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Home Explore St. Stephen's Church Bulletin_JULY 2019

St. Stephen's Church Bulletin_JULY 2019

Published by Anoop Joy, 2019-08-09 07:04:09

Description: St. Stephens Knanaya Catholic Church, New York


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St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church, NY JULY 2019 VICARS DESK ST. STEPHENS CHURCH BULLETIN Many ar e tr avelling far Renovations and constructions in could bring home almost all the champi- and wide in this summer vacation. This is the time all our church premises are in progress and onship trophies and I really congratulate relax from all strenuous works and studies. It is also all those works may be over by the mid- the hard work of all our St. Stephen’s the time to visit new places those we have not seen in dle of August. I express to you all a big Knanaya Catholic Ministry coordinator & life and refresh our memo- ries when meetings with old thanks for the whole-hearted financial the board members. Let us move forward friends and relatives. This is the time we all must pray help you all are providing for the actual- with this vigor in all our forthcoming more and be under the pro- tection and guidance of God ization of all the renovations. After all events. so that we all may be back home safe. these different stages of renovations we On Sunday August 18th we are have done, the church we have will be- recognizing and awarding our graduates come a center of abundant blessings from of the academic year of 2018-2019. Let God and a great asset for our community. us pray for them on their achievements New York Forane Picnic that we and may the Almighty continually bless conducted was a great success and the them in their careers they take up for the hosting Rockland unit coordinated in a glory of God and for the beneficial for beautiful manner all items. Participation their families. from St. Stephen’s was very well appreci- ated by all and our achievements in all Praying for you all.. competitive items were remarkable. We Fr. Joseph Tharackal, Vicar. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Vicars Desk 1 Message to Graduates 2 High School Graduates 3 College Graduates 4 Youth Ministry update Lay Ministry update 6 Upcoming Events Onam Celebration 7 8 9  Stanis Matchamickal Memorial Ever Rolling Overall Trophy  Thomas Nedumthuruthil Memorial Trophy—Volleyball  Kunjumon Valiyakallumkal Memorial Trophy—Basketball  Kuruvila Vazhamalayil Memorial Trophy—Tug of war Women's Page 1

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin MESSAGE TO ALL GRADUATES Simjo Edappara Church Bulletin, Editorial Board Member St. Stephens Knanaya Catholic Forane Church, NY To All our Graduates, On behalf of myself and all members of St. Ste- person we hope you will become- a good natured, phen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church, I’d like to honest and standup individual. congratulate each and every one of you on your As you begin careers or carry on with your studies, great accomplishments! We’re so very proud of all we know that you will be well prepared to lead in that you’ve done during your time graduating high your perspective fields and keep pioneering solu- school, college, or earning a higher degree, and we tions to the challenges facing today’s society. We wish you the best as you set sail into this next chap- hope your faith and trust in God will continue to ter of your lives. guide your path. This is not an ending. It’s not even really a begin- In conclusion, there is some advice I want to give ning. In fact, it’s not helpful to think in these terms. you along this journey. The first is to always have a Endings make you sad, beginnings make you nerv- personal relationship with God and pray that he will ous, and graduating may make you feel both of these continue to shower you with all his blessings. Sec- things, but there’s something really important you ond, remember that all adults, including your par- should remember: This is the next segment of your ents, have gone through these transitions and proba- life, the next stage in the progression of existence. bly have plenty of good advice. Talk to your parents That matters because beginnings and endings are and loved ones, listen and consider what they have disruptions that can make you feel anxious and fear- to say, and then trust yourself to make those hard ful. However, this next phase is a huge opportunity decisions. Third, in the midst of changes and deci- for you – a chance to make the right choices and to sions, big and small, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by become truly fulfilled and happy. In the next few fear or start to lose hope in the concept of a future years you will find yourselves having lots of chal- you will enjoy. So I’ll leave you with these words lenges, opportunities to try things and fail, and from one of my favorite movies: “Hope is like the chances to make bad decisions as well as some real- sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, ly good ones. We all go through these learning expe- you’ll never make it through the night.” riences and hopefully they will mold you into the Good luck graduates! We will be holding a special ceremony after mass on Sunday, August 18th to celebrate all our graduates. Page 2

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Name: Kevin J aimon Mattappillil Graduation: Her r icks High School Name of attending institution: SUNY Old Westbur y Future plan/goal: To study computer science and become a Computer specialist Inspiration/motivation: I always loved computer s and its applications. My par ents motivated me and they supported the way of choosing my future plans. Name: Amanda Saji Elavumkuzhippil Graduation: New Hyde Memor ial High School Name of attending Institution: Geor ge Washington Univer sity Future plan/goal: Inter national r elations with a double concentr ation in national se- curity and foreign diplomacy. Inspiration: I’ve always loved politics & I think in such a time it is critical that people are involved. I want to work as a foreign affairs diplomat for the United States Government. Name: Alina Thankachan Nedumthottiyil Graduation: Hicksville High School Name of attending institution: SUNY New Paltz Future Plan/Goals: Studying in a 7 year medical pr ogr am to become a Doctor of Os- teopathic medicine. Inspiration: I’ve always had a passion for medicine, and I want to use my position to up- lift and strengthen underprivileged communities. I hope to improve patient lifestyle and wellbeing and be the compassionate face, people can look towards for help. Name: Abin J oseph Naduveettil Graduation: H Fr ank Car ey High School. Name of attending institution: SUNY Mor r isville Future plan/goal: To study Automotive Engineering. Inspiration: My Automotive teacher inspir ed to join the Automotive Technology pr o- gram to help me develop and pursue my career in the fast changing Automotive technolo- gy. Name: Shana Sabu Thekevattathar a Graduation: Thomas A. Edison High School Name of attending institution: Adelphi Univer sity Future Plan/Goals: To become a pr ofessional Nur se. Inspiration: I have always wanted to make other s feel better and ultimately make a difference in one’s life with love and positivity. Page 3

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin COLLEGE AND UP GRADUATES Name: J oel Ur alil College: Binghamton Univer sity Major: Accounting – Undergraduate Future Plan: Gr aduate with Master s next year and wor k as a CPA. Inspiration: I want to open my own accounting fir m Name: Silby Jose Pannivelil, NP College: Molloy College of Nur sing Major: Family Nurse Practitioner Future Plan: Work as a family nurse practitioner in out patient clinical setting. Inspiration: Motivated by my family Name: Dr . Cyr il J oy Mekkattil, DO College: New Yor k Institute of Technology - College of Osteopathic Medicine Major: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Future Plan: Continue his residency in Plainview Hospital. Inspiration: I was inspir ed pur ely by my passion and pur suit of knowledge in the medical field Name: Christy John Elavankal, NP College: New York University Major: Masters in Adult Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Future Plan: Work as a Nurse Practitioner in acute care facility. Inspiration: Coming from a family of nurses and hearing all their stories, I have always been interested in nursing as a career path. After getting married and having two sons, my family became my motivation to further continue my studies to become a Nurse Practi- tioner. This journey has been a challenge but I am forever grateful to God, my husband and 2 sons, my parents, and siblings for the never ending support and love. Name: Sali Sabu Mekkattil, NP College: Molloy College Major: Master of Science Nur sing/ Family Nur se Pr actitioner Future Plan: Going back to college for Master ’s Degree; this was in my “wish list” for a very long time. Inspiration: I am thankful to God and my family for this achievement. Page 4

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin GRADUATES, COLLEGE AND UP Name: Dr . J ustin Thottam, DO College: Cleveland University Major: Spine Fellowship in Medicine Future Plan: Now an attending physician at Baptist Hospital in Miami, Florida. Inspiration: Growing up, I saw many people getting sick and I was motivated to learn how to help them. Talking with family members who were medical professionals further inspired me. With God as my guidance and my parents' support, I was able to get through 12 years of schooling and training to get to where I am today. Name: Mareena Thottam, DPT College: Long Island University Major: Doctorate in Physical Therapy Future Plan: Work as a professional physical Therapist. Inspiration: I never knew what a PT was until high school after spraining my ankle from volleyball. My PT helped me get back to playing my favorite sport. From that moment, PT was my main career path, and I was further motivated to continue pursuing PT after volunteering at a hospital and watching PTs help stroke patients walk again. I have made it this far by the grace of God as well as the love and support of my family. Name: Jobin Thottam College: Drexel University Major: B.S. in Civil Engineering and Masters in Project Management Future Plan: He is now working at Toll Brothers as an Assistant Project Manager. Inspiration: Building things from scratch has always been a passion of mine. When i was a kid, it was making legos. But today, it’s million dollar homes. I wouldn’t be where I am without the support of my family & friends. Name: Dr . Stephanie Kor akudilil DDS College: New Yor k Univer sity Major: Doctor ate in Dental Sur ger y Future Plan: Pr acticing Dentist at the office of Br oad Hollow Dentistry and Hills Park Dental, LI. Inspiration: I was motivated to select this pr ofession after shadowing dentists and seeing how they could change someone's life with building their dentitions to give them- selves self-confidence and the ability to eat. Page 5

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin YOUTH MINISTRY ACTIVITIES New York Knanaya Forane - Lay Ministry Picnic The youth of St. Stephen's Knanaya Catholic Forane Church participated in the New York Annual Forane picnic at Rockland on June 29th, 2019. Everyone had a lot of fun and we came back as the overall winning champs! The adults, young adults and children all came together to work as a team and bring home many trophies for our church! We had a blast and can’t wait for next year’s picnic! Bake Sale Youth Ministry held a bake sale on July 14th to raise money for some fun events we have coming up!  Summer BBQ – Back to School on August 17th  Family Fun Night – Youth vs Parents on October 26th  Paint Night – Fall (Thanksgiving Weekend) Page 6

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin LAY MINISTRY FORANE PICNIC Ani Nedumthuruthil Coordinator St. Stephen’s Lay Ministry On J une 29th, New Yor k For ane lemon and spoon, passing the ball, water balloon Annual Picnic was held under the leadership of the throw, basketball, volleyball, relay, 28 card game, Knanaya Catholic LAY Ministry of NY, with great and tug-of-war. All participants enjoyed great food, success at the Marion Shrine in Stony Point NY. various games and fellowship, among other delights. There was a huge turn out from all our different par- Our parish won the largest number of competitions, ishes and missions. Each parishioner wore select col- took home the top trophies and won the overall ors to represent their own parishes, which was lots of championship! Congratulations to all our winners fun. The picnic was inaugurated by Fr. Jose Tha- and participants. Thank you to all who made this rackal. The games and sports began at 10 AM. The event a success with their help and food offerings. sports and games included candy picking, popping We look forward to making next year‘s picnic an balloons, three legged race, running, racewalking, even greater success. Page 7

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin UPCOMING EVENTS Event Details Rev. Fr. Dr. Sibi Pulickal conducts detailed Retreat and Classes on Holy Mass on October 11, 12 & 13th. Rev. Sr. Dr. Jeseline DM conducts Retreat and Classes on Spiritual Life & Psychologi- cal Anxieties for Youth & Teenagers on October 12th, & 13th . 2020 ANNUAL LENTEN RETREAT 2020 PRE-MARRIAGE COURSE Rev. Fr. Joseph Manjally Knanaya Catholic (Archdiocese of Ernakulam), Pre-Marriage Course @ a famous Retreat Preacher will St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic conduct Annual Lenten Retreat Church, Rockland NY on April at St. Stephen’s on March 6th, 24th, 25th, & 26th, 2020. 7th, & 8th, 2020. KOODARAYOGAM SCHEDULE Koodarayogam Date Location St. Thomas August 10th Nikarathil James & Anila St. Stephen August 17th Chithiramangalam Philip & Shanty St. Joseph August 24th Thuruthikatt Siju & Joice St. Anthony's September 7th Thottappuram James & Lucy Page 8

St. Stephen’s Knanaya Catholic Forane Church Bulletin LAY MINISTRY ONAM CELEBRATION SSKCFC Bulletin Fr. Jose Tharackal, Vicar EDITORIAL Anoop Mukalel, P.R.O. BOARD Abraham Thervalakattayil, Page 9 Meryl Kallickal Simjo Edappara

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