Title:Dog Health Tips ?Care For Your Pets at HomeWord Count:581Summary:Guide to simple dog health remedies to try before calling the vet. Dogs and Puppies sufferfrom minor ailments that can often be solved easily at home.Keywords:dog health, pitbull dogs, bull terrier, german shepherd breeders, schnauzer, dogs, germanshepherd puppies, puppies, labrador puppies, dog breeds, dog obedience, dog obediencetraining, home remedyArticle Body:Everyone with pets, whether dogs or puppies, needs to have a veterinary surgeon to turn to in an抯emergency. They do a wonderful job, and you should never ignore a pet suffering.抯However, it is a waste of money to attend the Vet surgery when the problem is one you cansolve at home. This is a short guide to dealing with minor ailments as a form of Pets?First Aid.If the symptoms persist you can still contact the vet. Dog health need not always be a costlyworry to the wise pet owner.Some dog breeds do not like being handled: pitbull dogs and bull terriers for example. Thisshould be key element of dog obedience training so that the dog accepts that you are entitled totreat him for his own good. After a country walk it is a good idea to give your dog a quick
grooming or rub down, and check for any lumps or bumps that he may have picked up along theway. My own dog, a Collie ?German Shepherd cross, gets twigs and sticks caught in roundhis rear and his bushy tail. Left unchecked, these can cause the fur to mat around them. Thedog will worry at it and probably lick the area bare, leaving it open to infection. You canavoid this with a few minutes?attention.Ticks are nasty. They have a one-piece body and the harpoon-like mouth barbs attach to ahost (your dog) for feeding. Crablike legs and a sticky secretion help the tick to hold on.Long-haired dogs like Schnauzers often suffer badly from ticks. When attempting to remove atick, the aim is to prevent the mouth section from coming off and remaining embedded in theskin. The home remedy is simple and cheap ?petroleum jelly, which is what you would get ifyou went to a pet shop and paid for a proprietary tick remover! The most effective way to抯remove the tick is to put a big lump of petroleum jelly over the area where it has attached itself.Leave this for at least ten minutes. Once the tick grip loosens, you can wipe it out of the waywith a tissue.Ear mites - if your pet has ear mites, then place two drops of corn oil into its ears (an eyedropper will do the trick), massage the ear gently then clean with a cotton ball. This willsuffocate the mites. Repeat for 3 days. Regular ear bathing with oil is recommended by vets,to avoid a buildup of wax and irritants.Constipation - try this quick fix for a constipated pet. For a large dog, add 3 to 4 tablespoons ofmineral oil to its food. For a small dog reduce the dose to 1 to 2 teaspoons. Do this for twodays and the problem should clear up.抯Diarrhoea ?mix one heaped teaspoon of carob powder with a little water and mix into your dog dinner. Use half a teaspoon if you have a puppy.抯Urinary tract infections ?mix 30-40ml of cranberry juice into your pet food. This will boostthe acidity of its urine, reduce bacteria and help relieve the discomfort.抮 抯 憃 抯And if you e not sure what wrong ?say your pet seems ff colour??then here a tip we抯 抯use all the time. Add half a dissolved aspirin or children liquid analgesic to your petfood. It can perk up a German Shepherd in minutes!Title:How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In ArkansasWord Count:688Summary:More than 50% of all Arkansas residents who have health insurance report that the premiumsfor their insurance pose a financial burden each month, and a full 17% of all Arkansas residentsare without any form of health insurance at all.Almost every day another business announces that it will no longer offer health insurance
coverage or that it is requiring its employees to pay a huge portion of the monthly premiumsthemselves.Clearly anyone who is not covered by a gro...Keywords:Article Body:More than 50% of all Arkansas residents who have health insurance report that the premiumsfor their insurance pose a financial burden each month, and a full 17% of all Arkansas residentsare without any form of health insurance at all.Almost every day another business announces that it will no longer offer health insurancecoverage or that it is requiring its employees to pay a huge portion of the monthly premiumsthemselves.Clearly anyone who is not covered by a group health plan needs to get cheap health insuranceonline here in Arkansas ?but before you just blindly start checking out health insurancewebsites it may pay you to take a moment and see what you can do to help lower the cost ofyour health insurance even further.First of all, if you are a resident of Arkansas and you have been denied health insurance becauseof a pre-existing condition or if you have been quoted an outrageous price for health insurancebecause of a pre-existing condition, then you may qualify for a state-sponsored program knowna CHIP ?the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool.Becoming part of this program has nothing to do with your income level, so if you believe youhave been turned down for health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, or if you can'tfind affordable health insurance because of such a condition, it would pay you to take a fewminutes and check out their website: http://www.chiparkansas.org.If you don't qualify for Arkansas' CHIP program there are still several things you can do to helpdrive down the cost of your health insurance.Let's start with tobacco. If you smoke or use any tobacco products you are intentionallyshortening your life and creating additional health problems for yourself, so you can expect topay more for your health insurance. The answer: stop smoking and stop using any other tobaccoproducts.Being overweight is a serious problem and one of the most difficult for many people to solve.Part of your health insurance premium will be based on your Body Mass Index, or BMI, whichis a fancy way of saying that overweight people pay more for health insurance. Losing even alittle weight can often drop you into a lower BMI rating and that can save you hundreds ofdollars per year on your health insurance premiums. Losing even a little weight can help.Don't participate in extreme sports or drive a fancy and fast sports car. Having a career than isconsidered dangerous will also increase your monthly health insurance premium.
If you can afford it, see if you can increase your copay. This is the cash you pay each time youvisit the doctor's office or receive any medical treatment. If you increase your copay from 25%to 50% you can greatly reduce your monthly health insurance premium. This is an especiallygood tactic for people who do not see their doctor on a regular basis.We've saved the biggie for last. Your deductible. The higher your deductible ?in other words,the more you are willing to pay each year for your own medical treatment before you involveyour insurance company ?the lower your monthly health insurance premium will be.Some people purchase health insurance policies with a super-high deductible of $2,000 or even$3,000. These inexpensive policies do not pay for routine medical treatments or doctor's officevisits, but are designed to protect a person's assets and home in case of a catastrophic accidentor illness with medical bills in the tens or even hundreds of thousand of dollars.All right. Now you've got a good idea of what your options are when it comes to lowering yourmonthly health insurance bill, so get online and start comparing policies and prices among thedifferent insurance companies writing health policies in Arkansas.Remember that no website compares all the different health insurance companies in the state, soif you are truly serious about getting cheap health insurance online in Arkansas then you willneed to spend the extra time and make the comparisons on at least 3 different websites.Good luck ?and good health!Title:The Importance of Minerals for Health and Well-BeingWord Count:229Summary:Minerals are as important as vitamins when it comes to overall health and well-being. Since allenzymatic activities in the body require minerals, your body wouldn't be able to use vitaminsand other nutrients without them. Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium, Iron, Selenium and Zincare just a few of the numerous minerals essential to continued health.Keywords:minerals, mineral supplement, multi-mineral, calcium supplement, iron supplementArticle Body:Minerals are as important as vitamins when it comes to overall health and well-being. Since allenzymatic activities in the body require minerals, your body wouldn't be able to use vitaminsand other nutrients without them. Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium, Iron, Selenium and Zincare just a few of the numerous minerals essential to continued health.
For years the supplement market has been dominated by vitamins, but vitamins and amino acidsare useless without minerals because all enzyme activities involve minerals. Minerals forhealthy bones, organs, and tissue minerals are needed to maintain the delicate cellular fluidbalance, to form bone and blood cells, to provide for electrochemical nerve activity, and toregulate muscle tone and activity (including organ muscles like the heart, stomach, liver, etc.)Minerals act as catalysts for many biological reactions within the body, including muscleresponse, the transmission of messages through the nervous system, the production of hormones,digestion, and the utilization of nutrients in foods.Minerals are primarily stored in bone and muscle tissue so toxicity is a possibility. Toxicityrisks increase when one isolated mineral is ingested without any supportive cofactor nutrients.Such situations of mineral toxicity are quite rare, because toxic levels accumulate only ifmassive overdoses persist for a prolonged period of time.Benefits?maintains healthy bones, organs and tissue?regulates muscle tone?assists with the formation of bone and blood cells
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