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Home Explore Billboard Advertising Proposal

Billboard Advertising Proposal

Published by dughost0, 2018-04-26 13:02:25

Description: Outdoors Nigeria


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Premium Edge On EveryOutdoor Space

Unipole Billboard In a cluttered media environment thatPortrait Billboard can be easily blocked or skipped, a unipole billboard stands out – it looms larger than life and can’t be missed. Portrait billboards allow your business to grab and captivate the attention of the audience - both pedestrians and motorists

Lamp Post Lamppost adverts spread your48 Sheet Billboard message over a long distance for motorists and pedestrians, making it more desirable and not easily ignored. Advertising on 48 Sheets is pocket friendly and delivers brand awareness in targeted neighborhoods.

Backlit Billboard Backlit billboards are dominant upmarket Gantry Billboard boards that enable advertisers to reach consumers in choice locations that have tremendous environmental benefits and unique display. With Its elevated structure, gantry guarantees optimum brand visibility as it reaches both vehicular and pedestrian traffics.

LED Billboard LED billboards display digital images andRoof Top Billboard allows advertisers to feature multiple advertisements in one location. Roof top billboards present large advertisements to passing motorists and pedestrians. Set on the roof, they command high-density consumer exposure and the greatest panoramic visibility.

Mobile Billboard A mobile billboard can be used to achieveWall Drape Billboard market saturation, or skewed to reach a specific demographic target. It can also be used geographically by providing coverage in and around specific venues such as schools, sporting events and conventions. Wall drapes are great adverting platforms with fantastic visibility as they are normally found on high rise buildings within the city; their adverts are seen from a good distance across the city.

Bus Shelter Ad Bus shelter Ads put your advert before the Transit Ad gaze of motorists and pedestrians 24/7 Bus stop ads place your message on the road side of the bus, targeting vehicles and pedestrians.

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