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Pink-a-Doodle I Think in Pink It’s a Girl! Isn’t that Precious?
ELLE EDITOR’S LETTERWAYSOFSEEINGI said it. On May 3, I went on the Today show, and in a segment attention. This is especially tender when you’re still young, figur- about the winds of change blowing down last season’s ing out who you are. From left: Colin Lane; Dan King; Thomas Whiteside runways, I uttered the words “[Elle Macpherson] is not a skinny girl.” Not skinny as in, not one of the anorexic, near- As we grow up and out into the world, how much does the pres- dead models that Ann Curry and I had just been talking ence of women who have more of whatever it is (brains, success, about. But no matter—the blogosphere isolated that sentence piano-playing ability) that bothers us about ourselves really hurt and sent it out under such headlines as “Editor of ELLE us? My mother taught me it was insulting to be valued for the way Hates Fat People.” How ironic that I was actually praising the you look; I should only allow myself to be judged on my work andpresence of an almost 50-year-old demonstrably busty and athletic my kindness toward others. I believed her for a while, until as anwoman as a hopeful sign in an industry where the models have adult I realized it felt good to be told I was attractive. And it didn’tbeen way too skinny (definition: underweight). But that’s not what diminish my accomplishments one bit.the furor was really about. It was about what it was about 15 yearsago, when I was an editor at Seventeen, and 10 years ago, when I was A look around the globe shows that women—no, people—in allat Mirabella: In the “who’s responsible for my self-hating body cultures value beauty, and it was ever thus. And it’s a fair questionimage” debate, there’s no debate at all. As New York blogger Amy to ask if media is setting, or reflecting, the cultural norms. Femi-Odell put it, magazines for women “make us feel bad about nism allows us to be, pursue, remake ourselves however we like, soourselves.” I wrote to Amy, hoping she might, as a smart writer it’s challenging to consider what’s the right amount of “change” ad-who’s certainly up on popular culture, explore that a little bit on vice (let’s not call it improvement) for ELLE to offer: At what pointassignment, but she never wrote me back. Alas. does caring about and changing one’s appearance cease to be healthy, or, dare I say, useful? In fact, the answer is a moving target, How much merit is there in this charge? Why do images of different for all of us. When my mother went gray, she didn’t colorwomen who are prettier, slimmer, younger, darker, lighter, smaller, her hair; the artifice and politics of hiding what age had wroughttaller seem like an affront to our self-worth? And would self-esteem bothered her. Other women are getting their third face-lift at hergenerally rise were models to look more like the rest of us—5'4\" and age. My college friends and I vowed to embrace whatever aging165 pounds, the current build of the average American woman? brought, until we were actually faced with it. Do we think that ifIt’s curious to me that there’s still a belief that the media puts too ELLE and the rest of “women’s” media stopped running storiesmuch pressure on women to be thin, because as a measure of about the latest skin saver, we’d all stop caring about our faces?influence it’s an utter failure: The average woman has added 20 And if the average model (under 20, 5'10\", and 124 pounds) werepounds to her frame in less than 30 years. More than one third of suddenly replaced by a 35-year-old five-footer, would we no longeradult American women are obese, a medically devastating (and find the leggy teenager beautiful?expensive) condition. I fully expect to hear from you on this and welcome the feed- We all understand how other women’s attractiveness can feel back. While you’re booting up your computer, take a look at thelike a judgment: I learned that in seventh grade sitting next to Judi models in this month’s fashion well: Rihanna, Alicia Keys,Pomerantz, who made boys literally fall off their chairs in an effort Christina Aguilera, Hayley Williams, Ke$ha, and Charlotteto stare at her. And as a junior in high school, when my boyfriend Gainsbourg, among others. Yes, we love them for the way theybroke up with me to go out with my best friend on the swim team look! And for the way they sing, write, perform, and otherwise rockbecause, as he specifically told me, she had huge breasts. And as a our worlds. In every way, I flunk by comparison. And the world is24-year-old young professional, when a man I’d been dating said so much more interesting for it.he found women under 5'10\" (that would be me) “cute, but notreally beautiful.” The attractive people favored by media as awhole—movies, TV, magazines, websites—can seem oppressiveat times, though they do reflect this truth: Good-looking people get28E L L E w w
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