glaze. Width:17.5cm, Height:4cm, $500~800 紅彩阿拉伯文小盤

57 A Hard-stones Inlaid Pomander Box Circular, with each tiered inlaid with hard stones and divided by two jade bangles. Width:8cm, Height:8cm, $1,500~2,500 嵌寶石白玉镯蓋盒 58 A White Jade Panel Inlaid Cloisonne Enamel Box The sides of the box are decorated with lotus scrolls against blue ground, flank a green jade inset carved as floral and bird. Length:10.3cm, Width:8cm, Height:4.5cm, $2,000~3,000 景泰藍嵌玉蓋盒 59 A Painted Enamel Bronze Vase, Qianlong Mark The globular body is enameled in three abundances, qianlong four characters mark in regular script in blue enamel. Width:5cm, Height:8cm, $100~500 清 銅胎畫琺琅壽桃小瓶

60 A Painted Enamel Bronze Bowl The bowl are exquisitely painted to the exterior with a cartouche enclosing with masters seated under tree, all against a elaborate diaper background. Width:12cm, Height:5.8cm, $2,000~3,000 銅胎畫琺琅碗 61 A Cloisonne Enamel Buffalo Shaped Box, Qianlong Mark The cover is cast as the upper portion of a recumbent buffalo, with its head held up, well rendered with spiral horns, pricked-back ears and eyes alert, the spine demarcated with flanges, the box formed as the main body of the beast with legs tucked under, enamelled overall with colourful taotie masks and zoomorphic motifs amidst archaistic scrollwork. Weight:1265 g Length:22.3cm, Width:9.5 cm, Height:16.4cm, $2,000~3,000 清 銅胎掐絲琺琅牛形蓋盒

62 A Cloisonne Enamel Vase with Double Ha ndles, Qianlong Mark Of baluster shape, the body raised from a high foot, decorated with pair beast heads handles, fully enameled with key-fret pattern, qianlong four characters mark. Weight: 4.5kg Length:28cm, Width:24cm, Height:47cm, $3,000~5,000 清 銅胎掐絲琺琅雙獸耳瓶 63 A Cloisonne Enamel Circular Box  with Cover The box of flattened circular form, the cover is decorated to the sides with four stylised leaping dragon with rich gold tone, all against a hexagonal background. Width:44.5cm, Height:24.5cm, $3,000~5,000 清 銅胎掐絲琺琅鎏金錦地開光穿花龍紋八 吉祥蓋盒

64 A Gold and Silver Inlaid Bronze Phoenix With its head turning to side, the mythical beast has a beak and long tail, the pouring vessel overall inlaid with gold and silver line. Width:26cm, Height:39cm, $20,000~30,000 錯金銀青銅風鳥形立件

65 A Bronze Jue Wine Vessel

The body is cast with an intricate band comprising two stylised taotie masks, one divided to the centre with a vertical flange, the other with a pictogram cast beneath the curved handle surmounted by a buffalo head. The surface is of a brownish tone with areas of malachite encrustations. Width:18cm, Height:20.5cm, $5,000~7,000 獸面饕餮紋青銅爵

66 A Bronze Taotie Zun Vase Of typical waisted cylindrical form, its central section with a pair of taotie masks divided by four equidistant vertical flangesthe, bronze with a pale brownish patina and some encrusted patches. Width:23cm, Height:26cm, $30,000~50,000 獸面饕餮紋青銅出戟尊

67 A Bronze Taotie Li Food Vessel The body divided into three deep lobes set above hollow tapering legs, and flat-cast with unusual buffalo masks incorporating bands of vertically arranged quills below elongated eyes and pronounced horns cast in relief, each mask centered by a hooked flange. Width:17cm, Height:23.5cm, $7,000~10,000 獸面饕餮紋青銅鬲

68 A Bronze Taotie Gu Beaker Vase Of typical waisted cylindrical form, its central section with a pair of taotie masks divided by four equidistant vertical flanges, wooden box. Width:17.5cm, Height:28cm, $5,000~7,000 獸面饕餮紋青銅出戟觚