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Home Explore Summer I Newsletter 2016

Summer I Newsletter 2016

Published by cwilkinson, 2016-06-02 07:33:27

Description: Summer I Newsletter 2016

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School Newsletter Summer I 2016 The Bewdley School & Sixth Form Centre Learning for Life - Achievement for All Dear Parents, Carers and Learners, school, we have also benefiWed from further funding to complete the window refurbishment. Our exam season is well underway, and learners and staff are working extremely hard to ensure The Governors have appointed Mr David Hadley- posi<ve outcomes. Thank you to parents and Pryce, a serving Headteacher in the County to take carers who are suppor<ng youngsters with revision the Headship of our school from January 2017. and calming pre-exam nerves! We look forward to During the next six months, mee<ngs will take celebra<ng their successes in August! place to ensure a smooth handover prior to my re<rement. Please put our Summer Fayre in your diary for Saturday, 2 July. This year, as educa<on budgets Thank you for your con<nued support- enjoy your nd get even <ghter, it will be an important fund raiser half-term break; let’s hope the sun shines! for the school. Circulate the date with friends and family and use it as an opportunity to visit and see Mrs Julie Reilly - Headteacher how our grounds have become established aKer last year’s build. We are hoping to have raised enough money to purchase some ‘all weather’ outside umbrellas/shelters for wet lunch<mes and we need your help. This year marks a Diamond Anniversary for Bewdley; there has been a school on the site for 60 years- I wonder if any of the first intake s<ll live in the town? We would love them to get in touch! We have been fortunate to receive a grant from Bewdley Town Council, enabling the school to con<nue to add to ICT equipment. As a maintained 1

Class of 2016 - We wish you all the best! Year 11 Leavers Sixth Form Leavers 2


Sixth Form News Sixth Form Leavers 2016 It is an exci<ng <me in the Sixth Form. Exams are under way and all learners are working hard in prepara<on for their AS and A2 examina<ons. It will soon be <me to say goodbye to our Year 13 and wish this fantas<c year group well for their next step. Year 13 are all now very much looking forward to their Leavers’ Ball. Induction and Sixth Form Taster Day Congratulations It will then be <me to welcome the next year group of learners to populate the Sixth Form block. On Friday th 24 June we are holding our Year 11 induc<on to Sixth Form day. This will be for current Year 11 learners that have applied to study at our Sixth Form, from both within the Bewdley School and also a record number of learners from other schools. During the day, they will experience a range of A level subjects and will have the opportunity to discuss Sixth Form life with current students, along with iden<fying the enrichment experiences they can have outside of the curriculum, whilst studying at the Bewdley Sixth Form Centre. th We will also be holding a taster day, on Wednesday 7 July, for Year 10 learners from our school and other local schools, who feel studying A levels will be the next step for them to take. On the day those learners who feel they would prefer to study a voca<onal course when they finish Year 11, will have the opportunity to visit Kidderminster College to experience college life. This is a fantas<c opportunity for learners to start thinking about the next step in their educa<on and set targets to achieve in the future. Bewdley Open Studio Congratula<ons to Jemma Pos<ngs, whose fine art pain<ng was recently selected to be exhibited at the Bewdley Open Studio event at the Bewdley Museum. Jemma exhibited her pain<ng alongside professional ar<sts from across the Wyre Forest. Farewell Can I take this opportunity to once again wish Year 13 all the very best for the future from all of the staff at the Bewdley School; they have been a great year group to work with and have brought a fantas<c work ethic to the Sixth Form, that I know will serve them well in appren<ceships, university courses and employment. Mr P Phillips - Director of Learning -Sixth Form 4

Sixth Form News Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) A group of Year 13 students have been working par<cularly hard in recent weeks pudng the finishing touches to their Extended Project Qualifica<ons. The Extended Project, equivalent to half an A level, involves students carrying out independent research and producing a 5000 word report and presenta<on. The qualifica<on is highly valued by Universi<es, who see it as the most effec<ve way to demonstrate university style independent working and research skills while s<ll at sixth form. Geoff Parks, Director of Admissions at Cambridge University, said: “The poten<al benefits are enormous. Opportuni<es to get deeply involved in a subject that interests you, to develop research skills, to pull together different areas of the other subjects you are studying and to develop extended wri<ng skills will all be enormously valuable prepara<on for going to university. I would strongly encourage students to do an extended project, whichever university they want to go to.” This year the projects have been par<cularly broad in scope, ranging from the controversial topic of the impact of social media on adolescents, the impact of the new smoking ban, and whether athletes who have been found to use drugs to enhance performance should be allowed to compete in sport. Miss Mistry, the Extended Projects Coordinator at The Bewdley School said: 'This year the quality of work provided by learners has been outstanding and is a true testament to their hard work and efforts put in throughout the process. All learners have enjoyed the process of pudng together a formal research proposal and would highly recommend the extended project to other students who wish to study at university level.” Miss Mistry - Extended Project Co-ordinator/Pyschology Teacher 5

Design Technology - Year 11 Resistant Materials Showcase Peter BarneW Georgia Shaw Dan Szeme< Connor Moody Emily Haigh KiWy Proctor Cur<s Mogg Deklan Divine Emma Wall 6

Year 11 Art & Design Showcase Michelle Koisser Natasha Childe Jaidon Dakin Jessica Farnell KiWy Proctor Polly Rumley Amelia Oddy Gary Loveridge Kye Haywood 7

Ski Trip 2016 “It was enjoyable, but tough! ” During the first week of the Easter holidays, fiKy-six learners and eight members of staff made the exci<ng trip to Courmayeuer, Italy. The whole group had six fantas<c days of skiing and snowboarding plus a range of après ski ac<vi<es. Learners were put into ski or snowboarding groups depending on their abili<es, and sent off all over the mountain to get working on their skills! All learners enjoyed being on the mountain, with the fantas<c picturesque views and crisp white snow (and yummy hot chocolate!) They all worked extremely hard and the whole group improved their skills. By the end of the week, all first-<mers managed red runs and the more advanced skiers and boarders completed the most difficult black runs! AKer skiing, learners and staff went back to the hotel to freshen up for the après ski ac<vi<es; shopping, pizza night, quiz night with prizes, crêpes, ice cream and even a disco! On the final night we had a rewards evening where everyone received a cer<ficate and badge for their efforts and where many of the group instructors said what a wonderful fun-filled week they had teaching Bewdley learners - some even said they were their best group of the season! It is true to say that everyone had a fantas<c week filled with fun and laughter, which will be remembered for a long <me. One Year 11 learner said it was “the best holiday ever! I have never laughed so much in my life!” and another student said: 'You feel like a big family by the end of the trip - it was amazing!' There are limited spaces leK for next year's trip. If you are interested, please see Mr Baxter or Mrs Kent for a leWer. Great News! The Interski scholarship program has been running for fourteen years, and this allows ten excep<onal students per year to train and become BASI instructors. Several thousand students go to Italy over the season and one of our learners has been selected as one of thirty to aWend the Inters Scholarship Selec<on Day in Manchester at the end of June. This is a once in a life<me opportunity and our Bewdley learner, James Roper, should be very proud! Congratula<ons James! Mrs A Sahota and Mrs S Kent - Ski Trip Staff Reporters 8


French Spelling Bee Competition held at Aston University th On the 13 of April, a group of KS3 learners went to Aston University to par<cipate in the French Spelling Bee Compe<<on 2016. The journey to Birmingham was a liWle tense as none of us knew what lay ahead, and who we would be up against, and how good they would be! When we arrived at Aston University we had a picnic lunch beside a small waterfall. AKer finishing, we went into a large auditorium where an introduc<on was made and we were told which rooms we were going to. All of us fran<cally prac<sed our spellings gedng fourteen words right in a minute! The actual compe<<on was nerve-wracking; each contestant was called up and every <me someone went back to their seats you wondered whether you would be next. Emily Miles was selected first from The Bewdley High School & Sixth Form Centre, and she was literally shaking! However, she did extremely well and spelt twelve words correctly in the minute even though she was under pressure. Everyone else did extremely well too! We were all relieved when it was over! The event was an amazing experience and one we will never forget. It boosted our confidence tremendously, and some<mes we find that we now naturally spell English words using the French alphabet. All of us have made lots of progress in French , as the French Spelling Bee Compe<<on really helped us develop our understanding of French, and made us love the language too! Elizabeth Thomas & Emily Miles -KS3 New Reporters 10

Mock Trial Competition Regional Finals - Wolverhampton Crown Court th On the 14 May 2016, our school’s Mock Trial team went to the Wolverhampton Crown Court to take part in the Regional Final of the Magistrates Mock Trial Compe<<on. For many weeks beforehand, we had been preparing for the trial, with prac<ces every Wednesday aKer school, with the help of Mr Erbin and Mrs Ranford and Abby Holden, in order for us to develop our skills in how the law works. The case we were given, was for online harassment, in which a fake profile was set up in the name of the vic<m. We had to both sympathise and scru<nise the defendant and injured party. At the court, we went up against two schools, one ac<ng as defence and another as prosecu<on. We all had two different roles, one for each court trial. The lawyers had to ques<on the witnesses, pudng doubt into the magistrates’ minds. The witnesses had to learn their statements by heart, the legal advisor had to sum up the law and help the magistrates understand the case. The usher had to lead all the witnesses to the stand, and follow the procedure of the court. Finally, magistrates had to re<re to a room aKerwards to debate the verdict of the case. All in all, this experience was very interes<ng and we all learnt a lot about the law and the court procedure. Although we did not win, it has helped us with our understanding regarding Bri<sh Values and Bri<sh law. We would all like to thank all the staff and helpers for offering us this amazing experience! Chloe Hoarle & Lizzie Ray - KS3 New Reporters 11

Science Future Medics Programme With Medical Mavericks rd On 23 March Thomas Blyth, Joshua Harry, Saskia Judd, Ben Rumley and Rosie Young took part in their first ac<vity as part of the ‘Future Medics Programme’. This programme was launched back in December in partnership with the StreWon Trust and its aim is to provide our learners, along with 30 pupils from the other six Con<nU Trust schools, with experiences which will help prepare them for university applica<ons to medicine-related courses and give them the edge over other applicants. During the fun-packed day, led by Tom Warrender from the ‘Medical Mavericks’ team, our learners were able to experience what life could be like as doctors. Amongst the many ac<vi<es, they were able to record and print their own ECG and EMG traces; scan their re<nas with an iPhone; use an ultrasound scanner to observe their hearts; take blood samples from a dummy and use the same equipment used to train surgeons for keyhole surgery. The event was a success and the learners are looking forward to the next event in the programme. Mr G Lowrie -Faculty Head for Science 12

Music Stress-Busting Music Here is some excellent advice from Classic FM about stress bus<ng Classical Music...Go on... just look up one or two of these amazing pieces, it could change your life and make stress something that is well under control! Canon in D (Pachelbel) Goldberg Varia<ons (J. S. Bach) A Beau<ful Mind (James Horner) Well- Tempered Clavier (J. S. Bach) Academic Fes<val Overture(Brahms) Etudes (Debussy) Clair De Lune (Debussy) Gymnopedie No.1 (Sa<e) The Hours (Glass) Piano Concerto No.23 (Mozart) Mrs H Blythe -Head of Music 13

English Year 9 English – Studying ‘Of Mice and Men’ 9B3 English group were set an ambi<ous homework project of designing and building the prominent sedng of the bunkhouse within the John Steinbeck novella: ‘Of Mice and Men’. They needed to show an understanding of selec<ng the key specific details presented at the beginning of Chapter Two. Published in 1937, ‘Of Mice and Men’ tells the story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers, who move from place to place in California in search of new job opportuni<es during the Great Depression. These bunkhouses represent the first descrip<on given by Steinbeck of George and Lennie’s accommoda<on at the main ranch in the story. Their pieces were a delight and were indica<ve of the hard work and enthusiasm of the group. They should be as proud of their achievements, as I was! Miss L Roberts - English Teacher 14

MFL Barcelona Trip “¡Buen viaje!” Year 9 visited Barcelona over the Easter break, along with Señor Erbin, Señor Houillon, Señora Painter and Señora Wilmot, who all enjoyed discovering the Spanish culture. On the first day, the group visited the Spanish theme park, Port Aventura, where many of the group went on the tallest rollercoaster in Europe, Shambala and could s<ll stand aKerwards! On the second day, the group took a trip into Barcelona to visit some iconic features of the city such as La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell and Camp Nou, and in the evening went on a walk on the beach. The next day (Easter Sunday) everyone took advantage of the Spanish sunshine by relaxing on the beach in Tossa de Mar and shopping for souvenirs. Later on, a few braved the pool, even though it was absolutely freezing! On the last day in Spain, everyone took part in a two-hour language lesson, which was great fun. Back to the hotel , everyone got ready to leave. AKer a <ring flight home, everyone arrived back in England at 2 o’clock in the morning. This was a brilliant trip and everyone involved would all like to thank the teachers that made it possible. The MFL department will be running the Year 7 Boulogne Trip from June 21st - 23rd. Lucy Rumley, Molly Mathews, Rebecca Evans & Rachel Howles -KS3 News Reporters 15

Physical Education Darcie Hancocks represents England Darcie Hancocks in Year 9, will be travelling to Holland in the half-term break to represent England in an interna<onal Judo compe<<on. Having previously won two Bronze medals in this event, Darcie is hoping to achieve a place on the podium again this year, despite the challenge being greater as she has just moved up to compete in the U17 category. Darcie will be one of the youngest performers in this class of 32 athletes and will need to win six fights in this knock-out compe<<on, to achieve her goal. Recognised na<onally for her ability in this sport, Darcie aWends weekly intensive training from top coaches at the Na<onal Judo Centre in Walsall and supplements this with daily training at Samurai Judo Club in Kidderminster, as well as running and weight training. Good luck, Darcie! Golfing success for Rosanna Halls Congratula<ons to Rosanna Halls in Year 7, who has qualified for the Abraham Golf Trophy, a compe<<on th which invites the 20 most improved junior girls in England to take part! The event takes place on July 25 at the Nodnghamshire Masters Course, with Rosanna teeing off at 1.40pm. An ac<ve member of Gaudet Luce Golf Club, Rosanna has recently won the Graham Bradley Memorial Trophy (18 hole) with a neW 66 points. We wish her the best of luck, and look forward to following her golfing journey. Sam Annis wins Bronze Medal Sam Annis recently competed in the KJAM Cumbrian Slopestyle Championships in Kendal, where he took part in the U16s category. Judging took place over six hours, and Sam was awarded a bronze medal, which is a fantas<c achievement in his first compe<<on in this age group. He also won best under 16 unsponsored rider. Sam has been signed up for the Stoke Freestyle Team Compe<<on to take part in a na<onal video compe<<on which will take place between May to October with compe<ng teams sending videos of their best tricks which will be judged, scored and edited into matches screened on the CSS website. The top teams will be invited to live finals at a major UK Ski and Snowboard event in October, which are the overall champions of the Championship Ski & Snowboard League. James Knight - First Prize Congratula<ons to James Knight who took part in the GPC WeightliKing Championships and won in all the 16-18 categories for squat, deadliK and bench weightliKing. He also won the overall 72.5kg category. Mrs K Davies - Head of PE 16

Physical Education Tennis Some of our talented tennis players helped to organise the Wyre Forest School Sport Partnership Tennis Fes<val. They hosted fiKeen schools from the Wyre Forest, at the Bewdley Tennis Club. Leaders from Year 7, 8 and 10, all with tennis experience themselves, helped to organise and umpire the matches. The Year 10 Spor<ng Young Ambassadors: Ben Rumley, HeWy Tinsdale and Louis Spencer, were ably assisted by Becky Watson, Tom Sylvester, Dan Montandon, Alex Holloway, Will Everley, Michael Hayes, Claudia Smith, Evie Dorril and Dan Pennington-Bridges. Well done! Cricket The U15 cricket team were successful against Stourport with a 68-56 score. Defending a hard-earned 68 runs, the bowlers produced an outstanding performance dismissing Stourport for 56 runs. A great team performance, ably captained by Louis Spencer, with the highlight coming from Jak Patrick, who was playing for the first <me, who took the wicket off Stourport and also won best batsman. Rounders The Rounders season has begun in glorious sunshine and KS3 girls have played their first match of the season. Really <ght fielding by all of our teams made scoring problema<c for Stourport. When badng, the speed of our girls around the posts and their determina<on to reach second post to build up the half rounders, was fantas<c. Those not shy to hit the ball were rewarded with full rounders, in all matches. Congratula<ons to Tara Sykes in Y7, Millie Hodges in Y8 and Emily Crump in Y9 who were chosen by the opposi<on as most valuable players for their respec<ve teams. Football Congratula<ons to Liam Bore, Drew Gooding (Captain), Harry Oliver, Lewis Andrews, Milan Skrbic, Will Montandon, Marshall Bailey, Finn LiWleton, Fin TibbeWss, Elian Riley, Dylan Dalton and Josh Brown who play for Rock Sport Football team, and won the Stourport Division Youth Football League! PE Department 17

Inclusion Bewdley Speed Stacking Champion This spring the Inclusion Suite has been filled with the sound of cup stacking. Speed Stacking is a sport that is gaining in popularity. It requires technique and skill to be able to stack the cups into sequences in the fastest possible <mes. Tournaments are held worldwide and the speed stacking bug is spreading fast! We held our own Speed Stack Championship over break and lunch <mes. Many students entered across the year groups and even a few of the teaching assistants tried their hand to see who could get the best <me. We were very impressed by the <mes that people were achieving, but nobody could beat Harvey Wright in Year 7, who has been named the Bewdley Speed Stack Champion for 2016. If you would like more informa<on about the sport have a look at The World Sport Stacking Associa<on website hWp:// . Inclusion Team 18

Maths Well done to all the learners that took part in the Junior Maths Challenge. Here are the cer<ficate winners! Also, here is an example of one of the ques<ons: In a group of 48 children, the ra<o of boys to girls is 3:5. How many boys must join the class to make the ra<o 5:3 A 48 B 40 C 32 D 24 E 8 Answer is on the back page! Mrs S Kirby - Maths Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Sammy Muller-Smith Emily Watkiss Rowan Meacher Grace Jones (Best in School) Julia Tomalak Jack Adler Abby Foxall Joshua Smith (Best in Year 7) William Everley Daniel Walls Bronwyn Teasdale Kara Merris Marshall Bailey Joseph Blyth Jake Hill Mark Poole Natalie Sharples Lizzie Gates Nathan Woodyatt William Montandon Samuel Croot Emma Knowles Sophie Murrells Ryan Lau Jack Fowler Jennifer Gibson Lewis Andrews Grace Hackett Archie Farmer Freya Evans Izzy Mullett Max Lovett Rebecca Giles Aimee Thomas William Cashmore Chloe Garstang Milan Skbric Nathan Wallis Brandon Botfield Christian Thomas Chey Coulthard 19

Drama The Drama department have been extremely busy with a Year 12/13 trip to London theatres, and the forthcoming KS3 production of Bugsy Malone, which will be performed on June 13th and 14th. Also, Creative Arts B Band performed the Lost World which was written for, devised for and presented to Bewdley Primary learners. It was a fantastic success - the KS2 learners sat in the middle of the activity studio and watched the performance taking place around them. They were very impressed by the flying Pterodactyl, and gave the performers very good feedback! Drama 20

KS3 Geography Worcester Wildlife Trip th On the 18-19 April, Year 8 headed off to inves<gate soil! With the help of staff at Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, they were able to have some hands-on fieldwork experience. One of the ac<vi<es was to put rocks and soil into their geological context, and gave learners the chance to be detec<ves, and try to work out what type of rock they were given. In the second ac<vity, learners had to try to make their own soil. They discussed the main components of soil, and then went foraging to find the right ingredients. They then had to try to re-create 1000s of years of weathering and erosion, and see if they could make something that resembled soil. Understandably, despite some very vigorous hammering from some groups, they failed. It allowed learners to see how difficult and complex the forma<on of soil is, and what a precious resource it is. Finally, learners really got their hands dirty, as they used soil augers to dig into the soil and remove samples; they then recorded the characteris<cs of the soil, including the pH and nitrate levels, as well as the presence of any mini-beasts! In our geography lessons we have been using the data that they recorded to compare the soil quality and characteris<cs across the three sites at WWT. Overall, it was a really enjoyable day in which learners got to experience some ‘real’ geography fieldwork. The geography department would like to thank Year 8 for their maturity during the day, and thank those staff that supported the trip, both in school and during the visit. Mrs G Rickards - Head of Geography Puzzle Corner - Sudoku Complete the grid with the numbers 1 through to 9, remembering that you can only use each number once in every row, column and square. See page 27 for solu<on. 21

Key Dates & Information Privacy Notice - Data Protection. This is now available to view on the school website or a paper copy can be collected from the school office. Exam Information External exams are now well under way and con<nue un<l 23rd June. Candidates should ensure they check their <metables carefully and arrive promptly with the correct equipment. Results will be issued in the Ac<vity Studio at the following <mes: GCE A and AS Level: Thursday 18th August 8am-10am GCSE: Thursday 25th August 9am-11am Results will not be handed to any person other than yourself unless an authorisa<on form has been completed beforehand giving us permission to release them. Please see the exams office for a copy of the authorisa<on form as soon as you know you cannot make the results day. Results will also not be given out over the phone so please avoid any telephone enquiries. PE KIT Please remember that the full PE kit should be worn for all lessons: •White polo shirts NOT blue summer polos •Black shorts or tracksuit trousers NOT cycling shorts or leggings •Trainers suitable for sports NOT school shoes •A plain black jumper if required NOT coloured hoodies •Remember to name items so they can be returned if misplaced Dates for Diary June 6th - Term begins June 13th Geography Field Trip - Year 10 June 13th & 14th Bugsy Malone Produc<on - 7pm start June 17th Year 7 Kenilworth Trip - History July 2nd Summer Show 11-4pm 22

RECIPE Blueberry, Chai Seed & Olive Oil Muffins Perfect Revision Treat! 3 eggs 1/2 cup of brown sugar 1/2 cup olive oil finely grated zest of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, paste or the seeds of 1 vanilla bean 1/2 cup almond milk 2-1/4 cup of self-raising flour 1/2 cup of blueberries chia seeds to sprinkle on top 1. Preheat your oven to 180 C (350 F) 2. Line a medium sized muffin <n with wrappers 3. Beat the eggs with sugar for 5 minutes or un<l pale and fluffy and the sugar crystals have dissolved 4. Add oil, vanilla, and lemon zest and mix well 5. Add the almond milk and gradually incorporate the flour, bea<ng gently, un<l a wet baWer is formed. Add the blueberries and fold them in gently 6. Pour the baWer into the muffin <n making sure not to fill to the rim as the cakes with grow a lot whilst baking. Top each cake with chia seeds 7. Bake for 20 minutes, or un<l cooked through, if tested with a skewer Please feel free to share your favourite recipes! 23

Help us get messages to you quickly. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for current information and images from across the school 24


School Uniform The School Dress Code The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre Dress Code aims to establish a sense of equality and helps to install pride and loyalty in our school. The school badge represents the local town and the community that it serves. Everyone is expected to uphold the Dress Code and establish a high standard of appearance in school and locality. To ensure consistency, our uniform can be purchased from Marks and Spencer. UNIFORM All our uniform embellishment with the school logo, can be purchased either ONLINE or by phoning 0844 544 7972. All other non-embroidered uniform (marked with *) can be purchased from Marks and Spencer stores or online at On the school website on the Home Page there is a buWon where it will take you to the Marks and Spencer website. Black Blazer Black V-Neck School Jumper White Shirt * Black Trousers* (Recommended products and codes for girls’ trousers: Girls Slim leg trousers - T761235L, Girls’ Zip-pocket trousers - T763708 and Girls’ Tapered leg trousers - T764106) Black Skirt * Recommended products and codes: Tradi<onal Skirt permanent pleats - T760112R, Straight skirt - T760162) School Tie (Available from the School Office) Black/Grey/White/Neutral Socks or Tights * Blue Polo Shirt (Summer term only) PE KIT Black Crew-Neck Sweatshirt White Polo Shirt Tracksuit Trousers * (only available online) Football Shorts * (Recommended products and codes for shorts: T763230) Black Shoes * Outdoor coat should be in school colours ( black or blue) * 26

Uniform Matters Supporting the school policy regarding uniform The majority of parents and carers support our school uniform policy; thank you. We understand that learners may wish to persuade you to buy them ‘alterna<ve’ fashion brands; however it is important that learners come to school ‘ready to learn’, dressed in the uniform s<pulated. Leggings School Trousers Jeggings School Skirt Jeans Capri pants Shorts Blazers Blazers are compulsory, not an op<onal choice; please ensure that when learners wear the blue summer polo shirt, they also wear their blazer. Piercings Can we please again draw your aWen<on to the school rulings over piercing - studs in the lobes of ears are the only ones permiWed. Make-Up Make-up and nail varnish are not part of the school uniform policy. Mrs Julie Reilly - Head Teacher 27

School Newsletter Good luck to Mr Houillon, who will be How you can help School running the Edinburgh Marathon for The Please can you help the School raise addi<onal Birmingham Children’s Hospital, over the half- funds at no extra cost to yourself - just by buying term holiday. If you would like to donate your shopping on-line! The School has registered money to this good cause, please hand any with This is a contributions to the school office staff. shopping directory which has many of the favourite on-line stores, for example: Amazon, Next, Toys R Us and Marks and Spencer. Individuals should register using this link hWp:// (this is free), nomina<ng The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre as the organisa<on you support. Then any purchases made through this site will automa<cally mean that the school will receive a dona<on. The amount of dona<on can be as much as 15% of each purchase. Please register today! Puzzle Corner Answers Inspiring words “Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life.” -Confucius Maths Answer = C Mrs Colbourne - RE department The Bewdley School & Sixth Form Centre Stourport Road, Bewdley Worcs DY12 1BL 01299403277

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