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Home Explore Main user guide2

Main user guide2

Published by william.lee, 2015-04-14 05:08:36

Description: Main user guide2


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Northumberland College “To be an exceptional College, serving the educational and training needs of the people and businesses of Northumberland and beyond.” LRC To provide an innovative, responsive and proactive learning resource service supporting the learning, teaching and where possible, recreational needs of the user community, in such a way as to meet its requirements and expectations and achieve the highest professional standards in a cost effective, stimulating and user friendly manner. Learning Resource Centre A guide to accessing resources in the LRC26

Contact Details Ashington LSC Phone: 01670 841200, ext 241 Email: [email protected] Kirkley Hall LRC Phone: 01670 841229, ext 519 Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter for the latest information: @northlandcollrc2 25

Useful information Contents Blackboard Contents Page Opening Hours 4 Library Catalogue What We Offer 6-7 Services 8-9 Connecting to the Wi-Fi 10 Athens E-resources LSC/LRC on Blackboard 11-13 E-resources via Athens 14-16 LSC/LRC Liaison Service 17 LRC Prezi Page Library Catalogue 18 Renewing and Reserving Books 19 StudentNet Referencing 20 Twitter 21 Prezi 22 College Website Staff 23 Useful Information 24 Contact Details 25 Cite This For Me 3 24

Opening Hours Staff Ashington LRC Ashington LRC Monday: 8:30 am — 7:50 pm Christine Athey—Learning Centre Assistant Tuesday: 8:30 am — 7:50 pm Fred Woodhouse — Learning Centre AssistantWednesday: 8:30 am — 7:50 pm Jemma Brown— Learning Centre Assistant Thursday: 8:30 am — 7:50 pm Lesley Brown — Learning Centre Assistant Friday: 8:30 am — 4:20 pm Kirkley Hall LRC Marie Tomlin — Senior Library Assistant Kirkley Hall LRC John Glenton — Learning Centre Assistant Monday: 8:30 am — 6:50 pm Auline Brown—Learning Centre Assistant Tuesday: 8:30 am — 6:50 pmWednesday: 8:30 am — 6:50 pm 23Thursday: 8:30 am — 4:50 pm Friday: 8:30 am — 4:20 pm 4

Prezi Library Membership Card IMPORTANT INFORMATION The Library Membership Card is also your college ID Please wear your ID around college otherwise you could be challenged by college staff Without your ID you cannot access the LRC or any of its servicesHave a look at the specially designed prezis at: Join the National Union Of Students Northumberland College/ to help you use online resources. to take advantage of student discounts Click on ‘Explore’, 5 type in ‘Northumberland College Learning Resource Centre’ 22

What we offer TwitterThe Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is an information centre We are on Twitter!that offers a huge variety of resources to help with your studies. Follow us atThese resources include: @northlandcolLRC  Information resources; such as non-fiction and fiction for the latest news about the LRC books, reference materials, journals, DVDs and electronic resources 21  Laptops, digital cameras, flip video, voice recorders  Multimedia suite: 36 computers at Ashington, 21 computers at Kirkley Hall  Wi-Fi laptops at both sites for use in the LRCUse Heritage Online, the library catalogue to search for itemsand renew and reserve items.We also offer services such as:  Assignment hand-in service  Colour printing  Binding  Laminating  Stationery  USB Sticks  Wi-fi connection to personal laptops The LRC Team are available to help you at the circulation desk if you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. 6

ReferencingThere are a number of different citation styles such as MLA, Chicago,etc. The college uses Harvard as its citation style. The teaching staffwill request that students use a variety of resources to show that re-search has been carried out thoroughly. Examples of research caninclude: DVD, books, newspapers, journals, interviews, e-books.A great tool to use is: , the site offers a varietyof referencing types.Note how the e-book is maximised on thescreen and the website is minimized so you can easily copy thedetails into the citation 20 7

Services Renewing and Reserving Books Once you have accessed Heritage Online allAssignment hand-in service students can log in to renew and reserveThe assignment hand-in service books. The Reader Code is your studentensures your assignments are number, type in and click on ‘Login’.safely submitted for lecturers to col-lect. Submit one assignment re- Click on your name and a list of your books will appear. Simply tickceipts with each assignment. the box and click on ‘Renew’ to extend the date.The assignment receipt is signed To reserve books, click on ‘Search’, select the title of book. Select theand returned to you, Please keep it ‘Reserve’ button and the LRC staff will let you know when the book issafe as this is your proof that you available.have handed your assignment in.We will also ask you to sign an As- 19signment Record Sheet as our rec-ord. Colour printing A4 colour: 0:05p—0:10p per sheet A3 colour: 0:50p-£1.00 per sheetBinding8-12mm comb binder with back and front cover0:40p upwards Laminating A4: 50p A3: £1.00 8

Library Catalogue ServicesHeritage Online is the library catalogue. Use this facility to search Stationeryfor books, renew books and reserve books . Stationery cheap at the price. Check out the price lists in the LRCAccess the catalogue through Blackboard or directly by the website: and on librarySearching for books USB SticksUse the simple search. The easiest way to use the search tool for a 8GB Memory Drive £5.50narrow retrieval list is to look for keywords and the authors name.For example nutrition AND McDonald. This will find the book you 9need to use.AND is a Boolean search term, as well as OR and NOT. Formore information on Boolean search terms have a look at the dis-play in the LRC or ask the staff for help. 18

Connecting to the Wi-Fi LRC Liaison ServiceUse the college Wi-Fi to connect to your personal laptop! The Liaison Service has been devised to embed the LRC into the curriculum. The LRC is successfully working with all curriculum are- as to provide all students with relevant, easily accessible resources and information. The work that is in progress includes:  LRC ‘Resources’ button on every course on Blackboard. This provides easy access to reading lists, e-books, e-journals, arti- cles, videos and websites. These instructions are available at the circulation desk.  User guidesPlease remember that you will only be able to access websites  Bookmarks  Workshops—Search Skills, Using Athens on the college network that are not blocked.  Reading lists available on the library catalogue 10 17

E-resources via Athens LRC on BlackboardMoredun Moredun is committed to promoting animal health and wel- The LRC section on Blackboard offers you information about the LRCfare through research and education and is recognized worldwide for its con- and links to e-resources and the library catalogue.tribution to research into infectious diseases of farmed livestock. Log-in:[email protected] Password: LRCadmin Access by clicking on the LRC tab and click on the buttons along the top to see what we offer.MyiLibrary MyiLibrary provides a faster and easier way to access col-lections of books, reports, journals, bulletins and other documents published The buttons are:by inter-governmental organisations such as the World Bank, United Nations  Welcomeand International Labour Organisation.  What we offer  Electronic ResourcesNursery world Full access to Nursery World magazine online  FAQs (under construction)Username: [email protected] Password: 4B536300  Life in the LRC  ALSROSPA: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents DownloadHealth & Safety resources for all areas of study; health & care, hairdressing,construction, teaching etc.. Login ID: M40200280, Password: h&s2012!TESpro New weekly magazine on teaching practice, designed to offerpractical advice for teachers at every stage of their career.The Open Data Hub of the European Union This Portal provides accessto open public data from the European Commission. It also provides accessto data of other Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies at their re-quest. Data may be freely downloaded.Times Higher Education Online Times Higher Education is publishedevery Thursday. Users get unlimited access to the website (which includes afull archive of the paper since 1995) at no extra charge.Wildpro Electronic encyclopaedia and library developed by the WildlifeInformation Network to provide information on the natural history, health andmanagement of captive and free-living wild animals, and emerging infectiousdiseases.Wiley Online Library Journals for Veterinary/Animal Management stud-ies and Foundation Degree for Children & Young People's Workforce, plus arange of free access links. For a complete list, go to Black-board>LRC>ElectronicResources16 11

LRC on Blackboard E-resources via Athens Help on referencing and bibliography Aesthetica Online To access this resource you need to enter the follow- ing details: Username/login: Northumberland Password: artsinNC Help Guides 12 Cambridge Journals Online An archive of BACK ISSUES from a prestig- ious list of scholarly journals: humanities, social sciences and Science Tech- nology & Medical disciplines. Current issues are not available. Complete Issues Online Vol 15 onwards. Search for a topic and instantly obtain a complete package of interesting articles, current statistics and reliable contacts. Username: northumberland Password: lrc Dawson Books Electronic books purchased by the LRC, and the full Dawson catalogue so you may suggest purchases and temporary rentals. Early Years Educator Limited online access to article abstracts. Print version available in the LRC from Feb 2012, vol13 iss10 Class:370.210EYE ebrary ebrary allows for searching, viewing, copying and printing of books and other high-value documents from leading publishers Emerald Management eJournals Health Education Journal Vol100. Is- sues 4-6 2000,Vol101. Issues 1-6 2001, Vol. 102. Issues 1-3 2002. Some open access with full access to various journals (check the weekly FREE access panel on the website) European Sources Online European Sources Online provides single integrated access to a broad range of information about the European union and wider Europe Horticulture Week Online Use the following login & password to ac- cess Email: [email protected] Password: KirkleyHall1111 Infotrac Onefile/Newspapers Gain access to your institution's own Thomson Gale online reference and periodical resource, InfoTrac Onefile/ Newspapers IngentaConnect Subscription to Animal Welfare Journal from Vol 1.1 Feb 1992 to current. Some free (Open Access) articles, and abstracts for journals without subscription. Issues Online The UK's first comprehensive online reference source for those who need up-to-date information on contemporary social issues. JISC Media Hub Video, image and audio resources from many different collections. \"Login via UK Federation\" Select \"EDINA (staff and trials)\". Username: mhubnorthumberland Password: F8Fkbb 15

E-resources via Athens LRC on Blackboard Athens is a gateway to masses of resources provided by North- Access the college e-resources through umberland College just for you! This gives you access to e- books, e-journals, articles and databases The college offers e-journals to help with your studies. Access them by Athens can be accessed using the external link: using the link above. means we can give you 24/7 access and unlimited opportu- nities to research for your assignments wherever you have an internet connection!How to access Athens1. Type in: Enter your username and password (see the LRC staff)3. Accept the terms and conditions4. Click the ‘Resources’ tab5. Click on the links to the electronic resources Link to e-books and e-journals More information about college e-resources is provided on the following pages.14 13

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