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Annual Report CD 2012

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February 2013Manusher Jonno FoundationHouse # 47, Road # 35/AGulshan - 2, Dhaka-1212Tel : 9888469, 9893910, 8854828Fax : 880-2-8810162www.manusher.orgPlanning : Dr. Shamim ImamCompilation & Design : Wasiur Rahman TonmoyTeam : Rafeza Shaeen Tandra Chakma Evelina Chakma Zahed Hasan Ayrin Sulnata Pablo Narudha

CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  Annual Report ‐ 2012 My friend,there isno road.You makethe road asyou walk.

Acronym ALOK Advancing Leadership Opportunity and Knowledge CHT Chittagong Hill Tracts CD Capacity Development CDSP Capacity Development Strategy Paper DIPTYA Development Initiative to Promote Transforming Youth and Adolescents IP Indigenous People MJF Manusher Jonno Foundation MIS Management Information System MAASAUS Maahali Adivasi Arthasamajic Unnayan Sanghtha PNGO Partner Non-Government organization RTI Right to Information RC Regional Council SASF South Asia Social Forum WE Welfare Efforts

ContentA. Introduction 1B. What does mean by Capacity Development 1C. Approaches for Capacity Development 2D. Capacity Development Process 3E. Activities in 2012 3F. Training, Orientation and Workshop i. Gender and Women Rights 4 4 ii. Human Rights and Governance 5 iii. Right to Information 5 iv. Training on Advocacy 6 v. Training on Entrepreneurship Development 6 vi. Training on Financial Management 7 vii. Training on Management Information Systems (MIS) 7 viii. Participatory Strategic Plan (PSP) 7 ix. Training on Monitoring and Evaluation 8 x. Child Rights Module Dry Run 8G. Other Program of CD Unit: a. Career Development Program for Marginalized Women 9 b. Development Initiative to Promote Transforming Youth and Adolescents (DIPTYA)’ 10 c. Capacity Development Program for Small Partners: 11 d. Short Term Partner 11H. National Events and Occasions: a) Fifteen years of CHT Accord progress and review: 12 12 b) Universal Periodic Review report 14I. ALOK Training Centre 15J. Conclusion 16Annex-1 Call for nominations from partners for different training.Annex-2 Activity Plan –Jan-Jun. 2013

A Introduction Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) started its journey as CARE Bangladesh project in theyear 2002. This project was designed and funded by DFID and is mandated to supportorganizations those are committed for bringing real and lasting changes for promotion of humanrights and good governance in Bangladesh and also with a vision of forming an independentorganization within five years time. In the initial design of MJF capacity development was includedwhich aimed for financial and technical support to the partners’ organization.MJF recognizes that capacity development is fundamental to the effectiveness and sustainabilityof an organization. The need for capacity development is integrated and coherent with the lifecycle of an organization. All organization needs capacity development to stay in the business andget to the next level of organizational excellence, as there is no limit to organizational excellence.Therefore, capacity need does not necessarily mean the weakness of the organization rather itsuggests that organization intends to develop capacity to remain effective and to achieve yetanother level of excellence.The basic principles of capacity development are to respond to the partners needs and aencourage them to take pro-active role in their capacity development. MJF employs its’ core ncompetencies for the capacity development of the partners and the primary focus of capacity udevelopment is not only the project but the organization itself. u aMJF undertakes especially targeted programs for marginalized region and/or population and also lsupports programs for smaller grassroots organizations those are not yet partners but have thepotential of becoming partners and access to other donor funds. r e B What does MJF mean by capacity development p o MJF defines capacity development as a part of organizational development and rinstitutional capacity building for common understanding as follows: tCapacity development is a long-term, planned, systematic and participatory process that 2enhances the organization’s core systems, capabilities and competencies in order to increase the 0organization’s effectiveness and efficiency thereby facilitating its’ performance and sustainability. 1 2 1

Strategy for capacity development is built on the following principles: The partners have full ownership on the process and are to take a pro-active role for its capacity development. A large part of the capacity development activities are initiated and managed internally by the partners. The primary focus of capacity development is not the project rather the organization itself and MJF matches with the partner NGOs through responding to their needs. Capacity Development Frameworkanuualre C Approaches for Capacity Development:por MJF’s capacity development principles based on its core competencies that bring syn-t ergies among the program components and leverage its resources and expertise. MJF has ear-20 marked fund for capacity development of the partners. Besides, MJF have grown significantly in1 terms of human resource who are experienced and talented human resources to provide a big2 pool of resources for capacity development of partner NGOs. This is the core strength for MJF to 2 provide capacity development support to the partner NGOs. Based on its strength, MJF pursues its

capacity development agenda through the following means: Organizing: Organize capacity development events for the partners such as training, workshop, consultation meetings etc. These events are based on clearly identified needs of the partners. Outsourcing: MJF out sources support services to the competent resource organizations and work closely with the outsourced agencies to ensure that services delivered are of high quality and appropriate to its partner. Technical Assistance: MJF provides technical assistance both in finance and programmatic aspects to accomplish day to day and specialized task for the partner NGO.D Capacity Development Process The Capacity Development process is a started with need assessment of partners. n Based on assessment outcome and cate- u gorization of PNGO MJF takes initiatives to u arrange events for PNGO. However, some a strategic responses with specific actions l and methodologies are determined on some capacity issues that are found com- r mon on institutional, personnel, systems e and programs capacities. This cycle goes p on with continuous monitoring. o r E Activities 2012 t A total of 46 trainings and workshops were conducted during the reporting period through 2which 766 senior, mid and front level program, finance and technical staff from partner 0organizations received training on various topics dividing them into three categories – regular, 1 2 3

refresher and offered courses. Regular and refresher Number of Participant  trainings were organized for MJF partners and and offered trainings were designed mainly for non- 721 766 Male partner NGOs. It should be mentioned here that one 502 513 Female organization participated in more than one training Total or workshop. The topics include - Human Rights and 219 253 Governance; Right to Information (RTI); Financial Management; Management Information System 2011 2012 (MIS); Advocacy; gender and women rights. F Training, Orientation & Workshop (Program Focus ): i. Gender and Women Rights: MJF strongly believes that if women do not get their due status and recognition, all development goals will remain unfulfilled. Discrimination, deprivation and violence against women are the major obstacle towards achieving the MDGs and government development plans. Given the scenario, MJF initiated training for partners’ staff on Gender anda Women Rights. During the year, three training were con-nu ducted on this topic where 52 mid and front level staffsua from partner organizations attended.l Training Participants Male Femaler 3 57 32 25epor ii. Human Rights & Governance:t2 Promotion of human rights and good governance in the country is the key focus of MJF. It is01 committed to make people aware and promote their voices whose rights are being denied and2 violated. In doing so, the CD unit has been providing training to its partners aiming to implement 4

Program on HR&G effectively. The main objectives of Partcipantion in HR&G Training this training were to provide conceptual clarity and 76common understanding on rights and governance.Six training were organized in 2012 where 92 partici- 92pants attended. 2011 2012Training Participant Man Women 6 92 63 29iii. Training on Right to Information:Since the enactment of the Act in 2009, it is observed that gradually people, especially at grassroots level are receiving their due services and benefits by using this law. Organizations working for empowering marginalized people are playing a significant role by raising awareness on RTI issues.Training Participants Man As part of this endeavor, MJF started to provide training to its a 10 176 119 n partners aiming to strengthen capacity of the partner NGO’s u u to deal with the law, to mobilize the target groups and a Women importantly to address the demand side. In this year, CD unit l 44 organized ten three day-long trainings on RTI Act r e Implementation for 176 mid and front level staffs. p oiv. Training on Advocacy: r tA good number of MJF partners are engaged in advocacy to establish rights of different 2marginalized people. It was a felt need from partners to sharpen their advocacy initiative. The 0 1objective of this training is that the participants would Training Participants Man Women 2acquire knowledge on advocacy and they would be 4 71 56 15able to draft an advocacy plan for their projects. Four 5three day-long advocacy training were conducted where 71 staffs from twenty five partnerorganizations attended.

Participation in Advocacy Training 60 71 44 56 Male Female 16 15 Total 2011 2012 v. Training on Entrepreneurship Development: A significant number of MJF took initiatives on income generation. It is important to encourage partners’ business development approach – in other words it’s another way to ensure access to economic opportunity. To do this more professionally a training on entrepreneurship development.a Was designed. During this period six training were organizedn in Dhaka, Rangpur and Chittagong. Total 127 participants Number Participant Man Womenu participated in these training. 5 127 95 32ualr Organization Focusep vi. Training on Financial Management (Finance & Non-finance Persons):or A standard and efficient finance system is critical for organization to function their developmentt2 projects in a transparent manner. To address this, MJF provides financial management training to0 finance and non-finance people as priority area for partners’ capacity development. Total 6012 finance staff from 30 partner organizations were oriented on financial management. Core trainers 6 from MJF finance section facilitated the trainings.

During this period total 94 finance staff from 47 partnerorganizations received financial management training infive batches. The trainings were facilitated by core train-ers from MJF finance section. Training Participant Man Women 5 94 64 30vii. Training on Management Information Systems (MIS):MIS provides information that organizations need to manage themselves efficiently andeffectively. The main objective of MIS training was to assist the partners to process, integrate andstore data in a centralized database system whichcould be constantly updated to make data available. Training Participants Man WomenConsidering the need, a training and a regional 2 46 40 6workshop were organized during the reporting period.46 senior and mid level staff from partners were attended.viii. Participatory Strategic Plan (PSP):PSP is a strategic planning process, tries to ensure authentic participation of all concerned and abottom up democratic approach. The main objective of introducing PSP concept and organizing a nPSP workshops is to assist the partner organizations in building their capacity on PSP and developing u uEvent Participants Man Women a long term strategic perspective for their organizations. a 2 44 42 2 During this period two events were organized including fa- l cilitators training to facilitate PSP. r eix. Training on Monitoring and Evaluation: p oMonitoring is tool used to conduct a continuous and systematic process carried out during project ractivities and generates quantitative or qualitative data. Different processes and activities need to tbe monitored using some tools and techniques. On the other hand evaluation is a tool to assesseffectiveness of the program/project. It During this year MJF organized two training on M&E where 237 staffs from 18 partners took part in the training. 0 1 2 7

x. Child Rights Module Dry Run: Training on child rights is a felt need for the partners. So MJF decided to develop a manual on it. A stock taking on child rights document was completed. Based on this document a manual was developed with consultation and participation of partners. A dry run was organized to finalize the training manual on Child Rights for the partner staff. G Other Programs of CD Units a. Career Development Program for Marginalized Women: MJF is engaged to improve the livelihood status of marginalized people, in implementing various developmental projects all over the country through partner organizations. It is observed that MJF supported organizations hardly employ No Duration of Focus Job woman staff at senior management level engagement Placement (i.e. Project Coordinator, Program manager) due to shortage of qualified, 15 Total: 6 Human rights 13 (87%) professional and experienced women and govern- monthsa candidates. In this regard, it is very ance.n Communication develop capacity of the and leadership,u important to Report writing, Facilitation,u marginalized women. With this context,al MJF has taken initiative to developr capacity of marginalized women to CV writing,ep advance them in the arena of careero development. The main objective of this initiative is to develop professional groups of marginalizedrt women who will be visible at career field of development work.2 Eligibility criteria for this initiative are01 Women from marginalized community (i.e. Indigenous, disability, Dalit etc.)28 Minimum educational qualification is graduate from any discipline

Demonstrated spirit of volunteerism and high level of commitment towards providing development serviceDuring this reporting period, third batch comprising of 15 women from different area of Bangladeshincluding CHT has successfully completed six month-long career development program. In thebeginning, they were provided training for three monthson some basic areas related to career and developmentissues those include preparation of Curriculum Vitae andcover letter writing, communication and leadership,report writing, facilitation, and human rights andgovernance. After completion of these trainings, theywere placed in some selected MJF partner organizationsfor internship. They visited different MJF supporteddevelopment projects to gather practical experience ondifferent development activities and submitted reportsaccordingly. So far 13 out of 15 interns are employed gotjobs in different organizations.b. Development Initiative to Promote Transforming Youth and Adolescents (DIPTYA)’Youth of the country are highly idealistic and potent change agents and they constitute one third a nof the country’s total population. A significant number of them, however, are caught in a vicious u ucircle of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. A large number of them do not have the a lopportunity to secure steady income generating rpositions. As a result, many of our youth are not in the Target Audience e pmainstream of national development. In this o rbackground, a total of 20 organizations have been Male Female tselected from all over the country for implementing a 40% 60%Project titled ‘Development Initiative to Promote 2 0Transforming Youth and Adolescents (DIPTYA). These 1 2organizations have been involved in capacity 9development program of MJF for last one year.

During this period, they received training on Project Training Participants Man Women Proposal Writing, Financial and Personnel Policy 2 33 25 8 Development, M&E and RTI. MJF made partnership with these small organizations to implement DIPTYA program for nine months and after that it was extended for one year. The key objectives of this program is to develop skill for improving socio economic status of the young and adolescents aged 15-24 years through in- come generating activities, and also to enhance their awareness on human rights and use RTI law. So far 2000 youths received skill development trainings for income generating activities on mushroom cultivation, block-boutique, sewing, mobile servicing, computer training, fishery, plas- tic bag making and so on. Department of Youth Development, social welfare department and other government service unit is active involved for supporting this program. DIPTYA partners celebrated the National Youth Day and International Human Rights day with project participants. c. Capacity Development Program for Small Partners: After successfully completion of 4th round, CD unit invited applications from small/potential organi- zations for developing their organizational and professional capacity. As a result of this capacity development they would be able to establish partnership with different development agencies. This year, around 300 organizations applied from all over Bangladesh and 30 organizations werea selected based on following certain criteria:nu Organizations formed by womenua Organizations formed and implemented byl marginalized population and work for 30r extremely marginalized people.e Organizations have at least 5 years and 15 18 20po maximum 10 years working experiencert Scopes of capacity development in the 12342 organization0 So far they have received several trainings on project12 proposal writing, financial Management and Development. Executive Directors and senior10 personnel of sleeted organizations were participated in these events.

d. Support to short-term partners: Organization Location FocusThe CD unit has also been supporting three MAASAUS Rajshahismall partners to implement short-term Education andprojects on primary education and livelihood Kabidang Khagrachari Lvelihood of Mahalifor Adibashi (Indigenous) children and Welfare Jhenaidhaknowledge and skill development of young Efforts Populationpeople. The three organizations include are Primary education forlocated in Rajshahi, Khagrachari andJhenaidah. Adibashi children Skill and knowledge development of youth populationH National Events & Occasionsa) Fifteen years of CHT Accord progress and review:Manusher Jonno Foundation arranged a round table conference on 1st December 2012 on theoccasion of 15th years of CHT Accord at BRAC Center. A paper was presented by Dr. ShouravSikder . The round table conference was moderated by Shaheen Anam, Executive director ofManusher Jonno Foundation. Honorable Chairman Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council SriJyotirindra Bodhipriya Larma, attened the program as special guest. Prof Mizanur Rahman, chief ofNational Human Rights Commission; Abdul Qayyum Mukul, associate editor of the Daily Prothom aAlo, and Prof Abul Barakat, Chairman, Department of Economics, Dhaka University, Dr. Sadeka nHalim Information Commissioner, Information Commission, Pankaj Bhattacharja, Convener Gono uOkko Forum, Barister Sara Hossain, Professor Mesbah Kamal, and women leader Tuku Talukder u a among others, spoke on the occasion. l According to the peace agreement, r management of 33 issues are supposed to be e handed over to the three CHT district councils. p Apart from law and order and land o management, these include education, r agriculture, dispute resolution, and unreserved t forests. Most of the speakers emphasized to full 2 0 1 2 11

implementation of CHT Accord for smooth establishment development activities. They also alleged the concern that government still did not handed the control of any important issues, including law and order and land management, over to the councils of three hill districts as promised in the 1997 CHT Accord. b) Universal Periodic Review report: Civil society of Bangladesh first submitted UPR report in the year 2008. This report is usually submitted to UN headquarters . This year MJF became the member of Human Rights Forum Bangladesh and participated in the Universal Periodic Report writing process with 18 renowned other human rights organization of Bangladesh. On behalf of MJF Shazzad Khan, Coordinator Rights and Tandra Chakma, Program Manager took part in the report writing process. In May 2012 the members of the Forum held a two-day consultation with all the Forum members, decided upon the list of issues that the joint submission would address and assigned each of the organizations with responsibility of relevant issues. The report covers the period of 2009- 2012, during which the Awami-League led 14-party Government was in power after winning the elections of December 2008 by a sizeable majority. As part of report writing process MJF covered several issues, such as; Implementation status of CHT accord, Child Rights, State of the Minority and situation of indigenous people etc. The report was submitted to UN headquarter Geneva on 9th October 2012.aIn ALOK Training Centreuu Advancing Leadership Opportunities and Knowledge (ALOK) - training center of MJF is ana initiative to enhance capacity of organizations, professionals and other individuals. ALOK-MJFlr Training Center is committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning environmentse for the lifelong educational needs of different level professionals and other individuals. It encouragespo individuals to be \"the inspiration behind the change\" at individual and organizational level in orderr to help development actors to make a positive difference in Bangladesh.t2 Inclusive Training Environment:01 All ALOK-MJF training courses and events are designed to promote an inclusive learning2 environment, therefore, all aspects of the training program, including venue location and12 suitability, publicity, training materials and activities, are planned to encourage this ethos.

Tailor Made Training: ALOK-MJF offers tailor-made trainings specifically adapted to the needs andspecific context of an organization. The needs of individual organizations and their staff often de-mand that training packages reflect their own context in order to be of immediate use.Course content, duration, location and language (English, Bengali) can all be adapted to thelearning needs and convenience of the client organization.Additionally, ALOK- MJF will provide courses at organization’s location if requested.ALOK-MJF Training Center provides residential facilities for 26 (maximum) participants and two train-ing halls which can accommodate 40 people. ALOK-MJF training center offers healthy and deli-cious meals three times a day with two time tea/snacks.\"ALOK-MJF Training Center\" offers the best because of: Homely atmosphere and comfortable Safe and secured Neat and clean Fresh and attractiveThe facility includes air conditioned rooms for participants and training halls with following facilities: Modern training tools like Laptop, Multimedia & Overhead projector a Satellite TV n Photocopier u Free internet facilitates u Printing a Medium sized rooms for small meeting and group discussion lOffered Course: r eALOK training center of MJF offers following Courses to enhance capacity of organizations, p oprofessionals and other individuals. r tReport Writing and Documentation Visionary Leadership Development 2Advance Facilitation Skill Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation 0 1Policy Advocacy and Networking Financial Management Training 2 Project Proposal Writing Skill Human Rights & GovernanceProject Cycle Management Management Information System 13

MJF Training Center ensures a pleasant stay and is located at: House No-47, Road-35(A), Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212 Recently, MJF started its second training center ALOK-2 at Mauna Bazar, Sripur, Gazipur. This palace only 45 KM away and 1.5 hrs journey from Dhaka. The spot is more than 1.5 acre in size, with beautiful landscapes. It has a vast garden with some attractive trees. This center provides residential facilities for 30 (maximum) participants and two training halls. This is a suitable place for family and official gathering. J Conclusion: Capacity development unit has been functioning in Manusher Jonno Foundation since beginning with the mandate of providing technical support in program implementation and organization development. One of the main principles of capacity development is to involve the partners to identify their need and participate in their designed program, which was found sometimes challenging in respect of nominating level of participants and their performance during training.anu CD unit is a small team so it takes time to organize different events for partner staff as a resultua sometime this support is delayed. To minimize this delay a group of core trainers is developed byl selecting staff from partner organizations. Getting proper attention and participation ofre organizational top management and retaining trained staff is challenge. Innovative ways ofp involving the concern authority in the capacity development has been trying out, some of whichor are found interesting and successful. In future self assessment of partner organizations will bet2 introduced, which will definitely provide chances of involving the partner management more0 intensively in the capacity development of their organization. Strengthening sector’s programming12 capacity of implementation rights and governance program is also included in the present14 activities of CD unit.

Annex-1 Call for nominations from partners for different training.Name of Training/Workshop Org. Female Male Total 65 199 340 539Training on Child Rights 73 42 152 194 66 37 109 146Management Information System 66 51 152 203 73 37 195 232Financial Management Training (F.P) 74 56 177 233 54 73 135 208Financial Management Training (P.P) 75 57 20 262 57 38 124 162Monitoring & Evaluation 71 164 284 448 59 39 150 189Human Resource Management 72 85 96 181 59 34 99 133Roles and Responsibilities of EC/GB 76 234 342 576 76 239 401 640Report Writing & Documentation 68 46 149 195Human Rights & Governance (ED, P C) 72 72 183 255 1530 3293 4796Human Rights & GovernanceRight to Information (ED,PC) a nRight to Information (Mid level) u uRTI for Designated Officer a lGender & Women Training (Mid Level) rCommunication & Facilitation e pCommunication & Media o rAdvocacy t Total 2 0 1 2 15

Annex-2: Activity Plan January-June, 2013 Partners' Capacity Building Jan-Mar Apl-Jun Training /workshop on RTI law implementation 2 3 Refreshers for Core Trainers 1 Training on Human Rights and Governance 1 2 Special training on Child Rghts 1 1 Communication and Media Relation 1 1 Training on Gender Issues 1 1 Training on Project Cycle Management 1 1 Training on Documentation and Report writing 1 1 1 1 Training on Monitoring and Evaluation 1 1 1 Training on Financial Management 1 1 Training Organizational Capacity Assessment 1 1 Training/workshop on Management Information System 1 Training on Career Development for Marginalized Women 1 1 Training on Human Resource Management Workshop with EC and GB Workshop on Project Proposal & Designing Skill Training for Marginalized Women on RMG Workers Assist for Advocacy Issues Compilation of the Traditional Land Related Laws in CHTa Final evaluation of CHT programn Reunion of BIZU with CHT Ministryu Documentary on different Ethnic group in CHTua Media tour at CHTl Documentation & Publicationr Newsletter on CHT partners 11e 1p Communication Manual 1o Publication of Education Study 1 1r 1t Publication on Land Related Customary Law 1 12 Trainers' hand book on RTI 10 Manual on Child Rights12 Manual on Human Rights Partner Coordination meeting at CHT16 Youth Conference of DIPTYA program

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