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Home Explore Headteacher Vacancy

Headteacher Vacancy

Published by cwilkinson, 2016-03-23 09:48:48

Description: Headteacher Vacancy

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THE BEWDLEY SCHOOL AND SIXTH FORM CENTRE Learning for Life Achievement for All 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive NOR 960 HEADTEACHER Leadership Spine L29-35 Required for January 2017 Due to the retirement of the existing Headteacher, the Governing Body is seeking to appoint an innovative leader to sustain and develop the unique identity of our community school and build upon our good Ofsted (January 2016) Headteacher Information Applicants are welcome who are: January 2016  vibrant and outstanding leaders, who lead with integrity and creativity Visits welcome  optimistic and aspirational, with an ability to inspire, motivate Wednesday 23 March & Thursday 24 March and engage 9.00 - 12.00  passionate, ensuring all learners receive outstanding teaching Closing date: Monday 18 April 3.30pm  committed to inclusion and experienced at raising standards Interviews: Wednesday 4 May for all & Thursday 5 May  strategic thinkers, able to harness and develop the talents of others, working collaboratively This is a fantastic opportunity to work with well behaved young people, a talented, aspirational team of staff and Governors and supportive parents and carers. The site has benefitted from a recent re-building and refurbishment programme and is situated on the banks of the River Severn.

Dear Applicant The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre is a very special place. It has been rated good in the last two inspections and enjoys an excellent reputation in the area that it serves and beyond. As Ofsted reports ‘High expectations of all pupils regardless of background or ability’. ‘Parents say that this is a school in which every child matters’ (Ofsted January 2016). At the Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre all learners are equally valued regardless of talents or abilities. The school is a happy, harmonious and cohesive community where staff and learners work in partnership to ensure that all learners are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century when they leave our school. You will see from the person specification what we seek in our new headteacher. If you think that you are the person for the job please complete the application form and provide a supporting statement (no more than two sides of A4) which includes the elements of your experience that are the most relevant and useful and what new challenges this leadership would present. I look forward to hearing from you. Wilf Talbot CHAIR OF GOVERNORS

We Take Pride in Our School We are the only Secondary School and Sixth Form Centre serving the town We work in partnership with external agencies, including School Health, of Bewdley. We look for opportunities for our learners to make a contribution offering a weekly drop-in service to learners with the school nurse, in order to their school, their local community and to understand their future roles as for learners to be safe, being protected from harm and neglect and growing citizens of a wider and global community. Learners are encouraged to up able to look after themselves. become involved in School Council, charity and citizenship projects and to share their talents and achievements with the local community. We work in partnership with our Education Welfare office to secure positive attendance patterns. We recognise the importance of community and value local businesses and industry who support our work experience programmes, where our learners We work in partnership with our school meals providers and other agencies, enjoy and achieve whilst experiencing a professional working environment. to promote living a healthy lifestyle, encouraging good physical and mental health. We work in partnership with ContinU - seven local High Schools and Kidderminster College, to offer the broadest possible curriculum to all of our learners and offer careers information advice and guidance, linking school and education with the world of work, in order for learners to achieve economic well-being. We work in partnership with our local pyramid of schools, ensuring that learners enjoy and achieve. We have four main feeder schools Bewdley Primary, St Anne’s CE Primary, Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary and Upper Arley CE Primary. A third of our learners come from a selection of primary schools across the district. We work in partnership with learners parents and carers and governors, involving them in our self-evaluation processes.

HEADTEACHER PERSON SPECIFICATION It is expected that the Headteacher of The Bewdley School & Sixth Form Centre will demonstrate a range of qualities, skills and experience as outlined below. The appointing panel will assess candidates against these requirements. PERSONAL QUALITIES ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE The ability to drive and develop an exciting vision for the school, recognising and building on the successes achieved.  The ability to articulate that vision and to work collaboratively with Staff and Governing Body to realise it.  A passion and vitality for teaching and learning and working with young people.  High quality interpersonal skills.  Strong leadership, underpinned with the skills to motivate effective team working whilst being open to challenge.  Excellent communication skills, written and oral, for a variety of audiences.  A charismatic individual, with a natural authority and strong presence in school and to the wider community.  A well-developed self-awareness.  A confident, cheerful, optimistic person who is approachable and open with a good sense of humour.  A commitment to inclusion and “Achievement for all”.  Emotional resilience.  A positive role model for students and staff.  The ability to create and maintain an effective partnership with parents, staff and governors.  The ability to think strategically, analytically and creatively.  To act with honesty and integrity.  QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Graduate qualification.  QTS  NPQH, MBA or equivalent (or working towards).  Evidence of significant continuing professional development. 

EXPERIENCE ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Experience in post as a Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher in a secondary school.  Experience of Post 16.  An impressive classroom teaching record.  Experience of the strategic management of people and financial resources at a senior level.  The ability to plan collaboratively, prioritise and delegate effectively.  Experience of initiating and managing significant change with a track record of achieving planned outcomes.  Knowledge and understanding of motivating and managing the performance of effective teams.  Experience of developing and sustaining positive collaborative relationships with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.  SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE The ability to inspire others and lead change.  The ability to communicate effectively and to develop strong effective relationships.  The ability to drive improvement and challenge under performance.  The ability to empower individuals and teams to sustain strong and effective leadership.  The ability to deal sensitively with people and to resolve conflicts.  PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Up to date knowledge and understanding of the national educational agenda.  Understanding of quality teaching and learning and assessment procedures.  Knowledge of monitoring and evaluating performance consistently across a school and use of school self-evaluation.  Understanding tools for the interpretation, analysis and use of data to improve the effectiveness of learning and outcomes.  Knowledge of best practice and procedure for safeguarding children and young people.  Knowledge of regulatory and inspection frameworks.  High level knowledge of IT and confident understanding of IT strategic planning. 

HEADTEACHER DOMAINS Qualities and knowledge Pupils and staff  Hold and articulate clear values and moral purpose, focused on providing a first-  Demand ambitious standards for all pupils, overcoming disadvantage and class education for all pupils. advancing equality, installing a strong sense of accountability in staff for the  Demonstrate optimistic personal behaviour, positive relationships and attitudes impact of their work on pupils’ outcomes. towards pupils and staff, and towards parents, carers, governors and members of  Secure excellent teaching through an analytical understanding of how pupils the local community. learn and of the core features of successful classroom practice and curriculum  Lead by example - with integrity, creativity, resilience, and clarity - drawing on design, leading to rich curriculum opportunities and pupils’ well-being. personal scholarship, expertise and skills, and that of those around them.  Establish an educational culture of ‘open classrooms’ as a basis for sharing best  Sustain wide, current knowledge and understanding of education and school practice within and between schools, drawing on and conducting relevant systems locally, nationally and globally, and pursue continuous professional research and robust data analysis. development.  Create an ethos within which all staff are motivated and supported to develop  Work with political and financial astuteness, within a clear set of principals their own skills and subject knowledge, and to support each other. centred on the school’s vision, ably translating local and national policy into the  Identify emerging talents, coaching current and aspiring leaders in a climate school’s context. where excellence is the standard, leading to clear succession planning.  Communicate compellingly the school’s vision and drive the strategic  Hold all staff to account for their professional conduct and practice. leadership, empowering all pupils and staff to excel. Systems and processes The self-improving school system  Ensure that the school’s systems, organisation and processes are well  Develop our outward-facing school working with other schools and considered, efficient and fit for purpose, upholding the principals of organisations - in a climate of mutual challenge - to champion best practice and transparency, integrity and probity. secure excellent achievement for all learners.  Provide a safe, calm and well-ordered environment for all pupils and staff,  Develop effective relationships with fellow professionals and colleagues in focused on safeguarding pupils and developing their exemplary behaviour in other public services to improve academic and social outcomes for all pupils. school and in the wider society.  Challenge educational orthodoxies in the best interests of achieving excellence,  Establish rigorous, fair and transparent systems and measures for managing the harnessing the findings of well evidenced research to frame self-regulating and performance of all staff, addressing any under-performance, supporting staff to self-improving schools. improve and valuing excellent practice.  Shape the current and future quality of the teaching profession through high  Welcome strong governance and actively support the governing board to quality training and sustained professional development for all staff. understand its role and deliver its functions effectively - in particular its  Model entrepreneurial and innovative approached to school improvement, functions to set school strategy and hold the headteacher to account for pupil, leadership and governance, confident of the vital contribution of internal and staff and financial performance. external accountability.  Exercise strategic, curriculum-led financial planning to ensure the equitable  Inspire and influence others - within and beyond the school - to believe in the deployment of budgets and resources, in the best interests of pupils’ fundamental importance of education in young people’s lives and to promote the achievements and the school’s sustainability. values of education.  Distribute leadership throughout the organisation, forging teams of colleagues who have distinct roles and responsibilities and hold each other to account for their decision making.

STATISTICS (2015-16) STATUS OF SCHOOL Foundation OFSTED CATEGORY Good (January 2016) AGE RANGE 11-19 NUMBER OF LEARNERS 960 ( including 150 Sixth Form) TEACHING STAFF 68 FT/PT SUPPORT STAFF 54 FT/PT BUDGET £4,500,000 FSM % (AUTUMN 2015) 6.56% PP % (AUTUMN 2015) 16% SEN (AUTUMN 2015) 14.122% (109 with provision, 27 with statements/EHC’s) EAL (AUTUMN 2015) 1% KS4 All pupils Low attainers Middle attainers High attainers 5 A*-C including English & Maths 62% 14% 58% 94% A* - C in English & Maths 65% 14% 62% 96% Best 8 value added = 996.8 KS5 % of A Level students achieving at least 3 A Levels = 82% % of A Level students achieving at least 2 A Levels = 100% ATTENDANCE 2014-15 – 94.6% / 2015-16 (Autumn) – 94.4% The current structure to the Leadership Team is Headteacher a Deputy Headteacher and 2 Assistant Heads supported by a School Business Manager.

At Bewdley there is a significant emphasis on developing learners beyond the classroom and helping them achieve their ambitions and desires. We all strive for high academic standards, but this is only half the story. The most successful learners strike a balance between their academic work and social lives. There are many additional learning opportunities that our school has to offer: We have the highest aspirations for the academic achievement of all our learners and encourage them to follow their education beyond school at college, university or in the world of work. As part of the tuition programmes, learners are encouraged to reflect on their successes and set targets for improvement. The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre Stourport Road. Bewdley. Worcestershire. DY12 1BL Application packs available from: Telephone: 01299 403277 Email: [email protected] Web: (About Us/Job Vacancies)

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