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Home Explore Multiplication Term12020

Multiplication Term12020

Published by NWSMBA, 2020-04-12 06:12:08

Description: Multiplication Term12020


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MULTIPLICATION NWSMBA Newsletter Term One 2020 If undelivered please return to: North West Sydney Multiple Birth Association PO Box 562 Winston Hills 2153 STAMPS

Contents: North West Sydney From Your President 3 Multiple Birth Association Important Announcement regarding COVID-19, 4 Events & Fees ABN 41 564 010 893 What’s On For NWSMBA? 7 PO Box 562 Member Announcements 8 New Parent Morning Tea 9 Winston Hills 2153 Playdays 10 0498 688 893 Multiple Birth Awareness Week 11 Upcoming Events 14 [email protected] Mindfulness for Children 15 Fundraisers 16 Member Benefits 17 Local Discounts 18 Meetings Club Services 19 Useful Contacts 20 Members, prospective members, Information Sessions 21 friends and guests are welcome. Contact Us 22 8pm sharp on the first Tuesday of each month (except January). Front Cover Confirm with Lachlan & Joshua Chapman on their 1st day of school. If you have a photo you would love to share on our front page, please [email protected] email it to [email protected] for venue location and online link. Copyright Membership All material appearing in Multiplication is subject to Copyright Natural or adoptive parents, legal unless indicated otherwise. Requests to reproduce material in guardians, expectant parents, whole or part should be directed to the Editor at carers of multiple birth children [email protected]. and adult multiples are eligible for Disclaimer NWSMBA membership. New Members: $50 pa Statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and do not necessarily Renewing Members: $35 pa represent those of the Association. Information contained herein is not a substitute for personal, medical, psychiatric or psychological advice and readers are urged to consult their health advisers about specific questions or problems. Mention of goods or services in this newsletter does not represent an endorsement by the North West Sydney Multiple Birth Association Changed contact details? Moved house? New additions to the family? Make sure your contact details are up to date by logging onto the NWSMBA MyAMBA portal here: 2

From your President, Wow, what a start to 2020! With The start of 2020 hasn’t been all doom and gloom, with many of our families welcoming new bushfires and drought bringing in the new year, members to their homes. Whether it’s the arrival many of us had family and friends affected by of their multiples, or the addition of a younger these disasters. The January school holidays sibling, congratulations to all of our families. saw family holidays cancelled. Fast forward to In my household, my twins finally started school. the end of Term One, and again our holiday plans This is a big milestone, as emotional as all the are put aside due to the Covid-19 pandemic. other firsts, whether it’s first words, first steps, or Families are under additional strain, both first teeth. I had chosen to separate the boys into financially as businesses slow down or close, as different classes, and the school has been very well as emotionally. The worry about the health accommodating. They even managed to put of our loved ones, the imposed isolation, as well them in classes next door to each other so I as the juggle of working from home while didn’t have to try to be at two different pick up supervising our children’s learning is seeing an points! The boys have settled in well, and have increase in anxiety and stress amongst our made many new friends. members as well as the wider community. It is Term Two will see us hosting our Annual General important for all to be kind to each other, and Meeting in May. As a club first this will be an ourselves during these uncertain times. In order entirely online affair, so we hope to see you to comply with the social distancing orders and to along. Keep an eye out for the notice of meeting better protect our members, NWSMBA have had in your inboxes. to cancel our events for the foreseeable future. In an attempt to become more sustainable and We are working to find alternative means to keep reduce the workload on our volunteers, this will connected with everyone. Please know that the be the last printed edition of Multiplication for NWSMBA community is here for each other, even those who have signed up for paper copies. A if it’s providing a safe space online to debrief. pro rata discount will be offered at renewal time Our collective wisdom is a great asset, proving for those members. that we are “better together”, even if we are I hope that you and your loved ones stay safe forced to be socially distant. and well. Nicole. About the North West Sydney Multiple Birth Association Founded in 1972, North West Sydney Multiple Birth Association (NWSMBA) is a volunteer run, not-for-profit community association that provides members with support from other member families around the issues relating to raising multiple birth children. Our goals are to provide a means of communication for sharing information on the care and raising of multiple birth children and to provide regular social meetings and functions for our members. 3

Important Announcement regarding COVID-19, Events & Fees. Even at the best of times, families of multiples can experience social isolation, contributing to a higher incidence of depression and anxiety for mums AND dads. Now more than ever it is important we stay connected and look out for each other, as the social distancing policies have reduced opportunities for families to receive practical help from friends and family. NWSMBA Events & Services. NWSMBA is committed to the health and safety of its members and the wider community, and as such supports the social distancing measures currently in place. Unfortunately this has meant that we have had to cancel our face-to-face events for the foreseeable future. We are working hard to think outside the box on ways to stay connected and support our members. AMBA's national board has secured the sponsorship of LogMeIn who has supplied each affiliated club with access to their GoToMeeting video conferencing product. Through this platform, we can continue to offer regular catch ups in an online format. ● NPMT and Playdays will be run at the same time as usual. Our coordinators are busy working out appropriate content and guest speakers. See the Facebook event postings for the link to join online. ● Our Expectant Parent Evenings will continue to run as scheduled using GoToMeeting. Participants will be emailed the link and instructions on how to join upon registration. ● Mums Night Out won't be the same without the chocolate, so instead we're offering a monthly Virtual Pyjama Party. This will be held on the third Tuesday of each month and is open to all parents (not just mums!). See the Facebook event for the link to join. ● Committee meetings (and the AGM) will continue to run as scheduled using the GoToMeeting platform. We are fortunate to have been using this for the last couple of years, so the transition for full online meetings has been smooth. All our online events can be joined via the below links. Please keep in mind that other clubs may be using the GoToMeeting license outside of these times, so it is important we do not log in unless it is our scheduled event. (continued on next page) To join the above events from your computer, mobile phone or tablet device: You can also dial in using your phone. Australia: +61 2 8355 1040 Access Code: 673-196-829 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: 4

Important Announcement regarding COVID-19, Events & Fees. Other AMBA online events: In addition to our club events, there are some additional events being offered by AMBA. ● AMBA NSW is hosting a weekly online catch up for families on Wednesday evenings at 8:30pm. We will share the link regularly on our closed Facebook group, or join here: ● AMBA is also working on a series of webinars that are free for all AMBA members. We will share the details as they come through. Membership fees and renewals: Over the next few months, membership will be due for renewal for many of our members. At the April committee meeting, the committee unanimously voted for the following: ● All membership renewals will be deferred until June. The issue of renewal deferrals will be reassessed at the July Committee meeting. Please note when you log into your MyAMBA portal account your membership status will say expired... Don't worry, you are still a member and can access the usual benefits. ● In addition, renewals and new membership fees will be discounted by $10 to compensate members for the unfortunate need to cancel face-to-face events. We will be able to cover this discount as we will have a reduction in venue hire expenses for term 2, however we are still obliged to pay AMBA affiliation fees and our insurance premiums at a cost of approximately $11 per member. We would like to encourage any members who are experiencing financial hardship at the time of renewal to contact one of our committee members. Like most people around the world we are all trying to adjust to a \"new normal\". This is new for all of us so please be kind to yourselves. Just like the difficult phases of adapting to life with multiples this too shall pass, and we will come out stronger on the other side. If you are struggling and feeling overwhelmed please feel safe in reaching out to our wonderful NWSMBA community. Nicole Chapman, President NWSMBA, On behalf of the NWSMBA Committee. 5

With all the sad news about the COVID-19 Pandemic bombarding us daily, we all need something positive in our lives! Thanks to the awesome fundraising efforts by our volunteers and you as members, NWSMBA Committee is proud to announce our Random Act Of Kindness initiative for Term 2. Each fortnight, one lucky member will receive their choice of an UberEats, Coles or Woolworths voucher, valued at $50. You do not need to do anything to enter... the recipient will be chosen from our membership list using a random number generator. We also invite members to nominate someone who is in need of a pick-me-up for special consideration by emailing [email protected] Members are limited to one win during the period of this initiative. This initiative starts Monday 13th April and ends on the 30th June 2020. And our first winner is…. The Schembri Family! CONGRATULATIONS! 6

What’s On For NWSMBA? APRIL 2020 MAY 2020 1st Playdays 1st NPMT 3rd NPMT 5th Annual General Meeting @ 8pm 7th Committee Meeting 6th Playdays 8th Playdays 8th NPMT 14th Virtual Pyjama Party - stay tuned for 13th Playdays 15th NPMT details! 17th Mothers Day Event (cancelled) 28th Expectant Parent Evening 19th Virtual Pajama Party - stay tuned for 29th Playdays details! 20th Playdays 22nd NPMT 27th Playdays 29th NPMT 30th AMBA NSW State Seminar (cancelled) JUNE 2020 JULY 2020 2nd Committee Meeting 1st PlayDays 3rd Playdays 3rd NPMT 5th NPMT 7th Committee Meeting 10th Playdays 15th Mums’ Night Out (to be confirmed) 12th NPMT 22nd Playdays 16th Virtual Pyjama Party - stay tuned for 24th NPMT details! 29th Playdays 17th Playdays 31st NPMT 19th NPMT 23rd Expectant Parent Evening 24th Playdays 26th NPMT Playdays: Weekly throughout school term 10am-12pm, Restore Church, 47 Britannia Rd, NOWCastle Hill ONLINE! SEE PANPMT: Weekly throughout school term 11am - 1 pm, Restore Church, 47 Britannia Rd, Castle Hill GE 4 FORExpectant Parent’s Evening: DETAILS!Mum’s Night Out: 7:30 pm, Location advised upon registration 8 pm, see Facebook Post for location NWSMBA Committee Meeting: 8pm, location and online link advised upon registration 7

Member Announcements Welcome to Our New Members! Renee and Wade Mangin with twins Harry and Evelyn, born on 13th of January Sharada and Ajay Shetty who welcomed twins Arjun and Araa in November Katrina King and Tina Wrightson who are expecting triplets in June Sonia and Wally Gebrael who are expecting twins in June Hannadi and Samir Nehme, along with their twins Assaf and Isaiah who were born in November Lynette and Philip Reeves with twins Harvey and Ruby, born on 31st of January Melissa and Ben Maber who are expecting twins boys in June Rebecca and Stephen Karas who are expecting twins in May Stacey and Mark Vella whose twins arrived on the 13th of March Jessica Ferrinda, who had her twins Ellie and Zoe on the 12th of February Maria and Gilbert Khoury who are expecting their second set of twins in April to join Teo and Jackee along with big brother Alexander Jacqueline and Benjamin King who are expecting twins in June to join big sister Amity Jennifer and Aaron Mills who are expecting twin boys any day now Emma and Chris Reece expecting twins in June Melissa Collins and Gareth Jacob expecting identical twins in June Anna Voss and Dave with big brother Flynn are expecting twin girls in August Membership Coordinator’s Report It’s been wonderful welcoming so many new members during these last few months. Despite the pandemic and the new norm of isolation, the world continues to turn, people keep having babies and wanting human connection. As a NWSMBA tribe, we are #bettertogether and your committee is still dedicated to supporting and connecting families with multiples as much as possible. Stay safe, wash your hands, cuddle your children and reach out anytime. Emma Innes [email protected] Expectant Parent Evenings NWSMBA runs regular Expectant Parent Evenings. Held approx every two months in a location central to North West Sydney, our volunteers cover wonderful hints and hacks on not only surviving but thriving a multiples pregnancy and the first year. To register your interest for an upcoming information evening, email Rebecca at [email protected] 8

New Parent Morning Tea We've had an eventful Term 1 at New Parent Morning Tea with in-person and virtual catch-ups! It could be said we broke the drought with desperately needed rain cancelling our planned Water Play activity. We'll just have to wait till summer! We then moved indoors with our first guest speaker for Term 1, Sam of Littles Child Restraints. He shared his invaluable knowledge and expertise on car seats and installation. To celebrate International Women's Day, our final guest was Carrie of Sydney Women's Physiotherapy. Thanks to Carrie's advice, we're taking back control of our post-baby bodies, looking after our back, core and pelvic floor by lifting safely and strengthening key areas. Self-isolation didn't stop us from having a virtual Teddy Bear's Picnic, with cupcakes, tea and teddies in the comfort of our own homes. Lastly, we closed off Term 1 with The Wiggles Watch Party; a simultaneous concert of The Wiggles video clips streamed into our own homes. We'll still be looking to connect with each other and local experts in Term 2. Look out for the Facebook invites for our virtual catch-ups! A special shout out to our first-time visitors the Rees, Samuel and King families. Looking forward to continuing to share our multiples journeys together! Stephanie Rooke New Parent Coordinator [email protected] NPMT runs every Friday 11am-1pm during school terms. Join us from your computer, tablet or smartphone: You can also dial in using your phone: +61 2 8355 1040 Access Code: 673-196-829 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: 9

Playdays We have had a busy term at Playdays with lots of people offering assistance to us from correct car seat installs to Cheeky Monkeyz who ran a sports session. Shawn and Liam from Cheeky Monkeyz had all the little ones moving and smiling and hope to return for regular visits and more fun when they can. We look forward to seeing the little friendships continue to blossom and develop for the rest of the year. I encourage every parent to come along and enjoy a chat while the children play, it’s always a fun morning. See you when it’s safe to mix. Lauren Wray Playdays Coordinator [email protected] Join us from your computer, tablet or smartphone: You can also dial in using your phone: +61 2 8355 1040 Access Code: 673-196-829 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: 10

Multiple Birth Awareness Week Better Together The week of the 15th of March saw us celebrate Multiple Birth Awareness Week. This year’s theme was “Better Together”. This is in recognition that if it takes a village to raise a baby, it takes a city to raise multiples! From our little local NWSMBA “tribe” to our many family and friends that have helped us raise our children, whether it’s dropping off meals when the babies were little, to helping get to the variety of sporting commitments of our school aged kids. Many of us had plans to attend AMBA NSW’s event at Raging Waters on the 22nd, however due to the social distancing measures introduced at the time to minimise the spread of the CovID-19 virus, this popular event had to be cancelled. In the meantime, AMBA, AMBA NSW, and NWSMBA are developing online events to stay connected. We are lucky that NWSMBA has some great support from local businesses, who have helped us be “Better Together”. Their knowledge which they have shared so readily with us has been invaluable. As a thank you to these businesses, we have listed them below. The Talbot Centre is a multidisciplinary mental health practice that provides a broad range of health services for children, families, adolescents and adults. Our services include psychology, occupational therapy, dietetics and a paediatrician. Our clinicians have a special interest in providing assessment and treatment for eating and feeding issues, anxiety, parenting, child development and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCD, tic disorders etc). Our centre is well known for its unique approach to working with children and families such that, where appropriate, we will engage with your child's broader community and support networks (e.g., families, schools, GP, other health professionals) to ensure better outcomes, increased resilience and long term health improvement. P: 02 8814 5703 E: [email protected] W: 11

Better Together At Talk Play Grow we’re one big family working collaboratively to help children achieve amazing results from speech therapy. Working alongside our skilled and passionate Speech Pathologists you’ll learn how to help your child achieve their communication goals. Maybe you want your child to talk more, speak clearly, read well or make friends easily. We can help any of these become a reality. Our individual and group therapy services provide you with the flexibility you need to fit them into your busy schedules. Whether it’s done face to face in the clinic or virtually in the comfort of your own home our therapy works! PH: 02 9653 9955, Email: [email protected], Website: Join us with The Little Gym Dural at HOME! Maintaining our 12 3-Dimensional learning approach, these virtual classes allows you to experience the value of our program, beyond the four walls of the gym. We have made safe and fun adaptations to class activities so you can experience a taster of what The Little Gym class is all about using some mainstream household items that you will have available! You can access these videos through two platforms: Facebook - YouTube - qLQ/ DISCLAIMER: Please ensure you create a clear and spacious area for your children to undertake the activities. Parent supervision is mandatory at all times to ensure the safety of your child.

Better Together Our company Sparks Shoes are accredited Clark’s LESLIE NAGY AND ASSOCIATES Platinum Children's Fitting Specialists Is an accounting firm located in Castle Hill. Established in 1979 and servicing small to medium and the original Clark’s Fitting Specialists in Australia! We stock the sized businesses. Advice and tax lodgements. largest range of Clark’s sizes and Also individual tax returns. fittings anywhere in Sydney. We believe that correctly fitted footwear every time Ph: 9899 9211 is paramount for the wellbeing of young feet now and into their future. [email protected] Phone: 02 94841151 9 Wongala Crescent, Beecroft NSW 13

Upcoming Events Tuesday 5th May, 8pm You can also dial in using your phone. Australia: +61 2 8355 1040 Access Code: 673-196-829 To reduce our environmental impact and the administrative load on our volunteers, we are moving towards being completely paperless. As a result, this edition of Multiplication will be our last issue that will be posted to members who have opted for a paper copy. For those members who have selected a membership type that includes a printed edition, we will be offering a pro rata discount at renewal time. Please make sure your email details are up to date by logging onto the MyAMBA portal here: If you have any questions about this change, please do not hesitate to ask by emailing us. 14

Mindfulness for Children An extract from The Conversation Feeling anxious or worried sometimes is part of healthy development. But at times, children may feel more anxious or worried than usual. Climate change, the bush fires, and COVID-19 may have contributed to and continue to fuel increased anxiety. We can support children during these times and also keep an eye out for when they might need more help than we can give. Iftheire anxiety is interfering with typical childhood activities or family life, it could be time to see a GP, paediatrician or psychologist. Mindfulness is the regular and repeated act of directing our attention to the present moment. Mostly, our attention follows whatever is most interesting; mindfulness helps us to focus without judging ourselves when we can’t. It’s commonly used to reduce stress, improve well-being, and address mental health. In a broader sense, the goal of mindfulness is to help us sit with our experiences whether they are pleasant, unpleasant, or somewhere in between. Here are three easy mindfulness activities for kids. 15

AMBA & NWSMBA Fundraisers Don’t forget to select North West Enter our fundraising Sydney Multiple Birth Association code nwsmba12 at the at check out and Bright Star Kids donates 15% back to our club! checkout. 20% of all sales will come back to our club! 16

Member Benefits Hello Fresh AMBA have joined up with HelloFresh the leading global provider of fresh food at home. Contact [email protected] to receive the unique code that will provide you with a $40 discount that can be used for the first 4 family boxes for all new Hello Fresh customer orders. 17

Local Discounts exclusive to NWSMBA members Kellyville Car Seat Installations Do you own or operate your own Gymbaroo business? Do you think your product or The wonderful Tamarin (aka the Gymbaroo is a neuro education Car Seat Guru) from Kellyville Car service would be useful to other program for children (and their NWSMBA members? parents!), offering classes for Seat Installations is pleased to babies through to four years old. offer our Members a discount on List your business for free in our car seat installations. NWSMBA Business Directory in Multiplication This Gymbaroo Castle Hill and Rouse members get a $5 discount per is a great opportunity to promote your Hill are offering NWSMBA seat installed when online AMBA business while being a good source of members 20% off fees for a information and local recommendations membership card is shown. second child. For details, contact Tamarin also offers installation for our members. Jess through the Gymbaroo checks and is always happy to website: In order to be listed you will need to offer advice and provide provide us with the following: Your recommendations, she is highly recommended by many of our business name and ABN, a short description of your business (up to 250 Members. Visit words long), a contact phone number, or call email address and/or website URL, a 0407 701 506 to make a booking. photo to represent your product or a copy of your logo. For more details, please email [email protected]. 18

NWSMBA Club Services Expectant Parent New Parent Playdays Evenings Morning Teas For pre-school aged children, every We offer information sessions Wednesday during school term from for parents expecting multiples. For parents of multiples aged up to 10am–12pm. $4 per family per visit or 18 months, every Friday during Experienced parents of multiples will be school term from 11am–1pm. $4 $30 for 10 visits (first visit is free); on hand to share their stories and tips per family per visit or $30 for 10 bring your membership card. about the special challenges associated visits (first visit is free); bring your with raising twins, triplets or more. For membership card. VENUE: Restore Church, 47 Britannia VENUE: Restore Church, 47 Rd (cnr Bounty Ave), Castle Hill.. For details email: Britannia Rd (cnr Bounty Ave), Castle Hill For details details email [email protected] email:[email protected] [email protected]. Equipment Hire Member Discounts Facebook Group Full, Electronic and Life members As an AMBA member you have Current members can ask to join may hire NWSMBA equipment in received an Australian Baby Card and our closed group: accordance with our insurance you are entitled to receive exclusive requirements. discounts from a range of retailers Australia-wide. It’s an ideal place to post questions For equipment hire details email: and seek support from other Save on furniture, baby equipment [email protected] hire, swimming and dance lessons, families of multiples — plus your educational toys, clothing, shoes, friends can’t see! You can also post Feeding Pillows—We have several cloth nappies, play centres and much items to buy/ swap/sell/give away pillows to make breastfeeding and more! (subject to our guidelines). bottle feeding See for more Follow our public page to find out easier. information! what’s happening at your Club: Hire: $10 per month Refundable Deposit: $100 Formula Discounts Mums Nights Out Hospital Visits Ask us about the discounts for Held at 8pm on the third multiples on formula available Wednesday of the month, all mums We can visit our members while through Nutricia , Bellamy’s., and are invited to get together for a light they are in hospital, either on bed supper and a lot of laughs. This is Blackmores. a great opportunity to catch up with rest or after the arrival of your some old friends and make some multiples. For details email new ones without the kids (subject to volunteer availability) [email protected] interrupting every few minutes. [email protected] The locations change to spread the 19 love across our geographic catchment, so save the date and keep an eye on our Close Facebook Group for details.

Useful Contacts Breastfeeding Helpline 1300 308 307 ParentLine NSW 1800 686 268 1300 1300 52 Weekdays: 9am–9pm Child Protection Helpline Weekends: 4pm–9pm Tresillian Parent’s Help Line to report suspected child abuse or 1300 272 736 (7am-11pm) 1300 364 277 neglect 132 111 24 hours, 7 days Suicide and crisis support Karitane Careline 02 9382 6539 13 11 14 Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm (except 1300 227 464 public holidays) Mon–Thu: 12.30pm–9pm Fri–Sun: 9am–3.30pm For au/ Call a Mum on (02) 9477 6777 parenting help, visit 8am–11pm, 7 days 20 beyondblue 24 hour Help Line Child Abuse Prevention Service 1300 22 4636 1800 688 009

Information Sessions Workshop: Expecting Twins or More at Westmead Hospital This is an additional workshop for those couples expecting twins or more. Parents-to-be of multiples are encouraged to attend this workshop before 34 weeks gestation if possible. DVDs specific to multiple birth and parenting are shown. The educator is a mother of twins, and a member of NWSMBA This program is offered on a Saturday throughout the year. The workshop starts at 9am and finishes at 1pm, with a morning tea break. This program is discounted for those who have booked into the 'Having a Baby' evening course series or Saturday/Sunday Birth Course. Make sure you include your booking number when completing the registration. We advise that you first attend the 'Labour and Birth' classes before this workshop. Cost: $30.00 if you are attending the Birth Course on a Saturday or Sunday. Cost: $50.00 if you are not attending the Birth Course an a Saturday or Sunday. Bookings Essential: 1 ticket per couple or email [email protected] Expectant Parent Evenings NWSMBA runs regular Expectant Parent Evenings. Held approx every two months in a location central to North West Sydney, our volunteers cover wonderful hints and hacks on not only surviving but thriving a multiples pregnancy and the first year. To register your interest for an upcoming information evening, email Rebecca at [email protected] 21

Contact Us Thank you to our amazing team of volunteers who work endlessly to bring the club and all its support and services to our multiples families. President [email protected] Vice President [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Treasurer [email protected] Membership Coordinator [email protected] Expectant Parent Coordinator [email protected] New Parent Coordinator [email protected] Playdays Coordinator Contact [email protected] Editor [email protected] Higher Order Multiples Support [email protected] Premature Birth Support [email protected] Special Needs Support [email protected] Bereavement Support [email protected] Perinatal Depression & Anxiety Support [email protected] Dads Support Contact [email protected] Equipment Officer [email protected] 22

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