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Home Explore Identifying possible actions Examples

Identifying possible actions Examples

Published by Paul Sze, 2023-02-24 03:15:57

Description: Identifying possible actions Examples


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Identifying possible actions: EXAMPLES Source: Richards and Farrell, 2005, p. 178

Identifying possible actions: EXAMPLES Source: Richards and Farrell, 2005, p. 178

Some of the students in my speaking class never seem to take part in

speaking Possible Action: activities. What kinds of speaking activities involve all of the class in speaking?

No matter how many times I correct certain errors in my students’ writing, they seem to continue making them.

• Possible Action: • What change in error correction strategies might improve the accuracy of students’ writing?

I’d like to change the way I do group work. It doesn’t seem to be very effective in my classes.

Possible • What procedures for using group Action: work will work well with my learners?

I’d like to knowmore about howI correct students’ oral errors and whether my correction strategies are effective or not.

Possible Action: • What error correction strategies do I use in my oral classes and how effective are they?

I’d like to try out some collaborative learning techniques with my students.

Possible Action: How effective are collaborative learning activities with my students?

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