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Home Explore Second Form Action Plan 2021 - 2022

Second Form Action Plan 2021 - 2022

Published by Wenbert Thomas, 2022-09-05 02:19:34

Description: Second Form Action Plan 2021 - 2022


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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE Teacher Performance Evaluation Action Plan for Teachers To be used at the beginning of the Review period to establish agreed goals / targets/ tasks Full Name Job Title: Music Teacher of 2nd form School Department: (Appraisee): Wenbert Thomas (Mr.) Department of Art, R.E. and Music (ARM) Music teacher Supervisor / Team Leader: Lilith Wilson ( Mrs.) Job Title: Vice Principal Period of Appraisal: September , 2021 – Academic Year: 2021 - 2022 Jully 2022 Individual Objectives 1. To increase the number of students receiving a passing grade less than 60% to at least 90% and over in both theory and practical assessment by March 2021 2. To improve the attendance of each students for class to at least 90% by February 2022 3. Increased use of technology in the teaching /learning process by the end of March 2022 4. To have at least 90% of students submitting assignments on a timely basis by April 2022 5. To have at least 90% of the students playing all the primary and secondary chords on the keyboard and apply them to different genre by April 2022 6. To have more than 50% of the students sight reading simple musical scores and using musical notations to compose simple melodies by April 2022

2 1. To increase the number of students receiving a passing grade less than 60% to at least 90% and over in both theory and practical assessment by March 2021 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Cost Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks 1a. Provide verification Ratings regular and September 30, Text messages constructive Students will The teacher Google classroom 5 hours per 2021 and feedback become more The students week throughout the Voice notes comfortable Tablet, phone and academic school 1b.Create speaking when they computer device year of 2022 Samples of find a topic difficult. to record the feedback classes Misconceptions can Recordings of be corrected from classes early. Google slides Students will learn Samples of posted at their own pace. materials done to Students will use help students’ feedback to help them complete progress. correction Mark book to Students will The teacher Tablet and smart N/A September 20, Messages and links

3 whatsap groups develop a sense of The students phone to create 2021 sent in group for each class to belonging and sees whatsapp group maintained that the teacher Screen shots of effective cares. students’ response. communications Will help to develop a level of trust and good teacher – student rapport. Easy access of information for the students. 1c. Record live Students will be The teacher Recording and 2 hours per September Recordings of lessons which able to catch up, video editing week to 30,2021 and lessons will be posted in who may not be and students apps ( example convert, edit throughout the the Google able to attend some . vllo, and in shots) and upload academic school Google classroom classroom and of synchronous each video year of 2022 and screen shots of Whatsapp groups sessions. Google Meet link recordings posted for students’ viewing Improve knowledge Youtube links retention of students Students’ grades. will improve

4 Academic performance will be increase Improve knowledge retention of students. 1d. Give Students will Teacher and Internet, N/A October 30, 2021 Screen shots of homework understand how students and through the homework sent assignments, they should Textbooks, academic school reflection approach questions year of 2022 Audio or video activities, quizzes in examinations. YouTube videos, sample of that measure instruction sent to students’ skill and Improved grades. Google classroom students understanding The students will be intrinsically and Grade book extrinsically motivated to do their best 1e.Praise and Students will Teacher Canva N/A December 30, Screen shots of provide develop positive And other web 2021 and the certificate incentives ( such attitude towards tools to create ending of term 2

5 as bonus marks, work certificates and 3 of the Google classroom and certificates) academic school with posted for students who academic year certificates do well) performance will improve Grade book Students will try to do better in their practical assessments to improve their grades 1f. Create a Knowing that their Teacher Youtube channel N/A December 31,2021 Sreeen shots of corner in the work will be Canva Google classroom Google classroom displayed for their Vllo app star corner (Star Corner) to classmates and show off the others to see, the Link to Google Samples of students’ practical students who are not classroom with students’ work. assessments. doing well will try star corner to work harder and practice more, so they too, can be showcased. This will lead to an increase of grades in

6 the practical assessments, thus increasing academic performance. 1g. Engage The students will Teacher Virtual and N/A Samples of students in develop their Students physical piano February 25,2022 students work writing down composing skills some of their and their overall Recorder Log book musical ideas and musical experience. then used various Students will Mark book mediums improve on their (example virtual playing and will be Other classroom DJ, perfect able to entertain instruments piano/keyboard, their parents and finale etc) to put other siblings, then to music. perform at their churches and other functions. Students will excel in their practical assessment. Grades will improve for practical

7 assessment 1h. Create This will develop Teacher Students’ voice N/A March 31, 2022 Lesson plan opportunity for leadership qualities Students Class recording students who are and skills in the The recorder advance to teach students and boast Log book their pairs at their Self – Esteem, Physical and selective sessions virtual piano or Improvement in other classroom academic instruments performance. Improvement in student collaboration

8 2. To improve the attendance of each students for class to at least 90% by March 2022 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Estimated Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks The teacher Cost verification Ratings 2a.Send reminder Students will see The students Tablet and smart November 30, messages to reminder and will Parents phone to send N/A 2021 and Screen shots of students via the be encouraged to message. throughout the rest reminders sent in class WhatsApp attend and be of the academic whatsapp and group and Google punctual. Google classroom year 2022. Google classroom classroom prior to account the beginning of Students who view class. the message and don’t attend class on time will be held accountable baring an appropriate reason. 2b. Contacting Increased The teacher Credit and $1000 March 25, 2022 Screen shots of students directly/ internet access to call credit calls made parent/ guardian attendance/punctuali call students once they’ve direct and/or by Screen shots of ty amongst students. The students what Sapp responses ( if any) missed two or more consecutive Teacher will The parents confirm the

9 classes without challenges students Screen shot of stating a reason. are facing from the messages sent to onset. parents/ guardian Teacher and parents/guardian will be able to develop solutions for students to attend class. Increased consistent attendance. 2c. Create Students will be Teacher Canva to create N/A January 31, 2022 Pictures of incentives ( motivated to attend certificates certificates created example bonus classes for students marks, certificates) for Students will be Mark book with students who punctually for class bonus marks attends classes knowing that they regular and will be rewarded punctually

10 3. Increased the use of technology in the teaching /learning process by the end March 2022 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Estimated Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks Cost March 30, 2022 verification Ratings Internet N/A Links to the web Google Meets tools 3a. Include Engaging and Teacher numerous ICT interactive content Google Drive tools during the for classes. Samples of teaching learning Google students’ work process. Example: Students will be Classroom PowToon, exposed to various Lesson plan thinglink, online modes of Laptop playposit, Google assessment. Smart phone slides, Vllo, InShots. Students will be Xrecorder exposed to synchronous and asynchronous methods of learning. Students will become competent in delivering presentations online

11 3b. Guide Students will have Teacher Internet access N/A March 31, 2022 Recordings of students in using access to recorder Students students creating their smart materials and can Students’ phone, their composition. phones and /or always go back to tablet and laptops to create review their saved computer Lesson plan and record their work musical Xrecorder app compositions. 3c. let students Students will Teacher Play store to N/A March 31, 2022 Recordings of download the improve on their Students download app students using virtual and real playing virtual and real piano app unto Virtual/ real piano app their tablets and Students will show piano app phones and use more interest, Lesson plan them to practice knowing that they Physical their triads and are allowed to use keyboard to scales. different online/ off practice triads line tools to create and scales. their music. 3d. Introduce the Students will be Teacher Internet access to N/A March 31, 2022 Samples of

12 students to music able to use software download students’ work notation tools and to edit their notation tools. editing software compositions such as finale, Smartphone crescendo, Students’ creative Tablet Xrecorder, wave skill will be Computer pad to help them developed develop their Students will composing and improve in their editing skills sight-reading.

13 4. To have at least 90% of students submitting assignments on a timely basis by April 2022 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Estimated Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks Cost verification Ratings 4a. Provide weekly March 30, 2022 Screen shots of reminders to messages sent in encourage Students will Teacher Internet access N/A Google classroom students to complete Students and What Sapp complete assignments on time Google groups assignments because they no Classroom and before the due longer have the what Sapp groups Voice notes date. excuse of not to post reminders remembering. 4b. Provide Students will be Teacher Internet access N/A January 28,2022 Pictures of incentives such as motivated to certificates bonus marks, continue submitting Canva to create certificates for on time, knowing certificate, videos Marks books with students who are that they will be etc bonus mark

14 always submitting rewarded. their work in a time manner Students who have not being submitting, will become jealous and begin to submit

15 5. To have at least 90% of the students playing all the primary and secondary chords on the keyboard and apply them to different genre by April 2022 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Estimated Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks Cost verification Ratings 5a. Create Students will Teacher Internet access N/A April 30, 2022 Video links instructional improve from Students videos about watching YouTube Recording of primary and instructional videos Channel students playing secondary chords primary and and posted them Students will be In shots app secondary chords in the Google able to teach Classroom and themselves their Google classroom Recordings of What Sapp favorite songs students sharing groups for What Sapp ideas with fellow students to view. Students will be groups classmate able to share ideas among themselves

16 5b. Plan Students will Teacher Google meet link N/A April 30 2022 Screen shot of meet additional improve their Students for session link sessions outside playing of class time to Virtual and Screen shot of assist students Students will learn physical keyboard messages sent to who maybe faster since they to play triad students having challenges would have less distraction from the 30 minutes Responses from large classroom during lunch time students if any setting. to assist students having challenges 30 minutes some evenings to assists 5c. Assign Student teachers Teacher Virtual and N/A April 30, 2022 Recording of students who are will develop their Students students teaching able to play their teaching skills and physical keyboard and assisting their primary and self – confidence fellow classmates secondary chords Students who well, to assist Classmates will need help Lesson plan their fellow learn to play the classmates chords with help from their pairs

6. To have more than 50% of the students sight reading simple musical scores and using musical notations to compose simple melodies to by April 2022 17 Major Tasks Outputs Accountably Resources Estimated Achievement Date Means of Actual Results Evaluation Remarks Cost verification Ratings 6a. Introduce The students’ sight Teacher Notation software N/A March 31, 2022 Recordings of students to reading will Students such as: finale, students playing musical notation improve sibelious, from score soft wares that crescendo will help them Screen shots of read simple Students will take Simple piano assignments given musical scores far less time to students and compose learning a piece of simple musical music given from melodies musical score. Students will be able to share knowledge with the fellow classmates and also outside of the classroom 6b. Post different Students will have Teacher Internet access N/A March 31, 2022 Screen shots of recorder scores in access to reading Students scores posted for the Google materials and Google students to practice classroom and become better at Classroom What sapp their sight reading Recordings of groups for Whatsapp groups students practicing students to and playing from practice during Materials with score.

18 their spare time scores to post for students 6c. Create and Students will have Teacher YouTube link N/A March 31, 2022 Links of post instructional access to videos at Students instructional video videos that shows their disposal Xrecorder posted students step by step, how to sight Students’ sight Vllo Screen shots of read simple reading will posted videos in musical score. improve In shots the Google classroom and Google classroom whatsapp group. Whatapp group Date Agreed:………................ Signature (Appraisee):……………. ….... Supervisor/Team Leader:…………………. The evaluation score assigned to this section should be based on the actual results. This can be determined by using the following descriptors

19 RATING SCALE 4 Completed all major tasks ( 100% and above) and met the agrees deadline 3 Completed most of the major tasks (75%-99%) and met the agreed deadline 2 Completed some of the major tasks(50%-74%) and met the agreed goals. 1 Did not complete most of the major tasks(,50%)

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