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Home Explore Music Study Guide

Music Study Guide

Published by Wenbert Thomas, 2021-06-08 22:41:21

Description: This is a study guide prepared for first form students


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THE RECORDER Hole numberings ✓ Left hand goes at the top. At the back of the recorder: Sections or parts ✓ Right hand goes at the bottom. ✓ Head/top joint B = Baroque fingering ✓ Middle join / body ✓ There are eight ( 8) note holes on the G = German fingering ✓ Foot/ bottom joint recorder. ✓ The left little finger ( left pinky) and right thumb ( right big finger) does not cover any holes. Some fingerings B = 0,1 A = 0,1,2 G = 0,1,2,3 F ( German) = 0,1,2,3,,4 F ( Baroque) = 0,1,2,3,4,6,7 E= 0,1,2,3,4,5 D = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 C = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ( everything)

The musical staff The middle C (C3) is the C that is used to separate the G clef from the F clef. For the The musical staff ( stave) is made up of five lines and treble staff the middle C is placed at the four spaces. Each line and space is counted from the bottom. bottom upwards. The Treble ( G) clef The Treble Staff The middle C Line Space Letters on the lines and spaces You can not give the lines or spaces any are all placed letter name until a clef is written at the together. beginning of the staff. Letters on the lines and spaces are separated. Either way you choose to label your treble staff is ok.

The musical staff Letters on the lines and spaces are separated. The Grand Staff continue Either way you choose to label your bass staff is ok. Both treble and bass staves and The bass ( F ) clef The Bass Staff they are joined by a brace. The For the bass staff the treble staff is always places at middle C is placed at the top. You can see the middle the top. C in the middle of both staves. The middle C The bass ( F) staff is Brace used to play notes that are low in pitch.

Time Values and Rest Rest Time Values Rest in music represents a periods in silence. Each time Symbols that are use in music to represent the has a corresponding rest. length or duration of a sound.

Bars, bar lines and double bar lines Time signature ✓ Two number written above each other. ✓ The top number tells the amount of beat/count. ✓ The bottom number tells the type of beat or time value been used. Measure( bar): Single bar line: Double bar line: Use Final bar line: This time signature is also called common where we write Divides the to separate two Place at the end time. our notes music into equal sections or phrase in to show that the units. a piece. music is finish. Means 4 quarter Means 3 quarter notes ( crotchets) notes ( crotchets) in the bar. in the bar.

Stem Directions Dynamics and Tempo Markings ✓ Notes that are above the middle line should ✓ Dynamics: how quiet or load the music should play. have their stems coming down. ✓ Tempo: How fast or slow the music or sound is. ✓ Notes that are below the middle line should Some Dynamic have their stems going up. markings and meaning ✓ Notes falling on the middle line can have their stems going up or down. Middle Line Tempo Meaning Some Tempo markings and meaning

Beaming Four semiquavers can be beamed to form 1 crotchet beat. ✓ Joining the flags together to make the notes easier to read and play. = ✓ Only time values with flag/s can be ✓ Two quavers are equal to 1 crotchet beamed ( example the quaver and ✓ Four semiquavers are equal to 1 crotchet. semiquavers). Two quavers can be beam to form 1 crotchet beat.

The keyboard Accidentals Symbols used to raise, lower or restore a note to its original pitch. Semitones and tones Used to Used to Used to restore raise a note lower a note a note to its ✓ Semitone: smallest distance between 2 notes. 1 semitone I semitone original pitch. ✓ Tone: made up two semitones.

The Orchestra The String family ✓ The violin is the smallest and An ensemble or group of musicians playing different gives the highest pitch. instruments. ✓ The double bass is the largest An orchestra has 4 families: and gives the lowest pitch. string, woodwind, brass and percussion. The Woodwind Family The conductor directs the orchestra ✓ The piccolo is the smallest by using his/ her baton or hand and gives the highest signals. pitch. Baton ✓ The bassoon is the largest and gives the lowest pitch.

The Orchestra continue The Percussion Family The Brass Family The percussions are the largest group in terms of numbers. They are ✓ The trumpet is the smallest and gives the highest placed into two categories: 1. Pitched ( tuned) – you can play melody . pitch. 2. Non –pitched ( non –tuned) – can not play any melody. ✓ The tuba is the largest and gives the lowest pitch. The Piano can be grouped as both string and percussion.

Good luck in your exam…!

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