Leading the LearningAfter reading/viewing the materials and completing the activities in this module, reflect onyour organization's need for transformation. This module help me see the drastic change that has occurred not only in the lastsix months however since I began my administrative career. I now can see that manydistricts and schools have had to compete with the plethora of information that is outthere in the world wide web. Parents are now becoming more informed consumers of theproduct that we sell. Since consumers have become more informed, there are no moreoptions to meet the needs. districts are seeking to brand and compete with otherdistricts of choice to be more appealing to communities. My current district has put a lot of pieces in place to ensure that leave made themost appropriate decisions for what's best for teaching and learning. The technologyplan and the infrastructure that the district has established has prepared teachers andstaff to create 21st century students and school sites. The need for transformational change is critical if my district seeks to preparestudents for the 21st century and College and Career ready.
Millennial Learning Environment owefAnuoAdidftnutftueetecerwraearrharctretoahnervertigansinyeedgdocwionosuaifgnmniskn/gdvemniteleodhuewwieanagisilrintemntyagtdihanlmgtetgeheee.dei.rmmiuamWcpbl aaeaaetcrntioesdtdnronaicaeninonlwsdomctarsapekntnulanedddsoticeefwnuongttmhttushterhp.eeelIaeeatmtarxilenscoangotucidvtntssihittemieemoepsfaatachciyncoteithmvtihtainhtmiivcseaeurstmenowaiionncsedaetbsuhttitlitouesoond,omteIhlasnosemtedaaoleurecenlaetcghmr,esnarsatitensktfghlioen.efcgtshasIkocotiwhlclfseiantsasokstrtteathhonietnhdfkauebcscreteersiystoioapcfnnaosddlnolysofc,iigiubacuriollirmntmeyesemot.awfuHsoonuoruirkwcersae.ttefvTeoae,hrcrbeLhgeeiionnacgttrrehencreainonstemgievt emaarennausddnnodipttueyrrcoc.cohfeelnlsasosbsliootougrndayaetelhndatinsesvsapetriglololrvpnoimdeueepedd.ntwtTohhitalehessaeegranrsoywn
Infusing InnovationReflect on the ways in which you communicate and collaborate online with your peers, stakeholders, and others?Have you added or do you plan to add any new types of online strategies based on you new learnings from thismodule?The ways that I communicate and collaborate online with my peers has been mainly through Twitter. Eventhough my current position has me quite busy, I often use Twitter to look for trends and educational policies, newand up-to-date topics of instruction and pedagogy, and how administrators and school districts are integratingtechnology along with the Common Core State Standards. The communication that I have had with ourstakeholders has been more effective person to person. The feedback we have received from various parent,student and Community member surveys has shown us that our community members prefer face to facecommunication vs virtual communication through social media. However the district is also giving her moreprecautions and using social media to communicate to our stakeholders.The new types of online strategies that I plan on incorporating for this school year would be to use more videoand pictures through our Twitter account instead of posting documents or questions. I believe that many that ofour stakeholders use social media for pictures and videos versus actual two-way communication.
Systemic Improvement Informs LeadersIn this module you had the opportunity to identify different types of data and look at a variety ofways data can be communicated.Write a reflection describing how displaying data in different formats, such as infographics, canhelp you to communicate information more clearly? There are many ways to display data. A professor once said to me, “Datais like a hostage, if you work it right, you can have it say anything.” The differentformats that are available to us via web tools is surprising. What I find most criticalis the consideration of “what data” we want to communicate as a schooladministrator. Once you know which information you want to find, then it is easierto formulate the questions that you want answered. Sometimes it is difficult to finda question that will get you the information you want. Nevertheless, providing andcommunicating data is basic function of a school administrator to thestakeholders. How is this school safe? How do students have equal access to allcurriculum? What are the major concerns of classified staff in regards to the dailyschedule? It is also important to consider to whom the information is important. Thepresentation of data or information may be different for the various stakeholders ina school community. A site administrator may believe it is important for theteachers to view and analyze student survey data to have a greater understandingof the perceptions of students. Using infographics to display data can help an administrator tailor themessage that he/she wants to provide to the stakeholders and community. Inaddition, an infographic can quantify the data in comprehensible chunks, in orderto make it more meaningful and clear.
Digital CitizenYou have explored and learned about digital citizenship in this module. What was your biggest ahalearning moment?What will you do to impress upon educators, students, community members, and others theimportance of understanding and learning about digital citizenship?The biggest learning in this module for me was the extent of work that organizations and learninginstitutions have put into creating digital citizenship curriculum for teachers, students and parents. Thedigital landscape is relatively new to our lives and as it is ever-changing, society seeking to provide normsfor our digital lives. Digital Citizenship aims to establish norms that guide the development and use ofdigital tools for learning and living.The critical piece that is important to understand about digital citizenship is that we are responsible to bereflective about our practices and be active learner about cutting edge digital tools. For parents andteachers, it is mostly keeping up to date with new social networks, apps and software that is available toall our students and awareness of potential security problems. Similar to the mission and vision thatlearning institutions create to be the guide their teaching, digital citizenship is a collection of norms thatguide our use of digital tools.
Technology and Common Core ■ What inspired you to make your elective choice? ■ How valuable to you were the choices in the elective module? ■ Are there any other topics you would like to see as a future elective?I chose this elective because I am interested how educators are connecting the pedagogy of Common Core StateStandards with the integration of technology. I am also interested in the SAMR model of technology integration inconnection with the Common Core Standards.I believe that my elective topic is extremely valuable to the teachers and students that are currently at my school site.The CCSS demand deeper and more rigorous instruction to facilitate academic discourse and use of Standards forMathematical Practice from Kindergarten to 12th grade.In the future, I think that it would be interesting to see more topics that cover some current changes in Education. Iwould like to see integration of technology with STEAM or the Maker Movement. I would also like to see the integrationof technology with underserved populations in Education; English Learners, Special Education and Foster youth.
Closure Based on the ISTE Standards for Administrators, I need more opportunities to establish collaborative metrics that Reflection show ongoing Improvement and have flexibility to change with the progression technology and paradigm shifts inWrite a personalized reflection that focuses on your areas of strengths and your Education. I also need more time in my day to stayareas of needs based upon the ISTE standards and Essential Conditions. connected with current research and have an opportunity toSupport your reflection with the corresponding ISTE Standard for Administrators. analyze cutting-edge trends for the benefit digital andShare your reflection with your course facilitator. pedagogical progress of my school site.In your reflection address these questions: This certification and modules change my perspective on ■ Which ISTE Standards for Administrators correspond to your what a successful administrator has to be. Not only does a areas of strengths and needs? cutting-edge administrator need to know what the technology is but they also need to have the understanding of the ■ How have you changed as a learner and a leader through this management of professional capital. The foundation process? understanding of professional capital is necessary in order for a site administrator to move his or her school forward and ■ What is your action plan for implementing change as a result of promote shared leadership. The modules in this certification new learning? highlighted the need for an administrator to recognize there are more pieces to the puzzle aside from the web tools. In ■ How do you plan to continue your learning about digital age addition I've gained appreciation for the “HOW” of learning? leadership. Collaboration, and understanding your keys to progress.Based on the ISTE Standards for Administrators, I feel that Iam most confident in maintaining a clear message and As a result of this certification, my plan for making changespurpose for my leadership. I believe that my vision and are as follows. Fortunately comma my school site hasmission is consistent among all the different opportunities invested in a digital learning coach and a curriculum coach. Ithat I have daily to collaborate with stakeholders. In addition, am placing my trust in both coaches that they will be theI also believe that one of my strengths is that I am a agent for professional development and practice of techvoracious learner. I am always interested in learning new integration at my school site. My focus is to my vision ofways to use digital tools in the classroom and office. I equity and access for all students. The implementation ofpersonally enjoy learning from other people and sharing my the SAMR model for digital integration will be my guide forexcitement about tech with others. the next year. I also plan on leading the learning in providing
more student choice in the classroom, redefinition and modification of classroom tasks in orderto increase the rigor and deep in the understanding of our students. I hope the this plan willprovide some pedagogical change that will make a positive influence for our students for thelong term.I plan on continuing to use Twitter and my RSS feed to stay digitally sharp and active. Twitter ismy 15 minutes of professional development and it connects me to other administrators and techgeeks like me. My desire is to attend a CUE conference this spring or in the summer to learnmore. I might possibly seek to present at one of these conferences on topics that I ampassionate about. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. -African Proverb
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