Real estatepartner of choice
INTEGRITY We deal with everyone, from investors and finance houses, to agents and end-users, with absolute transparency at every stage of the process. We see ourselves as trusted advisors to our clients.
INDEPENDENCE Our local We have no hidden agendas knowledge keeps us or secret a liations, so we always do what is right for our ahead of clients, our partners and the market. our stakeholders.
INSIGHT We o er We know the local market full turnkey as well as anyone and are able solutions to call on years of experience providing and a potent network of real peace developers and financiers. of mind for investors.
Our directors Dar Al Aqar was established in the UAE in have concluded October 2012 by a group of established real estate professionals with a single, shared vision over AED 20 to become the first choice for investors in the billion worth real estate sector. of transactions over the last The company’s executive managerial team o ers a wealth of experience and has achieved ten years. considerable success in the local real estate and investment fields. The founders are alsoA PERSONAL key founders and shareholders of Arabian APPROACH Global Investments LLC, established in 2007. Dar Al Aqar’s exclusive real estate brokerage services focus on the sales and marketing of mid to high-end properties and investment opportunities. Given our extensive experience within the UAE, our directors have concluded over AED 20 billion worth of transactions over the last ten years, our real strength lies in the local market. Our team understands the culture and has the experience to navigate across all relevant private and public sector environments. This experience and insight enables us to act as advisors to our clients, matching opportunities to their individual investment strategies. If need be, our specialists can also help explore and define these strategies. Dar Al Aqar is all about earning trust and delivering results.
OUR CU LTURE We are We respect the culture of the region and its traditional population. We are not pushy sales people. in spirit but We advise and guide. We o er our clients the modern in security of knowing they are doing business practice. with people who understand their needs.. Honesty and independence have always been our hallmarks and we always endeavor to do the right thing for our clients. We are traditional in spirit but modern in practice. We are local, yet international. In short, we are a true reflection of the values that have driven the growth of our home – Dubai.
OUR TEAM Khaled Al Huraimel Chairman Born in the UAE, Khaled Al Huraimel holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing (Hons) from King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia, and an MBA from the University of Bradford. He was also one of the first batch of graduates from the prestigious Dubai Leaders program at Wharton Business School in Pennsylvania. As General Manager of Madinat Al Arab and then Chief Operating O cer of Dubai Waterfront at Nakheel, Khaled was responsible for the project on the last remaining beach front real estate in Dubai. He played a key role in its development, including working closely with the master planners, consultants, major investors and developers. In 2005, Khaled launched Madinat Al Arab at Dubai Waterfront which was sold out in a record 5 days for AED 13 billion. Khaled joined Nakheel from ENOC International Sales, a subsidiary of Emirates National Oil Company where, as a senior sales and marketing manager, he expanded ENOC’s international lubricants sales network to over 20 countries. After Nakheel in 2007, Khaled joined the developer’s largest investor, Al Burj Real Estate, owner of 70% of the land in the first phase of Madinat Al Arab. During his time with Al Burj, Khaled was responsible for achieving a net profit of over AED 1 billion in the company’s second year of operation. Khaled is also one of the founders and spearheaded the formation of Arabian Global Investments LLC, ABMS and a number of other companies across di erent industry sectors. Since August 2009, Khaled has been involved in a leadership role with Bee’ah, a public private partnership and the first fully integrated environmental management company in the Middle East.
Ammar Abulohom Hadef Al Shamsi CEO PartnerAmmar Abulohom holds a Bachelor’s in Business Management from Indiana University in USA Hadef Al Shamsi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Sanand an MBA from Bradford University in Dubai, as well as a number of other business and real Diego and, during his time at Dubai Holding, was selected to join the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashidestate diplomas. Leadership Development and High Potential Leadership Development programmes.His real estate career began in 2005, with Nakheel’s start-up Dubai Waterfront Company. In this His real estate credentials were earned primarily at Dubai Holding, where he served as Head ofrole, he set up many of the processes, procedures and recruitment in line with the overall strategic Sales for Dubai Properties Group, spearheading a number of successful project launches. He wasplan. His responsibilities included driving sales of land plots in Dubai Waterfront through sales teams instrumental in the conceptualization of some truly iconic community developments and used hisand road shows as well as building strategic relationships with CEOs of major developers, high-net excellent leadership skills to manage a sales force that delivered real results for the group.worth individuals and VIP customers. His plot sales during his tenure exceeded AED 5 billion. Also during his Dubai Holding days, he was the Regional Sales Manager for TECOM Investments,Before co-founding Dar Al Aqar as Chief Executive O cer, Ammar was one of the founders of where he focused on attracting global companies to Dubai’s pioneering free zone concepts such asArabian Global Investments Company where he helped to raise AED 150 million in capital. As Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City. This experience gave him valuable insights into cuttingExecutive Director and Chief Investment O cer of the company his scope included identifying edge commercial real estate operations and helped him establish an international network ofstrategic investment opportunities, real estate acquisitions, building networks, and overseeing all clients, including several Fortune 500 companies. Hadef’s commercial real estate activities also sawcommercial activities. him headhunted as a consultant to Dubai Airport Free Zone, one the emirate’s most modern free zone developments.Early in his professional life, Ammar was a key member of EPPCO’s lubricants division taking chargeof sales and marketing to promote products into the local market. Hadef’s private sector work includes the role of Managing Director of Al Shamsi General Trading and he has been both a board member and shareholder of a number of private firms with interestsHis success in the local market led to his appointment as Regional Business Manager for ENOC in fashion retail, strategic investments, construction, wireless and satellite solutions, internet protocolInternational, focused primarily on GCC, the Levant regions and key African markets. In this role, applications, media and production.he forged strong relationships with distributors and turned the ENOC lubricant brand into acompetitive player in new markets.This ultimately led to Ammar heading up the international business unit with an even broaderstrategic scope and a geographical reach that included a network of 28 international markets.
Nilin Joshy Leena Hamoudi Director DirectorNilin, a veteran in the fields of real estate, development, marketing and contracting, has a career Growing up between the UAE, UK and Canada, Leena started her career in project managementspanning over three decades with experience in India, the Middle East, USA and UK. and marketing events in the UAE. She worked with diverse clients on corporate and personalNilin ‘s strength in sales, marketing, public relations, deal origination and execution has reaped events as well as doing road shows around the region for Audi. She went on to join a Germanextremely rich dividends. He was instrumental in the acquisition, completion and execution of the Project management company, exclusively handling Events and Corporate training for Audi in theJNJ Group’s milestone projects in the USA and UK. He was in charge of overseeing all contracting Middle East.activities in Dubai, Bahrain and Iraq ensuring timely completion and delivery.In India, he practiced as a property consultant to some of the country’s leading Property Developers In 2005 Leena’s interest in the fast growing real estate market in the UAE drove her to start her realand concluded sales in excess of USD 850 million, servicing MNC’s, Semi Govt organisations, banks estate career as a sales manager with one of the region’s most ambitious developers, Nakheel. Sheand large Indian Industrial Houses. worked on sales of o plan and ongoing developments and always exceeded her targets.In the USA, he developed and sold two major projects, namely The Cosmopolitan, a 36 floorresidential tower with retail space area along with a local developer and The Waterford, a 47 floor After two years with Nakheel, Leena worked independently as a portfolio manager and broker. Sheresidential tower. Both projects were constructed on the east side of Manhattan, New York, and handled a diverse group of global investors, successfully managing and trading properties both in thegenerated in excess of USD 650 million in sales. Nilin also developed six luxury villas in Cape Cod UAE and abroad with a portfolio worth more than AED 2.5 co-ordination with Mr. Peter Morton of The Architects Collaborative, Boston.His UK activities include the development and sale of luxury apartments, penthouses and garden A dynamic and dedicated professional, Leena’s consistent track record of high returns on investmenthomes in Eldon Grove, Hampstead. Also in Hampstead, he developed 10 new built apartments and have allowed her to develop long standing relationships with her portfolio of international clients.restored a mansion that sold for £3.5 million.Having been involved in contracting in Dubai since 1974, his regional work has included projectsfor the Dubai Royal Family, high-end villas in Jumeirah, the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and anumber of projects in Iraq.One of his career milestones was the introduction of high net worth Indian investors to the DubaiWaterfront Project, Madinat Al Arab Phase 1. The investors acquired 3.1 million square feet atinception. Other deals involved the sales of a tower in Business Bay and a hotel. In all, over the lastten years, Nilin has made over AED 3 billion worth of real estate transactions.
OUR SERVICES Investment Identifying real estate investment opportunities Opportunities for our clients. Dar Al Aqar’s Management team is always looking for lucrative real estate investment options; we always strive to match the opportunity to our clients’ individual investment strategies. International Extended international real estate services for Clients clients interested in the UAE market. We service a number of high-net worth individuals, institutions, and individual unit buyers outside of the UAE/GCC. They rely on our extensive local knowledge to access real estate opportunities in key local areas/developments.
Tailor Made Structuring real estate investment products. The Personal Personalized and tailor made brokerage services Products Touch with focus on mid to high end products. Our experience and relations with key playersKnowing the such as master developers, private developers With our hand-picked network of agents across Market and financial institutions enables us to assist di erent market sectors and zones, we are able to with the design and implementation of tailor act independently and swiftly to deliver to a client’s made real estate investment products. personalized real estate investment options. Providing early access to selected Developer Portfolio Real estate portfolio advisory. Project Launches. Services We are able to advise on how to maximize returns/ Our strong network of major developers and restructure existing portfolios or assist in setting up market players means we are able to share totally new ones based around key client objectives insights to opportunities with our clients ahead and resource. of the market.Sales and Real Estate Sales And Marketing Services.Marketing Our dedicated team is able to take on full building project sales and marketing on behalf of developers to meet their objectives.
Our focus is on the sales and marketing of mid to high-end properties.KEY DEVELOPMENTS
Downtown DubaiBuilt around the iconic Burj Khalifa,Downtown Dubai is a truly unique urbanconcept, reinforcing Dubai’s status asa global player. What better settingthan the tallest building and the largestshopping mall in the world to evolve athriving community serving residential,commercial, retail and leisure customerson a scale that is literally breathtaking.Designed to accommodate vertical andlateral neighborhoods that o er theperfect balance of private sanctuary andall the energy and exhilaration of moderncity life, Downtown Dubai is in highdemand from both local and internationalinvestors.Project listingsBurj KhalifaThe ResidencesBurj Views8 Boulevard WalkThe LoftsSouth RidgeThe Old TownThe Old Town IslandBoulevard PlazaEmaar SquareEvents VenuesThe Dubai FountainThe Dubai MallThe Address Hotels + ResortsThe Address The BLVDThe Address Residence Fountain ViewsThe Address Residence Sky ViewBurj Vista
Business BayWater is always an attractive componentin any real estate project and BusinessBay has lots of it. Featuring a staggering80 million sq. ft. of business, hospitality,commercial dining, retail and residentialreal estate, this centrally located projectlines an extensive network of man madewaterways, creating a lively hub close toAl Khail Road and Sheikh Zayed Road -two of Dubai’s biggest tra c arteries.Business Bay is growing fast, attracting abroad spectrum of investors.FeaturesPrime residential, commercial and retail spaceCentrally located in the heart of DubaiSituated between Sheikh Zayed road andAl Khail RoadCovering a total area of 80 million sq. ft
Dubai MarinaA shimmering man-made marina is thefocal point of this city-within-a-city.Boasting some of Dubai’s most iconicarchitecture, Dubai Marina is evolvinginto an exclusive world-class residentialand leisure lifestyle destination. Featuresinclude The Walk, a beachfront stretchof retail and dining options that buzzesday and night. A number of hotels andserviced apartments only serve toincrease the buzz.Despite its resort lifestyle, Dubai Marina isstrategically located near interchange fiveon Sheikh Zayed Road close to Dubai’swell-known landmarks like Dubai InternetCity, The American University of Dubai,Emirates Golf Club and the MontgomerieGolf Club.Project listingsDubai Marina Towers - Dubai Marina Walk- Al Sahab - Al Majara - Marina Promenade -MarinaQuays-ParkIsland-MarinaPlaza-TheAddress Hotel Dubai Marina - Nuran MarinaServiced Residences - Dubai Marina Mall
The Palm JumeirahVisible from space, The Palm Jumeirahis the world’s largest man-made island- a spectacular residential and tourismdestination. Created by Nakheel, oneof the key developers behind Dubai’stransformation into one of the fastestgrowing cities in the world, The Palm isunlike anything else on earth.Reclaimed from the sea over a five yearperiod, the development is connectedto the coastline by a two kilometre longtrunk, crowned by 17 sandy fronds anda surrounding crescent, housing theiconic Atantis Resort and the legendaryAquaventure Waterpark.The Palm features a variety of luxurybeachfront villas and apartments as wellas a world-class hotels and dining options.
MohammedBin Rashid CityAnnounced on Saturday, 24th November2012 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammedbin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE VicePresident, Prime Minister and Ruler ofDubai, this awe inspiring new city, willfeature world class leisure facilities inan integrated environment designedto encourage the development ofentrepreneurship and innovation.“Mohammed Bin Rashid City”, will bemade up of four key components:The first component focuses on familytourism, and will include a park equippedto receive 35 million visitors a year. Thepark, featuring over 100 hotels will be setup in collaboration with Universal Studiosand become the largest family leisure andentertainment centre in the Middle East,Africa and the Indian subcontinent.The second component is dedicated toretail and will boast the largest shoppingmall in the world. The third componentof the city is all about art and will featuresome of the region’s largest art galleriesshowcasing local and international talent.The fourth and final element will see thedevelopment of a unique hub creatingthe ideal environment for integratingentrepreneurship and innovation in theregion.Making the announcement, His Highnessemphasized, “The current facilitiesavailable in Dubai need to be scaledup in line with the future ambitions ofthe city. We therefore have to startwork immediately on the next phaseof development aligned to our Vision2030 and boost the UAE economy. Thiswill enable it to become the capital ofentrepreneurship, arts, culture, and familytourism for over two billion people.”
DubailandThis sprawling development is a uniquemulti-faceted district built around sporting,entertainment, and retail attractionsalongside some of the emirates’ mostattractive and established residentialcommunities.Set to become a regional and internationaltourism hub, it is already home to anumber of exciting attractions welcomingmillions of visitors every year:- Cultural entertainment at Global Village- Motor racing action at Motor City- World-class sporting events and sportingacademies at Dubai Sports City- Shopping at Dubai Outlet MallFuture plans for DUBAILAND featuredevelopments such as City of Arabia,Palmarosa and Dubai Lifestyle City. Plus,recent agreements have been signedto add world-class attractions includingUniversal Studios and LEGOLAND tothis exciting destination.
PA RT N E R S We tailor, implement and manage real estate investment portfolios
Arabian Global Investments LighthouseDubai-based investment firm Arabian Global Investments Lighthouse is an independent advertising and design agencywas launched in 2008 with a capital of AED 300 million based in Dubai. The company’s skills range from high-and positioned as a tactical and strategic investment end TV production and strategic planning to corporatecorporation investing in multiple industries in di erent identity development and below-the-line advertising.regions based on its dynamic venture parameters. With extensive experience in both the hospitality andCurrent investments of AGI include strategically located real estate sectors and a highly evolved media planningproperties across the UAE. and buying team, Lighthouse is an ideal partner for DarArabian Global Investments shareholders include well Al Aqar. The company’s partners are very much a hands-respected and established businessmen and companies on team enhancing performance and e ciency. Agencyfrom across the region that have contributed to the clients include InterContinental Hotels and Resorts andprosperity of the UAE. the Hamdan bin Mohammed e-University. Ambienz Imovalue InternationalAmbienz is a leading independently owned property and With operations in Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the UAE,infrastructure support services company, managing and IMOVALUE INTERNATIONAL is a team of qualifieddelivering a comprehensive range of integrated Building professionals specializing in valuation and advisory services,and Facilities Management Services to a diverse UAE covering areas ranging from real estate and finance toclient base across a variety of market sectors and service legal and taxation. This comprehensive skill set enablesstreams. Sectors include retail, leisure, commercial, the company to meet the needs of their internationalhealthcare and hospitality. client base with utmost e ciency. The end result is thatFrom total facilities management solutions - incorporating IMOVALUE clients are empowered to take groundedall hard and soft FM services - through to individual specialist decisions, based on accurate and reliable information atservices Ambienz’s flexible approach can accommodate a all times.spectrum of client and business requirements.DH International ConsultancyFounded in 2009, DH International is a real estate projectmanagement and consultancy company with a wealthof experience in managing large scale and complexprojects, locally and globally. Their services includemanaging master developments, residential, commercialand industrial projects, as well as redevelopment andrefurbishment projects with more than 10,000,000 sq ftof built up area.DH clients have included high caliber companies andorganizations such as BASF, Kanoo, Al Rostamani, DaimlerReal Estate, Ernst & Young, Dresdner Bank, Rieckermannand the Government of Sharjah.
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