Title:Drink A Glass Of Mangosteen Juice For Health Benefits Every DayWord Count:367Summary:Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with dailyexercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret;it's just plain fact.Choosing the Proper FruitsWhile some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating抰the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you'llbe able to eat right even if you don con...Keywords:Mangosteen,Juice,Health,BenefitsArticle Body:Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with dailyexercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret;it's just plain fact.Choosing the Proper FruitsWhile some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eatingthe proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you'll
抰be able to eat right even if you don consume the exact amount needed daily. The mangosteenis a fruit that is filled with all the vital vitamins and minerals required to provide that neededdosage for good health on a daily basis.The Mangosteen FruitGrown in the tropical land of Southeast Asia several centuries ago, the mangosteen tree needswarm temperatures and large amounts of rain to grow. Nonetheless, its growth is very slow andit achieves its peak-season in about 10 years. By then, it starts to produce large quantities ofmangosteen fruit yearly.What Exactly are The Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice?The health benefits from mangosteen juice is faster absorption in the body instead of eatingfresh or dried. The most significant health benefit from the mangosteen juice is the rich contentof antioxidants in each fruit. Antioxidants are recognized for their ability to fight and delay theaging process, thus leaving us with healthier skin.Drink mangosteen juice for your health benefits. These health benefits include a good dailydose of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, calcium, potassium,iron and fiber.Just a ReminderAlthough the health benefits from mangosteen juice are huge; it acts to compliment our immunesystem by assisting it to fight infections and other possible diseases. It does not cure anyillnesses on its own. All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for our health and well-being.Feeding our bodies with natural foods found in nature, with no preservatives or additives, is oneof the best ways to ensure a long, healthy and happy life. Consume fresh fruits and vegetablesas frequently as possible to sustain your health for the long haul.Title:How to Get Fit and Healthy with AerobicWord Count:407Summary:There are all types of gizmos for aerobic activity, and if you are new to the wonderful world ofexercise, it can be hard for you to sort through it all.Keywords:aerobicArticle Body:
There are all types of gizmos for aerobic activity, and if you are new to the wonderful world ofexercise, it can be hard for you to sort through it all.These aerobic activity gadgets range from simple steppers, or jump ropes, to exotic machineswhose function is almost impossible to sort out. The reason for all of these aerobic exercise toysis not because they are necessary, or even always useful for your exercise plan, but simplybecause of money. The fact is that, with the popularity of aerobic exercise, it is inevitable thatpeople will market new fads and products that claim to make it easier, more effective, and morefun all at the same time, but all of that is nonsense. The important thing in aerobic activity is toelevate your heart rate for a sustained period of time. How you do that is entirely up to you. Aslong as you are exercising, you can go without the toys. That is, unless you like them in whichcase, I say go for it.Some of the best forms of aerobic activity are the traditional sports. If you get together and playbasketball twice a week with friends, this alone might be enough to keep you fit and healthy.The important thing is to get some kind of aerobic activity, and to make it something that youenjoy enough to keep with it. Personally, my favorite aerobic activity is one that quite a fewexperts have agreed is one of the most healthy forms of exercise workouts: I love swimming.The advantage of swimming is that it works the whole body at once. Most exercises, such asrunning or soccer, only work the legs, or at most only partially work the upper body, but whenyou swim there is no part of you that is not getting some kind of a workout. This is great foryou, and in addition, there is no impact. Running will wear out your knees, as will many otherof the popular aerobic activities, but swimming does not compress the joints, so there is nocompromise to the health benefits that it holds. I love this aerobic activity, but it might not bethe right one for you. The best advice I have is to join a gym for a month. This will let you tryout lots of different aerobic exercises and find out which ones you like.Title:The Latest Money Saving Group Health Insurance Strategies for California EmployersWord Count:705Summary:What are some the latest Strategies being used by Small Business owners in California to maketheir group health insurance premiums more efficient?Keywords:group health insurance, group medical insurance, california group health insurance, employermedical insurance, employer health insurance, california group medical insurance, employeebenefitsArticle Body:1. Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
This is a strategy where the employer buys a health plan with a large deductible. Typically,these are groups that are coming from a plan with a very low deductible. Since the higherdeductible plans are usually much less money, the money saved is used to put into theemployee's \"Health Savings Account.\" The money in this account is used by the employee topay qualified medical expenses. If it's not used, the money rolls over to the next year. Themoney belongs to the employee, even if they leave the company.2. Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA)This is very similar to the HSA above but a portion of the qualified medical expenses notcovered by the insurance is \"pledged\" by the employer, that is, the employer only spends themoney, if there is a portion of the bill not paid by the insurance. This would be morefavorable to the employer since on an HSA the money goes to the employee, whether there areclaims or not. The problem with HRAs is that there are very few carriers that offer them rightnow.3. Medical Reimbursement AccountsThis is very similar to HRAs above and extremely flexible. It's otherwise known as partialself-funding. Employer buys a larger deductible and if the employee uses up that deductible,the employer pays all or a portion of it, depending on how a pre-arranged agreement is written.This goes for other expenses not paid by the insurance. The idea is that the employer selfinsures the typically smaller expenses with their own cash, (presumably, the savings inpremium dollars from going to a higher deductible.) The downside to this is that manycarriers prohibit the use of this strategy with their plans. It can be very effective but make sureyou use an experienced third party administrator as there may be some legal and taxdocumentation required. Otherwise known as Section 105.4. Kaiser.More and more groups are moving to Kaiser. It is typically, benefit for benefit, less moneythan just about every other plan. Kaiser is spending billions on the future and their qualitycontrol is promising.5. Offering Blue Cross and Kaiser side by side. Blue Cross has a new program where onlyfive employees need to enroll with Blue Cross. The rest can be with Kaiser. This is a groundbreaking opportunity in flexibility.6. Blue Cross Elect. Blue Cross has a portfolio called Elect with 16 plans in it comprised ofHMOs, PPOs, and an EPO plan. Each of these plans is priced from low premiums up to amuch higher premium.The beauty of this program is that Blue Cross allows the employer to \"define\" how muchpremium they are willing to pay towards an employee's cost. For example, Blue Cross offers a$10, $20, $25, $30, $35, and a $40 copay PPO plan. The $10 plan is the most expensive ofthis group.After viewing all of the premiums for the various plans, the employer can establish, arbitrarily,which plan they are willing to pay, say the employee only premium for. In this case, let's sayit's the $25 copay plan. The employee can buy the $25 copay plan and it doesn't cost themanything. However, if they want the more expensive $10 copay plan, the employer would
payroll deduct the difference in premium costs.Let's say they have dependents they want to cover but the employer only wants to pay for theemployee only. The employee could take the lesser expensive $40 copay plan, and use a littlebit of the savings to help them with the costs of adding their dependents.This has been a highly successful program because it gives the employees a greater number ofchoices, helping the employees be more definitive in their costs and needs, and at the same time,allows the employer to more efficiently define their costs.This information is time sensitive and can change at anytime. If you have a question or needmore information, please contact me at [email protected]. --Todd RichTodd Rich is an expert on California Small Group Health Insurance Plans and has written fourbooks on the subject. To learn more about Todd and his books, please visitwww.TheStrategyGuide.com/ezines
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