t o~~ Rhyming Words-'o' string - l2~ \\li.,2.2 ..,.,,.,,, Read and complete the rhyming strings. fog log jog rod dot hot u ~,,:op J \\._ pod ~; -- ~ \\ r:;J I Please note: Oral segmenting and blending , $ ), G;] I,. • • more rhyming words, \\; ~ ~ [r:J {j G:l f
.. Story Time: The Happy Kid ~e(1daloud. Look! The kid can jump! The kid digs a pit. The kid hid in a pit. Can you see the kid in the pit?-ye's/no The kid hid under the lid. Can you see the kid under the lid? y'{s/no o The kid hidJn a tin. D. ,. Can you see the kid in the tin? yfs/no Please note: Worksheets related to the stories can be downloaded from the e-books. Ask ·.: A uo. _r! the children to think and answer the following questions: Who can you see in the pictures? , ...,. Name the things you can see in the pictures. Name the place~ the kid hides in. Introduce : '\"\" _ the sight words '.jump', 'look' , 'under' and 'question mark(?) . - --- --- ---- - - - - - -- --- -... -
-··--JLL\\.!_12....J Rhyming Words-'i' string ' Read and complete the rhyming strings. rib nib dig fig wig kid lid ~ it fin pin tin six dip ~ --, ij) bib • [;] J! [:J -~ fi '.Ni Please note: Oral segmenting and blending more rhyming words: spin-grin, clip-slip-drip-trip. lj
,.......-- Story Time-The Red Hen IReadfCover Write/Check Write again Read/Cover hk Write again Wnte/C ec C I I I I I ~es Ivesno pg QQ yes fill in the blanks and complete th~ story. This is a # _r:__....e....d_ hen. The red _h_ ..e.... .n.. has ten eggs. The red hen sees ten tttttttttt ..m _e_ o_. The ten men see the red _h_ ..e.... ..n..• The ten men see I O_t_ .L ..n.. eggs. The ten men get ten eggs. The red hen has no eggs. Answer the questions in yes/no. Let us talk! Is this an egg? yestn'b Who has ten eggs? \\ How many men are there? What is the colour of the hen? Is this a hen? yes/no ,G , 't~) Please note: More pattern reading sheets, sentences and other worksheets may be printed from the _ !. e-books worksheet folder. Each word given is readable either phonically or as a tricky/si ght wo:d. . · ~ .- -- . jQ I ' ti;:~ ·- .
Pnge No .: Da le:
Rhyming Words-'e' string Read and complete the rhyming strings. red wed led leg peg hen men pen ten met net pet wet .. ~ c:J Q egg a keg f c,J Please note: Oral segmenting and blending more rhymin w - .• • g mds, leot-we,t, fled-bled . ....,.J;i?&ttJL - a-_ . _ n>T
E2-CW IHW ,~Page No.: Date: 9~•Q ,?9 -/ /1,.., l 1 I II II I ' I . v,A • £ 1'._\"-.. I l P / \\ JI JP ,nncP 111 ' -C::1/ \\ \\. / / r ' '--\"\" J'f'I ,~• • I ( J. (Jll\"L () l JP \\I rr,Y> II . I I \"J . { • • T I \\V/ , /1 l If-1. I~ ( 1 I )f)[ I ...----.... d ~- If_~\\ : II / • • l I IL\\ \\._JP r.., I Ir lt J .S n I )f I UL \\ Jr lP / A\" rxI I I 4-. I • • l I IP 1_c.., (1 I JP.YI. \\.7v1'/ J - -
Meet the orange Train _ 2 J .q•22- . es in each block and Write th efir1' Trace and say the sound· Namhe thdedpo1ncetusrout. /ZI letter sound. Spot and circlet e o Iv/ ~/ - -·-----, CJ ± y z ; 17 ± \\r ~- ,_ . v_@! _-·-z_- 0 J~ (l) j_ r !_ a, z @I-~ ft ' ~ T (i) ct
/w/ /y/ /kx/ /kw/ = w_ -x - -~. 1/V - -x . \" @ ww -~- CJ - \\ qu @J -x ~ qu fj_v . j ,I -x . \\/\\I -)<. ( - ? .~u w lL ~ j_ (J) v· '1~ j U -· ~ •w ~ ·- - ~- W.~ ·' (0 6 ~ o · Stories- Jimmy jaguar, Zelda zebra, Vinny vulture, Wally wolf, Yummy yak, ·Qu incy quail ~ ad ./ks/ ., ;s the last saoad ;, the wacd.s aad. aat th~ fast so a dash has beea added. ..
E, - CW ,vPage No... Date : ·::1·1..2 ul j jJ__.l J J J J LLUJ J .1..ll:U.U 1 J u 1.Jl.UJ J I 1· l.A _i J.,.\\~ \\ J' J 1 ' L, A. l .i.A-1£ j __C.A_k -\\ =•__J ,j. _.LLJl J ' .J. J J.Lll lA J --l _r_u_u__ll _ llll.,_ 1 LJ..L i I lJ . ·J I ~· J J... D JA JLLk - 1
Word Building-eve Arrange the flashcards next to the book and identify the vowel and consonant sounds. Jf j'...................lj° ..................)(..................Ij......... .........)j....................l(.... ..............) s a t ;: p n := == =·= 1 == =: •· c» o Lo. ·• ••• •• ·• •· o····o o o ····················· ····················· ····························································· ··················· g l u f b1::...........ii:U.::..,..O.......,.):11::.i....... i . :11: . . :1:1 ,.........,. :1 . i!. ..........)[.. :.i.......i @{L1 Build words · \\ ) (::g:} Change the vowels and make new words. . ii Please note: Arrange the flashcards of the pink, yellow and blue trains and build the words. L. ,.., t 8 'X ) Ask the children to replace ~he vowel and try and read the new words. Some words may •• 1,ot mokrnose mot•met•m,t•m,t•.m.ot.:~.........--· •• -------- -- · .. . 1 ------·· ·-- .. ~I
Picture Reading ·,0 A sentence is a group of - words that makes sense. It IJRead and write. begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. It can have a few tricky words! Copy/Cover Write/Check Write again Copy/Cover Write/Check Write again [ I I I I I IIt I-t It I•S ,'s ,•s Read and tick the correct pictures. It is a cap. It is a tap. It is a tin . & '1,J It is a pin. It is a net. It is a pit. \\ eit Read and draw. It is a man. It is a hat. It is a pan. j I
-~- .-• u.\\I••~.:.i~••I °\\f Words putt ' rnea9n,~ntgher \"' have a sorne .. There are I words we rnust tlncky Read and write. to read. earn Read Copy/Cover Write again I« IO IOI and and and-- Read and match. - a den -----~~ ----------ei / Qa pen a fat cat ____ ----0 a fat man -~---------0 @ a fat hen C>- - - -- : ·- ·-·· - · -· ~- () -------E>- ea can and a pan 0--- . -- 1 a hat and a mat <3-- & t>- ---~---Q a hen and a rat ~ - ... · ·-- --- - -9 - = ... ~ · . . . --------
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C,1/J rM w F ,. c- ra~c No. r:,u:. rD,ile - - . ,· - - - - -1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - ----.
Et cw ssjPa:. N:.: w T± F f -- - VOUVA Date: ----- -----=====-·- - ---- - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - ;- + - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -·
ft CvJ :A r ',\"/ - F :; S ' 1• lln: :=-=q=ya=nnc-=--=--=--=----=----=--~---------~cun -=-=-+ - - - -_-,_- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ----..: ~ 2 jden pen _I_ --1- - - -
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E2. CWIHW MTwT F s s 5,q.12- T11 P ag e No .: J=vj Da t e: I I\\J\\J 1rnir 1n Wt )t, 1l s , --- --- _J _ \\_, - ------- IL-- ,: )01 , - -- - I L -......... -- c n --...,_ - - I --- - Ir 1n ......-- -------, -....... d - ---.-) J.0{] J II ,- - [11 Jf ........ - -.......- ~· I - ...... Y 111, . --.,. 1l I• - ......_ 4-. I n I Irl - - ......,- -- ---E .'11 Y) -......-- r Jn -........---.. ------------------- ------------..._ I , .....-- I - ~,~ Cr I/ JI ) --------- - ------ I-- -- l-- \\. 1..-..- -1· ·- - ·,-. I-- 7r ..
E, CWIHW I ~jM r _'!I Page No . _T - <; S t~a le~. .. - _ ] y~~VA - --,------
I l J( J · ' ----- I - -------- - f)f-'(J --v,, I_ , I ---- ---, p ----- p- (] l) I- I· - 1 'fJ Vl .I l -__,_ - ran - -I -..., I{ lf1 - I -. - - I ~-- -- { UL . . ,- r ..,---- -~- r 1 I ( J -- --- -- - lJ . r1 l J r -.-.--.. ----- - - - - -...--_-- -- - t 1 - --.-.-.----- I ....-.. - -- (J I ,,,....._-- - ,.,...--- --- -- -~ - -- =-.....=.-,-=--=-==r=-- - ·- .,-<' i..-... ,.._ I -..J.L__ ( - -,,. '' ...__ -'-
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.... Jq,831- I I M T w T F - s 1- I)(]( J IJnn Page No .: ,---- ..- , I \\. I YOUVA I run \\ ~:GJ ;~ YI 111 ' - ----- r~, 1unr \\ ~-------- I \\I ' I(){} ,J l)IJ/J \\ \\- -- Il I- Ir )n ,· inn \\_ I . - t •I f)II) r \\\" r 1nn '-·· I . Int• I . 'IP(J ' I) '\\\" .-7 \\ 1 .'\\ ' ·l ten ' .. l)f L \\..J ..'\\• '( l. Jl-' .\\ .. \" I)\\l., .' - • '- \"· I \"- ( _, t JT, ' ---• -p IJ - \"· - 111n - TIHJ \"----------- - '\\\\.nr .._. I• n ll r un ..--- I r' -\"-- ----- - -,,---- . cun -, - ======== r -.-\"------------ ,-.--
MTW FS S Poge No.: Date :
MT WT F S S PeQe No.: t - - -- -1YOUVA Date: -n () '1 tJ d - 0- (J {) l1 lI n ~n (1 r u I ;1 L -- IJ -- (J 1u I d I 1l u- l Ii/ I fJ (' I 1 1 --- f) -.
-M T W T F s s _Po_oe _No.:______/ I Date: YOUVA II F- --
M TWT FS s _- - -===-,--\"-- __-,. ---------------=====- ----\"-- -- ~===========~===~--=-;
r 1)\\o~ ~ Use of a/an ~ ,V ,.,23.•..8.'..22..... J ,.......... Narne the pictures and write a/an. ..an. _a_nt .an_ _e_gg _.a.n_ _L_nk ..an_._Q_x .an. LLmbrella _o_ h_ear _Q_ .c_at ..Q__ .d._uck _o_ f_ish iL -s-oat _j}__h_en _Q_-d' -am _Q_ Leg 1L J_eg _Q_ _mat ,, J)._-flan _Q_ ...r.at _a_ -5.oap ' _tap JLri...et iL lf JJ_ 1._an _Q_ JAeb JL 1 ak _a_ _zip ,;.:\\ , if Please note: Put up a/an stick pupp_ets ~n the reading train. Give the children picture puppets and ask ,ii ) them to identify the words that begin with vowels/consonants and place them next to a/an. ·. 1-- \\@ ,II d I ..
M T WT ss YOUVA - -__-__=_=_=_-=_--:.-\\, ==========-•\\ __, -.- '
~ ocrtt'~ First/Middle/Last Sounds __2.0_!_8-~22---·· aIs IaIti iip/ n/ , / k/ c/e/h/r/ m/ d1' 1g/o/l/u/f/b/. Use the flashCQrds Qn then complete this exercise. '( Segment Write each Write the word. u. ~ Write each Write th to spell. sound symbol. Blend to read. sound symbol. Blend tew, Segment ore1 ~ · to spell. c,J _p__e_q- r;e9 - I ' m_u_-9-- mug J__o-9- f...ilf dog_d_ 1l_ -8-- n_u_t -1lLJl ' t c__ _l.J_ i_ _[LJi_ . I J{_e._-g- keg . t_o__L pot _s_ J.1 _JJ Stm .c,__ _Q_ _t_ r_ J.j_ J1 run_ - - (cotIWAAEW • Word list: peg, mug, log, dog, keg, pot, cot h0t h cup, nut, cut, sun, run, lip, fan, bat, bag, bin, bed, bug, cub ' op, a. ' -- -- - --- - - -- ---- --- ) --
,p Write each Write the word. in Wrl·te each Write the wordd. sound symbol. Blend to read. sound symbol. Blend to rea · 1 . Segment to spell. \\ll segment \" to spell. · i a_n__ £an \\ Ju1-L baL Read and colour the bogies in which all the words rhyme. sun bug nut fun pug hut cup tub fin tug rub tin hug tip
MT WT F s s Poge No.: ·-.-\\ '
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